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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13222969 No.13222969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many slavs are on /jp/?

>> No.13222988

Just you

>> No.13223082

Czechs are germanic, so none.

>> No.13223110

Stop denying it Čech.

>> No.13223117
File: 33 KB, 488x541, slavic blue haired girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that /jp/ meetup when we all did the slav squat outside a maid cafe while drinking cheap liquor?

>> No.13223124

I'll never wash my adidas from that day

>> No.13223126

Is slav life really that great? Squatting looks fun but I doubt that's all there is to it.

>> No.13223131

Я-тохофаг уровня /то/.
Я не разговариваю с вами, секондари с анимуфорумов.
Мне не нужно идти в место, полное потных, вонючих задротов, чтобы поиграть в 12.3.
У меня на жестком диске лежит половина данборы, мне домой присылают диски с музыкой с Рейтайсая.
Идите читать додзи, переведённые рейнкэтом, я читаю CoLA в оригинале.
Вы продолжайте смотреть флешечки и повторять "Бака Сырно!", общаясь со своими дружками-ньюфагами, а я пройду мимо незамеченным. Ты никогда не узнаешь, что мимо тебя прошел мастер Тохо. Потому что я сдерживаю свою силу

>> No.13223135

Talking shit about western democracy and saying One party states are much superior is a pretty slavic thing.

>> No.13223153

Обжора Тенши, посреди ночи, уже слопав все что было в доме, со вздувшимся брюхом (у нее там бомж-пакеты, несвежие овощи, апельсины вместе с кожурой, яблочные огрызки и т.п.) подбирается к спящей Ике, и начинает жрать ее шарф, потому что он пропитался рыбным супом, который Ика вылила на себя за обедом неделю назад. Она потихоньку заглатывает его, вот уже конец шарфика в ее желудке, но вдруг Ика поворачивается во сне и тянет шарфик на себя. Тенши тут же выворачивает, и на спящую Ику выливается литра четыре (или какой там объем ее брюха?) полупереваренной дряни.

>> No.13223169

I see you're enjoying your democrating lobbying and electoral districts, amerifat.

>> No.13223176 [DELETED] 

Not american you fool, thats just my parents in general think of western democracy.

>> No.13223183

Not american you fool, thats just what my parents in general think of western democracy.

>> No.13223198

Drinking with friends outside is really cool, however that Slavic squatting isn't commonly practiced thing. Only rap-listening subhumans wearing tracksuits do it.
Where are you from, slavs? Poland anyone?

>> No.13223201

I don't think slav squatting is common these days outside of the eastern slavs. But try to look up some old family pictures you will usually find a few squatters.

>> No.13223284

Does Lithuania count?

>> No.13223291

Lithuania is polish, so yes.

>> No.13223296

>Talking shit about western democracy and saying One party states are much superior is a pretty russian thing.

>> No.13223302
File: 979 KB, 1276x850, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh nigga

>> No.13223516

Not really alot of people sympathise with the times when Military Police would come in and return the gypsies to their walled ghetto communities.

>> No.13223523

>some sap makes a shinmyoumaru thread
>everyone lose their shit
>a /pol/tard makes a racist thread who doesn't have anything to do with otaku culture

>> No.13223538
File: 68 KB, 724x403, hasegawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of otaku culture is rather odd scale models which is one of the earliest forms of the otaku culture falls under toys

>> No.13223540

I didn't know slavs were a race, retard. It's an /int/ thread at best.

>> No.13223571

slav here

>> No.13223591

I am listening to Лешак right now, does that make me slav?

>> No.13223652

I wish /jp/ would be free of slavs and latinos.

Literally subhumans

>> No.13223653
File: 115 KB, 677x815, 0a44163e5c84cd8050b6bc695bd10ab2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My relatives said that I have enough filthy slav genes in me that I could apply for Russian citizenship, do they really just give them away like that?

>> No.13223661 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1112x3728, 1427205622592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you have to do slav squat while drinking this (pic related) and listening this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2ZkXUcU8T8
But this is dangerous if you aren't a slav.

>> No.13223676
File: 34 KB, 426x445, 14260989016070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13223739

hello my brother

>> No.13223767

Slavs were fusion of white and asian.

What could go wrong?

>> No.13223813

