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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 596 KB, 800x760, b78e49df6d76b8b94ddb0ad719cd8700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13325955 No.13325955 [Reply] [Original]

Ushi-Oni Chef edition.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Blogspot: http://monstergirlcollection.blogspot.mx/?zx=61f8bddc3f284770

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com/

>> No.13325979

OP here, sorry I posted early, please forgive me.

Alps are love, Alps are life.

>> No.13325982 [DELETED] 

Another newfag/false-flag troll.
Mod pls delete.

>> No.13325991

Funny. I was looking to make a Ushi chef thread next as well.
Not this early though.

>> No.13325998

The only thing more shit than alps is your timing.

>> No.13326376

Why do people praise KC again?
He's a stupid chink who has been ruining his own work/universe that was shit to begin with by adding furries like Cat Saith and Hellhounds.
It's starting to cater to the Western Audience, It'll become even shittier. These generals won't mean shit in 2 years from now.

>> No.13326380
File: 631 KB, 800x1250, 1424821351485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the new Vertex.


>> No.13326381

>Cockblocked and broke up everyone in her class for years
>Beats people too

Maybe for what she did to MC specifically but she's the worst offender outside the stepmom.

>> No.13326382
File: 370 KB, 813x813, Wigwams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the last time we had a slime OP?

>> No.13326383
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, 1409527775311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to bring this bitch back to life.

>> No.13326385

Reminder not to lie to Wurms.

>> No.13326388


>Catering to a gaijin market who doesn't make him money.


>> No.13326389

I killed you in one go Nito
Didn't even break a sweat or use magic

>> No.13326390
File: 456 KB, 620x877, I08p4DI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like something about X and I blame Y for these issues. If it keeps going in this direction, the whole thing will be dead/ruined by Z.
Here, have something nice to cheer your day up.

>> No.13326391

Don't forget "drugging the MC for funsies".

>> No.13326392

Slime Girls are shit. How do you not know they're not made out of snots?

>> No.13326394
File: 65 KB, 360x450, urca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crow Love is best love

>> No.13326396

All June did was bully some kids in class. She came from a troubled home with a shitty dad, so her being a bully makes logical sense. Her species is also pure monogamy, and once she loses her virginity to someone she has to marry them. Bear in mind she can't love anyone else and everyone else knows she's no longer a virgin as well. Bear also in mind MC raped her on his own accord, and even lured her into a trap, it's not like she attacked him and he was self defending.

I'm not saying she wasn't a jerk, but character-wise she has motivations and logic for her actions. However, ruining her chances at a happy life forever is way too drastic for what she did, which was essentially keeping horny teenagers from fucking each other. Because lord knows the worst thing in the world is that high school kids can't fuck like rabbits.

>> No.13326398

Shush, he's trying to hard, he'll burn out eventually

>> No.13326399


Stop fucking replying. When will you idiots learn to report and ignore? The beginning and ends of EVERY /mgg/ thread are nothing but 100% bait.

>> No.13326402

I posted one with the slime queen a couple of weeks ago. Remember slime is just an anagram of smile.

>> No.13326403


>> No.13326404

Is there a monster girl equivalent of Santa? Or the Krampus?

>> No.13326408

>Not having any counter arguments

How is the Hellhound not a mix of nigra and furry? The majority of furries are westerners.

>> No.13326412

They still have a regular Santa, he's just either maximum metal badass man or it's a female who rapes naughty boys and men.

>> No.13326413


Christmas is a waste of time and money, but i do appreciate the 2 weeks of vacation

>> No.13326415 [DELETED] 

"waaaaah. everything i disagree with is bait ;_; mods pls!"


>> No.13326416
File: 139 KB, 594x800, medusa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing on. What's your waifu's laugh?

Hers is like a 'shashashashasha'. Usually kinda hissed through her sharp teeth.

>> No.13326417

I'm sorry, but is "Oh no, something bad happened to the bully" supposed to invoke my empathy?

Because it's not.

>> No.13326418

They aren't snots they're made of jelly, delicious jelly. http://monstergirlencyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Slime_Jelly

>> No.13326421

>Christmas is a waste of time and money
Literally Satan.

>> No.13326422

>Being forced to raise your rape baby in the home of your rapist
>Conducive to being a good dad

The funniest thing is those route leaks indicate she wants to do the same thing her mother did, except with persuasion as much as force.

>> No.13326426

>a female who rapes naughty boys and men.

I like it.

>> No.13326428

This isn't One Piece, people don't get unique laughs.

>> No.13326429

>The majority of furries are westerners.
[citation needed]

>> No.13326430
File: 48 KB, 500x441, 1417732976707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May do something silly involving this today

>> No.13326431

Sounds like moralfaggotry,

>> No.13326432
File: 1.62 MB, 2000x2500, zZRXOuW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June deserved it

>> No.13326435


>> No.13326436

Give me example of foreign furries.

>> No.13326437

Slime girls are made of everything they eat.
Snots, discarded food, dirt, men's semen, and that last piece of the 1200 pieces puzzle that you could never find.

>> No.13326440
File: 82 KB, 490x370, monstereyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not wanting a unique laugh


>> No.13326442

>Asked to back up a claim
>"N-no, you give ME an example"
Yeah, I had no expectations, so I'm not even shocked.

>> No.13326445
File: 49 KB, 500x352, 1417733039896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13326447


> Expecting reason and logic from a story about an Edgelord getting everything he wants

Face it - the MC is an evil Gary Stu and there has never been any real direction to the narrative. It's just one edgy fantasy linked to another because that's what anons lap up.

>> No.13326449

>Gary Stu
Don't use words if you're not a 100% sure they apply.

>> No.13326450


>waste thousands of dollars on gifts that no one likes
>only to be meet with "so do you have a gf yet anon? Why don't you have gf? You should have a gf anon. You should start thinking about getting children..."


>Ask for one thing
>Get something 3x as expensive and not what you asked for and don't want

>> No.13326451

>Delicious chocolate tomboy
>Big, muscled and stacked
>Still girly when she wants to be
>Maximum loyalty
>True do anything for love yandere
>Hardcore masochist
Nina best girl.

>> No.13326452

I just want my lewd monstergirl Santa anon.

>> No.13326453

Why would slimes eat the snot of human beings? Food I understand. Dirt is probably a byproduct of walking around. Men's semen is a given. Only a sadist would eat the last piece of a puzzle.

>> No.13326454

The viper is just as bad as the rest of them.

The story is well written, it's characters are just all horrible shits. Well written shits, but shits regardless. Nothing any of them does is justified, it's just a bunch of evil people being evil to each other.

That whole world would be better off if the local nuclear plant went into meltdown and killed them all off in their sleep.

>> No.13326457
File: 433 KB, 1200x1737, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cute little girl.

>> No.13326460


It does in this case. Sure it's not Lanteron levels of plot armor but it's pretty obscene. He has no real failings another than being an angsty violent git. And being edgy is not a character flaw. It's just bad character writing.

>> No.13326462

Oh look, it's that bait.

>> No.13326463
File: 151 KB, 552x560, drip drip drip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not another one of these. It's hard to tell Monster Girls and the ideals of sex-positive feminism a part. Your ideals is a part of what turned 4chan to shit.

Kill yourself OP.

>> No.13326464

>gary stu

Opinion discarded

>> No.13326465

>Get something 3x as expensive and not what you asked for and don't want
This is why you ask for receipts.
If she wasn't a murderer I would be relatively fine with the doujin, but nope, she's a thousand year old blood hungry demon who treats people as toys.

>> No.13326466


Goddammit captcha, that's not a hamburger it's a sandwich. Stop being so dumb.

>> No.13326468

I actually like the part of that where they do have sex

>> No.13326469

"Gary stu" would imply an idealized/flawless character, so no.

>> No.13326470

google it fagget :P

>> No.13326471

He fucks up all the time so he's not a gary stu. You're right about the rest though.

>> No.13326472

Come on guys. Stop with the bitching and go get wasted with your local hobo.

>> No.13326473

Yeah, like one of you said if not for the fact that she probably kills him after they have sex it would be pretty good.
I'm not into that kind of hardcore murderdom that people here like.

>> No.13326474

You know, looking at >>13326470, I think you might have a point.

Also, boy that food captcha really lost its charm already.

>> No.13326475

Is true FYAD watches these generals and tries to shit them up? I heard that once. It would explain all of the shitposters.

>> No.13326477

You just have a shitty family and friends circle, Anon. My Christmases are always great.

>> No.13326478

>sex-positive feminism
Oh no, women who like fucking and being treated like humans.
Christ, get over yourself.

>> No.13326480
File: 227 KB, 1020x653, peek_a_boob_by_matsu_sensei-d88mjb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to use my cattle prod on that cow.

>> No.13326484

>defending sex-positive feminism
No, you don't do that here. Go to tumblr if you care so much.

>> No.13326486

Why are demons always murdering and eating humans and shit? I mean, we didn't do anything to them. They only get seals slapped on their foreheads because they deserve it.

>> No.13326487
File: 1.86 MB, 1200x1234, heart attack1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably kills him

What? Nah. She seems like she's mellowed out in her old age. Like when she puts on the special costume and says it's what she used to wear to battle and shit, implying she doesn't really go to battle anymore.

There's no reason to think she killed the guy.

>> No.13326489


No that's an extreme stu/sue. It's meant to be a sliding scale but no one on 4chan ever uses it properly. The fact is he's beyond a special snowflake and into the part where if he had hetereochroma and/or a talking sword it'd be too obvious.

Even Gary Stus fuck up. It's the fact that those fuck ups don't mean anything in the greater narrative that makes them worse Stus (if applicable). Early on this wasn't so much a problem, but now it's a glaring issue.

>> No.13326491

You mean sluts faggot-kun~?

No wonder you faggots are /a/'s leftover.


>> No.13326494

If so that's pretty sad, there's plenty of better stuff to shit up on SA.

>> No.13326495


In all fairness Lanternon's character had a reason for being the way he was near the end. he was meant to be a hero but was born just as the war he was meant to fight ended

Also, update when?

>> No.13326496


>> No.13326497


>> No.13326499



What is this, the early 2000's? Get with the times man, it's kek or lel these days

>> No.13326500

Is there a non censored version of that?
Google and iqdb isn't giving me anything.

>> No.13326501 [DELETED] 

/mgg/ should be renamed to /jfg/ - Japanese Furry Generals.

>> No.13326502
File: 111 KB, 1200x1789, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for the fact that she probably kills him after they have sex it would be pretty good.
Eh, you never really read it, don't you?
She made him his servant at the end

>> No.13326503


>> No.13326505

I'm sorry. I am kind of new here, thank you for telling me.

>> No.13326507

Well Anons, which Daughteru is best daughteru to have fall asleep on your lap?
I'm going Werecat, she can curl up and purr as she does so

>> No.13326509
File: 417 KB, 620x877, Pure and Honest Shameimaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do crowfags think of the eternally Pure and Honest Shameimaru?
Does she count? I see that your picture has arms so maybe you aren't all married to the harpy concept.
Too 2hu?

>> No.13326510


Have fun, bitch. The colored set is at the end.

>> No.13326511

*her servant

>> No.13326512

>you never really read it
I did but it's been a long ass time, don't remember that part but alright.

>> No.13326513

Why the fuck did I just have to select bread for my fucking captcha?

>> No.13326514

He's just a kid that's been through a lot of shit, lashing out in a world of monstergirls. And he can't do a single thing without help and knows it.

>Doesn't mean anything to the narrative
>Already lying to himself that he'll ever finish the list
>Knowing from the beginning that the story would have some kind of bad end

Yeah no.

>> No.13326515 [DELETED] 

>Posting hentai on a SFW board
MODS MODS MODS!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13326516

>The fact is he's beyond a special snowflake
I think you're letting your own interpretation run away with you.

Other than his flaws, there's nothing inherently special about him.

All of this talk is of course useless, because your only real critisism is "I don't like it".

>> No.13326517

>Early on this wasn't so much a problem, but now it's a glaring issue
I only read love nina and the start of the other route before I hated all of the characters too much to continue so I'll have to take your word on that. He didn't seem like a gary stu in the parts I read at least.

>> No.13326520

I wish the mods would allow for a Monster Boy general. It would probably be much better than this.

>> No.13326521



>> No.13326522
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1234, battle dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Horrible Demon mellows out and stops doing horrible things not because of an extreme moral change, but because they've just sorta aged and outgrew that kinda behavior

I don't know why I like this.

>> No.13326524

It's a troll, don't respond.

>> No.13326525

Ignore it, it's a butthurt /jp/ native.
Because it's realistic and isn't the worn down run of the mill bullshit?

>> No.13326526

Seems like we have a serious case of low quality shitposting, just report hide and ignore

>> No.13326528

Where are they coming from? Every fucking single thread they come and shit everything up.
They have to be coming from somewhere.

>> No.13326529

Shit doujin is still shit.

>> No.13326532

>pests and shitheads
You also just described Nessa, whose hopes and dreams go as far as the next cock she intends to plug herself up with.

Does that justify what the MC did to her? Fuck no.
But I have no sympathy for someone who admits, in the very conversation that ends with her being beaten retarded, that she sees the MC as someone who could do exactly what he ended up doing. And then she proceeds to keep on fucking with him, because to her, it's simply another trill. If it isn't a textbook case of asking for it, then I don't know what is.

>> No.13326533

I like Aya, I just don't throw her around as much because she's usually portrayed without wings or much harpy features, same with Hatate.

So yeah I suppose it could be chalked up to too 2hu

>> No.13326534 [DELETED] 

u mad? :)

>> No.13326536

This always happens when we're on the front page.

/jp/ NEETs are serious autists.

>> No.13326537

I personally prefer the angel design for harpies and tengu and the like, but I've never liked Aya for some reason.

>> No.13326541
File: 904 KB, 1117x530, startling the loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever, faggot.

>> No.13326542

>Nah, it'd be pretty much the same, just more dick and less content.

>> No.13326544

But she hasn't mellowed out at all. She literally curses his dick forever on the lasts pages.

>Because it's realistic
Anon please.

>> No.13326545

>characters are just all horrible shits
This. It's a bunch of miserable people doing their damned best to evade all chances of making their lives better.

>> No.13326548

I like how she seems to have a genuinely good relationship with the kid after he becomes her servant too.
I doubt she loves him or anything, but she's certainly gentle and nice to him, even when she's violating him against his will.

>> No.13326549


No my criticism has always been that the characters lack any real depth. And what depth IS there is, as some other anons has said "just been through a lot of shit." Part of that is due to the early CYOA nature of the story. Another is because this is an inherently "evil" POV/Narrative.

Take Dr. Freeze for example. Not the best one, I'll admit, but should suffice here. He had a reason for acting the way he did, was consistent in how he acted, and on more than one occasion allowed himself to grow as a character by choosing not to do something.

There's not a whole lot of that for Dan. He gets what he wants by violence (with or without help) and coercion. He's the equivalent of a Mob Boss (Fisk from Daredevil comes to mind) but nothing ever seems to set back his plans in a meaningful way. Not recently. He has no foil, no opposite.

>> No.13326550

Fuck off. There is literally nothing wrong with being a NEET. 4chan isn't a place for normalfags, /jp/ especially.

>> No.13326551

I think it's interesting that the longer you go in the story, the more he softens and mellows, that he's not impervious to affection. And he's left wondering what's worth hurting over.

>> No.13326552

>she's certainly gentle and nice to him
There's something deeply wrong with you subs...

>> No.13326553

The last one was up for hours and full of nothing but shitposting and 'fuck off's, so no.

inb4 stop responding
I know, I couldn't help it

>> No.13326554

>she's certainly gentle and nice to him

>> No.13326555
File: 234 KB, 554x452, 1423197212682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys. You can be better than this.

>> No.13326556

How do NEETs NEET? I'm about to run out of FREE GOVERNMENT MONEY and I have no idea what the fuck. Going to be living out of my car soon.

>> No.13326558

>But she hasn't mellowed out at all.

She used to be some kind of murderous warlord or something. Now she just chills out.

Then took some guy as her servant when you sought her out to try and kill her. Hey, he's the one who begged to be her servant at the end. He probably gets off on having a cursed dick and a loli mistress.

>> No.13326560

We're on the front page.
We can only do better when we start falling.

>> No.13326561 [DELETED] 

You niggers are easy to bait.

>> No.13326562


>> No.13326563

>the front page
Which is kind of funny. Doesn't everybody use the catalog by now?

>> No.13326565

Oh well. I'll just wait for a better tomorrow.

>> No.13326566
File: 617 KB, 1200x1697, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand-holding cowgirl pose is lewd

>> No.13326567

Everyone is easy to bait when Poe's law is in effect.

>> No.13326568

Now that I will agree with, he's by no means a particular great or deep character.

And don't get me wrong, you not liking him is valid critisism, I simply objected to calling him a gary stu.

>> No.13326569
File: 1.00 MB, 1201x762, femdom intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's wrong? You want her to be rougher?

>> No.13326571


Is still retarded how we've been here for over half a year now and some faggots still think they can kill these off by having tantrums.

>> No.13326572

She's ok. I like the MGE crow tengu better.

>> No.13326573

Still thinking about Dark Elf coating her guy's dick in candy booze, then sucking it off.

>> No.13326575

Have any of us ever consulted a mod about this? Their shitposting is against the rules and banworthy, but yet despite hating it you guys just sit back and let it go on like an actual /jp/ native.

>> No.13326576

I would think so, I sure do.

>> No.13326577

And I'm telling you that ain't happening.

>> No.13326578

They are not trying to kills us Anon. They just want a laugh at our expense, and you're giving it to them.

>> No.13326579 [DELETED] 


I derail these shit threads because they're pretty much Tumblr the general. /jp/ is one of the few boards left on 4chan with high quality. don't be a dummy and shit it up.

>> No.13326580

>Nothing sets back his plans

>The Cheshires are fucking around and playing house and trying to blow up everything because they don't care about his plans
>June is in full arms-race mode
>Stepmom is doing something to severely fuck with his mind. He's even getting halucinations.
>Best horse is trying so hard but is this close to just snapping and murdering all the competition
>Second horse feels like she doesn't get the same attention and love as her sister

>> No.13326583

I think the worst part of that entire doujin was the fact that he let her put the curse on his dick.
The MC really is the main problem, if he would have worked to Git Gud then none of this would have happened.
You weren't around for the move here were you?

>> No.13326584

>Take Dr. Freeze for example. Not the best one
He's great tho. And it's Mr. Freeze, real name Dr. Victor Fries.

>> No.13326585

It'll be a year in two months. Our very existence is triggering for autists.

>> No.13326587

Are you serious?

>> No.13326588

No, I want to you to see a psychiatrist.

>> No.13326589


Eh, if you want a story to really bitch about, try reading anonymooses story. Gary stus and Mary Sues out of the ass. If vengeance made you mad then this would really piss you off.

>> No.13326591

>You weren't around for the move here were you?
No, I just read through the archives. Shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.13326593 [DELETED] 


>> No.13326594

I wonder what an Anubis' laughter would sound like. Besides the singing of angels.

>> No.13326596
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, Rachnekiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discuss spiders.

>> No.13326598


>> No.13326601

MC was an inexperienced little shit. He was doomed from the start of the doujin.

>> No.13326604

Oh man, sometimes I wonder why I'm still not desensitized by these never ending shitstorms.

>> No.13326605

>He has no foil, no opposite.
The whole surrounding world in the story is his foil.

And even his own "harem members" are trying to undermine him.

>> No.13326606

That does sound interesting, but not worth slogging through the rest for. I don't like asshole characters unless they're also magnificent bastards.

>> No.13326607

She reminds me of a red vine. I approve.

>> No.13326608

Speaking of the Cheshires, whatever he hoped to achieve with that whole dragging them off to her stepmother's private rapeclub did nothing at all. But I'm sure that was part of his fool proof gary stu plans.

>> No.13326610

Because you're a pussy.

>> No.13326611
File: 143 KB, 700x1013, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Frog girl laugh

>> No.13326612

Eh, you'll get used to it.

Sooner or later, these faggots will go back to their 2hu/boatslut/onahole threads, and whine about the fact that they are still not japanese.

>> No.13326613

You literally just ripped off One Piece there. Enough with these laughs!

>> No.13326614
File: 632 KB, 1121x1600, jingai_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Thomas' spider. Her fangs are adorable and I bet those lips taste like heaven.

>> No.13326616

They're not even from /jp/.

>> No.13326617 [DELETED] 

Are nigresses the irl version of Monster Girls?

>> No.13326618

They are discuss-ting enough as it is.

>> No.13326620

A bunch of them are, not that it matters.

>> No.13326621

No, those are just monsters.

>> No.13326622

Report and ignore is what you do. New to 4chan?

>> No.13326625


That's kind of why I used the term Stu in the first place. Even if just one person understands why I personally qualify him as one then maybe one day it'll stop being a buzzword and have meaning again. A fool's errand but not without merit I think.

What I'd like to see is either one of the many Midnight Clocks going off and Dan having to actually change to deal with it. As >>13326580 has said there are many but they haven't and probably won't. They don't generate tension anymore. Instead they just become "add it to the list of things that MIGHT be a problem in the future, back to ripping cat claws off."

Moose is another offender but it doesn't piss me off. If anything I'm just baffled how 80 chapters is only a fourth of what he wants to write. Especially when there's maybe 15% good writing there to begin with.

No a foil in this sense would be some stereotypical white knight sort of person or faction actively working against him (and succeeding on some level). Evil always turns on Evil, which is why the harem members don't surprise me at all. Hell, it doesn't even have to be as bad as a white knight. Just one girl who somehow gets in his path and has the ability and power to say No to Dan without getting hurt in the process.

That's really the core of the issue, I think. Every time someone's said No to him they get killed/maimed/mindbroken/etc.

>> No.13326626

It really irritates me whenever I read femdom doujins, even if I get off to them I can't help but despise the male characters in them, they're all such fucking bitches.
But then if that weren't the case then it couldn't be a femdom doujin, because it's a rare day in hell to see someone with a shred of pride in themselves take the crap that gets dished out in a femdom doujin.
Yeah, it is realistic.
Do you have any idea how easy it is to just kinda peter out when you get older?
Stuff just doesn't seem all that worthwhile anymore.

>> No.13326627

Doesn't mean I can't think about it.

>> No.13326628

No. It just seems that reporting isn't doing anything, or nobody is actually reporting anything at all.

>> No.13326629

I liked frog and ant more. But all the Jingai girls were great.

>> No.13326633

I want to be tied up by a Jorou-Gumo, an dhave her tease and ride me throughout the entire night. The when morning comes I want to turn the tables on her and tie her down with her own discarded silk, pounding away for hours as she writhes in her bonds. From then on We'll develop a family and take turns being the little fly stuck in their master's web.

>> No.13326634 [DELETED] 

>monster girl culture based off muh pussy and stealing the progression humans have made

>nigger culture based off muh dikk and stealing the progression humans have made

>> No.13326635

I for one take anything over another "Me MC, me weak faggot with no agency".

>> No.13326636
File: 3.80 MB, 1280x1993, Monet_Anime_Infobox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One Piece has monstergirls.

>> No.13326637

I shall ride one into battle!

>> No.13326638

I approve.

>> No.13326641
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x2500, Ra vs Apep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Snakes? Snakes are cute. And hot.

>> No.13326643
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x1608, 1406793942793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. And here's the best one.

>> No.13326644

Webjob best job.

>> No.13326645

The mods and Janitors have gotten to the point where unless it's really bad, like when ELH and LDR had their falling ot, that they would just let us ride out the tide and settle down again.
If we got threads deleted or posts removed every time people got upset we would have to have every single thread babysat by the mods and jannies.

>> No.13326647

I think a lot of our shitposters aren't /jp/ natives. I suspect most are homegrown.

>> No.13326648

She's a big girl.
And she's still nowhere near the biggest girl in the series.

>> No.13326651

>A fool's errand but not without merit I think.
Every little bit helps.

>Instead they just become "add it to the list of things that MIGHT be a problem in the future, back to ripping cat claws off."
Also true.
But then again, it's contemporary, I'm not sure what sort of problems you'd expect.

>> No.13326653

Another good example is Rorschach from Watchmen for a good anti-hero. He was raised by an abusive prostitute, and then forced into a state home for most of his young life. He then tried to get his life together, but grew sick of how terrible the world was and becomes a vigilante. At this point he's still a decent guy, only beating up criminals and leaving them for the police, as well as maintaining relationships with his allies. Then he goes over the edge when he finds out a girl in a kidnapping case he was looking into was killed and fed to dogs. From then on he just starts to kill off scumbags criminals and all of his friends leave him. It's made clear that his one man quest to destroy evil is ruining him and honestly is doing much good, but he does want to make the world a better place. Unlike the Comedian.

>> No.13326654

>Implying final boss mom isn't operating with impunity

>> No.13326656

When retards spam reports because it upsets their feels, mods/janitors wind up just ignoring shit related to certain threads.

>> No.13326658

It usually takes a while.

>> No.13326659

Well, there's no denying that, they know way too much about the lore.

>> No.13326664

Sometimes I think mods and jannies babysitting would be a better alternative to letting idiots roam around the playpen freely.

>> No.13326665

Nah. You're sill misusing Stu as "character I don't like," you're simply upset that not everyone agrees which these characters are and you're egotistic enough to believe that not only are you the one true holder of the definition Stu/Sue is, but that you'll enlighten all these bumbling fools who dare to disagree.

>> No.13326666

I'm suprised you waste your time on us, seeing that we are visible on the front page for an hour or two tops every few days. Not that it matters much, anyone remotely used to this thread just scrolls past the usseles arguments.

>> No.13326671

Well they did for the first month or so the threads were here since /jp/ natives collectively went full NIPPON BANZAI against the threads.
They got shut down hard though, and we've been left to our own devices more or less ever since.

>> No.13326672 [DELETED] 

This is why we need to get fluoride out of the tap water supply. Fluoride is bad for your body, causing many Chemical reactions creating ozone in your brian. Sure I love anime, and furry porn, but this shit is just fucking stupid. How old are you guys 12? GTFO of my board, you're fucking shit up.

>> No.13326673
File: 1.04 MB, 1061x1500, 49362210_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be captured by a lich and forced to perform lewd experiments with her

>> No.13326676

>but this shit is just fucking stupid
>onahole threads exist

>> No.13326678

>Fisk from Daredevil
Now I'm just thinking of this one excerpt...
>Get made into some guy's prison bitch
>Get out of prison
>Track down the guy's wife
>Pay to have her gangraped while you film
>Send him the film
>Bash his head in when he gets out and comes after you
And that's why he's the Kingpin...

>> No.13326683

Because anons like you can't get any pussy. That's why.

>> No.13326688

Stop responding to trolls.

>> No.13326689 [DELETED] 

Kid I bet you don't even know how to divide by 2. You must be a greek. Common knowledge now a days is that greek genetics are inferior due to high levels of floruide in their drinking water back when he dinosaurs were around.You for sure have to be a greek. I bet you wear tonail polish too.

>> No.13326690

Right, so now tell us about the quality of your board again, oh master of all pussies.

>> No.13326692

I sure do wish they actually intervened ever now and then. Maybe then we'd be more like the /vg/ threads and only go full retard on occasion.

>> No.13326695

Oh alright, just wanted to have a little fun.

>> No.13326696 [DELETED] 

/jp/ has been going down the fucking drain. Get the fuck out of this board you damn trolls. Stop drinking fluoride water and wearing nail polish, both invented by greeks. Go back to greece where you came from darn subhuman trolls.

>> No.13326697

The people who make onaholes lurks those threads and when they see good ideas they report it to the higher up idea people so they can make those ideas and reality.
w'ere actually doing something good bitch ass.

>> No.13326701
File: 1.94 MB, 2285x1617, 04dcd0100845b0b6f093a6d37de5395a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Amazon, Elf and Sorcerres from 'Dragon's Crown' monster girls?

>> No.13326702

>muh roolz

>> No.13326706

Good. I'd forcibly resurrect all of them if it was up to me.

>> No.13326707
File: 57 KB, 540x900, Hey kid, I like you , and I want you. You can run, scream, and fight back all you want, but I'm going to get your booty..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf yes, the others no.

>> No.13326710

>Fuck a woman right in her pussy
>Sounds like I'm stirring a bowl of shells and cheese while someone chews a tube of cookiedough next to me and some other person is slapping two steaks together

Never again.

Onahole threads are great. Let you know what to avoid and what's good.

>> No.13326711
File: 618 KB, 1181x1550, 1417637649386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13326714

Anon, why would you pleasure yourself with anything else than 2D? Onaholes are still a 3D concept.

>> No.13326715

More Monster Girl Onaholes.

Coiled Lamia Tail Hole, Arachne Spinneret Hole, Werewolf Footpaw Hole, etc

>> No.13326716 [DELETED] 

>Good. I'd forcibly resurrect all of th
>calls him an elf
>shit posts and trolls
>Hey kid, I like you, and (...) jpg
>has no ears
>still calls it an elf.

Stop drinking damn fluoride you shitposting troll.

>> No.13326718
File: 198 KB, 1000x707, a411b461a3cb68948c1ce7e7d17a7c73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But that ass and those tits are clearly not human!

>> No.13326720

All on par with bestiality. Congrats on managing to disgust a /d/eviant.

>> No.13326721

Is that a Rathalos Girl? She's cute.

>> No.13326729

No those are clearly human women.
You may get somewhere with KC's Amazon, which is a Succubus somehow, but that's it.

>> No.13326730
File: 744 KB, 800x1119, 1421203153973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This will never be real
Ran-sama ;_;

>> No.13326731

Horn teasing? Weird, but I like it.

>> No.13326732


>> No.13326735

You have to admit, you wouldn't be attracted to Monster Girls unless you were attracted to the animalistic parts of them. Fucking creep.

>> No.13326737 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 449x818, america 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is the one trying?

>> No.13326741 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.75 MB, 1950x2450, 1429129780799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! This happened to your mouse waifu!

>> No.13326747

Lets be realistic for a second /jp/, if a Monster Girl raped you and you got her pregnant, and you had the option to abort it. Would you?

>> No.13326750

I've never been to an onahole thread, but anyone who can keep an active discussion on them is fine in my book.

>> No.13326751
File: 194 KB, 567x439, Polishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hornjobs are a given for any horned MGs.


>> No.13326752 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 480x360, america 48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spoiler? FUcking retard kek.

>> No.13326754


>> No.13326757

Depends. Is she my waifu?

>> No.13326759

I'm attracted to the total package.

A lamia is not a snake.
An Arachne is not a spider.
A werewolf is not a wolf.
A mermaid is not a fish.
A centaur is not a horse.
And so on.

>> No.13326762

What the fuck happened at the end of the last thread?
Well at least we proved 'CYOAs bring in ERPers' Shitposter from two threads ago wrong. Unless there was a hidden CYOA that cause all of it

>> No.13326763

And a part of that package are having body parts that resemble an animal's.

>> No.13326764

It's not really discussion. More like reviews and people asking about particular models, care and cleaning, etc.

Though I guess that's what discussion is.

>> No.13326766

She has become perfect.

>> No.13326767

I sort of simply viewed them as handlebars.

>> No.13326768 [DELETED] 

Everyone here should of been a damn abortion. Fucking communist furfag nigger lovin whores. I am going to rape every single one of them with a 9/11 memorial figure.

>> No.13326769
File: 149 KB, 640x480, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by an apsara

>> No.13326773
File: 108 KB, 349x500, 637ace22d3f5f7e13066de4745a5138f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? But she's clearly a witch; just look at her hat! No one that wears that hat can be mistaken for a non-witch!

>> No.13326778

Parts that resemble perhaps, but they are not animals. Is that so hard for you to comprehend?

>> No.13326779 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 480x360, 1429130156916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will get you going.

>> No.13326782

The only thing I remember from the later end of the last thread was that one drawfag coming in and being a caustic asshole again, once again telling us to suck his dick and that he doesn't like us, and that apparently he's still doing things.

Also apparently all of our drawfags are on spirit journeys to better themselves as artists.

>> No.13326783

I want to cum into that hat and make her wear it

>> No.13326784

Do you think furries aren't bestiality either faggot-kun?

>> No.13326786

That's not a monstergirl outside of KC's setting.

>> No.13326789

How can someone who doesn't exist, hate anything?

Checkmate Theists.

>> No.13326790

Basically what bad dragon would make if it focused more on onaholes.

>> No.13326792

>that one drawfag
Which one?

>> No.13326795


They still add to the shit. I still remember the last time we had a CYOA, and the drama that caused most of the thread to be nuked for it. Whether you blame Nyanon or the readers for that display is irrelevant, CYOAs are bad news and that was the point where the mods agreed.

>> No.13326798

tanukis=fuckable jews with tails

>> No.13326803

The new drawfag that isn't Zombie Neko.
You know, the one who when he came into the community said that we could all suck his dick and that he wasn't going to listen to us in terms of criticism or negative comments about his work.
The one who drew primarily monsterboys.

>> No.13326804

Furries pretty clearly are. Their communities are rife with both anthromorphs and straight-animals, and they make no distinction what they stick their dicks in.

>> No.13326805

Just like women need to find themselves.

By sucking a lot of dick.

>> No.13326806 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 320x332, 1429130413613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not your choice if something exists or not. THis is why you need to stop drinking flouride and eat natural lamb chops. THe problem with you is the size of your ey balls to face ratio. Is is commonly seen throughout all of society. Fag get fucked and nigger die in in hell. So fuck off you gay nigger.

>watches anime
>thinks he man isn't anime

>> No.13326807
File: 480 KB, 720x960, 1419584729189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But man are they fuckable.

>> No.13326808


I hope you're exaggerating, because we need drawfags but not that badly.

>> No.13326814

>The new drawfag that isn't Zombie Neko.
Reminds me that I could go for some cute traumatized catgirl drawfaggotry.

>> No.13326816


Irrumate the Minotaur?

>> No.13326818


>> No.13326819

>or the readers
It's almost always the readers.
If a choice they don't like wins they take it out on the writers. Cause they don't want to be in the minority for some godforsaken reason.
Then when the Writer doesn't want to go back on it they all whined to mods to get rid of all CYOAs, essentially saying 'I'm taking YOUR ball and going home'

>> No.13326820

Ya know, it says pretty clearly in the bible that god loves everyone, even those who turn their back on him or stray from his flock.

>> No.13326821

Does having a slime in addition to your waifu count as a harem?

>> No.13326822

Did anybody save that from last thread?

>> No.13326827

He isn't, sadly.

>> No.13326828

Vigorously and at length.
Seriously, those horns scream 'powersteering for oral.'

>> No.13326831

The guy who drew the troll? He was fairly nice and didn't do any of the stuff you said though.

>> No.13326833

I'm not exaggerating at all, just go into the last thread and find his post about what he's been doing, he went on a micro rant because someone made the comment he acts like a dick and said we need to "stay out of his hair if we don't want him in ours".
He's a caustic asshole who thinks virtually nothing of the threads or the people in them, and rarely hangs around.
He said he was still drawing stuff but I agree, we don't need people like him.

>> No.13326835
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x2048, 1fbbf0a044dbe6d15e4af118f1b95614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Triple the arms
>Triple the lovin'

>> No.13326836 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 1308x1636, 67.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where the hell dose it say that?

>> No.13326839


The blame clearly falls on both parties, writefags are great to have around but they shouldn't be excused for causing shit.

>> No.13326840

Westboro pls
Freddy's in line to get a pineapple up his urethra by Satan

>> No.13326843

What the fuck is happening in this thread?

>> No.13326845
File: 126 KB, 798x1000, 1397382504010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the appropriate thing to do if she had no attachment to you would be to raise the girl yourself.
It would take a lot of heartache, but I must do it.

>> No.13326848

Genesis, for starters.

>> No.13326849

you can't deny though that often times when shit starts it's because someone got mad over a digital poll.

>> No.13326850

You're horribly wrong.
He's nice to people who compliment his work, but like he showed in the other thread he acts like a triggered Tumblrette if you criticize him or his work.
I don't know why .less brought him here but we really don't need people who are going to act like that and expect to be welcomed or viewed well.
The usual stuff until we hit a few hundred posts or drop off the first few pages.

>> No.13326851


Holy shit, a drawfag with an attitude worse than Less.

>> No.13326852 [DELETED] 


Fred was a great man! He showed amrrica the truth, and the mark of god was all over him. Anyone against fred was someone who dosen't have god with them, like you. Possible jew!.

>> No.13326855

Reporting and ignoring mainly.

>> No.13326856

you'll wake up one day with your daughteru on your dick and it'll turn into a fucked up hentai

>> No.13326857

Nyet, she is my daughteru

>> No.13326858

He's friends with .less, so it's really not that surprising.

>> No.13326863

>tie top two to the bed
>middle two are groping herself
>bottom two are locked around your neck
>meanwhile her legs are locked behind your back
I want to impregnate her

>> No.13326866

I've seen every write and drawfag actually do the same thing in different doeses.
It seems wrong to treat him like an ass over one incident involving a retard making him act like a retard over his retarded post.

>> No.13326867


I've seen both happen. I'm not outright saying Nyan tried to cause shit during that little event, but he didn't help himself. Likewise, some readers were only making things worse at that point. It was a complete fuck up all around, and it would be best to avoid things like that in future.

>> No.13326872
File: 621 KB, 2048x2048, horns_by_matsu_sensei-d8bwe0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer a style of horn in particular?
I like the nubian Ibex horns.

>> No.13326873

You're wasting images you fag.

>> No.13326874

I'm not usually up for daughteru dicking, but if the mother left after her birth anyway...
Though I would try to get her a boy of her own first.

>> No.13326876


Ugh. This just gets better with every new snippet of info. I normally hate the threads for trying to scare off content producers, but some of them need to go and stay go.

>> No.13326878

Left one.

>> No.13326879

Left a goddess.

>> No.13326881

I'll admit I was about to ask
>Which left one?
I'm a dumbass.

>> No.13326886


The drawfags maybe, but not all the writefags go on machineanon style ego trips. Unless I've missed a couple.

>> No.13326887

Eh, it happens.

>> No.13326888

Well yeah, all people are assholes, especially "Artists". but this guy is on a whole other level of faggotry.
I honestly would not be sad at all to see him go, even if it means losing a content producer.

>> No.13326889

Oh, you're the original artist? I think I jacked off to your "touch the cow" work. Thanks for helping me bust a nut.

>> No.13326894

Like the bottom right's expression, but like left more.

>> No.13326895

I believe that's just a normal anon.

>> No.13326896

But at what cost? BUT AT WHAT COST

>> No.13326900

>tfw she grows up to be just like her mother anyway
>in looks and attitude
>becoming the spitting image of the woman that still gives you nightmares
>you can't stand to be reminded every day and crawl into the bottle to forget
Sorry, the June talk and your picture made me remember.

>> No.13326901

I personally find the top right to be the most pleasing, though that may just be because she's the cutest.
Bottom right is nice for convenience, and are nice and small to tease and play with.
The one of the left has horns that seem more ornamental than anything, and honestly I don't like ornamental horns unles they have some cool details or something, kind of like the Demon Lord from Bunny Black.
Though maybe I like the top right because she's a longhorn and I'm American, who knows.

>> No.13326903
File: 342 KB, 955x843, 3ece0e08337288b6461fa3628d10187a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That' would be Matsu-Sensei. I don't think Matsu knows /mgt/ exists, but he has done Monster girl stuff before.

>> No.13326905

Bottom right

>> No.13326906

Nigga, I would try greatly to keep that from happening.
>Be kind
>Be strong.
>Be good.

>> No.13326908 [DELETED] 


You're a fucking retard. There is no such thing as horn jobs, go back to africa you damn vobofag.

>> No.13326911

I prefer bottom right. Horns are wide apart and point straight upwards, perfect for irrumatio handles.

>> No.13326912

Good man.

>> No.13326918


>> No.13326921

>You will never Push Mero as she leans over

>> No.13326922 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 198x255, counter..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't stand to be reminded every day and crawl into the bottle to forget

>> No.13326924

The great debate.


>> No.13326927

Jeez, makes me appreciate the content creators who are more on the humble side way more.

>> No.13326928

Would she flip and splash all around like a fish out of water?

>> No.13326931

Both are shit.

>> No.13326932

It's HORSE PUSSY or SNAKE CLOACA you faggot, and the answer is obviously HORSE PUSSY.

>> No.13326933 [DELETED] 

You're horribly wrong.
He's nice to people who compliment his work, but like he showed in the other thread he acts like a triggered Tumblrette if you criticize him or his work.
I don't know why .less brought him here but we really don't need people who are going to act like that and expect to be welcomed or viewed well.
The usual stuff until we hit a few hundred posts or drop off the first few pages.

>> No.13326938

Bottom right. Also rams' horns.

>> No.13326939

Yes, and you'd have free reign to laugh cause Mero a shit.

>> No.13326944

>this guy is on a whole new level
We've had much worse. Even his posts in the archives don't even show what you're saying.

>> No.13326945
File: 574 KB, 665x887, 3563733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon what are you doing

>> No.13326952

>this thread

>> No.13326954
File: 63 KB, 389x600, alp lilim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? What's that? You have something against Alps? Maybe something can change that.

>> No.13326957

I'm going to lick a Lilim Alp's naval and cuddle her hard and smother her with kisses!

>> No.13326959

Huss Puss
>Fossil Fuel free mode of transportation, saving both money and the environment
>Skilled in Combat so you can live safe and maybe even become Functionally fit and not Aesthetically /fit/

>> No.13326961

What if she doesn't have a boat?

>> No.13326963
File: 599 KB, 781x750, 28a21b2bc97a5abbcb31abb4b0c888f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! it is time for lamiafags to learn their place and understand the superiority of horse pussy.

>> No.13326966

Then her navel will suffice!

>> No.13326970


It was very depressing. He was really good at what he did, it was just a shame he decided to be a douche towards everyone about it after a few successes. It makes me hope the other writefags took notice and will keep their egos in check from now on.

>> No.13326972

Sorry, only alps I date are those willing to buy me hotwings after a long week.
Only four alps/dire alps/pygmy alps may be dated at a time

>> No.13326975
File: 70 KB, 380x600, priestess lilim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Lilim comin through.

>> No.13326978

But Lamiafags do know their place, and it's clearly somewhere between dragons and horsepussy in superiority.

>> No.13326979


Isn't that supposed to be the Queen of Hearts, the lilim in charge of Wonderland?

>> No.13326982

>Them thighs through that hakama

>> No.13326983


>yfw her eyebrows have eyes

>> No.13326985
File: 87 KB, 399x500, loli lilim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13326986

Good thing the stuff I do isn't important/good enough to get an ego over.

>> No.13326987

To be fair, he is an idiot.
Elves are like bottom rung among the rest.

>> No.13326992


Very little writefag material is, anon. But its still entertaining so please don't stop.

>> No.13326995

I still do greentexts mostly...
I mean, seriously, greentexts.

>> No.13326997


The only lilim with official art is Druella. The others you're seeing posted were ones KC drew for as a fan tribute to another author.

>> No.13326998

Who are you talking about here?

>> No.13326999

Not even, I'm just a simple colour/editfag. So I guess I don't have to worry.

>> No.13327000
File: 249 KB, 876x900, 6658de3e1c075ae88b03f5e4a048793d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that lamiafags are delusional, but I didn't thought they would be crazy enough to believe snakes to be superior to dragons.

>> No.13327001


>> No.13327002

Hey man, it's more than nothing at all.

>> No.13327004

I didn't say they were superior to dragons.
Only horsepussy.

>> No.13327006

I prefer reading greentexts to prose. Better time investment to content and enjoyment ratio, less time wasted if you end up not liking it.

>> No.13327009

Best Lilim.

Nah. They're fan art KC did with the in-universe explanation that they're Heroes the DL personally turned into Lilims.

>> No.13327011

Yep. Pretty much this. I've seen a lot of cute greentexts that brought a smile to my face during rough days, so I'm glad even having those.

>> No.13327016

I give it to tailpussy.
At least they make something fun to go at with a belt grinder and a bottle of isopropyl alcohol

>> No.13327017


Machineanon's fall. He started out as an above average writefag who came from nowhere and made it big astonishingly quickly, but threw it all away by getting an ego the size of a city. He wrote some guide to writing MG stories that was full of angry references to other writers and the thread in general. It made ELH look reasonable and calm.

>> No.13327021
File: 279 KB, 700x900, asmod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, wanna hear a joke?

Consensual sex.

Haha. Okay, okay, here's a better one.

Humans have rights.

>> No.13327023

You said exactly that, reptile lover.

>> No.13327025


Sure they aren't.

>> No.13327027

Oh Traitor-kun, when will you get new material?

>> No.13327030

Also, those necromancer greentexts from yesterday were pretty funny. Got some actual laughter from me, which is rare for writing.

>> No.13327033

Two words.
Raging Mushroom.

>> No.13327034


This shitty joke again? For fuck's sake, kid. Get something new or something.

You know what, what the fuck are you doing here? Go away, you succudork.

>> No.13327036
File: 515 KB, 724x1023, Dragon Girl's Can't Wear Dresses is what it says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragonsluts assemble.

>> No.13327038


Name a few who've gone on ego trips then. I'm here a lot and haven't seen any.

>> No.13327039

Horsepussy < Lamiae < Dragons specifically Wurms and Ryus
There ya go.

>> No.13327040

You're pretty good.

I have one, myself.

Your husbando

>> No.13327041

Gettin real tired of this maymay, and I'd totally betray humanity for a chick fil a discount.

>> No.13327043

I'm not a slut though.

G-guess I'll just wait out front then.

>> No.13327046
File: 235 KB, 768x1024, Caught you scopin&#039; this bitch&#039;s fat ass tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13327049

Damn Cell, you really let yourself go.

>> No.13327050

I don't have to worry about that. I'm deeply uncomfortable discussing my own work, to the point that if somebody is asking for stuff to read and and I think one of my stories is relevant to their interests, I still won't mention it.

>> No.13327051

Mein dracheniger

>> No.13327052

Stop confusing the less-than and the more-than sign with each other, Anon.
You're making a fool of yourself in front of the entire thread.

>> No.13327053

They were pretty fun to do.
May expand on them later (maybe prose)

>> No.13327057

I just realized where KC stole tailpussy from.

>> No.13327058

I'd help her achieve her perfect form

>> No.13327059
File: 378 KB, 628x694, Anya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Dragon loving brother from another mother.

>> No.13327060
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, 1397262339059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fool here is you, guy.

>> No.13327062

Well, I won't judge.

Besides, it'd probably be in bad taste to advertise your own stuff. At least, that's what it feels like to me.

>> No.13327063

My Fellow Warrior.

>> No.13327064

>Ignore it, it's a butthurt /jp/ native.
>/jp/ natives complaining about exhentai links

Are you retarded

>> No.13327066

I doubt it.

>> No.13327068

Eh, sure why not?

>> No.13327069

All the snake woman look so untrustworthy.

It's like they say, around a snake, make no mistake.

>> No.13327072

>Responds to a post during a shitstorm from 2 hours ago
Are you?

>> No.13327073

Yep, first run.
No magic
No faith
All Snakeman Greatsword and Eagle shield

>> No.13327074

Oh I definitely would too, I wonder if its the ara ara form.

>> No.13327079

>Honey, stop calling me a s-slut. You know I wouldn't act like this for another dragon.

>> No.13327080



>> No.13327081

Requesting air strike on target.

>> No.13327083
File: 233 KB, 1920x1080, 1401006155817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snakeman Greatsword and Eagle shield
That's not Zweihander and Giant's Shield Anon.

>> No.13327084
File: 165 KB, 1800x1200, r6Vvg7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose lamiafags will never learn. There's no way snake cloaca can compete with glorious horse pussy.

>> No.13327086

Cell's tail is more where Alma stole her vore tail from.

>> No.13327087

You are such a slut. You're such a huge slut that you don't even charge those lusty old Dragon girls anything when holding their hands or hugging them.

>> No.13327088


>> No.13327092 [DELETED] 

Ok kid.

>> No.13327093

Can you kiss a centaur while you make love to 'em?
No, anon, it has to be from the front.

>> No.13327095

Seems Loen's been doing more EMG doodles in /a/ I bet.

>> No.13327096
File: 166 KB, 827x612, 1416734953399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your preferred height of monstergirls based on kaijus? Average, tall, or 50 or more meters?

>> No.13327097

Don't tip your hand so easily
5/10, got me to nibble.

>> No.13327100
File: 145 KB, 704x900, 1416420017299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to compete when you know the winner beforehand.

>> No.13327101

You know what her perfect form is right?

>> No.13327106

He probably won't come back, he even said he doesn't really want to.
It's unfortunate but that's how life goes sometimes.

>> No.13327110

Didn't need them.
They were both trophies of the two, in my opinion, worst parts of the game

>> No.13327112

Is this a new obligatory post?

>> No.13327113

>hurr bait! bait!
I didn't know posts had a time limit to be responded to.

>> No.13327115

Least he could do is finish those requests he took before fucking off forever.

>> No.13327117

>I already explained that! She said she was your grandma!

>> No.13327118


No, its just the sad truth.

>> No.13327119

New meme!

>> No.13327120

Yeah, but that might never happen, he even said he isn't doing his old style anymore, so if he does ever do them they probably won't be anything like people imagined or wanted at the time.

>> No.13327123

Damn, you got me there.

>> No.13327124
File: 298 KB, 1600x1337, Godzilla AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish this guy drew more of these

>> No.13327125

>Honey I told you I was just patting that little Dragon Pup on the head for returning my wallet after I dropped it!

>> No.13327128

If it is, I'm ok with it.

>> No.13327130

Well now you do.

>> No.13327131

Don't worry, she needs your help to attain it and it only lasts nine months.

>> No.13327132

I'd still take it.

>> No.13327133

>That food
Why did Okaydo have to ruin Cerea by making her a vegetarian

>> No.13327136

She's a fucking horse man, it makes sense.

>> No.13327138

>They bought me a sandwich! How couldn't I hug them?

>> No.13327140
File: 774 KB, 796x829, 4fe9401e8a1bcb88daf34086b218c63a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I suppose that lamias are (for some unexplained reason) really proud of the fact the only hole they have to offer to their husband is the same one they use to take a shit.

>> No.13327141

>Our daughter just wanted upsies! How could I say "no" to her?

>> No.13327148

He didn't make Rachne and Mia obligate carnivores. That seems a little inconsistent.

>> No.13327149

MGE lamias have human vagina, EMG lamias have human vaginas.

>> No.13327151

I guess.
Kind of like how the only hole centaurs have to offer are on the back side of their horse rears.

>> No.13327153

>The poor thing was freezing, how couldn't I share my heart with her.
>"Of course she was freezing, she's a white dragon! It's literally what they do!"

>> No.13327156

Best vaginas.

>> No.13327157

Mia and Rachnee are said in canon to pretty much be carnivores.
It's why Mia has such shit cooking skills, she can't taste anything.

>> No.13327159

My headcanon lamias have human vaginas for reproduction and a second hole for waste disposal where the cloaca would be.

>> No.13327160

Time for a training episode then.

>> No.13327162


Front Pussy


>> No.13327163

>Mia and Rachnee are said in canon to pretty much be carnivores.
I guess I missed that

>> No.13327164

>I was just cheering up the Dragon after hearing her story!
>"You didn't have to fondle her breasts or let her give you that hickie!"

>> No.13327167

>Being proud of front pussy
Nigga wat?

>> No.13327168
File: 1.33 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_4430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm assuming you're basing your statement just on the horse body. They're more flexible than you think.

You could kiss your Centaur waifu during the act.

>> No.13327169

>That brown Lamia

>> No.13327170

It's suffering to have a rape-bait husbando

>> No.13327171

Spoilers aside, it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.13327172

>Carnivores have skit cooking skills because they can't taste anything
I bet you're a vegan who wouldn't know flavor if it sodomized him with a Cerea figure.

>> No.13327175

Both are shit.

Frontpussy and succubus tail pussy are okay though.

>> No.13327176

>Husband! Don't you realize yet that you're up against the perfect wife?

>> No.13327179
File: 417 KB, 648x905, Red-headed Perfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the original title holder I say hurrah.

>> No.13327184

That's what they say in the story you fucking nigger.
Mia always makes horrible tasting food because she doesn't know how omnivores or vegetarians taste things, and thus can't cook for shit.

>> No.13327185

>Pro front pussy
Nobody can be this retarded, except for Average that one time.

>> No.13327186
File: 385 KB, 800x900, Cancer_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your waifu is literally cancer

>> No.13327187

>But honey, they protected me while I was on the bus. I could have been raped!
>"You were! By them!"
>Well, they did drop me off at least

>> No.13327189
File: 97 KB, 442x376, 1401727298906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13327192

I learned an important lesson that day

>> No.13327195
File: 373 KB, 600x688, green Sonia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you're the first.
Are you the one man who went too far with the apron? Because he's actually the first.

>> No.13327196

Yes, your death.

>inb4 only a gary stu could beat the alp lilim

Nigger I will become demonbane, asura, jack rakan, the guy from gundam seed, tenchi muyo and his descendant kenji and whoever the fuck else applies. I will become a black hole of gary stuness from which no perfection and flawlessness can escape and cause a singularity that will give birth to a whole new order of being, THE SHIN GARY STU.

>> No.13327197
File: 189 KB, 849x1200, ea015dae6c6ecb809b6c5d3d397eab68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamiafags have to change the pussy of their waifus because they are too disgusted by the real thing.

My waifu has an ass. The biggest ass. What does yours have? A bunch of plain scales?

>> No.13327200

No, I was called Dragonslut a fair while before him.

Apron-kun just took it to the next level.

>> No.13327201

Is there anything scientific to back this up, or are we just going to go by how Japanese believe it like with bloodtypes dictating everything about you?

>> No.13327202

Oh go fuck yourself you one tick slut.

>> No.13327208

>Jack Rakan
That manga was infuriating at times, but it was pretty good.

>> No.13327210


For me it's less repulsion and more snake cloaca at the end of the tail doesn't really do anything for me. It's just sort of there. It doesn't promote any primal urges or anything, which is a shame, I love lamias.

>> No.13327212

They believe a lot of weird shit, Anon. This is just another example.

>> No.13327214

Same. I used the Queelag's Furysword though. .

>> No.13327215
File: 267 KB, 585x895, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does yours have?
A fairly round ass, actually.

>> No.13327216

>I was just asking for directions!
>"From that loose tramp Dragon behind the trash cans?!"
>Well she was generous

>> No.13327220

Same. Which is why >>13327159

>> No.13327222


>Ha! I'm so much better than those horse pussy fags with my snake cloaca!
>Ha! I'm so much better than those horse pussy fags with my bird cloaca!
>Ha! I'm so much better than those horse pussy fags with my fish cloaca!

>> No.13327225

Where do I find this artist?

>> No.13327227

Cloaca means one hole dummy. It can be wherever and look like whatever. One kinda vagina-looking hole where a vagina would be is still a cloaca. Like that's what the EMG lamias have.

Every time. It's like you people never had gradeschool biology.

>> No.13327229
File: 63 KB, 300x300, 1411274298520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but KCs Lamias have actual butt instead of scales, don't they? Not that I mind of course.

>> No.13327231

I also think Miia has a butt now.

>> No.13327234

What is that even supposed to imply?

>> No.13327236

Request denied until you learn proper radio procedure.

>> No.13327238

I wonder if it is the genes or what, but it does make sense that their taste buds would be different due to their diet.
One can tell they're not going to be eating anything with sugar or sweetness with their teeth structure, so why would their body bother with taste buds that can sense/process/whatever it?

>> No.13327239

Ah yes, the frontpussy of snakefags.

>> No.13327240


>> No.13327243

All of your collective tastes are shit.

>> No.13327244

I'd get a taste of perfection from her

>> No.13327246

Are you the fabled Anubisfucker?
Because you need to do some more of that Dragoon story, Bra.

>> No.13327248

r u gay ?

>> No.13327253

Slimes have the best ass.

>> No.13327254

I'm workin' on it, I'm workin' on it.

>> No.13327257


That people get unnecessarily bent up about what kind of vagina they're fucking when we're fantasizing about monstergirls.

>> No.13327259

That doesn't change the fact it ruins her.

>> No.13327260

>Snakes with butts.
Next you'll tell me mermaid tails with knees are logical or practical in some way.

>> No.13327265

Pretty much all animals crave sugar, grease and salt. Things that are rare and nutritious get hardwired into the brain.

That's also why most recipes to add flavor are some sort of combination of sugar/grease/salt.

>> No.13327266
File: 207 KB, 800x1067, Jackal Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me go to "there" and mock you.

>> No.13327268


They don't generally teach the correct use of the word cloaca (and all it entails) in grade school. Anyway, I'm so terribly sorry for my misuse of the word. Really.

>> No.13327269

Actually I think it's more like people get unnecessarily bent up about what kind of pussy they imagine other people are fucking when we're fantasizing about monstergirls.

>> No.13327270

>Horse girl doesn't eat meat
>Ruins her
I honestly don't know what you were expecting.

>> No.13327272

A carnivore just isn't going to be getting very much sugar at all. You expect them to eat fruit and veggies? No, because they're going to maul and devour a rabbit, squirrel, or overweight kid who got separated from the group.

>> No.13327275

Well it's true. I got a fair bit done the last couple nights.

>> No.13327276

Okay, I can laugh at this.
This anon has a point.

>> No.13327277

>Mermaid knees
I had almost forgotten about that particular brand of abomination.

>> No.13327281


You're right, thanks for the correction.

>> No.13327282

Counteragument: butts are hot.

>> No.13327284
File: 182 KB, 780x626, Anubis Sempai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fair bit
3 sentences?

>> No.13327287

All of my want.

>> No.13327288

Why don't you grow a butt on your face then?

>> No.13327294

But I'd have a hard time looking at it, though.

>> No.13327296

I have a hard time looking at you already.

>> No.13327298

Most carnivores are not pure carnivores. They'll eat about whatever is convenient. Simple sugars are easy to digest, and it sets off the old "Free energy" alarm and craving when they run across things like honey or sugar.

And it's all relative. Something that's slightly sweeter like young meat or eggs will always be preferred for its ease of digestion.

The point of these cravings is that you don't get that stuff hardly at all in nature. That's why you stuff your face with it when you find it. Of course that's totally broken with humans but if we're talking animals, it still applies.

>> No.13327300

Closer to a dozen or so.

>> No.13327301

Duh, I had the webcam deactivated.

>> No.13327303

Are you the guy that wrote that chubby husky story?

>> No.13327307

Turn it on then. I can't look at your ass if you keep it turned off.

>> No.13327311

>Chubby Husky
Nope. Can't say I've ever even heard of such a thing.

>> No.13327318

That's unusual to see. Why exactly?

>> No.13327320
File: 729 KB, 1148x1200, 48670316_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a bad case of crabs.

>> No.13327321

>your waifu will never ask you to flex in front of her

>> No.13327325

I don't have much to flex, so that's probably a good thing.

>> No.13327327

>You will never ask your waifu to flex in front of you

>> No.13327329

>I want to fuck a horse's vagina

No anons, you are the retards. Because of you we have actual horsefuckers now.

>> No.13327330

Why would she want to see a fat anon flexing?

>> No.13327331

>you'll never have a flex off with your waifu

>> No.13327334
File: 27 KB, 640x480, keikaku doori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bully the alp lilim until you acquire one of the most powerful mgs in existence as a waifu
>overthrow the demon lord and put us both in power
>create a world where men can alp into anything and all monstergirls are weak to bullying

>> No.13327336

When as the last time you talked with a horsefucker though?

>> No.13327339

I mean, in theory, it's weird, but could be worse.
At least nobody here wants to be Mr. Hands for a centaur.

>> No.13327340

You'll be dead before you can pull that bullshit you faggot.

>> No.13327343

>Implying the Child and a random anon could surpass the Parent and a God-Tier Hero
That's funny.

>> No.13327344


seems like a perfectly logical plan to me who's gonna stop him you?

>> No.13327345

That time the linked the bestiality vid in the thread.

>> No.13327351

Maybe she's a chubby chaser?

>> No.13327352


>What is the whole point of an RPG setting

>> No.13327353

>Implying the child doesn't beat the parent all the time in myths.
>Implying humans don't outsmart/defeat monsters all the time in myth.

>> No.13327356

No projections allowed.

>> No.13327360

>not systematically assassinating all lilims until the monster lord as no backups, and then assassinating her too

>> No.13327361

Well anon, you better start the lovemaking now if you want to catch up with the DL and her husband. They have been at it for a while, collecting power.

It shall be a race of sex.

>> No.13327363

>Not systematically raping all lilims until the monster lord has no backups, and then raping her too

>> No.13327364

I was expecting Okaydo to not go and find one of the worst traits you could give to a girl and placing it on who he supposedly considers his 'favorite character'

>> No.13327367

>Race of sex
>Against a literal god of sex
Well, good luck Anon.

>> No.13327369

Don't you know?


>> No.13327370

Why would being a herbivore be one of the worst traits given to Cerea? It's not like she has any problem with everyone else eating meat.
She just doesn't eat it because her organism doesn't not support eating meat.

>> No.13327371


You dont need sex power to beat a demon lord. Sex is just how the current demon lord decided to get her power. You can train and become a god killing anon if you work hard enough through conventional means.

>> No.13327375

>and all monstergirls are weak to bullying
You were doing it good until this part.

>> No.13327377

Maybe Okayado is a vegetarian. It's easier to be a vegetarian in Japan. You're pretty much giving up seafood. Pork, beef, and chicken is not as widely eaten there. Still widely eaten but not as much. It would be much easier to become a vegetarian in Japan.

>> No.13327378

How is the demon lord a god when she wasn't a god in first place? That's not how it works.

>> No.13327380

Don't be so negative anon. Lilims are the daughters of the god of sex. They have the potential to be even better.

Just gotta love a little harder.

Shush anon, it would be far more of an accomplishment to beat the DL through her own game.

You aren't afraid for a little fun challenge are you?

>> No.13327382

She's not. Anon's wrong.

>> No.13327383

>Just gotta love a little harder
This implies that Lilims can love, and that I can love a Lilim.

>> No.13327385


Shes not a god she's just a succubus with a lot of power.

>> No.13327387

She's just a succubus who was powerful enough to overthrow the previous Demon Lord.

>> No.13327392

>'What does a God Need with Semen?'

>> No.13327393

She isn't a god, but she's more powerful than them.

>> No.13327399

>Why would being a herbivore be one of the worst traits given to Cerea
Because it's going to make her unpopular with the fanbase, nobody wants to waifu a vegetarian. Also how can I give her HEALTH if she can't eat anything but fruits and veggies

>> No.13327400

>she's more powerful than them.
She's no more powerful than the weakest of gods. They choose to let her operate to let the Hero/Demon Lord cycle keep going. A cycle the very gods implemented themselves.

>> No.13327405

> nobody wants to waifu a vegetarian.
Incorrect assumption.

>how can I give her HEALTH if she can't eat anything but fruits and veggies
I bet horses are weak-ass faggots because they only heat hay all day then.

>> No.13327407

I want to be groped by an amazon!
I want to be roughly readied by an amazon!
I want to become her cute househusband!
I want her to ravish me roughly every night!
I want to give daughters to get and take care of them!
I want to become get cute arm candy and be her support when work is tough!

I want to be caught by a crow tengu!
I want to be raped gently be her while flying!
I want to shit post on /lit/ with said tengu!
I want to be comfy in a comfy library nest with her!
I want to fuck her while she's reading shitty erotica from the internet
I want to give her daughters and I want to read them children's stories!

I want a yandere crow tengu/amazon!

>> No.13327409

Seems like you haven't met fujoshit kun. Although he's more partial to Naga men.

>> No.13327410

Alright, mang. Have fun.

>> No.13327413

>The Demon Lord. The one who presently rules over the monsters is a kind of succubus who possesses extremely strong power even rivaling that of a god.

>> No.13327415

>Yandere Crow Tengu
I want this. Very much.

>> No.13327416

You type like a faggot.

>> No.13327418

>yandere crow tengu/amazon
That's totally okay.

Amazons are olev.

>> No.13327422

Chief God tried to stop her. It didn't go so well.

The rest don't care about the cycle to begin with, were already made irrelevant by the actions of a previous Chief God, or betrayed the rest of the pantheon.

>> No.13327423
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be breastfed by a Holstaurus

>> No.13327425

>not waifuing a Willowisp and a Shirohebi and playing MGE on Dante Must Die Mode

>> No.13327427


>ParkedBuggy will never return and finish his amazon story

There's hope - some dead writefags came back to life a couple of threads ago, but the story is almost a year old now.

>> No.13327428

>Wanting to go back to TEOTFDLs

>> No.13327434

>Dante Must Die Mode
Pfff, what about Legendary Dark Knight mode? Although that'd work best with harems.

>> No.13327439
File: 165 KB, 720x480, z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like discussing my own stuff, like you, I shy away from actually mentioning it unless someone else does first. Nega and some of the other fallen writefags (deservedly) got so much shit for shilling their own stuff that my determination not to become like them precludes me from really ever mentioning my stories.

>> No.13327446
File: 215 KB, 850x1062, tasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wurm is love. Wurm is life.

>> No.13327451

Get in the box.

>> No.13327454


In Nega's case he wasn't even trying to be subtle. It was pathetic how he wrote walls of text about his inspiration and vision when no one even asked in the first place.

>> No.13327456

I'll discuss mine if someone asks but other than that I just post it and stay anonymous

>> No.13327457

Hey Wurm? Do you see this shiny penny? You want it? You want it? You want it? GO GET IT!

>> No.13327459
File: 156 KB, 484x536, wurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What box am I getting into? Is the Wurm in the box?

>> No.13327460


WURM BOX! Leave your wurm in the box and let her sleep for five wurm weeks!

>> No.13327462

>Discover a bunch of art from .less I'd never seen before
>Couple months old
>Mostly just sketches
>Of Haohi
>Still pretty nice
What a veritable treasure trove.

>> No.13327464

>90 car pile up on the interstate
>The Pentagon is breached
>Seismic activity detected on the other side of the world

>> No.13327465

She's wormed her way into my heart

>> No.13327469

I didn't even throw it

>> No.13327471


>what a veritable treasure trove...
...of sameface.

>> No.13327477

It's not his fault he refuses to get better at drawing anything but Manticores and Futa.

>> No.13327480
File: 211 KB, 800x1000, Haohi Mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I like his faces personally.

>> No.13327482


>Eh, I like his face personally

>> No.13327484

The dumb asshole box.

You on the other hand, may prove useful.

>> No.13327486
File: 424 KB, 750x750, Crayon-Kun Charon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crayonfag please come back

>> No.13327488


>> No.13327494
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, Martinico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loen please come back

>> No.13327511
File: 166 KB, 1130x1600, Rodan. AP02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search gamerag3

>> No.13327512

Can I get in the box with her.

>> No.13327515
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, 1412149574591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Promstein such a shit scientist?
I mean, she could have done some amazing shit with her knowledge, but decided to focus exclusively on designing semen extraction machines and super soldiers.

>> No.13327520
File: 54 KB, 640x425, Manticore_v0.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she could have done some amazing shit with her knowledge, but decided to focus exclusively on designing semen extraction machines
Personally I think we need more of this.
Much, much more.

>> No.13327525

What makes you think that's not what I meant from the beginning?

>> No.13327527

I believe we need to apply example 4, 6, and 3 in tandem.

With a side dose of 7 just because.

>> No.13327528

Because it's MGQ.

>> No.13327530

We can't both get in the box anon, that would get awkward.

>> No.13327537

7's been my desktop at work for the last 3 years.
I didn't even know there WERE others

>> No.13327545


Save what?

>> No.13327549

Presumably he means the male yan irrumation greentext. But it was a succubus not a minotaur

>> No.13327556

Because that's what she got funding for.

>> No.13327557

Anon, don't make me get the pansy cone of shame.

>> No.13327558
File: 178 KB, 576x600, 1402357036623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male yan

>> No.13327559

No, someone did a quick, 1-post greentext including Minotaur Horn-holding Irrumatio. It was nice.

But that male yan succubus one too, yes.

>> No.13327565

Okay, but Wurm better be able to cuddle both of us.

>> No.13327570

Oh yeah, during the rage mushroom thing.

>> No.13327576

What do you mean
She created a sophisticated facility-spanning artificial intelligence that was smart enough to wonder about things like the meaning of life and whether it had or deserved a soul, then ultimately chose to sacrifice itself for moral reasons
That's pretty good scientisting, I'd say

I don't get that complaint, it's like people complaining that Promestein is clinical and uncaring when she openly admits that she loves humanity and clearly just can't express her emotion very well. She's trying to distance herself and remain objective but she's fucking bad at it, that's the point.

>> No.13327577

Right. It was nice.

Before thread autism took a downward spiral.
But the greentext was nice.

>> No.13327579

Thanks Rodan a qt

>> No.13327583

If she loves humanity so much why does she create a new "human" race

>> No.13327584


>People actually liked it


>> No.13327587

Because she was told by Ilias to.
Now obviously there's the fact that she betrays Ilias, but it would have been suspicious beforehand if she hadn't made a new human race

>> No.13327591
File: 65 KB, 310x588, 13683423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about Glacies. Why are they so kuudere?

>> No.13327597

Because that's cool

>> No.13327600

Because she wants it to survive.
Given that she was supposedly subordinate to Ilias, she couldn't really wander around going 'MAN I FUCKIN LOVE HUMANS'; instead she collected a whole bunch of them for 'research' purposes and bred a new subspecies in the hopes she could keep their spirit of inquiry alive.

>> No.13327604

Because they're special little snowflakes.
Shatter the special little snowflake between their legs, you know you want to.

>> No.13327620
File: 101 KB, 395x600, Sea_slime_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "oh boy oh boy I didn't realise there'd been more Pomus, it's slime time!"
> endless ergonomic body-positioning rambling
> anal stick dildo anchor
> double spaghetti

I love you, Alp, and please don't delete everything, but 100 lines telling me that sex in the water is kinda difficult doesn't really add anything to this particular story. You could've just said
> "With some difficulty, Pomus got him into a position that worked. Also Hathorites do suckling jerkoffs"
and that would have performed exactly the same function that this entire update did.

Pomus is still great, and I still eagerly await more, but in the interests of helpful reviewing, "That all read like pointless filler you trap slut"

>> No.13327628

I want to see a flat chested shy (but secretly lewd) girl become a voluptuous, lusty kitsune.

>> No.13327630

If she wants them to survive then why does she make it so that the males get dissolved and eaten by the females.
>inb4 fetishes and voreshit

>> No.13327631

Might want to get another wurm then.

>> No.13327632

they're cooldere

>> No.13327633

You can never have too many Wurms.

>> No.13327634

I like it better when flat girls revel in the deliciousness of their flat chests.

>> No.13327636

I want to team up with five Wurms and pilot a giant robot made of other robots.
The Wurms are stronger outside of it but being inside helps limit property damage

>> No.13327642

I want to throw wurms at my enemies.

>> No.13327649

So KC is your average deviantart kiddie. Wow.

>> No.13327660

Your monster daughteru comes home crying.
She says all the boys in school made fun of her monster parts
How do you react?

>> No.13327661

I'm afraid you're just baiting, but what are you ven trying to say with that.

>> No.13327664

I force them to apologize and call her pretty.

>> No.13327665


>> No.13327667

>It's okay honey
>That's why I married your mother
>She makes me laugh

>> No.13327671

Explain to her that they're just bigots and she'll find a man who will love her one day, monster parts and all. And papa will always love her.

>> No.13327672

Tell her it's okay, her Monster Girl parts will be making them cry in pleasure instead when she's older.

Then I take her and the wife to Porker's for dinner.

>> No.13327674

>Anon makes a wurm harem
>By some coincidence or demon Lord shenanigans, who knows, they edd up pregnant at the same time
>They destroy the city with their cravings
>Billions of dollars in damages, hundreds of thousand left homeless

I hope it was worth it.

>> No.13327677


>> No.13327679 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 200x180, 1429143165124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punch all the boys in school

>> No.13327684


>> No.13327686

Tell her they're acting like that because they actually like her. Then tell her that Monstergirls show boys they like them through rape. The circle of life continues.

>> No.13327690

Pregnant Wurm sounds adorable.

>> No.13327695

I think >>13327686 displays the most appropriate reaction. It is how boys act, after all. I remember such days.

Not sure about telling her the "Rape as appropriate response" bit...She'll come into her instincts, when she comes into them.

Wait, which Porker's is this? Cause I've heard a couple different versions.

>> No.13327697

GreedyGirls wrote something like that actually.

>> No.13327700

You should watch He's Just Not That Into You.

>> No.13327709


I want to furiously punch through that glass and scare her shitless, only to pat her head through the glass, showing her that I mean no harm.

>> No.13327710
File: 26 KB, 300x446, 1348754763834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Porkers where busty P'Orc waitresses serve you the finest in P'Orc-style BBQ.

It's family-friendly, but for more adult customers sproinking the tail of a waitress is a sign for you to be moved to the private area, which is more for stag parties. The P'Orc waitresses there only wear a thin loincloth, bare-chested. They also serve alcohol.

>> No.13327714


Okay then. Lovely establishment that.

>> No.13327716

http://pastebin.com/b1BQs9Ae http://pastebin.com/TCW77wUH
It's a hugbox where nothing truly bad is allowed to happen to you or your waifu. The Demon Lord losing to the Order would mean almost every monster is forced to kill their husband.

>> No.13327720

Because telling your little girl boys being asses to her is okay is dumb.

>> No.13327722

>The Demon Lord losing to the Order would mean almost every monster is forced to kill their husband
Not anymore. The Lilims are there to prevent that. If the DL dies one of them takes the control.

>> No.13327724

I never said that.

I just remember a stage of development where some boys could only express their interest in such ways. Granted, they generally grow out of it in early Elementary School...was it ever stated how old the daughteru is when she's coming to us with this problem?

>> No.13327726


>> No.13327730

that first pastebin has been deleted
Also the second one raises a good point:
>Of course there is some people who dislike MGE as dystopia. But in Japan, most people don't stick around the Doujin works which they dislike, because it is simply a waste of time.

>> No.13327732

Is it okay if I start groping the P'Orcs in the private area?

Maybe pull one onto my lap?

>> No.13327733

>But in Japan, most people don't stick around the Doujin works which they dislike, because it is simply a waste of time.
Well this is Burgerland, buddy, and we do things veeeery differently here.

>> No.13327734


>Demon Lord losing to Paladins
>She orders Monsters to kill their husbands against their will or else she'll end their lives, in a desperate attempt to turn the tables on the Paladins
>Huge fucking massacre happens
>Both the Monsters and humans are devastated by her decision
>The Orders decide to get fucking real, murdering every single Monster and any human engaged with them across the land

>> No.13327739

What do you think the private area is for?

>> No.13327740

>She orders Monsters to kill their husbands against their will or else she'll end their lives, in a desperate attempt to turn the tables on the Paladins
But that's not how it works.

>> No.13327742

They'd consider it a negative commentary on their "waitressing" abilities if you didn't.
> Suggested tip in the private area is one spurt delivered to your waitress, sir! Of course, we're always happy for ~more~

>> No.13327743

>>The Orders decide to get fucking real, murdering every single Monster and any human engaged with them across the land
I thought they already tried to do this
Wasn't it mentioned in the start of the encyclopedia that they're under orders to kill any citizens captured by monsters?

>> No.13327744

That's why you kill all the lilim first you dirty fucking casual.

>> No.13327747
File: 106 KB, 236x327, 1425358028245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thanked her today?

>> No.13327749

Good luck killing all 100.

>> No.13327750

I don't think the Demon Lord and her husband are going to be happy with that. Those two enraged have to be pretty hardcore.

And I'm not even including all the sisters.

>> No.13327754

>delivered to your waitress
>Not in.
>Not asking for "Take Out"
Porker's sounds pretty nice...

>> No.13327757


>> No.13327759


>> No.13327761

>Demon Lord and Hero have been fucking nigh constantly for a century
>Popping out 1 Lilim every nine months
>So 4 Lilims per 3 Years
>And they're still going

You can't stop the Lilim.

>> No.13327762

You guys are one of the main reasons it's a good thing monster girls will never exist.

>> No.13327766


>> No.13327767

I like her design.

>> No.13327768

Explain further.

>> No.13327774


We'd be too busy screaming at each other to pay attention to them.

>> No.13327778

Believe men, if they became real the first thing I would do would be to jump into their arms and do whatever they aid.

>> No.13327780

Thanks babe

>> No.13327782


>> No.13327783

Hey, you have to farm XP for the final boss anyway.

>> No.13327785

No, we'd go /pol/ and shit talk each other's wives and their species.

>do whatever they said


>> No.13327786

I'm going to just guess

But anyway, I do agree with you.
News of sexy, inhuman women popping up? Dropping this place like the bad habit it is and dedicating my time and money to finding and spending time with 'em.

>> No.13327790

What's wrong with giving them a warm welcome and just helping them with their goals? I jut want to make them happy.

>> No.13327792

>Each Lilim that finds a husband also starts popping out more Lilims
Their numbers grow exponentially, or something, I'm not a good with math.

>> No.13327793

>We'd be too busy screaming at each other
We don't even know what the each of us look like.

>> No.13327794

It's assholish but it's fucking sad how socially detached you all are, and this is coming from a neet hikki. Always talking about how "real people" are so terrible when you're 100 times worse..

>> No.13327798

But I love you anon.

>> No.13327800
File: 502 KB, 600x659, lilim-hg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the possible NEET Lilims man.

>> No.13327802


Just look for people walking alongside monstergirls without fear, chatting with them as if they were normal humans

>> No.13327803

You gotta play hard to get or they won't take you seriously. No self respecting monster wants a slut, Anon.

>> No.13327810

Well, I don't think this anon is entirely wrong. I imagine a good amount of us would decide "Fuck this arguing shit, I'm gonna go get some monstergirl pootang." And then probably awkwardly and humorously spray spaghetti everywhere in the process.

>> No.13327813

But what about making you happy? Have you ever put any though into that?

>> No.13327815

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a "normalfag". I'm not socially stunted at all.

>> No.13327818

As someone who has a vague excuse for a social life, I do agree. Most people here are terrible. And yet I put in so much time here anyway...

I'm not a fan of doing math when I don't have to, but it'd be something like...

2^xy, where x is the number of Lilim, and y is the number of their children. I dunno, I'm not good at doing math when not in school.

Her hips are glorious.

>> No.13327821

What is they want to enslave us? You got to play it closer to the vest you fucking mong.

>> No.13327823

>And then probably awkwardly and humorously spray spaghetti everywhere in the process.
Probably fucking nothing.

This is EXACTLY what would happen.
We can only hope that the MG we're talking to would find it charming or cute.

>> No.13327828

But what I tried my hardest to help them succeed? Would they like me then for being useful?

I want to be happy by making my waifu happy. So we will both be happy together.

So what if they do? I'd rather a sexy monstergirl rule over me then any other human leader currently.

>> No.13327837

>We can only hope that the MG we're talking to would find it charming or cute.
I wouldn't worry about that, because they would exactly think it's charming or cute. Unless of course you spectacularly lost your spaghetti everywhere, then then may even find it humorous in addition to charming and cute, and they may even think it was done intentionally.

>> No.13327838 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 195x195, Tonight...YOU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so what if they do?

>> No.13327840

Que an awkward anon and monstergirl dropping their spaghetti together in their attempt at mutual seduction.

>> No.13327842

> implying we'd have time to spaghetti
> implying they wouldn't just proactively date on us the moment we stepped outdoors
Although I suppose we would probably spaghetti even during sex.
"S-so, do you ~ahhh~ do you r-rape around these parts often? Hah, m-me too..."
"Once you've finished stealing my seed, do you want to... no, I guess you're busy, right?"

>> No.13327847

Think about it anon. Monstergirls exist to make men happy, right? So naturally they would do their best to help all men and lead them away from self- destruction. Hell, I would vote for a Monstergirl president if I could.

>> No.13327850

Careful anon. We don't know if Freedom-kun is lurking the thread.

>> No.13327852


>Tonight... YOU
>[Contra Logo]

>> No.13327860

>Anon is interested in substantial relationship
>But all his monstergirl rapists just want sex

>"D-do you want to go get something to eat after this"
>"No thanks, I just ate."
>"O-okay, m-maybe later?"
>"Thanks for the meal <3."
>"Y-you too!"

>> No.13327861


Quite cute.

>Those lines
The abundant lack of confidence is so familiar, it's cringe-worthy.

>> No.13327862

I'm sure the stronger MGs will force their attention away. Then the weaker ones can get the attention of the other side. They'll shave away at them all.
But if they can't, the boys just alp eventually from sexual tension.

>> No.13327864

By taking away their free will and making them drug addled cattle?


>> No.13327865

Hey fuck you I'm right here. Well, at least I think I'm the right guy.

>> No.13327870

You're not.

>> No.13327878
File: 430 KB, 756x1000, 1404351719108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you earned your minichuffs for today?

>> No.13327879

Don't listen to Paladin propaganda. They only freedom being taken away is the only where you can't fuck monstergirls.

>> No.13327880

I don't know, but I've been accused of being Freedom-kun before. Usually after some long-winded rant about the morality and importance of personal rights and freedom.

>> No.13327883

I'm actually pretty normal. A lot of the people here are.

>> No.13327885

I've been accused of being dragonslut, doesn't make me him.

>> No.13327887

You're too reasonable to be Freedom-kun

>> No.13327891
File: 291 KB, 800x800, jinko-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be lovely.

>> No.13327895

I too have been accused of being a dragonslut. And they were right, which leads to the strange dichotomy of being a dragonslut and being pro-freedom.

>> No.13327897



>> No.13327898

Traitor, flinging mud on my name will not make the good men and women who browse these threads flock to you. Take you slavery bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.13327899

Dragonslut's gone from being an individual nickname, to a general title to which many here have admitted to qualifying.

Myself included.

>> No.13327901

The proper title used by the autists here is "Normies".

>> No.13327905

I like jabberwocks but I don't see myself as a dragon slut.

>> No.13327906
File: 152 KB, 500x516, 1411717001182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzuka sama is love Suzuka sama is live I don't care what bullies say

>> No.13327908

Wouldn't that be cannabalism?

>> No.13327911

Let's just get this out of the way.


>> No.13327912

You can like Dragons and sub-species without being a Dragonslut.

The title is meant, as it implies, to indicate one who would act a complete slut for Dragons.

>> No.13327913 [DELETED] 

I'd a CC Lilim.
Preferably with a Valkyrie.

>> No.13327916

Well, I'd poke a wocky with my boner while talking like a caveman. Am I a slut?

>> No.13327926


>> No.13327933

Are you lost?

>> No.13327934
File: 101 KB, 700x700, LamiaNOPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not care for dragons.
They're greedy and arrogant. These are not attractive qualities.
Do not care for 'em.

>> No.13327944

But probably not.

Then why talk about them, hm?

>> No.13327945

What sort of monster girl is Suzuka, other than semen demon?

>> No.13327950

Yeah, I didn't think so either.

>> No.13327952

I like them, because they those traits are partially directed towards their husband.

Also because there's something deeply satisfying about waifu'ing a creature as powerful and ancient as a Dragon.

>> No.13327963

Well, I certainly hope people here are only pretending to be... morally stupid.

>> No.13327969

Don't be racist.

>> No.13327974



>> No.13327976

I will cuddle her and never let go

>> No.13327986

>Anon, don't you have to go to work?
>"Yes, and your coming with."
>But what about driving?
>"This is your life now, accept it."

>> No.13327987

I wonder if there are any people here who desire a Yeti Waifu, and are named George?

>> No.13327993

I know just what you mean.

>You will never be the prized treasure of a Dragon
>She will never cuddle you tight to her chest as she falls asleep each night

>> No.13327998

What if you don't want to fuck monstergirls? You ever stop to think about the hardworking men who simply want to be left alone? How will you justify them coming home and getting swarmed by mousegirls? To have their hopes of having a human wife and 2.5 kids and a dog in a house with a white picket fence dashed? To play catch with the sons MGs can't give? To not have to wear steel ass chaps so their ass doesn't feel like a pincushion every time they get off a train? Who will defends these souls? Who I ask?

>> No.13328007
File: 479 KB, 686x822, 1398495218504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also because there's something deeply satisfying about waifu'ing a creature as powerful and ancient as a Dragon.

I think a lot of wight/dragon/bapho fans feel that, to an extent.

I just don't have it at all. The prospect of marrying something that was great and ancient even before your great-grandfather was born fills me with a sense of... I dunno, worry that you can never possibly be as vital a part of her life as she is of yours. She's led dread armies, seen civilizations rise and fall, experienced more days than you've taken breaths. How can you have things in common? How can you think on the same scale? Even if you wizard up to become immortal or something, there's so many important days that lie in her past, that you can never share with her. How can you be soul-mates, with such a gulf of lived experience lying between you?

I just can't suspend disbelief that we wouldn't be too different from one another to properly connect.

How do you husbandos of ancient power mgs deal?

>> No.13328010


>Driving your car with a tiny Jinko on your lap

I don't think this is safe.

>> No.13328011
File: 105 KB, 500x600, oomukadoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly dose

>> No.13328013

Thanks Doc

>> No.13328015

>What if you don't want to fuck monstergirls? You ever stop to think about the hardworking men who simply want to be left alone?
>Monster Girl Thread
>Presumably, all those in it desire MGs
>Implying they give a shit about others

>How will you justify them coming home and getting swarmed by mousegirls?
The bright smiles of the swarm he hath wrought beaming up at him, squeaking "Daddy" cute as can be, is it's own justification.

>To have their hopes of having a human wife and 2.5 kids and a dog in a house with a white picket fence dashed?
Far as I can see, the only part of that totally eradicated by MG invasion would be the "Human Wife" bit. Cause let's face it. Extinction ahoy.

>To play catch with the sons MGs can't give?
>All Settings are MGE/Q/Whatever
>Just fucking headcanon it to be "Sons can be born"
>Even if they might be Monster Boy Sons

>To not have to wear steel ass chaps so their ass doesn't feel like a pincushion every time they get off a train?
Well then maybe they should ride in the special "Men Only" cars that were put into use after continued complaints. Can't help them if there's a spontaneous Alp-Event though.

>Who will defend these souls? Who I ask?
Clearly not me.

>> No.13328016

If they want to be like that, then they can. I don't understand why anyone would not want to marry a mg, but I guess they fuck a boring old human.

>> No.13328017

just in time, i could feel the shakes startin'

>> No.13328025

I don't really think about it, I'm just in it for dragon cuddles.

>> No.13328027

She'll make you shake all right

>> No.13328031

If you have any of the following waifus you are a tier whore and should fuck yourself with a dragon dildo.

Any Dragon


Huh, this was a shorter list than I'd thought it's be.

>> No.13328039

Well, as you say, there's immortaling yourself up, spending the days ever more with her.

But as you say, that still leaves the past. The gulf that already exists between you.

Personally, I tend to aim young. Yes, these beings are commonly thought of as ancient, but I tend to like the thought of meeting one when they're just starting out. Growing with them, as you imply is more appealing, building a greater connection.

But that's not to say I find ones who do already have this wealth of experience unappealing. So to answer your question of how I deal with doubts related to such examples, here's how I look at it. Yes, she may have led armies, seen civilizations rise and fall, and so on and so forth. And yet, through all that, she chooses to spend time with you. Chooses to proceed forward unto eternity with you. Maybe you may not have much in common, but she expresses a desire to share in things with you, as she never has quite before.

Or maybe yet still, bored with things throughout eternity, she's come to find more contemporary things amusing, sharing more interests with you than you may first think. We actually had a good discussion about that kind of thing last thread.

>> No.13328040

>"Don't worry honey, I'm an adult"
>Actially I'm twenty thre-
>"An adult."

>> No.13328042

>If you have any of the following waifus you are a tier whore and should fuck yourself with a dragon dildo.
>Any Dragon

Only if it was modeled after mai waifu's futa-dick.

>> No.13328047

dont worry little alp, it's perfectly molded after the one she would have In dragon mode
Enjoy the stretching~

>> No.13328050
File: 100 KB, 400x300, 1391479901803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really think about it
>I'm just in it for dragon cuddles.
I am gripped with an irresistable urge to scream "CASUAL! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

While at the same time being cognizant that your facile, surface-level enjoyment of your waifu is probably the best route towards the uncomplicated happy fapping that mgs are, at their fundamental level, supposed to provide.

Quite a quandary you place me in here.

>> No.13328053


>Implying they give a shit about others
So selfish.

>The bright smiles of the swarm he hath wrought beaming up at him, squeaking "Daddy" cute as can be, is it's own justification.

No. Children must be an agreement on two parts.

>>All Settings are MGE/Q/Whatever
Who would want to go MGQ?
Careful. Faggot.

>> No.13328060

Wonderful. Absolutely perfect~

>> No.13328061

>I don't understand why anyone would not want to marry a mg,

Personal taste
Religious/moral beliefs
Good old fashioned racism
Not having male sons
Plain not liking them

Take your pick.

>> No.13328068
File: 316 KB, 443x646, 1419305593275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13328070

I know I'm a fish but come on.

>> No.13328072

>Who would want to go MGQ?
I dunno, I couldn't remember whether it was one that had the whole "Only give birth to daughters" or not.

But then I remembered Luka, so I guess not? Fuck if I know.

>No. Children must be an agreement on two parts.
But anon. The cute little mouse daughterus. Happily chanting "Daddy". Smiling smiles of pure happiness. Crawling all over you. Nuzzling and rubbing you with their cute little mousy cheeks.

>> No.13328079

That face is the perfect response. Thank you so much for making me laugh as much as I am.

>I know I'm a fish

>> No.13328081

What are you looking at Tohsaka?
Don't you have a construction worker to be meeting?

>> No.13328088

Well, there goes my heart.

>> No.13328092

It's the funny bait meme.

>> No.13328093

>The cute little mouse daughterus. Happily chanting "Daddy". Smiling smiles of pure happiness. Crawling all over you. Nuzzling and rubbing you with their cute little mousy cheeks

I can't believe this made me smile.

But, my life anon, my course...!

>> No.13328095

You are now imagining an alp riding a dildo the length of a hockey stick with gratuitous stretching and an ahego

>> No.13328098

How would MGs feel about men getting kicked in the nuts and the confirmed fact that crushing a guy's balls will kill him?

>> No.13328103

>And the confirmed fact that crushing a guy's balls will kill him?
Wait, back up. What?

>> No.13328112

>destroying/damaging their semen factories

It would be absolutely haram unless this was MGQ or something

>> No.13328115

Seeing as how much they love the male organ, horrified.

Not even kidding, they love the dick as much as they love men.

>you are now imagining MG's watching those dumbass funny video shows
>MG's faces when they see men hitting their buddies in the balls or a laugh
>then there's this guy


>> No.13328118



Sleep well.

>> No.13328119

>I can't believe this made me smile.
Just like the little mousies like to see.
Nothing makes them happier than seeing daddy smile with them.

>> No.13328121

Are you fucking serious?

*for a laugh

>> No.13328127

How would they react to Daddy hugging them and crying because he can't believe this was all it took?

>> No.13328136

They'd continue nuzzling and cuddling up to him, comforting him as he let it all out. They might not know why he's crying, but they just know they want to comfort their daddy.

Some of them with more naturally sympathetic natures may tear up too.

>> No.13328140

Cyclopes and Dwarves would make out like bandits because of all the commissions they'll receive for stylish codpieces to protect men's junk

>> No.13328153


>> No.13328160


>> No.13328168

>Recoloring this

For what purpose?

>> No.13328169

Though I hope he'd enjoy this if he were to read it.

>> No.13328170

How nice of her to hold my ice cream cone between her breasts while I tie my shoe!

>> No.13328171

>hospitals see a rise in patients with broken ribs and high body temperatures
>they're all named George

>> No.13328174

To be fair, his version has shading.

>> No.13328176

Esdeath is worst girl

>> No.13328177

>Hound Coloring that magnificent image
A thousand times YES.

Cause Hound's a better colorfag than that guy?
I mean, that one was nice, but it doesn't even look that complete.

>> No.13328182

You're worst girl

>> No.13328187
File: 41 KB, 520x1054, Lilim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never have a qt demon chick fuck buddy that you secretly want to have serious relationship with.
Demon chicks are the best.
A rockin' body made for sex.

>> No.13328188
File: 246 KB, 1338x826, alp anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking wish

>> No.13328192

>she'll never suck you try and move on to the next boyslut

>> No.13328194

What's the point of those gloves?
Like seriously, the fuck?

>> No.13328198

What can I do to make her stay with me?

>> No.13328203

That's not Mine.

>> No.13328205

Gloved handjobs.

>> No.13328206


>> No.13328207

You can't. You're dead.

>> No.13328208

>Implying casual
Do you honestly think a casual could even waifu a Dragon in the first place? Let alone handle her jealous rage, her greedy possessiveness, cuddling for hours on her hoard, and her potentially her bone-crushing lovemaking sessions?

No sir, Dragons seem a fun and games to most. But the reality is that they are all fun and games if you're not a weak-ass little pussy bitch.

>> No.13328212


Is this before she asks you to participate in an MMMMMMMMMF tensome or after she tells you sorry but her calendar is fuck full Saturday and you need to start scheduling time with her earlier?

>> No.13328217

Do you think a Wurm is smart enough not to break the pelvis of her lover?

>> No.13328218

Then just use full length gloves, like seriously.
If you have a Wurm lover you're better off not having a pelvis.

>> No.13328219

Yes. You only need to be smarter than Lenny for that really.

>> No.13328236

If mamono mana is not a factor, you're better off having her lay there and fucking her.

>> No.13328238

Agreed. That's another reason why I liked DILLAWF's old story. God I'm sad there'll never be more.
The guy might've been submissive to his Dragon Waifu, but he was still a trained marksman, and kept himself armed to go against her if he needed to.

It's also why in the story I'm writing, I've got it that Dragoons seeking a Dragonfu would go after their quarry with the intent to kill. Anything less, and they know they'd fail in their courting attempt.

>> No.13328247

His story is still probably my all-time favourite.

>> No.13328249

The one that ends with her and her mother purposely breaking his pelvis in four places?

Why are subs so shit?

>> No.13328256

Because they're less than human.
And they admit and accept that.

>> No.13328257

That was part 2/3.

Part 3, the mother comes over, along with the Father, a human man very understanding of the MC's plight. They chat, Dragon Fatheru tells the story of how he named MC's Waifu, Motheru gives her some advice, and she agrees with it. She admits she's been too rough on her husbando (As seen in the prior two parts) and that she'll make it up to him fully. The bulk of the chapter is them (trying) to have a pleasant date at a park. Trying because his co-workers show up and shit happens.

It was a fun story.

>> No.13328261

Reading this hurt *me*.

>Yes, the testicles are exquisitely sensitive to touch and there is a huge release of adrenalin when there is excessive force applied to these organs.
Adrenalin? That explains why some people find pleasure in getting their balls kicked.

>Testicular pain is referred to the lower abdomen, mesenteric plexus, and causes men to stop abruptly what they are doing, lie on the ground, close their eyes and bend their knees.
>A heart attack could certainly result from severe testicular pain from squeezing.
God damn we're so fucking weak.

>> No.13328268

>Purposely breaking his pelvis in four places
Imma stick with my slightly more vanilla flavored ice cream, thanks.
Don't forget that it also causes a vomit reflex, so you would puke yourself while you're at it.

>> No.13328279

>Why are subs so shit?
Don't pair me up with the ones that want broken bones and I won't pair you up with the maledomfags that want to beat up their waifus.

>> No.13328280

I'm reminded of that scene between Mikasa and her sisters. after she meets Accelerator for the first time.

>> No.13328281

Your reference is lost on me Anon, our power levels are not the same.

>> No.13328283

It's not like she did the pelvis breaking on purpose, she just didn't restrain herself at all. After she agreed to pay him back in full for the rough treatment, one of the first things they did was the same thing that broke his pelvis, but more gently so he could actually enjoy it. With handholding.

Also that entire fic kind of played pelvis breaking for laughs. Especially at the end where he got his Office Nemesis' pelvis broken nearly the same way. Then mocked him with Charon's puns.

>> No.13328287
File: 142 KB, 622x880, zombie imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan I'm cold, could you warm me up by heading to an abandoned village in Malaysia to find an arrowhead belonging to a Schutzstaffel agent to trade with a reknowned archaeologist at a regional university for a few baby turtle eggs and a bouquet of corpse flowers for the sake of exhibiting how beautiful yet ephemeral life is by contrasting the life spans of the new born turtles and the Rafflesia which develops for months only to live only for mere period of days.

It seems zombie imouto is thinking about how you're still living while she's dead. What do you do?

>> No.13328289

Damn, it's been a while.

>> No.13328291

Tell her to shut the fuck up and go to bed, it's 10 at night and she has school in the morning.

>> No.13328292

I remember she did it on purpose, to punish him for something of hers he damaged or something. You ain't foolin me nigger.

>> No.13328297

Hey, I remember that story too, and yeah, that cunt did it on purpose.

>Don't forget that it also causes a vomit reflex, so you would puke yourself while you're at it.
Well, ain't that nice.

>> No.13328303

The pelvis breaking itself was not 100% intentional...but yes, it was a punishment, for his inadvertently damaging a priceless magical artifact, thus why she didn't restrain herself at all. She knew SOMETHING was going to break. S'not like she had a particular target though. Pelvis was just most likely because...well, obvious reasons.

>> No.13328305

Do you at least know a little about the show? Know who Misaka is?

>> No.13328310
File: 862 KB, 903x1239, Frosty Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice Dragons?

>> No.13328311

I don't even know what Anime you're talking about.
The last Anime I remember watching all the way through was Yu Yu Hakusho back in the late 1990s early 2000s.

>> No.13328312 [SPOILER] 
File: 678 KB, 1120x960, 1429153629536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good mermaid coming through

>> No.13328314

I would lick that everything.

>> No.13328315

And this somehow makes it okay? Just stop talking.

>> No.13328316

who wouldn't

>> No.13328318

There is literally nothing that makes that ok.

>> No.13328320

yo she got a butt face but dem abs tho

>> No.13328325

Her making it up to him later on does, in my opinion anyway.

He messed up, even though it wasn't wholely his fault, she punished him, later admitted she went too far, and did her best to make it up to him for her behavior.

Some may not like it still, but I'm in with the party who very much enjoyed that story. Still sad there'll never be any more.

>> No.13328327

I enjoyed it, you can rest assured.

>> No.13328328

Blue board

>> No.13328330

People with no taste. I would lick beer off those abs.

>> No.13328333

>Not Whiskey
>Or a fine wine
>Or a freshly made cocktail of your choice
Though, you are still my man

>> No.13328335

She doesn't have a funny hat

>> No.13328336

Why the fuck are you idiots not drinking Rum from a mug made of her breasts?
She's a goddamn Mermaid for fucks sake.

>> No.13328337

NICE abs.

By your logic a parent hitting their kids and getting them ice cream later is somehow ok.

>> No.13328341

Because there are other drinks than a shot of rum, my friend
And much more finer drinks for the occasion. Not that I'm saying rum is bad, put the gun down

>> No.13328342

There's this city for people with abilities, espers they're called. They have levels, denoting strength, from 1 to 5. This chick Misaka is a level 4 IIRC. Anyway, when she was little, and her powers were being studied, she offered her DNA map at her observer's request, she was told she'd be helping people. The project they meant to use the DNA map for fell through though. Instead, they shifted their focus to this other esper, Accelerator, he's the strongest, and they offered him a chance to reach level 6. He would do this by fighting and killing clones of Misaka 20,000 times. When Misaka hears of this, she is understandably horrified, and tries to stop him, emotionally involved since she has met and "befriended" one of her clones. She fails and is left alive by Accelertor, but is greeted by the clone clean up crew. She tries to reason with them, that they're alive, "they think, they feel, they shouldn't volunteer to be slaughtered" "Who are you?". They respond by saying "what, not who" calling themselves laboratory animals, even naming the price it takes to make them.

My point, who defends that sort of treatment, like in that story?

>> No.13328344

Because mermaids have the potential to turn into manatees. And that shit ain't fly.

>> No.13328345

Bud, the whole story tone was comedic and non-serious. Pelvis-breaking was played for humour in the same sense that realistically fatal injuries are played for laughs in most comedy. Furthermore, the Protag even magdumped his .45 into his waifu's face at one point. Dragon or not, no one realistically shrugs that off with no bruise.

>> No.13328347

More like a parent breaking his kid's nose and then taking him out for ice cream.

>> No.13328349

Because the character in question is most often seen drinking beer?

>Captcha: Select all the beer below.

>> No.13328351
File: 36 KB, 404x596, Say That To My Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13328353

>Why the fuck are you idiots not drinking Rum from a mug made of her breasts?
If there was a monster girl that could lactate rum (or other kind[s] of alcohol), which species does your common sense tells you she would be?

>> No.13328354

Mino or Oni
Don't ask why

>> No.13328355

Fuck. Now I'm remembering that cat-girl in CoC who lactated beer.

>> No.13328356

Awesome, glad to hear it.

>> No.13328357

That's a much better analogy.

>> No.13328358
File: 474 KB, 905x1280, 1419820714079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides Barometz?
Probably Goblin.
But I'm talking about a mug like pic, not actual lactation.

>> No.13328362

Still felt like they had a shit marriage until the author pulled a 180 in the last part, mostly because of people complaining about that exact thing.

>> No.13328363

They wouldn't be able to reproduce otherwise, so yes

>> No.13328368

Except she did, he knows his weapons are just to buy time to get away.

I see nothing funny about a MG breaking her husband's bones because he broke something. If it were the reverse, even in comedy, you'd all throw a fit.

And I'm not your bud.

And I'm not looking continue that stupid south park joke.

>> No.13328369

Great, so am I. Thank you, anon. Thank you for the PTSD that I am currently going through by having a mass return of memories I've long forgotten

>> No.13328370

Yeah I agree, but I also really enjoyed reading about /k/ommando batman living with his moody and jealous dragon waifu, as well as deal with his shitty co-workers.

>> No.13328375

What, about CoC, or was there something wrong with the lactating cat girl?

>> No.13328378


It was a little too absurdist for me to put anywhere near my favorites, and not in a good way like Paladin Reintegration. But it kept me hooked enough to read until the end. So that counts for something.

>> No.13328386

>Bud, the whole story tone was comedic and non-serious.
That doesn't really make the story and/or their relationship less shitty.

>> No.13328388

Seriously bud, you're over-thinking it. If I told you that the prank's that little kid played on the robbers in Home Alone actually would have led to their horrifyingly painful deaths, you'd probably tell me to stop taking it so seriously and that it's just a cute comedy film. If I proceeded to point out similar things in other comedy films/stories/TV/etc you would would probably tell me to chill out and stop thinking about it so hard.

This is what I'm telling you now. But if you actually agreed with me in any of the above then I say at least you're consistent, and carry on.

>> No.13328389

CoC. remembering that made me remember a whole flurry of other things
think of it like having amnesia and forgetting about your entire past life and starting anew in some secluded forest in the mountains with your waifu and all of a sudden some small, minuscule thing jabs 20+ years of memories back into your mind because you got amnesia when you turned twenty and now your fifty.
Not that I'm saying I'm fifty. It's an example

>> No.13328392

Well, at least she wasn't futa or furry. Which automatically makes her better than 90% of the game at least.

>> No.13328395

Is this OC or is there a source?

>> No.13328397

Black cat beer, two bits a glass.
Get it quick, for it’s goin' fast.
Just treat me gentle, or you’re in for a slap,
and no, you can’t have it 'straight from the tap'.

>> No.13328400

>you'd probably tell me to stop taking it so seriously and that it's just a cute comedy film
I wouldn't.

>If I proceeded to point out similar things in other comedy films/stories/TV/etc you would would probably tell me to chill out and stop thinking about it so hard.
Again, no.

>> No.13328402
File: 928 KB, 724x1023, Kitsune telling you that you&#039;re pretty good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC as in doughnut steel or original content?

>> No.13328408

Abuse a shit anon, that's what you should be getting from me. Like tsunderes who beat the shit out of a guy for the smallest infractions.

But yeah, good day to you too.

>> No.13328415

Actually I fucking hate those movies where some little piece of shit gets away with being an insufferable cunt.

It pisses me off how, say, Jerry from Tom & Jerry was the one starting shit and never got what he deserved.

>> No.13328418

God, Jerry was an insufferably son of a rats anus
And not even the good type

>> No.13328419

Actually I agree. Which is strange since I'm somehow defending a cool MC getting his pelvis broken by his waifu.

>> No.13328420

>Jerry from Tom & Jerry
I hated that little cunt, he always got Tom in deep shit and mocked him for it too.
My favorite episodes were the ones where Tom got the good end.

>> No.13328423

>You'll never have a big, tall, busy, more aggressive than usual holstaur loom over you at every chance, just begging to be actively dated.

>> No.13328425

I regret bringing up one of my favored stories now, with how the discussion has gone...how'd this start again?

>Dragons are awesome and their husbandos should be tough enough to withstand this
Alright then.

>> No.13328427

I understand your frustration there, in Home Alone at least, it was a kid defending himself.

>> No.13328428

God I love that angle

>> No.13328437

Don't you remember these discussions from when the guy posted his story originally and how the feelings of everyone was so strong he totally flipped the personalities of a bunch of people and shoehorned in a saccharine sweet ending?


>> No.13328438

Sounds like a shit story being turned into a different kind of shit.

>> No.13328440

I don't care honestly. The story was entertaining, the MC was cool, and even if the direction turned 180 from where it was heading it was still a cute ending.

>> No.13328441

This is what happens when you get pressured into changing things to try and make everyone happy.

>> No.13328443

I didn't ask if you cared. I asked how you could possibly expect the responses to be any different to what they've always been.

>> No.13328445

I know the discussion stems from Dragons, but to a certain extent the argument applies to different monstergirls too. Remember Crabman's original comics? Even then he makes the point that Lamia husbandos need above average physical and mental stamina for several hour long lovemaking sessions.

>> No.13328446

How dare people not like everything I make

>> No.13328450

Nope. Probably because I was a Newfag at the time and didn't pay nearly as much attention to the thread as I do now, and thus didn't read them until much, much later on.
So thus, all I know is I enjoy the final result, not really seeing much of a 180 in it.

>> No.13328451

I was just about to say I would expect people not to be whining cunts about a relatively benign aspect of a comedic story, but then I remembered where I was.

>> No.13328452

The MC was more of a dick than most of his coworkers. Kinda why nobody felt sorry for him being in a shit marriage, just questioned why he was married in the first place.

>> No.13328454

>Wanting to proactively date cocky monster girls that are bigger and stronger than yourself.
Are you my brother form another mother?

>> No.13328456

>a relatively benign aspect of a comedic story
Confirmed for retarded.

The MC was a cunt though.

>> No.13328457
File: 606 KB, 707x1000, 90c745f79c336bef530f3b758f4378bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never take candid shots of your waifu
>you will never buy her a whole wardrobe for this purpose
>she'll never laugh lewdly while she gives you a peek under her skirt
>she'll never drip ice cream on her cleavage while glistening with sweat in a tank top and shot shorts
>she'll never pose for you in a tight bike suit that accentuates her curves
>she'll never make do the Marilyn pose in a sun dress
>she'll never make an M with her legs while in a Chinese dress
>she'll never dress as an office lady and trace a pen slowly around her lips
>she'll never put on a one piece suit and bath herself with an ice cold water bottle so her nipples get stiff
>she'll never play with herself while only in stockings, pantyhose and thigh highs
>she'll never dress as a maid for you
>you'll never lie on the floor and have her part her legs for you as you take as many pictures as you want

I hate this world.

>> No.13328458

The author got so much flack originally because he failed to convey the comedy well enough. He got trapped halfway between normal and looney toons and didn't go far enough one way or the other.

>> No.13328462

Man you just hit everything on the nail. Not even my comfy pajama's can contain the diamond in my pants

>> No.13328464

For good reason. Could you imagine having to work with those fuckers? In that shitty job? With that shitty work environment? Fuck, the story even explicitly mentions that being happy your job in that company is a bad thing.

Also I'd rather be stuck in his marriage than have a shitty waifu like his other two male co-workers.

>> No.13328466

Matsu sensei is in the process of creating a new Minotaur like cowgirl that lactates spiked milk.

>> No.13328467

Did DILLAWF post his story at around the time he added it to his pastebin? I want to find the discussion in the archives.

>> No.13328468

>Also I'd rather be stuck in his marriage than have a shitty waifu like his other two male co-workers
How about not having a waifu in first place? Shocking, I know.

>> No.13328469

Define spiked milk

>> No.13328471

Eh, she's a Dragon. She'll mellow out in time, just like her mother did.

>> No.13328472

>Implying horse pussy anon was not the only redeeming nice guy in the entire story with a happy marriage
The author even said everyone shat on him on purpose for it.

>> No.13328478

Dragons are my favorite and I still wouldn't date that bitch.

>> No.13328483

>Confirmed for retard.
I don't see how. Fact is that pelvis breaking, while a major aspect of the story, was hardly portrayed as a big deal or uncommon in any way. Thus I consider it benign.

>> No.13328488

>Tentative rough design for a third lewd cowgirl to go with Nicole and Heather.

>Toned cow who drinks a lot and produces spiked milk as a result. She’s mildly annoyed that her breasts cover her six pack, but doesn’t mind too much.

That's the description given.

>> No.13328489
File: 312 KB, 800x1000, Anubis Maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>she'll never pose for you in a tight bike suit that accentuates her curves
Confirmed for "Next thing I'm paying some artist to draw of my waifu".

>she'll never drip ice cream on her cleavage while glistening with sweat in a tank top and shot shorts
>she'll never pose for you in a tight bike suit that accentuates her curves
>she'll never make an M with her legs while in a Chinese dress
>she'll never dress as an office lady and trace a pen slowly around her lips
>she'll never put on a one piece suit and bath herself with an ice cold water bottle so her nipples get stiff
>she'll never play with herself while only in stockings, pantyhose and thigh highs
These are all fantastic too.

>she'll never dress as a maid for you
Got that at least.

>> No.13328491

Pharaoh a best. Egypt subs Unite!Yay!

>> No.13328492

I think you may just be my progeniture from a different progenitress.

I mean look at her. She's just so big and massive she's just begging you to touch the cow. It's there, and it's glorious, and in a true conquistadorian fashion, just begs to be claimed.

>> No.13328493

You know what else is not uncommon in our world? Theft, rape and murder.

>> No.13328494

Utah best husbando

>> No.13328495

Eh, she already mellowed out a good deal after reflecting on her actions.
>inb4 "Complaint driven 180!"

>> No.13328496

>She’s mildly annoyed that her breasts cover her six pack, but doesn’t mind too much.
So they're huge? Eh

>> No.13328498

B-but monster girls are always raping guys XD

>> No.13328501
File: 265 KB, 2000x2500, Horny Haohi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a lewd angel?

>> No.13328502

That's not Khepri, but you can't go wrong with delicious brown. HEAR HEAR.

>> No.13328503

I think you should know the question you're asking, you're asking if a girl made by Matsu-sensei has huge tits.

>> No.13328505

Right. Sorry

>> No.13328507

>That lip bite
A thousand times YES

>> No.13328510

where the fuck are you getting this stuff i dont remember posting them anywhere

>> No.13328512

Why not?

>> No.13328517

Fucking rights I would. Fuck it, I would even a non-lewd angel.

>> No.13328518


>> No.13328522


>> No.13328523

Fuck Utah. It makes me upset to see people more happy than I am.

>> No.13328524

I wonder what .less is working on right now...

>> No.13328525

Might as well go for a cute and more innocent harpy.

>> No.13328526


>> No.13328529

Are you implying you aren't used to be being regularly raped, stolen from, and murdered?

>> No.13328532

I was making a joke. I'm not even the same guy
Also, never heard of it

>> No.13328534

lewd slut or lewd sexy

>> No.13328536

>Meanwhile, wherever .Less is from

>> No.13328537


Haohi's a slut.

>> No.13328538

Of course.

>> No.13328539

Sexy. Pretty sure this one at least refrains from doing more than just visually teasing those other than her husbando.

>> No.13328541

I'm a winner, so no.

>> No.13328545


It's the RP chan that Mari (yes that Mari) runs.

>> No.13328546

Who's Haohi? That character in the pic?

>> No.13328547
File: 217 KB, 600x800, 5d36db7c310319071dbdc514ca84b058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has to be more art of men taking on big monster girls.

>> No.13328548

You are all NTR'ing .less right now. How do you feel?

>> No.13328549


.less' Angel OC.

>> No.13328551

Give me background. I suddenly have a desire to know.
And a nagging desire to not know and just forget about it

>> No.13328553


And .Less' new name. Yes.

>> No.13328554

Mari runs an RP group, why am I not surprised in the slightest

>> No.13328555

It's not NTR of he knows about it.

>> No.13328557

Heh, good one anon.

>> No.13328558

.less' steel doughnut angel avatar for when he wants to be a girl.

>> No.13328559

We're not NTRing him.

We're NTRing his Monster Boy OC.

>> No.13328560


>> No.13328563

Honestly? Honest answer?
I don't even like NTR but I feel pretty good

>> No.13328564


>> No.13328565

Its not ntr if he likes to watch other guys fucking his wife.

>> No.13328566

That depends on how I feel about his next work.

>> No.13328570

Because you're a faggot who thinks asking questions via voice recording on a text-communication site is a good idea.

>> No.13328572

Because you're from the U.K., and you don't get love until Scotland gets its freedoms.

>> No.13328574

Hear hear nigga. We gotta stick together to keep that desert kingdom together.

>> No.13328575

But he's into NTR.

>> No.13328579

One good reason for why you not to go out shoot and be your waifu? What?

>> No.13328580

So you're saying he's a cluck cluck cluck cluck?

>> No.13328581

>.Less is jacking off to the concept of his waifu being gangbanged by a bunch of anon's RIGHT NOW

>> No.13328582

but I'm bored and this could be fun
>a bong

>> No.13328583

Is this... .less's voice?

>> No.13328586

because mushrooms aren't going to clear up that sore throat
go buy some fucking cough drops you nigger

>> No.13328590

.less doesn't even have a mic

>> No.13328591

So wait, if .less is a cuck, why hasn't he just drawn Haohi getting gangbanged by 3-4 faceless anons, while his OC Guy is tied up in a corner?

>> No.13328592

Man, I wish I knew how my fetish for taller girls ended up with me liking giants. Brain, please, after a certain point you couldn't even do anything with them.

>> No.13328593

Do it anon!
Adventurers like me need a place to stop by and resupply!
I can give you a 68% guarantee that we won't burn down the town from an accident.

>> No.13328596

>.less actually draws a bunch of faceless, green men raping her and himself back in the corner of the picture, and masturbates to it.

>> No.13328598

I'm just going to stick to massaging an Anubis Administrator's paws, keeping her relaxed and able to perform her duties of management.

>> No.13328600
File: 789 KB, 1280x1670, hellgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which he also turned into a girl.

I honestly like hellgirl over here better than the angel

>> No.13328601

He probably has, he doesn't post everything he draws here and most artists have at least a few pictures they never show others.

>> No.13328602
File: 528 KB, 850x1201, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13328603


>> No.13328605

I want to see this chick making out with Haohi.

What a shame.

>> No.13328606

Why are you whispering? Is it because you don't want to wake up your parents?

>> No.13328607

Agree, hell girl looks cuter to be honest.

>> No.13328611

I hope this is not true.

>> No.13328612

What waifu do you have that burns down towns?

>> No.13328613


See >>13328554

And the next time you see her talking about a setting you now know why.

>> No.13328614

Goddamn it, now he has to do this.

>> No.13328615

Not having them lay on top of each other for a heaven and hell sandwich as you drill both their holes.

>> No.13328616

No, it's to make sure I don't wake up my harem of gfs ;^)

>> No.13328620

I'll be Pharaoh's husband and service her every day!

>> No.13328623

That can always come after.
Knowing .less he'd have his OC Monster Boy doing the drilling tho

>> No.13328624


Probably an Ignis. Or a dragon with a cold.

>> No.13328626

I wouldn't even be mad if he did
I'd be pleasantly amused and buy him a drink just because

>> No.13328629 [DELETED] 
File: 3.27 MB, 3000x4000, I&#039;m self-insert the lilim slicer, has a nice ring to it dontcha think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are nipple piercings so great?

>> No.13328631

I'm an adventurer anon.
Our mere presence will cause your town to either become stupendously wealthy or have an ancient evil awaken.
And I have not time for a waifu A battle mage's work is never done, once we hit it big I may see if I can grab one.

>> No.13328633

You do that.

Anubis is always first in my heart though.

>> No.13328634

You know this is actually one of the few things I actually want him to make.
Exactly, just to amuse us for half a day or so would be nice.

>> No.13328635

blue board, fool.

>> No.13328636
File: 258 KB, 831x1200, 1418479681449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a tiny Ran?

>> No.13328638

Fuck buds, now he isn't just because he think we'll enjoy it.

>> No.13328639

First, lovely.
Second, blue board.
Third, I just remembered what picture of .less' I thought had perfect breasts.

>> No.13328640


>> No.13328644
File: 1.89 MB, 850x6200, 1234578694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any tips on how to raise Minotaurus daughterus?

>> No.13328646

Loli Foxes are made for sexing.
Still yes. I want to drink loli fox milk from the tap.

>> No.13328648

I have no reason.
Go to her.

>> No.13328651


>> No.13328652

Wha- welll, I mean
we'd hate it! we'd totally hate it. Ooh, we'd hate it so hard we'd boycott the place! The hate would transcend dimensions! I mean, liking that? What?
We'd be so mad because of all the anger! He should totally do it just to get us mad! Yeah! To get us mad and angry. No one would love it, no sir

>> No.13328653
File: 641 KB, 1200x1500, hellgirl k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue board, anon

>> No.13328654
File: 680 KB, 620x877, 1398127145836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never a Wurm who sounds like Laura Bailey

>> No.13328656

Make sure to cater to her well. She may even kiss you vigorously before throwing you down and riding you for a day.

>> No.13328657


>> No.13328658

Dominate the wife, the daughters will fall in line.

>> No.13328659

Take her to see the Running of the Minotaurs at a young age and tell her that one day, if she works hard, she'll get to compete.

>> No.13328660

>No need to take her out, just ask her to do it.


>> No.13328661

Well first, you gotta NOT to that.

>> No.13328662 [SPOILER] 
File: 851 KB, 1569x1185, 1429158741825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists always go kaiju-sized giantess scale and almost never draw amazon-sized girls or at least miniature giantesses, and straight shota is just not the same.

>> No.13328664

Overtime, you learn to understand that your dick can override your brain
It's at that moment you lose grip on the motorcycle that is life

>> No.13328665

Don't wear red.
Make sure they have plenty of room and sturdy furniture for them to rough house in.
Speak with your local wizard about runes or enchanted item's to reinforce your bones and boost your strength, dad glare will only work until they figure out they are stronger than you and its good to have a backup plan.
They can be selfconscious when around their holst cousins, muscle is nice but the upper shelf is a little lacking in comparison.

>> No.13328666

Yeah, fuck that. I'd be so pissed if .less did that drawing we were just talking about. Like, I think I'd shitpost about it for days.

>> No.13328667

Fuck off with your bait.

>> No.13328669

Having too tight of a grip on the bars of a motorcycle is actually a rather bad thing. Nice and loose is best.

>> No.13328670


>> No.13328671


>> No.13328672

God damn it, why did that sound lewd to me?

>> No.13328673


>> No.13328674

Because you're a hopeless pervert.

>> No.13328675


That's Momotaro right?

>> No.13328677

This is how most Minotaurus Girls get their husbands I guess.

She'll have a poster of 'Longhorn Lucy', the current champion, in her room. The woman she will aspire to be.

>> No.13328678

Monster girl edition.

>> No.13328680

God damn it

>> No.13328681

My desire is to cater to her every waking hour.
And if she repays my attentions with her own, and spends sleeping hours together with me, well, then I am happy and content.

>> No.13328688

Did DoIlookLikeAWriteFag ever post anything besides his three stories? Like, what he planned to do or any greentexts?

>> No.13328689

Probably, though he's missing the talking animals; in this case a werewolf, a kauken, and a pheasant harpy.

>> No.13328690

Childhood heroes, huh? I don't think we've ever talked about those.

>> No.13328693

The fuck are you on about?

>> No.13328695

There's nothing wrong with being a pervert.

>> No.13328698

Literally who?
Was he another short lived writefag like Gauf?

>> No.13328700

Did you read the post I replied to? It featured the childhood hero of a daughteru.

>> No.13328706

What if you are the childhood hero of your own daughteru? Or better yet you somehow become the childhood hero of your daughteru's friends.

>> No.13328708

Being a pervert is a dark path with no way of turning back. Once you step forth, there is no way of return
Unless you take a cab, but no one wants to pay the fare since a Tanuk's driving

>> No.13328709

Keiichi you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.13328711

All Monster Girl species would have their own heroes and celebrities.

Manticores would look up to some kind of Manticore pornstar with a XXL tail.

Maybe the Smug Squad has their own line of comic books where they fight Paladins and other villains like Mr. Condom and The Rape Whistle.

>> No.13328712
File: 770 KB, 800x1000, 1bcb95f493c2e2028bbfd80a8eeb4aef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter what, they just won't become a "pet dog," but they do recognize the men they capture as their husbands and shower them with love just as any other monster would.

>Despite them having this sort of nature, there are many men who are fixated on taming them, believing "a dog should always be tamable." There's no end to the number of men who approach them to try to train and discipline them only to end up conversely yielding into submission themselves.

>It is purported that originally these monsters were created as guard dogs by a certain god of the underworld, but it was impossible even for the gods to tame them. If there were a man who could make them submit, that person's ability as a trainer would surpass even that of a god.

Who has what it takes to succeed where the gods failed? What is that which can tame the untameable?

>> No.13328713

I could learn me some cock magic.


>> No.13328717

Either a generic dense harem protagonist, or one of us somehow.

>> No.13328718

Like porn star Dadanon?

Or we talking old retired warrior/wizard who can regale them with tales of when he and his comrades took down the great outsider of Kirkland? A mighty beast with a thousand eyes and a cry that scratched at ones sanity?

>> No.13328720

>Comic books of the The Smug Sqwaaaaaaaaaaad
Would read/collect

>> No.13328721

Pretty well. Wrote one 3-Part story about a Guy and his Dragonfu last April, and nobody's heard from him since.

>> No.13328723

All of the above.

>> No.13328725

Dude. You're a genius. Someone who's good at zany comedy needs to do this.

>> No.13328726

Cesar Milan.

>> No.13328727

Music? Water-Sprayer? Bellyrubs? Scooby-Snacks?
I'm at a lost.

>> No.13328728

Why would you want to 'tame' her? Her wild spirit is part of her allure.

>> No.13328731

Fuck if I know the specifics, I'm not the man for the job after all. But I imagine one of us is just creative and crazy enough to find a way.

>> No.13328732

>A full dere Hellhound
What would the gods do if this happend?

>> No.13328733

It will actually be an endless cycle of failure. Tracking down a single Hellhound, laying out an elaborate traps, only for her to overpower you in the end and rape you everytime.

It's like Ahab and Moby Dick. He'll end up sacrificing his crew, just to catch a single albino Hellhound.



>> No.13328734

The fabled Gary Stu tamed a pack of Hellhounds with his Lilim wife.

>> No.13328735

Good man. Being sub is liberating.

>> No.13328736

A story about a single retired paladin who protects his neighborhood from seedy characters?

>> No.13328738

Cock Magicians would make a lot of money in a place like Monster Girl City.

>> No.13328739

>Implying a Dom can't be Dere
That's just silly anon.

>> No.13328741


>> No.13328743


Actual love, not "MGE love".

>> No.13328746

Maybe i should've said full sub.

>> No.13328747

>overpower you everytime

I don't think so subanon.

>> No.13328748

Every show would end with a horny monstergirl making a variation on the "I'll make it vanish" joke.

>> No.13328750

In a way, yes.

People go on and on about the wonders of "Freedom", but with such freedom, such options and selections, I find myself wasting time more often than not. So much to do, that I wind up doing nothing.

I would much rather submit myself to an Anubis, let her decide when and for how long I do something, and follow her carefully laid out schedule, performing whatever duties sets for me to the best of my abilities, and being able to enjoy my periods of downtime all the more, satisfied that I've done a good job for her.

Shame it's never gonna happen ;_;

>> No.13328751


>> No.13328753

B-but I'm a switch!

>> No.13328754

Love alone ain't gonna make her act any different. She'll be plenty lovin' when she's dominating your body completely.

Maybe you should've.

Part of what makes Hellhound's great.


>> No.13328755

>Have I ever told you girls of the time we had to fight our way out of the Caves of Glarl?
>Such a fearsome battle, never have I seen so many Orc's in all my days, tall, small, thick and thin.
>And it was both types of thick I'll tell you what, some of them plumper than a christmas roast and the others looking like they where three quarters minotaur.
>.....Yes, I know how my math sounds and I don't care, math didn't get me out of those caves so it can go eat a dick.
>Anyways, there we were, nearing the end of the tunnel when the queen and four of her best guards came out, each one of them the leader of their tribes.
>We were tired, Robert was out of magic, and Forrel'l was low on arrows, that arrogant elf ba- ANY ways, that's when our rouge went ballistic, screaming something about boots or whatever when he just started groping and fondling like there was no tomorrow.
>Brought them all to the big "O" quicker than you can say "Don't put it in there!"
>Did it about six more times before he'd had his fill. Frightened off the rest so we could escape.
>They actually made it into a movie you know? Think they called "For the Whored", played a bit part in it as myself actually. Had me and this very well toned gal who re-enacted the prison scene with me.
>My little girls' step-mom Gretta still loves "Tensors Invisible Orgy" to this day.

>> No.13328756


>> No.13328758
File: 360 KB, 1000x1300, The face of evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13328759


Pissed off lilim punching the ground.jpg

>> No.13328761


>> No.13328762 [SPOILER] 
File: 128 KB, 500x486, 1429160492364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13328764


>> No.13328765


>> No.13328766


>> No.13328767

Oh man, I would totally become a porn star just so I could tease my daughteru about it later. It would be even better if her friends found out as well.

>> No.13328769
File: 369 KB, 800x1000, Hellhound23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellhounds aren't about sub or doms though.
They just can't be ordered around.

You can take a 'dominant position' during sex with a hellhound and she will enjoy being 'sub', but she doesn't see it like that. She just sees sex, and if you stop having sex before she's finished she'll automatically take control of the situation.

>However, it's not like they have a lot of pride or anything, so even in the case when they're assaulted by a man, they don't get angry or refuse. On the contrary, they would likely gleefully accept it and enjoy being violated as a female in bestial intercourse. However, it never means they've been "broken." When the man is basking in glory thinking he has successfully forced one of them into submission, the next moment she'll counterattack and violate him in return, as if to say, "It wasn't nearly enough."

The ultimate task on a Hellhound Obedience Test consists of telling her that she can't have sex with you until you say otherwise and having her respect your decision.

>> No.13328770

Was once a woman...

>> No.13328772
File: 32 KB, 616x526, git gud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13328773

>be DILF
>walk in on teenage daughteru and her friends in bathrobe
>"Honey, have you seen your mother's buttplug tail? She wants another tail for tonight"

>> No.13328776

>The ultimate task on a Hellhound Obedience Test consists of telling her that she can't have sex with you until you say otherwise and having her respect your decision.
Use whatever semantics you want, still ain't gonna happen.

>> No.13328778

Anon, one of the reasons I like freedom so much is because I enjoy not HAVING to anything. I don't really like having free time because I'd rather do something else, but I enjoy it because I don't have to do anything I don't want to or do anything at all.

>> No.13328779

>Insert 2-Tailed Anubis Pic here
Granted the Porn-Star life ain't the way I'd want to meet a girl, even in MG-Land, but still.

Buttplug Tails are olev.

>> No.13328780

We just have to figure out a way that works. Nothing is impossible in the land of possibilities.

>> No.13328782

Also you can tell what kind of friends your daughteru has based on whether they recognize you or not.

>> No.13328783

What if you meet her outside of work, and seduces your heart away from it all?

>> No.13328785

>Insert 2-Tailed Anubis Pic here

I need to see this image.

>> No.13328787

Clearly we are very different people.

You appear to revel in your freedom to do nothing, as it's better than doing something you don't want to do.
I, on the other hand, just start thinking of myself as a useless waste of space who could be putting his time to better pursuits, but simply lack the drive, whether internal or external, to do so. Thus I would rather do something I dislike, if I at least felt I was doing something productive.

>> No.13328791

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to feed himself. It may not be pretty, it may not be clean, it may not be honourable, but it's what's gotta be done. Can't afford to be picky about how you make your living in a world of monstergirls.

>> No.13328792
File: 182 KB, 800x1000, laskamaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ha ha, time for Laska part 12.

>> No.13328793

Reminder that embarassing your daughteru in front of her friends and peers for your own amusement is not only your right as a father, but your duty.

>> No.13328794

>Daughteru has mostly innocent friends who don't recognize you at all, with a couple who blush and wiggle whenever they glance at your face, their gazes inevitably going to your crotch
>Talk those girls into showing the others a couple of your videos
>The next day all of them are blushing at you

Eh, I'd try my best to do something I'd rather do though.

That does sound...nice, in a way. But if we all look down on Used Goods, why shouldn't they?

I'm sure somebody's got a link. It's lovely.

>> No.13328799

It's been a while. I still don't hate you for real.

>> No.13328800

fuck yeah bob

>> No.13328801

>When good girls go bad... there's one man who's their best friend.
>Cesar Millan.
>"No dog-girl is too much for me to handle."
>"I rehabilitate wives; I train husbands."
>"I am The Bitch Whisperer."

>> No.13328804

>if we all look down on Used Goods
I don't. Experience is good. I love it. That's why I'm writing like two old hags in smutty stories.

>> No.13328806

>All her friends now want to hang out at her place more

>> No.13328808

What if you're already in a relationship and you ask her to not dominate you and play equally?

>> No.13328809

>"Fuck the bitch, show her your domineeence!"
>"Not like that, you're still taking a submissive stance."

>> No.13328813
File: 128 KB, 1055x959, e56721569c4a847b26f63ab523a0d8d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit and die.

>> No.13328815

>"DAD! that's gross and why did you have to say that in front of my friends?"
>Now listen here young lady! You never want to go anywhere without your tail butt plug.
>Just like a towel it has many uses, it can be used to stem leaks, bind wounds, and can even be used to enact diplomacy.
>Why, one day back in my youth we were fighting with some mercenaries who'd been hounding us for days. Nasty lot, all scarred and muscled girls who could put up a fight as well as any paladin.
>Anyway, during a lull in the fighting, their captain come's over and requests a little bit of talking with us, seeing if we could come to an agreement.
>Now, none of us thought it was real but what would it cost us to check it out? The rouge had reached his daily allotment of fondling and Gregory was suffering a mean case of whiskey dick, this just left me and Jim and NO BODY wanted to trust him with another woman after the alp incident.
>So I go there and start talking with this big, burly werewolf who could probably strip me in a single blow and have me shooting my white stuff everywhere like a milk fountain at a hathor cult.
>Well, we talk and talk and I can already see it isn't going well. Then I notice something, she's got this puny little stub of a tail that must of gotten cut off when she's young.
>So I decide "what the hell" and say I've got something for that and pull out this Kolari wolf tail buttplug I got as a reward for saving some merchant.
>You should have SEEN how happy she was when she put it in and had a big ol' tail again. She started giving me these big sloppy kisses while telling me how happy she is to have a real tail again.
>Ended up taking me right there and getting knocked up with a litter of your sisters Roberta, Rosemaria, and Rhonda.
>Think they called it "Dances with Wolves" and added in a scene where I bang the whole company. Man, she was so happy to reinact that part again.
>"Oh my demon lord please stop!"
>'Found it honey! I got it in!'

>> No.13328819

>That's why I'm writing like two old hags in smutty stories.

Daughteru + Friends Orgy End?

You really think they're the sort who would just go along with that? Why, when wrestling over dominance is so much more fun?

>> No.13328823

Yes, but only if you're into daughteru dicking.

>> No.13328824

>Parent teacher interview
>You and your daughteru are waiting outside of the classrom while her teacher talks with another family
>Finally, the family leaves, meaning it's your time to- wait a tick
>The mother of the family which just came out of the classrom looks up
>"Sweet Hathor riding in a Mercedes benz while drinking some delicious milk, it is you!"
>"Anon I- holy shit, you look so much different!"
>"Yeah, it's called becoming a father. Did you know that it dramatically changes you life?"
>'Yeah, I should know. I had to get her out of my stomach. I didn't even know my stomach could even expand that much."
>"I don't know, the things we used to do did push it to its limits, if you catch my drift"
Dad? do you know my friends mother?
>"Know her? I fucked her brains out!"
>"All over the place. in an out, semen leaking out of her nethers. ooh, those were the times."
>"Remember when we got into that threesome with the Manticore?"
>"How can I forget! i wonder how she's even doing now. Heard she got into Apophis venom. Knarly stuff."
Lisa Tails. I-I remember her
You do?
I-I watches some videos..
>"Ooh, that's a shame. she was so nice too."
>"Speaking of Apophis, remember the snake pile?
>"Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You got into the snake pile?
>"Let me tell you something, lisa. It was the time to be alive!"
>'You have to send me that video. you have to!"
>"I'll see if I can talk to George about it. ah, spoiler alert-"
>"Don't tell me!"
>"Alright, alright"
>"Spoiler alert: the Kraken changes EVERYTHING."
>"Your fault for listening! But anyhow, I never knew your little devil was friends with mine. Good kid."
>"So I'm told. We should catch up one day."

>> No.13328826

Yes. Quite. Hope the walls don't keep out the sounds so daughteru and her friends can enjoy themselves and have a shlickingparty.
One is a Kikimora, the other is a Werecat. Nevermind that.

>> No.13328827

>Only if you're into it
As things should be.

>> No.13328832

Oh, hi Alp.

Wait a second...you mean t'tell me that shit with Neko-obasan's gonna go beyond just visual teasing? That what you mean to tell me?

>> No.13328834

Oh Yes.

>> No.13328835

I really want to see a greentext like that now, like the Steve Irwin ones.

>> No.13328837

I've been saying it for ages that it'll end up in a three-way, anon. Ever since Mrs. Stripes was introduced I've been saying that whenever it became relevant.

>> No.13328838

And the waifu joining later on, right?

>> No.13328840

So I'm assuming that Sally is a single parent too?

>> No.13328842

If you had to compare your favorite female character to a monster girl, who would you pick and why?

I guess Aigis would fit as a Golem or something

>> No.13328847

>Robin from One Piece
I guess she'd be an ara ara Crow Tengu?

>> No.13328849

Huh. Guess I just never noticed. Weirdly enough, I thought you'd said stuff to the contrary. Guess I should pay more attention.

And here I was hoping it'd just be some Neko-teasing, and cute Creepy Crawly cuddles...oh well.

>> No.13328853

Originally I think we was talking about daughter dicking ceteris paribus, meaning no waifu in the equation at all. But if you want to throw her in then you'd probably need her consent first too. In short, yes.

>> No.13328854

Do that to me again and I'm going to turn your torso into my pillow every night for a month.

>> No.13328855

Come on anon. There's two virgins and one sexual predator in that set-up.

>> No.13328856

>Noel Vermilion
.less drew her as a Cat Girl.
She's actually a Golem.
I think she'd be fitting as a Cockatrice.
Or a Dragon or Wyvern when she gets going.

>> No.13328858

>Olivier Armstrong
I have no freaking clue. Probably some kind of dragon, but I'm not sure what color.

>> No.13328862

White. Because she's an ice queen.

>> No.13328865

Not sure I really follow how that'd affect things.

Oh well, it is what it is, you're the author, and I'll just live with the route you've chosen to go.

Y'know, I think I'm just now noticing a trend that you're not really into monogamy. I really do need to pay more attention.

>> No.13328867

You act as if that isn't her plan

>> No.13328870

>As soon as you leave her friends start talking
>"Man, you dad is so hot. Shame he quit the business"
>"Yeah, Butler Boys will never be the same without him. Those were his best works.
>"What are you talking about? It was Crow Frenzy. The way he handled all those tengus, just wow"
>"Eh, that was great, but I liked Drain Him Dry VII. He turned that slime milky white.
>"Personally, I think his role in Bully Me was his best. He did a great job of bullying that Oomukade.
>"That's my dad you're talking about! Shut up!"
>"Ah come on, your dad is a hot piece of ass and you know it. I'm jealous of your mom"
>Daughteru slams her head onto the floor.

>> No.13328871

Makes sense.

>> No.13328875

>Kageyama Torako
I want to say Jinko, because of her name, but her personality is nothing like the basic type. I don't know, really.

>> No.13328879

You'd think I'd deny my weapon it's purpose?

>> No.13328882

>not into monogamy
>Rhea and Willis end up monogamous
>Craig and Farai will be monogamous
>Lance and Andrea will be monogamous
So come on. Don't go around saying unnecessary things. And what exactly is so damn awful about a three-way? Kitty is lonely, and those damn virgins need help doing it right, right?
Please don't make me feel bad about it.

>> No.13328883

>I don't have a favourite female character
What's wrong with me? Uh, I guess that ninja chick from Gintama with the eyepatch.
Kunoichi, I guess? Kinda lame but it is what it is.

>> No.13328886

>Favourite female character
No one is really coming to mind. So I'll just go with my raifu G3.

Pic related.
http://puu sh/hfFw8/cd681e6413.jpg

>> No.13328889

I would call you a faggot, but that's rude.

>> No.13328890

>End up
>Will be
Uhuh. Suuuure.
Well, maybe a better way to put it is that you really like polyamory?
Nothin' wrong with that, I'm just saying it didn't really click in my head that much till now.

>> No.13328891

Forgot to mention, no idea what kind monstergirl best suits her. Maybe a catgirl or foxgirl.

>> No.13328893

That show was alright, wish it was less Moe and a bit darker, like the whole Finnish Rape Elf scene.

>> No.13328897

Here's a question. How would a Daughteru react in this situation if her Dad was already dicking her?

>> No.13328899

Wait, are you saying your entire dick's purpose is to fuck your daughteru? That's fucking hardcore mate.

>> No.13328900


KC Scylla. Flirty, seductive, and tentacles everywhere.

>> No.13328901

Miu from DearS? No idea.

>> No.13328902

I agree, but I feel like the reason Sako's rape scene was so damn good was because it came out of fucking nowhere. I'm a manga reader so I knew it was coming, but I was still impressed they forward with it.

>> No.13328903

I guess you could say Rhea and Willis ARE monogamous since they are, in the part of story set in the time they are, you know?
>you really like polyamory
If you say so.

>> No.13328905

I now know that you want to call me a faggot, though. That makes me sad enough.

Finnish rape elf was pretty great. I'd love to make her ahegao simply by being excessively lewd.

Ah, never mind, I got a favourite girl. Othinus. And she'd be a Valkyrie I guess. Then then a fairy ;_;

>> No.13328909

>in the part of story set in the time they are
Mmm, I bet.

>If you say so
Well, all your stories that I've read do seem to have polyamorous relationships. And I've read all of them but the Sea Slime one.

>> No.13328914

>that makes me sad

Don't be an alp, man up.

>> No.13328917

Jealousy mixed with pride.

Or she could just be that proud and want to show off "the goodness" of her Dad.

>> No.13328918

Probably still a little embarrassed, aroused mostly. Jealous that her friends her trying to clamber onto her dad's dick.

>> No.13328921

Well, I recently started liking Misty Lola from Yugioh 5Ds. http://i.imgur.com/w62w8ue.jpg
Based on her cards, she'd totally be a Lamia.

>> No.13328924

>I bet
Are you fucking with me?
>seem to have
Okay, show me the polyamory in Vertex.

>> No.13328928

>tfw you have no one to man up for
I've been in a real slump lately, now that I come to think about it. Quickly, some one refer me to a cute warm an fluffy story.

>> No.13328930

A sword returns to the sheath.

>> No.13328931

Not as amusingly as how she reacts upon finding out she's masturbated to his earlier films, especially if she finds out her favourite scene in her porno stars her father.

>> No.13328933

Would you want to make some bannock with your waifu?

>> No.13328934

>Show me the polyamory in Vertex
Well, like you said, two virgins and a predator...

>Are you fucking with me?
Yes. I'd have gone on longer if you hadn't called me out on it.

>> No.13328935

That doesn't make much sense, that saying implies you need to fuck your mother.

>> No.13328938

Rather make brownies.

>> No.13328942

>two virgins and a predator
Okay so you're going to pretend something that I said won't happen is going to happen? Fine. Be that way. Jerk.
This triggers the deletion reflex.

>> No.13328943

No, the mother is the anvil. Dicking the daughteru would be like putting the sword you made out of leather you butchered with it while using the first sheath, and using the new one because the wife got lost somewhere.

>> No.13328947

>The Goodness
Really? Really? That's the best you could come up with?

They're all sitting in a circle, gossiping about how good they bet he is in bed, and meanwhile she's wiggling about, stealthily trying to rub herself as she recalls the vivid memories of the real thing?

>Daughteru shlicks to porn films, unknowing that the male star she's fantasizing getting her brains fucked out by his her father
>Camera shifts to feature his face just as she climaxes
>Sits there in shock, drooling wet as she gazes at the video, paused on her father's face
>Realizes she was getting wet all over again, now fully aware it was her father in her fantasies
>Sneaks over into his bedroom

>> No.13328951

But anon you can eat bannock whenever you want!

Brownies are for losers who eat dessert!

>> No.13328954

But am I not the maker of this sheath? It makes sense that I would put my sword in it's place of rest.

Can a sword not fit In many sheathes?

>> No.13328956

Maybe I'm just tired and all fucked up from writing academic bullshit, but your metaphors are flying right over my head right now.

>> No.13328960

She would try to delete all the scenes she has of him, but end up masturbating shamefully.

>> No.13328961

>Realizes she was getting wet all over again, now fully aware it was her father in her fantasies
>Sneaks over into his bedroom

I like the direction this tangent is headed.

>> No.13328963

I have a habit of wording things oddly.

>> No.13328967

>This triggers the deletion reflex.
No no no, don't do that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, really, I am. Apologies and prostrations your Alp-ness.
Also I don't recall you saying that wouldn't happen. I'm glad it's not and all, I just don't remember you saying so, but then I don't recall you saying it WOULD happen in Creepy Crawly, so again, I aught to pay more attention.

Seriously though, the threesome bit for creepy crawly does seem a bit out of left field to me. By which I mean that the attraction the MC displays for the Kitty in the latest update seems a bit counter to more platonic feelings I seem to recall represented in earlier installments. But maybe that's just my memory being faulty. Kind of a problem if you hadn't noticed already.

>> No.13328968

>the best you could come up with

I didn't know I was supposed to be doing anything. I quoted KC.

>> No.13328970

And even when she thinks all's said and done after she deleted them all their all imprinted in her mind. Vividly.

>> No.13328971

>Grovelling before the Alp's bluff.


>> No.13328972

It's my kitchen and I can cook what I want, nerd!

>> No.13328976

Shh, let him believe it isn't a bluff. It's how you win poker, y'know

>> No.13328977

>Apologizing to Alp
For what purpose?

>> No.13328980

Apology accepted. Ohohoho!
Okay, so about those complaints. Do you remember the MC in Night Terrors sniffing around an Oomukade and then saving up all of her hair?
That wasn't random. Neither was him getting strange new feelings for Mrs. Stripes.

>> No.13328983

I think that like, you're the sword, your mother is the anvil with which you were forged, your wife is the sheath made to hold you perfectly, and your daughter is the flesh your blade sheered off some animal, with which to make a new sheath, which will one day hold another sword?

Somethin' like that.

Me too anon. Shame I don't have the will or sense of mind to continue it right now.

Oh god I'm pretty sure I know what you refer to...

>> No.13328985

>Finally deletes all the scenes with her father
>Still can't stop thinking of them whenever she gets horny
>Regretfully re-downloads them again for another session of shameful masturbation
>Eventually starts downloading more scenes with her father, new ones she hasn't seen yet
>Eventually deletes them all again
>The process keeps repeating itself

>> No.13328987

Venom sacks?

I'm sorry did "Alp-ness" not make it clear this is all in good fun? Do I have to ham it up even more?

>> No.13328991

This is how you get a phone call from your ISP about your torrent program exceeding your allotted up/down capacity.

>> No.13328994

>Venom sacks
Why I do believe there is a character in that story with such things, yes.

>> No.13328997

And her father is the one that gets the call.

>> No.13329000

>oh god

What are so flustered about? We've been discussing DD for the last hour or so.

>> No.13329001

>Brownies are for losers


>> No.13329005

By which I meant said venom 'leaking' and contributing to her scent, thus his compulsion to collect her hair, and his noticing of his neighbour's "Assets"? Interesting if true...

Still don't entirely like it, but oh well, worse things out there, and should make for nice stuff in coming updates, I'm sure?
Again, sorry for ribbin' ya so much.

>> No.13329010

>Daughter + Friends Orgy w/ Father
>Daughter sneaking into Father's room

Pretty sure I've seen an image set that goes just like this. Then again I don't imagine they're too uncommon.

>> No.13329011

Or her rubbing it on herself on purpose while shlicking, and as it evaporates it still has a weak aphrodisiac effect because MONSTER GIRLS, AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT.
We may never know.

>> No.13329012

Ice, ice, baby

>> No.13329015

Night all,
have a great evening and don't burn down the thread.
I wish to use a zombie as a body pillow.

>> No.13329017

>Get call from ISP
>Something about Up/Down Limits being exceeded
>They recommend checking Torrents to fix the issue
>Alright then.
>Check your own torrents, nothin'.
>Everything nicely cleaned away
>Daughteru's out, but don't want to get into some kind of issue with the ISP
>Sneak into her room
>Computer's on, so pull up her torrents
>Holy Shit on a Stick that's a lot
>Some 120 Seeds running at once
>Tell the guy you think you found the issue, and hang up as you start closing them
>Try not to read them as you go, but start to notice something
>You recognize a lot of the names on these
>Oh shit. It clicks that they're "Films" you used to do before she was born
What do then?

>> No.13329020

Derp. Now why did simple sweat occur to me before feminine fluids? Perhaps there's something wrong with me...

I'd rather be a Lich's Cuddle-Experiment.

>> No.13329021


>> No.13329022

I have a loaded baby dragon in need of burping and I'm not afraid to pat her back!

>> No.13329023

Well, I'm gonna assume for the sake of simplicity that I'm a single father currently. So I'm going to have a nice awkward talk with my daughter, but not before I use this to fuck with her for at least few days first.

>> No.13329024

You and me both, buddy. I think a Lich would be better, but a simple zombie would be real nice.

>> No.13329026

Now anon, we can talk about this. Just but the baby down

>> No.13329028

I'd rather a Wight, if we're talking about only undead right now.

>> No.13329029

You fool! You have discovered that cute things are my weakness!

would she still moan "waaaarm" in a monotone voice. Asking you if she's doing it right?

>> No.13329031

>something wrong with me
I'll just chalk up your dislike of a threesome to that then.

>> No.13329032

Well Anon your taste is good, a wight can be cuddled as well.

>> No.13329035

Just as planned!
My first demand is a picture of an adorable were-cat wearing only a shirt and no pants! And make it snappy!

>> No.13329039

>Sit down in daughteru's computer chair to reminisce about those lewd old days
>Details come to you quite luridly as you think back
>Pop a damn huge boner without realizing it as you think over some of your favored projects
>Don't realize how much time goes by
>When you snap out of your memories, it's because your Daughteru had called a surprised "Dad?!", and is now standing in the door frame
>You're now aware of an almost painful erection sticking straight up in your lap
>And that your daughteru is staring at it, red-faced, her mouth agape, and some drool coming down her chin
What now?

>Fuck with her for at least a few days
How would you go about this?

>> No.13329040

Leave a note on her computer saying you know and want to talk to her.
When she comes into my room I give her collector's editions of all my movies she was downloading and ask her if she wants some post-commentary while she watches.

>> No.13329041

God bless Perv Country #1.

>> No.13329042

Well, I disagree, but all undead are still high tier, so that's completely acceptable, friend.

My heart. It can't take it.

>> No.13329044

>would she still moan "waaaarm" in a monotone voice. Asking you if she's doing it right?
Well you see, the Lich is a very scientific being. Sealing away and restraining most emotions to better record her experimental results. You are her "Cuddle Experiment", the goal of which is to determine what makes for the absolute best cuddling. The short answer is yes, she would.

>> No.13329045

This requires a Cuddle Chamber installed into her tower.

>> No.13329046

Speaking of threesomes, [spoiler[I kind of really want to waifu 2-3 Dragon's at the same time as their cuddleslut and/orDragon [s]Layer. But there's no way you guys would approve, right?[/spoiler]

>> No.13329047

>Post-Commentary while she watches
Oh, do go on...

>> No.13329048

Start jerking it, while looking her dead in the eye.

>> No.13329050
File: 984 KB, 900x736, 1396338768541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like so?

>> No.13329051

Well actually I'm mostly okay with threesomes, it just depends on the setup and execution. As far as setup goes, aphrodisiac haze isn't the worst, and like other things I've said before, I'll wait to see how the execution goes.

>> No.13329052

>caring that /mgg/ disapproves of harems

You do not have the fortitude to be a dragon's husband.

Fucking up spoilers.

Strike two.

>> No.13329055

Still a fantastic image. Based Butter-T on that one.

>That spoiler fail
I'd rather one dragon personally.
With an Anubis too.
Stop me if you've heard this one before.

>> No.13329058

Try to tease her with it. I wanna try dicking my teenage daughteru if i can

>> No.13329059

>How would you go about this?
Intentionally unintentionally act sexy and strike sexy poses, casually drop choice lines from my films in conversation and subtlety try to work film titles into casual conversation, and also secretly dub over one of my films with post-commentary (a lot like that one anon said) and place it on her computer disguised as one of her downloads.

>> No.13329063

>Fucking up my spoiler that bad.
Ahahaha. I should go to sleep now, but I still need to finish this project. Also I blame the Tanuki for this.

>> No.13329064

Come on anon, it's not the haze that suddenly causes them to go at it like rabbits. It just sends them along the path to it.
Let's stop talking about it now. Let's talk about>>13329050

>> No.13329065

I want it with Jabberwock, Cheshire, and a Ren

>> No.13329067

I would describe what the actors were like, how I was feeling coming on to the set, and talk about any funny stories that happened.
Of course when the action started I would talk about what it felt inside of the girl, what kind of strategy I usually had during a scene, comment on where cuts were made or where it's all unscripted, that kind of stuff.
If her mother isn't home I might also whisper in her ear and lightly stroke her shoulders to help enhance the experience, though if she tries to go any further I would just pull her into a bear hug and nibbling her ear until the video was over, teasing her into a lusty frenzy where she spends the next hour masturbating to me.

>> No.13329068

I think most of us do, in some dark corner of our minds or not.
I often err on the side of "Don't Dick the Daughteru", and yet I find the thought undeniably hot and here I am, participating in this lewd discussion.

Seems like a fast-track to her losing it and jumping you.
She has a camera when she does it.
>"You're so proud of those films of yours?! Well, now you're going to make one, with me!"

>> No.13329069

Well honestly I was thinking 2-3 regular Dragons, not that I have anything against Wyvern and Wurms.

>> No.13329071

Automatically a phoenix. I have no other choice.

>> No.13329074

>It just sends them along the path to it
Eh, same difference.

But yes, Dragons are nice.

>> No.13329075

No, not nice. Divine.

>> No.13329076

>Seems like a fast-track to her losing it and jumping you.
Just as planned. Now imagine her surprise as I use my superior sexual experience to turn the tables less than halfway through the "film". I also send the film her friends.

>> No.13329077

>Bear Hug
>Ear nibbling
>Daughteru wets herself right then and there
>Your pants are now soaked in your daughteru's juices
Good goin'.

>> No.13329080

>All this daughteru dicking
I'd rather have an onee-san finding videos of me on the internet, and shlick whilst swearing to never let another woman upload a video of me ever again.

>> No.13329081

I can agree with that.

>> No.13329082

I'm with you anon. Not normally into daughteru dicking, but now look at me.

>> No.13329084

That's when I take them off right in front of her, bulge in my underwear showing, and chastise her for making me wash my pants.
I then spend the rest of the day walking around the house in my underwear.

>> No.13329085

>secretly dub over one of my films with post-commentary
>you've dubbed it so you cry your daughteru's name now, and not the usual actress
>She finds it.
And then what?

>> No.13329086

Somehow I agree with you. I'm not into daughteru dicking because parental instinct override, but I will admit the concept is pretty hot

>> No.13329087

She's a robot girl. She's somehow an MG already.

>> No.13329088

Not fucking your daughteru would probably play out like that south park episode where Mr. Garrison complains his father never molested him.

>> No.13329090

>A couple days later, a number of your daughteru's friends come over for a sleep over
>In the middle of the night, you awaken to find them crowded around your bed
>One of them is holding the camera again
>Daughteru climbs up on the bed, and straddles your chest, facing your crotch
>Sticks her ass right in your face as she leans over to pet at your crotch
>"You shouldn't have shown them that daddy...now everyone wants to film their own sequel!"

>> No.13329091

I deny any involvement when confronted, but otherwise keep up my previous antics.

>> No.13329092

But would you have sex with your father to save your mother's life?

>> No.13329093

Sweating Man.jpg

>> No.13329096

>Dicking the daughteru vs. Not dicking the daughteru.

This discussion again, I thought we already got over this?

>> No.13329097

Have you been here once?

Anons have a fit if you try to say that anon, and it sucks because Aigis is the best girl.

>> No.13329098

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13329099

Those girls are going to get destroyed by my ungodly porn star skills.
After the shit I've been through they'll be lucky to make me cum once before they wind up exhausted, soaked in their own juices.

>> No.13329100

Well, the dicking side is making a very compelling argument this time.

>> No.13329103

Except no one is fighting. Take off your berserker armor, it's making you see enemies where there are none.

>> No.13329105

As you can probably imagine this was exactly what I intended to happen, and once again I'll use those years of sexual experience to take the upperhand and fuck them all into exhaustion/submission.

>> No.13329106
File: 503 KB, 727x1000, 59d3dc8ee14a933d3e1b15cc714189cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what Yomi would be

>> No.13329108

Why not let yourself go? I'm sure with your potency, you could let out enough shots to soak them white if you wanted to.

And wouldn't a shot of all of them, half-passed out and soaked in their juices and your spunk, make for a lovely cover on their hard-copies?

>> No.13329109

South Park. The same episode the guy I replied to was referencing.

>> No.13329111

I uhhh want to say Holst. I wonder why.

>> No.13329114
File: 160 KB, 423x600, I wonder if they&#039;ll notice the lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pleases The Fallen God.

>> No.13329118 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 448x624, Average tries to draw, is reminded of why he writes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this please you Anon?
I'll delete in 10.

>> No.13329119

But what does having sex with your father have to do with anything? You'd have sex with your daughteru to appease your wife.

>> No.13329122

This is sufficient! You burp the baby dragon though.

>> No.13329123

I'm going to turn them into my personal sperm banks after they wear themselves out.
You can't expect me to be able to get enough pleasure to orgasm from the harsh fumbling of virgins can you?
I'm going to wait until I tease a few orgasms out of them and they're tired and overstimulated, all before I plow the shit out of them and fill them with my seed, gathering them all into my arms before taking a commemorative photo of us all, sitting there covered in our sex juices.
I would autograph all of them and tell them if they want to come over again sometime it's fine, and if they want I can get in contact with some old friends from the business.
I should have at least one old Shota pal I can get over here for a night.

>> No.13329126

>Aigis is the best girl.
Preach it, brother.

Yes, I'm not new here, just had to lay off a few months. I know that most anons here won't consider robot girls as MGs. They do however consider alien girls/xenos/filthy heretical abominations as somewhat neighbors to monstergirls.

>> No.13329128

Aaahh yes, 9,000,000,000,000 hours in MS Paint.

>> No.13329130

Very well, to the outdoors I go

>> No.13329132

If you haven't seen the episode, you don't have to respond.

>> No.13329135


Boy you have been gone long.

>> No.13329141

Of course I've seen it, but you took it in an unwelcome direction.

>> No.13329142

>Using young, exhausted, just-now-ex-virgin MGs as cocksleeves
>Getting it all on film
>Knowing the entire time that they'll frequently masturbate to the video of you using their tired bodies to pleasure yourself in the future
>And come back for more, eager to learn and pleasure you as they develop
You sir, know what is good.

>I should have at least one old Shota pal I can get over here for a night.
And what would his role be?

>> No.13329146

>Gonna have to wash my hair soon
Wish I had a big fuckoff bath, and a kejourou onee-san to do it for me.

>> No.13329148

I just followed the scenario.

>> No.13329152

I am many things.
A cuddle slut, prone to double spacing, up beyond the time I said I'd be.
A drawfag is not one of them.
MS Paint, for people too lazy to get actual drawing programs or do it by hand.

>> No.13329153


>> No.13329164

How big? Would it have Jacuzzi jets?

He's gonna be so blue-balled by the time it's over, ain't he?

>> No.13329165

Hey, MS Paint has produced many a laugh in these parts, and is that not our purpose here?

>> No.13329167

Nah, the guy's cool, he don't deserve that.
Though there WILL be a blue balled camera man who gets a nice surprise from the girls on their graduation day.
His role would be what it was in the film industry, a confidence builder and fluffer for in between sessions.
If I get too rough with the girls then they go to him and dom him for a bit to make themselves feel good again, until they become accustomed to being my living onaholes that is.
Plus he's a good training horse for them, he and I can give them tips as he rides them, and he's been doing the Shota sub shtick for so long he can make even a Fujoshi Cyclops virgin feel like a Succubi.
I would use him to mold their skills and minds into what I want, turning them into loyal whores that could please any man under the sun, but only want me.

Then I submit all our films to my old production company and live off the royalties from our numerous and insanely hot sex sessions, keeping the girls around in the house to act as my personal arm candy and brides.

>> No.13329169

That it is.
Sorry if it sounded defensive. My word choice tends to degrade this late at night.

>> No.13329175

Oh shut up and relax, you Double-Alp.

>> No.13329179

>How big?
Spa big, and yes.

>> No.13329180

Sorry, we tend to share some similarities.
Keep this thread going Anon, I need to sleep before I find myself making pudding for chechire kittens at 3:00am

>> No.13329196

That is an extremely good plan man.

>Though there WILL be a blue balled camera man who gets a nice surprise from the girls on their graduation day.
Oh? And what's that?...also, define "Graduation Day" for the sake of it.

>> No.13329198

>all this daughteru dicking
>want to write lewds
>too spent from the day

Curse this gay earth.

>> No.13329203

>Spa Big
Not bad. Would be nice to relax in.

Personally I like the idea of relaxing in nice, hot water with a Dragon Waifu, who's big enough for me to rest in her lap, leaning back into her bountiful chest, her arms wrapping around me in a full hug. And slowly, one of her dexterous claws would find it's way to my crotch, slowly stroking me under the water, as the bubbling jets buffed our bodies.

Alternatively, an Anubis in my lap.

>> No.13329205
File: 162 KB, 800x645, 1425190898335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been asking the thread around every full moon what their top 5 MGs are and have been keeping a tab on their popularity.

I have a new question for you guys, one I hope will get a decent response and honest replies.

Under what circumstances would you in your mind meet your MG wife?

Example :
I met my Vixen wife at the shrine she worked at.

( I didn't use a Konshin pic cause i didn't wanna spam his/her stuff too much)

>> No.13329209

I know your feel anon.
I know it well.

>> No.13329211
File: 239 KB, 1000x1000, Anubis and Pharaoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sandbox.

>> No.13329213

That's what you get for abusing spoilers you dumbass.

>> No.13329214

I honestly have no idea, at all. In fact, I kind of like how I expect it to be a complete surprise in that I don't even know how or where I'll meet my waifu. It's sort of exciting somehow.

>> No.13329215

My dream encounter with my MG Wife is at university, where we are both there to study the same, or at least similar, fields, perhaps often getting paired together for projects, developing a relationship off of that.

>> No.13329220

Why do you spam your shit so hard? Isn't it enough your flood the IRC channel with your bullshit?

>> No.13329221

Alternatively >>13329211
But, well, Childhood Friend time has come and gone so long ago, I try not to dwell on such cruel fantasy...

>> No.13329222

Children's martial arts classes. She'd kick my ass any time we sparred or fought, until one day I manage to defeat the fiery tomboy around the age of fourteen.
And teens will do what teens will do.

>> No.13329224

fuck if i know i came home one day and she jumped me. i tryed to run but that just made it more fun for her

>> No.13329225

Waking up with her cuddling me in the bed.
Her bed.
Despite the fact that I went to bed in mine.
I have cuddling problems.

>> No.13329228
File: 42 KB, 1100x449, 1421183684824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see more HEROANON drawings.

>> No.13329231

The camera guy is going to be gangraped and subjected to the full assault of everything I've trained them to become, and I'm going to record it all and send it in as a bonus dvd to be part of a Master's Edition anthology that has all the films in one big package, as well as interviews with the girls and myself and a few behind the scenes things as well, along with remastered versions of my most popular old films.
Graduation day is when they meet my standards, which includes suppression of orgasm, ability to manipulate their vagina and anus, oral skill, and their sex talk.
Once that happens I tell them all in the after-sex cuddle pile my plan for the camera guy during the next session, and it all happens from there.

>> No.13329232

I could see meeting my Crow Tengu waifu
while we're studying folklore and history together. We would eventually get together and solve mysteries 'n shit as a husband and wife team.

>> No.13329233

I wouldn't ever get a waifu.

>> No.13329234

>( I didn't use a Konshin pic cause i didn't wanna spam his/her stuff too much)
How about not using a pic at all you piece of shit

>> No.13329236

I think you could. She would love you very much,

>> No.13329237

>my living onaholes
>mold their skills and minds into what I want
>my personal arm candy

You want onahole armcandy? I mean that's cool, but you're kinda doing all the work just to give them an existence of perpetual orgasm. How do they give back?

This would be nice I personally wouldn't mind resting against her as her breasts spill out over my shoulders, as the bubbling warm waters buffer long streams of our hair around. She'd lean into my ear and alternate between whispering lewd things to me and nibbling my earlobe as her hair coils with mine, and reaches down to give me a soapy hairjob under the hot waters.

>> No.13329238

Someone is Butthurt that they got kicked out of the irc for being a faggot.

>> No.13329241
File: 226 KB, 500x600, Oomukade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiding in that room under my house

>> No.13329242

>Under what circumstances would you in your mind meet your MG wife?
This is so fucking autistic I cringed.

>> No.13329244

Wurm waifu found me.

>> No.13329246

Same spineless butthurt faggot.

>> No.13329247

Dass racyiss.

>> No.13329248

>"Oh, u-uhm... you weren't u-using it, right?... I'm s-sorry. I'll l-leave if you want me to..."
And then you fuck, right?

>> No.13329249

How sad do you have to be to put this much effort into strawmanning though?

>> No.13329254

>Graduation Day Definition
See, that's why I asked.

All in all, sounds pretty damn nice overall.
Only difference I'd do personally is keep one girl that I and I alone train personally, handling absolutely every detail, having her pleasure me while I film the rest ravaging the long-suffering cameraman.
That girl would be the daughteru of course.

>> No.13329255

Tell me about it, fucking christ.

Who could willingly sit in this thread for more than ten minutes at a time?

>> No.13329256


>> No.13329258
File: 261 KB, 1134x1432, 2013-02-25-560636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up off the street by her in her carriage on the way back to her manor, or after a city party where I "save" her from a group of people who were surrounding her.

>> No.13329262

>Complaining about waifuism and escapist fantasies

Normalfags, please.

>> No.13329265

You know that one Anon last thread is right, you do post the same image each thread.

>> No.13329266

My jabberwork will just barge in my room and then things will happen.

>> No.13329267

My house is half on a hill, there is a room under the stairs thats completely empty with nothing but concrete and support struts, and one cheap light that only brightens half the room.

>> No.13329268

Eh, some people come here for waifu delusions.
Some just for the pretty images, lewd greentexts, and other shit along those lines.

I'm pretty sure any who would've been here purely for admiration of Monster Girl aesthetics were long since scared off.

>> No.13329270

We gonna fucking do this again?

>> No.13329271

>Picked up off the street by her in her carriage on the way back to her manor
This has never worked out well for anyone, in anything, ever, at all.

>> No.13329272

>Someone asks a question about my waifu
>I should probably post the pic that best represents my waifu
Gee I wonder why I posted it.
And no he isn't, that was the first time I had posted it in a good few threads.

>> No.13329275

Are you a hooker? You sound like a hooker.

>> No.13329276

That's a yes then?

>> No.13329278

>Person 1 asserts proposition X.
Person 2 argues against a false but superficially similar proposition Y, as if that were an argument against X.


>Inventing a fictitious persona with actions or beliefs which are then criticized, implying that the person represents a group of whom the speaker is critical.

>> No.13329282

Nah, just a guy that caught her eye.
It's better than starving in a city I'm not familiar with.

>> No.13329285 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.59 MB, 1500x1150, 1429168122752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a wish in front of a tree and she grants it. Such a nice girl.

>> No.13329286

We grew up together in a small town with nothing but dreams of heroism and playing out adventures to keep us occupied.

>> No.13329287

Don't shit on people for no reason and we can all live peaceably together.

>> No.13329288

Mines a furnished basement, she'd probably be sleeping on the air matress

>> No.13329289

I'm saying it never works out well because absolutely any time I see the "Starving soul picked up off the street by a rich woman in her carriage as she rides by on the way back to her manor" in fucking anything, it always ends in the starving guy being brutally murdered.

>> No.13329291

Go fuck yourself, if you want a hugbox go somewhere else faggot.

Take your monster girls with you too.

>> No.13329293

Hey man, she's a vampire.
I'm more useful alive than dead to her, can't make blood if I'm dead.
Or maybe you watched too much Akame Ga Kill.

>> No.13329294

Well she can't stay there

>> No.13329295

Sure, you're just a innocent and nice boy she picked off the streets. She didn't mistake you for a booty call at all.

>> No.13329297

I think you're lost, anon.

>> No.13329298

>Or maybe you watched too much Akame Ga Kill.
It is one example.

>> No.13329299

I am sure she was pleased she saved a few hundred dollars finding you instead of what she normally gets .

>> No.13329300

>innocent and nice boy
Nah, she wanted my blood, they have a sense for these things.
Of course with good blood comes lots of feeding time, which is one of the major perks for me.
I feel that since I have the blood of aristocracy in me I should be able to make a good snack for a vamp, and be husband material fairly easily.

>> No.13329303

>Being this obvious
Aww, and you were doing so well!

>> No.13329304

I think you're an unlikable cunt that should kill himself, anon.

>> No.13329305

>"I'm saying it never works out well because absolutely any time I see the 'Starving soul picked up off the street by a rich woman in her carriage as she rides by on the way back to her manor' in fucking anything, it always ends in the starving guy being brutally murdered."
>"Ara, is my reputation that bad around here? I can't just pluck a cute boy off the street and look after him without raising a few eyebrows? How about this then. I offer you food, shelter and education in return for meager portions of you blood each night, and long cuddle sessions after. What say you? Fair?"

>> No.13329307

>Blood of aristocracy
U wot m8?

>> No.13329309

See, >>13329305 knows what's up

>> No.13329312

I'm directly related to more than one of the people who signed the Magna Carta, and I know at least one was a lord.
Not quite "aristocracy" but nobility certainly.
On a side note, one of the guys I'm related to got excommunicated by the church, so I think that's a fair chunk of bonus points in my direction.

>> No.13329313

I don't think you know what satire is you sperg.

>> No.13329314

Not him, but you came here and started acting like the unlikable cunt.
>Telling some one to leave the monster girl thread and take their monstergirls with them

>> No.13329315

Why's she have this reputation in the first place?
Have people witnessed her plucking cute boys off the streets? Why aren't any of them about to clear her name and negate such rumors then?

I don't trust it.

>> No.13329317

That guy isn't me hurr

>> No.13329320

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.13329322

Well, looks like Bitch-kun is back.
He always complains and picks fights for lack of anything better to do.

>> No.13329325

Man, it will be awkward when Sunshine's granddaughters get a litter of new aunts.

>> No.13329328

He has nothing else to do with his time. What else would you expect him to do? Get a job and become a functioning member of society? He's too autistic for that.

>> No.13329329

I didn't know I wanted this.

>> No.13329330

>muh boogeyman

>> No.13329333
File: 256 KB, 960x960, 1409936072854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13329334

I made a single post and some other guy picked it up after that you retards.

>What else would you expect him to do? Get a job and become a functioning member of society? He's too autistic for that.
That's hilarious coming from a place full of schizos.

>> No.13329336
File: 128 KB, 333x350, 1386402236629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is the real monster.

>> No.13329341

You know he just lives at home all day sponging off his parents and spends the whole day on 4chan because he has no friends and no one likes him.

>> No.13329343
File: 278 KB, 1782x2302, PTSD Nightmare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsters wouldn't turn a man into this.

>> No.13329344

Fuck off with that shit.

God I despise any mother fucker that says that.

>> No.13329346

>the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices

>> No.13329347

The hollow ones are

>> No.13329349 [DELETED] 

frundly remindar that girls r monsters on da inside while monster gurls r monsters on da inside ^___^

>> No.13329352

You fucked up.

>> No.13329353

You are the only one who thinks he is normal, that in itself is a sign of insanity.
Why are you even here?
Nothing ever makes you happy.

>> No.13329354 [DELETED] 

on da outside oopz

Man that's DEEP.

>> No.13329358

If I could put tiny little bullet fragments into your asshole I would.

>> No.13329360

Are you that delusional that you think it's only one person? Oh wait that's obvious.

>> No.13329361

Damn, those are nice elf tits!

>> No.13329365

Don't bother, you're just talking to an autistic brick wall anon

>> No.13329366

I doubt there are 2 people bitching , yes you are a single poster on all counts Bitch-kun.
You use this tactic alot "oh, what makes you think its just 1 person"
It is just you.

>> No.13329367

You're proving them right.

>> No.13329370

Same fagging again, sad days.

>> No.13329372
File: 166 KB, 1158x819, 1423471849189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are the only one who thinks he is normal, that in itself is a sign of insanity.
Hahaha holy shit, ok man.

>Why are you even here?
Monster girls.

>Nothing ever makes you happy.
Are you a mod or something that you somehow know every single thing I've said here?

Uh huh, that's why many posts are made in less than 60 seconds, schizophrenic fucks.

>> No.13329375

In church, I'd be looking for one of her kind, trying to spot any subtle lewdness. I'd approach her and ask for her time, wishing to confess my sins. She'd take me to a backroom where we could talk, and there I'd tell her every dirty thought I've had since I was 7. She'd listen intently, her eyelids fluttering at he sticky details, her breath growing rougher, her chest heaving. She'd put her hand on my lap and tell me how it's natural for men to have such thoughts, playing with the slit on her habit. Then I'd tell her about those thoughts, regarding her.

I'd grab her by the hips and pull her to me so she straddles me, and keep confessing while she grinds against me, how I feel so terrible about everything and need help, while I undo her habit. She'd tell me how it's her duty to help a soul in need and receive those desires, to cleanse me, liberate me. I'd lay her on her back and pull off her panties and stuff them in her mouth, before slowly entering her.

I'd fuck in the floor of that place, and tell her how I want to do this and more to her, everyday. How I want to mark every part of her until her body is not her own. How we'll crawl together through baseness and filth. How I'll steal her away from her very god, until the moment where I claim her womb as mine with my seed, cumming inside her over and over until it spills out and drips down to her asshole, scraping her twitching, quivering, suckling uterus until my balls run dry.

And that kids, is how I met your mother.

>> No.13329377
File: 21 KB, 848x610, Eat shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13329379

beyond pathetic

>> No.13329380


What happened? Even if it isn't really something I'm into per se, we were still happily discussing shit. Why do you gotta come along and fuck it all up, fags?

Orderfags? Jelly bitches? It's hard being a vamp, people just assume you're some bloodthristy cunt. It's not her fault blood is all she can subsist on. Maybe this anon is just suspicious in general?

I on the otherhand, would gladly hop in the carriage, spend the early hours of the morning cudlesexing as she feeds on me, and spending the rest of my time reading books, scrolls and texts with my head in her lap as she plays videogames.

>> No.13329383
File: 417 KB, 956x680, 1421117588672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some brown sugar!

>> No.13329386

I'm going to lap it all up.

>> No.13329387

So I was living my life much as most single men do, what with whole "trying not to get captured and raped" thing that seems to be instinctual for us. Honestly I was pretty good at it, kept my virginity right up my 20's which is more than most men can say. Of course it's hardly an easy thing, you gotta be on your toes all the time and have picked out multiple escape routes in any given situation, never have your back to a door or window, carry a few flashbombs and smoke grenades, some climbing rope and supplies don't hurt either, alternate your routes home, barricade your fucking home like a hurricane is coming. I've always found a shotgun to be useful too, most of the time I don't really want to kill anyone which is why beanbag rounds are good to have around, but then again there's some real tough monstergirls out there who back off unless you've loaded buckshot or something "heavier". But that's enough of me rambling, back to the the main point.

So I was going through my standard day evading any of my would-be-rapists, I particularly remember just narrowly escaping a real pissed-off Ushi. Turns out taunting them, especially if it involves shooting dildos of a shotgun at them and claiming its the only lover they're going to get, isn't a good idea even if you're standing about two and half stories straight above them. Well anyway, after that particularly close call I figured I can't keep this shit up forever and one day I'm gonna get raped, and it aint' going to be pretty. So I decided I gotta put and end this all and find myself a nice waifu to settle down with.


>> No.13329388

I posted this >>13329242 and then a bunch of fuckos started having a diaper fight.

>> No.13329389

Not if I beat you to it!

>> No.13329391

Luckily I found myself just the girl later that same day when I went out to pick up some eh "specialty" supplies that I had used up earlier that day, and I'm not talking about the dildos, but right there in the shop with me was a real cute human girl. Well, at least I thought she was a human girl until she took her head off to get a better view of one of the upper shelves, it was right then and there I decided to go for it because if today has taught me anything it's that sooner is better than later, and seeing as we're in same shop we must share the same interests. So I did what any self-respecting single man would do, I hug-tackled her and begged her marry me right on the spot. After her initial shock, some more shameless pleading on my part, and once she finally finished scrambling around for her recently displaced head, she not-so-reluctantly agreed.

Not much to say after that, except maybe that you should probably not make a point of being even more of an asshole to violent rapist monstergirls until after you've "consummated your marriage", because that was another fucking close one. At least I had a waifu to back me up.

>> No.13329392

You are truly bitch-kun,

>> No.13329393


>> No.13329395

What's wrong, man? You having an aneurysm that you can't type correctly?

>> No.13329397

7.5/10 cringed.

>> No.13329398

Honestly, I was on the side of "It's just harmless bit of fun. A little 'What if' for people to go with, quit being a bunch of no-fun faggots."

But...yeah, this? This is pretty damn bad.

>> No.13329403 [DELETED] 
File: 3.88 MB, 344x203, Failtroll tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13329406

Oh shit I can't tell if this is the comments section of MGE wiki or /v/ anymore.

>> No.13329412

>Just another day aboard the Starship Voyeur
>"Little Ensign, I am of getting idea now!" says the Superior Siberian High Impact Sexual Violence Tiger Girl, Lt. Anya
>"We turn off artificial gravity and Anya counts to ten. Then Little Ensign is free game"
Is this abuse of authority or not?

>> No.13329413
File: 80 KB, 434x278, vintage monster girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-muh bait

>> No.13329418

Don't ask scary questions if you're not ready for the answers.

>> No.13329419

>golddigger Mermaid
She's like a reverse Mero.

>> No.13329421

I chuckled.

>> No.13329422

>Some random cunts come and shit up a thread doing pretty well
>It starts raining
How do I make it so that cosmic sympathy makes my waifu real?

>> No.13329424

>Reverse Mero
>Doesn't actually love you at all, and most certainly wouldn't ever die for you
Yeah, sounds about right.

>> No.13329425 [DELETED] 

You kill yourself.

>> No.13329427

Even if your waifu became real, she'd sound like your least favorite voice actress.

>> No.13329430

It's a beautiful day, now watch some asshole fuck it up.jpg

>> No.13329431
File: 86 KB, 246x277, 1389311950508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting everything to be handled to you on a silver plate

If MGs existed you'd actually have to look for your dream girl instead of expecting her to come through your window while sleeping (which is a good thing).

It's like you don't know the satisfaction of a well-deserved reward product of your own choices and the success of your own effort.

>> No.13329433

But the works of man are empty and fruitless. Love strikes like a hurricane.

>> No.13329438

Like the singer of the Scorpions?

>But the works of man are empty and fruitless.
As the old saying goes, "shup up".

>> No.13329440

I will become the hero, Anon-senpai! Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.13329442

Don't have any but

>women with annoying voices

Either Kristen Schall or this dog sounding bitch from college.

Eh, I'm sure I could find her squeals cute. If not, that's why God invented noise cancelling headphones.

Give me a hard one next.

>> No.13329443


ミーア:雨宮天 (Amamiya Sora)
パピ:小澤亜李 (Ozawa Ari)
セントレア:相川奈都姫 (Natsuki Aikawa)

>> No.13329444

>Implying she' die for you
She'd have you die for her so she can live on in her suffering boner. She can't fulfil her fetish if she's dead anon

I don't really have a VA I disliketho


>Expecting your human boy to do everything
Go away 3DPD

>> No.13329446

mfw im working in the hangar and im now 20ft up when she turns it back on.

>> No.13329448

>Go away 3DPD
I love this meme.

>> No.13329450

Jokes on you, anon. I'm deaf! ;_;

>> No.13329454 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 198x200, 1429170854824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to ask what this was and how it was relevant.
Then I read the katakana.

>> No.13329456

>If MGs existed you'd actually have to look for your dream girl
But anon, that's what I plan to do.

>> No.13329457

>muh waifu earning

Not this shit again. Go grovel at some glacies' fe- spike things.

>> No.13329458

The what?

>> No.13329459


What have they done before?

>> No.13329461

Let me guess, you want to be a stay-at-home husband or something depressing like that?

God damn it I really didn't want an EMG anime, mostly because it's gonna divert attention from the manga.

>> No.13329463

>>muh waifu earning
There's your problem. Your waifu will never be real, faggot.

>Go grovel at some glacies' fe- spike things.
The fuck is this supposed to mean

>> No.13329465

>Akame is Miia
>Legris is Papi
>Petra is Cerea
Quite interesting indeed.

>> No.13329466
File: 433 KB, 640x480, 1143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife ≠ Mai waifu

My wife → You are married to her
Mai waifu → You will never get married to her

>> No.13329468

>implying I would give a single fuck if monster girls became real.

Once the "holy shit this is the greatest discovery in all of mankind" shit passes in like a couple of days I'd lose all interest and continue on with my life.

>> No.13329469

>Miia voiced by AKAME ga Kill
>Papi voiced by Chiyo Sakura from Nozaki-kun
>Cerea voiced by Attack on Titan's Petra Ral? Who's this bitch?

Still, I've seen Nozaki-kun recently, and I can go for it.
Shame that Marina Inoue's not voicing Cerea, though.

>> No.13329470

I prefer

>Mai waifu -> You desire to get married to her
You will never is just inferred.

>> No.13329471

This looks almost as annoying as a bagpipe girl.

>> No.13329472

>forever alone
>sour grapes

>> No.13329475

>Petra Ral? Who's this bitch?
She was Levi's subordinate.
Got kicked into a tree and snapped in half by Titan Annie.

>> No.13329476

>bagpipe girl
Sounds kinda badass.

>> No.13329480

So she's unimportant cannon fodder, pretty much?

This is why I don't watch Attack on Titan. People die at the drop of a hat.

>> No.13329481

You have never heard a bagpipe once in your life.

>> No.13329484

No no...

She was "vaguely kinda important for a while but then died to teach the protag an important lesson about judgement calls" cannon fodder.

>> No.13329487

See, no one fucking cares what you think. At the end of the day, we're here for entertainment, whether that be through waifuism or some other means, doesn't matter. Then there's you, coming in here an basically telling poeple to stop having fun. Well, no, fuck your stomping into here and telling us how to lead our lives.

Savor this reply, because it's all you're getting from me.

>> No.13329490

>He wouldn't be an ever-present pillar of stability for his waifu, always there, always able to accept her in his arms and calm her down relax her

I mean if we weren't financially well off, I'd shoulder her burdens and work for my upkeep but if we're really well off, there's no chance in hell I'm leaving my waifu to lonely late night microwaved dinners as I work my ass off into the late hours of the night. I'll stand around in a naked fukin apron if I have to and make damn sure she's getting a bath, dinner and me. I mean assuming she even has to work.

Ideal scenario we'd have investments or something, and be so loaded neither or us would have to work, and if we did, we'd work from home and we'd be free to relax, flirt and fuck all hours of the day.

>> No.13329491

Are you rectum ravaged? butt blasted? sphincter savaged?

>> No.13329494

I can agree with this sentiment.
I'd finally renew my passport and trek all across Egypt.

>> No.13329496


Except with monster girls the gender dynamics are usually reversed.

As in it's the monsters are the ones that are chasing the men, that makes things a lot easier.

Either way I'd be willing to make the effort. After all there would actually be an award for the effort. Unlike when chasing 3DPD.

>> No.13329499
File: 80 KB, 374x520, Peek a boo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ISIL fighters fire uselessly at the approaching Monster
>"Derka derka Muhammad Jihad!"
>"Hi Muhammad Jihad, I'm Daisy!"

>> No.13329503

I want to give you a homemade nose piercing.

>> No.13329504

I'm confused now.

>> No.13329505

Haha ok buddy.

>> No.13329507
File: 2.78 MB, 2480x3507, 581a367378ff59ba65bbfca7d19b9375cc6d52b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best girl there is.

>> No.13329508

His post was so bad I want to physically assault him.

>> No.13329509


>> No.13329510

Do you think if Monster Girls became a thing worldwide, wars would end?
I know one thing: it would be Amuro Ray's wet dream.

>> No.13329511

>Liking meme waifus

>> No.13329512

>Except with monster girls the gender dynamics are usually reversed.
>As in it's the monsters are the ones that are chasing the men, that makes things a lot easier.

Actually I just don't like laziness, especially when it comes to relationships ;_;

That's fucking stupid.

>> No.13329513

>crazy trolling catgirl


>> No.13329514

Oh holy shit go kill yourself.

>> No.13329515

What's bad about it?

>> No.13329516

didn't even bother reading past the greentext

>> No.13329517

See, this is why it's better to work down in the engine room.

Smaller spaces, tighter corridors, less trouble in case of random bullshit like that.

>> No.13329519


>> No.13329520


If it's beta to want to be swept off of my feet and princess carried by a dragon I don't want to be alpha.

>> No.13329521

What's stupid about it, the wars ending thing, or the part about Amuro?
Because Amuro would totally get a boner from hearing about the end of all wars. Every Gundam protag would.

Everyone knows wars will never change anyway.

>> No.13329522

Everything, literally everything.

>> No.13329523

The MC of the original Gundam series, a guy who shot down a plane that he saw deliver humanitarian aid to civilians.

>> No.13329524


>> No.13329526


Explain in more detail.

>> No.13329528

i just got back from a flight patrol. just went to hop out of the cockpit and i didnt come back down

>> No.13329529

Would you care to elaborate on the nature of this "badness"? You're not a Muslim apologist, are you?

>> No.13329531

Sounds like my kind of leader.

>> No.13329533

Except Flit.

Well, sucks to be you.

>> No.13329535


>> No.13329536


>> No.13329537

He wasn't a leader though.

>> No.13329538


If it's gay to want to want a beautiful strong dragon girl to take me to her cave and make me her husband then I don't want to be straight.

>> No.13329540

The wars

Cheesy gay bullshit and glorified monster girls make me throw up

If you didn't use the term "princess carrying" I wouldn't call you a beta but you did so

That's gay as fuck, nigga

>> No.13329541


It just put a bad taste in my mouth, I'd rather mudslimes get shot than see a monster girl.

>> No.13329542

Because he's a dick. In another scene he sneaked into a refugee camp, pretended to be a patient and then shot the guards from the bed. He was the hero the Federation deserved.

>> No.13329544

He was by Char's Counterattack.

>> No.13329547

You know why.

>> No.13329548

But that was years and years later. Back then he was just a child soldier.

>> No.13329550

No, no, I'm not saying monstergirls would be all,
>Nuu, stahp fighting, guise!
I'm saying they'd probably just snag up every man they can, including the soldiers in their camps, and just haul them off to a cave in the middle of nowhere.

Still, the odds of even that scenario are unlikely, I know.

>> No.13329553


Also fucking captcha showing me delicious food

>> No.13329555

I know. I'm digging a grave here, I know.

>> No.13329558

>He gets led around by the nose by pussy

It's funny to think how much would change when human cunts find competition in monstergirls. They'd have to actually work to make themselves better people in competition with monstergirls who don't function on a
>Your goal is my pussy. Now jump through hoops for me

>> No.13329559


No, I don't.

>> No.13329563
File: 368 KB, 800x800, 1428996058225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suit yourself fags I still love her

>> No.13329564

You sound like a sad, sad person.

>> No.13329565

I don't mind.

It always bothered me during talks of war, my Dad and a bunch of his buddies are Vietnam, korea, and other war vets they would talk about the "rules of war". If you're trying to destroy the other side, why be nice about it?

>> No.13329567

Because civilians don't deserve getting shat on thanks to wars they aren't even a part of.

>> No.13329568

Because you're never trying to destroy the other side. That would make you a genocidal maniac.

>> No.13329570

Dragons don't like boys who lie.

>> No.13329572

God bless Flit.

>> No.13329574

Actually I know one who does.

>> No.13329575

>not princess carrying each other AT THE SAME TIME

Because fuck physics

>> No.13329576
File: 173 KB, 1178x1816, King of Nothing..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'd probably just snag up every man they can, including the soldiers in their camps, and just haul them off to a cave in the middle of nowhere.

There's always one left behind.

>> No.13329578


>> No.13329579

No. They're still good though.

>> No.13329582

They're part of the opposing side, that makes them enemies.

Yes, and?

>> No.13329584


>> No.13329586

Love you to

>> No.13329587

>Yes, and?
Well it's just that modern countries don't usually engage in wars like that.

>> No.13329588

You're lying again. You're making the dragon girls cry.

>> No.13329589

>Walk into a Sabbath church
>Step up to the podium during their weekly meeting while saying nothing
>Clear my throat so I have their attention
>"I AM an adult!!" as loud as I can

What happens to me?

>> No.13329590

I would never.

>> No.13329591

You throw them on the ground.

>> No.13329593


>> No.13329594
File: 218 KB, 600x450, 1403381101098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're onii-chan

>> No.13329595

A chorus of "I NEED AN ADULT" as they rush towards you?
I think your edge just cut me a little.

>> No.13329597


Well if /a/ is to be believed we're in for the QUALITY bat.

So much for either EMG or JWWW being worthwhile. What a waste.

>> No.13329598

I swear to god.

>> No.13329599

You get onii-chaned to the ground then through it.

>> No.13329600

You did.

>> No.13329601

Just now realizing how much of your life you've wasted following some one else's golden box, huh?

>> No.13329605


>> No.13329606

Did not, and I'll prove it one day!

>> No.13329609

I won't be part of your system.

>> No.13329610

No, not really lmao.

I never had any hopes.

>> No.13329611

What? You saying there's something funny about that?

>> No.13329612

So? Not exterminating the other side and taking them in is why shit like 9/11 happens.

>> No.13329613

All according to keikaku.

>> No.13329614


>> No.13329615


>> No.13329616
File: 476 KB, 1686x1706, mm22-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn you sad, psychopathic, sociopathic, schizophrenic, misanthropist, misogynistic, misandristic, autistic, mentally retarded pedophiles.

I only come here because I know some aren't any of these. Love you, guys.

>> No.13329618

Technically it's possible with lamias.
I'm fairly certain...

>> No.13329620


>> No.13329621

Praise me more sempai.

>> No.13329622

Was your first time on the Internet last year?

>> No.13329623


Go and stay go.

>> No.13329624

Okay, I get all the others.
But misandristic? Misanthropic maybe, but I'm not sure there's anyone here who's ever shown an exclusive hatred towards men.

>> No.13329626

What's funny about it? You saying it's a shit story with shit characters and a shit author?

>> No.13329630

Alp, pls.

>> No.13329631

No, I'm saying that it's funny you say she likes liars, when thus far you've not written anything actually displaying any attraction on her part. Thus it's entirely an informed attribute to which no one can ascribe any credit to but you.

In other words, get back to writing.

>> No.13329632
File: 27 KB, 400x760, 1425584155468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the great meme. I'm a meme connoisseur myself.

Not as many as the others but yeah, there's been a few.

>> No.13329634

>All these triggers

>> No.13329635

As you as much of a connoisseur as DSP is to fast food?

>> No.13329638

Fuck, I knew I was missing some terms.

I actually meant that post, but don't tell anyone, ok?

>> No.13329639

>any attraction on her part
Except for the happy marriage. And I've got better things to do today! I'm cereal!

>> No.13329641

You lost me.

>> No.13329642

>Happy Marriage
Again, informed attribute.

You've shown nothing of that even in the Valley of the Dragonette parts of the story, as she is "Away on a Raid" at the time the story plays out.

>> No.13329643

YFW tumblr comes out with a dictionary for their made up shit.
YFW the pages are blank because it's not our job to educate you , shitlord.

I want off this ride.

>> No.13329644

That's cool and all but how is this related to monster girls?

>> No.13329647

Pan meaning all. Mis/miso/misia being greek for hate. You can see it in MISandry. A hate of men. I made it up just now. Pretty neat, huh?

>> No.13329648

Let's just drop this I'm not going to do any writing today.

>> No.13329651

I was just teasing with "Get to work right now", I know you'll get to it when you get to it.

Just saying, you're using things you haven't actually written yet as examples.

>> No.13329654

Doesn't make it any less true though.

>> No.13329656

Are you one of the fags who are always shitposting about what they don't like

>> No.13329657

Maybe, but as is, it's only true to you.

>> No.13329658

miso means hate huh?

>> No.13329663

Shut up. Stop questioning my authority.

>> No.13329665

My my, when did the Alp grow a spine like that?

Maybe if he wrote something other than the Dragon pouting while her friends fuck and cuddle her supposed Future-Husband, I might believe him!
Alright I'll quit teasing now, I should be getting to bed anyway.

>> No.13329666

Unless the post is very, very fucking dumb, not really. I don't like starting shit.

Most posts make me die a little inside. This picture summarizes my overall reaction to these threads: http://i.imgur.com/TpFvQCU.jpg

>> No.13329670

It reminds us to love monstergirls.

>> No.13329671

Misanthropy - dislike/hate of humankind
Misogyny- dislike/hate of women
Misandry - dislike/hate of women
Misarchy- dislike/hate of law (related to anarchy, without law)

"Mis" and its derivatives are the common root. common sense could have told you this, man.

>> No.13329674

You're really pushing my buttons here, but luckily I'm in a super-duper good mood because there's a new Empress title coming, so I can just look down on your silly taunts.
Besides, next update to that story is due next month and when it comes out it will be more daughteru hi-jinks.

>> No.13329676

Smut and Etymology

>> No.13329677

>Misandry - dislike/hate of women
Whoops. Excuse the Freudian slip
Misandry - dislike/hate of men***

>> No.13329681

>Half-Spoilered Stuffs
Oooooooh, you dang Alpie!

>> No.13329682

>Happy Marriage
>Again, informed attribute.

That's not an informed attribute. He's alluding to it at best and even that is more of a conclusion the reader can draw for themselves rather than something spelled out directly in the narration or by one of the characters. The lack of character interactions neither disproves or confirms it.

It would be an informed attribute if we have actually seen them interacting in a way that makes it clear that their marriage is not happy.

>> No.13329683
File: 285 KB, 702x917, Ohohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it awful? Isn't it frustrating?

>> No.13329684

Fair enough, but I'm tired and not exactly thinking foremost in terms of correct literary terms.

The point is, that there's no actual content thus far displaying a happy marriage.

>> No.13329685

Your stories are still complete shit.

Did you throw out that shitty "take action!" bullshit yet?

>> No.13329687

Hurt me more, Snake.

>> No.13329688

Good night you potential supervillains.

Please don't make little Jesus cry anymore.

>> No.13329689

Fuck that Alp.

>> No.13329690

Jesus is a grown man and he can fight his own battles.

>> No.13329691

I've jerked off like five or so times in the past two and a half hours.

Little Jesus is fucking bawling at this point.

>> No.13329692

Next time you fap, pretend you're using his holes. Not the holes he has naturally, but the ones he got from the Romans. All of them. That'll teach him.

>> No.13329693

Completely true. All we have to go on in this case are some conjencture drawn from the characters' actions and Alp's word. And, well
>word of an Alp

>> No.13329694


>> No.13329696

What's wrong anon? Have I not delivered everything I've promised?

>> No.13329699

Well, given that this all started with the promise of "Cute Dragon Daughteru Antics", of which there's not been terribly much...and then that spun off into "How her parents met", which thus far has just been her father being used as a living sex toy that's "Cleaned" by her mother...no, not really.

>> No.13329701

>"What the fuck do you mean you don't know who I am?!"
>"I didn't star in 'Vampire Hunter' and 'Cum, all ye Faithful' for some teenagers to tell me they don't know who I am!"
>"What kind of world are we living in where I have to send my only daughter to a school full of plebeians?!"

>> No.13329702

Oh. Well. I'll try harder.

>> No.13329703

Nice to hear.

>> No.13329704

I don't know. The Valley of the Dragonette seems like cute dragon daughteru antics to me.

>> No.13329705

No mixed signals please.

>> No.13329706

Sure, there've been a couple moments, but honestly most of it seems more focused on building the setting, and setting up interest in things that'll be encountered in "Rhea and Willis".

>> No.13329708

I prefer it this way. Something to break up the interactions with Olivia. Otherwise her antics, like misusing words would get repetitive and boring fast and interacting with other characters gives opportunities for her to torment her father's heart in different ways.

>> No.13329712

Maybe. But again, for something that began as being about a Cute Dragon Daughteru, more attention now seems to be paid on setting things up for the prequel.

>> No.13329716

Blame Alp's poor habits with planing out stories. He seems prone to veering off, though in the case of Night Terrors I don't mind in the slightest.

>> No.13329718

It's not like I already said the next update would be more Olivia or anything...

>> No.13329722

I'm just hoping that it actually is more Olivia is all.

>> No.13329725

Hush. It's Alp bullying hour.

>> No.13329726
File: 3.15 MB, 1365x2100, 1418588722934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it is. They're finally going into the actual valley after which the story is named. That is, next month. Now I'm done defending myself. Here, have a white snake.

>> No.13329727

Where I'm sure you'll point out plenty more interesting things here and there, which we'll get to learn more about in whatever far-off-update they're encountered in "Rhea and Willis"...

>> No.13329730

If I had an Ushi-Oni cooking me dinner I would eat it as slowly as I possibly could, constantly stopping to take a drink or to talk. Just teasing her until she finally couldn't take it anymore and breaks the floor with me.

>> No.13329732

Bat lolis, tamed deer, strawberry-farming vikings. Yeah.

>> No.13329733
File: 528 KB, 1280x810, tmp_7713-14291609755542006353467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they come out with an official daki

so I can sleep with it and my loen one at the same time

>> No.13329735

Snakepit challenge?

>> No.13329743

You deserve to be loved by an Ushi-Oni without a seal, you teasing slut.

>> No.13329744

My bed will just be a giant pile of miia dakis.

I better get to finding good artists, I don't want no repeats

>> No.13329745

>Anon in a pile of Miia dakis
>laughs maniacally while rolling around on them
I can see it.

>> No.13329746

Thats the dream

>> No.13329750

> just rolling

I want enough to scrooge mcduck that shit and swim in my pool of snake cloaca

>> No.13329753

Ushi slut, please. Think of the consequences. Brusing, property damage, more daughterus that she can comfortably carry around on her spider abdomen.

>> No.13329757
File: 938 KB, 400x289, Dance of strumpets and harlots.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gone mad with Cloacafever!

>> No.13329762
File: 222 KB, 740x866, tmp_7713-mia111300975291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a wonderful feeling anon

>> No.13329841


Sleeping in a pile of dakis isn't that great.

I've got 3 and it's already pretty cumbersome.

>> No.13329859

To bad Miia is Second Best
Maybe if she had a sword she could be tied

>> No.13329870


Swords are obsolete weapons for primitives.

>> No.13329872

>Miia voiced by Akame

>> No.13329874

Not in the Fire Emblem universe, they're not.
I do wish monster girls were a thing in Fire Emblem. Centaur Great Knights...Lamia Halberdiers...

>> No.13329877

I haven't seen Akame ga Kill, but I'm pretty sure Miia's voice being Akame isn't a problem.
I mean, at least Miia isn't actually Akame.

>> No.13329879


I don't see the problem.

>> No.13329880


>> No.13329884
File: 346 KB, 1000x1000, 1405553403662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the shit that happened during Berserk's Great Eclipse. Now I'm feeling spooky.

Tell me about cute monster girl doing cute things.

>> No.13329902

>I haven't seen Akame ga Kill
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about this series is godawful. The worst shit I have ever seen. It feels like a teenager actually managed to get his edgy gore porn manga published.
There is less than zero depth to this series, it has anti-depth. Where anytime a character has any sort of characterization? They die. No joke. Every SINGLE time we learn the backstory of a character, they are killed off.
They even introduced two characters JUST to kill them off right after they are introduced.
Don't even get me started on the absolute toxic Akame fanbase on /a/. Who lap this shit up and defend it to shit, despite EVERYONE knowing this trash is actually dumber than SAO and has a character who has less character than Sasuke Uchiha, but because 'MUH BETANESS' she's the best thing since the invention of fire

>> No.13329906


So what's your problem with the voice actor?

You realize she doesn't write the lines she says right?

>> No.13329908

Um...But all that aside...what's Akame sound like?

>> No.13329909

>It is purported that originally these monsters were created as guard dogs by a certain god of the underworld, but it was impossible even for the gods to tame them. If there were a man who could make them submit, that person's ability as a trainer would surpass even that of a god.
Considering how a fucking succubus slapped the overgod's shit in this setting, the untamability isn't nearly as absolute as some people think.

>> No.13329912

It's still the POISON of that series just being NEAR it that will just bring it down.
I don't want the anime to succeed on the basis that everyone involved with Akame Ga Kill should be homeless bums.

>> No.13329917

I didn't watch the anime, because the manga already pissed me off to the day I die.

>> No.13329920

I liked Esdese.

>> No.13329923

>You will never be brought to another plane of existence to be raped by several blue/red/purple/dark-skinned monstergirls

>> No.13329927

So your reasoning is that since the manga for Akame ga Kill was bad and because the anime, which you didn't even watch, shares one VA with EMG then EMG will be shit?

>> No.13329928

Cute things...like eating?
Slug girls, succubi, liches, moth girls, and gazers.
Having a nice meal with a band of men.

>> No.13329939

Drugged daughterus acting dopey coming off anesthetic post minor surgical event.

>> No.13329940

Well Good for you, you like a character whose actually makes Sasuke Uchiha look well written by comparison.
Oh it was going to be bad regardless because the other VAs are still literal Whos, the studio is literal who and they're supposedly going to end the (I assume) 1 cour season on Suu's introduction, which was like chapter 8-9. Now it's even worse because it has association with the worst series ever produced by human hands. Hell I even wonder if a human made this and it's not some 8th sin created by Satan

>> No.13329944

Esdese would be the perfect waifu.

>> No.13329946

>People paying attention to the sperg lord using all-caps all over the place

Right, well, if anybody wants to hear Cerea's voice, here you go.
Please note, blonde chick speaking at and around 5m 50s.

>> No.13329949

Something tells me you just want the series to be bad, It's not you've seen it already. This reminds me of the shitposting that goes on at /a/ over anything that will be remotely popular. Run it into the ground for months on end before the show even starts so that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy that it will be bad.

>> No.13329954

>Watch an entire episode for a voice clip
and you call ME a sperglord?
Not to mention my reaction is justified. Akame Ga kill is the actual worst series of all time.
Okaydo is a Nobel Peace Prize For Literature winner compared to AgK's 'writer'

>> No.13329965
File: 100 KB, 423x338, 1396073994902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your mother carries your daughter into the house, putting her in bed so the doesn't hurt herself trying to get her own self in bed
>As she's tucked in, you ask her what she wants for dinner, since he was such a brave girl to endure getting her wisdom teeth taken out
>You tell her you're going to keep an eye on her for the next few days to make sure her teeth don't hurt, and that she'll have to take medicine to keep the pain away for a while
>You stop talking once you notice her just staring at you
>Looking at you with a completely dopey-ass smile
>You ask her what the smile is about, only for her to answer
>"Your eyebrows are goofy."
>Then continues to stare at you with a face that only reminds one of Osaka
>Until you leave to prepare dinner for your doped-up daughteru

>> No.13329966

>Entire episode
I told you the exact time to skip to. So yes, the fact you're incapable of reading or pressing a button continues to prove what a sperg you are.

And really? Worst series of all time? Are you seriously only two years old? Get off the internet kid, there are a lot worse things out there than your baby's first edgy anime.

>> No.13329968

>Wisdom Teeth Out
Eugh. The swelling...not to mention all the blood on day one.

>> No.13329970

I WANTED the anime to be good. I honest to god did.
But as more and more information came out my expectations lowered more and more.
Now we got literal whos for our main trio, a studio I doubt most people here has heard of, and from what I've heard there's going to be filler.
I'm sorry, but the deck is stacked against this anime. Hell I WANT EMG to be popular, but after the bastardization of Nanatsu No Taizai I am put off on anime adaptations

>> No.13329972

Oh yeah. I forgot.
Her mouth would be so filled with gauze cloth, she wouldn't even be able to talk. Just look at you like she just drank a whole can of Mellow Yellow with extra mellow.

>> No.13329973

Good lord the anime isn't even out yet and we've already reached this level of retardation.

I know it's just one guy right now, but christ, this is an awful sign.

We're doomed.

>> No.13329974

>Wanting crazy
Akame a best

>> No.13329975

On a scale of 1-10 how negative of a person are you?

>> No.13329978

Crazy is best though

>> No.13329979

My goodness is that ever precious.

>> No.13329981

Try going on /a/.

>> No.13329988

Ahh the good ol eggs for breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 days because fuck soup. Then steak on the third out of defiance.

>> No.13329997

I told you, I WAS looking forward to it.
Then Asuna faced Miia happened.
Now we have literal whos all across the board as the staff. There is no talent involved with this adaptation.

>> No.13330002

>Not serving your princess a bowl of clam chowder
You, sir, are a heathen, and do not deserve a daughteru.

>> No.13330005

wow, rude.

>> No.13330006

I would have put you at least a 7. Unknowns are just that unknowns. This could be a mediocre series or a surprisingly good show. I just don't get why you assume it's going to be bad with unknown talent.

>> No.13330010
File: 165 KB, 1000x1000, 1413947374968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was slightly rude, yes. Forgive me.
It's late, and I'm hungry for clams, I stepped out of line.

>> No.13330015

I know, right? If I were the kind of person to go,
>"I don't know what it is, so it sucks."
I'd sure have some opinions about Metal Gear Solid...

>> No.13330019

She doesn't look bad in >>13329733

>> No.13330036

Can you really blame me after that lifeless void that was JWWW's preview images?
Between that, the god awful Nanatsu No Taizai adaptation, the One Punch Man adaptation looking not so hot itself, I am losing more and more interest in anime adaptations.
ESPECIALLY if the 1 Cour Suu end is true, meaning we're going to get filler.
Still looks a little Asunaface, not as much though

>> No.13330044
File: 357 KB, 498x891, Sippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, but now I have a fierce craving for fried clams. And you're to blame.

>> No.13330046

Why do you think the anime is going to end on chapter 8 of the manga?

>> No.13330055

>The anime not introducing best girl
Pfft. Unlikely.

>> No.13330056

That was doomed to look average.
The redraw is too high of quality to animate constantly.

I still think they should have stuck completely to one's style to save budget, then break out the redraws quality in key moments

>> No.13330058

That's just what I'm hearing. Besides, we haven't seen any previews of Suu, MON or Rachnee, and the series comes out in like 3 months, so it's possible they're ending at Suu or shortly after.
Then again we haven't see a PV image of the main character, so who god damn knows

>> No.13330063

"You said we were having steamed clams?"
"No, steamed hams, old family recipe"

>> No.13330066

Some person read a forum post in nipland saying it would end before suu.

And other people have been spreading that shit around everywhere.

Part of me wouldn't mind because we would get a lot of Miia content.
But I do like the other girls, and making filler for a series that is nothing but filler would be retarded

Unless they just don't want to pay more VAs

>> No.13330070

I thought VAs worked for peanuts. That's why the have to make a career in singing or radio or something to survive.

>> No.13330078

Doesn't everyone in the industry work for penuts though?

Maybe they only had enough penuts for three girls

>> No.13330080

That's a valid answer. I wonder who will VA Ms. Smith.

>> No.13330097

Uh no.
VAs are actually paid more than the Directors, Producers and Animators combined.
Didn't you see the chart on /a/?

>> No.13330102

I don't go to /a/ anymore unless it's EMG or JWWW related. Yadda yadda cancer yadda yadda.

>> No.13330107

So my point still stands then?
Not enough VA money?

>> No.13330108

Well Jaden Smith is transgendered now so maybe she can do it.

>> No.13330113
File: 362 KB, 640x469, animepaychart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It opened my eyes as to why adaptations are so bad

>> No.13330121

> College student
Do... do college students actually perform some sort of function in anime production, or is that datapoint just there for means of comparison?

>> No.13330123

Pretty sure is a means of comparison

>> No.13330126

Interesting. The graph is wrong with its points on a line, but if the information at the bottom is correct then this changes my notions of what a VA is supposed to make.

>> No.13330129

Never mind it's right. I just don't know how to read.

>> No.13330142
File: 203 KB, 638x800, TanukiBrunhilda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting on my "At night he discusses monster porn but by day he's a mild mannered statistician" hat, you're right; a line graph is only really appropriate when both axes display continuum data, whereas here the abcissa represents discrete categories so it should really have been presented as a bar chart.

Mai tanuki waifu does OD on me if I collate payroll data improperly, sorry

>> No.13330143
File: 251 KB, 966x719, I wanna bee a loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'cha doing nerds?

>> No.13330148
File: 42 KB, 462x750, 1400543495830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lounging about NEET-ishly, wondering what species of grill I should put in my latest writefaggotry and procrastinating my way around making an actual decision

>> No.13330150

>Just had dream about Tanuki MILF
Holy shit now that was amazing. I like Tanukis now.

>> No.13330154

at work, browsing /mgt/ on my phone

>> No.13330164

Stop, you're hurting Wurm's head

>> No.13330172

>Most monsters get off on their husbands talking dirty during sex
>Tanukis get off to their husbands talking about business and finance at work

>> No.13330186

Do something exotic like a Nureonago

>> No.13330193


>> No.13330196

> "Aah~, yeah, that's it, show me the profit projections you little slut ~"
"Err... well, as you see from this chart, profit projections for the second quarter are bolstered by expected returns from the flotation of the Zipangu franchises..."
> "OooOooh~, so BIG! Is that all for me?"
"Uhh... well, you have a 100% stake in the company, so you can take how ever much of it you want..."
> "Aaaaa... I want it all! Give it to me hard and fast!"
"O-okay, b-but... last time you said you were going to diversify some of the funds into the children's clothing market?"
> "You want to dress me up as a naughty schoolgirl? Oh, husband, you're so ~lewd~ <3"

>> No.13330217

They're just talking about two different things there thogh

>> No.13330227
File: 96 KB, 1000x1346, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold. This is capitalist cat. Notice how weak and useless is. Fattened and growth made to retard through lifestyle of American-inspired indulgence and hedonism, mind made to rot by cheap western cinema manufactured by pig-like bourgeois.

Is of disgust to me.

>> No.13330231

I want to dick the cat, comrade.

>> No.13330232

Ivan pls, go back to ejecting beer can size shells from glorious rifle of Mosin.

>> No.13330236
File: 482 KB, 803x1200, 681d009f4b9037221684e45a6289bdb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now this? This is real SOVIET CAT, da? Is better.

Is strong and mighty like three oxen made to be tied together. She run on 100-proof vodka and stroganoff. Hobbies of including wrestling wild bear and lifting things in repetition.

She has good thing to show you, comrade. Is called 'ab job'. Is nice, you will like.

Do not be of stare at face too much, comrade. It embarrass her, she will maul.

>> No.13330238


>Not using the Siberian recolor

>> No.13330257

Da, comrade. I am of noticings her fine fur of coat. It will keep you warm, like ten fires of Chernobyl. Is good for wilderness. Pussy juices so hot they melt snow, not like feeble capitalist cat, who will freeze in winter. Or perhaps not. American pigs so fat perhaps the blubber will keep her warm, da? But is useless. Cannot be wrapping arms around.

This cat is of tens of tens. Would fuck, da? And raise glorious communist family of fluffy siberian Jinko.

>> No.13330262

>yandere crow tengu

>> No.13330266
File: 62 KB, 529x779, tmp_4459-1427738140325-254217432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I want to fuck a snake

>> No.13330276
File: 100 KB, 1200x1200, 1409544732616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you take responsibility for the consequences of your actions?

>> No.13330280

Biting + Scratching + Coiled up
I'm so hard right now.

>> No.13330286
File: 37 KB, 500x640, e1yGUilW9Gw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, that's some serious shitstorm you've got there m8s.

And they say nightshifts are calm.

>> No.13330287
File: 353 KB, 600x600, tmp_4459-14047636686341014413425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I want raise and love a snake daughteru

>> No.13330290


All we did was talk about the EMG anime

>> No.13330293

Talking about the one 'how would you meet your waifu' question caused.

>> No.13330297
File: 426 KB, 480x640, 1306121105025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he was being ironic.
Then again I live in a non-Murrican timezone so I don't even know when the night shift starts

>> No.13330312

Yeah. Just woke up and skimmed the thread, myself. A shame people can't take it easy. Although the side that was trying to start shit for no reason at all is a little more pathetic than the other.

>> No.13330317

I say the night time feel the site gets in general starts about 9 hours ago. About midnight for me.

>> No.13330328
File: 21 KB, 447x358, 45f0b622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never romance some throwaway monster/villain of the week and comfort her after her inevitable defeat by the bully heroes

>> No.13330332

>Not helping her to defeat the heroes
Shit husbando

>> No.13330335


Hey. Guys. Hey.

Tentai Senshi Sunred but with female monsters from a magical girl series instead.

>> No.13330355
File: 281 KB, 1200x1703, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown tribal lizardgirl

>> No.13330361


>> No.13330363

1,610 posts? Really? Why is the post limit in /jp/ so huge? I try to browse this Monster Girl threads in my phone and it just crashes it.

>> No.13330365

>1,610 posts? Really?
>He thinks this is huge

>> No.13330369

Dayum girl, whacha doin' with all dat junk in yo trunk?

>> No.13330370
File: 34 KB, 284x306, Basically Tatl the Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat the last Temple of Majora's Mask and prepped everything for my Night Shift breaks to beat the rest of the game.

6 Pink fairies...more than enough to kill anything that moves.

>> No.13330371

>Being this much of a newfag
Record is 4800
Just 2 threads ago was 4100

>> No.13330373
File: 310 KB, 555x822, 1395126694882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is real SOVIET CAT
There's only one SOVIET CAT for me.

>> No.13330378

Was Frosted Grapes a ruskie?

>> No.13330381

No. Silly me. Rapes.

>> No.13330382

Are you going to tell her she's not?

>> No.13330389
File: 169 KB, 981x1400, 1404926606832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I? I don't know. I'd ask her if she was there to be questioned. She strikes me as the type who is flattered easily if someone shows an interest in her.
Especially if they go for the paws.

>> No.13330392

>Everyone says she dead.
>Raws that prove it nowhere to be seen.
>Will never get translated.

>> No.13330394

>Will never get translated
>He doesn't know

>> No.13330395

When do people die? Is it when they are shot? Stabbed? When they consume a fatal poison? NO! People only die when they are forgotten.

>> No.13330399

W-What are you talking about?
What do you know what I don't?!

>> No.13330400

Playing the first Fallout.

>> No.13330401

A new group picked it up. Chapter 4 was translated recently.

>> No.13330402

People should die when they are killed, anon.

>> No.13330405

I'll take Dr. Hiruluk's fatherly wisdom over Tohsaka's anus.

>> No.13330406


>multiple breasts


>> No.13330409

More tits for me, and I'm an assman.

>> No.13330416


>> No.13330422

Weren't VAs in the 80s/90s shit?

>> No.13330427

Yeah this chart is outdated. There aren't any VA's any more they're all vocaloids.

>> No.13330442

>She has good thing to show you, comrade. Is called 'ab job'. Is nice, you will like.
Reminds me of that doujin with the artist guy and a ditsy Russian call girl.

>> No.13330443

I don't have only one favorite, and some of them already are monstergirls.

If I just choose a random one from my favorites

>Tsugumi Seishiro
Clearly a Dhampir

>> No.13330452
File: 116 KB, 460x359, Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother though I have butted heads with you in the past when you try to apply soft science statistical norms to hard science statistical ways. I know that's ironic when statistics started in biology but we both know what what fields get the most statistical toolkit focus now.

>> No.13330453

That one was cute.

>> No.13330463
File: 435 KB, 1000x2000, 1411766080085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW Slav Jinkos are maximum HARASHO, TOVARISH tier

Why are they so great?

>> No.13330465

Because they all have a little bit of Dersu Uzala's soul in them when they are born. Him very good fellow.

>> No.13330469

It sounds vague familiar but what doujin exactly?

>> No.13330471

Here, 'read' to your heart's content:

>> No.13330474


Yes. This is exactly why I have an abjob fetish when it comes to Minotaurs. That and RIP AND TEAR mushroom fueled irrumatio until her hips are buckling and that slit of hers is just begging to have the seed of Man sown into it


>> No.13330485

>Still no mini wurm that likes to ride on my shoulder while wrapped around my arm
I don't think even VR can fix this.

>> No.13330488

Reminder to keep your Barometz locked away from the eyes of a Wurm. Wurms have been known to mistake them for Jello and devour their husband jelly.

>> No.13330491

My melanin enriched comrade! Finally someone who appreciates minotaurs in all the right ways.

>> No.13330493


>> No.13330499

God why are Wurm's so terrible.

They are like freaking Worms.

>> No.13330500
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1062, 01c08068861ca16a68c1856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu is so Dense... every single thought of hers has so many things going on!

>> No.13330507
File: 1.13 MB, 848x850, cockatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13330510

Bot that's wrong, Wurms are great.

>> No.13330512
File: 128 KB, 469x500, Cockatrice_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a MGE entry for that.

>> No.13330515

She could use a profile picture update.

>> No.13330520

A lot of girls could use one.

>> No.13330523

She's like poetry, sorta that they rhyme. Every stanza kinda rhymes with the last one. Hopefully she'll work.

>> No.13330525
File: 109 KB, 641x597, 1388864128361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, whatever you say Wurm.

Or maybe you're just a Wurm sympathizer in which case your posting clearly shows you belong with them.

You know, birds of a feather and all that.

>> No.13330528
File: 452 KB, 541x586, Basilisk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dominant Basilisk > shy Cockatrice

>> No.13330533


What the fuck are Cockatrice even known for again?

>> No.13330535

turning things to stone

>> No.13330537

They were in a My Little Pony episode.

>> No.13330539


It's a dragon/rooster that can either kill or petrify people by looking at him.

>> No.13330540


See that's why I fucking hate Basilisks and Cockatrices with a passion.

One petrifies you, the other fucking kills you with eye contact.

Goddamned make up your fucking mind, mythology.

>> No.13330543

Source to that pic? Iqdb fails

>> No.13330545

I wish I could find out how warm Holstaurus milk with oats tasted.

>> No.13330546

>make up your fucking mind
>one creatures does one thing, another creatures does another thing
>make up your fucking mind
I'm confused. Make this make sense!

>> No.13330547

There are basically the same thing as a basilisk, sometimes even used as synonyms like how wyrm is another name for a dragon.
Harry Potter just made the basilisk into a giant snake for cool factor.

>> No.13330548
File: 286 KB, 800x1131, that&#039;s a huge bitch4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your size limit?

>> No.13330552

Anything that would cause mobility issues in public. I want to spoil my girl with trips to theme parks and stuff, but not if she would have trouble getting around.

>> No.13330553


It's because a Basilisk and a Cockatrice are literally born in very similar manners.

Cockatrice is from a rooster laying an egg lol monsterboy cockatrice

While a Basilisk is a chicken incubated egg of a snake or toad. They're both fucking chicken reptile creatures that have some kind of bullshit eye powers.

>> No.13330554

>Monster girl daughteru is finally learning how to walk
>She trips and falls every 3 inches she gets towards you before making it, only to fall down again
What is the status of your heart?

>> No.13330555

4 feet is the floor.
8 feet is the comfortable ceiling.
10 feet is the absolute limit.
Different rules apply for species with unorthodox bodies such as Lamias.

>> No.13330556
File: 143 KB, 1594x700, 1409695566132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say anything bigger than what's on here is too big.

>> No.13330558

Git gud

>> No.13330559

Until I can no longer satisfy her with a human size.

>> No.13330560

But they're not the same creature. There's no conflict here.

>> No.13330561
File: 442 KB, 1000x1200, 580f94df9f6216e7bfbcc05e0184b1dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can't make her cum on my own it's not worth it.

>> No.13330562

That mountain troll will never stop being lovely.

>> No.13330564

What you posted in your pic is as big as I'll go.

I'd imagine all the fun stuff that could be had if you dated a girl that size!

>> No.13330567

I wonder what kind of stews she can cook. Trolls all love stew, right?

>> No.13330568
File: 1.15 MB, 1457x2043, a fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If she loves you then she'll be satisfied with you no matter what, anon.

If she's that massive she can always just lick your whole body while masturbating.

>> No.13330575

This only serves to remind me we will never have a proper /mgt/ DnD session.
Then again after the trainwreck of the IRC one I find it might be for the better

>> No.13330578

Or use you as a dildo

>> No.13330579

>/mgt/ DnD session
>not MAID

>> No.13330582

Where was that one youtube video someone did of Normalfags pretending to be Monster Girls in a Tabletop Simulator game?

>> No.13330583

Ignoring sizes, Mountain Troll is the best.

Regarding sizes, Mountain Troll is the best.

>> No.13330587

>check Blogspot
>Niebel's Dragon updated
>AW YISS. finally after a year-long hiatus, this gonna be good
>knowing him, it's hardly a touchy fluffy happy end, but likely something in-between, lewd but generally neutral
>he also got called out on his pseudo-ntr/sub dragon blasphemy recently, so might have decided to recover it
>gotta cheer for the poor Ashy
>read the whole story
Alright. O-okay. I'm totally cool.

>> No.13330597

It was awful and I'm sorry I read it. I wish I could turn back the clock and live in a time when that didn't happen.

>> No.13330600

You've read it before the update, haven't you?
Why are you suprised?

>> No.13330604
File: 747 KB, 900x900, 40291160_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cockatrice girls need more love.

>> No.13330611
File: 368 KB, 597x846, 1404574946762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel absolutely some remorse

>> No.13330612
File: 574 KB, 900x1519, Multiple_problems_one_solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fairies will never be sold at your local department store.

>> No.13330617

If I have fuck it, do I recover all my hearts?

>> No.13330618
File: 97 KB, 620x877, 1427739104760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her stupidity is the key to all this, if we get her stupid working, because she's a cuter character than we've had in any other of ther MGEs before

>> No.13330619

You... you're nothing but evil.

>> No.13330620

>The last thing that Neibel remembers
>He got drunk playing a game of Zelda...

>> No.13330624

We need MGs and spooky stuff to be combined more often.

>> No.13330629

I'm sorta with you, yeah.
Strangely enough, I just couldn't really think of it to end badly after reading the first part for some reason. The worst it seemed to be going to was just a harem and 'sharing~' all the way. Eh, my bad I guess.

See ^.

Yeah, sure m8, like every single of them. I actually applaud you, in a kinda sick, "What the fuck, man"-y way, and as to a newborn monster which from now on hides under little Anon's bed at night, haunting his dreams, but I do. You got me off guard with that one.

>> No.13330633

I still want to know what that title actually is.

>> No.13330637

Love can bloom.
/tg/ fic between a 40k farseer and Vindicare assassin.

>> No.13330639

Love can bloom?

>> No.13330641

Is it real?

>> No.13330643

oh shit i was guessing

>> No.13330647

Yes, but the last chapter was forever lost to the depths of the internet.

>> No.13330648

Then did love bloom on the battlefield or not?

>> No.13330651


>> No.13330656


>> No.13330659

>You will never be kidnapped by an elite officer on your enemy's side
>You will never end up falling in love with her

>> No.13330660
File: 289 KB, 896x729, she owns your house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now, anon?

Your previous contract is still valid, but she's moved the landlord's obvious directly across the hall from you.

>> No.13330661
File: 435 KB, 1023x858, 1421640042774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now look upon my own works and fall into despair at my own inadequacy.

>> No.13330666

T'is but life.

>> No.13330667

Satan please go.

>> No.13330668

What do you mean what now? I continue paying my bills and being a NEET. Not like she's changing my deal or anything, right?

>> No.13330669

Yea, it set the bar pretty high
An I feel you bro

>> No.13330672

Fuck everything about having your wisdom teeth taken out. I almost took a swing at my dentist.

>> No.13330674

Wanna talk about it? I wanna talk about it.

>> No.13330677

So she holds the contact for my mortgage, not a lot changes.

>> No.13330678
File: 597 KB, 1252x805, fushimi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, you just can't read the signals, can ya?

>> No.13330680
File: 124 KB, 392x500, LeananSidheBlank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way I can keep writefagging is basically not to read anyone else's, or I end up in a cruel spiral of shame and inadequacy.
The written word is a cruel mistress

>> No.13330683

I'm not good at signals. That's why I like when Monster Girls rape the man they love. It makes it very clear what their intentions are.

Why can't that CC Kitsune Landlord of mine just rape me if she wants me? You gotta be assertive in this world.

>> No.13330686

I'm the opposite, I can read others works but not my own

>> No.13330689
File: 325 KB, 959x1400, fushimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You gotta be assertive in this world.

She bought your fucking apartment building.

>> No.13330690


Niebel you motherfucker I wasn't agreeing with that one person that you mentioned in Le IRC.

I actually liked it. But that's because i'm an incorrigible bastard.

>> No.13330691

What signals? She just spelled out her complete lack of interest.

>> No.13330692

What is she? Though she was a dragon, but those paws.

>> No.13330693

I keep reading other people's stuff even so. I read as many novels as I can with my schedule. I find it inspiring. Sometimes. But sometimes, when I see stuff like THAT, I lose heart. And losing heart is the worst thing that could possibly happen.
Now this I get.
Shirou, please.

>> No.13330698

Yeah, but a lot of people can. I mean, I wasn't fucking my previous landlord.

Nah, if I were her, I would've walked right up to my face and say that she now owns my home, and if I want to continue living there, I have to marry myself to her and be hers for all eternity.

There we go, we can have a happy marriage and live happily ever after.

>> No.13330699

Not him but I own a house and his reaction of going "Ok" would be mine as well.
It's not like anything would change

>> No.13330702


I try not to writefag too often because of a downward spiral of self shame and inadequacy that'll eventually lead to a corpulent, gas bloated corpse being pulled out of the Potomac River.

That and I suck shit when it comes to articulating emotions and intimacy in the written word. But you fags are always trying to go "BE MOTIVATED" and saying shit like you'd actually do weird things like lick an Apophis navel.


>> No.13330708
File: 243 KB, 535x876, she owns all of your houses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would've walked right up to my face and say that she now owns my home, and if I want to continue living there, I have to marry myself to her and be hers for all eternity.

Pretty sure you could sue for that.

>> No.13330711

Is this going to result in lots of sex? Because if it doesn't then I'm going to feel horribly cheated.

>> No.13330712
File: 73 KB, 531x432, 1416963448375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this flat version of Yao?

>> No.13330714

Hey, does she want to have me as a husband or not?

>> No.13330718

Pretty sure I wouldn't want to.

>> No.13330719

There's nothing gross about that anon.

>> No.13330721

Are there any logs

>> No.13330725

>look mom I posted it again!

>> No.13330726

From that one furry star doujin. Her competition is a short busty inari with glasses

>> No.13330728

Fox goddess from Yellow / Silver Pop.

>> No.13330732

There's nothing weird about wanting to lick a grapesnake's navel.

>> No.13330733

All I remember is "Rape the Ants! Fuck the Queen!"

>> No.13330734
File: 359 KB, 575x659, fushimi3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not knowing Fushimi-chan

>> No.13330736
File: 287 KB, 994x1113, 4 Tails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After some reading, I must say...I like it.

Flat Yao is just as nice as Yao Classic.

>> No.13330742
File: 101 KB, 317x500, Giant Ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. rape the ants!

>> No.13330746

>"Haha Anon! I own your house now!"
>Ok, does this mean that my contract changes or something?
>"W-well, no. Your contract is the same. But now a cute fox girl like me owns it!"
>Uh-huh....Look, I need to go hit the gym before I go off to work. Do I still pay my mortgage though the website or....
>"Yeah, you just do website Or you could just swing by an-"
>Awesome, I gotta head out. It was nice meeting you and don't mind my room mate. He has his GF stay over sometimes.

>> No.13330747

Looks like a disgusting slut.

>> No.13330748

She works hard for the honey, so you better treat her right!

>> No.13330756
File: 283 KB, 1500x937, 413f3167668f3c11fc0f54866e3c7ff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make hard gay look like Commando Era Schwarzenegger .


>> No.13330758

>Shouting that in a huge room of forty ants going about their business
>Six floors above the ground
>While on an infiltration mission

Good way to get laid. Bad way to complete the mission. Now you know what a clusterfuck the thing was.

>> No.13330759


>Talking shit about Fushimi-chan

>> No.13330761

Close, she's a delicious slut.

>> No.13330766

As a DM, this is the point where I would give the "Really?" look.

>> No.13330769

No kidding. But the thing was full of first timers instead of grogs. What do you expect?

>> No.13330771


>> No.13330773

I'm proud.

>> No.13330777

So that's the ass ugly, fat, faceless old men stick their dicks in after paying her?

>> No.13330778

Even when I did it with first times they were able to keep focused on the mission. Now given, that required three of them to keep a tight leash on the other guy (who still is terrible at pen and paper stuff) but they knew that "Lots of enemies" = Stealth.
Duty first, fun second.

>> No.13330783

If she didn't want to get snu snu'd maybe she shouldn't have released all those enticing pheromones.

>> No.13330786

I bet you think it's okay to rape a Maus worn out from a hellish workout just because she smells nice, don't you?

>> No.13330788

All this talk about landlords reminds me of that one Lamia CC Landlord story, anyone got it?

Monster Girl Landlords can be pretty hot, but they gotta be assertive and powerful, like a Tanuki if they want to prey on those innocent poor human boys who will do anything to pay the rent!

>> No.13330795

Yes, but that's because it's always alright to rape a maus.

>> No.13330800

>Monster Girl Landlords can be pretty hot, but they gotta be assertive and powerful, like a Tanuki if they want to prey on those innocent poor human boys who will do anything to pay the rent!
Made me roll my eyes.

>> No.13330803
File: 311 KB, 1188x1272, 1fooWII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A monstergirl overlord will never raise you to be her husband

>> No.13330808

Well Anon, a powerful Monster Girl is going to be more successful blackmailing a boy into sex than some spaghetti spilling Oomukade.

>> No.13330810

I think it was mostly the way it was written.

>> No.13330819

Not Nyan but
>Hinezumi comes back from her workout, panting and sweaty.
>Catch her scent and am instantly at the ready, sneak up on her to ask how it was.
>She'd pant that it was just fine, limbs trembling and muscles screaming.
>That's when you'd nibble her ear, drawing a moan from her as one hand goes down towards her dripping womanhood.
>She'd try to resist, groaning how dirty and gross she is, but then you'd just go forward sticking a finger a finger into her tight slight and causing her flames to burn even brighter as she twitches slightly.
>That's when you'd rip off those soaking spats of her's so you could plunge into her dripping snatch.
>She'd squeal and squeak as you hammered into her, bottoming out each and every thrust.
>It'd prove too much for her and you'd set her twitching and convulsing as an orgasm rockets through her. Your own triggering a second later and filling her mousey womb with your love.
>She'd be gasping in your arms, her eyes clouded by pleasure as you tell her how she was right, she is quite the dirty girl.
>She'd moan something in reply but a twist of her nipple would cause it to devolve into another moan as you carried her to the shower for round two.
I do so enjoy petite girls

>> No.13330824

Mate, I despise tsuns, Rin is a cunt, and prefer full figured and adult women, with breasts that could flood the amazon and hips and thighs that shake the heavens, but you sir, are a F A G G O T.

>> No.13330825
File: 246 KB, 1024x1563, I like MGs like I like my beer, Cold and Tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Ice Dragon belongs to me.

The rest of you can go find some other dragon to date.

>Dis new captcha shit
>Select the steak images from the other food images

What in the flying fuck is going on here.

>> No.13330827

Who the fuck says "sir" anymore

>> No.13330831

Anon it's been like that for months now.

>> No.13330836


It's absolutely gross and any writefag who condones it is even more gross than the act itself

>> No.13330841
File: 7 KB, 165x166, 1429141991084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.13330842

Not him but I just started getting it yesterday. It's annoying as hell.

>> No.13330846
File: 280 KB, 946x1035, My Ice Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally never seen that shit and I've been posting all this time.

This Ice Nekomata belongs to me too.

Problem Holstaur?

>> No.13330851
File: 128 KB, 342x504, BaphometButt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know for a fact that captcha deploys different checks at different times for different countries, so maybe that's it.

>> No.13330852

Anyone who observes good manners and propriety. What are you, a hooligan?

>> No.13330855

I not only condone it, but I'm a writefag too! Guess that does make me gross too? Well boo-fucking-hoo! You know you love it!

>> No.13330859

I would be a baphomet's Onii-chan. this is what happen's when you write Sabbath stuff.

>> No.13330860

Fuck off Mistral.

>> No.13330865

Mistral? As in the MGR Mistral?

>> No.13330868

Only children say "sir" unironically on the Internet anymore.

NICE reaction meme.

>> No.13330872

Harblador's abominaton girl gave me a boner. I don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.13330873
File: 312 KB, 953x1400, fushimi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Behead those who insult Fushimi-chan.

>> No.13330877

Does Sunred still bully them?

>> No.13330878

I would too, Average.

>> No.13330883

Read that one. It was hot.
Twist ending was amusing.

>> No.13330884

>Reaction meme

Tell that to the faggot spamming foxes.

>> No.13330888


Absolutely. The Magical Girls are all kinda assholes.

Meanwhile, the throwaway Mantis monster-of-the-week works on her plastic models in her three-room apartment.

>> No.13330892

>Inari goddess with a superiority complex
>Just wants to dote on her man and be doted on in return
A miracle of the universe.

>> No.13330896

Don't worry, I do that too.

>> No.13330899

>how do i get more people to pay attention to me
>i know, i'll unnecessarily add a barely relevant picture to my post

>> No.13330902

It works.

>> No.13330903

She would get all the cuddling and head-pats she could handle.

>> No.13330905

Who else?

>> No.13330907

Sadly, yes.

>> No.13330911

Do what?

>> No.13330912

Yep. That was not my proudest moment, but damn did he do a good job with her.

>> No.13330914

>having good manners is something only children do
>ignoring the context in which it was said

Let me guess, American?

>> No.13330917
File: 465 KB, 662x1064, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She needs to eat a sandwich or three

>> No.13330922

You're just digging yourself a bigger hole at this point.

>> No.13330923

>i know, i'll unnecessarily add a barely relevant picture to my post
I thought it was good practice.
Even if the point my post is making is awful, or bait, or shitposting, or useless waifu wars, it can at least perform SOME sort of productive service by increasing other anons' catalog of cute monster butts.

>> No.13330927

>>ignoring the context in which it was said
>but you sir, are a F A G G O T.

Not much different from people who say "epic for the win my good sir" to be honest

>> No.13330928

She's practically wasting away, she'll need at least a hundred.

>> No.13330929

So flat.
So sad.
I'd rather a tubby tanuki who became my landlord.

>> No.13330938

And ear teasing. Wheteher it's a Bapho or a Familiar, I wouldn't be able to keep my mitts away from their fuzzy ears.

>> No.13330940

Sure, whatever you say.

>> No.13330942

I like the scene where she gives the MC a bath.

I normally prefer the other Goddess to her, but damn, that was a good chapter.

>> No.13330943

Me neither, scratching behind the ears and the base of the tail would be the best. You need to sit her in your lap while you do this as well, that way you can feel her squirm as your hands get to work.

>> No.13330944

Why are you responding to that post and ignoring mine ;_;

>> No.13330945

>I do so enjoy petite girls
Mein nigga.

Everything about what you just wrote is tops. Simply tops.

>> No.13330948

I'm normally a guy wih interests in Healthy, but there's something appealing about a girl who isn't a loli, but has a flat chest and haughty nature.

>> No.13330951

>Meanwhile, the throwaway Mantis monster-of-the-week works on her plastic models in her three-room apartment.
I'd want to date a girl like this.

>> No.13330955

Someone should get around to writing this stuff.

>> No.13330956

I think of the vampire from Negima.
Haughty flat girls are just as good.
Their chest is their weakpoint ironically, you can tease them about how a girl so full of herself can have a chest as flat as this.

>> No.13330957

We need more Sabbath stuff, yes indeed.

One of these days I should try the story I started some 3 years ago again.

>> No.13330960

Oh shit I got proven wrong.

>> No.13330963

Healthy is still best though.

>> No.13330964

Healthy AND Haughty of course

>> No.13330966

You know you won't, it doesn't have enough nightmares, anubi or dragons.

>> No.13330968

They are fun to write because they are part cute girls doing cute things and part mad scientist.

>> No.13330972

Does anything?

>> No.13330973

Oh of course.

>> No.13330974

Hey, because of the setting, it would have Anubi.

Was going to include Nightmares and Dragons too, but if I went back and did it now, I'd probably reign back on that.

Not really, no. A cryin' shame.


>> No.13330975

I want her to tease and talk down to me, rambling about how I should be lucky for someone like her to spend time with me.
Only for her to turn meek when I say she'd be much better if she wasn't so caustic all the time..

>> No.13330979

>Healthy Haughty Monster Girl does her "Hohoho!" laugh, raising her hand to her mouth
>Doing so you can see her belly and breasts jiggle

>> No.13330980


Mmmnf. Going to love this when its translated. Sexy as fuck mimic girl. Reminds me of his Sandworm one though.

>> No.13330984


>> No.13330985

Oh yeah that's the good stuff.

>> No.13330987

I like to imagine that Baphomets and Witches cackle in an evil manner while they brew potions. Not because they're doing anything nefarious, but because they've been taught it's de rigueur to cackle menacingly wile making them.

>> No.13330990

>A fucking sad panda
Alright, this meme is getting old as fuck, you "rickrolled" me, epic meme

>> No.13330991

I can't translate this.

>> No.13330994

10/10 would poke belly and sire heirs with

>> No.13330997

Newfag pls.

>> No.13330998

The question is do you tell her or let her continue? Or at least tell her she needs to get a bigger shirt because you can see her belly and pudge poke from under her shirt when she raises her arms like that.

>> No.13331000

Of course they would, it's practically a requirement

>> No.13331001

That's actually a countermeme.

>> No.13331003


No, no no she is wearing a proper ladies dress that she is sure hides her huge breasts, soft belly and big butt.

It doesn't

>> No.13331004

Haha. Well fine. Its not been fjorded.

>> No.13331008

sneak a photo and show it to her and her friends later to show off the "adorable pose and laugh she does".
All while grinning at her

>> No.13331009

If you read it, its actually soft vore. The boy survives. Utterly worn out, but he survives. So he is nommed, fucked, then spat out.

>> No.13331011
File: 26 KB, 399x295, 1427392579122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes, the memes.

He should git gud regardless.

>> No.13331016

Not sure why it isn't up in japanese yet. Anyone have an imgur of this one yet the way it was with the sandworm and kraken doujins?

>> No.13331017

You kidding, right?

>> No.13331021


It's pretty old.

>> No.13331025

I don't think so. The guy who bought those two never bought this one. If things work out like they did with the kraken one, we'll see the raw in another month.

>> No.13331050

>We need more Sabbath stuff

Familiar Friend and Cassie's No Good, Awful, Very Bad Day really endeared them to me. Would cuddle with a soft Familiar while sinking my fingers into her softness. Would massage the tension out of the slender back and neck of a tired and frustrated Baphomet.

>> No.13331066

Both very, very good things to do.

And both were very, very nice stories.

>> No.13331077
File: 265 KB, 1000x724, 1415629271728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about SCP girls tho?

>> No.13331083
File: 288 KB, 800x600, 1401995026200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blink and you get a hug!

>> No.13331110

I need greentexts, greentexts of pudgy haughty girls! Rich girls with hedonistic lifestyles and loads of pride! Narcissitic healthy girls who act like self absorbed jerks but inside have a heart of gold they're too proud to show off.

I need them now!

>> No.13331114

What monster girls best suit pudgy haughty rich girls?

>> No.13331115

I've lost control of my life. I just realized I've written 1600 words about jogging, and I'm not even done with it yet.
Help me.

>> No.13331120

sej and ashe are better

>> No.13331124

Fucking shit, I never want to hear, or see what you guys look like.

>> No.13331128

Chesires, Dragons, Apophis, Anubis, Devils, Kitsunes, Krakens, Pharaoh, Sphynx, Jabberwocks, Kejourou, Tanukis, Yuki-Onna, and Lilims all come to mind as perfect haughty pudgy material.

I'm getting a bit turned on at the idea of being surrounded by all this pudge and haughtiness, them all doing their hohohohoho laughing.

>> No.13331133


What do you mean get a huaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHH

>> No.13331136

I like Chesires and Kitsunes.

>> No.13331138

I am Nyan, and I enjoyed this except I would have just ripped a hole in those spats.

>> No.13331139

Try turning off the fucking computer and actually going out to jog.

>> No.13331142

Don't forget to delete the text file first.

No, I am Nyan and I enjoy futa.

>> No.13331144



What the fuck?

>> No.13331145

But that's where I got the idea to write it into the story.
No. I need to get an update out today, or else.

>> No.13331147

Why must you spread lies anon?

>> No.13331148



>> No.13331151

>You will never cuddle on your proud aristocrat waifu's bed, laying your head on her thick fat thighs

>> No.13331152

682 and 999 girl threesome.

>> No.13331157

it's shit

>> No.13331171

But then she'd have to buy new ones and you'd have to go sho-
>Go for spats
>Get her to try on cute clothes while your at it, her blushing and flames blazing as they become increasingly frilly
>Go at it in the dressing room
You are a wise man Nyan

>> No.13331180
File: 529 KB, 1000x1000, 1426572653855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maus molesting sure is fun. I wish I was as good at it.

>> No.13331202

I'd like to place an order for more doublemaus, please.

>> No.13331203

Well don't ask me, I'm a different person entirely.

>> No.13331204

>wanting more third wheel yuri bullshit

Alright then anon.

>> No.13331207

It's done Jim. I have other OC coming after I proof and edit it sometime though.

>> No.13331211

>You will never watch her struggle try on clothes a size too big for her
>You will never see her soft part jiggle in protest as she tries to fit them into her clothes
>You will never hear her insist that she's not fat
>You will never see her finally get into the too-small clothes and smile smugly
>You will never hear the clothes creak and groan as the come apart at the seams, eventually ripping apart
>You will never hear her promise that she will never eat sweets again
>You will never come home and place a huge slice of chocolate cake in front of her with a big dollop of whipped cream at the side and watch her whimper and shake with hunger-lust

>> No.13331214

>Still no Lanternon update

Come one man, I need my fix of paladins actually being awesome.

>> No.13331221

There's something awesome about being bigoted murderers?

>> No.13331224
File: 150 KB, 668x1000, 964d7db6155549bbc7309e5d01b50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-6 ft max.

>> No.13331225

Oh would you fuck off.

The only time this thread is fun is when there's paladinposting going on.

>> No.13331228

It hit some fine places for me, so I liked it.

>> No.13331242
File: 303 KB, 500x751, 1402753037884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there such a thing as too much fluff?

>> No.13331243

Best teasing

>> No.13331244

2 hours late, but here you go.

>> No.13331247


I don't know, depending on the world its set in paladins can be a force for good. I mostly like Lanternon's paladin story because the guy is the exact opposite of his last MC.

Seriously, I'd love to see what would happen if Val and Victor were locked in a room together.

>> No.13331249


>She gives in and eats in all, making little orgasm sounds with every bite
>Between mouthfuls she says you have to help her work off all of this in bed tonigh

>> No.13331252

Good, fucking despise monster girls now.

>> No.13331258
File: 606 KB, 1536x2048, comm-paladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor ignorant child.

>> No.13331264

Are you that sensitive over simple greentext stories?

>> No.13331266

Don't be like that.

>> No.13331269

>Good, fucking despise this thread's notion and understanding of monster girls now.

>> No.13331270

Fuck you.

Fuck you too.

I'll continue to hate monster girls and ruin all of your fun.

>> No.13331274
File: 932 KB, 600x1000, 1404673591035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting at line 124 is what I feel is the worst update I've ever written, but there it is, forever. I repeat. Forever.


>> No.13331278

>and ruin all of your fun
That's really petty.

>> No.13331283

Do I give a shit?

No, and I never fucking will.

>> No.13331286

Don't be a silly goose. Take a nap and you'll fee better and we can talk about monstergirls.

>> No.13331290

Thats when I comfort/cuddle her and insist she's still a big proud mighty Monster Girl to me. Though she's big both metaphorically and literally.

>> No.13331294
File: 222 KB, 600x792, 173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alarms have gone off, there is panic everywhere. There are people randomly running about, trying to find a way out of this hell that is now a quarantined zone. While you never see it directly you know that people are getting picked off, as the panic slowly dies down and the hallways are getting emptier with each passing minute. Yet you keep wandering through the hallways unharmed, wondering what it will be that will end your miserable life. That is when you bump into her.

You recognize her instantly, the statue that everyone calls 173. Remembering the rules you keep your eyes open, as you slowly shuffle to the far away airlock. The air is foggy, your eyes start itching and your body wants to blink. Yet you force yourself to keep your eyes open and to keep walking. Soon you reach the airlock, but your eyes are now plainly hurting. Your body screams for a quick blink, a quick blink to fix that ache.

Giving in to the itching and the aching you quickly blink once, only to find her right in front of you. You can clearly see her features now, her curves, perky breasts and a cold emotionless gaze towards you. She is like a blossoming flower, albeit a very toxic one. Your itching eyes quickly bring you back to reality, and you have to force them open as you use your hands to look for the override behind you.

A loud screeching buzz sounds, and your courage, dreams and hopes sink to your shoes. This is one of the quarantined airlocks, it will never open. As you quickly start thinking of a way out, while forcing your eyes open you are starting to realize the futility of your situation. Giving a quick prayer you decide to surrender to your fate and simply close your eyes.

You instantly feel cool arms close around your back, pulling you in a tight hug. You open your eyes in surprise, looking directly at her. As you gaze into her eyes, the last thing you hear as you are about to faint is her whispering:

“I caught you, you are mine now.”

>> No.13331300

SCP-106 girl when?

>> No.13331303


Weeping Angel rip-off pls go and stay go

>> No.13331304

Wow this is complete shit.

Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.13331309

Big in all the right places, the best way to be.
Doctor Who monster girls when?

>> No.13331311


>> No.13331324

Chubby pouting dragon eating cake and varying hugged by her husband when?

>> No.13331329

I think the original concept for 173 predated the airing of the first Weeping Angel episode, actually.

>> No.13331330

No I'm serious, please do me a favor and fucking kill yourself.

>> No.13331331

>Doctor Who
Am I the only one who needs to be drunk for it to make any sense?

>> No.13331338
File: 43 KB, 508x494, Spooky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did.

>> No.13331339

Probably not.

>> No.13331345

Then fuck off, ghosts aren't allowed in here.

Humans only.

>> No.13331351

Don't bully the ghost.

>> No.13331354
File: 595 KB, 800x600, 1406730778772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what you did anon.

>> No.13331363



>> No.13331368

Spooky is love. Don't bully the ghost.

>> No.13331370

Doctor Who has been shit for decades, man.

This is made even worse by knowing their fanbase (75% of Tumblr).

>> No.13331373
File: 379 KB, 899x993, yuuko_208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you ghosts are great.

Especially when they're haunting you because they want your dick.

>> No.13331388

No fuck you, spooky is spooky, not love.

Ghosts are shit, in fact all monster girls are complete shit.

The only good monster girl is a dead and exorcised monster girl!

>> No.13331389


>> No.13331399

What are you, a Spooky racist? Scary girls just want love.

>> No.13331411
File: 278 KB, 650x750, 1393197615397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fluffy wolf harpies

>> No.13331443
File: 240 KB, 800x800, 1412275674377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must fluffyfags always interject when we're clearly discussing non-fluffy monstergirls?

>> No.13331462


What about if it's a ghost of a fluffy monster?

>> No.13331466
File: 179 KB, 600x600, o007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghosts and their ilk are 2spooky.

Kind of like a Kitsune-bi?

>> No.13331468

Totally not forced at all topic, nope.

>> No.13331472

Still salty about the mantis, anon?

>> No.13331485

Fuck off.

>> No.13331496

How do we know it's not KGA come to shower us with his Tsun love?

>> No.13331498
File: 189 KB, 785x749, 1406782168311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, you're saltier than the Salar de Uyuni.

>> No.13331499

What's this about a mantis?

>> No.13331503

Someone posted a picture of a mantis eating some guy. It really pissed someone off and aid they they hated monstergirls forever and would ruin our fun.

>> No.13331507


Can I... can I see the picture?

>> No.13331520
File: 645 KB, 1200x1000, 1344912437927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of coursh.

It could be any one of us just wanting to fuck around and mess with us.

>> No.13331523

>being this triggered
Me thinks he should stop being a huge baby.

>> No.13331526

She's still cute.

>> No.13331529


That is very disturbing. Also probably accurate with some of the more hostile ones.

>> No.13331530


This is what would happen if the chief god won.

>> No.13331531

This picture predates the translated version of MMs first chapter, doesn't it?

>> No.13331533

Oh, THAT picture.
Sounds like that someone's just got a major case of autism going on in their head. My favourite monstergirl has awful fanart made of her too, thanks to Tumblr, but you don't see me acting like that Fujoshi-spouting chucklefuck we've got screencaps of.
Why waste the time going into a thread and causing misery, anyway? It's even more a waste of the time you've got left to live than actually enjoying yourself in a thread.

>> No.13331538


>the ending to anonymoose saga.jpg

>> No.13331543

Guy's probably got nothing else good going on in his shit life.

>> No.13331551


We've all had shit art drawn from monstergirls. Even pixiv has a few completely crap drawings floating around.

>> No.13331552

Well, I guess you don't have that much going on when you're 12.

>> No.13331553

You know, I think BB and less would get along. They both love to troll.

>> No.13331560

This is what got him all upset?

God, what a fucking faggot loser. Hope he kills himself.

Now I just want to get more Mantis gore to trigger that fucking faggot.

>> No.13331561

Do you have to say that every time?

>> No.13331565
File: 346 KB, 600x800, 1400124872588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's best girl now.

>> No.13331569


>> No.13331575

This shit is both hilarious and depressing.

The depressing part is the guy's shirt.

>> No.13331585

I just read the stuff about the identical forest.

So once a monster gets married it's unable to bear children to anyone but him? And they'll find everything else inferior to his dick?

Talk about built in anti-NTR measures.

>> No.13331586

Quick! Pour coca-cola on your computer. The acid will kill the ants.

>> No.13331595

>Implying that's not the hilarious part

>> No.13331596

Welcome to KC's teletubby land!

>> No.13331600

You're a lying bastard.

>> No.13331607

Alternate crispy Harpy ending when?

>> No.13331611

>identical forest.
> So once a monster gets married it's unable to bear children to anyone but him? And they'll find everything else inferior to his dick?
There is no escape from the hugbox, anon.

Though if anything the DL going rage-o-mod-o and torching 9/10ths of an ecosystem because it looked at her husband funny is the most un-hugbox thing that has ever happened in the official settings.

>> No.13331614


Ready to find out the origin of the word "bug"?

>> No.13331615

>There is no escape from the hugbox

Unless you are a member of the Order in which case you are an awful human being destined to fall before the perfect and awesome demon lord.

>> No.13331617

How about some NTR stories?

Shake up that hugbox?

>> No.13331619

Should I use mustard too? I hear ants hate mustard.

>> No.13331620

Here we go.

>> No.13331626

>Kankuro Cross, 2015

>> No.13331628

That was fuck rad, now I want an artistic depiction of the Lilim/DL(?) and her compatriots purging a portion of the Tentacle forest.
I believe the Order and DLs side are both made out to be undesirable outcomes.

>> No.13331629

>Your mantis waifu will never panic after your daughter catches the two of you on the act and start nibbling on your head

>> No.13331630

Coke has more acidity than mustard. You could mix the too together though. That might work.

>> No.13331631



>> No.13331633

How about some stories where a Monstergirls' husband dies?

Shake up the sunshinebox?

>> No.13331634


The mob goes wild had that.

>> No.13331637

Why not?

>> No.13331638

Two not too.

>> No.13331639

How about you shut up and we don't have a shitstorm

>> No.13331643

What exactly is the point of posts like these?
Do you expect some sort of praise? A cookie?

>> No.13331644
File: 16 KB, 76x101, 1428604220419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't even on page 10 yet.

>> No.13331645

Aftyn has one, the neighbor catgirl.

>> No.13331647

I hate both sides of the spectrum you loser.

Doomsayer retard who thinks anyone saying something he doesn't like is the end of times.

>> No.13331653
File: 43 KB, 199x236, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi oi oi, back up there. Don't make her club yer hed in m8.

>> No.13331654


I always imagined that most monsters would either die of a broken heart if their husband died or, if he was murdered, go on a rampage extracting revenge on those responsible.

They can be together again in the afterlife, right?

>> No.13331655


sure write one. NTR isent even that bad

>> No.13331658

Get him a cockatrice, I hear they're cowardly as fuck.

>> No.13331661


They're probably gonna have a catfight with either Charon, demon girls or WIll'o Wisps.

>> No.13331664

>I believe the Order and DLs side are both made out to be undesirable outcomes.

Its a western perspective. KC thinks the DL side is a paradise waiting to happen and filled it with overpowered shit. Of course, both sides are terrible if you look closely, the only sensible route is compromise and acceptance. But no, the world is destined to fall to the DL and be an eternal orgy in a dark and ruined world.

I always liked how KC tries to make demon realms sound nice when he consistently describes them as dark and twisted in appearance. That shit would probably depress me to suicide.

>> No.13331666

Reminder to make sure that your Mantis has eaten properly before mating and in addition to make sure that she is not in any form of captivity.

Alternatively, rename the picture to "What happens if the Chief God wins".

>> No.13331669

>Will-o-Wisps schlicking during fights, whispering "Kill him! Kill him! Send him to me! Give him to me now!"

>> No.13331672

Monster girls are a bunch of sluts anon, the second their husband dies they'll just hop on another dick.

It's why you should never get married to a monster girl, hell you shouldn't get married period.

>> No.13331674

The thing that bothers me most about this is the state of the dude's head indicates he's been dead and rotting for a while. Why is she only getting to eating him now?

I guess she could be taking it slowly, a few bites a day, but why not section him up and freeze the bits she's saving for later in that case?

I mean this is just wasteful. Shitty hunter, 3.5/10

>> No.13331676

When is that getting continued anyway? It was an interresting read in any case.

>> No.13331678

>Its a western perspective.
MGW isn't designed to appeal to westerners anyways, which is the reason we get so fannyflustered and fling shit over so much.

We still use its monstergirls and concepts though.

>> No.13331681 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 340x480, DoppelSit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People change, anon. Maybe I became soft in my dotage, writing Insecure Doppelwaifu and such?

>> No.13331682

MGTOW-anon, pls.

>> No.13331683


>> No.13331684

>if you die they hop on another dick
Actually the more likely outcome is they bring you back to life or sit there depressed as hell like Seymore Asses.

>> No.13331685

Fuck off.

>> No.13331687

>just shut up and fap to the monsters

Unlike nips, we don't just do what we're told.

>> No.13331688

>KC thinks the DL side is a paradise waiting to happen and filled it with overpowered shit.

Yeah, one man's paradise is another man's hell.

>> No.13331689


All of the bad stuff associated with the DL is thanks to the chief gods influence not letting the new DL completely overwrite all of the old programing.

Like the monsters desire to rape is the monsters desire to kill and eat humans, the DL wasn't able to get rid of it, but she was able to change it from kill and eat to rape and marry.

The idea is once she wins the monsters will become less sex obsessed and more tempered. Depending on the individual species of course. Succubi will always be sex demons.

>> No.13331691
File: 6 KB, 300x300, 1413560508429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the world is destined to fall to the DL

I dont know why people always say this if i remember correctly both sides are at a stand still which means the order obviously has some effective ways of stopping the monsters.

>> No.13331698

They can do both.

>> No.13331701

>you will never catch your mantis wife off guard and cleaning her antennae by licking and sucking on them erotically

>> No.13331702

He isn't rotting, she just took a bunch of small bites.

>> No.13331704

You're still a lying bastard.

>> No.13331705

It can't be helped anon...

>> No.13331707


There was a cave in and they became trapped. Anon was inured in it and died shortly after. Finally after a few days the hunger became too much and the mantis was forced to eat the only food available.

Implications of the picture completely difference.

>> No.13331709
File: 181 KB, 1000x883, 1423584375651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That shit would probably depress me to suicide.
You'd be too busy being buried balls deep inside of your waifu, anon.

>> No.13331710

Why do you lie?

>> No.13331711


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.13331714

Because he's from /r9k/

>> No.13331718

>western fans are so autistic they need every unflawed detail in order or they sperg out

>> No.13331723

Your "waifu" is a slut and isn't worth shit.

If you want a monster wife instead of having one night stands and living alone you're not living your life correctly.

>> No.13331725

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13331727

>Chocolate Cheshire

Oooh yeah.

>> No.13331730


>> No.13331732

report and ignore, dumbass
report and ignore

>> No.13331733

The thread's atmosphere.

>> No.13331734

Right, never question anything, gotcha.

Thanks Stalin.

>> No.13331736


The battles on the ground is secondary. It all really comes down to the battle going on between the DL and Chief god.

That and the DL isn't conquering the world because until monsters can give birth to human males they'll need human cities to produce human men.

>> No.13331738


>> No.13331751


No, it really would. I'm happiest when there are trees and fields and forests around, being in a grey world with nothing but demonic plants everywhere would make me super depressed. I hope the monster who caught me likes riding broken men who just stare with empty eyes at everything all day.

>> No.13331754

>Haughty Anubis with a bit of pudge
My boner says yes.

>> No.13331755

Nice conflating skepticism with outright misrepresentation and misunderstanding you got going there.

>> No.13331756

>She doesn't react at first, just giving you a cold stare
>Then she starts blushing, the trembling, then her legs start rubbing against each other as she asks you to stop
>You don't
>The trembling has intensified to shaking and she's cherry red not, tears of pleasure in the corner of her eyes as she repeats her request, a lewd moan escaping her part way through
>Can't stop you now, you're having such a good time.
>She finally explodes into an orgasm going full ahego as you keep sucking the antenna
Would be nice

>> No.13331758
File: 751 KB, 800x1162, e12c65bf02404e314783c7664fc8f539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC Monsters in highschool girl uniforms

>> No.13331761

I'd have pierced straight through them with my iron-hard erection.

>> No.13331764


>the only sensible route is compromise and acceptance
I fucking love you man.

>> No.13331765
File: 274 KB, 1035x1000, chameleongirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it looks stupid. The 'sailor' uniform in general is retarded.

>> No.13331767

I want to give it a shake as she's yelling at the slaves, only for her to give a lewd moan instead of a suprised shriek

>> No.13331768

Demonic energy, now go fuck your waifu.

>> No.13331770

YFW the DL slaps the CG shit, but the god before the current one is set to come back.
YFW the DL takes the gloves off, turns the monster's rape instincts even higher, and increases their fertility.
Monsters. Monsters and Incubi every fucking where.

>> No.13331773

>in general is retarded
For you.

>> No.13331774


>> No.13331780


Just marry a fucking plant then.

>> No.13331783


I'd rather she fucks another guy while I wander off to find somewhere peaceful to look at.

>> No.13331789

Would plant waifus conflict with my allergy to pollen?

>> No.13331790


Fuck those things. Getting stuck in a dryad or alurune would be ass.

>> No.13331791


>> No.13331795

There are people who would like it.

>> No.13331796

You are not alone anon. I know your feel very well, as if it were my own.

>> No.13331799

KC's world is a dystopia in disguise.

>> No.13331801

I wish my Dragon mom wouldn't embarrass me like this...

>> No.13331803

You'd get the most rock hard erections as a symptom instead of what you have now.

>> No.13331805

I like dystopias

>> No.13331809

Agree, the old alraune got toned down because of that. Wonder when the dryad nerf will come.

>> No.13331812


>> No.13331814

It's true, isn't the guide supposed to be written by a monster? Who knows how it really goes down.

>> No.13331817

Pharaoh tells us that all depends on who the administration is. When one awakens at the man she captures is a good ruler, the oasis that spawns from her tomb will soon become a bustling city and jewel in the desert. If the man is less inclined, it will most likely turn into Los Vegas with less infrastructure and more rampant sex.

>> No.13331818

That's the second volume.

The first one is by a human, but he also is followed around by those artist monsters.

>> No.13331819


No, it's written by a human that's suppose to represent a neutral party.

>> No.13331820


If the original CG came back he would slap the DL and her puny husbands shit because he is literally creator god.

>> No.13331824


Honestly it sounds like an elf would be perfect for you.

They're tree hugers after all.

>> No.13331825

That was silly Alp. Quite silly indeed.

>> No.13331827

Who's your favorite writefag /mgg/? What's your favorite story from them?

>> No.13331829


He's more Order-aligned to be fair.


Fuck off.

>> No.13331830

I want to gamble at one of the Pharaoh's casinos, while Anubis Girls in showgirl outfits bring me drinks and flirt with me.

>> No.13331832

>a neutral party

>> No.13331835

8 feet tops

>> No.13331836

None of them.

I hate every single one of them.

>> No.13331838


That doesn't sound like something Anubis girls would do.

You'll get Sphinx girls.

>> No.13331840


Nice chicken impersonation.

>> No.13331842

They're all shit

>> No.13331846
File: 1.71 MB, 1200x1600, Mantis under the table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know, right? It's as if to say, if MGs were to ever appear, and we being the fanboy faggots we are, were to go to them first, that's what would happen.

It's some Stephen Hawking paranoia bullshit alright. Still depressing.

>> No.13331848
File: 137 KB, 1366x1200, 1236754653243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No limit, as long as it's plausible for the species, like a powerful Slime that's helped itself to the local lake.

There needs to be XXL Monster Girls for raid bosses anyway.

>> No.13331849


How is he order - aligned. He practically worships some of them, especially the lilims.

>> No.13331853

The only dystopia story I know is that one oomukade greentext, and it's shit.

>> No.13331857

It's exactly why I wouldn't trust monsters for a second.

One tries to get into my house she's getting a bat into the skull.

>> No.13331859

>tfw no Mantis squire to warm your bed on a cold night, and pleasure you from underneath the dinnertable.

>> No.13331860
File: 238 KB, 700x757, 1341682185147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would sphinx girls cover up their lionpussy, or could I stare at it and maybe slip a finger in when she walks past?

>> No.13331865

Neighbor cat isn't really NTR. Though I wouldn't put it past Aftyn to make it into NTR.

>> No.13331867


The lilims basically wrote their own profiles if you haven't picked that up. Why do you think Druella was able to curse the first book?

>> No.13331870


I prefer the humanoid catgirl sphinxes.

My favorite position is hugging missionary as we stare into each-others eyes.

>> No.13331873

Liches. What are they.

>> No.13331876


I'd risk it.

Give me a waifu, or give me death.

>> No.13331877


>Cheating death
>Playing life on easy modo

This nigga. If you die, you die.

>> No.13331878

Is the Fallen God the corrupted version of the Chief God?

>> No.13331880
File: 671 KB, 800x937, Shirohebi Mailman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the snake lovers.

>> No.13331883
File: 520 KB, 1052x1500, 1234787832432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's lewd, but I'd prefer by Sphinx waitresses to be like Sphinx-Chan. Bipedal shortstacks.

>> No.13331884

That's fucking retarded.

Then why would you trust any of the monster profiles? Hell why would you trust anything in KC's setting?

Have fun getting your soul shattered as your "waifu" rips your throat out with her teeth as she calls you a fucking retard.

Good job, glad I have you on my side.

>> No.13331886

Trachyon. Anubis who likes LEGOs.

>> No.13331890

Shirou pls.

>> No.13331893


Congrats. You now understand what an unreliable narrator is.

>> No.13331894

It's common modern dudebro NTR. It just tries to make you sympathetic to the shitty main character with weak justifications.

>> No.13331895


I was going to die alone and unloved anyways, it was worth a try.

>> No.13331896

Typical Mailsnake, dropping letters all over the place.

Should have stuck with Harpy Mailbirds.

>> No.13331897
File: 530 KB, 800x1047, 37256977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both have their advantages, but one thing MGE sphinx lacks is wings.

>> No.13331898

This is reminding me I really aught to try and go back and find that one Vanillaification Greentext I did a while back.

But I've no frame of reference for how far back it is, nor can I recall any particular phrases I used in it. Alas.

>> No.13331902

She tries her best! Give her a chance!

>> No.13331903

>you'll never watch your mantis waifu sit so still and so serene that woodland creatures flock around her and even perch/sit on her.

>> No.13331904


But those birdbrains always end up giving me my neighbors dragon dildos.

>> No.13331906

Monsters wouldn't love you anyway, not even a sea slime.

Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.13331907

Eh, not really.

Cat Girl and her boyfriend seem to be, for all intents and purposes, broken up by the time she does anything major with the MC. But then, there's always the possibility they'll get back together, and she'll keep doing stuff with the MC behind his back, because NTR.

I hope it doesn't go that way, but y'never know...

>> No.13331912


I know

pls no bully

>> No.13331913

My guess?

>> No.13331914

Paladin please contain yourself.

>> No.13331915

The Sphinx looks a lot more higher-ranked than most.

She must be the head-waitress.

>> No.13331916

Nah, that's the whole weak justifications angle. He's been positioning himself to try to take her away since almost the beginning. He's just a passive little bitch about it.

>> No.13331921

Anubis would probably be more fitting as the Floor Manager or Head of Security or something.

>Hang out with Anubis Security Guard at Pharaoh's Casino
>Chatting, playing games, and watching the monitors as the night goes on
>Catch a few people fucking on camera
>Some in spots they must not realize the cameras can see
>Some trying their best to be stealthy right on the floor of the casino, at the tables and more
>Is it getting hot in here?

>> No.13331924

Fuck off.

Monsters are shit.

>> No.13331926

That ain't a paladin, I am! That's just mantis-anon.

>> No.13331929
File: 280 KB, 1002x1416, 01346e4c1a48b121af655e62626ec431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female paladins are for ______

>> No.13331930


If your going to write NTR might as well go all the way.

>> No.13331932
File: 27 KB, 512x512, Anubis Chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say she'd be just the Pharaoh's assistant manager or something.

>> No.13331933
File: 53 KB, 630x462, where do you think we are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sour mantis lover. Still haven't given up yet I see.

>> No.13331934


>> No.13331935

Smashing their skulls in.

Just like a monster girl.

>> No.13331936

This is all assuming aftyn ever finishes.

>> No.13331937
File: 303 KB, 614x1100, 135486745354334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

❤ ♥ ~You just need to be shown love!~ ♥ ❤

>> No.13331939

aftyn died tho

>> No.13331942


>> No.13331944


>> No.13331946

Go away ELH.

>> No.13331947

Dem abs.

>> No.13331948

Lies. He's on the IRC every day.

>> No.13331950

The worst part is Aftyn trying somehow to make the MC likeable or not scum

>I came in her coffee. It was just a little joke
>My friend told me to watch his girl because he's a fucking retard
>Now she needs to masterbate to porn on my computer even thought they used to fuck day and night. It's cool for me to watch. We're like friends and stuff.
>He got her a buttplug as a present? Haha what a pathetic pervert. I'd never do something like like that...Now wear it for me kitty kitty.

And on and fucking on

>> No.13331951

Eat shit.

>> No.13331952

Pretending to love before you run off with a monstergirl.

>> No.13331954

Tender loving corruption.

>> No.13331955


Being stalked by, as they go yandere.

They tell themselves they're only trying to save your soul, but months later you'll end up chained to a bed in a cabin deep in the woods.

>> No.13331958

Gently convincing to become a monster girl.

>> No.13331959

Eh, that works too.

Regardless, think you'd get off, watching voyeur porn with your MG waifu?

>> No.13331960


Slaying monsters together

>> No.13331963

Just as planned.

>> No.13331964

This has got it.

>> No.13331965

I'd love to be shown closer to those thighs of hers.

>> No.13331971
File: 247 KB, 1848x3036, Lego Princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I most certainly can.
>Lego cake in the captcha
This is a sign.

>> No.13331972

Given how she apparently broke up with the guy after whatever fight, and has been living with the MC for however long after he was told to "Watch her" before anything really lewd happened...can't really blame him.

Only thing you can really blame him for is the coffee stunt.

>> No.13331973

How does that work?

>> No.13331976

Tender loving, gentle teasing, hard Fattening, furious impregnation and soft, consensual transformation

>> No.13331977

Always nice seeing one of my screencaps get posted. Loved that whole Lego Princess thing. Fun day.

>> No.13331978

Alright Anons, on the subject of chub and pride, here's a challenge: Take your standard Alp, make her chubby, then make her haughty.

How do you make an Alp proud? Can Alps even do the smug laugh, or be smug?

>> No.13331979

Having as a rival, having duels conveniently bumping into each other as you go on your journey.

However she starts to become corrupted, because in order to beat you she desired the power only corruption could bring.

Your final fight is fighting her after her full transformation into an Ushi-Oni.

>> No.13331981
File: 344 KB, 600x1055, 1418095438662-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to massage an anubus' paws

The whole thing is utterly retarded and you know it.

>> No.13331984

Fighting gallantly against monster kind, she gets corrupted by monster mana and becomes a monster herself. Giving into lust and desire to leap upon you in her new form and devote herself instead to her love for you and the want of having sex with you.

>> No.13331985

Fuck off.

>> No.13331988



maybe if she was a generic foot solider but paladins are supposed to be the best of the best no way their gonna get corrupted.

>> No.13331990
File: 307 KB, 724x1024, Petite Anubis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anubisfucker it most certainly was a fun day.

>> No.13331993

>Anubis w/Paw Heels

I am unfamiliar with this piece.

I like it.

More. Give me more.
I want to too, anon. Help her relax after a long day with tender, loving paw massages.

>> No.13331994

Sorry for trying to have fun Anon. Or is this because I used the word Alp?

>> No.13331999

What did I just say you fucking retard?

Fuck off already.

>> No.13332003
File: 3.80 MB, 2500x1412, d0c640f26f285344fb6c4f7394e53345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paladin girl goes yandere
She decides that the only way to be with you foverer is turning herself into an immortal monster and you into an incubus.

Now you have a yandere ex-paladin vampire waifu

>> No.13332004

Shut up you little bitch.

>> No.13332005
File: 118 KB, 850x680, Ain&#039;t that just great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's KGA, what else would you expect from his small pool of sentences?

>> No.13332007

Source: your headcanon. Which, as we all know, is superseded by my headcanon.

>> No.13332012

They can try but it's weak and stuttering, like a child wondering if they are doing it right.
The only way to get them haughty would be for them to hit stage 3

>> No.13332013

It was for that one anon who donated to have Anubis in Grimagia. That's all there is.

Less has drawn pawheels though, and they do look nice.

>> No.13332015

Aftyn plz. MC has been gunning for the girl since day one. He's doing every skeezy beta orbiter tactic of trying to insinuate himself as a friend and then taking advantage of weaknesses in a relationship. The buttplug fight is a classic example of that retardness.

This is that weak ass justification nonsense again. You don't touch a woman in a relationship until she officially breaks it off. No amount of lifetime movie script lifting makes it okay.

>> No.13332017

They can be corrupted too, it's just way harder.

>> No.13332019

How about instead, you fuck off and throw yourself off a cliff?

Do a flip when you jump!

>> No.13332023

Do I need to make you both hit stage 3?
I'll do it.

>> No.13332025

You're still talking, bitch. What did I say?

>> No.13332028

Since there is no canon stages for an Alp, I assume you mean that bombshell Succubus look, yes?

>> No.13332033

Well, people write what they know.

>> No.13332034

The female human body has no way to purge itself of monster mana. It accumulates until it reaches critical mass, or she encounters a being with enough command of monster mana to activate the latent amount inside a human woman. That's how it apparently went for a couple of female heroes who made it to the DL before she pulled a just as planned and finally activated all the mana they had accumulated while slogging through all that demon realm territory and fighting a bunch of other monsters. They became her loyal new lieutenants.

>> No.13332036

Fair enough. I'm not going to disagree with you.
I just question what qualifies as "Breaking it off".

>> No.13332037

Do you think Alps form ladyboy gangs and mug people in Monster Girl City?

>> No.13332039
File: 18 KB, 300x225, Yaranaikin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do I get the distinct feeling that Takakazu Abe would create more Alps than any Lilim can hope to achieve

>> No.13332041

>no canon stages for an Alp
Not him, but who cares?

>> No.13332042

>It was for that one anon who donated to have Anubis in Grimagia.
Ah, I see.
>That's all there is.

>> No.13332043


Complimenting them for being strong and resisting the power of corruption. They're literally fighting against demonic energy and pushing back TF, that takes some balls... or boobs?

>> No.13332044

The intimate bond between the two of you eats away at her defenses, vigilance laxes, prudish hangups slowly fade and by the time she notices the changes she doesn't care.

Or you can go one of the intentional routes, either something like that recent male yandere corrupting the paladin he's in love with greentext, or a more covert and gradual process, which is closer to my personal preferences.

>> No.13332046

Don't even argue that breaking up is a gray issue.

>> No.13332050

Me and a small number of people who care about the canon. Headcanon it however you want, but just remember that there's still an actual canon in MGE.

>> No.13332051

I'm not. Just saying, people might not out-right announce it or make it blatantly clear, even if they are.

>> No.13332052 [DELETED] 

We should get shadman to do further mantis gore just so this faggot will die of an aneurysm already.

>> No.13332054

It's a slang term, you and I both know what he means when he says a "Stage 3 Alp."

>> No.13332060

Just ignore him, it's Inari. He always throws a fit about the whole "Alps don't have stages!" thing.

Even though it's blatantly obvious they do, it's just not "Stage 3 = Bombshell" like people seem to think.

It doesn't matter anyway though, since whether you know that canon or not, "Stage 3" has pretty well become short-hand for a Bombshell Succubi Alp at this point, and it's futile to try and fight against such parlance.

>> No.13332061

It's hard to tell if he's using slang or being genuine.

>> No.13332062

Fighting evil together with.
and marrying

>> No.13332063

Does he even like monster girls? Even if no goddamn way am I paying money to piss off some faggot.

>> No.13332069

They may not announce it. But friends are curious and will ask. I can't tell you the number of times I've had a friend ask "Kind of odd for you to be free on a Friday night. Are you still seeing X?"

It's a straight question that anyone with an ounce of decency would ask, especially if they're interested.

>> No.13332070

I'm not Him, he's not even awake yet. More than him know it's true Alps don't have stages in canon from actually reading the world guide.

>> No.13332076

He did a bunch of MG requests in a waifu drawthread once. If you ever see him crop up in a /a/, /v/, or /b/ drawthread/requestthread you can try asking.

>> No.13332083

He is up, but fine.

Either way, it's pretty clear there's a progression to Alps, and I say this after having read and re-read the section on them. It's just not "Boy -> Reverse Trap -> Bombshell" like people used to believe. I think most people know that by now, and just use "Stage 3 = Bombshell" as slang, short-hand.

>> No.13332085

It's shorthand and you know it.

You're arguing like when people say Mantango that "There's no such thing as Mantango's in canon." There are incubi who form from mating with a matango wife who grow mushrooms on their heads. We call them Mantangos for short.

The stages of alps are the same way. Potential alp, new alp, alp that has accepted womanhood body and mind. Arguing that reference system is non-canon is retarded as fuck.

>> No.13332087

He did? Like what?

>> No.13332089

An Alp is still a guy.

>> No.13332092

Forcing into contrived no-win scenarios where no matter what choice they make it results in them falling.
And then drinking their tears.

>> No.13332093

If used as slang it becomes reasonable.
The whole process goes "Human boy -> Incubus -> Alp", and the transformation from Incubus to Alp can be almost instantaneous. From there Alps can change greatly like eevee.

>> No.13332094

>Fully functioning fully female bodies

That's not how sexual dimorphism works.

>> No.13332095

He's done Ryu a few times, some onis, spider girls, and a few others. Nothing really beyond some sketches, though.

>> No.13332099

le funny where u think ur? meme

So how many of those sketches included rape, vore, gore and/or scat?

>> No.13332100

Guys, guys, guys.
Shut up and watch this monkey eat rice balls.


>> No.13332101

So by that logic all gay men are potential Alps, therefore monsterboys.
Congrats, you just proved they exist in the setting jackass.

>> No.13332102
File: 589 KB, 1024x768, 1428006627009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are forgetting someone anon.

There's a very shy Tentacle girl sitting over there that would love to go out with you and become your waifu. She can move freely unlike those silly Dryads and Alraunes.
She will also respect your opinions and thoughts unlike certain other species of Monstergirls.

Why not give her a chance anon?

>> No.13332105

Well there aren't really gay men, because they all become Alps.

And thank god, that means no gay pride parades or any of that shit.

>> No.13332110

>From There
Not really. In the first place, Alps are extremely fluid. It's only logical to assume that their initial female form would vary based upon what they were like as a guy, and that they may change further from there as they adjust to being an Alp. The guide even notes that the transformation to Incubus is often nigh instantaneous and negligible. What >>13332085 said is more correct, though after re-reading "Alp that has accepted womanhood in body and mind" is a bit off, as it says that even at "Stage 3", they may still have many masculine traits, beyond just being a Tomboy.

So it's more like Potential Alp -> Newborn, Insecure Alp -> Accepted Alp, since the wording in the guide made it seem less like they accepted being a "Woman" per-se, and more like they accept being an "Alp", if that makes any sense.

>> No.13332112

Whatever you have to tell yourself to make you feel better about being an Alp.

>> No.13332113

>Potential alp is still a man or an incubus
>Incubi are the only monsterboys in the setting anyway


>> No.13332114

I'd rather live the King Nothing life than have a Tentacle waifu.

Hell I'd probably fucking be King Nothing if MGs suddenly existed

>> No.13332115

There are gay men. A man needs to turn into an incubus before he can Alp.

>> No.13332116

I think I'm a normalfag now. I'm sorry

>> No.13332120

I'm a weakness for Kakuen when they pull puppy dog eyes.

>> No.13332123


>> No.13332127

Nah, he just needs his SE production to die. Then he transforms as easy as a human woman turns into a succubus.

>> No.13332130

Not like I care.

>> No.13332132

>49 years behind
Shit Tyrone get it together

>> No.13332133

Given how it's described though, it seems as though a gay man wouldn't need much more prompting than a woman to be transformed.

That is, they'd just need to walk around in a Demon Realm long enough. So, once the DL takes over, and turns the entire world into a diverse "Demon Realm", well...

>> No.13332138


This. I'd live alone and paranoid if MGs became real. If I freak out at real women showing any sign of possible affection towards me how the hell will I cope with sex monsters trying to outright fuck me?

>> No.13332145

Being normal is fine, it's more rewarding and is all around much easier to cope with than having a vore or unbirthing fetish.

>> No.13332149

Why do you hate her so much anon? She's more afraid of you than you are afraid of her.

>> No.13332150

>fusing one of my favorite monster girls with mind worms
You have gone too far, Anon. You need to be stopped.

>> No.13332155

Is that supposed to be bad? I wish many things in my life were "normal".

...Wait, really? That's so fucking stupid, holy shit.

>It's as if to say, if MGs were to ever appear, and we being the fanboy faggots we are, were to go to them first, that's what would happen.
You'd have to be braindead to do something as dumb as that.

>> No.13332156

>is more correct
You mean the guy who uses the three example pictures as some iron clad reference and proof of stages?

>> No.13332159

Better put together a Monster Girl survival kit, yarn balls for Cat Girls, salt for Slug Girls, fake plastic treasure hoards for Dragons and so on.

>> No.13332162

But anon, how else can they enjoy the wonders of Tentacle girls on other worlds?

>> No.13332163

Where did he use the three example images?

He didn't. But those images, despite how much you dispute it, are representative of 3 stages. They are just examples of the progression though, not "All Alps are like this, then like this, then like this."

>> No.13332169

The guy that said it's a thread internal system of reference to things that happen in canon you dense man. That you can't separate that from "It's not said in the book." is legitimately autistic.

>> No.13332176

Why do people like slimy girls?

>> No.13332181

He mentioned it in his last bit of wording. I'd say the whole thing is an example if alpification but not alps themselves.
A stage 1 Alp would imply it's already an Alp, meaning a correct use of it would be a stage 1 Alp is a freshly born Alp that was recently an Incubus. Even then it's not right because there's two other stages, and Alps don't work that way.
I'd say it works just for turning into an Alp through:
Gay boy/man -> Incubus -> Alp

>> No.13332182

Some people like to be marked as their waifu's territory I guess.

>> No.13332186

In any way that doesn't involve mind worms.

>> No.13332188

Many girls can 'mark' their husbandos. Manticores rubbing their mane and face all over you, for example, to leave their mark.

I guess I'm referring more to the actual slime. I can't stand the sensation of slimy things. I know I'm not alone in that regard.

>> No.13332189

It's always been called the stages of alpification. And it's Potential Alp/New Alp/Endgame Alp(of whatever appearance that is for an individual)

The incubus stage is not even technically required. Alps can come from men or incubi depending on the level of DE exposure.

>> No.13332190

Do you have anything going for you anon?

Do you think you could avoid being all alone, even in a world filled with monster girls?

>> No.13332191

You are being legitimately autistic with the way you're arguing simple semantics now.

And again, Incubus is just a stop-gap that isn't even noticed in the majority of cases.
The progression of Alpification is
Gay -> New Alp -> "Settled" Alp

>> No.13332193

But anon, surely you wouldn't mind that? They perfected her. Instead of freezing in pure fear you will freeze in pure bliss and pleasure, as they hug you and their tentacles connect with you.

Their embrace is one of pure pleasue!

>> No.13332194

I'd probably be an easy mark for a centipede girl or something. Or maybe not, considering I'd have to leave my house sometime for her to see me.

>> No.13332199

Monster girls will never be real so I need to face that fact and try to get a 3D girl.

>> No.13332205

How do more consistent writefaggots deal with writer's block?

>> No.13332207

The only correct answer.

>> No.13332209

Where does it say a gay man can just randomly turn into an Alp?
And Alpfication stops once they're an actual ALP. There's no point in using the term once they're completely an Alp, and using stages is still pointless. Metamorphosis stops being Metamorphosis once the butterfly crawls out of the pupa.

>stop gap
You could say that, but it's still a required step. If you take out the Incubization step you will always still have a gay man at the end.

>> No.13332210

We all need to move on from escapism at some point anons.

>> No.13332214
File: 97 KB, 460x544, 1336360183771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.13332215

I guess my plan for hiding in a cabin in the woods wouldn't work out too well.

Lumbering Bear Girls, packs of sex-starved Wolf Girls, all kinds of dangerous Plant Girls lying in wait around the forest.

I'd need to gather things together in order to trade with the nearby tribe of Wood Elf Girls for food and supplies as well.

>> No.13332216

Cry 'Atrocity!', and let slip the planet busters.

>> No.13332217

I know, but still.

Man this is fucking depressing.

>> No.13332221

There is no one, singular 'writer's block,' and thus there is no singular way to deal with it.

One thing to consider is that often people mistake writer's block for a lack of a motivation, so there's that. Lots of people 'want' to write, but don't want to put in the effort of converting an idea into something with a little more substance.

That aside, reading and watching fiction is a good way to get new ideas. Want to write something about sci-fi? Find sci-fi to read, that sort of thing. Or even just try to write a quick short about something completely different.

Stuck writing about the MC being a proprietor of a parlor that makes pawed girls - like anubutts - orgasm from the best pawrubs in the West? Write something about a young, adventuring dragon trying to steal some sheep to eat and having a run-in with the local farm boy.

>> No.13332225

Nah, I'm fine as I am.

>> No.13332227

Kill yourself then.

>> No.13332230

the alps in these threads turned me bi, so when i leave the house i have double the chance of no longer having to deal with crushing loneliness everyday

>> No.13332231

This is normal. When the board is slow we can get up to 4000.

>> No.13332233

If you don't even love your waifu enough to stay pure for her, then you deserve 3dpd.

>> No.13332235

You're a newfag and you're not lurking enough. That's what's going on.

>> No.13332238

They'll never be real you fucking autistic moron.

>> No.13332241

Fine meme, mate!

We've even gone past 5000.

>> No.13332245

Look, this is a Monster Girl thread. If you want to talk about how much you want to dick 3d human girls, go to >>>/r9k/. Don't bitch about it here.

>> No.13332253

I think you need to take it easy, bro.

>> No.13332254

Why are spiders so perfect?

>> No.13332256

A 3D Girl that would want to be a Monster Girl if the technology were ever made available would be nice.

>> No.13332257

This is a monster girl thread so please talk about monster girls instead of getting your ass in a twist about some posts.
Because free clothes.

>> No.13332258

Don't bother. Now they will call you autist or something

>> No.13332259

>telling autists like >>13332233 the truth is wanting to fuck human women.

Really retard?

>> No.13332260

never bothered to look at monster girl threads before, gomen

>> No.13332264

Run before it's too late.

My nigga. Too bad 97,5% of them must be fujoshi landwhales.

>> No.13332265

Welcome to the thread. I hope you have a nice stay.

>> No.13332268

Try again during the (un)dead hours.

>> No.13332272

An unfortunate truth...that one Minotaur Cosplayer and her friends weren't that bad though.

>> No.13332275

Oh well, we can always imagine 2D girls who want to become a monster girl.

>> No.13332282
File: 345 KB, 495x600, 1412296176235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were daki covers of cuddly girls like Weresheep and Yeti, but I don't have enough money to commission and get a custom cover

>> No.13332284

Do Yeti use dakis? It can get lonely up the mountains.

>> No.13332285

I thought we were talking about things that weren't 2D-Waifu Delusions.

>> No.13332286

Meta as fuck.

Who are they?

>> No.13332287

I want an Anubis Daki.

Sadly the artist I'd like to make it isn't taking commissions now, or for the foreseeable future...

>> No.13332291

you could always write in the mean time

>> No.13332292

How would a monster girl react if one of her victims looked up at her and said

"I just want to go home, ok?"

>> No.13332296

Well now we're back to them.
Well that depends on the monster girl.

>> No.13332298


>> No.13332300

She would assume he wants to fuck in his house, or drag him to her home as he lives there now.

>> No.13332303


>> No.13332304
File: 345 KB, 640x480, 0942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do monster girls always use proprietary software?

Because they don't respect your freedom.

Never seen those pictures. Any links?

>> No.13332320

Can't right now. Have work to do. Might try and write later tonight though.

>> No.13332323

But paladins have no game.

>> No.13332327
File: 305 KB, 1840x2888, yeti daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13332329

>White Knights can't jump
Oh, it's on.

>> No.13332331

Probably pretty lonely for Yetis in particular, since they are so loving.

Would largely depend on the type. Some of the more sadistic types would probably find it amusing.

>> No.13332334

sounds like a plan

>> No.13332335


>> No.13332337

>>White Knights can't jump
I swear to fucking god Charon that's actually pretty good.

>> No.13332339

Adorable, I'd love to be her personal daki.
Oh shit B-ball game, Paladins vs Monster girls.

>> No.13332349

Story about a normally shy, pacifist decedent of a paladin slaying his cheating monster wife and lover when?

>> No.13332353

I'd be pissed if someone decided to use Community Paladin for such a story.

This is NOT reverse psychology.

>> No.13332355

When you write it anon.

>> No.13332369

Nice try

>> No.13332373

I always figured that the younger inexperienced monsters were far more dangerous than the older ones. A serial rapist would know just how far she could push and scare a man. A total rookie is far more likely to make a fatal mistake.

>It takes three policemon, an elf, a troll and a yeti to haul the inconsolable young manticore off the stiffening corpse
>"No!" She screams. "Don't take me away from him. Somebody help! For god's sake can't you see he's hurt? Call an ambulance!"
>"He's gone girl." The troll grunts as she slaps the cuffs on the blood-smeared teenager and covers up the tail. "Nobody can help him now."
>"W-we were going to be married." The maneater protests softly as slumps listlessly into the back of the patrol car. Tears flood down her cheeks and she sniffles. "He liked me, for a long time. I could tell..."

>> No.13332380

God damn that's harsh, man.

I like it.

>> No.13332381

She's a Manticore, she deserves it.

>> No.13332385

There's probably a monster girl class called "how to handle your husband" where they are taught how far is too far.

>> No.13332389

Why do I enjoy stories where monster girls accidentally kill their lovers?

>> No.13332391


Hey, fuck you man that's haram


I have the ideas, just no way to articulate it.

>> No.13332394

>Cheating Monster Wife
Paladin Propaganda pls go.

>> No.13332399

Because it's actually pretty damn good SUFFERING.

>> No.13332400

Because you're a fag.

>> No.13332409
File: 21 KB, 440x514, ss+(2015-04-16+at+07.39.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that blood... am I bleeding? Do I need to go to the hospital?

>> No.13332413

>Some innocent man deserves to die because I don't like a monstergirl
Fuck off

>> No.13332417

Imagining a Yeti police officer is the only good thing to be gotten from this shitty suffering.

>> No.13332420

Officer Yeti solves crimes with hugs!

>> No.13332428

Better than tasers.

But I don't even like suffering stories.

>> No.13332432

Yeti cop would be shit.

>> No.13332437

What would the punishment and rehabilitation be afterwards? I mean, the Manitcore didn't mean to, she's not some mean evil girl. Her heart was in the right place, she just doesn't know how to be responsible and control her strength and all that.

I want to see tough powerful Monster Girls learn how to restrain themselves and control their abilities, especially around those weaker and frailer husbandos.

If that big powerful Dragon Girl wants her Bishounen Husband with that cute Anime Illness making him weak, she'll have to learn how much force to exert grabbing him, how to read his tells of when she's going too hard into femdom, the medication he'll need and other vitamins and diets a human boy should have, all that.

>> No.13332439

I liked Free_Drinks and his yandere Wight Onee-san story a lot before he went on to to do IRL teacher things. There's also DILLAWF and Limp_Nicky before they were kill.

>> No.13332440

Bromont is still best.

>> No.13332442

She would be the best. Hugging criminals into submission.

>> No.13332451

>You will never be an Ill Boy cared for by a Mighty Dragon
>She will never fret over you constantly, treating you with the care of a precious jeweled egg
>She'll never become comparable to an Anubis as she carefully schedules your medication and exercise times
I hate being sick, but all the same, that does sound nice...

>> No.13332454

Oh yeah like that would fucking work.

>> No.13332457

>What would the punishment and rehabilitation be afterwards?
Death penalty.

>> No.13332458

Any anons remember the story with the cop and the Manticore who was being framed for something? He basically became a butler for her?

I could never remember who wrote it. I liked it quite a bit too.

>> No.13332462

It would work on me.

>> No.13332465


Also, a fearboner.

>> No.13332466

>He basically became a butler for her?

>> No.13332470

Probably manslaughter, as that's unintentional death. And probably let off for being a minor. That's assuming the laws are not much harsher for harming men in a monstergirl society. Accidentally killing the man she loved though, she'll have to live with that the rest of her life. That's probably worse than anything the law could do.

Probably be a decent believable backstory to a shy CC Manticore now that I think about it. Would you heal her anon, when she trembles just at your touch?

>> No.13332472

Yeah but you're a faggot.

>> No.13332473

The only story I can recall along those lines was the one about a Cop who was sent undercover to live with a Manticore who was on a sort of probation, due to mistrust for her species mostly. He acted more like a public service worker than a butler.

It was by Aftyn, and probably my favorite Manticore story personally.
There was a lovely scene at the end, when they're on their honeymoon, and she lifts up her dress, and she's wearing a garterbelt, no panties and hnnnnggg...

>> No.13332474

Yeah, but I'm still getting my Yeti hugs.

>> No.13332476

Fuck off.

>> No.13332478

It is a pretty good healing setup.

I can only imagine her having some sort of PTSD, freaking out whenever a new man in her life gets so much as a scratch.

>> No.13332482
File: 109 KB, 810x618, 1401921268902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you keep your cool when a girl with a fat, round abdomen walks into the bar?

>> No.13332484

I love you anon. yes that was the one.

I shall now go find this in the pastebin.

>> No.13332489

She fucking murdered someone.

Oh wait, she didn't mean it though! Poor girl. ;_;

>> No.13332490

What am I doing in a bar?

>> No.13332491

I don't care.

I came here to get drunk, not to fuck.

>> No.13332494

He was in MGC, he was bound to die anyway.
You should be mad at the setting for allowing such a thing to happen in the first place, not me for being glad the cunt got her just desserts.

>> No.13332496

Currently, probably Peny. I've not actually read his bigger stories, but his lighter stuff is pretty fun to read. Here's hoping he keeps up with them, since I've made an exception to my not reading incomplete stories rule for it.

That sounds pretty cool. I guess there was more to be gained from that story after all.

>> No.13332497


She might not be charged with anything. Manslaughter usually results in death while something else illegal has occured. For example, if you're driving a car, run a red light, and hit a werecat and she dies, that's manslaughter. If you were driving down a road at the speed limit and she ran out in front of you and died, that's accidental death which does not carry criminal charges.

In all likelihood of the scenario given above, the Manticore would not face criminal charges, but could face civil litigation from the deceased's family.

You don't seem to understand what murder is.

>> No.13332498

Manticore din do nuffin

>> No.13332499
File: 194 KB, 1109x711, Ant daughteru, now ant waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not licking your waifu's abdomen or egg sac

It's like you've never lived.

>> No.13332501

You're a fucking retard if you're gonna reduce everything to semantics.

>> No.13332502

That's pretty lewd.

>> No.13332503

>Dindu Nuffin

So she was named after that famous manticore athlete.

>> No.13332506

>Probably be a decent believable backstory to a shy CC Manticore now that I think about it. Would you heal her anon, when she trembles just at your touch?
I fucking hate (most of) you people.

>> No.13332509

>I fucking hate (most of) you people.
You post this all the time, at everything. Just fuck off.

>> No.13332512

>Not illegal
>But it's in MGC


>> No.13332513

In law, semantics are everything.

Why is that? Manticores are allowed to have personalities.

>> No.13332515

>Why is that? Manticores are allowed to have personalities.

They are, so why are they always shy or a CC?

>> No.13332516

>Actually has an okay reason for a shy manticore for once rather than lol individuals
Not like anything will come of it, but it's a good point.

>> No.13332519

>Always shy
They're fucking depicted as rape machines. When are they shown as Shy?

>> No.13332520

There was nothing mentioned about rape, anon. And please, don't use such a harsh word - he was just proactively dated.

People like shy girls and women in their mid to late 20s?

>> No.13332521

You're assuming it's only one person you imbecile.

This is deviantart-tier "uguu poor misunderstood killer~ u_u lets hug her for t3h uber healing ^_^!!!".

>> No.13332523


I'm pretty sure rape is only illegal if the man is married or otherwise claimed.

Otherwise it's just proactive dating.

>> No.13332525

All the stories written by people here about Manticores.

>> No.13332526

How often is it that there are stories here that depict Manticores as Rape Machines, and doesn't immediately reduce them to "Uguu Kawaii ex-smug-chan"?

>> No.13332527

>proactively dated
>proactive dating


>> No.13332528

Next you're going to speak out against that most sacred of taboos. Handholding.

>> No.13332532

>This is deviantart-tier "uguu poor misunderstood killer~ u_u lets hug her for t3h uber healing ^_^!!!".

Yes, this is a great defense.
"Your honor, that Manticore over there is guilty of murder because to say otherwise makes it a deviantart-tier hugbox!"

>> No.13332533

>le handholding is LEWD!!! XD
That's a worse meme then waifushit.

>> No.13332534

But that isn't cringe-worthy unlike calling rape "proactively dating".

>> No.13332535

They're pretty normal in some stories. I remember a playful manticore in a greentext along with a bunch of other monster children.

>> No.13332538

>When are they shown as Shy?
Like, all the fucking time in these threads.

>> No.13332539

If only someone were to write a guide for tourists visiting Monster Girl City.

There would be a lot less tourists wandering into dangerous places like 'The Screaming Shota'.

>> No.13332541

I want to be horribly and brutally tortured by a vicious uncaring monster that leaves me scared and traumatized, then rescued and nurtured back to health by a kind and loving monster.

I love healing stories, but you can't have any healing without breaking something first.

>> No.13332543

Fuck off.

>> No.13332545

If you weren't so mad and illiterate you'd have noticed I'm talking about the
>>Probably be a decent believable backstory to a shy CC Manticore now that I think about it. Would you heal her anon, when she trembles just at your touch?
part. What are you even smoking to come up with that

So many shitty writers here include that funny meme in their stories.

>> No.13332550
File: 559 KB, 657x890, 1427330577014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are my nigga. Ignore the "No Fun" patrol in these.

Like this guy.

>> No.13332552

>So many shitty writers here include that funny meme in their stories.
I liked it in DILLAWF's story, but then, that was written a whole year ago now.

I'd say it's become rather stale in more recent works.

>> No.13332553

>Ignore the "No Fun" patrol in these.
Great meme my /v/ friend!

>> No.13332555

Quite often. And always, there's a plethora of butthurt that follows. Your arguments might have more weight if you didn't resort to saying stupid shit like "Uguu Kawaii ex-smug-chan."

Nice ad-hominem. I'm done trying to have a reasonable discussion.

First, MGC would need something to sponsor tourism. What would bring people into the city? If it was the MGs, wouldn't saying "Don't go here because of rape" actually increase the amount of folks going there?

>> No.13332558

>Nice ad-hominem. I'm done trying to have a reasonable discussion.

You sure showed me with your nonsensical response!

>> No.13332559

>Reasonable discussion
>During anytime but late night thread
You have a problem, and I have identified it for you.

>> No.13332560


It would be a guide to increase your chances of being raped by a monster of your choice.

Like the abandoned factory is full of spiders, avoid if you don't want to be raped by spiders. Or go there anyways if that's your thing.

>> No.13332561
File: 1.44 MB, 1723x607, 1428159923401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have more of the chronicles of the Smug Squad.

Maybe their day jobs, when they're not gangraping some lost man in a back alley.

>> No.13332562
File: 245 KB, 1110x911, Antdaughteru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't help that I have a crippling weakness for Ant Girls for some reason. It's like they're fucking custom-built for pleasuring every facet of a man.

From their smooth as silk exoskeletons and the divots in them for the joints to the pheromone and sweat drenched panties that drive any man mad like they're a quarterback with every football ever made and you're tripping on PCP to the extremely lickable abdomens and egg sacs.

Das Ant is the strongest. In both the insect world and in bed. Fight me motherfuckers, you may have the Overworld, but my daughterus and I control the Hungry Earth.

>> No.13332565

All I can say for that pic is Daaaaaamn

>> No.13332566

>Your arguments might have more weight if you didn't resort to saying stupid shit like "Uguu Kawaii ex-smug-chan."
>says the guy behind >>13332532
Am I being trolled?

>> No.13332569
File: 133 KB, 874x915, 1414274699185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone noticed the increase of Anons who tell people to "Fuck Off" and shit? They shit on any idea brought up, and just bitch all the time. And they right off anything they don't like as a "Meme" or crossboarder.

I can't be the only one noticing this, it's unnatural.

>> No.13332570

It would be one of the few places where monstergirls could live, so people who are curious about them would go their. I'm sure most monstergirls would have skills that would attract tourism, liking cooking performance arts, or whoring. It is MGC city after all, prostitution would be legal.

>> No.13332573

Man, these threads have really changed.

>> No.13332575


They're just looking to get a rise out of you. Best to ignore them.

>> No.13332577

>More of the Chronicles of the Smug Squad
Has there even been anything depicting them as a group besides the one greentext of them being broken, then becoming a guy's harem?

>> No.13332579

Or better yet, report them.

>> No.13332581

So funny memes /b/ro!!!

>And they right off anything they don't like as a "Meme"
Except they're stupid fucking memes, though? Epic random bullshit brought from /a/ or /d/, or even worse, from these very same threads.

People aren't allowed to have different opinions from mine! Trolls! Bait!

>> No.13332582

Al that's changed is the trolls who shit up the joint.

>> No.13332583

>How to know if you're being trolled
>Are you on 4chan?
>Guess what.

>> No.13332585

The "meme" faggot is trying to stir shit up via a buzzword, so you're best off reporting and ignoring him.

>> No.13332589

>not liking memes makes you a "troll"

I didn't know this place was filled with children.

Don't abuse the report system.

>> No.13332592

I'd imagine male prostitution would be the big thing in MGC.

Why are spidergirls in an abandoned factory? Are they all jobless squatters?

>> No.13332596

They're shitposting which is banworthy and not abusing the system.

>> No.13332598 [DELETED] 

>muh bait
>muh only one person shitting up the thread
>muh troll
>muh buzzword

Is this a fucking joke

>I'd imagine male prostitution would be the big thing in MGC.
But would they even be able to get money off it?

>> No.13332601

I get the feeling Ms. Happy has to work overtime in that gang.

Manticore and Cheshire have been written together quite often. Not so much the newcomers, though Hellhound probably isn't very 'new' these days.

>> No.13332602


The big open spaces are a perfect place to make big webs, so a bunch of spider girls use it to show off their web making skills to each-other.

>> No.13332605

>Like the abandoned factory is full of spiders
You know not the horrors of their world, let alone ours.


>> No.13332606

Don't you mean handegg?

>> No.13332611

Why does everyone and their fucking mother attack these threads? I mean, fuck, how do they even keep finding us?

>> No.13332612

>They're shitposting
Says who?

Do you want me to post memegenerator stuff to make you feel more comfortable or something? You're legitimately saying some people not liking stupid memes are "shitposting". (Funny when you're complaining about buzzwords and calling everything a troll)

You're just mad others have different opinions from yours! What a shocking revelation!

>> No.13332615

I'm sure there would be lots of male prostitutes, but I'm sure many monstergirl would realize who much money could be made off seedy things like gambling, whoring themselves out to tourists, and selling venom and other monster drugs.

>> No.13332618

>Don't abuse the report system.
I suppose that's a good idea, although you have to take these posts into account:

>> No.13332622

We're easy to bait, I suppose.

>> No.13332625

What's going on in this thread, where are the pictures of cute monstergirls?

>> No.13332626

>I mean, fuck, how do they even keep finding us?
Well, we do advertise, so...

>> No.13332628
File: 161 KB, 600x800, This_is_baito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazrin says:

Don't take the bait.
Ignore and report.

>> No.13332629


Pictures are against posting standards apparently.

>> No.13332631

Did you... did you really just link every post that had the word "meme" in it? Wow, this is so autistic I'm honestly shocked.

Fun fact: a few of those are mine, even from hours ago, and I gotta say, you don't get to call anything a shitpost if you actually enjoy spouting memes.

See? Another funny meme. It's like I'm on /v/.

>> No.13332638


I think it's mostly just one guy right now.

>> No.13332640

True. Kakuen is the newest girl still.

Hellhound meanwhile, there's no such excuse. Are there even any stories involving a Hellhound and a Cheshire and/or Manticore, that doesn't involve one of them being brutalized by the other?

>> No.13332641

Spamming pictures isn't the way to go, either.

Nah, it's at least two.

>> No.13332646

To be honest this is basically /v/.

The only time this thread is fun is when we don't talk about monster girls.

>> No.13332648

I wish they were portrayed as mortal enemies to one another.

>> No.13332649

Good lord, I would not want to work in MGC pest control.

>> No.13332655

Calling things you don't like a meme is also a meme.

>> No.13332656


I get a feeling I'm gonna get banned because some idiot can't stop spamming reports.

And this all started from a generic short greentext about yet another shy manticore accidentally killing a man and people here defending her.

Wow, so meta. Hang on, let me pick up my dictionary and say what meme originally meant, Dawkins, information, buzzwords, etc.

>> No.13332660

I think you just blew his mind.

>> No.13332661

>male prostitution
I bet you would have to spend more time cuddling than fucking with some of the girls.

>> No.13332667

Tubular memes brohan.

>> No.13332669

>And this all started from a generic short greentext about yet another shy manticore accidentally killing a man and people here defending her.

>Implying there's anything in the original story that indicates she's shy and not just some dumb kid who let her hormones get the best of her.

>> No.13332675

Magnetic property?
Similar fields repel?

>> No.13332676

>spamming the same post on every new monster girl thread
>demon lord edits
>tumblr boogeyman
>reaction pics
>"bait" again
>that overused "where do you thin you are" pic
>3dpd again
>proactive dating
Go on, please tell me how mockingly calling these memes is wrong.

>>Implying there's anything in the original story that indicates she's shy and not just some dumb kid who let her hormones get the best of her.
True. I take back the "shy" part of my post.

>> No.13332681

I'm not sure how much is a joke, and how much is people being genuinely retarded. Probably more the latter than I'd like to think.
>>spamming the same post on every new monster girl thread
That's just for easy organization.
>>demon lord edits
Not even sure what you mean here.
It is bait, a lot of the time.
>>tumblr boogeyman
That's all of 4chan.
>>reaction pics
We try and keep them out of here.
>>"bait" again
That's one idiot today.
>>that overused "where do you think you are" pic
There's a pic?
>>3dpd again
>>proactive dating
They're pretty stale, but there are worse things out there.

>> No.13332684

So, what alternate colorations would you like on MGs?
>Brownscaled Sahuagin with green hair.
I would call her, mudfish
Totally using it

>> No.13332685

>implying you aren't just some newfag fanny flustered over the fact he can't get into the secret club
>getting upset over the term "proactive dating"

>> No.13332689

But if any idea can become a meme then that means everything is a meme. Every English word is a encapsulating idea. Every word is a meme. God damn you should just stop talking because you're spouting memes like crazy.

>> No.13332693

Isn't proactive dating just the "politically correct" term that the authorities in MGC use to make it look like the city doesn't have a rampant rape problem?

>> No.13332696

>>>demon lord edits
>Not even sure what you mean here.
I guess I was wrong with that one.

At least I'm glad we agree on the rest.

Why is your post so green?

>>implying you aren't just some newfag fanny flustered over the fact he can't get into the secret club
If only you took the time to check the posts and see what was being called a meme was some satirical post of a dude pretending to not know what sadpanda was instead of resorting to /v/speak.

Well, you know what people mean when calling something a meme. A stale, overused joke repeated ad nauseam, etc.

It's still dumb, IN MY OPINION. Pretty much the same as "handholding = lewd".

>> No.13332699
File: 128 KB, 840x801, feae65bb676fd2f094587ac39bc4caf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13332700


A pure Valkyrie with red eyes and black hair and pale skin.

>> No.13332702

>Complains about the "Tumbl Boogeyman"
>Brings up /v/ and meme boogeyman
Why are you even here? Aren't there better places to shitpost?

>> No.13332705

No, it's because monster girls din do nuffin wrong, they were gud gurls the human boy enjoyed it

Monster girls are basically the niggers of MGEverse

>> No.13332706

Corrupted Evil Crow Tengu.

>> No.13332707

I wonder if someone has the original Valkyrie edits. The white ones with golden.

>> No.13332708

That's gonna leave a mark.

>> No.13332709

Rape is legal in MGC. A lot of Monster Girl species have a proud tradition of kidnapping men to have sex with, all the older Monster Girls in power want to keep this tradition going.

Every now and then a Human senator will try to push a Rape Tax, or try to make it illegal all together, only to end up disappearing or changing his opinion suddenly.

>> No.13332714

It'd be a boogeyman if I had said you were from /v/, but I didn't. /v/speak is a thing, don't play dumb.

Please learn how to use words next time.

Thanks in advance.

Why do some still try to paint MGC as a wonderful place to live in? At least most stories don't do it.

>> No.13332715

>Well, you know what people mean when calling something a meme. A stale, overused joke repeated ad nauseam, etc.
That's what you think a meme is. It's not. According to:
A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture. Just face it that you're using meme as a buzzword.

>> No.13332716

Personally, I think the /pol/tards are the problem.

>> No.13332717

But they don't fuck human boys, get knocked up, and dump the kid on the guys doorstep. They say with their favorite victim.

>> No.13332721
File: 1.13 MB, 862x1200, 1399609655914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one?

I saved all of the ones I saw.

>> No.13332722

>Implying rape is legal in MGC.
It's just a hellhole of a city on Earth where everyone shoved the monster that couldn't adapt to human civilization, like a combination of District 9 and Detroit.

>> No.13332724

Haha, if we're gonna play with semantics bullshit, then I could bring up the "language is always evolving" card.

Just use some common sense, realize what people are talking about and don't try so hard to "win" an "argument" by resorting to taking everything literally.

>> No.13332729

Yes. The glowing one and the Deruella dark valkyrie edit are specially cool.

>> No.13332732

The real way to win an argument is to have the last word

>> No.13332734

A /pol/tard isn't the one derailing the thread right now. So that deproves your theory.

>> No.13332735

Using your example of what a meme is is opening the door to literally everything become a meme if you don't like it. It's entirely subjective and you might as well be waving your arms around saying you don't like things.

>> No.13332736

That's the stuff. Though the eyes could be a few shades darker, more towards gold than vibrant yellow or another color altogether.
Would still watch as she slowly slips into corruption.

>> No.13332737

Being a cuddleslut wouldn't be so bad, given how much I love cuddles. I do wonder about having to cuddle something icky like a centipede girl, however.
I like them all except monkey girl. If I were to write the Manticore/Cheshire/Hellhound going out and gangraping some fellow, it would not be kind. I'm very much of a masochist, so the smut would follow. There would be public use, (but not really humiliation), hard sex, face riding, pegging?, unending barbs, etc. How many people here actually like all that?

>> No.13332738
File: 911 KB, 794x1200, 1399587836177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree.

>> No.13332748

So rape law is on the books, it's just largely unenforced due to a corrupt police force who's in on it and the overwhelming, ubiquitous nature of the crime?
Basically the only way anyone gets charged with rape is if the victim's a senator's son, or if the cops want an excuse to haul your ass in.

>> No.13332750

Pretty sure the canon is that MGC IS Detroit, turned into a District 9-style Special Designation Area.

>> No.13332751

I don't like everything on your list, but I'd still read it. Probably.

>> No.13332753

>literally everything
I don't see how "a shitty joke repeated ad nauseam" can apply to "literally everything".

>It's entirely subjective
What isn't at this point?

>public use, (but not really humiliation), hard sex, face riding, pegging?, unending barbs
No, no, no, fuck no, oh god no.

...I'm vanilla as fuck.

>> No.13332756

>I'm very much of a masochist, so the smut would follow. There would be public use, (but not really humiliation), hard sex, face riding, pegging?, unending barbs, etc. How many people here actually like all that?
I would.
I mean, depending, I might not LIKE it, like it, but I'd fap to it at least.
Write it.

>> No.13332768

Not I, but I would imagine it'd appeal to someone. I'm alright with things like faceriding, but things like pegging just make my ass hurt thinking about it, man.

>> No.13332769

So you could say you're... butthurt?

>> No.13332777

Everything can become a shitty joke repeated ad nauseam. How many repetitions does it take for it to be ad nauseam? Twice? That's when it becomes a meme. It's a subjective value. Your definition masks your true intention that it becomes a meme when you don't like it anymore.

>> No.13332780

Come on, man. Does my anal pain amuse you? Yes, very butthurt.

>> No.13332786

Go ahead. Except for the pegging, the rest is good.

>> No.13332789

Not into butt stuff, but everything else is fine.

>> No.13332790

Yeah, that sounds about right. There is probably a human task force preventing monster girls that are not allowed outside the city to leave.
Men and other humans probably turn to MGC to look to make a profit from the monster girls living in there and their mamono mana and products derivated from it, like how some people tried to make a profit from the aliens in D9. That way the population doesn't just drop and the monster girls always have something to rape.

>> No.13332792

>How many repetitions does it take for it to be ad nauseam? Twice?
I don't really see why not. Why even tell the exact same joke twice? Many people actually agree that only the first time counts.

>Your definition masks your true intention that it becomes a meme when you don't like it anymore.
Stop pretending to be a master psychologist. Were you expecting me to disagree with your first statement?

>> No.13332793

I'm in particular about how the public use would go...

Regardless, you should write it.

>> No.13332799

Bazinga. Way to deflect.

>> No.13332800

Do it. Can't remember the last time someone in these threads even attempted reverse gang rape.

>> No.13332803

Big Bad Wolf.

>> No.13332805


>Why even tell the exact same joke twice?

Because not everyone heard it the first time?

>> No.13332807

Go for it. Something like pegging might be controversial, but it's not without its fans.

>> No.13332808

Yeah, I guess deflecting means addressing the actual point you made in your post. That's a new one.

We're assuming it's the same group of people.

>> No.13332810
File: 787 KB, 1024x768, 1422954568104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still replying to him
Just stop please.

Anyways, if you had to choose, would you rather a Monster Girl much older than you, or much younger than you?

>> No.13332812

Fuck off.

>> No.13332813

Older. I like kids. I'd just rather have them, not date them. I'd get along better with an older wife.

>> No.13332814

> would you rather a Monster Girl much older than you, or much younger than you?
But probably older.

>> No.13332819

Annnnnnd it's because of retards like you I never bother to reply seriously to anything. But then my posts get called bait by oversensitive spergs.

It's always a lose/lose situation here.

>> No.13332820

My preference for age is "Me ≥ Her".

>> No.13332824

Cradles to graves.
I'm fine with ghosts too.

>> No.13332827

I would prefer someone around my age. I'm 31 so it's still young enough I'm not dealing with someone with a teenager mindset and still young enough that they don't vastly overtake my life experiences.

Then you should stop talking.

>> No.13332830
File: 349 KB, 600x800, China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older is usually better.
By a few years mind you.

>> No.13332831

About Will O'Wisp age.

>> No.13332832

With the races I'm into they would all end up looking the same anyway.
Except for younger, but they all grow up eventually.

>> No.13332833



I fancy women, not girls.

>> No.13332834

>I'm 31
Then act like it.

>> No.13332839

I am.

>> No.13332840

So 16?

>> No.13332848

Either of those is no fun at all.

>> No.13332850

Older. Any younger and I start to unconsciously treat them as a younger sister/daughter

>> No.13332851

Either one is fine. They both have really nice positives, and I'm not really partial to either of them. I liked older a lot more when I was younger, but a three year relationship with someone who was... considerably older than me saw to that normalizing.

>> No.13332853
File: 545 KB, 600x675, 1426909297881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will O'Wisps are centuries old spirits of yandere jealousy. Not that that'll stop them from appearing as teenagers, at least in their body type anyways.

>> No.13332855
File: 405 KB, 800x1176, Dragon Ear cleaner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a lovely lady.

>> No.13332860

>but a three year relationship with someone who was... considerably older than me saw to that normalizing.
Story Time?

>> No.13332861

>I start to unconsciously treat them as a younger sister/daughter

>> No.13332863 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1429234295367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Oh, to be 19 again You with me, ladies and gentlemen? Do you remember 19? Let me tell you
>The juices are flowing. The red corpuscles are corpuscling, the grass is green, and it's soft, and summer's gonna last forever.
> Now, do you remember? Yeah, you do.
> But if you're being honest I mean, well, really honest, you'll recall that you also had an underdeveloped 19-year-old brain
>Me, personally, I It If I were held accountable for some of the stupid decisions I made when I was 19? Oh, boy, wow.
>And I bet if we were in church right now, I'd get a big "amen!" Which brings us to this girl here.
>Now, this knucklehead, and I'm sorry, girl, but that's what you are; she did a dumb thing.
>We're not denying that.

>> No.13332871

>However, I would like you to remember two salient facts.
>Fact one: only one man got hurt. What if she had been, god forbid, a Ushi-Oni?
>Very important to keep that in mind.
>Fact two Now, the prosecution keeps bandying this term "Humanboy manslaughter"
>Witnesses in the area claim that the man was wearing short shorts and a t-shirt that said "bite me"
>So, "manslaughter"? Doesn't sound like it when the man is asking for it.
>Call me crazy, but I don't think she deserves to have her bright future ruined by a momentary, minute, never-to-be-repeated lapse of judgment
>Ladies and gentlemen, you're bigger than that.

>> No.13332877

Older easily
does anyone have the link or name of that old fox doujin?

>> No.13332878

This is what traitors actually believe.

>> No.13332879

Which is regarded with much disdain.

>> No.13332880

So where's the part where they play the video of the head coming off?

>> No.13332881
File: 43 KB, 321x450, Doppel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Will-o-the-Wisps, Doppelgangers and regular ghost girls capable of changing their appearance, or are they stuck with the form they had when they died?
Can they learn and mature beyond the wisdom thy had when they died, or are they stuck having the temperament and maturity of who they were right before their deaths?

>> No.13332883
File: 116 KB, 600x600, jpa3k5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Justifying Manticores an unwanted rape

>> No.13332889

Only because of pseudo penises. It was pretty hot other than that.

>> No.13332891

Older. I'm a wizard, so a nice high 30s or 40 year old woman would be nice. Hence why I write about one and love her.

>> No.13332893

>unwanted rape
Kinda redundant, huh?

>> No.13332894


>> No.13332895

I believe, at first, the extent they can alter their body is limited, until they gain a husbando of course.

>> No.13332896

Did you people even look at the spoiler? Geez.

9/10, would hire.
Think he'd be good with Paladins charged with assault, possibly murder?

>> No.13332901

Not to Traitors and MGs.

>> No.13332903

The first part was ill-regarded as well. For the bitching of anons about everything being moe and hugbox, people are quick to look down upon some real 'rape.'

Oh, and if I wrote the trio being smug gangdaters, I'd be something akin to BBW in what actually happens. Just, instead of a bar room full of girls and a tiny sphinx, it'd be them.

>> No.13332908

I don't think they can change their appearance much, with the exception of Doppelgangers who have it as their entire shtick.

As for knowledge, I think it'd be silly to believe they're somehow incapable of learning in their eternity. Doesn't mean they DO. Having an entire eternity to learn maturity gives you that much less reason to actually develop such.

>> No.13332911

I know /mgt/ hates monsterboys, but how would you feel about an alp that stuck her tail between her legs and declared it to be her tailpenis?

>> No.13332913

>Did you people even look at the spoiler? Geez.
Why'd you even take those replies seriously? Geez.

>> No.13332923

I would like to read the dialogue of a doujin with that concept in it.

>> No.13332924

3 days in the solitude chamber for her.

>> No.13332927

I would swat her with the magazine I was reading and tell her that if she said that again she wouldn't get anything but condom sex for a month.

>> No.13332934

Come on, it was all in good fun. No need to be cruel.

>> No.13332935

Somebody mentally older than me is fine.

Orgasm Denials

>> No.13332937


> Ushi Oni Lawyer stands up
> "Casual racism aside the Defense makes a pretty good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself."
> "But Ladies and Gentlemen of this supposed Jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider."
> "Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS is Chewbacca."

>> No.13332940

Ok, that made me laugh.

>> No.13332941

Well, someone hasn't had enough milk today by the sound of it.
2 gallons by 10pm today or no cuddling for a week.
And it MUST stay down

>> No.13332946

>Reading magazines
>Not reading the newspaper

>> No.13332947

That was a light warning.
She has no idea the kind of teasing hell that awaits her if she tries it again.

>> No.13332949

The only time men get raped is when they want to be bitches and refuse to give out the D

>> No.13332952

And I think your collar is a bit too tight, Traitor-kun.

>> No.13332958


>> No.13332961

Careful there, if you push Alps too much, they might push back. Getting raped by an Alp, now that would be embarrassing.

>> No.13332962

Traitor is a funny word.

I never recall swearing loyalty to humans. I never recall humans ever having done something out of kindness for me, no. It's always been give-and-take. But that Manticore? She just wants to give me her love.

Thus, I am loyal to her.

>> No.13332964

He'd never hear the end of it

>> No.13332967

>Light warning
>No idea the kind of teasing hell that awaits
>She gets cocky
>Decides to push your buttons
>One night when she's riding you, you feel the little spade of her tail poking between your buttocks
>She grins down at you, almost, almost, looking smug in her lewd demeanor

What do?

>> No.13332970

Oh, what's she gonna do? Rape me?

>> No.13332971

Preach mah nigga, Preach to ya brethren!

>> No.13332972

You know what else is funny?

You talking without your mistress' permission.

>> No.13332975

She already gave me permission, nerd.

>> No.13332976

>I'm loyal to pussy
I can't deal with beta levels this high.

>> No.13332977

Call her bluff.

>> No.13332981
File: 92 KB, 762x894, 1422061010180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were sheepgirls discussed so little around New Years?

>> No.13332982

Good for you.

>> No.13332986

And if she perseveres, and you feel that little spade wiggling, pushing up into you a bit as she bears down on your dick?

>> No.13332987

>One night when she's riding you
First inaccuracy there.
>Smug in her lewd demeanor
Second strike
>Tail at my asshole
Alright, she's getting flipped over and pounded through the floor.
I don't care if I'm not an Ushi, if this little shit thinks she can even joke about pegging me she's going to be mentally broken by the time I'm done with her.

>> No.13332988

"Oh, what's she gonna do? Rape me?" - quote from man raped by an Alp

>> No.13332992

Pull that tail, receive orgasmic squeals

And if she wants to use the tailpenis so bad I'll introduce her to the desperate Ushi-Oni CC next door

>> No.13332993

Exactly as she planned.

>> No.13332997

Or so she thought.
She didn't notice the condom I slipped on while she was going head over heals, nor the aphrodisiac I slipped her during dinner.
She's going to be horny and semenless for a good long while.

>> No.13332998

>Succubi slipping their tails up between their legs
>Grinding against it to pleasure themselves as they use them like thick dildos to fuck other MGs
I love me some yuri.

Dragons and Lizard Girls doing to the same thing also good.

>> No.13333000

Time for some old fashioned domestic violence.

>> No.13333002


>> No.13333003

You heartless bastard!
Keep that up, and you'll find her planting herself on your desk, spreading her legs wide as she can manage, pussy drooling all over her legs, tears running down her eyes, smudging her make-up, as she begs and pleads for you to creampie her.

>> No.13333004
File: 162 KB, 311x450, Snake_Censor_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I say no to the alp

Yes to the tentacle

I mean you don't get a girl with this many tentacles without expecting to be violated in every way imaginable by them. I'll just be happy if she doesn't shove a couple up my nose.

>> No.13333006

But she isn't real.

>> No.13333008

It's really more >>>/u/ than anything.

It'd be /d/ if the tail was like Alma's.

>That pot of oil
>That lewd-as-fuck expression
>You will never get a full-body, nuru coil massage from a lamia
It hurts. It really does.

>> No.13333009

Yeah, I bet you enjoy being pegged, faggot.

>> No.13333011


Fuck that's a lamia, I thought that was a kraken from the thumbnail.

>> No.13333013

Kill her.

>> No.13333014

Sheepgirls showed up and made everyone fall asleep by accident.

>> No.13333015

So tell me, anon, what is real?

Humans that shun me, want nothing to do with me? They can be swept away by the masses of ushi-oni, for all I care. I stand with my Manticore.

>> No.13333016

Only when she is in horrible desperation like that will I then push her over and slam her against the desk with my cock.
We'll probably knock a few things over, and the people a floor below will most likely hear us, but after all of this she'll know who she belongs to.

>> No.13333019


Yes, and?

>> No.13333021

Know what's adorable
Puppy daughterus opening their eyes and licking your face when they see you for the first time

>> No.13333023

Well, don't be too suprised, but...

>> No.13333028


I'm sorry, why should I go to the outdoors board? I don't understand.

>> No.13333032

Oh my god yes, my heart, dammit...

>Little Anubis Puppies spelling "Love Mommy and Daddy" with their Alphabet Blocks

>> No.13333035

>So tell me, anon, what is real?
>Humans that shun me, want nothing to do with me?

Uh yeah???

>> No.13333038
File: 655 KB, 840x1200, temperature problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the weather like? Would your waifu like it?

>> No.13333041

That seems rather oxymoronic...but uh, I ain't gonna question it...

>> No.13333043


>Open shirt with no bra underneath and no nipples visible

This appeals to a very specific fetish of mine.

>> No.13333058

I don't think dragons are that sensitive to weather.

>> No.13333075


>Tropical country
>Waifu lifes in cold, snowy places

Guess I'm staying alone.

>> No.13333078

Gettin' warm again, but rain is on the horizon. ATM, it's nice weather for some cleaning; possibly a little swishing of that feather duster she calls a tailfeather.

Also, she sounds sick.

>> No.13333082

Crows live everywhere, so she'll be fine.

>> No.13333086

The weather's warming up, and my hellhound GF is already looking for new bikinis, so its safe to say she's excited. Our Yuki-onna neighbor isn't too pleased though

>> No.13333093

Isn't the Chinese new year in May? I'm sure they'll be discussed more around then

>> No.13333094

Well that felt terrible

>> No.13333095


>Hellhound GF

I am literally looking at your words with disgust

>> No.13333099

I swear, this thread is turning into the MGE wiki.

>> No.13333102

That it is, Im more a cat person though.
>No newborn litter of kitten daughterus to purr in your lap, eyes still closed but trusting you absolutely

>> No.13333103

Fuck off with your role play garbage.

>> No.13333106

That's just like, your opinion, man. Take it easy

>> No.13333108

Would hellhounds just always be naked?


What about a little Jinko that holds your finger in her tiny meaty paws?

>> No.13333109

I have the opposite issue.

I think the only way this thread could become more utterly autistic, on-par with all other MG-Related Communities, is if people started posting RL-Pics, asking "What MG do you think would go for me?"
I give it a year tops before it starts happening.

>> No.13333110

>people started posting RL-Pics
I'm cringing just imagining it.

>> No.13333111

I know he's been too busy to do much lately, but all the same.

Based. Mothafuckin'. Mono.

>> No.13333115

More like, would they be able to wear anything that wouldn't get burned off?

>> No.13333116

That is what happens when you try to insulate or police an anonymous community. Stop-liking-what-I-don't-like fags are to blame for this.

>> No.13333120

I'd never resort to that.
I hope others won't though.

>> No.13333121

MG meets /soc/

A scary thought indeed.

>> No.13333122

>role play
I don't see any asterisks, tildes, or attempts to start a character conversation with someone in my post. Do you?

>> No.13333123

First the yuri/peggingfags, and now this.

Who the fuck opened the shit valve?

>> No.13333124


/mgg/ would get laughed off /soc/

>> No.13333126

It's page ten, hopefully all this will go away when the thread drops off.
If it doesn't then just report and ignore.

>> No.13333129

>Hellhound saunters out in some sexy leather domme gear
>"Oh anon, it's time to-"
>Leather bursts into flames and falls to cinders at her paws
>She just sighs deeply and laments the loss of money for that purchase
>Spanks you with her big meaty paws anyways

>> No.13333131

Nah, it's when they start photoshopping themselves with their "mg waifus", like that guy with Rei and Asuka in the, Jacuzzi, pool? I forget.

>> No.13333133

>From then on, all her clothes were made of asbestos.

Christ, I can't tell which out of the two possibilities is worse.

>> No.13333135

>dick pics everywhere

>> No.13333136

That's hot.

>> No.13333138


>Acting like this is new in any way, shape or form
There have always been a couple of RP dummies, a couple legit autists and a couple jokers. See this guy right here? >>13333109 Dimes to dollars it's Edmonton Anubisfucker who I know has pulled that "Me and my waifu today" RP stuff before.

You bunch of nearsighted Doomsayers

>> No.13333139

Sounds like someone is angry they can't post their shit here.

>> No.13333140

>Comparing people who just like to see pics and stories of MG Yuri, to people who spam the thread with autistic role play garbage
Geez, what'd yuri ever do to you?

>> No.13333143

Shake his hugbox.

>> No.13333145

Anon, no

>> No.13333146

>You bunch of nearsighted Doomsayers
Saying a post is wiki-tier = doomsaying? Ok.

>> No.13333147

>Spanks you

>> No.13333148

>Implying yuri isn't worse

>> No.13333154


There is nothing wrong with Yuri i have no idea why it triggers people so much.

>> No.13333155


>> No.13333156

Anon, yes.
>Calling someone a faggot for liking spanking
Did you just roll in from Super Weenie Hut Jr's?

>> No.13333157

>Dimes to dollars it's Edmonton Anubisfucker
It was the "I have the opposite issue" concerning waifu preference vs. living conditions that tipped you off, wasn't it?

>> No.13333158

ded soon

>> No.13333160

Saying threads are turning into some extra shit when they're same old same same old is being doomie yeah.

>> No.13333161

>thinking you're better than those faggots when you push yuri where it's not welcome

>inb4 MG yuri is canon

No it's not, it's been disproven time and time again, shut up.

>> No.13333163


hes right though you are a turbo faggot if you like to get spanked.

>> No.13333164


>> No.13333166

>likes to be spanked
You'll forgive me if I don't take any shit from you, freak.

>> No.13333168

Dibs on making new thread.

>> No.13333172

I'm pretty sure he meant tapped on the ass once as opposed to actually being spanked. Like repeatedly.

>> No.13333173

What part of my post implies that i'm angry, anon?

>> No.13333174

>Implying I like to be spanked
You really need to leave if spanking is something that triggers you, because that's just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.13333175

You're right, there'snothing wrong with yuri, just like there's nothing wrong fu-

I can't fucking finish that sentence.

There's nothing wrong with yuri, in it's own board, or away from us.

>> No.13333176

Don't fuck it up.

>> No.13333177


go read the succubus entry it says right on the page they attack and have sex with human woman.

>> No.13333178

>Disproven time and time again
No it hasn't.
People try, because it drives them crazy for some reason, but none of them are able to come up with anything much better than, "Nuh-uh, MGs totally don't like other girls that way!"

Best guess is still probably somewhere between, "I can't self-insert as a chick, what's the point of this?!" and "If MGs went after other girls, I'd DEFINITELY never get any!"
Insecurity either way.

>> No.13333179

>Stop-liking-what-I-don't-like fags are to blame for this.
To a degree, they're needed, Fujoshit-kun being a prime example.

On the other hand, people here do get pretty fucking retarded over the smallest and most insignificant things. I'm sure some autist would foam at the mouth in rage if he found out you prefer your MGs wearing knee-socks over thigh-highs, or something similar.

>> No.13333181
File: 328 KB, 746x666, Nectar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, yuri is perfectly canon.

>Alraune are forest-dwelling plant Mamono. Their rooted flowers mean they can't chase down men, and they rely instead on sweet scents to bring their victims to them. Alraune nectar is widely used in demon realms as a food, an aphrodisiac, and a beauty treatment, so these monsters' secretions are always in high demand - especially from grizzlies and honeybees, who steal it by having lesbian sex with the unresisting plantgirls.

>> No.13333182

Well, a smart man doesn't make bets he's not sure to win. Yes.

>> No.13333187

Both of those sound adorable as fuck.

I live right up by the border to Canada, near a lake, so I'm not sure she would enjoy the humid summer that's coming. She would probably have liked the winter we had though.

>> No.13333191

Can't tell if you didn't think your post through or you're actually stupid. You're basically saying letting anyone do whatever they want would NOT make this thread turn into shit?

>> No.13333193

The only thing that triggers me is your shit taste.

>> No.13333195

Asbestos is extremely carcinogenic. Anon, no.

That aside, I find the people getting triggered over being spanked are hilarious. Getting spanked, especially by those big meaty paws, would be great. One paw spanking you while the other jerks you off, each swat making you jump forward, pushing you through her satiny, hot pawpads.

It's great. Hellhounds are great. http://i.imgur.com/RFq7aFb.png

>> No.13333197

Dem honeybees. I've read about how they can work their charms on those unruly hornets...

>> No.13333198

So I have shit taste for NOT liking spanking?
Or are you just so assblasted you didn't read anything beyond the word trigger?

>> No.13333200

>Lesbian sex as an excuse for monsterization, threesome foreplay, and food.
>But not lesbian couples

Welcome to KC land.

>> No.13333201

There's room for when they find the special someone they want to husbando but it still happens

>> No.13333203

What makes you think they can't do whatever they want already?

>> No.13333204

Fuck off.

>> No.13333206

>NOT liking spanking
Which is not what you said here >>13333129

Are you even trying?

>> No.13333207

>You're basically saying letting anyone do whatever they want would NOT make this thread turn into shit?
Pretty sure he's talking about the folks who have an aneurysm and shit up a thread for five hours just cause some guy mentions off hand he likes Ushi onis

But yeah, let's just go with the absolute extreme you posted instead, cause that makes a hell of a lot more sense

>> No.13333211
File: 1.09 MB, 1452x1599, 1426584375628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I can't stop laughing you're so fucking stupid.

That isn't even me you autist.

>> No.13333212


To monsterize, no other reason.
Bees and hornets attack alraunes for their honey, because, I don't know, bees and hornets eat honey as well as feed it to their husbands?
Same with grizzlies.

>huh hah! time for my lilirune trump card

All for the sake off attracting a man. What do liliraunes like to eat? Oh right, the spirit energy of men, like every other fucking monster.

>but muh same sex relationships!

Gay men become monsters, females. Women who are attacked by monsters monsterize and fuck off to find a guy, what the fuck does that tell you about the setting.

Get the fuck out and stay out.

>> No.13333213

For the sake of corruption.

>> No.13333215

>T-that isn't even me lol
If you say so.

>> No.13333216

He once commented on some guy's yuri fanart that lesbian couples would be a "Difficult occurrence" but not "Non-Canon" for sure.

The section in the MGEWG2 on Elementals also describes the love Elementals have for their covenanters, regardless of gender.

While the majority of such couplings in the MGE may just find a man to share, this doesn't erase their feelings for each other.

>> No.13333217

I think you quoted him incorrectly.

>> No.13333218

I actually meant stuff like anon shitting on other anons for hours because they like/dislike a particular MG. And those insecure faggots who feel the need to insult each other's masculinity over what they like/dislike. By all means keep going to extremes though, I'm sure that works good for your blood pressure.

>> No.13333219

It's not. I'm the one who wrote that, though.

>> No.13333224

That's Japanese for no. Or haven't you read enough of KC's "I g-guess, maybe, sorta, if you really really want it and the planets align." answers in the Q&A yet? That's basically the same answer he gave for Sabbath futa potions.

>> No.13333226
File: 9 KB, 441x135, Dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13333227
File: 47 KB, 625x416, 1425341149840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regardless of gender
>Women in a covenant with an elemental not being showered with DE, monsterizing and finding a man

>> No.13333230


No matter how much you dont like it nothing in the setting is specifically stopping it from occurring so it can happen that's the point of a hugebox.

>> No.13333231

>By all means keep going to extremes though, I'm sure that works good for your blood pressure.
Is this like the u mad meme?

>> No.13333238

First off, I've disputed this bullshit before. As said >>13333216 even if the majority of lesbian couplings in the MGE do prefer to find a man to share, it doesn't negate the feelings they have for each other. They love each other as much as they love him. And no not in the half-assed manner of Doublemaus or Truckercore or whatever other shit's your preference.

Furthermore, what the fuck does it even matter if it's canon to the MGE or not? This thread is the Monster Girl Thread, not Monster Girl Encyclopedia Thread. How often does it get said that, even if we discuss it to Hell and High Heaven, the thread is not 100% about the MGE. So why the hell is that "It's not MGE Canon" used as a justification for people bitching about pics and stories of MGs cuddlin' up with each other?

The fact that he said it of his own volition, with no prompting or questioning, is what gives me pause regarding it. It wasn't part of a Q&A, it was just a random comment he made on somebody's fanart, completely unprompted.

She monsterizes, but she doesn't just fuck off from her Elemental. They stay together, and then probably find a guy together. You that fuckin' dense?
>Not wanting to get double teamed by a Succubi Elementalist and her Elemental Partner
Get outta here with your shit taste.
And delete your unrelated reaction image while you're at it.

>> No.13333241

Funny pic dude.

>> No.13333242

>nothing in the setting is specifically stopping it from occurring
Except that all the monstergirls want the D. and yuri with female women is for corruption.

>> No.13333243

At least we're getting this shitfest out of they way right before we die.

>> No.13333245

Hang on, guys.

>> No.13333247

You realize this is entirely your own view, and that KC himself has only ever said "Fuck no, get the fuck out, keep that shit to yourself, I don't wanna hear it" to one thing, and that's NTR.

Reverse Corruption to a lesser extent.

>> No.13333248

Ey yurifag, so since you use the setting to support your fetish, will you only talk about yuri between monstergirl and female human, without love, only to corrupt the woman, liliraunes and elemental/human women?

>> No.13333250

Are you still defending yuri?

What part of "fuck off with your yuri shit" don't you understand?
