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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13361289 No.13361289 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever unexpectedly encountered another fan of otaku culture while out and a out in public? Was it a good experience or a bad one?

>> No.13361304

I saw an advertisement on a bus today for 'Otaku Con 2015' which is this weekend. It's very surprising considering that there's hardly any otaku stuff in the city I live in.

>> No.13361358

i met a denim otakushe was p cute actually

>> No.13361395

Saw a guy with a Konata messenger bag while I was at the DMV one day. He was Asian with sunglasses. The prototypical otaku.

>> No.13361409


>> No.13361571

Really hot popular girl in my class few years back stood up in one of those "introduce yourself" periods and said "I'm *name* and I like anime, visual novels and shit". Meanwhile, if I say that, people laugh at me. Hmmm.

>> No.13361575

I saw a truck with Great Mazinger painted on it today while I waited for the bus, that was pretty neat.

>> No.13361578

are you a cute?

>> No.13361581

I wasn't not bad looking tbh, and I was fairly popular, I just think there was a stigma at my school towards males liking anime etc.

>> No.13361586

>wasn't not
crap, fucked that one up, just "wasn't"

>> No.13361712

>Really hot popular girl
there should really be a law against attractive, sociable, and well-adjusted people being into "otaku things." shit is essentially escapism for outcasts. being unaccepted is implicit in being otaku, at least in the past. I can't say for sure now with how people use "otaku." in Japan, i know it's still a term with fairly negative stigma and they're easy targets.

this is all i have, being abnormally knowledgeable about completely unimportant things and masturbating to cartoons. please don't take this away from me ;_;

>> No.13361720

>there was a stigma at my school towards males liking anime etc.
There was at my school only because the only other guy who liked anime wore cat ears to school everyday.

In redneckville, USA that's asking to be lynched.

>> No.13361721

Don't worry. Otaku culture is far and away from being accepted by your average WASP. Go ship yourself to Gensokyo if it has reached that point by then.

>> No.13361737

We don't need such a law. Every popular hot girl claiming to be "into anime, VN and shit" is just pretending or think they're hardcore because they watched evangelion or elfen lied and some mainstream shows.

>> No.13361741

What if she actually read Muramasa, watched LOGH in its entirety and reads raw LN's on the side while still being 10/10. What then?

>> No.13361746

>Don't worry. Otaku culture is far and away from being accepted by your average WASP.
yeah i notice it still has the stigma, but it's been lessening considerably. i can only hope that the hot popular people "into" these things are just pretending because it's somewhat trendy and "geek chic" is "in."

i mean, can you really appreciate these things if you haven't been shit on by the world? i didn't get "into" all this until i hit rock bottom.

eva is actually something i judge favorably. most "otaku" these days have not seen eva, or at least not the original series. seems to all be attack on titan and sailor moon and shit. sad, really.

>> No.13361749

>What then?
Then I ask what eroge this is.

>raw LN's
LN are mostly shit and a waste of time though.

>> No.13361751

>i can only hope that the hot popular people "into" these things are just pretending because it's somewhat trendy and "geek chic" is "in."
Same, let's hope the obsession with geek chic is a fad like suburban white kids acting like rappers.

>> No.13361757

Well, someone's gotta have a few guilty pleasures now.

>> No.13361763

I regularly meet fellow otaku's at the local glory hole, and it's always a good experience

>> No.13361771

I think on some level it's just too much work to handle for them. Having a social life and being attractive requires time and effort. Time and effort away from obsessing over comics and porn games.

It's like RPG stat allocation. If you put stats into Appearance and Personality and Sociability, you have no more left for Jerking Off To Cartoon Affinity. I think we know who wins the real otaku battle here!

>> No.13361775

But otaku life is nothing BUT guilty pleasures...

>> No.13361779

The only otaku I've met was a 50 year old fat, balding gay man I worked with who liked to try desperately to hook up with young guys.

>> No.13361782

It takes a really pathetic waste of space to be elitist over what's basically escapism. However, I'm preaching to the choir so I rest my case.

>> No.13361786

>I think we know who wins the real otaku battle here!
Considering what miserable little lives we lead, I'd say that we don't want to win this game.

Again, I hope you're right that they'll eventually move on to the next cool fad.

>> No.13361802

My little sister's friend talked about how much she loves loli because she thinks they're cute. I told her about how I also really love loli but mostly because I want to fuck anime kids. I think she thought I was joking.

Another time, a different friend asks what's up with the 4 dakimakura covers of my wife. I say it's because I love her. I think she also thought I was joking.

My sister should stop bringing friends home.

>> No.13361808

you should fug ur sister

>> No.13361811

I was once raped by one of your kind, if that counts?

>> No.13361812

Surprisingly anime related ones are usually the best since the medium is consumed by normalfags who can interact socially.

Manga, VN, and most everything else are the fucking worst. I go to a shitty community college and theres a shit lot of spergs who play the steam versions of eroges on laptops and others who loudly laugh at manga while eating. I once had a run in with some guy who noticed I was scribbling a picture of marisa and he tried talking to me for a good 15 minutes and followed me to my car talking the entire way until I got in and said goodbye. Shit was painful and like 90% of what I said was just 1-3 word responses.

>> No.13361817

too weird. she's also too old now.

>shit lot of spergs who play the steam versions of eroges
jesus christ. i don't know what's worse, normalfag anime people or autists that buy all-ages eroge on steam and play that shit in public. they probably both equally bad.

>> No.13361821

>normalfag anime people

Quite the oxymoron.

>> No.13361829

>Quite the oxymoron.
Not at all. Don't you know that anime is cool and hip now? Rappers be namedropping anime series. Anime kitsch is popular. "Hentai hop" is a thing and it's just as bad as it sounds. Shit is real out there.

>> No.13361838

>Hentai Hop

I am both curious and revolted as to what this is.

>> No.13361850

I don't want to link it because I don't even want to look at it. Just search "hentai hop" on soundcloud if you're really morbidly curious.

It's essentially trap rap with memes. Lines like "I want to watch hentai with my senpai / she's so kowai (kawaii)". Frankly, it makes me want to kill myself. "Ironic anime" things seem to be very popular now.

>> No.13361855

Don't want to sound like an old fogey, but when I see stuff like "senpais noticing me" on non anime contexts, my brain just cringes. It's like 4chan culture seeping out at its worst.

>> No.13361862

Normie here, its neither. It more so fits into "geek chic" and is kind of an after effect of the whole Big Bang Theory show that got popular a while back and made geeky things socially acceptable among young adults. Compare it to a jock 10 years ago who casually mentioned he plays World of Warcraft with his friends. Suddenly its not bad if you aren't already a huge nerd about it so some people "come out of the closet" about it while others jump on the bandwagon so they can be included.

The only huge spike in anime popularity is directly caused by Crunchyroll and to a lesser extent Netflix which has made watching anime less weird by normal person standards and also a lot more accesible.

>> No.13361874

>when I see stuff like "senpais noticing me" on non anime contexts, my brain just cringes
Oh no, you're not alone. Every time i hear it or see it, I think I die a little inside. "Hentai hop" is like that feeling condensed for me. The first time I ever heard it I think I actually felt despair--that something like that could even exist and could be popular enough to warrant its own microgenre. I don't even think it's "4chan culture." As far as I know, "senpai noticed me" is a tumblr meme.

Now, for "4chan culture," hearing "waifu" in real life...ugh.

>"geek chic"
That means it's cool dude. But some people take to the next level and ramp it up to add this sort of "edge" to them. It's fine to rap about hentai and "turning senpai into your imouto loli" if it's ironic, I guess.

>while others jump on the bandwagon so they can be included.
Gross. Also, destroy Crunchyroll and Netflix. Death to normalfags.

>> No.13361881

after half a decade of being a good anon who downloaded everything i bought a subscription so i could watch a large selection of anime while i shit

i am the cancer killing anime

>> No.13361886

Good lord. Why though? I still don't understand why people would watch anime on a small phone screen. And streaming at that, the worst, most inefficient system! Worst of all, you gave money to the company that got it's start by ripping off fansubbers' work!

Please get rid of the subscription! You can torrent on phones, so just torrent and get the re-encodes that many dedicated groups have been nice enough to supply!

>> No.13361888

The same is happening to your precious VN's. Nekopara is the first step towards the grave.

>> No.13361889

>That means it's cool dude.
The thing is though geek chic is still geek. That means that the people who are geek chic are geeks who happen to also be cool and trendy. I dont meant to sound like a pretentious asshole in saying that but not a lot of people manage to pull it off and the people who are just are.

It's strictly different than being geeky and falling within the realms of socially acceptable. Nobody thinks Joe Blo is cooler for liking Star Wars (except for other star wars fans) but the other things about him like his nice smile and personality make him pleasant enough to be around. The edging up that you described is what turns people off to geek chic. Nobody gives a fuck you like anime but if suddenly you start walking around in a houkago tea time shirt and a naruto backpack they'll think you're a fucking faggot which is no different than being a regular geek.

>> No.13361894

No, I don't really go out much.

>> No.13361902

I see it, anon. I see it and it makes me very, very depressed, especially since it follows the formula of ripping off something someone else has already done. Are any of the games localized even translated from scratch? They seem to only be releasing stuff that has been available for years. though it started with Steins;Gate i think. That was successful enough to bring attention to the VN medium through Steam. RIP.

That sounds confusing and stupid, like all social games. This is why I don't even bother.

>> No.13361903

i can't be bothered to preload shit onto my phone; i thought about setting up my own streaming server to avoid paying the crunchy jew but eventually i decided i didn't care enough, my experience with servers mostly involves wanting to punch them

i don't spend money on VNs anyway, so i'm a net neutral there at least (i've thought about importing shit but just never got around to any of that)

>> No.13361911

>i can't be bothered to preload shit onto my phone;
i still don't even know why you would watch anything on your phone! all this HD video now and people would rather watch on tiny screens argh nothing makes sense.

read manga instead! save anime for home viewing! (and don't pay CR for their damn manga either!)

>> No.13361922

the phone on my screen is also smashed in and taped together, it's a pretty abysmal setup

my pretend excuse is that i only really care about the audio, i enjoy drama CDs almost as much as i enjoy anime (the truth is that i'm just a shit eater) though i guess now that people have bothered to write streaming torrent clients for phones (wow technology is amazing) i might just do that instead

>> No.13361926 [DELETED] 

>That sounds confusing and stupid, like all social games.
It's not really. Think of it like this, theres two jocks named Tyler and Jacob. Both like the game but Tyler tries really hard to maintain the jock image and while popular among other jocks others think hes a douchey faggot. In contrast Jacob equally likes the game as Tyler does but doesn't revolve his personality around it and is thus mutually likes by even non jocks because he has some nerdy friends and goth friends.

In weaboo terms Tyler is the guy with the animr clothes and Jacob is the guy who admits to reading manga and watching madoka on netflix.

>> No.13361947

>the phone on my screen is also smashed in and taped together, it's a pretty abysmal setup
Truly...the worst...

>i guess now that people have bothered to write streaming torrent clients for phones (wow technology is amazing) i might just do that instead
Please, please, please do that! Even streaming from anything but CR. I just can't forgive CR's transgressions in the past and how they've really fucked things up for subbers currently.

I get it. One broadcasts and the other keeps to himself. But the whole "chic" part of "geek chic" i've always understood as broadcasting. It's wearing "geekiness" and appropriating it for the sake of fashion. What Jacob does in your scenario is just...normal, not fashionable.

Whenever people ask about otaku things, I respond honestly, but this generally ends the discussion quickly. Very few people are actually "into" otaku stuff. The ones that are are always average, usually quiet types who grew up with it.

>> No.13361975 [DELETED] 

>What Jacob does in your scenario is just...normal, not fashionable
The thing is Jacob IS fashionable and when he does it its cool. Jacob has geeky friends he talks to about anime and other people don't mind it. So when he occasionally has something like a keychain or you go to his house and he has some wallscrolls its totally fine. Jacob doesn't broadcast it to the world and you can't really criticize him for liking it.

Its all about how strongly you attatch yourself to an identity. If you gush anime its easier to make fun of you for it.

>> No.13361979

My friend's girlfriend's dad is a 50+ year old black dude that just smokes weed and watches battle shounen shit all the time. At least that's all I've ever seen him do the few times I've been to their house.

>> No.13361987

oh...huh. well i guess i get it now. though i've never met anyone like that. i've only ever seen awkward quiet types who really like cartoons and shit and loudmouthed obnoxious types who spout /a/ memes and think they're cool and edgy. shrug.

>> No.13362024 [DELETED] 

The problem is moderation and people don't get it. They see a Jacob on TV or in real life and think that makes it okay or they want to rock that look so they end up like Tyler whos fucking obnoxious.

>> No.13362119

My little sister's friend who made her into cosplay.

>> No.13362193

>or autists that buy all-ages eroge on steam and play that shit in public.
Or the people who have touhous, ships or neps as their profile picture, and are subscribed to the animes curator who has Remi as a profile picture.

Or the people who have garbled, meaningless hiragana in their names and description in pointless places, and say things like "senpai" and "kawaii" in English with smilies at random in their description.

>> No.13362257

>dating monkeys

>> No.13362330

My ex, I guess.
It wasn't awful until she went full yandere.

Though I'm not sure that really applies here.

>> No.13362331 [DELETED] 

>My ex
Why are normies on /jp/?

>> No.13362334

>she went full yandere.
>My ex
Please, just get out

>> No.13362423
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And you didn't make her your wife? You should be tortured to death.

>> No.13362783

Was she cute? What kind of stuff did she like?

>> No.13362880

Hey Fluffy Rumia, you still around? We met awhile back, chairs were exchanged for manga, it was good times.

>> No.13362914 [SPOILER] 
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Gosh no. She could cook extraordinarily well though, which made up for it.

She was rather into moe, if i remember correctly. That and naruto
I tolerated that part because she accepted my loli fetish.

I'm sad now. I don't think it was a good idea to bring this up.

>> No.13362963

Go back to /a/

>> No.13363177
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>> No.13364074
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I started a new job and this guy asked me right away if I was into anime. Being the retard I am, I immediately responded "yeah, I'm a huge weeaboo". This was a big mistake. He has been constantly hounding me to hang out with him and show him how to build gunpla. This would be fine if it weren't for the fact that he's an insufferable annoying manbaby. He likes basic shonen stuff like one piece and fairy tale, he talks about how much he loves gundam when he's only ever seen wing, G gundam and build fighters, and he only watches on crunchyroll. I gave him a flash drive full of classic stuff like Iczer 1, gunbuster, Baoh and macross DYRL but he gave it back to me and said "my xbox 360 didn't recognize any of the file types so I couldn't watch any of it." The only thing he gets points for is liking Jojo, but even then he's super cringe about it. (saying "ora ora ora" for no reason and then laughing very loudly to himself) I need to maintain a decent working relationship with him so I can't just tell him to fuck off, I just want him to not wanna hang out with me anymore. A friend of mine suggested having him over and then putting on nothing but hentai, but I'm worried he'd just get turned on rather than uncomfortable.

>> No.13364087

Go back to /a/

>> No.13364103 [DELETED] 

You need to add some flavor to your responses or else they'll think your're mad.

>> No.13364238

This. I know a guy exactly like this. He goes to same classes as me. How can you deal with these people without being a total douche?

>> No.13364316

Does going to a convention count? Cause you see a whole lot of nonsense going to one of those.

>> No.13364324

burn all congoers

>> No.13364337

Who the fuck let these green texters in?

>> No.13364369

How does one go back to a place they have never been?

>> No.13364375

Wow, stop posting.

>> No.13364412
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>> No.13364539
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I had a class last semester at university where, when I was bored, I would browse 4chins until class was over. When I was getting a drink from a vending machine in another building, someone walked up to me and mentioned he saw me browsing and asked what boards I frequent. He mentioned he goes to /jp/; I told him I would browse /jp/ too, since I like Touhou, but that I didn't because that would make me a crossboarding secondary or something along those lines. I'm only here now because I was just lurking today.

He seemed like a nice guy, but holy smokes was I not expecting someone moderately normal acting from 4chan to approach me in public, let alone someone from /jp/, in the slightest.

If you're here, Guy, I stopped going to Armstrong because it's shit. Also avoid the anime club like the plague - its gone to shit ever since the guy who took over after me stopped being president.

>> No.13364644

I've unexpectedly encountered haters of otaku culture. Though that's arguably naivety on my part.

>> No.13364800
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Does akiba count?

>> No.13364905

Tell them you've grown out of anime and it's boring then bring up something dull that they know nothing about like politics and rattle on about it whenever they try to talk to you.

That's what I've done in the past.

>> No.13364917

I read LNs in public but when weebs approach me and notice it's in japanese they get all confused.

>> No.13365262

I know one person who's mildly into /jp/ stuff, like reading VNs and learning japanese, but he's mostly an /a/ guy and a shounenfag. I also overheard some girls talking about non-normie anime once when I was taking the bus home from university, and that's literally all. 3rd world yurop is suffering.

>> No.13365669

crossie pls

>> No.13366032

My entire group of "friends" at uni is like this just because I try to act friendly when people talk to me. It's fucking awful.

>> No.13369273

I met a /jp/sie in Japanese class at community college. I lived with him for six months and it was both awesome and terrible at the same time. But there was also heroin involved so I guess it's kinda difficult for a situation to be good at all when that's involved.

I sometimes wonder if he's still around here

>> No.13370272
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I've never had a satisfying encounter where I could say "ah, this person is similar to me", at the very least. Quite a few people approach me, maybe because my PC has a cover with the image posted. It doesn't really scream "anime" but it does attract those people, I guess.

There was a group of people that liked your average season anime and ended up dubbing me "senpai" unironically, but I couldn't really feel close to talking to anyone of them when they didn't even know what Comiket was.

There was this girl who was rather cute that liked cosplaying as Aisaka Taiga in the events I organized that also fell into the previous group calling me "senpai", and she ended up hooking up rather quickly with a half Chinese guy who was into YuGiOh TGC so I guess she only had a case of yellow fever.

There was one guy that liked schmups and kept publicly proclaiming his love for his goddess Kanako and probably also browsed /jp/. At least I could talk about other games like Cave games with him, but I wished he wouldn't sperg so hard.

There was this other guy who played Alicesoft/Eushully eroge translated into English who was actually a pretty cool guy out of otaku culture, but I don't get to see him much due to schedule.

I guess I'm fine with that status quo but I guess I've never met someone whom I can share the intimacies of every aspect of otaku culture I delve in in person. I've got one or two online friends that fit that, though, so I guess I'm fine.

>> No.13370293

Heroine isn't necessarily bad unless it's abused.

What do you do now?

>> No.13370769

Drug-wise? Pretty much just weed and the occasional psychedelics.

>> No.13370798

a girl i was friends with in elementary school ended up liking the same visual novels and other weeb shit i did when i made contact with her again like 7 years later. thought it was kind of an interesting coincidence

>> No.13370843

it's fate anon!

>> No.13370865

just like my annie may

>> No.13371065

anime desu !?

>> No.13371604

No, the majority just watch Naruto or a seasonal shounen.
The biggest one I found was a guy that read the Index LNs, but nothing else.

>> No.13371611

All otakus I've encountered were assholes.

>> No.13371632

My little brother started playing Touhou after he caught me playing EoSD
His favorite 2hu is Marisa.
Little shit plays on easy mode

>> No.13371667

>easy mode
You now what to do

>> No.13371721

Walking down the road one day to the library, a dude wearing a Marisa Toho Project t-shirt yelled at me "I JUST HAD SEX."

I was a bit confused at the time even though I knew him. In fact, I even lived with him in a weeb house for a couple months. He had a very high power level, I mean he ran a frickin' hentai translation group(whose work you've probably fapped to). It was a surreal experience.

Turns out sex was getting pegged by a whale he met on craigslist. They later went on to have darth vader-luke sky walker roleplaying sex.

He was a very strange person. Profs(this was college) called him 'the tumor,' for reasons I can only guess. He was prone to going around slapping people with his dragon dildos. He even wore his Yukari costume out in public, not for a con or anything, but just so he could wear the damn thing in public(strangely everyone 'normal' treated it as an everyday sight).

>> No.13371851

Sounds like he was living the dream. 10/10 would befriend

>> No.13371875


>> No.13371933

>buy all-ages eroge on steam
I picked up Eden, WEE, Go! Go! Nippon, and Planetarian on Steam because I felt like it and those VNs were all-ages to begin with, so I'm not missing out. I'd never get something like Princess Evangile on Steam though, that's just retarded.

>> No.13371958

I'm gonna train him up.
The little shit doesn't get to eat until her can 1cc it on Normal.

>> No.13371991

You shouldn't buy anything on Steam (cept multiplayer games). fuck that shit. Buy physical or bust. They get a cut for doing nothing but letting you not-pirate it. Likewise Sekai Project gets a cut for letting you not-pirate it. Planetarian? That shit has been available for years.

>> No.13372016

What do yall consider a true otaku anyways?

>> No.13372023

>Heroine isn't necessarily bad unless it's abused.
That shit has absurd abuse potential. People who say they can manage are either lying to themselves or haven't used for more than a fuckin month. It gets real bad, real fast.

Also it's weird how many opiate users I've seen on here. I can only imagine how otaku stuff might appeal to the types that would get into heavy drugs.

Anyway, please stay clean. I don't want to lose any /jp/sies to drugs.

>> No.13372070

Japanese outcast that's obsessed with relatively worthless shit. FIxates on details and knows the ins and outs of the things he loves. The type of guys that watch their the same show or movie on vhs over and over, frame by frame, studying the key animator's technique and shit. It goes without saying that they have no social life, except maybe with people who do the same shit.

I feel like my idea of otaku is too restricted to the older generations. But the obsession and worthless trivial knowledge are the marks of what I consider "true" otaku. Also, they must be Japanese since i consider "otaku" to be inextricably tied to Japanese culture. Outside, people might be fans or enthusiasts, but not front line "otaku."

>> No.13372093

Ahh ok. I sort of shared the same view on some of the older generations being otaku, seems like there's this new gen of all these American kids watching popular shows like SnK and claiming to be otaku. I still kept otaku open to people that are not Japanese, it's just another level down as far as being a social outcast, practically a degenerate.

Just wanted somebody else's opinion on the definition, I like to lurk in /jp/, and I've seen a lot of different people giving their idea of an otaku.

>> No.13372171
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All of the weeb rhythm gamers at Round 1 in Arlington are cool people :^)

>> No.13372378

This is pretty accurate. Unless you're in Japan and directly contributing to the growth of the industry over there, you aren't a "true" otaku. Plus the word otaku has such negative connotations over there, whereas western kids where it as a badge of pride. But then I suppose that's a fundamental difference in cultures; westerners are far more likely to go against the norms of society and make something seen as a negative by people at large the defining facet of their identity on which they pride themselves.

That being said, most western fans of Japanese media are insufferable and awkward children who have mostly terrible taste.

>> No.13372442

Otaku is to fan as mental illness is to personality typing.

When you are so invested in what you are a fan of that it becomes destructive to your personality/social life/way of living, then you are an otaku.

I have arrived that this understanding through an inspection of the terms. Can you imagine an Otaku which is not effected negatively through their personal investment in their fandom?

If you cannot, then this is the working definition of Otaku here. If you can, then please explain by example how one might become an Otaku while living a healthy and fulfilling life socially and fiscally.

>> No.13372445


>> No.13372511

I find it funny how ever since nerdiness starting going mainstream 10+ years ago various fandoms feel threatened by the encroachment of "normies" and feel the need to insult them and say "you might like this but you don't like it as much as me!" Like you identify so strongly with a hobby that for somebody different than you in worldview to enjoy it would be sacrilege.

I go to a monthly manga discussion. It's run by a guy who has really good taste in manga and tries to pick something unique every month. Usually 4-10 people. Real japanese people come sometimes but they are not hardcore otaku. I live in an area with lots of japanese so I see lots of salarymen when I go to get ramen.

As for actual otaku like >>13372070 or your stereotype of /jp/ as a shut in who only cares about his 2hus and VNs? No. I look down on those people. There is a difference between a passionate hobby and an obsession. That's why I hate when westerners call themselves "otaku." Otaku are losers. That word is a badge of shame not a badge of pride.

>> No.13372532

>I still kept otaku open to people that are not Japanese, it's just another level down as far as being a social outcast, practically a degenerate.
Problem is that it's culturally tied. On one hand, "otaku culture" is inherently Japanese. We enjoy it overseas, but it's filtered and diluted through various mediums. Not knowing Japanese already poses a big cultural gap. Then on the other hand, you have the environment that "creates" the otaku. You can argue that being an outcast is universal, but this is a special kind. I wouldn't call otaku "comic book nerds" or something (the first close thing I could think of for Westerners). Otaku have been stigmatized very heavily. At one point the term was associated with rapists, murderes, and cultists thanks to Miyazaki and Aum Shinrikyo. It's /still/ associated with violence and mental instability--otaku get blamed regularly for random acts of street violence and bomb threats and such simply because they're easy targets.

>western kids where it as a badge of pride
Japanese also wear it as a badge, but it's one of solidarity. This mutual understanding of being "unacceptable." I think it's a term of reservation/acceptance, but also one of pride that comes with rejecting that which rejects you. Otaku culture is MADE by otaku. That's something to be proud of. What you said about supporting the industry falls into that. The guy that buys 10 copies of something is unashamedly otaku and is proud of that. He's part of the tribe.

>Can you imagine an Otaku which is not effected negatively through their personal investment in their fandom?
The only requirement is obsession, imo. This more often than not fucks up your life, but some manage to transform it into something positive. The industry was founded by the early gens. Many salarymen are closet otaku.

But for most, their lives are certainly not "normal." Otaku aren't supposed to be normal, well-adjusted, cool people. They're the opposite of that.

>> No.13372603 [DELETED] 

Yeah Gamers are trash tbh. I mean otaku

>> No.13372606

>various fandoms feel threatened by the encroachment of "normies" and feel the need to insult them and say "you might like this but you don't like it as much as me!" Like you identify so strongly with a hobby that for somebody different than you in worldview to enjoy it would be sacrilege.
Did you ever consider that for some people, that's really all they have? Useless trivial knowledge and the fact that they've wasted more time in a hobby than anyone else? It's a strange thing to be proud of, but that's how otaku work. If someone new is going to come in (case in point: "niwaka") and try to be part of it, of course they're going to feel threatened and pissed. Those people haven't paid their dues. They haven't been rejected all their lives for liking cartoons and shit. Now that it's fashionable you have people colonizing and appropriating it, sometimes literally for fashion--like putting anime art all over shirts and shit.

I don't consider myself otaku and it really bothers me. It tends to degrade the discourse and cheapen the culture. The fact that no one knows what "otaku" means and that companies relentlessly pimp it out to geek-chic newcomers to cash in is clear evidence of that. Over time, it silences the folk history and replaces it with the mainstream version. If you are part of it, you have reason to be scared. 2hu fans hate secondaries here. I fully empathize with them.

>> No.13372672 [DELETED] 

Stop me if you've heard this before, but did you know that "Otaku" is actually a derogatory term used for obsessive social reject nerds, and it isn't actually a synonym for epic win?

Just to let you know I mean business, I'm going to list out my nerd credentials now. Well first of all, I live in the motherland, Japan, and I admin several important RP circles (mostly fandoms related to untranslated VN) (I know Japanese that's right).

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. Basically Gamers and Otaku are garbage. I personally do not feel "threatened" by normies, and I've never once made fun of them. People who's favorite things include playing CoD, talking about how fire Avengers is, and watching DBZ dubbed in 2015 have many interesting thoughts to share imho.

>> No.13372733

>2hu fans hate secondaries here. I fully empathize with them.

Don't. The current "2hu" fans (the misspelling itself is a clear marker of a newfag) on /jp/ are a second or third generation of niwaka. Their posturing is hypocritic and insincere.

>> No.13372778

>a second or third generation of niwaka. Their posturing is hypocritic and insincere.

Well, that makes me feel a little silly...and sad. Very sad.

>> No.13373037

How do you define the first generation then?

>> No.13375126

It's easy when you're a qt grill who can get away with wearing subtle anime/manga/game merch without looking like a neckbeard.

Even if I'm not wearing anything related to chinese cartoons, otaku gravitate towards me

>> No.13375413 [DELETED] 

The first generation are the lel epic 90s kids XXDDD best generation everything was so mucb better in the 90s xddd!!!11
Heh..sorry. I'm just so frustrated with the 90s kids right now. The cringe and rage they foster inside of me is so overwhelming

>> No.13375809

please be a troll.

>> No.13376957

I wish I had a manga buddy but I'm really shy and never bring up my hobbies to people outside of 4chan. I'd really love to go to Comiket or Toronto Comic Art Festival but I don't know anyone else who would want to.

>> No.13376997

People actually pay attention to the curator system?

I just clicked a bunch of random buttons and then stopped caring.

>> No.13377006

a guy into chinese cartoons in the west would only look like a creep. when your a girl your just qwerky.

>> No.13377152

.5/10, put some effort

this is how you do it

it can't be helped, anything to make you notice me sempai.

stop being such a huge dork

heroine is a hell of a drug

sounds like a cool guy which group?

it's me, i'm the TRUtaku

>> No.13377175

are you a virgin? if not how did you lose it?

>> No.13377249

shut the fuck up

>> No.13377307

>when your a girl your just qwerky.
No I've met some downright awful girls before. Awkward and obnoxious and they don't know how to talk about anything except for the very specific things they're into (gay stuff for one girl and english dubs for another). The line between "creep" and "quirk" is one of fashionableness. Though if I'm honest, i respect the socially retarded awful types much more than the fags who think they're better and cooler than "those types." At least the awkward idiot types don't try to pretend. The latter is the realm of those /a/-tier "powerlevel" shitbags. Nigga please.

>> No.13377408

Highschools across America are full of weebs.

>> No.13377718

That'd probably be people brought in by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, Ronald, Walfas, fanart dumps on /a/, etc.

>> No.13377779

Is it as widespread as it used to be? I remember being in high school around 2005 and I feel like I saw way more weebery around bookstores and stuff, whereas now more people are aware of it but it isn't as popular as it used to be. Am I wrong?

>> No.13377841

>Otaku have been stigmatized very heavily. At one point the term was associated with rapists, murderes, and cultists
>It's /still/ associated with violence and mental instability--otaku get blamed regularly for random acts of street violence and bomb threats and such simply because they're easy targets.
Everything you typed right there applies to Muslims as well. Both groups also consist of massive lolicons so good job!

>> No.13377843

I graduated last year. It's very open and proud. We even had a weeaboo club.

>> No.13377865


I graduated high school in 2004, and I hardly saw any weebery the entire time I was there. There was an anime club, but I refused to join that on account of not wanting to be associated with the members.

>> No.13377878

I graduated last year
I actually ran the anime club
There were plenty of weebs at school, but they seemed a bit more educated
They'd go around shouting shit like "senpai!" but they didn't blindly worship Japan

>> No.13377916

>Everything you typed right there applies to Muslims as well

You seem to confuse Muslims with Christians. I fail to see how people who are worshipped by the establishment everywhere in the western world, protected by hate speech laws and basically free to threaten and kill people who criticize them - let us remember that the French government had been informed by Algeria about the impending attack on people who committed the terrirble crime of painting a cartoon of Muhammad, the inventor of the most deadly ideology ever created by a human being. (Beats communism in absolute numbers, but OK, communism hasn't such a long history).

On the other hand, it's apparently a wonderful thing to force Christians to sell cakes with the words 'we support gay marriage' while it doesn't work the other way around: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/04/13/christian-who-asked-gay-rights-bakery-to-bake-anti-gay-marriage-cake-may-face-legal-action/

And when you claim that Muslims are 'blamed for random acts of street violence' you sound like Obama who called the attacks on Jews in Paris a 'random shooting'.

Would this be a 'random act of street violence', too? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Lee_Rigby

>> No.13378108


>> No.13378255

/pol/ pls

>> No.13378506

For a while there was a dead period when Cartoon Network only ran old anime reruns and the Borders bankruptcy (which also took out some manga publishers with it) made bookstores and manga publishers more weary of what they actually publish in the US.

Now since there are so many streaming sites and newer series airing on tv anime is starting to become a little popular again.

>> No.13378529

>The line between "creep" and "quirk" is one of fashionableness.
That's how I feel about it too. Even though I own some manga shirts I think that because of my age and appearance female, but not cute or fashionableit would come off as awkward for me to wear them out. So I just wear them around the house or not at all.

>> No.13378529,1 [INTERNAL] 

what like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsCl11hxNbA&feature=player_detailpage#t=282

Also where is that girl from I didn't expect to see such a cute anime girl in a Cracked video

>> No.13378529,2 [INTERNAL] 

what a cutiepie


>> No.13378529,3 [INTERNAL] 

i would creampie not cutiepie haha ;)
