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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 167 KB, 1250x1425, ransmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1328190 No.1328190 [Reply] [Original]

What Touhou needs to be a great game:

- more bullet patterns in addition to stage level bosses
- make danmaku dynamic (not one single repeating pattern on a single level for each enemy but rotating/changing ones)
- more dialogue options for each conversation, make conversations more objective based
- allow players to join any danmaku battle from any level
- some kind of a community feel (everyone's acting like it's Counterstrike)
- more appearance customization and different bullets/spell cards, one level normal mode Reimu should be able to look and perform differently than another level normal mode Reimu
- more powerup skills and more meaningful grazing/gathering items
- more things to do outside of combat (there are none at this point, can't even sit at the fucking shrine)
- hubs and mechanics designed to meet people and socialize/join tea parties, flower viewing etc (currently the human villages don't serve that purpose, neither do other locations)
- MUCH more fairies per server (which means much less servers - the fragmentation of the fairies is ridiculous, 9 Misty Lake servers alone?! NINE?!?)
- make even easy mode levels attractive for lunatic level players to do SOMETHING in, otherwise most of the game will be filled with elementary school kids after a while
- more Gensokyo races and classes as additional content, no extra mode expansions pushing the playerbase into higher and higher modes and splitting the playerbase into haves and have-nots

If it had this, it would be the next "great" manic shooter. Not a "Dodonpachi-killer" mind you, but still THE game to play. Too bad it will take years to get to that point, and no one will care by then anymore.

>> No.1328199

halo 3

>> No.1328196


>> No.1328335

What Touhou needs to be a great game:

- ZUN sees RanSmirk and implements RanSmirk as a character portrait in the next touhou game where Ran is a character

>> No.1328421

Rinnosuke as playable character.

>> No.1328462
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1221758703122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1328480

I agree with most of this stuff I would love to have online danmaku battles :D, harder patterns and perhaps Mima back!
I mean we all know ZUN made touhou to compete with Nintendo at game making and not as a sidejob to gain money to buy beer (LOL HES DRUNK @_@).
TouhoU 4 EvR Take it Easy
/-*Mima will be back I feel it in my bones! - Put this in your sig if you want Mima back*-\
Proud member of /jp/'s touhou fan club

Friend list: ZUN(barViVIt), Kyon, China, Remilia, Aya, Currybutt, Aya Hirano sama fan (<3)
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WhEn I rEaD mAnGa wItH yOu I wAnT tO sToP tIme
Dog Sakuya-

>> No.1328486

My copypasta senses are tingling; is this a modified copypasta?

>> No.1328492
File: 7 KB, 180x164, 1221759112273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1328498

You've been trolled

yes. Originally it's about warhammer online.

>> No.1328497
File: 57 KB, 500x375, 1221759138720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1328567


Let me fix it for you.

- Plot (not just "lol, I'm flying to destroy the moon" plot).
- Character plots.
- Character personalities (fan created personalities != ZUN personalities) For example, the fan created Cirno is a moronic tomboy. In contrast, the Cirno in the official Touhou games rarely speaks. The only hint at her being dumb in the official games is the "9" nonsense.
- Changed gameplay. The shoot em up gameplay is repetitive and boring. The entire shoot em up genre is trash. The world agrees with me, hence the reason why the genre is dying.

What the fuck am I saying? To make Touhou better just throw the whole damn franchise in the garbage and create something completely different. At this point, the only thing good about Touhou is the fan art and doujin music. Let the fans keep their doujin Touhou and let ZUN create a game based on something that isn't shit.

Thread Over.

>> No.1328593


>> No.1328632

ITT what will utterly destroy Touhou

>> No.1328654


>> No.1329719


>> No.1329751

Truth. Touhou was not made for fans. Touhou was created because ZUN drinks.

>> No.1329798

It needs psychic powers and a laser - shot mode.

>> No.1329871


... *starts to dance*

>> No.1330481


>> No.1330499


>> No.1330522

>What a kawaii morning!~
No weeaboo! No....

>> No.1330524


>> No.1330535

Hadn't seen this pasta yet so I started thinking it was some hand written troll. It quickly became obvious though.

Still, nice try I guess. gb2/v/.
