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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 495x496, ss+(2014-12-28+at+09.44.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13334504 No.13334504 [Reply] [Original]

Denpa no Sekai Blog:
Music downloads:
Denpa song bot (new songs every day):
In-detail analysis of denpa aesthetic:
takeshi0406's blog (very informative):
Denpunk bot:
Japanese guy who makes denpa and moe songs mixes:
moep's blog, he posts buy lists for events like Comiket and M3:

>> No.13334624

I can't believe Denpa thread are dying so fast.

>> No.13334630
File: 136 KB, 600x600, Glory start running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Mosaic.wav new album thanks to anon.

>> No.13334657

I jumped ship from doujin music and I listen mostly to eroge denpa songs lately, but some songs are so hard to find. Can anyone tell me where to find, or how to buy these albums from overseas somehow?

- 妹スパイラル OP
(found a digital copy of the full version single here:
but it doesn't let gaijin buy)

- いもうと観察chu OP
(I know there's a CD with the full version out but it seems few people bought or know about it)

- Futa-bu! OVA OP
I love the oldschool-ish sound of this one.

Thank you very much.

>> No.13336219

Thanks anonymous!

>> No.13337411
File: 180 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Thanks to the person who uploaded it.

>> No.13338271

Is there a database for denpa music albums somewhere, or am I asking for too much?

>> No.13338480

You could use rapetheloli's archive.
This helps a bit also, though it doesn't update any recent albums.


>> No.13338530

I thought denpa.omaera.org went down!

>> No.13338777

Has anyone checked out the crossfades for the upcoming albums? らぶちゅ!2 and PICOLONY NAUTS seem amazing!






>> No.13338940


>> No.13339750

i know, i hope it's just because there are no events going on around this time.

>> No.13339761

Most activity around M3/Comiket. And these threads have been declining for multiple reasons.

Besides that only a handful of people here buy cds and even fewer buy outside of popular groups.

>> No.13339765

what are the reasons you think they're declining?

>> No.13339790

If you've been following the threads for the past year, they've become increasingly toxic. It was a lot more tolerable when it was just trudenpa discussion.

The denpa community on /jp/ is already a small, niche community and the majority of people who bother coming to these threads are already on irc (which you could argue is dead). Outside of sharing releases no productive discussion take place. Comparing this from the past where we had more active listeners and occasional guests from JPN.

That's as condensed as I could make it and probably some stuff I'm missing out but for the most part I'll just wait for M3-Spring to see if the activity spikes back up.

>> No.13340831

Has the album the OP image is from been uploaded?

>> No.13341650
File: 172 KB, 360x356, futanari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this album?
It's pretty old and I can't find it anywhere

>> No.13341714
File: 52 KB, 583x498, 1334469921371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listen to a lot of denpa but I almost never post in these threads.

It's just music.

>> No.13341975 [DELETED] 

There's a lot of denpa song related stuff going on at all times, people here aren't just interested in anything not doujin.

>> No.13341991

There's a lot of denpa song related stuff going on at all times, people here aren't interested in anything not doujin and/or not recent.
Besides they are hard to find anyway, since as it's been said only a few buy them, and even fewer rip them.
I'm already thankful we have rips at all.

>> No.13342350

That's exactly the point I am making. There is nothing to discuss outside of new releases.

>> No.13343683

fwiw I'm happy about people posting about new releases, lets me know what to look for when shopping, who knows maybe even a potential upload here or there

>> No.13346922

Activity will probably spike up, for ~5 days. Then people will bitching about people uploading music, because they see it as a threat to their `super secret music club', or something. Never mind that those people would probably never have discovered denpa, if it hadn't been for uploaders.

>> No.13347232

"Discussion" about music has been terrible since before the Internet. I wish we could be the exception here though, because news for denpa songs is disparate and even harder to follow for foreigners, and collaborating here benefits most of us.

>> No.13347280

>because they see it as a threat to their `super secret music club',
no, it was a problem with idiots spoonfeeding idiots. if someone wants to upload there's no problem with that. it's when people ask for shit that's posted right in the damn OP time and time again and we reward such behavior by fetching links for them. is it really so much to ask people to lurk and dig a bit before posting?

>Never mind that those people would probably never have discovered denpa, if it hadn't been for uploaders.
Way to poison the well. speak for yourself.

>> No.13347341

>is it really so much to ask people to lurk and dig a bit before posting?
Theoretically when you raise the bar of entry you get nothing but high-quality entrants, but practically you just stop getting people.

>speak for yourself.
How did you discover denpa? Everything I first learned about Japanese media I found on the internet.

>> No.13347827

As much as I love meta, lets try and get back on topic!
Who are your favorite composers?

>> No.13347874

Definitely みらゐ (RIP).
Also ARM, bermei.inazawa, y0c1e, Satsuki ga tenkomori, and the guy from MOSAIC.WAV.

>> No.13348933

Is it me or has denpa just become less popular in japan? A lot of groups used to throw in 1-2 denpa songs in all their albums even if they weren't denpa or electronic groups. Now we get nothing. Comiket has just not been very exciting for me lately. No good upbeat pop, a lot of my favorite touhou circles have closed shop and less denpa.

>> No.13350018
File: 212 KB, 620x620, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the albums you posted:
They've done some stuff with zero-shaft
Nanahira on one of the tracks, haven't closely listened to the entire xfade
Really enjoyable, look forward for more releases in the future.
2nd track is really cute.

There's a couple other albums but I didn't bother bookmarking them. Still organizing what I'm going to try to get.

As mentioned previously, the underlying issue was never uploaders complaining because it's been the same group of uploaders ripping music in the threads.

>How did you discover denpa?
You act like english-speakers who live in Japan are an anomaly on this board.

I really enjoyed t+pazolite/Cutie&Headshaking Sound back in the day. Speaking of c.h.s, albums pictured is really enjoyable. Also the guy who composed linear no uta2 (Masayoshi?). Newer stuff is kind of hit or miss.

I'd say you aren't looking hard enough or only focusing that "popular" circles aren't throwing in a denpa song in their album. But it's true that for people who don't go to events miss out on a lot of great content. I usually try to get as many small group releases I can and shy away from "popular" album releases when I'm attending since I can just buy it at secondhand shops or online for less hassle.

>> No.13350080

>How did you discover denpa?
anime and games. mosaic and under17 before anything else.

>> No.13350410

Most of us don't live in Japan, what do you expect us to do? I just gave up.

>> No.13350515

If you enjoy the music, then listen to it. What else should I expect of you to do?

>> No.13350655

First two album you linked there are from 2013 and 2014 though. The other two are for the upcoming M3 though.

>> No.13350663

>You act like english-speakers who live in Japan are an anomaly on this board.
They are. And for better or for worse, most people who end up going to Japan from /a/ or /jp/ are people who got into it because of something they first downloaded from the internet once upon a time.

>> No.13350848

Ah that's right. I was going through the catalog and they reserved tables. Just linked the first albums on the website.

Do you have any data to back your statement or is it just your personal opinion?

>> No.13350874

uploading and spoonfeeding are still two separate things here. don't conflate the two. arguing against reinforcing laziness and such is not arguing against sharing. i am all for sharing.

but there's something to be said here about "sharing" as well. most of the people who pop into these threads to ask for shit simply don't respect these threads. they dont bother to read the OP, and they certainly aren't contributing. they're something like leeches. they don't even seem to even be capable of a google search. come on.

you wouldn't spam /a/ asking where to watch free anime (you wouldn't go to /a/, period!). i just want people to lurk a bit and learn. a little bit of self-sufficiency and some standards to these threads. if a bit of elitism is the way we get there, then i think that's what we should do.

i think this view is likely to get misrepresented, as it already has been (e.g., MUH SEKRIT CLUB accusations).

>> No.13351151


i see the obvious k-pop influence but i wonder if this guy is aware of denpa but doesn't really understand it

>> No.13351848

get that tumblr-core "LOOK AT ME I GO ON THE INTERNET" meme shit out of here. shit is boring, inane garbage. fuck pc music. comparing it to denpa is insulting on every level.

>> No.13353143

This crap has nothing to do with denpa. It's not denpa because it has high pitched voices and electronic sound

>> No.13353158

to be fair, A.G. Cook, a prominant figure in the PC Music scene does cite MOSAIC.WAV as a major influence.

>> No.13353286

Listing an artist as an influence doesn't make music a specific genre. Lady Gaga's music isn't rock just because Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd are major influences to her.

>> No.13353302

I didn't say it was denpa, but I did want to point out than any similarities in sound are not coincidental.

>> No.13353346

he can fuck right off along with the rest of the PC music fuckboys. i see no similarities other than the fact that they are electronic. sounds like he's namedropping more than anything. but in the end, i don't care. just keep that shit off of here.

>> No.13353354

and with that kind of attitude, I suggest you go right back to /mu/, thanks.

>> No.13353373

I never claimed you said it was denpa. I just wanted to throw irrelevant information out there too. Lady Gaga's similarities to rock is not coincidental.

>> No.13353384

what you can't handle getting called out? this is a fucking DENPA thread where you post and talk about DENPA music, not the latest trendy internet fuck shit meme music. go the fuck away.

>> No.13353391

We were discussing the influence DENPA music has had on other music styles and scenes. it's related discussion. you on the other hand post like your typical kanyeshitter and I'd love for you to go back to the craphole you call a music board.

>> No.13353407

>We were discussing the influence DENPA music has had on other music styles and scenes.
no, no we fucking weren't. look in the thread. we were not talking about that at all. YOU shifted it to that, only you didn't because people have already told you that shit is nothing like denpa and you're trying to claim that it is. no one fucking cares about pc music and now i'm just starting to think you just like fucking spamming. to draw on comparisons another anon made, why don't we talk about fucking lady gaga while we're at it? actually, let's not. just fucking drop it before you make yourself look stupider than you already have.

now why don't YOU go back to /mu/ since it's clear you know so fucking much about it, shitting up threads with irrelevant fuck shit. kill yourself out of /jp/ you worthless fuck.

>> No.13353416

>Every denpa thread ever

Can we get back to talking about music?


Calm down everyone

>> No.13353422

Can't take it easy?

Just proving that >>13339790 claim of threads becoming more toxic and decline of these threads is a valid point.

See >>13339790

>> No.13353442

The 8bit animation short vers was really cute.

>> No.13353454

I missed that, care to share a link?

>> No.13353479


>> No.13354007

>i wonder if this guy is aware of denpa but doesn't really understand it

awareness/influence is a far cry from saying it is denpa. note how i said he didn't understand it. i just picture this guy as listening to denpa and not getting it. thanks for misreading?

>> No.13354015

there's also a difference between seeing someone as a denpa listener and saying it sounds like denpa. i think he has the wrong idea about denpa but i see what his understanding of it is. and i'm saying, it's wrong.

>> No.13354021

no one on this board is a good reader. this is a big reason we have fights. because people can't read or understand the argument being made.

>> No.13354070

what i see, specifically, is the influence of someone's idea of asian pop culture, and i think the concern with consumerism and his particular idea of saccharine is too specific to come from just, say, idol pop. idol pop has a strain of sincerity to it that's lacking in this video. i really wouldn't be surprised if his interpretation of denpa culture is coming through.

>> No.13354363

>i just picture this guy as listening to denpa and not getting it.
no one gives a shit. this happens on the regular from many people who listen to denpa who do not make music.

why share some shit unless you wanted some comparison or to say something further? i could say lady gaga utilizes denpa-like traits in her image by maximalizing pop-traits and expectations and subverting them. she knows about miku, why not denpa? wow i could draw up shit tons of conjectures here, but i'm not going to fucking do that because she's not denpa and she doesn't belong in this thread.

you're trying to make comparisons that don't work (i.e., QT is denpa/like denpa) or you're bringing up irrelevant points that should simply be taken for granted (i.e., people listen to things and don't understand them). stop backpedaling. you wouldn't go to /a/ to talk about soulja boy just because he made a death note mixtape and was "aware/influenced" by it. if you want to talk about pc music, go to /mu/. don't bring it here.

>> No.13354385

Yeah, that second magic logic track is really cute.

>> No.13354407

i'm not backpedaling. you didn't understand what i said. i'm bringing it up because i just want to point out that people are listening to denpa and it's starting to show. i'm interested in seeing if denpa will influence other musical scenes in general- so pointing this out goes to show that interest is spreading and it's having real consequences.

>> No.13354418

i was hoping that "people are listening to it" would be the obvious notable thing about what i said. "he doesn't get it" is a tangential comment on the music he made

>> No.13354447

>the concern with consumerism and his particular idea of saccharine is too specific to come from just, say, idol pop. idol pop has a strain of sincerity to it that's lacking in this video.
completely unfounded point. idol music can be ironic. look at BiS or especia--knowingly ironic. when it's "sincere", it is constructed. a lot of fans know this and either accept it or delude themselves into thinking otherwise. the video has clear K-pop influences, with it's hypersexualization and focus on "perfect" girls which normalizes a sense of hyperreality--being "more" than what reality can even offer (bring in implications of mass plastic surgery). there is absolutely nothing that suggests that what is happening with QT is denpa that can't already be gleaned from the idol phenomena at large. i see no "interpretation of denpa culture" unless you want to extend "denpa" to a larger reaction to postmodernity, in which case it loses its specific cultural significance.

now stop talking about pc music. you're not talking about denpa. you're trying to talk about pc music. seriously, stop.

>people are listening to denpa and it's starting to show
read above.

>> No.13354469

>"people are listening to it" would be the obvious notable thing about what i said
why would people listening to a genre that's been around for over a decade--longer if you consider acts from the 80s that drew on radio-wave themes--be anything noteworthy. it really means that the comment served no purpose other than to draw attention to something that is not even denpa.

>> No.13354498

BiS and especia are so far off stylistically from this video. i'm not denying the idol influences, i mentioned k-pop in my initial comment. but that doesn't have to be the end of it. as for sincerity in idol pop, just because the sincerity is constructed doesn't make it less aesthetically real; it is supposed to covey sincerity. i'm saying there is something specifically about how ag cook (half of qt) understands denpa that shows in this video (and yes, he does listen to mosaic.wav), and it's more gleaned from interaction with other denpa listeners and what their idea of what denpa is than something derived from denpa itself. i'm saying that idea is coming through in the video. it's like a trace of his listening habits.

you don't have to agree with me or my understanding but you don't have to attack my intent. also, just because it's ten years apart doesn't mean it's not noteworthy. denpa is increasing in popularity outside of japan; this is in line with my interest.

>> No.13354571

>BiS and especia are so far off stylistically from this video.
not talking about the style. those are clear examples of idol groups that go against your notion of them being only sincere.

>i mentioned k-pop in my initial comment. but that doesn't have to be the end of it
it's more k-pop than anything else. especially moreso than anything "denpa." plenty of idols, j-pop, k-pop, c-pop, and american music has gone the way of "weirdness" (like lady gaga). fake, robotic stuff was big in the 80s with some new wave groups. all of these are stronger apparent influences than the much more culturally specific movement of denpa. it's like you didn't even read what i wrote.

>because the sincerity is constructed doesn't make it less aesthetically real
no, that's exactly how it works. in the worst case it gives the eerie feeling of watching pornography. it's fake. some people are able to ignore this. some people aren't. the video is playing on this very notion of artificiality. pc music's entire aesthetic is "INTERNET," not denpa, which is much more strongly geographically tied.

>i'm saying that idea is coming through in the video. it's like a trace of his listening habits.
and i'm saying it doesn't come through. it doesn't sound or look or feel like denpa as someone else already mentioned. i don't know why you're trying to argue that this is the case just because a guy listens to mosaic.wav.

>denpa is increasing in popularity outside of japan; this is in line with my interest.
If it results in shit like pc music, i would really, really rather it not. but i don't care because nothing will change whatever's already happening.

i'm done. please just drop it so we talk about actual denpa instead of arguing about rando fucks who listen to denpa and make shitty internet pop music.

>> No.13354612

>denpa is increasing in popularity outside of japan
You should stop spouting bullshit if you are trying to make a sincere argument.

You're better off taking this to /mu/ since it's clearly more relevant there.

>> No.13354614

because i don't want to drop it, i'll address these and you can decide what to do about it.

even BiS and especia are working from a basis of "constructed sincerity." they are playing off it, because they are part of idol culture. it's visible but transformed in their work.

"aesthetically real" can refer to intent. it is SUPPOSED to be sincere. it is not about people seeing through or not seeing through the construction. it is sincerity.

>it doesn't sound or look or feel like denpa as someone else already mentioned. i don't know why you're trying to argue that this is the case just because a guy listens to mosaic.wav.
and you missed my fucking point. it's not about denpa. it's about what people think about denpa:
>and it's more gleaned from interaction with other denpa listeners and what their idea of what denpa is than something derived from denpa itself

ok, do what you want. you're not good at arguing, regardless of whether you're right that i am wrong, and i'm willing to accept that you just can't express yourself well

>> No.13354643

i thought everyone here hated the people who were new and came in asking for things. i thought there were people who hated the "pastel tumblr girls" who listened to denpa. yes, even if it's on the internet, where musical subculture really counts, denpa is more visible than it ever was.

>> No.13354653
File: 545 KB, 700x368, a0v9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys this is more pop but i wonder if pharrell is influenced by denpa??


>> No.13354662

he got a superflat artist to do his video, this is the dumbest comparison

>> No.13354677

I wasn't aware that a handful of people interested in cutesy pop songs and coming here constituted as denpa increasing in popularity. Those same flavor of the month people lose interest as you can see with declining threads and difficulty of maintaining this hobby for people without money.

>> No.13354689

sticking around =/= more general exposure

>> No.13354690
File: 281 KB, 659x441, a0v8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lady gaga is a big fan of japan

check out this video i wonder if she subconsciously is influenced by denpa


>> No.13354694

It's not increasing if popularity is decreasing at the same time.

>> No.13354697
File: 35 KB, 887x377, Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 6.00.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13354717

It seems you don't understand what increasing popularity means. e.g. just because people start looking up NK's leader on google doesnt mean he is becoming more popular. Trend spikes do not directly correlate to popularity.

Popularity =/= More general exposure

>> No.13354725

don't forget gwen stefani and avril lavigne!

>> No.13354735
File: 333 KB, 1200x800, 13NOV19_PM_Tokyo_0776RT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if paul mccartney will collaborate with mosaicwav

he's been going out of his genre and trying new things

>> No.13354739
File: 28 KB, 871x363, Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 6.09.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're conflating senses of popularity in your example, and on top of it it's irrelevant to the point i'm making

if more people are searching for denpa, more people have heard of it!

here's nanahira (in romaji):

>> No.13354742

i mean "popular" in the sense of "trending" and "exposure"

>> No.13354747

Is this the birth of an epic new meme?

>> No.13354755
File: 76 KB, 666x499, v9a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most defiantilyef!! she is ready!

>> No.13354774

>BiS and especia are working from a basis of "constructed sincerity."
you are supporting my argument. the constructed nature itself influences how it's perceived, whether by exaggeration or by internal contradictions, etc.

>"aesthetically real" can refer to intent. it is SUPPOSED to be sincere.
>it is sincerity.
get a load of this fucking idiot who thinks authorial intent means something. good job moving the goalpost and fixating on sincerity, especially when k-pop and current j-pop, the clear and apparent influence in your dumb fucking video is not sincere but willfully exaggerated. your stupid "aesthetically real" shit might hold up for idyllic 80s idols (not really). those are dead.

>and you missed my fucking point. it's not about denpa. it's about what people think about denpa:
what the fuck does this even mean. shut the fuck up already.

>you're not good at arguing,

get the fuck out of here you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.13354787

Just pulling the first few definitions
>1. regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general:
a popular preacher.
>2. regarded with favor, approval, or affection by an acquaintance or acquaintances:
>3. of, relating to, or representing the people, especially the common people:
Sure you can stretch the definition but just because they are searching for e.g. nanahira doesnt necessarily mean that denpa is becoming more popular. She does music in multiple genres and is featured on songs in multiple popular groups. Also is your first image just a generic search of denpa or denpa-song? Because denpa is a lot more than the music genre

>> No.13354793

>get a load of this fucking idiot who thinks authorial intent means something. good job moving the goalpost and fixating on sincerity, especially when k-pop and current j-pop, the clear and apparent influence in your dumb fucking video is not sincere but willfully exaggerated. your stupid "aesthetically real" shit might hold up for idyllic 80s idols (not really). those are dead.
compressing and distorting the flow of the argument, scroll up moron

>what the fuck does this even mean. shut the fuck up already.
you can't read? or you don't understand me demarcating the difference between others' perception and my own understanding?


get the fuck out of here you stupid fucking cunt.
i'm sorry you're too stupid to be any good on the levels of logic and rhetoric

>> No.13354797

yes, the first search was topic-denpa and that is why i went back for nanahira. if more people are searching and it is my own perception as well as sometimes here, that of others, that new people are coming in i'm inclined to think it is getting around. definitely by way of tumblr

>> No.13354808

good job ignoring every point that was and has been made.

>you don't understand me demarcating the difference between others' perception and my own understanding?
for what purpose.

>i'm sorry you're too stupid to be any good on the levels of logic and rhetoric

state your point right now, clearly.

>> No.13354809
File: 90 KB, 625x625, ellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wonder if ellie-chan will make denpa, the s&m themese are super out there and would be perfect

>> No.13354826
File: 84 KB, 569x770, taytay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think taytay has the style to pull off denpa


>> No.13354837

because i don't agree with how i think he understands denpa, and because i see a lot of people understand it this way, it's implicit that i'm saying i think something else about it. it wasn't explicit. see what i mean when i say you can't take apart argument?

i already stated my point that i think this is symptomatic of denpa culture spreading via the internet

>> No.13354838

is josip on deck denpa!? he seems to watch anime and ironically appropriates it in his meme music!

>> No.13354848

Yes a lot of denpa artists are using tumblr sites to advertise their new album. However is there any evidence other than searching keywords that interest is growing?

>> No.13354856
File: 153 KB, 331x352, swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mate you forgetting your image!

konata definitely listens to denpa

>> No.13354873

i see a lot more dedicated denpa people on last.fm these days. how else do you propose we measure it? i think it's true, people here complain about it, people search for it more (in romaji at that), there are more youtube uploads, sites like dojin.co exist (which isn't dedicated to denpa, but..) which i feel people who don't search for things just go to for downloads.. it's largely not statistical, but i also don't think that's the only way to measure.

>> No.13354882

>because i don't agree with how i think he understands denpa, and because i see a lot of people understand it this way, it's implicit that i'm saying i think something else about it.

i'll just make this clear:


>i think this is symptomatic of denpa culture spreading via the internet

> see what i mean when i say you can't take apart argument?

>> No.13354905
File: 290 KB, 1024x768, denpa master anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soulja boy ironically appropriating anime themes, working with juxtaposition, repeating the term until it becomes meaningless. very denpa!


but i'm not sure if i agree with how he understands denpa though...

>> No.13354951

he doesn't have to be talking /about/ denpa, or making some kind of "statement," to be influenced by it, for this understanding to play into his own work, and further, he acknowledges mosaic.wav of his own accord. not every time someone is influenced by something, or it means something for them, are they coming forward to say something about it in the sense of communicating about it.

>there is absolutely nothing that suggests that what is happening with QT is denpa
>and i'm saying it doesn't come through. it doesn't sound or look or feel like denpa as someone else already mentioned.
>you're trying to make comparisons that don't work (i.e., QT is denpa/like denpa) or you're bringing up irrelevant points that should simply be taken for granted

so, your earlier posts kind of give away that you're not being continuous in your understanding of my position and are pretending like you are. i never said it was denpa. i never said he was commenting on denpa. i said he misunderstands the denpa sensibility and this is what comes through.

there is no "denpa" reading of his work. i'm saying he's aware of it, it influences him, and i see other people's common reading of denpa through his own work.

i don't know how to clarify for you anymore

>> No.13354974

>i see a lot more dedicated denpa people on last.fm these days
What constitutes a lot though? I would hardly consider an influx of for example 100 to 1000 "popular"
>how else do you propose we measure it?
If it goes mainstream then you know it is more popular than what it is now. People knew touhou became more popular when an overwhelming majority of comiket material was touhou-related, companies were receiving licenses to create figures and plushies, and a manga was being serialized. A more recent example would be kancolle though it was already on a mainstream platform.

Aside from mosaic.wav how many denpa artists officially publish albums for people to purchase? Besides the occasional track on music games, where's the exposure in official media? Few groups (e.g. IOSYS) go mainstream and become "popular" from doujin material
>there are more youtube uploads
That doesnt necessarily mean that people are listening though. One guy could easily upload a hundred tracks to youtube but what percentage of those uploads have views over five digits?
>sites like dojin.co
Except back in the day we had comiget which served the same exact purpose of centralizing doujin music in a single area. Dojin.co doesnt have any new or fresh material and is just forwarded content that came from these threads or the people who contribute in these threads.

>> No.13354983

so just say you don't agree, i've been trying to clarify my argument because you were rejecting a different one. you are changing [positions

>> No.13354989

There is a big difference in popularity between a globally mainstream act like Lady Gaga (who is probably just a puppet for the people behind the scenes making her image) and mosaic.wav. The guy who runs this label clearly spends way too much time on the internet by how much his aesthetic is influenced by tumblr gender politics and tumblr memes/net art, and if he says he is a fan of mosaic.wav and cites them as an influence, he undoubtedly has looked up information about them on Wikipedia and at least knows about denpa. I've observed that denpa music is also unfortunately rather popular in certain circles on tumblr with edgy artist types who care more about how it reflects on "their aesthetic" than the actual music.

This conversation does belong more on /mu/ than it does here though because PC music is not denpa and this conversation is more about how people outside of Japan misunderstand denpa music based on what information gets filtered to them based on where they learn about it online.

>> No.13354990

>he doesn't have to be talking /about/ denpa, or making some kind of "statement," to be influenced by it, for this understanding to play into his own work
fucking stupid. how would you know it well enough to say you know how he understands it if he doesn't communicate it into his work.

you're using this stupidly ambiguous notion of "influence" to argue a presence equally ambiguous "denpa understanding" of which could be better explained by OBVIOUS IDOL INFLUENCES.

>i said he misunderstands the denpa sensibility and this is what comes through.
maybe you're missing the "denpa sensibility" because you're trying to find some when there isn't any. i've already explained how denpa can be conflated or extended to other postmodern phenomena, but you've conveniently ignored that.

>i'm saying he's aware of it, it influences him,
awareness and influence are two separate things. if you think he's expressing his denpa understanding in some obscure, coded way simply because he listens to denpa, you're wrong.

>and i see other people's common reading of denpa through his own work.
fucking who. you're the only person seeing this in his work. anyone would first say that he's working with idol themes, NOT denpa.

>you're not being continuous in your understanding of my position
that's because you're shit at making yourself understood, relying on ambiguous terms and then begging the fucking question. and you have the gall to say i'm bad at arguing.

>> No.13354997

well, consider what we're talking about: i mentioned a qt song. most people do not know about qt- qt is for "internet people." when i say "popular," i mean more "it is getting around the internet" and this counts for certain people. it's restricted, i mean.

but why weren't there more youtube uploads a few years ago?

>> No.13355003

Isn't that the entire purpose of all this shitposting?

>> No.13355021

>if he says he is a fan of mosaic.wav and cites them as an influence, he undoubtedly has looked up information about them on Wikipedia and at least knows about denpa.
not at all. he could just be namedropping, which is fucking common to tumblr types.

>I've observed that denpa music is also unfortunately rather popular in certain circles on tumblr with edgy artist types who care more about how it reflects on "their aesthetic" than the actual music.
yeah, like pc music.

>This conversation does belong more on /mu/
yes, yes it fucking does.

>> No.13355022

If you didn't use the word popular then there wouldn't be a problem.
>why weren't there more youtube uploads a few years ago?
Less content? Less intrusive people who take it upon themselves to upload stolen rips?

How many established denpa groups were there a few years ago compared to today?

>> No.13355035

Let's stop with the arguing and enjoy denpa, just like the first few denpa threads!


>> No.13355044

I think all this shitposting is happening because people have different ideas of what they want /jp/ denpa thread to be like. Some anons want to discuss everything meta-related to denpa, other anons just want to discuss the music, and it seems like it's not possible for these types to peacefully coexist. I think there is also a lot of misunderstanding going on about what people are arguing for and against about this issue. This is a controversial topic though, and people are getting worked up about it because otaku tend to (justifiably) be very protective of their culture from people who want to "appropriate" it without a deep and true understanding of the subject and pure intentions.

>> No.13355048

he's translating from the "cute" aspect of denpa, a cuteness expressed in a way very particular to denpa, into something more "western." it's like his idea of what a woman in denpa would be singing like, stylistically and in terms of being extremely girly, if she were something else. doing this requires you to see denpa a certain way. i don't know how to put this into words better off of the top of my head, but that is what it strikes me as. i see the idol stuff too, but i also see something derived from denpa.

>fucking who.
everybody who wants to be girly and decides to incorporate denpa aesthetics, ever.

>that's because you're shit at making yourself understood, relying on ambiguous terms and then begging the fucking question. and you have the gall to say i'm bad at arguing.
so fucking ask me to clarify if you don't understand something. i'm assuming you'll understand what i'm getting at if i explain the other shit better.

>> No.13355117

>he's translating from the "cute" aspect of denpa
that is somehow distinct from the cuteness of j-pop, kawaii culture, and japan at large? all of the things the "cuteness" of denpa is derived from? the part of denpa that isn't even really "denpa"? what about the (artificial) cuteness of k-pop?

>i see the idol stuff too, but i also see something derived from denpa.
you have it backwards.

>doing this requires you to see denpa a certain way.
and this is why this whole deal is completely fucking stupid. if he's not overtly playing with denpa signs, it makes no sense to argue for the existence of some hidden denpa narrative simply because he listens to denpa music.

>wants to be girly
i think i get it. it doesn't make sense because YOU don't seem to understand what denpa is. you aren't even conflating it with the more popular theme, moe. you're involving it with cuteness. you don't need to "see denpa a certain way" to "get" denpa. if the themes are there, that's what it is.

this is why i don't understand what you're trying to say. and this becomes increasingly complicated when you bring in how "he sees denpa" and all sorts of other unfalsifiable bullshit and conjecture.

>> No.13355147

i just want to talk denpa, not whether or not some asshole who says he listens to mosaic makes denpa-influenced shitpop instead of just regular old shitpop.

>> No.13355153

I don't think the problem is whether the discussion is meta-related. Just from this thread two underlying issues have risen.
>1. People who want to support spoonfeeding
I am not an advocate of spoonfeeding especially if the question can be answered from the faq or a quick google search which is the case in the majority of situations (e.g. where can I find this album)
>2. People trying to force non-denpa music to be denpa-related
If someone wants to discuss non-denpa music that they enjoy, I'm not going to persecute them but take it to the /mu/sic board especially if you are going to admit that it's "k-pop"-esque.

People may have different opinions but these threads will continue to be toxic and promote shitposting as long as those two types of people continue to stay here.

>> No.13355167

it's different in denpa. there is something particular about the way cuteness is expressed in denpa:
>he's translating from the "cute" aspect of denpa, a cuteness expressed in a way very particular to denpa,
which of course isn't in isolation. there are other aspects of denpa that make the way it is expressed unique. i'm using "cuteness" as a shorthand for something specific. and if you don't see what i mean in the video, i don't know if i can explain any further.

moe and cuteness express themselves in a different way in denpa. it really is different even from other aspects of japanese culture that involve cuteness or moe.

>> No.13355189

>unfalsifiable bullshit
ugh, a positivist.

>> No.13355193

Denpa music specifically has an online audience with Western academic postmodern types who overintellectualize things that idol music does not, though. I am not sure what postmodernism is like in Japan outside of what I see of it in denpa music, but in the West it is often associated with radical leftist politics and cultural marxism. I first heard about postmodernism from denpa music, and while I enjoy the aesthetic in this specific artistic incarnation, postmodern art and politics outside of denpa is very much the kind of stuff you see on tumblr, and like it or not there is unfortunately a lot of crossover appeal with this audience. These people like denpa for the "wrong" reasons because their preconceived political understanding of postmodernism is the biggest source of their confusion about denpa. There is really nothing to base this off of other than my anecdotal observations but I do believe the people behind PC music are exactly the kinds of people I am talking about.

>> No.13355249

If anyone would like to discuss this topic further I made a thread about it in /mu/:


>> No.13355252

>i'm using "cuteness" as a shorthand for something specific. and if you don't see what i mean in the video, i don't know if i can explain any further.
that's an incredibly cheap and lazy way to disengage and insulate your opinion at the same time.

there is nothing about the "cuteness" of denpa because denpa does not necessitate "cuteness." what you do see are exaggerations of japan-specific notions of cuteness and the playing of otaku symbolism. i don't see any of that here.

in fact, when i watch it again. the "cuteness" looks like the shit you would see in old spice girls stuff or brittany spears, but with an electronic edge. again, not denpa, but idol stuff here.

nope. actually a relativist who's against notions of authorial intent.

>Denpa music specifically has an online audience with Western academic postmodern types who overintellectualize things that idol music does not, though.
you're seeing what you want to see. plenty of people listen to it because it's "cute". otaku culture at large has received a tremendous amount of postmodern dissections and works from Japan (anno, nisioisin, superflat artists, azuma, eiji outsuka).

on the other hand a lot can be said for idol worship. no doubt people have written about BiS and their "archetypes" of idols and shit. another shitty internet label, zoom lens, utilizes imagery that "deconstructs" the duality of idols, particularly yukko okada. essentially appropriating and exotifying asian shit to seem cutting-edge, much like pc music does.

but, of course. you don't need to listen to something to engage in that sort of overintellectualization. in fact, i think that sort of distance facilitates the ironic usage of signs (in this case, what i see as k-pop and modern idol imagery).

>> No.13355260

Suddenly woke up and 100 replies, I feel uncomfortable.

>> No.13355262

no. i'm done. i'm done giving any of this more attention than it has already gotten.

>> No.13355293

If only we had someone who takes initiatives like you hours ago welp

>> No.13355306

tl;dr I'm done shitposting and concede

>> No.13355322

Aside from two or three posts, you missed absolutely nothing of worth.

>> No.13355897

One day I'm going to learn how to do audio editing and make an awesome denpa megamix
but not today

>> No.13356112

Going for a medley? A lot of the mixers on soundcloud/twitter are really friendly and know a bit of english.

>> No.13356841

Denpa is such a bullshit term anyway. After lurking these threads a few years I can tell you that absolutely no one knows what denpa music is, especially people who think they do. Just call it moepop already.

>> No.13356849

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13356850

>I can tell you that absolutely no one knows what denpa music is
>Just call it moepop already.
great job!

>> No.13356885 [DELETED] 

Do you even realize the sheer irony of that post?

>> No.13356906

Holy shit.

>> No.13357130

Almost all of the songs posted in these threads are about nothing but cute vocals without anything else to them, it's no wonder "similar" western artists are posted too.

>> No.13357176

I can't help but think people who post this either don't know Japanese or are so desensitized from being on /jp/ to the themes that they hear "just cute."

>> No.13360647

I'm dumb. What in the world is the relation between Denpa and Utaite? Is the relation only due to the fact that most Utaite like to sing Vocaloid and Denpa stuff? So confusing.

>> No.13360666

Yeah, several modern doujin denpa singers are/were nicodouga utaite. Other than that, not much.

>> No.13360678

If I'm not mistaken many Denpa singers began as Utaite and moved on to original compositions, nothing related the content or what makes a Denpa song Denpa.

>> No.13360784

That's the trend, but it doesn't mean that that's "denpa." It's a very common (and annoying) misconception. Making that the rule would be simply awful.

>> No.13363059

Going to Japan in August. Is there anything denpa-ish to experience other than Comiket? I will visit Kyoto, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima and of course Tokyo.

>> No.13364869

What about 山岡ゆり - 太陽とドラム from the Tamako Market character song album?

>> No.13366237

Look for mini-concerts?

>> No.13367915

Not him but I'm also visiting Tokyo in august, how would I go looking for such concerts?

>> No.13368624

How is this classed as denpa?

>> No.13371684

Blogs online, flyers offline. Since you're going in august, it's probably easier to ask denpa groups at comiket if they are doing anything special that month.
