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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1323589 No.1323589 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of FSN? It's shit, right?

>> No.1323616
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>> No.1323619
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odin hijack

>> No.1323622

We already had this topic....

>> No.1323638


>> No.1323639
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Father, you musn't..

>> No.1323653
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Hotaru demands Devotion to her Holy Fascist cause.

Throw off the shackles of Communism, Left Wing Lies, and Democracy. Angels from Hell watch over all of Hotaru's Chosen. The Mighty Screaming Horde of Valkyries.

For Hotaru I'll say it, Mein Ehre Heisst Treue.

Hotaru Ist Leben

>> No.1323658

I wish it would become a meme on all boards, that would be /jp/ first success.

>> No.1323660
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I challenge all the bastards to read the book Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard.

It has the answers.


I might go to hell for preaching Hotaru's Will. But if I can look up from Hel and see young fresh faced children with pure snow driven skin, and Celtic and Nordic features enjoying a Fascist Paradise where they have wars to fight and lands to conquer and Jab every Left wing bastard in the ass on the way down. I can be happy.

Because one day, one fateful day, people will look back and they'll say that Hotaru was Right

>> No.1323667
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Another Dispatch from Babylon. Hotaru's forces grow weary. They all have bullets with their names on them. Between Hell and Valhalla they dwell. Hotaru's Fascist Paradise resides in their hearts. Hotaru has descended upon them and given them her powers and strength. Hail the New Dawn. Let's See Haruhi do shit like that.

What Hotaru offers is a new tomorrow....a tomorrow without the Shackles of Democracy or Liberalism. No Communism. A future for the children. So you sit up there in your ivory tower coffeshop talking about tax increases and social programs. I'll be here, in the blood and sand with Hotaru's hand on my shoulder. I ask any out there. Who follows Hotaru and Odin?

You all think that Hotaru's battle is a subject of Ridicule?

She was there in 42 during Malmedy. She was there in that bunker on that fateful day of 1945. She was there to inspire the tale of Parsifal. She gave the crest of the stars from her breast to the Earth. On a clear winter sky, as the snow falls. The bitter cold is a reminder of the frosted heart that Hotaru bears. Remember...she fights against the evils of Liberalism and Democracy.

>> No.1323670
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its toMOE time

>> No.1323677
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I would fertilize her eggs if you know what I mean.

>> No.1323681
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The Aryans came from Atlantis. But Hotaru is not merely an Aryan.

She is NORDIC. With her gaunt features, her Black Hair...black as Coal, and her Violet Eyes. A rare breed.

And Welfare cripples us all. Shared misery. No freedom. You lay about while I struggle and we are all forced to be on the same level.

Under Holy Fascism you have to earn your pay. One way or another you earn your pay.

And Hotaru is a fascist as was illustrated in both the Holy Coda known as the Sailor Moon comic book and the TV Show. Because Hotaru DID portend the Holy Fascism. As she stands defiantly against liberalism, democracy, and ZOG. Because Remember...remember that Time? When there wre enemies all about? She pulled herself together and DESTROYED THE WORLD man.


>> No.1323682
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>> No.1323689
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Hotaru's Law is the same as Odin's but the only difference is that it is HOTARU'S. Hotaru honors the chosen dead warriors who have honored her by spilling blood and killing on the damned battlefields. These chosen few, mostly of Nordic descent, shall enter the Gates of Valhalla. Hotaru is a Fascist and Hotaru will tolerate none of that faggot communism, Liberalism, or Democracy. To die with your boots on honors Hotaru. Everytime you life a mug of Mead to your lips you must show gratitude to Hotaru and Odin. Hotaru tolerates no cowards. To die is but gain, for a Warrior's Fate gains you Valhalla. Hotaru demands that the strong rule the weak and destroy the undermen. When the Northern winds blow, you can feel Hotaru's cold breath and hear her voice on the wind. She promises glory and victory.

Submit to Hotaru's Will.

Hotaru is Valkyrie to all chosen warriors.

Her Celtic Hair, her Nordic Eyes. The fiery spirit that consumes her.

She is become Death, destroyer of worlds. Ragnarok rests in her fingertips. Deny her, Blaspheme her, she will endure.

Hail the New Dawn

>> No.1323702
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He sat in a room
in a square of the color of blood.
He'd rule the whole world
if there was a way that he could.
He'd sit and he'd stare
at the minreds on top of the towers.
For he was a beast
as he hatched his new plans to gain power.

And the snow fell
covering the dreams and ideals.
And the snow fell
freezing the blood and the wheels.
And the snow fell
they had to keep up for survival.

>> No.1323707
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Then came the deadly roads
back from the stairs of their retreat.
The cold racked their bodies
but worse was the pain of defeat.
Many people who had hailed them once
now turned and looked away.
These people now knew
that the beast was on it's way.

And the snow fell
covering the dreams and ideals.
And the snow fell
freezing the blood and the wheels.
And the snow fell
they had to keep up for survival.

>> No.1323711
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>> No.1323719
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>> No.1323737
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sage for hotarufag

>> No.1323759
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>> No.1323765

You're the only one.

>> No.1323769
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