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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 366x319, 1428767808001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13308722 No.13308722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, tell me. How did something like that win a beauty contest in Japan in the first place?

>> No.13308729
File: 191 KB, 800x800, 1407026176579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beauty comes from the inside
like a hamburger

>> No.13308730

Please stop posting it.

It is legitimately ugly.

>> No.13308754
File: 81 KB, 360x517, HappyMerchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you one guess why it won

>> No.13308807

She's cute. Fuck off /pol/

>> No.13308812

I wouldn't debate your opinion but I'm not a /pol/ regular.

>> No.13308814

we've already had this thread eight times, please stop recreating it

>> No.13308814,1 [INTERNAL] 

This guy literally just called a sheboon cute

>> No.13308818
File: 127 KB, 850x638, 1349817016993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't the Japanese breeding like animals!
Why aren't they integrating other cultures!
Why are they making it so hard for underskilled workers to become citizens!

>> No.13308825

2/10 bait made me respond

>> No.13308827

Who cares? 3D women are always disgusting.

>> No.13308843

She's not even the first race-mixed Miss Universe in Japan.

>> No.13308843,1 [INTERNAL] 

Neo-/jp/ for ya.

>> No.13308858

>Wants Japan to Open Minds and Borders
Oh gee more brainfucking doujins I knew it

>> No.13308862

No memes.

>> No.13308864

She's beautiful

>> No.13308872

true, but not for japan.
I have absolutely no hate against any race or religion.
But holy shit, stop the mixing!

Its like mixing all colors and you get a shitty brown/grey goo. What the fuck.

Its more than enough that the US has pretty much no valuable cultures and that most european countires are about to loose them aswell.

Noone even takes care of their heritage anymore.


>> No.13308872,1 [INTERNAL] 

she is cute

>> No.13308894

Fuck off.

>> No.13308894,1 [INTERNAL] 

in the same way a monkey in a tutu is cute

>> No.13308901

Why are you so butthurt, deary?

>> No.13308911

I'm half chink half blank half mexican

>> No.13308918

You write too much shit.

>> No.13308918,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13308918,2 [INTERNAL] 

I meant black not blank

>> No.13308918,3 [INTERNAL] 

I want a nigger jap gf, any tips?

>> No.13308918,4 [INTERNAL] 

no, in the same way a loli is cute

>> No.13308944

who chink here?

>> No.13308944,1 [INTERNAL] 

how do you live

>> No.13308957

Stop the mixing! Kick the crossies!

>> No.13308972

She's not even close to the prettiest hafu I've seen
What the hell
Japs must be angry

>> No.13309079

She is an ugly 黒人 and she will never be Japanese.

>> No.13309093

she's not ugly at all, but not ideal, and definitely not the Japanese ideal.

>> No.13309327

Christ! What the fuck?

Japan, please do not do this.

You can prevent this.

>> No.13309335

that's fucking gross man

>> No.13309346

miss universe and most poop culture garbage is aimed at women. Women will believe anything that the popular opinion tells them and will never say otherwise, they are incapable of going against the herd.
If you told a women that everyone likes to eat your shit, and you had some popular movie star back you up, they would eat your shit and tell you with a smile that its the tastiest thing they've ever eaten.

This is why they'll believe this and anything else you tell them, and it has the added benefit of bringing along all the little orbiters women always have to back them up.

I mean lets be honest here, does that women even look any better than the average black girl, let alone the average normal girl? of course not.
There is an agenda to push here, and you do see it even if you reply otherwise, you're just willfully ignoring it or trolling if you disagree with me.

>> No.13309351
File: 190 KB, 373x327, 1350957196665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking racist asshole. probably a white guy dreaming of marrying a japanese girl and having haffu kids anyway dumb cunt.

>> No.13309360


Global human race, global human culture

Is that what you want? Do you want /jp/ to lose its only purpose?

>> No.13309377

i live in japan. /jp/ is fucking delusional anyway. it's just a country like any other first world country.

>> No.13309390



>> No.13309401
File: 814 KB, 1280x720, 1403529071479[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very beautiful indeed!
it brings me great pleasure to see the closed japanese mind opening, even if just a little

>> No.13309422

>fucking racist asshole
What is the problem, shitskin?

>> No.13309432
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pleases me. I want to see Japan crumble along with the rest of the world.

>> No.13309445


All of this. She looks like your average nappy headed ho

>> No.13309452

Meh, if dirty koreans can become japanese, anything will.

>> No.13309470

Mixing between whiteys and asian are okay tho. Look at Keanu.

Black mixing is not okay, because it produces shit like OP.

>> No.13309485

I guess it's not okay for you and i respect that.
As a peruvian anything goes with me pal.

>> No.13309493

Well, considering South America is race-mix central I understand your feeling.

>> No.13309495

>Miyamoto disagrees with this prevailing view. “We should invite in people from all over the world to share their cultures with us,” she said.
>“It’s very good for Japanese people to be challenged, and made to think whether their stereotypes about who looks Japanese are really correct any more,” she said. “The more that people who look slightly different from the stereotypical image of Japanese come to represent Japan, the more people will get used to that idea.”

There can be no doubt that the filthy kikes are behind the promotion of this ugly coon half-breed.

>> No.13309505

I'm pretty sure black people wouldn't even find her attractive. She seems to mostly have the worst qualities of each race.

>> No.13309512

I'd hit it, not black tho.

>> No.13309538

Why does every country have to lose the qualities that make them unique? I don't want the world to be muddied until we're all just some shade of brownish mud with some generic global culture that is completely hollow and soulless.

Cultures and races, like paint colors, are best kept separate. Paintings would look like one big brown/black smudge if we grabbed all of the paint colors in the world and just mixed them together. It's our differences that make life interesting and people like this just ruin it.

>> No.13309539

who is the japanese who contributed to this animal? no longer should they be citizen.

>> No.13309541

Shouldn't this be in the monster girl thread?

>> No.13309543

You just want someone to look down upon, don't you?

>> No.13309552

It's a /pol/ meme. Please do not respond to the crossboarder and wait for the janitor to kill this thread. Sage if you must respond.

>> No.13309560

For a second, I thought this was a tranny Flip.

>> No.13309561

Or he just wants something different to look at, and not a big pile of brown.

Mosaic, not melting pot.

>> No.13309566

Thanks to >>13309552 him, i realized that you just want to troll. Go back to /pol/

>> No.13309573

I'm not even the same guy nor do I want to "troll".

I wouldn't go to /pol/ either because /jp/ is my homeboard.

>> No.13309579

Sure mate. I'll make my leave here.

PD: Globalization will merge the colors.

>> No.13309580

What? I want the world to be filled with unique cultures and people that look different. I don't want to look across the world at some other culture on the other side of the planet and see the same exact shit that I see here. What would be the point in learning about other countries if we all looked the same and our cultures have become so thoroughly mixed that we've been reduced to one bland global culture that is more or less the same wherever you look? If you mix 16 different colors then you don't end up with 16 new colors, you just lose all 16 colors and get one shitty color.

>> No.13309586

He is a troll because anon expressed his own opinion? fuck off to the shithole you came from.

>> No.13309586,1 [INTERNAL] 

jews have to destroy every healthy united nation and tear it apart with "diversity" and feminism

>> No.13309593

And for that globalization is fucking terrible.

Merging the colors into one destroys the variety.

>> No.13309598

lmfaoooooooo xDDDDDD omg my sides

>> No.13309598,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off
No you fuck off
No no you fuck off

>> No.13309607

Shouldn't it though?

It does look like a monster.

>> No.13309607,1 [INTERNAL] 

white nations need a strong leader to crush the eternal jew. preferably a king or an emperor who would lead the warrior caste who are eternally vigilant against degeneracy and semitic values.

the nationalist right is having a resurgence in Europe, hopefully we'll see the same in the rest of the world.

>> No.13309620

has science gone too far?

>> No.13309620,1 [INTERNAL] 

Love this anti-semitism meme, hilarious.

>> No.13309626

This might not be as bad as it seems. Who selects the Miss Universe thing? Is she selected by a vote of Japanese citizens or does some panel of judges decide?

If it's just some judges then it has nothing to do with Japan and doesn't reflect Japan's opinion of people like this.

>> No.13309665


I agree. this is why I'm ok with different nation-states and governments. I could see regional binding (eg EU) but I don't want globalization to go any further. homogenization would have the effect of weakening the human race, stifling innovation, and making us more vulnerable to catastrophic collapse.

even if the world is highly connected at this point, I don't see a diversity of cultures and nations as a bad thing. there are still many profound differences between us, and smoothing these out for a one world government would probably involve violent coercion, which I'm against.

ultimately I'd like to see space colonization happen, which would go even further in keeping up diversity of culture.

>> No.13309685
File: 1.12 MB, 736x627, i like this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else mixed on /jp/?
anyone else knows what it feels like to be apart of the problem and the jew agenda?
anyone else ready to die?

>> No.13309688

>smoothing these out for a one world government would probably involve violent coercion, which I'm against.
Globalization is going to happen, preventing it from happening would require a lot of coercion.

>> No.13309698

Mixed white and asian here.

Feels good man.

>> No.13309698,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13309700

I hope she gets crushed in the main pageant. This monkey won't even get into the top 15.

>> No.13309702

i can see why you might feel that way, you are a lot better off than me
black and white

>> No.13309704

Obviously, regular Japanese people didn't elect her.

>> No.13309712


globalization is already under way, and will only continue. I'm not against that. But there are still many differences and barriers. While globalization has worn down these barriers a great deal, I think after a certain point there are diminishing returns for globalization. there are different languages, legal systems, and cultural differences that can be deep rooted. after a point I believe these barriers will resist further homogeny.

>> No.13309713

>Japanese mother and African American father
Likely the product of rape.

>> No.13309719

The number of posts in the past few minutes has gone up by twenty, the number of unique posters has gone up from 29 to 31

We know that it's a handful of /pol/ crossies keeping this thread on the front page, fuck off back to your containment board. This is not Japan/General

>> No.13309728

What does this have to do with otaku culture.

>> No.13309737

Why do you care if she hasn't won Miss Japan?

>> No.13309738

What's wrong? it bothers you this much, crossie? Go back to rebbit or whatever place you came from.

>> No.13309743


Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.13309745

this thread went off on a tangent. but it has to do with the fact that otaku culture is based around a distinct society and its products, therefore it would have alot to lose from global homogeny.

>> No.13309746

Niggers have to ruin everything, huh.

>> No.13309747

I wouldn't care at all.

>> No.13309762

The judges were probably white liberal/jewish and the international support that she's getting is definitely white liberal/jewish.

As always, it's white people that ruin everything. You can blame the jew, and it's probably true, but the fact of the matter is that most people don't view jews as separate from whites.

Stop ruining everything, white people. Just mind your own fucking business and stop getting offended by "racism" in other countries. It has nothing to do with you.

>> No.13309776

Don't lump all white into this shit.

Some of them whiteys oppose this too.

>> No.13309806

Please go back to /pol/ with your conspiracy theories

>> No.13309811


Leftist academics did this. Academia in the west is naturally dominated by whites.

Maybe Jews really do have a revolutionary spirit. I don't know how else to explain why such ideologies could gain traction in <200 years.

I hope Japan will just ignore them. It would be a real shame for Japan to take the same path to destruction as we did.

>> No.13309812
File: 133 KB, 290x332, 1412116317361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese mother and African-American father

>> No.13309817

If you've been watching the post count at the bottom of the page you would have noticed. Now we're up to 79 posts with 34 unique posters.

>Leftist academics did this
This belongs in /pol/

>> No.13309817,1 [INTERNAL] 

The best part is, the dad ditched the family before she was born.

>> No.13309827

>If you've been watching the post count at the bottom of the page
Only autistic killjoys do this. Do you hate happiness?

>> No.13309828


>> No.13309832

Haha yeah you figured us out. us kneegrows only want to flood into the civilized nations and breed all of your wimmenz wit our nigger seed. the jews of course will ensure that the white man stays complacent through his use of mind control via 100% ownership of corporate media

obviously the only recourse is to donate your federal reserve notes and bitcoins to freedom fighters on the internet who spend all day blogging about the oncoing race war. Be sure to spend all of your disposable income on overpriced semi-automatic rifles and ammunition, you never know when the mob will show up at your door!

>> No.13309836

>This belongs in /pol/

I don't get what you're driving at. I've been told to go back to /pol/ just about every week for a long time and I don't really go there.

I've always hated leftism and academia. Unless I am censored I will continue to express my opinions.

>> No.13309838

>Only autistic killjoys do this. Do you hate happiness?
Of fucking course I do, I've been posting on /jp/ for years. Jesus Christ it's like you've been here for a week. Get it together niwaka scum.

>> No.13309838,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just like in anime

>> No.13309842

>This belongs in /pol/
You belong elsewhere, crossie. You can't censor anyone here. People will express their opinions and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.13309845
File: 141 KB, 720x567, 1397181130271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This creature supports that creature.

This whole generation is ruined.

>> No.13309848

>As a peruvian anything goes with me pal.
Based Zimzam posts on /jp/?

>> No.13309849

Is this warosu? Are we being raided by the big w?

I could have sworn that all of this off-topic shitposting and crossboarding felt familiar...

>> No.13309857

Nah, it's just /jp/sies.

The posting styles are the same.

>> No.13309869

All generations since the beginning of the industrial revolution have been ruined.

>> No.13309876

She looks Thai.

>> No.13309884

Is this the NEET thread?

I didn't do much today. I woke up at around 4 PM like I usually do. I haven't been outside in a while so I had to eat frozen bread and hot dogs like I've been doing for the past week. I'm going to have to go outside eventually, but this loaf and pack should last me through the weekend. I'm also going to have to do laundry although my depression usually gets in the way of that. I found a pair of cleanish panties and kneesocks that fell behind my bed, that was a high point of my afternoon.

My ears are starting to hurt from all of the music I've been listening to through my beats headphones, but the family in the apartment next to me has been moving around all day and having conversations...I feel anxious when I know that they're moving around, like they might realize that I can hear them through the paper thin walls...

My job seeker's benefits are going to get cut off soon unless I go to my GP and get another note...I'll feel better though if I finish the nukige I started last week.

>> No.13309894
File: 46 KB, 588x786, B-Cy1EzCMAIFEBV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13309923

Who supplies you? Your mom? At least be a decent NEET and live alone, going shopping twice a week without speaking to the cashier and acting confused when they say anything.

>> No.13309928
File: 138 KB, 740x740, 1421357114083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beats headphones

I'm NEET, going on two years. I take a walk every day for some sunlight though. I guess I'm not quite truNEET.

>> No.13309935

I'd think they'd be happy with all the black people they draw raping white/asian women in their mangas.

>> No.13309936

I live alone. Okaasan gives me an allowance every two weeks but I'm independent.

I don't understand.

>> No.13309938
File: 162 KB, 1600x1067, ariana-miyamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's super pretty. Why haters gotta hate?

>> No.13309940

Fuck off, you bad excuse for a trolling nigger-excuser.

>> No.13309943

Please do not mention the world rape, it is very triggering toward me as I live with anxiety which prevents me from working. Thank you.

>> No.13309946

Her futures are really big and cartoonish and she has a mouth like King Kong

>> No.13309954
File: 287 KB, 3000x1600, 1335901596068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beats are overpriced and mediocre, Anon!

>> No.13309955

Rude! This is /jp/, we are all expected to be nice towards each other. This means that this is a no bully zone. Although I cannot stop you from bullying, I do ask you nice to be nice to your fellow little girls. Thank you.

>> No.13309962

I still don't understand. I don't trust a lot of things that I read on the internet, do you know of a book that I could download and read that says this stuff but less confuzzling?

>> No.13309971

You get raped right up that brown eye, my NEET?

>> No.13309971,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this her?

Looks like her.

>> No.13309971,2 [INTERNAL] 

Niggers all look the same.

>> No.13309971,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13309971,4 [INTERNAL] 

Niggers are so fucking disgusting I wouldn't bat an eye if I had to kill every last nigger on the planet but I could never killed an actual human.

>> No.13309971,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a Nigger, ask me anything.
