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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1317864 No.1317864 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people that lurk here only because they're afraid of posting something? Because I think that's damn cute and I want to hug them for it.

>> No.1317870

I'd embrace that religion, if you know what I mean.

>> No.1317873

I-I'm c-cute?

>> No.1317878


>> No.1317879

No. We're just trying to lure out the faggots so we can laugh at them.

>> No.1317882

am I cute ugyuu~

>> No.1317883

There's only one place I'm afraid of posting in.

>> No.1317889

My first post here, thanks for helping me out of the closet. But I'm as ugly as sin...still wanna hug?

>> No.1317891

Don't worry, so am I.

>> No.1317893

we're all ugly down here.

>> No.1317899

OHHH Shit, did I just start an internet relationship? (where's that dam computer off switch)

>> No.1317911

me ;_;

>> No.1317918

Picture me as the loli in OP's image giving you a hug.

>> No.1317920

I used to be afraid of posting years ago.

Can I still have a hug?

>> No.1317922


That's awesome, but you have to stay the night <3

>> No.1317924

Sometimes, sometimes not. You're lurking whenever you're not posting, in a way. Or if you read a thread and leave because you have nothing interesting to say.

>> No.1317929

/jp/ - homosexuals

>> No.1317932

Posting...posting is like living... one day you have everything and the next you have nothing.

>> No.1317935
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>> No.1317941

S-stupid Anonymous!
Who would want a hug from you anyway?

>> No.1317943

/jp/ = Japanese Prostitutes.

>> No.1317946

I often type up lengthy posts and just hit Return instead of hitting submit because I figure no one wants to read my shit anyway.

>> No.1317952

Nah, I lurk because I usually have nothing relevant to add.

Or at least, that's what I try to tell myself ;_;

>> No.1317955


>> No.1317956

yes... now I know what you mean.

>> No.1317961

I was actually like that for awhile. I waited for months before I finally worked up the courage to reply to a thread. It was worth it though; the feeling of pride you get the first time someone reposts something you made is indescribable.

To be honest, I'm still pretty uncomfortable with starting threads. And sometimes I'll write a response and then spend minutes on end revising it and switching things around, only to drop the whole thing and never post it. I take posting pretty seriously.

>> No.1317964

Why am I seeing so many clones here ;_;

>> No.1317966


I do that pretty often. Spending upwards of 10 to 15 minutes typing a huge reply just to hit back and continue browsing..

>> No.1317969


Wow I do this too, I thought I was a fag =/

In future retrospect I should choose a different noun to describe myself, knowing what is coming and all...

>> No.1317979


>I thought I was a fag

You thought correctly.

>> No.1317984

Talk about confidence. Why would someone be scared of posting as anon?

>> No.1317988
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>feeling of pride you get the first time someone reposts something you made is indescribable.

I know what you mean.

>> No.1317989

I don't know, even though it's anonymous it still feels kinda bad when someone disagrees with your post or sages you even though you were serious.

>> No.1317997



>> No.1318003

I'm the best poster.

>> No.1318004


Ah-ha, I knew it. \(º Д º)/

>> No.1318012
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I believe this image is related to this thread.

I really can't believe I'm seeing clones of myself here, either.

>> No.1318013

I'm so jealous of you guys for who posting is something easy to do. I'm so socially retarded that I very rarely have anything to say and when I do >>1317966 happens.

>> No.1318021

I love to lurk mahjong topics and watch people complain about their shit luck.

because usually it isn't luck

>> No.1318034


lol I'm pretty good at that game.

>> No.1318035

Given that maybe, just maybe this sort of thinking is keeping some people from saying extremely retarded shit, I can't really complain. Still, when that happens, say you were trolling and try to sound clever.

>> No.1318037

Sometimes when I see someone post I start to like him for no apparent reason, giving me the urge to try and get to know him better.

>> No.1318044

Sometimes I troll without even knowing it.
It's fucking amazing.

>> No.1318050

I actually don't like most of the stuff this board covers. I only post here to troll and because I am ronery. Also I play touhou occasionally but I never read any Touhou threads.

>> No.1318053


I do this too.

>> No.1318057

That just means that you are naturally either a jerk or an idiot. Congratulations.

>> No.1318061

I lurked for some months before posting because I didnt wanted to be a nuisance to the boards.

>> No.1318083

Originally when I started going to 4chan I wouldn't post because I felt like I would just look stupid, and despite the fact that this is an anonymous imageboard and I could simply disregard my mistakes I would steel feel stupid about it. Anyway, eventually I just started posting one day and after about a week I didn't have any trouble with it anymore. So now I troll a lot and contribute nothing.

>> No.1318082

Well it doesn't really happen often or at all, but it's still something I and maybe others worry about. I always try to be as relative as possible.

>> No.1318090


cool story, bro

>> No.1318101


Thanks bro

>> No.1318105

I started out on /c/ which used to be about as quiet as a cemetery, so I'm used to not posting anything.

>> No.1318116

i still kind of am, so i usually just post if i really need to ask something or in these kinds of off-topic threads where i get to talk about myself for once.

i was afraid of posting on regular forums years ago though.

>> No.1318133

Stop being scared. I post shit all the time and everyone loves me... At least... I pretend they do. ;_;

>> No.1318143

I'm a jerk I get banned from every forum I go to.

>> No.1318158

My first couple of posts were stupid, and I was yelled at, so I stopped posting for a while. After a bit, I started posting again, though I occasionally do the long post and delete thing mentioned earlier. In fact, I almost just did it again.

>> No.1318173


That's probably the issue. I fucking hate forums. All it is is "Learn to use the search bar, new user, I believe we had a thread about this 3 years ago. Reported" and shit like that. Everyone's so uptight.

>> No.1318179

No I really do love you.

>> No.1318187

I post rarely because I know when to STFU.
And when I post I try to make a quality post.
Unlike this one.

>> No.1318194

Yeah I hate that too.
The only good forums are rule free ones with good posters but every single one I used to visit died.
The sad thing is the last place i got banned from was an imageboard because I called an admin a creepy fuck.

>> No.1318196
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>> No.1318204

I only post if I have something I feel like saying. Usually, this means only in trap threads.

>> No.1318226

>Lily White !DWdJUrHcKI
