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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13108503 No.13108503 [Reply] [Original]

Why is like no anime adaptation visually faithful to their VN source? Sure, you have to change material when making adaptation, but making characters look bland and generic stands out like a sore thumb.

>> No.13108506

>bland and generic
these are just buzzwords at this point, come up with a valid complaint

>> No.13108517

? The VN CG is quite colorful with distinctive featues which are missing in anime. It looks like a funeral tape.

>> No.13108523

>Sure, you have to change material when making adaptation, but making characters look bland and generic stands out like a sore thumb.
The more generic they are, the easier to draw they, the less expensive it is to make the anime.

>> No.13108527

You want them to sell the Blu Rays at 100k yen a piece? Who's going to buy those, you? Kek

>> No.13108589

It doesn't have to be perfectly detailed, but I'd expect similar color scheme/filters/style, but I digress, chinese kids are nowadays expensive to hire and average anime viewer won't care as the main appeal is story/characters.

>> No.13108613

what about when the vn is worse drawn?

>> No.13108614

Because who cares VNs are shit to begin with so there's no that much of a difference.
And weeb will watch the adaptation anyway too.

>> No.13108652

the vn just has a bunch of shitty photoshop filters thrown on everything to distract you from realizing the art isn't actually that good

>> No.13108733

Celeb17 looks sad, melancholic, depressed in the anime, whereas in the VN she looks excited and very eager to lecture. That's a huge difference with her character.

>> No.13108752

>he was just complaining about designs and not the actual character
No shit, CG doesn't have to move.

>> No.13108755

Because anime adaptation is always an afterthought, meant to advertise the game and nothing more.

>> No.13108770

I would love to watch an anime using the original higurashi sprites

>> No.13109475
File: 265 KB, 443x525, 1424817601130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT fuckbrains whine that animated shows have less fine detail than cg

IQ in /jp/ dropped dramatically these past few weeks.

>> No.13109597

something tells me the iq drop happens when the massive posting influx at, ironically, 3-5pm happens every day
some neet life huh faggots

>> No.13109966

What about Kanon/Clannad?

>> No.13110264

To be fair, the anime did have some serious moments of QUALITY

>> No.13110405

Try no being a litle shit and know anything about the real world and then you will notice that making a still low detail image in anime style and then putting a filter over it is nothing compared to animating.

>> No.13110441

To sum up your point "It's made differently therefore it has to look nothing alike", K

>> No.13110487

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animation Go nuts dear mastertroll.

>> No.13110679

>claims I know nothing
>doesn't actually ellaborate anything
10/10 arguments, you really showed me with that wiki article

>> No.13110694

Not every anime has the budget and quality of Hyouka or Eva Rebuild.

>> No.13110704

budget doesn't have shit to do with it, you're pulling that out of your ass to sound knowledgable and you can't prove yourself because anime budgets aren't public information

fuck off

>> No.13110857

What about Umineko that was faithful since Ryukishi kept a close eye on DEEN.

>> No.13110900

At least he can use proper punctuation, unlike you.

>> No.13110909

>bland and generic
Because anime isn't made by a single person.
You have to make it easy to draw. So bland and generic is the way to go. As a character desginer, you have make it so 20person can copy them and maintain a consistent style.

>> No.13110912

That's pretty much what >>13108523 said, but OP is just butthurt and ignore everything said to him.

>> No.13111632

Yes, sure, I never wrote anything about the main part being the characters and plot, so the animation doesn't matter as much. Nah, that wouldn't be me

>> No.13111901

shut your butt

>> No.13111916

Look who's writing

>> No.13111932

shut your butt hahaha

>> No.13111950

That's when the NEETs wake up.

>> No.13111967

Who NEET here?

>> No.13111986
File: 768 KB, 1280x720, [Anime-Koi] Sabagebu! - 06 [h264-720p][ABB3728A].mkv_snapshot_08.29_[2015.02.27_12.12.53].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a NEET here

>> No.13112023

Get a fucking job.

>> No.13112063

really believable

>> No.13114671

I think that was more just that Umineko was animated by DEEN...

>> No.13119534

Sure if you can get all that detail while making 12-24 frames of key animation per second, without the budget of Gainax or Shaft, for 24 episodes, then please share how.

>> No.13119543

I like the dull simmering feel that the anime brings to Akihabara. Really strikes your senses as how it would feel like in real life.

>> No.13120788

Because anime is cheap garbage for shit eaters
