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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 429 KB, 816x604, HRP-4C_35689_448x_meido-roboto-moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13192504 No.13192504 [Reply] [Original]

Japan pls!

>> No.13192526
File: 105 KB, 1024x1429, animereality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they gonna stop making ugly realistic robots and make cute anime robots anyway? Some figs look so great already. Why can't they move?

>> No.13192540

Cannot sex, afraid of the gears

>> No.13192563

What gears?

>> No.13192627

gears which gonna mash your dick?

>> No.13192634

It actually looks cute!

>> No.13192651

It's a robot, not a clock.

>> No.13192787
File: 1.90 MB, 600x338, 1426564053796.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13192922

I would be more worried about getting an electroshock by some accident.

Damn creepy.

>> No.13192977

How badly could a robot even shock you?

Besides women use all kinds of sex toys with batteries and even stuff they have to actually plug into the wall socket to get off with and you basically never hear about them getting bad shocks from that.

The things you should be concerned about are something like friction burns or it running out of power with its legs locked around you.

>> No.13193010

She's doing her best to smile, but not even close.
Still a bit creepy tho

>> No.13193035

robots have feeling too you know?

>> No.13193075

Maybe I can do it if I put a bag over its creepy robot head.

>> No.13193182

Impressive, but unconvincing.

I just kinda wonder what she feels like.

>> No.13193212

A kigurumi robot would look better.

>> No.13196747

Jap robot with white features?

>> No.13197142

Well, have you ever seen a white person?

>> No.13199128

Yeah, they have big noses and lighter colored hair, just like that. She even has that double eyelid.

>> No.13202220


>> No.13202223
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>> No.13202265
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>My life with no Ferrari brand meidorobo

>> No.13203584

clang clang clang

Skeletal/musculature movements are easy, it's the facial contractures that extremely difficult to emulate. There's literally 1000's of combinations of subtle movements, and even if the face can perform several hundred combinations, the result is still "stroke victim" level of expression.

[]I'm not a robot

>> No.13205126





>> No.13205540
File: 21 KB, 800x600, 1425775644888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a tortured soul begging for death

>> No.13205777
File: 2.96 MB, 1024x576, 1426805800520.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is better.

>> No.13205977

She's still ugly though.

>> No.13206154

This one is definitely more realistic.

>> No.13206197

She doesn't have a lower body though.

>> No.13206212

It just means she's more pure than any other woman or gynoid.

>> No.13207566

They way she moves her mouth makes me think she just says:

>> No.13207573

It's just a cute doll, we have seen that. It doesn't have any facial expression changes.

>> No.13207589
File: 976 KB, 854x480, 1405470839402.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day...

>> No.13207650

I for one welcome the day I can have superior dandere (robot)girls in 3D.

>> No.13207729

She's almost perfect. The day of my marriage to a robot draws near.

>> No.13213956

Why would you want to marry a robot?

>> No.13214722

costs 20x less than marrying a real woman.

complains 100000x less.

>> No.13214838

Wedding costs would be the same. Maintenance and power costs would surely be higher. As for complaints, it would "complain" more and more as it became more and more out of date. Women may age but they don't become obsolete in a couple years. You really want to be married to real life equivalent of ME-tan in the modern era?

Besides that, you missed the point. The question was meant as "What is the point of marrying a robot?", with emphasis on "marrying." It's a robot, it doesn't care if you have 20 robot girlfriends. It can't have kids or anything either. What's the benefit of marrying it?

>> No.13218250

What you're not asking is why someone else might want to marry a robot, what you're asking is why should you marry a robot.
And the answer is that you shouldn't because you don't want to.

>> No.13218311

That's not what I'm asking at all.

>> No.13218362

I understand, but on the bright side, marrying a robot means you can turn her off if she's too annoying.

>> No.13218520

Watch them be built with no "off" switches and preventing them from charging is considered a crime.

>> No.13223305

Can robots be sad? She looks sad.

>> No.13223378

>benefit of marrying
You just don't get it.

>> No.13227350

You don't get it.
Robot. harem.

>> No.13227383

Japanese people deep down think of themselves as white. I bet a lot of them honestly believe they have natural variation in hair and eye color.

>> No.13227392

Black market gynoid is hopefully going to be a thing.

I would marry it and keep it as my slave/bodyguard/wife.

Any woman (save the infertile ones) can give a child, but none can protect you as a robot girl can.

>> No.13227424


Like they'll even be legal in the first place.

>> No.13227477
File: 575 KB, 576x864, 1256633323754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none can protect you as a robot girl can

By letting you ride inside her?

>> No.13227482

Fighting side by side.

>> No.13227488

Japs hate whitey though

>> No.13227500

Only because they can never be them.

Japs love whitey aesthetics.

>> No.13230404

Robots are our only hope for true catgirls with only 1 set of ears that make sense in their placement on the head and functional tails. Why has no one made a notable catgirl robot yet?

>> No.13233777

Even if it's just a joke, white people who claim that is absolutely pathetic.

>> No.13233782

Well, have you ever seen a Japanese person?

>> No.13233858

Why do I get the foreboding sense of doom that any efforts to bring about the fembot will not be opposed by ultra close minded religious groups, but feminists?

>> No.13233919

so we make elfbots instead

>> No.13233940
File: 395 KB, 750x750, 49329165_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean the pretty boy effeminate looking ones, last I heard of it feminists were complaining about how homosexuals also sexualized women or something,

No, I do not know how that works.

>> No.13233994
File: 1.06 MB, 194x900, 87567667.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13233999
File: 2.22 MB, 170x716, Robodoll.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13234022

Yeah, you guys should look up "The Gaijin Complex"

It isn't hate so much as a unwarranted feeling of inferiority which is deeply rooted. It actually goes back to when the Portuguese first arrived in 1543. They were called primitives and things I wont even mention, and they still remember. Then to top that off there's the WW2 thing and being occupied. They weren't necessarily 'angry' about being occupied as Japanese culture taught them to respect their conquerors whoever they were; to respect the authority of the land.

And then there's the matter of the bombs. In Japanese thinking they were responsible for it. In Japanese thinking everything is either their fault or it's 'shoganai.' But they have a complex about the war although they wont admit it to outsiders they feel responsible.

My point is: The Japanese don't hate white people as some think they do, and the Japanese aren't inferior as some of them feel be it consciously or unconsciously. I don't know if they truly feel it but it's something they haven't been able to shake.

Often times when a white person is interacting with a Japanese person they are thinking "do they see me as inferior to them?"

The Japanese of course wont talk to anyone about this as they're proud, so no one knows what's actually going on.

Western/white when thinking about how the Japanese might feel always think "what would I feel?" Only Japanese culture is different even from their East Asian neighbors so parts of it are nearly alien to the west. So you can't really use "what would I feel?"

But anyway about white features: they were fascinated with Europeans when they first showed up as they'd never seen anything like it. The fascination remained. Like with panties... women didn't wear undergarments and actually America taught them that it was immoral an unhygienic for women to not wear panties. This lead to an obsession with panties as at first only rich women could afford them .. they were a novelty.

I'm done.

>> No.13234106

>showing your robot parts to everyone
Know that if I was your doll I'd be soooooooooooo angry at you for that.

>> No.13234108

Feminism suffers from the same structural defect that Gamergate suffers from: a lack of leaders. Because there is no central authority, radfems are free to do all sorts of crazy shit while claiming to represent the entire movement.

There are feminists that are fighting worthwhile causes - preservation of abortion rights, abolition of female genital mutilation in the third world, combating rampant bigotry in the middle east. Because there are no leaders in the movement, these people get lumped in with the constellation of bloggers and crusaders that live to make lots of noise.

>> No.13234141

This looks actually really cute.
But please put some clothing on her, this is too lewd for a cute robot like her

>> No.13234193

It's a shame there are these certain loud people undermining the whole movement with their first world problems.

There are many interesting discussions to be had on the third wave feminism topics though, but they should concentrate on getting the concrete equity problems of first/second wave to the whole world (not that everyone may want them, you can't force a culture to change from the outside).

>> No.13234267

These problems are also compounded by a visceral hatred that many on the far right harbour for radfems. This reaction has the unwanted effect of validating radicals in the eyes of other leftists and those on the fence. It's the Ann Coulter business model: say something deliberately over-the-top, generate rage from your opponents, double down on your positions, and show your resolve and the outrage provoked as proof that you're doing the right thing. Use this buzz to solicit donations and sell books while reaffirming your position as one that must be emulated. This forces moderates to adopt, or at least refrain from criticizing radical positions, allowing them to spread and gain mainstream tolerance/acceptance.

>> No.13234284

But I apologize, it's just that /jp/ is one of the few boards where I can discuss these things without it degrading into shitposting. I'll refrain from letting the thread drift any further.

>> No.13234391
File: 2.45 MB, 1066x600, masturbarting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13234391,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13234996

*tips fedora*

>> No.13235274

What will determine a robots gender?

>> No.13235436

That would make maintenance an hassle, also what would a backup copy be considered?

>> No.13236018

>what would a backup copy be considered

Piracy. You either take it back to an approved robodoc or use the memory stick that came along with her to reformat and reinstall her basic programming. Copying her mind breaches the copyright of the companies who provided her programming.

>> No.13239164

This image is of horrible quality.

>> No.13242462

Funny accident or accidentally left in the wrong setting?

>> No.13248202
File: 32 KB, 802x618, 1db05643a6119da9443bf29f6e6900de-dvngcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

