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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13348390 No.13348390 [Reply] [Original]

What's the otaku way of going through college?

>> No.13348392

College is not as fun as sitting in my room.

>> No.13348397

Take it easy

>> No.13348400

Dropping out and sitting in your room.

>> No.13348417

Show up on the first day, get a syllabus, and then show up again on finals.

>> No.13348421


>> No.13348435

I really, really wish I could do this, but I just slack if I don't have a routine for going to class daily, even though all the lectures are recorded and uploaded online. It's annoying too because my school has compulsory laboratories that I have to attend. Please excuse my annoying blogshit.

>> No.13348463

I hate American Unis enforce attendance policies

>> No.13348477

almost no american public unis do this

>> No.13348555

If the classes are small enough some do, don't they? I had a few small classes of 20~30 people where the professor actually bothered to see who was showing up and who wasn't, but the majority of classes especially during the first two years had way too many people in them to do stuff like take attendance.

>> No.13348605

God forbid, schools enforce attendance for a class you're shelling out a thousand bucks a semester for. How horrible.

>> No.13348628

Well it's the student's fault for not getting their money's worth.

>> No.13348635

The only thing I'm paying for is my degree. Everything else is just an obstacle.

>> No.13348680
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Standards need to be enforced to make sure that my degree isn't made even more worthless by people like you

>> No.13348769

College and the education system has become more or less outdated thanks to the internet. I can learn more things faster just by googling it and studying it on my own then by actually going to classes. The only reason I need to go to college is because every job seems to require a degree.

>> No.13348774
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Is this the Osaka thread?

>> No.13348778


>> No.13348798
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>i wanna fit in with all of the fauxtaku on /jp/ :(((

>> No.13348859
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>I can learn more things faster just by googling it and studying it on my own then by actually going to classes.
I'm sure your self-taught neurosurgery degree makes you just as competent at cutting open my skull as the middle-aged man with decades of experience in med school

>> No.13348868

oh yeah im sure

>> No.13348876 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13348889

How is the degree made worthless if people are able to obtain it without participating in lectures? The only thing exposed are the pedagogical relics modern academia is content to perpetuate.

>> No.13348921

I thought he was saying that he deserved the degree just for paying his money

if you can pass the course without attending the lectures then more power to you

>> No.13348937

I've passed every course like that. I literally show up on the first day, get handed the syllabus and walk right out. I even consistently beat ~80% of the class on midterms/exams most people consider challenge. Lectures are completely worthless.

>> No.13348967

Well good for you. Most people I know get a lot from lectures.

People learn through different methods, huh? Fascinating!

>> No.13348996

A lot of other people just kinda show up, either because they've been conditioned to or want to convince their parents they're doing something productive. It's all very fascinating.

Also if you're showing up for problem-set oriented courses you literally are wasting your time because that shit's all mechanical memory and hard information. It's literally video games.

>> No.13349008

I honestly don't know what point you're trying to make. Are you saying that people shouldn't have the opportunity to go to lectures for certain courses?

>> No.13349033

He's saying that it annoys him that there are people around him being conditioned to think that an activity that is essentially pointless for learning certain types of material is actually useful and are undertaking mountains of debt due to this conditioning.

>> No.13349039

What is your major?

If you arent benefiting from lectures that might be a problem with your professors

most lectures I've been to have been very insightful

>> No.13349056

Despite getting nothing from them, the majority of people still choose to attend. I could go into depth about why someone speaking for 45 minutes is ineffective and pointless for 80% of people, but I feel it's pretty needless. The traditional lecture is suboptimal in every way to digital alternatives and is nothing more than a token ritual inherited from an era without neuroscience.

Nobody actually goes through material at the pace recommended by the course. I'd estimate less than 10% are even far enough in the material to be able to get anything from the lecture, and even then they'll only be conscious for half of it. The majority of lecture content is just a really accessible version of what's in the text.

>> No.13349072

Living in a house with a bunch of weebs. We had an anime altar with figs and a giant picture of horo. We had weeb food every night and cheap as fuck rent, cuz we had way more people in than we should have had. Some people were in a hentai translation group that released every week. It is quite possible you've seen some of their work. Even managed to convert some normies into weebs.

Shit was so cash.

>> No.13349073

EE, but I've been through essay structured courses and found the same thing. Lib arts tend to be even more tedious and slow. Many of the concepts I was well aware of at the age of like 14, so it never was any more informative than reading through a wikipedia article.

>> No.13349841
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>> No.13349882

This is the only correct answer やで~

>> No.13352142

Medical education is all about practical experience, not classes. You're comparing apples and oranges here, dude.
Nice meme image

>> No.13352420

My school makes students pay $70 each for remotes the professors can use to take attendance grades in large lectures. It's awful.

>> No.13352453
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I literally shit everyday. whacha gonna do?

>> No.13352504 [DELETED] 

Dropping out.

>> No.13352607
File: 22 KB, 320x240, yomi omae janee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give you some kind of positive response for posting a shot from the futaba catalog of an azumanga thread but I can't think of anything good to say.

>> No.13356730
File: 120 KB, 250x200, nandeyanen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yomi studied her ass off for her entrance exams and failed 2 of them, whilst Tomo fucks around and somehow passed hers. Granted Yomi was probably trying to get into Tokyo U but still...

>> No.13356734


Yomi failed because she was actually stuffing her fat face with sweets, not studying.

>> No.13356859


Yomi failing to get into collage was just one of the depressing aspects of this show. In the end, alot of this show was kind of sad. Yomi's failings, Kagura's insecurities, Tomo's bleak future, Kaorin's troubles.

>> No.13356870

What's Osaka real name again?

>> No.13356945

Kasuga Ayumu.

>> No.13357027

I would literally murder virgin lolis for your ability to get top 20% in your classes only showing up on the first day.
I try to show up to all of my physics and maths classes and I still struggle.

>> No.13357073

Maybe the issue is because you attend.

In High School, I had issues with Calc AB because I tried following lessons rather than just studying on my own.(I also had to go to the hospital for a long time due to an injury, so I failed all my classes that year but that's irrelevant)

In College, I only attended the first two days then exam days all the way up a little past the midterm. I had like a 95%+ in the class when my professor dropped me from Calc 1.

Though you're probably taking Calc 2/3/Linear Alg or higher level math, since the courses I just listed are general education stuff.

>> No.13357223

I'm probably doing it wrong, but:
>be commuter
>have riced out otaku car w/ sexy 2D girls painted on it
>wear anime/touhou shirts
>have anime wallpaper on laptop/cell
>have touhou/anime/edgelord stickers on laptop
>take Japanese I & II despite having self-taught a great deal of 1st grade level Japanese

Am I missing anything?

>> No.13357478

You forgot the part were I stuff you into the trashcan, nerd.

>> No.13358021

If only every career would be as easy as yours. Studying economics and finances and there are a lot of stuff that the books or the internet don't explain in detail.

>> No.13358030

Nobody wrote that.

>> No.13361206

Maybe. I suppose if the class is focusing on teaching me stuff that I'm not having trouble with then it's kind of a waste of time. I'm just in my third semester (so first semester second year) now. Last year I took the following. I'm listing these because I don't know their equivalents in US colleges.
Semester 1
Maths 108 - General Mathematics 1
Compsci 107 - Fasttrack Compsci which teaches you Compsci 101 and 105. Only allowed admittance if you have prior programming experience
Physics 120 - Advancing Physics 1
Law 121 - Law and Society
Of these, I only passed Physics 120.

Semester 2
Maths 108
Physics 150 - Advancing Physics 2, followon from Physics 120
Maths 190
>Mathematics contains many powerful and beautiful ideas that have shaped the way we understand our world. This course explores some of the grand successes of mathematical thinking. No formal mathematics background is required, just curiosity about topics such as infinity, paradoxes, knots, fractals and cryptography.
Of these, I passed Maths 108 and Maths 190.

I don't believe I have a good innate mathematical ability. I kind of feel as though I should be switching my physics major for something that I can get more easily. The problem is I don't know what to do, I just picked physics because I enjoyed it when I was in high school. I want to do nuclear physics but there's really no courses offered at my college for them, just quantum and particle. At the moment I'm doing
Earthsci 105 - Natural Hazards
Philosophy 101 - Introduction to logic
Physics 211 - Mathematical methods for physics
Physics 240 - Electronics and Network Theory
