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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13352926 No.13352926 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to make friends with Otaku's is so hard to do. It's always "HISSSSSSSSS NORMAL PEOPLE!" And they end up being really rude. Girl Otaku's are especially crazy, they all seem like they have some sort of mental illness. Guys on the other hand are douchebags. It's this "US versus them!" Attitude. But why?

I know I'm generalizing but wow I just want to talk about anime and Japanese culture with some nice people.

>> No.13352940
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You dont go meet nice people on 4Chan you disgusting inbreed dogshit child of a whore.

>> No.13352942

Fuck off, retard

>> No.13352947

It's a normal reaction to being ostracized/not understood by normals.
However you look at it, some people just don't belong together.

>> No.13353017 [DELETED] 
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i am Otaku someetimes i try make friend but they say '`1'you not my citcle of frind go away from me'`` and i geyt sad

>> No.13353033

HISSSSSS! a faggot.

>> No.13353045

le reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.13361105

There is truth to that but not all of them are mean. Some just get bitter thru out the years of not having friends. As for myself I'm a nice guy, I just suffer from RBF. Don't give up hope anon there's nice people out there.

>> No.13361123

>there's nice people out there
But not here, OP. Somewhere else. Away from here.

>> No.13361481


>> No.13361716

People who rarely spend time interacting with other people face to face become shitty at interacting with other people face to face. What a discovery, tell me more!

>> No.13361915

this. I'm also pretty friendly despite the culture of this board

I'm a 20 year old friendless virgin, and even I don't get angry when normies post something that sounds "threatening", or they brag about their gf. They probably earned it, i only leave my shitty room to get tissues to jerk off.

>> No.13361981

Unless they rarely spend time interacting with other people because they were shitty at it to begin with.

>> No.13361991
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I dont need any of this shit all I need is the love of my homeland.

>> No.13362007


Your homeland doesn't love you, dude. It consider you nothing but an expendable resource.

>> No.13362023

And with the looming WWIII, this is more painfully true than ever.

>> No.13362064

You'd have to be a fool to honestly believe there's any chance of a third world war. The only thing you need to be concerned about is a race war, but you should be fine if you live in a red state.

>> No.13362073

You know, mean people can be everywhere. Some kinds of people just have nothing in common and don't belong together, just as >>13352947 said. We're not meant to be understood by everyone, but that doesn't mean otaku are bad guys.

There are just no nice people here, you disgusting douchebag of a faggot. Go lurk somewhere else.

>> No.13362094

If the South rise again, the WWIII can be prevented.

>> No.13362099

Destablizing the US means more chances of WW3 though.

I can see Chink and ruskies backing the rebels.

>> No.13362111

That is what the Military Industrial Complex shill want you to think. Ruskies is just a paper tiger who only good in defending but not attacking. Chink is more concerned in making money and controlling their peoples than going to war.

>> No.13362121

Still, I think of the days when glorious AK drop the sky and me southern good boys start to shoot the blue piggies with them.


>> No.13362143

I thought the WWIII poster was dumb, but a second Civil war is entirely impossible. At best, you might have a couple of renegade groups pop-up but they'd be suppressed so quickly it wouldn't even make the news.

>> No.13362147

I can dream, can't I?

>> No.13362204


Damaged people are hostile at first, they are mean because they don't want to get hurt again, it's only natural to be like this when people judge you for your tastes and not everyone used the faux normie strategy to hide their powerlevel like i did.

>> No.13362217

>I know I'm generalizing but wow I just want to talk about anime and Japanese culture with some nice people.
You can probably do that with anyone, assuming that the "normal" is open-minded enough and watch anime which is common nowadays.

If you're looking for old /jp/s then it's a bit too late. Most of them left or ironically became "normals", and the other ones like me are too old and barely go out anyway.

>> No.13363559

Well what you've found is the reason they don't have any friends.

Being damaged in some form may have started it, but you imagine anyone making friends with someone who acts like that and it becomes some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.
