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File: 278 KB, 900x1428, Reisen operator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13365407 No.13365407 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing Operator Reisen is no longer secondary fanon now that Reisen brings a fucking gun in TH15: LoLK?

Reisen is the gunnut rabbit!!!

>> No.13365506
File: 180 KB, 1000x887, 1416987694104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling it

>> No.13365509

Guns are now confirmed weapons in Gensokyo.

I mean Inaba shows them already, but dayum!!!

>> No.13365532

What do you expect from a fan-pandering overrated programmer clinging to the past?

>> No.13365536

But Reisen is cool and guns are also cool!!!

I love it.

>> No.13365546

feelio when no qt 3.14 bunny gun

>> No.13365570
File: 1.44 MB, 4368x2912, VP9-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VP9 has the ears/wings strapped to the side, but it's not on the barrel.

>> No.13365571

>clinging to the past.

Considering how bleak the future looks, I'd rather cling to the past with ZUN. In the first place Touhou has always been about clinging to the past. ZUN started it because Danmaku games were dying so he decided to make his own games. So if you criticize ZUN clinging to the past in any way, shape or form you never were a Touhou fan so you might as well leave.

>fan-pandering overrated programmer.

When authors don't listen to the fans, people complain.
When authors listen to the fans, people complain.

>> No.13365583

I'm not complaining, that dude is just a gun hater.

Sakuya can have knife, Youmu can have katanuh, no way is gun off-limit.

>> No.13365590

I bet it's a self-made wave motion gun, like the cat statue Reisen made in FS.

>> No.13365604

Stick it up your ass.

>> No.13365605

Up yours too!

>> No.13365614
File: 59 KB, 332x500, how mad you were going.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13365615
File: 174 KB, 731x295, 1427826590917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13365619

Reisen is a youkai that beats youkai!!

I bet in this game she beats up rabbits like her kind too.

>> No.13365621


>> No.13365623

They say the bad youkai is beaten by the good youkai...with a gun.

>> No.13365627

It's not secondary fanon in the first place?

Reisen does the finger pose in IN.

In SSiB, it's shown the rabbit soldiers use guns, and Reisen was a deserted rabbit soldier. Ergo, Reisen uses gun is not a secondary fanon.

>> No.13365686

WaHH showed guns, too.

>> No.13365803
File: 244 KB, 1000x680, 21529918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official NRA representative of Gensokyo.

>> No.13365830

Rabbit ears holographic sight

Reisen ain't no fudd

>> No.13365847

Uh, does I miss something? Guns were always there, remember that Okuu has a fucking cannon?

A cannon is historically a gun, you know?

>> No.13365891

How can you expect me to resolve incidents with this pea shooter?

>> No.13365935

Use it to fight to your rifle, you mong.

>> No.13365938

>The moon's power can only be opposed using the very same.
Lunarian force confirmed.
>Eirin's medicine has the power to make its drinker experience the future.
Nigger what? Reisen can into future foresight now?

Literally unbeatable, even Sakuya can't win if she can predict her move and shoot light-speed laser at her.

>> No.13366039


But Okuu's "cannon" is actually a control rod.

>> No.13366106

Does it have a barrel?

Does it shoot stuff?

>> No.13366311

Reisen does pistol starts!

>> No.13366738

How was it ever pure fanon? The other moon rabbits use guns.

>> No.13366773


>Does it have a barrel?
No its actually one big solid rod.

>Does it shoot stuff?
Yes but thats coming from the power of the yatagarasu, not the rod itself. Thats why she also shoots stuff from her hands and chest

>> No.13366794

Wow, so it's really not a cannon.

>> No.13367618

I guess the cannon is not canon.

>> No.13367740

Yeah a cute ass bunny-themed tiny-megaphone-looking laser thing.

She's a joke.

>> No.13367751

It's a "lunatic gun", please don't bully.

>> No.13367755

"suppository gun"

>> No.13367760

No, from the look of it, she fires really big bullet this time.
