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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 125 KB, 853x640, 1424453323311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13139326 No.13139326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity.
It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species.
All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the members of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me.

>> No.13139332

Stop your viral marketing of Hatred.

>> No.13139347

Go back to hell, Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.13139351

Go back to /lit/ with your self loathing

>> No.13139497
File: 2 KB, 358x24, Middle_East_news_-_Telegraph_-_2015-03-03_11.26.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you're jobless. If you were smart, you'd blame...
1.) White people in general
2.) Ze Germans
3.) Jews
4.) Americans
5.) Males in general
6.) Free enterprise
7.) Putin
8.) Man-made global warming (see picture)

You could run a political pressure group or be a party leader and make a fortune, yet you sit here and cry.

>> No.13139526

This was me 5 years ago, now i don't give a fuck. How old are you?

>> No.13139585
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anyone up for a game of mtg?

>> No.13139598


teach me how you stopped giving a fuck

there are days where I want to die

>> No.13139608


You're ranting because deep down you still want to be part of the normies. Stop caring about that and only then you might find true happiness.

>> No.13139659

I went to gensokyo, you should go there too.

>> No.13139692

Well I'll tell you what, that was me 11 years ago, only I tried and half-way succeeded in being a normie living a normie life. Only, I was simply a wolf in normie clothing. So basically, I wasted 7 years. So my feelings are an interesting twist on yours.

That is, I often wish I could go back 11 years or longer and live the life I do now, as I am now, only younger and this time around unburdened by the silly desire to be a normie which honestly sucks anyway.

I'm telling you OP, you aren't missing much. The reason being that the world as it has been, the things were promised are dying anyway. I went chasing a lie, I embraced the dead. A new world is coming which we can only try to predict. Until then, nothing exists but a vacuum.

So anyway, that's why I've felt down lately. So I can relate to you on the depressed front, at least (but it will pass). Most people my age are either sad tools secretly despising every waking day of their normie life, or sad people still chasing the lie ... they wont give up.

Finding a woman my age to simply talk to is almost impossible as all they've got desperate baby rabies as they feel their uterus will soon turn to dust. So they get themselves some hobbies, right? Nope, they desperately try to get any man they can to give them babies, that's their hobby.While the men are broken shells who wait for death.

Live the Otaku life to its fullest, OP. Live it as I do. Live it as if each day were your last .. as one day, it will be.

>> No.13139699

I'm not even sure, I just remember being really edgy, posting on wizchan and /r9k/ all the time etc. Something changed I don't go there anymore, they don't really interest me. Try anime or something, you gotta find an interest that you like and then you live for that hobby.

>> No.13139974

Not OP, but that was the most intelligent, inspirational post I've read on /jp/ all day.

I'm starting to think I have the wrong idea of what a "normie" is. I always believed it included listening to rap/chart music, having a social life, an average IQ, no interest in anything that society doesn't tell them to like.

If you're still here, what is a normie to you?

>> No.13139988

All of your internet has also been at the hands of humanity. Think on.

>> No.13140031

Nah, realizing this just makes it worse

>> No.13141595
File: 38 KB, 180x220, 1425511492559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's ready to commit suicide with me

>> No.13141631

I just fucking hate this world
And the normie scum feasting on it's carcass

>> No.13141640

kill yourself my man.

>> No.13141652

Fuck human beings. Fuck humanity

>> No.13141692

Its gonna be alright brah.
All you to do is gather up some bros and go on a gangbanging spree.

>> No.13141708

I wonder who Elliot Rodger's favorite Touhou might have been.

>> No.13141710


Get out


>> No.13141713
File: 218 KB, 866x960, 1411261632799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a whiny bitch, I sure as hell would cast you out.

If you're so depressed with the idea of being alone, maybe you should go join your waifu. Pic related.

>> No.13141729

I listen to rap music. It's just music. Top 40 shit on the other hand, I can agree with you on that, it just happens that the current trend in pop music is rap/R&B (while earlier it was guitar bands and before that synths and even earlier disco).

>> No.13141745

Hey, I play mtg. But how can we play...

>> No.13141750

i'll be the loli and you can be the dude

>> No.13141754

But where do you live so we can meet up?...
I want to play with my orzhov deck but I have no friends.

>> No.13141756

me and other regulars from one of the forums where he posted (puahate) tried to communicate with him via PMs many times and get him help before he got banned, but he never responded. I suggested getting into anime and manga to distract himself from what he was going through

>> No.13141765

They have ways you can play for free online.

>> No.13141770

Its not the same without eye contact...

>> No.13141777

>making eye contact with anyone ever
normie detected

>> No.13141782

Its a sensual experience, playing mtg is the most sex I've had.

>> No.13141785
File: 326 KB, 1408x2399, nhk_internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, to answer your question: I don't believe that stuff like "normies" exist, simply because the only people who care about that sort of thing are obsessed with being different from the masses.

All the people I know who are "normies" are, on average smarter than I am (especially in mathematics), have very strange choices in music (one guy listens to emo metal and chillstep, one listens to metal, one will only listen to rock-esque (guitar band) music) compared to the norm, and are interested in various things (one asian guy I know lifts, has a collection of Gundam and Yu-Gi-Oh cards, regularly collects AKB48 fan merchandise and also has a 9/10 girlfriend).

Ultimately, "normies" don't exist as that perfect strawman that's always kept you down and prevented you from being the shining star you were destined to be. They do exist as people whose success relative to yours can make you feel like a piece of shit in comparison.

>> No.13141791 [DELETED] 


For what it's worth, I'm a 20 year old virgin who's about to drop out of college after exhausting his college fund (I also just bought my first onahole).

Also, just in case it wasn't clear, I'm the same guy that wrote those two posts, and I'm not the guy who wrote that post you were referring to.

>> No.13141796


For what it's worth, I'm a 20 year old virgin who's about to drop out of college after exhausting his college fund (I also just bought my first onahole).

I'm not >>13139692 btw, just to make that clear.

>> No.13141800


Walked the same road, a friend drugged me to kingdom come on accident, met a dozen alternate me's when I was floating around in the limbo, saw the true depths of infinity. Came back, lived life to the fullest.
>11/10 would pass out for two days again on spirit quest. It ain't for everyone, but growing aware of the depth of reality and sheer physical weight your individual conscious carries helps.

>> No.13141806

You didn't walk any road of mine, normalfag

>> No.13141808

Which drugs?

>> No.13141811

your idea of normie isn't necessarily the same as everyones.
Personally a normie to me is someone who still thinks there is absolute inherent meaning in life and tries to fulfil it often by forcing themselves to do things or act in ways they wouldn't otherwise.

>> No.13141817

Mankind's behavior towards me has only earned my hatred, and rightfully so! I am the true victim in all of this. I am the good guy. Humanity struck at me first by condemning me to experience so much suffering. I didn't ask for this. I didn't want this. I didn't start this war ... I wasn't the one who struck first ... But I will finish it by striking back.


>> No.13141818

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13141822
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Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, all the people I was talking about definitely fulfill that requirement. I don't really see why I have to hate them for what amounts to an ideological difference though.

>> No.13141827


I used to play WoW a lot, but I quit. The main reason was the disturbing new player-base. The game got bigger with every new expansion that was released, and as it got bigger, it brought in a vast amount of new players. I noticed that more and more “normal” people who had active and pleasurable social lives were starting to play the game, as the new changes catered to such a crowd. WoW no longer became a sanctuary where I could hide from the evils of the world, because the evils of the world had now followed me there. I saw people bragging online about their sexual experiences with girls... and they used the term “virgin” as an insult to people who were more immersed in the game than them. The insult stung, because it was true. Us virgins did tend to get more immersed in such things, because our real lives were lacking. I couldn’t stand to play WoW knowing that my enemies, the people I hate and envy so much for having sexual lives, were now playing the same game as me. There was no point anymore. I realized what a terrible mistake I made to turn my back on the world again. The world is brutal, and I need to fight for my place in it. My life was at a crucial turning point, and I couldn’t waste any more precious time.

>> No.13141839
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>> No.13141863

But 4chan taught me that the best way to con big bucks from rubes is to blame all my problems on niggers, feminists, and jews!

>> No.13141874

That's just /pol/.

If you were a /jp/sie, you could have blamed mental disabilities and claim that hand-out liberal autismbux.

Liberals love autists, especially the politically correct kinds.

>> No.13141877

Well, that's on you to decide if it's easier to con liberals or conservatives. Protip: they're both retarded.

>> No.13141885

Wow, I just checked out SICP from the library for the first time, and when I come back to post on the jay I find this thread! It's almost as if /prog/ wasn't brutally murdered by moot exactly one year ago...

>> No.13141887

You don't have to. The fact that the word is so ill-defined is probably why it's used so much. That was my own personal definition, but everyone probably has their own.

Perhaps a better definition is that 'normie' is just a word used by people who deem themselves to be outcast by some 'normal' majority, and anyone who isn't equally as outcast as them for the same reasons is a 'normie'.
It's kind of funny to think of it this way and look back at my post >>13141777 since I have trouble with eye contact. So I guess basically 'normies' are just everyone's personal boogeyman.

>> No.13141889
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1414546585657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have autismbrain
>talk to psyworker
>she tells me about "triggers"
>i'm thinking "are you for real, like what those sjws have when they get ``triggered''"
>mfw this is literally brainwashing and i was in a brainwashing session
>they want to turn me into a selective social drone who holds their opinions in high esteem and disregard/violently oppose anybody who triggers me

holy fuck

>> No.13141890

Conservatives don't give no autismbux no.

They would protect your rights but never give hand-outs.

>> No.13141895

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13141898

Yeah, if I wanted to live in Somalia I'd go there.

On the other hand, I don't want to live in Sweden either.

>> No.13141899

Conservatives give "donations"

>> No.13141901

my diary
>mfw i was told to keep a diary like some kind of queer prancing lalaboy
>i'm actually doing it

is it the drugs or what holy fuck

>> No.13141902

Donations are by definition out of goodwill.

Autismbux is from taxes.

>> No.13141904

Wow uh, you kind of took that entirely the wrong way.

Unless you were actually trying to sound like a paranoid weirdo for welfare, in which case you did a great job.

>> No.13141908

If you live in the blue states, it's no different than Sweden unless it's those northern states like Vermont or New Hampshire with good gun laws.

>> No.13141910

Even on /jp/, the libs persist.

>> No.13141915

I appreciate you fighting the good fight against the liberal dronering but you must follow /jp/'s etiquette.

>> No.13141917

What about the Pacific Northwest? I plan to move there once I get out of the hellhole that is Canada.

I'm not going anywhere near the East Coast.

Basically my priorities for a state are:
- Less people
- Guns allowed
- Weed allowed

>> No.13141923

kindly reminder that if you're going to post in a shitty blog thread you should at least have the decency to sage it

>> No.13141926

good lord. http://www.helpguide.org/articles/ptsd-trauma/emotional-and-psychological-trauma.htm

I mean, you're seeing a psych worker so you're probably crazy anyway, but at least don't fight the people trying to help you.

>> No.13141930

Fucking Tumblr, man. It's raising a generation of pussies who can't handle hearing an opinion other than theirs, and complain about bullshit that no rational human being would ever worry about.

>have autismbrain
You're an autist too, eh? Cool, cool. But, how does that relate to lines 3 and below?

>> No.13141931
File: 47 KB, 335x335, 1407179668705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catching on to their evil brainwashing is not paranoia

they want me to become an emotional beast, leaving behind logic and succumbing to my base desires, which is exactly what 100% of normies are. you have no idea how many times they have told me to "stop thinking". i can't make this shit up. they have worksheets upon worksheets of telling me to log down everything i do, while simultaneously enforcing C&D on my thoughts. what is that if not complete brainwashing

my apologies milord

>> No.13141934

I have a feeling that you're fixated on one type of con (likely public services fraud). I'm referring to charities fraud, which is an extremely lucrative way to dupe conservatives into donating to your "cause."

For instance, say I were to set up a "Liberty Frontier USA" political committee, with the stated aim of buying ads to fight democrats in my home state. I then rent out a mailing list (you're probably on at least one) and send out e-mail blasts soliciting donations from millions of conservatives. Or I could spend a bit more and send out direct mail solicitations.

I would then take all those donations and spend about >10% on advertisements. Most everything else would be spent on more fundraising or remunerating myself for my services to the PAC. All perfectly legal under American law. Even Colbert did this a while back.

>> No.13141941

sup ron paul. Also you forgot the part where you start up several MLM schemes selling homeschooling materials and revisionist history books (because AMERICA is the GREATEST) so you can grow your customer base.

>> No.13141943

Sounds like a real job, too much work.

>> No.13141947

In case you're skeptical (I understand) here are some sources that back up my claims.

>> No.13141948

You sound like you're a little wound up. Are you afraid of your base desires?

>> No.13141955

No, no, you just get some intern to write this shit for you, weren't you paying attention in Neocon 101? Irving Kristol is disappointed in you.

>> No.13141960

It is practically the same as MMORPG farming, except for real money.

The cognitive dissonance is strong

>> No.13141972

Ron Paul actually did this though. Also, I'm not sure where I was cognitively dissonant. Could you point that out to me?


>> No.13141984

>I'm not sure where I was cognitively dissonant
that's the whole fucking point nerdtron

>> No.13141986
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you probably have no idea how dangerous base desires can be, especially when they run your life. you become impulsive, emotional and irrational. the only way out of the loop is a logical approach. yes, i am a little afraid of them

>> No.13141993

Sounds to me like you need a psych worker.

>> No.13141998


So are you actually going to refute any of my points or prove me wrong? Or are you just going to fly into an impotent rage over the internet?

>> No.13142005

i'm not afraid of myself and my base desires, i'm afraid of people who run on their base desires. especially when they become hysterical, there's no stopping their bloodlust. they become a destructive, horrifying force and you can't stop but wonder if they're the same species as you.

>> No.13142015

In elementary school, sometimes the class would get totally out of control and you'd have 25-odd kids running around and screaming their heads off. It was kind of scary, to a kid. In these situations I had no idea what to do, and would just sort of sit there looking around.

That stopped when I graduated from elementary school though.

I do notice some people tend to run on emotions and are really impulsive, and this tends to be exacerbated when they're under the influence. Normally, however, most adult people don't act like that, even if they turn into gibbering loons when drunk.

>> No.13142019


>> No.13142021
File: 18 KB, 450x300, 1404461825772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I recognize that quote

>> No.13142026
File: 2.00 MB, 299x199, DebqbAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a cute animal so you can calm down.

Feel better?

>> No.13142034

it's like i really am on /gnfos/

>> No.13142039

only supreme gentlemen would know

>> No.13142053

This guy isnt bad looking, i'd let him fuck me. Was he autistic?

>> No.13142055

>Try anime or something, you gotta find an interest that you like and then you live for that hobby.
this so fucking much. you need something to obsess over

>> No.13142058

no one cared about him until he put on the mask...

>> No.13142076
File: 51 KB, 875x819, 1510877_1543285759289812_2273168125310914880_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

existentialism is the cure for apathy guys

not even joking

>> No.13142103

He doesn't need no help if he can still post on /jp/.

Fuck off normies.

>> No.13142106

That's a con but it still relies on goodwill.

Liberal's con is made into laws and enforced by the states.

>> No.13142129
File: 268 KB, 1361x660, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefox crashed just as I started reading that bottom left panel. Shit was spooky.

>> No.13142140

also, where should I start. I didn't really understand the pic.

>> No.13142143

right to left
it's a psychology thing

>> No.13142153

i meant left to right

>> No.13142154

I meant with existentialism, but reading the pic from right to left just makes it even more confusing.

>> No.13142182

was a bad example honestly, it's from a guy who draws psychological and philosophical art as fish comics using Freudian humor, understandably confusing out of context. oops

>> No.13142322

*rolls eyes*

>> No.13142326
File: 41 KB, 550x420, New-era-59fifty-hansin-tigers-fitted-baseball-cap_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they got rid of you guys, honestly.

I just got back from Japan, it was still fun.

If I hadn't seen this place I would have been awful. They're so nice, and honest.

I was only there to see if I would play for the Hanshin Tigers. I loved them!

Nobody told me that they had so much support for baseball. I feel loved.

Hanshin tigers will destroy.

>> No.13142339

You browse /jp/ regularly and you didn't know the nips love baseball?

>> No.13142365


I don't browse it at all since five months ago.

Their league is more reasonable at this point. My legs are still faster than anybody in the Japanese league but my rotator cuff is done.

>> No.13142371

He really wasn't, but he was beyond autistic.
I remember the thing where he thew his latte on some couple because he was jealous then ran away.

>> No.13142529

You have no value, stop liyng to yourself and accep it, open up a new tab, search for the current anime season. There are some good titles.

>> No.13142546

You mean spring right? Winter is shit, and also nearly done.

>> No.13142583

Pls don't discuss japanimation on /jp/.

Unless it's /jp/ related of course.

>> No.13142592
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>talking about mongolian fingerpainting on an armenian claymation board

What has happened to my four channels

>> No.13142644

Wasn't planning to, just giving advice to OP. Which for all I know is no longer here.
Once you are casted away its hard to get back, the other day I found myself looking at highschool pictures and thought about commiting sudoku for the first time in months, it took 2 litters of Dr. Pepper and a rewatch of School Rumble to get back on my feet.

>> No.13142652

It's who you are quoting that happened.

>> No.13142667

>What is love
>Baby don't hurt me
>Don't hurt me
>No more

>> No.13142706

Ah, you are quoting that song!

>> No.13143478

i'm the universe

>> No.13143630

I was expecting a mtg game over cockatrice

Way to disappoint anon

>> No.13143634

I never switched to Cockatrice when everyone else quit Magic Workstation. I am always overwhelmed by an oppressive feeling that the interface looks like shit.

>> No.13143706

It got better
Not much, but still technically better

>> No.13144101

Will Hatred be modable? Touhous aside It would be pretty funny to replace the emo character with Elliot...
