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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13215084 No.13215084 [Reply] [Original]

Post yuukuri things.
and post about the yukkuri breed android game.

>> No.13215152 [DELETED] 

cancer OP

>> No.13215197 [DELETED] 

It isn't a general, /v/.

>> No.13216091

i liked these threads better when they were just image and storydumps

the game is really uninteresting and kinda ugly

>> No.13216209
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I could try and post some pictures to make it salvageable if you guys want.

>> No.13216232

Make a new thread instead.

>> No.13216239


>> No.13223640

Question anons, do you see yukkuri as human? or animal?

>> No.13223645

For fucks sake
They are semi-sapient beings that can talk and be trained to do useful things like helping in library or getting rid of organic waste
So aliens

>> No.13226727

Great. Mean we can torture or abuse them as we like since there's no regulation regarding alien rights.

Still don't understand why there are butthurt faggots who think this are the same as animal abuse.

>> No.13226795

For starters, it's like loli, lolies aren't real little girls, but they resemble them, so some people get offended.
Some people find any display of abuse pointless and distasteful.

If you enjoy yukkuri abuse, it's fine, and no crybaby should come to your thread telling you that you are a monster and shit. You are not harming anyone after all if you keep it in your threads.

>> No.13226802

There already is a yukkuri thread >>13216244
