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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 127 KB, 665x492, TYPE-MOON_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13144043 No.13144043 [Reply] [Original]

What's /jp/'s opinion of Type-Moon? I don't think I've ever seen discussion of his material on this board.

>> No.13144051

I'm an anime!

>> No.13144071

Don't think feel and you will be tanasinn

>> No.13144073

Shiki can kill servants. Discuss

>> No.13144080

Shiki can't kill anything in the Akasha records.

>> No.13144116

Is saber still being whored out by TM? I don't think I've ever seen another character released, rereleased, and spun off quite as much. Possible exception- Miku

>> No.13144204

The bait is real.

>> No.13144217
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anime stories, written by degenerated manbabies for degenerated manbabies

>> No.13144248

I don't like him.

>> No.13145556

I don't like him either. He's not my type of moon.

>> No.13145686

Nasu needs to get off his lazy ass and actually make VNs again

>> No.13146277

Why doesn't /jp/ like typemoon anymore? 6 years ago this thread would have hit the bump limit in hours

>> No.13146287

Nasu keeps making anime shit and forget his /jp/ audience.

>> No.13146288

That's because you're new. The Jay already discussed all nasu games to death.

>> No.13146292

my first time on jp literally every thread up to page 6 was touhou and typemoon

>> No.13146299
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>> No.13146305
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>> No.13146308

other than the original FSN games there's also fate/hollow ataraxia, fate extra, fate/extra CCC, witch of the holy night, fate/strange fake, fate/grand order, fate/apocrypha, fate/prototype, fate/prototype: fragments, fate/kaleid liner

probably some other stuff too

>> No.13146311

Type-moon is fine as a company. It's nasu who is a useless hack who won't stop milking fate and making anime. He needs to get up and make something original. No grail. No similar characters. No similar powers (meodp). completely New vn. One that's actually good. Everything after fate was shit. Fate had production quality but bad setting/story. Tsukihime had slightly better story than fate in my opinion but mediocre production. Knk was ok though. But then they just stopped being original and milked tsuki and fate and never stopped. And now I'm rambling.

>> No.13146319

Nasu must be a hardworking guy if he's making all these anime.

>> No.13146322

You mean Mahouyoru?

>> No.13146329

Just make Tsukihime 2 already.

Or the game version of Angel Notes, the one with Gun God.

>> No.13146735
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You still like UBW, right /jp/?

>> No.13146752
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Here's the only /jp/ related route.

>> No.13146841
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which Shiki?

this Shiki can

>> No.13146864

Tsukihime: Shiki. KnK Shiki probably can, not sure about MB Shiki(s)

>> No.13147148
File: 78 KB, 1023x576, Left is reminiscent of cel-based animation, right portion reeks of computer-aided animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /jp/ feel about ufotable and Fate

>> No.13147156

It's anime shit and thus not /jp/.

Play the fucking game, nerd.

>> No.13147165

It aged like milk, the translation sucks and it is littered with filler.

>> No.13147174

Yet it is a complete piece of work, with all contents featured and with nothing cut out, unlike any anime adaptation.

>> No.13147181

The CG is irritating.

>> No.13147189

When the emphasis overshifted towards Fate. Might as well rename me it FATE, there is no Type Moon anymore.

>> No.13147190

The prose.

>> No.13147194

I'll be honest, I haven't cared about Type-Moon anything since around 2007. Shit got old fast.

>> No.13147206

What did you end up liking and disliking about it?

>> No.13147303

A lot of things, I guess. It didn't help that a friend of mine was shoving a lot of it down my throat. I couldn't get into anything other than Fate/Stay Night and even with that, I only cared for UBW.

I don't really hate or dislike Type-Moon material, except for Shiki. Really dislike Shiki. Dunno what it is about it, though.

>> No.13147457

They announced Tsukihime Remake at 2008 > They said they'll release it at 2010 > then they have said they want to remake some character design so they cant finish it in 2010 > now we are in 2015 and they still couldn't give us a proper date.

I have bought all typemoon games and lots of goods for supporting them, but I'll never buy any shit from this lazy company again. They dont deserve my money, I will just torrent if they can ever make something new.

>> No.13147471

I fear when the remake comes out, it's gonna be all ages...

If so, there's no point, I'm sticking to the original version.

>> No.13147477

Discussion of english VNs and related material belongs to /vg/.
Read the rules first, newfag.

>> No.13147481

Trying real hard to fit in there

>> No.13147485


What if the reason it keeps getting held up is because of the huge expectations placed on it, and when it does release it will be a VN to be discussed for years?

it's probably vaporware though lol

>> No.13147486

>trying to normalise newfaggotry

>> No.13147487

To be honest I'd be okay with it if they could release the game around 2010-2012. But if they ever make an all ages game with no voice after delaying 8 years, I'm pretty sure everyone would just go mad.

Also there is still nothing except a 2 min PV so most likely remake will not come out in 2015 as well. Well they are too busy with milking ubw animes and there is still a heavens feel movie after that, maybe when they finish all of those shits they can start making motherfucking remake.

>> No.13147491
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The old logo was better.

>> No.13147498

They are holding back because they are busy with animes, nothing more. They were going to release it around 2010, then they got fate zero offer and decided to release after that, then they got offers for ubw and decided to release even after that etc etc.

>> No.13147501

>But if they ever make an all ages game with no voice
Sound like Mahouyoru, though that's an adaptation and not built as a game from the get-go.

I mean, I don't need voices, but all ages is just killer.

>> No.13147504

>I don't think I've ever seen discussion of his material on this board.
I don't usually go yelling around this but by the holy mother of Byakuren you are such a newfag.

>> No.13147507

The purseowner franshise seems more milked as a whole by now.

>> No.13147509

Fuck off buddhist scum.

>> No.13147517

Everyone is raging how mahoyo was all ages but I think they have made the right decision about that. To be honest at least in the first game (it will be a trilogy) there is no space for any h-scene, they just cant force any h-scene into that.

But you just cant make tsukihime all ages, specially kohaku & hisui routes.

>> No.13147525
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>I don't think I've ever seen discussion of his material on this board.

>> No.13147528

>I don't think I've ever seen discussion of his material on this board.
I don't consider myself an oldfag since I'm only here since 2007 but even I know you're full of shit.

>> No.13147531

>I don't think I've ever seen discussion of his material on this board.

It must be a joke.

>> No.13147534

When did Type Moon lose its charm?

>> No.13147535

>>13144043 (OP)
>I don't think I've ever seen discussion of his material on this board.

>> No.13147537

OP, look through the archives and find a thread from 2008-2010 and read through what people said then.

>> No.13147563

>fate/hollow ataraxia, fate extra, fate/extra CCC, witch of the holy night, fate/strange fake, fate/grand order, fate/apocrypha, fate/prototype, fate/prototype: fragments, fate/kaleid liner
Most of which is untranslated, so people aren't able to talk about it.

>> No.13147752

What does Fate (not Tsukihime) inspire the most shitposting, spam and so on? I don't get it.

>> No.13148054
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Fate Franchise is very interesting.

I have a love hate relationship with it honestly. (and this is coming from someone who has spent too much money on the Saber gift figurines, don't fucking judge me you Otaku pricks, they are honestly some of the best looking figma i've ever seen in my life)

My problem with Fate is that it's cool and a fantastic concept, but it is really let down by execution.

I really don't know why people seem to think the writing in Fate is good. The writing in fate is atrocious, it's really, really bad. Big awful and boring exposition sequences, stilted and unnatural dialogue, confusing plots and arcs and motivations and a lot of it really does seem to be edgy for edgy sake.

Also another problem I have with it is the Character design is generally more miss than hit, the Lancer character designs always are fucking dogshit. You would think getting to design unique heroes from history and legend, they would actually come up with some unique concepts and designs that actually somewhat related to where the fuck they came from and who they were.

The thing is, what Fate does right it does right. The action scenes in both the VN and the Anime are fucking awesome, the music is amazing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF29ATE3PTE ) the series and VN has a lot of really on the edge of your seat "OH SHIT" moments.

Honestly, I think people like the CONCEPT of Fate more than the actual quality of the work and for that, people come into it with huge rose tinted glasses. It's a fucking awesome concept, it's really just let down by the quality of the actual work.

>> No.13148161

The remake isn't going to be all ages it just isn't going to have porn.

>> No.13148168

I will call it quit then.

>> No.13148175

That means mana transfer dragon.

>> No.13148195
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Unlike Archer, Shirou will accept that bad things will happen in the future, that he will fail, and that it may be horrible, but he won't regret that fact. He'll let his ideal be a guide instead of a noose.

Like he says, failure isn't the end. If you fail to save someone, you try to save the next person. It's the same mental outlook that rescue people take in fire/police: even if someone dies, it's not your fault, and there's always a chance that you could save someone else. Making up for it is better than collapsing in on yourself with guilt.

Archer: Failure is the end of the dream.
Shirou: Failure is a possibility while pursuing the dream.

>> No.13148200

Who cares, at least they can still mention dismemberment, rape, and Nazis if they want. Unlike Realta Nua.

>> No.13148209

Better show than tell.

And I care because I like Tsukihime's porn scenes.

>> No.13148216

>And I care because I like Tsukihime's porn scenes.
>"haaa hisui, your small breast is sexy..."
>"haa hisui you're so cute..."
>"Wake up please."
Some of them are hilarious, yeah. But sexy isn't the right word.

>> No.13148223

Whatever the reason, I'd rather have them than have not.

>> No.13148232

And who are you quoting, btw?

>> No.13148235

Well, sure.
I like Arcueid's reaction when Shiki tells her he's been fucking her in his dream. That was cute.
But honestly, I feel like I'm collecting pokemon cards when I'm watching these. Skipping over them so that I can get them later in the gallery.

>> No.13148242

>This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels, and light novels without an animated adaptation
>without an animated adaptation
Fuck off from /jp/

>> No.13148244

Have you never read a book in your life? Jokes aside, it'd be cool if they showed some Tsukihime gore, at least Nasu had an excuse because it was a doujin VN. I still remember the scene where SHIKI is cut off in two parts, and his upper part starts running the stairs with his arms while Akiha pursues him. I think it was something like this and it was really creepy to imagine.

>> No.13148246

That ain't a bad thing, if you don't like it, you can skip it.

But leave them for people who appreciate them like me.

>> No.13148248

That part is regarding LNs, you newfag. /jp/ discusses TM since the very beginning.

>> No.13148249

>I still remember the scene where SHIKI is cut off in two parts, and his upper part starts running the stairs with his arms while Akiha pursues him. I think it was something like this and it was really creepy to imagine.
You misswrote "hilarious".

>> No.13148252

Gore isn't really important as the sex scenes to me.

But yeah, sure why not? I love both.

>> No.13148257

No, it isn't. Or you can't understand what "and" means?

>> No.13148259
File: 43 KB, 640x480, Shiki logic at its finest. This man can justify rape..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13148263

It ended up in an ambiguous way because mods can't write and it just shows how new you are because you don't remember why that part was included in the first place.

>> No.13148264

I hope that guy never marry Bluebeard.

>> No.13148265

The comma is there for a reason other than to look pretty.

>> No.13148266
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>> No.13148268

It's alright if you don't get caught though, that's basically the difference between a good criminal and bad criminal.

>> No.13148271

How do you add a dot to a filename?

Inb4 "linux, noob"

>> No.13148273

The mods are illiterate and all this EOP discussion belongs to /vg/.

>> No.13148276

>then aren ' t you just an eyesore
What with the ugly font? Some letters are touching each other, others are too distant.

>> No.13148280
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>> No.13148515

So how do you guys feel about Tsukihime 2 about Satsujinki teaming up with Enhance to hunt vampires?

I think the idea itself is too action-packed, and I wonder how they would deal with the various japanese clans' plotline if they are in Yurop.

>> No.13151932
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>"They combiiiined!"
>"This didn't really need to be Saber, did it?"
>"Why couldn't he just hold it in until FGO?"

>> No.13154159

stop posting pasta faggot

>> No.13154165

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.13154266

Isn't it kool to like Type-Moon anymore?

I mean, we're between Fate/Stay Night seasons, during this time all of the Anime-only faglords have forgotten the show, or the novel that they never read for that matter, even existed.

It's during this time that we have all of the splendor that is Type-Moon funposting all to ourselves.

I would post my favorite Sakura pic. or my favorite cat pic. along with this post if I wasn't on vacations in stupid England and funposting from my families PC.

I kind of miss my PC...

>> No.13155246

Being a gag manga doesn't suddenly make repeating the same joke funny.

>> No.13158984
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>What's /jp/'s opinion of Type-Moon? I don't think I've ever seen discussion of his material on this board.
Wow. /jp/ has come a long way since 2008. Back in the day, there were nearly as many Fate and Tsukihime threads as there were Touhou threads.

>> No.13159000

Post a thread when you get back or something. In the meantime, I hope you're having fun in London.

>> No.13159042

7 years is enough time to move on you know

>> No.13159073

I'm actually in Cambridge, dude.

I'll only be back on April the 11th. I'm counting the days every day, this is some fucked up shit, I'm tellin' you. I miss my 2D porn, man. I really, REALLY miss it.

>> No.13161033

The joke is Type Moon loves money, so they'll keep making Saber clones and rabid otaku will keep on buying figures.

>> No.13161063

Kohaku had a hard life

>> No.13161191

What does /jp/ think of all these new Grail Wars and Fate spin-offs. Did it lose its charm or are you guys waiting for Tsukihime to come back?

>> No.13161195

I never read Fate so I don't care.

I wait for Tsukihime 2, hoping it's not bad.

>> No.13161208

>I never read Fate so I don't care.

What didn't you like about it?

>> No.13161214

Just never care for it I guess.

I'm more into dark gothic setting like Tsukihime, serial killer, family secret and all that.

>> No.13162124

They're "making fun" of Type-Moon for this while actually doing the same thing themselves.

>> No.13165676

Type-Moon was lost when they became enamored with MOAR FATE, ALL THE FATE. Carnival Phantasm was a kick in the crotch to anyone that likes Tsukihime. The fixation with Zero was the most painful nail. Apocrypha was when I really knew we were done. At least Extra had the excuse of being a video game, so you could ignore all the horseshit hand waving.
