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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 690 KB, 2000x2000, 165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13107341 No.13107341 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread: >>13037758

>> No.13107359

>Action Doujin
I don't think you know what's the meaning of doujin, subhum/a/n-san

>> No.13107375 [SPOILER] 
File: 785 KB, 800x600, 1424972448568.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13107436

That's a horrible clipping issue you've got there, anon.

>> No.13107463

Wasn't this already posted somewhere?

>> No.13107470

Last thread.

>> No.13107478

It's impossible to have two models touching without having clipping issues.

>> No.13107555

someday i'll draw for you

but not today.

>> No.13107660

First, that's completely false.
Second, even if it were true it's still no excuse for such horribly obvious clipping.

>> No.13107665

Oh, my turn to spew bullshit without proving it!
>Elvis is still alive.

>> No.13107680

Clipping can be easily prevented with collision detection algorithms. Which aren't anything approaching new.

>> No.13107730

Are there good ways to do that without injecting into MMD?

>> No.13107732

Sounds like something I could do in Bender. But then the models makers would crucify me for not using their models in MMD only.

>> No.13107811

Hey that's my character. looks pretty cool with the hairstyle redesign

>> No.13107870

>It's impossible to have two models touching without having clipping issues.
Your reality must be pretty shitty. But hey, it's your fault for turning down help!

>> No.13107877

I totally look forward to your help, Tourette Guy.

>> No.13107882

He's just being lazy. In most cases you don't even have to add new physics, just move bones attached to the clothes alonside the arm motions. If you don't even want to do that, you can just use careful camera positioning and clever cutting. More things he could have learned, if only he had listened.

>> No.13107884

Where's your 3D game?

>> No.13107896

Drop the third person when you're talking to me.

And no, I don't want to use "careful camera positioning". The main focus of the movie is Nue's ass, and unlike you, I don't want to cover my mistake to make an autist feel better. If that webm bothers you, too bad.

>in most cases
So you don't know anything, you're just supposing. I should've expected that, all talk, nothing useful.

>> No.13107931

I've finally bought my first painting set. But boy am I bad at it. Does anyone have a good place/tips to start with oil painting?

>> No.13107939

I don't think Internet can really help you for that. Try to find a local club.

>> No.13107977

You'd have to have animation software that was built to include anti-clipping measures. You'd want to ask /3/, I'm not really an expert on what software does what. I do know that Autodesk Inventor warns on clipping, and would imagine that similar 3dCAD software would do likewise, but that's drafting and design software, not cute girl animation software.

It's not a technically difficult task, all you have to do is check for collision each frame of the animation and spew an error/warning message if there's overlap. It just significantly increases the amount of processing required, since you have to check collision using the actual geometry instead of just putting invisible boxes around things and seeing if those intersect.

>> No.13107995

>You'd have to have animation software that was built to include anti-clipping measures
So in other words, getting crucified by the people who made the models, given how anal they are about people misusing them.

People I should just give up on animation and learn to draw.

>> No.13108010

I can't wait. Next you'll blame the guys who invented pencils, scanners, and your editing software.

>> No.13108043

It's just a fact of MMD animation that avoiding clipping is hard. Yes, if they changed the software they were using, they could avoid this problem (obviously you can manually avoid it in MMD if you do work), but it's an MMD animation involving contact - it's only going to be so great.

>> No.13108367

>that childish bait

Manually animating every frame in MMD is tedious for a pretty lame result. You can trust me, I tried. It just doesn't look good.

>> No.13108404

>he still hasn't put on a name
>he's still replying
>he thinks you have to edit frames manually

>> No.13108730

When I'm starting I get into some sort of echo chamber in which my thoughts go on and on ruminating over everything.

For me it is literally impossible to draw unless I'm listen to music or a movie, else my mind voice turns into a self flagelating cacophony. Does anyone else shares this problem?

>> No.13108737

Does anybody happen to have any of the archived threads from the old repository saved that they wouldn't mind uploading?

>> No.13108872

No. How about http://simplynoise.com ?
I enjoy listening to Pink Noise sometimes.

>> No.13108934

It's annoying, isn't it? It's even more annoying when you put on a song, but the lyrics end up distracting you, so you put an instrumental song, and you end up distracted anyway.

Nice quotation newfriend.

>> No.13108954

These threads are a lot more fun with you around, friend. There has to be something I can say that you won't respond to.
Who's going to star in your next spanking CLIP?

>> No.13109609

Extremely smug anime girls

>> No.13109771
File: 227 KB, 743x587, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /jp/. 2 months ago I had posted this for critique and the feedback I received was to fix her jaw/mouth and arms. I tried to make said corrections but have failed; Didn't have time to work/improve on the sketch since then until now. I was wondering if any experts here can demonstrate that for me visually? Would be grateful.

>> No.13110348
File: 127 KB, 793x783, there was an attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13110951

Who are you quoting, newfriend?

>> No.13110962

Sorry to burst in like that, but is it possible to request artworks here?
To be more accurate, I'm looking for backgrounds for a small game. There should be at least ten, maybe elevent different backgrounds. All inspired by Touhou.
If someone's interested, here's the list :
>Human Village
>Myouren Temple (inside, out, and if possible the back)
>Hakurei Shrine (outside)
>Senkai (inside&outside)
>Kourindou (inside)
>a dirt road for general purposes
>the sky.
If you can't or don't want to help, it's okay.

>> No.13110966

Fly, pleeeeeassssseeeee finish that Nitori story. I can't take it easy like this!

>> No.13111070

This is a thread for posting OC, not requesting it like pizza delivery. If you want to share your game, fine, then maybe someone might be interested to help.

Wow, this is still going on? The best way to improve is finishing stuff, even if it's not perfect, so you can move on and keep practicing. Lineart this stuff before it expires, then you can do some minor corrections.

>> No.13111169

OP images like this should be made more often.
/jp/ OC city.

>> No.13111567
File: 110 KB, 700x394, random58.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13111594 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse quoting function.

>> No.13111721 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 2550x3300, kirara_ridingstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13111726
File: 762 KB, 1468x1900, kirara_ridingstarresize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13111737

Here's a song I made just over a year ago.


>> No.13111853
File: 61 KB, 301x572, maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13112211

I like

>> No.13112493
File: 383 KB, 500x707, dress_static.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried today, jp. Made an ugoira: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49003232

>> No.13112552

hows art school treating you?

>> No.13112654

>/v/ forced consolewar meme
I was expecting better from you. guess I was wrong

>> No.13112719

I was expecting that people are cool like me but they just aren't. Welcome to my world, now get out.

>> No.13112733

what is an ugoira?

you mean an animated gif?

>> No.13112740

I was directed here from a drawthread. I'm not on jp often, but right now I'm on the quest for a picture of Saber making the Awoo~ face. I've searched all over and can't find one, nor will anyone fulfill the request. I was hoping someone here could.

>> No.13112765

I'm sorry, but this isn't a request thread. People just come here to post their art, and get harassed and insulted.
There's no request system, so don't get your hopes up.

>> No.13112771

This isnt a request thread, its an OC thread.

>> No.13112779

Kk. Snice your probably more familiar here than I am, are there usuallyany request threads running?

>> No.13112789

on /jp/? no.

Try the draw threads on /a/ or /v/
you could even try /i/ if you want

>> No.13112793

a zip archive, with each frame as a separate jpg. displayed as an animation.

>> No.13112803

sounds like a more complex version of an animated gif.

>> No.13112808

yeah, that or animated png since that one's also a container for separate frames made out of single pngs.

>> No.13112817

So whats the point.

>> No.13112823

Better quality than gifs.
Not that you would know.

Also makes it harder for filthy westerners to steal pictures and repost them on deviantart.

>> No.13112843

Oh i see its like DRM for drawings, go figure someone who signs their work would go as far as to do that. I bet he's one of those people who doesnt let folks save their pics on their blog and asks people to buy his "prints"

>> No.13112856

downloading them is a piece of cake, the main problem is probably reassembling them into something boorus will understand, which is pretty much just gif, with its 256 color limit vs ugoira's 24 bit compression artifact-ridden jpg per frame.

i think it's just japan being backwards as usual. there's a perfectly fine gif or apng, but instead they reinvent the wheel, except it's square shaped.

that and don't you need to subscribe to use animated formats?

>> No.13113009

>open source

Now you admit to being an assfag who knows nothing about spanking. It just keeps getting better.

>> No.13113373

I know you of all people know that goddamn dress is blue and black.

>> No.13113402


>> No.13113443

Nice strawmanning.

>> No.13113576 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 1425084327597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someon

>> No.13113586


>> No.13113595

What makes you think that? Most painters are borderline colorblind.

>> No.13114393

>still no page 4 to nitori story
literally hitler

>> No.13114418

Is that related to toy story?

>> No.13114491
File: 2.81 MB, 4000x4000, 1 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought copying images by hand would help develop perspective

so far it's just making copying better

where do I go from here

>> No.13114515

work on learning how to under draw, copying can only take you so far. Learning under drawing a proper planning will allow you to draw your own stuff and you wont need to copy poses.

>> No.13114566

Thank you!

Thanks for the advice. Will try to follow through.

Yunyaaaa~~! Running away!

>> No.13114666

How do I start making music? I don't know how to play any instruments well

>> No.13114679
File: 572 B, 300x300, Cirno Tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13114681
File: 4 KB, 180x200, wintertree.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13114718

You may not believe me, but there a lot very decent animators for MMD.

Really, you are making a fool out of yourself. Everything people told you is true, at least everything I see. You should just accept that. Either you invest some time into learning how to animate decently or you don't - If its the latter though, don't complain when people tell you it's shit.

>> No.13114747

She looks like a dork, just... you know, in a really cute way.
Does she have white hair?

>> No.13114755

I never gave any thought to her hair color. White is a good guess though, either that or blonde.
She does look like a dork doesnt she?, i love that. very bullyable. Thanks.

>> No.13114775

We're up to four submissions now, which marks something like the half-way, near-half-way mark for the album project.

The tracks that have been submitted can be found here - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6lnmxfkfspb5p2g/AACNLrD6VVRnlgoXxOaTQ9uda?dl=0

If you want to contribute to the project, you can email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com. I can invite you to the dropbox or you can send me your work directly. You can, alternatively, post your work here and then I'll upload it to the dropbox. Just make sure to tack a message on that says that its for the project.

We're accepting music contributions as well a art for the album cover.

Take it easy.

>> No.13114827

I asked this two threads ago or so, but are vocaloid covers of western songs okay?

>> No.13114843


>> No.13114848
File: 397 KB, 1000x1000, cover - souji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the /jp/ music compilation 1, but don't know where 2 can be found. Link where?

>> No.13114883

Hang on I'll just upload it. There isn't a link because the organizer took it down, but I downloaded the album so I'll put it up somewhere.

>> No.13114907
File: 485 KB, 1040x1800, 1397090029647 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.13115027

Here you go:

On an unrelated note, the fuck's happened to mediafire? I couldn't figure out how to upload shit anymore.

>> No.13115205

Talking again out of your ass and contradicting yourself.

>> No.13116337
File: 949 KB, 1414x2000, New Canvas8 color 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, any references to recommend?

you don't need to play well to make good music
it helps sure, but just pick up a daw and start learning basic theory and you're well on your way

>> No.13116388

>anonymous is one person
If this place is so awful and everyone is out to get you and no one knows anything or can work together, why do you still post? Attention?

How to fix /jp/
Everyone use a name
Everyone use a trip

>> No.13116397

>If this place is so awful and everyone is out to get you and no one knows anything or can work together, why do you still post? Attention?
Says the one who keep replying to every post.

>> No.13116412

>replying to a seven hours old post
>"p-please answer"

>> No.13116568

I like this stuff, it's so sketchy but solid!

I'm not even involved in this discussion but you are ruining the thread because of a 15-frame long animation that was REPOSTED in here. Stop that, fags.

Organizer-san, did you notice you are on OP's drawing?

Awful instrumentation, but really something that could be developed into proper music with the right VSTs and some pan corrections.

>> No.13116693

I would suggest some of glen vilppu's videos on gestures, anatomy etc. you can find a torrent of a bunch of his instructional videos. they're pretty helpful and you can apply what you've learned to animu stuff.

>> No.13117299

Hmm? No. And looking at it again, I can't see it. Is it the text "Relase date: NEVER"?

>> No.13117477
File: 741 KB, 999x900, sketchbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried today, /jp/. Trying to lean towards less animu styles.

I've been seeing it white and gold all the while. My eyes are ruined so no surprises here.

>> No.13117507

gotta draw more memes

>> No.13117997
File: 63 KB, 448x633, 022815 dbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13118029

dbag? more like fboi

>> No.13118109

Where can you get 1 from still?

>> No.13118116


I want to bed with him

>> No.13118118

Do you think he has a virgin anus?

>> No.13118448

What I go on /jp/ for reminds me of the old days for some reason.

I really want to post my lewd art for everyone but I need to get a new tablet .. some day.

>> No.13119740

Figured I may as well ask for some tips on recording stuff since I am new to the field but would like to contribute to >>13114775
but don't have a PC at the moment, so I got enough time to educate myself.
I plan on recording with both my guitar and midi-piano.
Guitar recording is my main issue here, it sounds very muddy.
I searched around and found out that turning the lows down and the highs up is a common trick and I totally forgot about high-pass filters, so I'm gonna use those as well. Next thing I'll do is buying a bass guitar, but does anyone here have anymore recording tips?
I think I am fairly capable in arranging and composing, so any tips on production and mastering are welcome, as well as links to tutorials and stuff, there are so many out there I don't know which are good.

>> No.13120088

I would like to help, but I only know and use a DAW to make music. I don't even know how to play an instrument. I how you find someone to help you out, though.

I don't actually go there so I'm not sure, but you might visit /mu/ to ask general stuff there. Don't know how they'll react, but I'm sure you'll to get a more positive reaction if you _don't_ say you're from /jp/ than if you do.

>> No.13120374

Sounds reasonable, but /mu/ is kinda meh to be honest. I'd rather not visit there for various reasons.
Still, I got some friends that do music so I'll ask them as well.

What DAW do you guys use?
I use Reaper for guitar recordibg and Magix Music Maker for everythibg else, which is said to be beginner friendly but nothing special.
I'd like to get Cubase but money is tight and I am too much of a whimp to pirate.

>> No.13120752

>whimp to pirate
HEH. Get ready to spend all your money on VSTs then.

I use FLStudio, it works almost exactly how I see music, in tiny loop blocks you can mess around with. But I'm also a DAW-only anon, no instruments for me.

Have had some experience with Reaper, Audacity, Vegas and Modplug Tracker, Reaper is quite good for dealing with recording and samples, I just don't buy the clumsy FX system.

>> No.13121953
File: 28 KB, 507x720, 3453453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest draw

>> No.13122021

post lewds.

>> No.13122057
File: 40 KB, 474x960, 5456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13122187

I'm the same as >>13120752

Only FLStudio. The built-in sound banks range from not very good to quite good enough but thankfully, you can install VSTs, soundfonts, external sounds (like mp3s) and the like.

>> No.13122354

I use Reaper because it's the only one that's not a resource hog. Not that it really matters, it's all about the work flow.

>> No.13123032

Do you have any good chiptune vst?
I use DSK vsti for medieval stuff and it's awesome for something cheap, but can't find nice chiptune sounds.

>> No.13123083

Not really, since I don't really use chiptunes that much. For the beepy sounds, I usually just use either Harmor or Hamless (I can't tell which is which) that comes with FLStudio.

>> No.13123095

I have downloaded a few, but the only one I see myself reutilizing often is Bleep.

I hope someone recommends something, though. I enjoy chiptune and doing some with good tools would be fun.

>> No.13123453

I heard chipsounds is supposed to be the best outside of real hardware.

I don't do anything chiptune related though so I wouldn't know for sure

>> No.13123672
File: 471 KB, 960x540, maidgame_0024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/sies you can try a really early build of the game, there's only one enemy and a few attacks (still using placeholders)

-You can launch the enemy in the air with Up + Attack when it's not attacking
-Press A to parry its attacks if you can time it right
-Xbox controller should already be configured
-It has a lot of health so it might take a while to kill
-You can rebind keys from the main menu


>> No.13123690


>> No.13123697
File: 107 KB, 300x462, meido_sketchb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played around with the idea of making Meido a secret playable character you get by using a cheat code, but don't tell anyone.

>> No.13123719

>The program can't start because d3dx9_43 is missing from yor computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem
brb, gensokyo ;_;

>> No.13123752 [DELETED] 

Not my stuff, but lots of original content I could totally see coming from Japan. Its all kawaii and fetishy right?


>> No.13123804
File: 224 KB, 640x481, 1322328943379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13123885


>> No.13123961
File: 106 KB, 600x847, parkacensored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christian board etc.

>> No.13123996

jaysus chrahss almahdy

>> No.13124346


seriously, her face is really weird.

>> No.13124377

Try magical 8bit plug for NES instrumentation, VOPM for genesis style FM stuff and if you have a fetish for the snes like I do there are a whole bunch of soundbanks from various games out there, typically in sf2 format. Not sure about other stuff.

>> No.13124706

Whoa, thanks dude. Much appreciated.

I don't think it's a girl to be honest.

>> No.13124735

I actually don't have any preference for consoles or style, as long as it sounds chiptunish. Thanks for these, I'll surely give them a look.

It's a bit too repetitive.

The CDCGA, CDCGA etc. etc. bit.

Try making the second sequence a bit different to add movement. Quick example:


This looks like the head of that 2yo from Totoro attached to Chihiro's body. Spoopy.

>> No.13124837

/jp/ should form a doujin circle for music

>> No.13124935

It should make a dedicated thread for music making so these circlejerkers can stop annoy people here who isn't interested in their crap

>> No.13124953

You should post OC or GTFO.

>> No.13124954

Yeah, this 4chan is an imageboard not a soundboard.

>> No.13124955

Nice shitposting.

>> No.13126367

Do you have the DirectX9 runtime installed? If not you need to download them
It also ran good in a Windows XP VM for me if you'd prefer that

>> No.13128153
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x1600, self portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you kiss it?

>> No.13128217

>self portrait
Somehow, my gut's telling me that might be... slightly off.

>> No.13128268

self portraits on /jp/ aren't about the flesh bags we're stuck in until we die, but how our true selves look like after we rid ourselves of the earthly bodies after death.

>> No.13128293

lol music project dead

>> No.13128322

youre ugly even in 2d

>> No.13128365

I would actually like to see what would happen if /jp/ made a compilation album and sold it at M-3, Reitaisai or Comiket.

>> No.13128380

that's not mine, i was just passing by and chimed in.

>> No.13128551
File: 1.48 MB, 1600x1600, angry portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're mean.

>> No.13128657

One dude would make money and the rest of the contributors not.

>> No.13128922
File: 98 KB, 600x600, 20150223d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.13129006

No electronics this time. Orchestra only. Final Destination.


>> No.13129059

thanks for the boobs ham

now draw a boy!

>> No.13129605

I like it

>> No.13129790

Pretty girl is pretty

>> No.13129801

Dat smug though. Doesn't sound like a pure girl to me.

>> No.13130094

She's pure, she just knows how pretty she is and that you're checking her out!

>> No.13131051

I'll check it out this weekend. Well done making it this far, anon.

>> No.13131123

Ham pretty girls~♪

>> No.13131151

She looks like a granny. It doesn't look cute to me at all. Okay, maybe it's cute in a cute grandmother way but I'm not really into that. I think the reason why her face looks old and wrinkly is because of the distance between her eyes and nose.

>> No.13131159

You seem to be wandering aimlessly with the notes at times, I know because I do it too.
This is not wrong, but not very memorable. Try creating phrases that connect somehow onto another, instead of just fiddling up and down, you'll notice a significant boost in "wholesomeness".

>> No.13131202

i made an album, /jp/!


i think i've only posted my music here only once. this one is not very "/jp/." maybe a hint here or there. the next release will be much more proper. at any rate, i hope these smears will help you take it easy.

>> No.13131270
File: 547 KB, 2550x3501, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13131346

Is that Reimu or the same girl you always draw cosplaying as Reimu?

>> No.13131377

Same girl I always draw cosplaying as Reimu?
I don't know what you're talking about the past drawings didn't even look remotely like Reimu.
Anyway here's a drawing i've been working on for a while:


>> No.13131382

lewd! too lewd!

>> No.13131390

[the same girl you always draw], cosplaying as Reimu(this time).

It has the same face as all the other drawings.

So does that Kagami, for that matter.

>> No.13131397

I can't please everyone.
I drew Reimu it's not a cosplay.

>> No.13131822
File: 140 KB, 640x700, yhwh_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13132241

A hip-hop-y sketch.

I will probably turn this into something more orchestral later, but the beats will have to go.

For now, to the fridge it goes.

>> No.13132599

I disagree, she is very cute.

I want to lie on her lap and have my head patted by her. Her hands look like they would be really warm and soft.

>> No.13133056

the drums are pretty nice. the string sounds are a little cheesy when they're so sparse though. more instrumentation might make it sound more "full."

>> No.13133719
File: 631 KB, 2444x3004, come closer anon-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard the right hand

>> No.13133759

trippy as heck

>> No.13133765

What is she doing under the table? lewd

>> No.13133878

her name sounds like "wank" in my language, so...

>> No.13134449
File: 463 KB, 1520x2688, tmp_27810-IMAG00591036185418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me eating a sandwich.

>> No.13134480

fai una versione lewd cosi me ne faccio una anch'io

>> No.13135612
File: 496 KB, 929x931, Blah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to color it, but i'm still a long way from doing it well

>> No.13135613
File: 187 KB, 903x637, 030415 manhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry jp

makes me think of old game grpahics, really cool

>> No.13135893
File: 313 KB, 1024x801, darkgaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13135927


>> No.13136288

You never disappoint. Simply fantastic.

>> No.13136884
File: 216 KB, 758x630, 030415 thirtythree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're strange
all i do is lazy halfassed sketches

>> No.13136989

Please explain that lacrimal caruncle on top of the third eye.

>> No.13137003

Pretty solid.

>> No.13137789

more of that Yakumo-sama

>> No.13138351

Even if they are sketches your drawings have this strange depth about them, like you can actually feel them.
I get thrilled everytime you post a drawing. If you did something like a manga, I'd read it even if it had a shitty story and was full of halfassed sketches. I think I'd die if you did a fully finished artwork.

>> No.13138438

>Even if they are sketches your drawings have this strange depth about them, like you can actually feel them.
Just because his art is trippy doesn't mean you have to be high while viewing it.

>> No.13138574

Nobody gives a fuck about trippy or not. he just does some really good lines and gestures, giving much more dinamism than most animu artists and their boring as shit poses and vectorlike lines

>> No.13138592

Chill out with the weed.

>> No.13138594


I want to learn how to draw like you

one day

>> No.13138613

Looks like something out of Rise of the Triad.

>> No.13138739
File: 25 KB, 523x448, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while i was thnking of how do three arms even work i overlook something more important
don't worry about dying anytime soon! i've wanted to do short one page comics but i dont have the same shitty creativity i had when i wasa kid
half-read a couple books and you'll know all i know

>> No.13138763

Makes me wonder how good would you be if you actually tried.

>> No.13138804

That'll probably suck, his drawings are good because he takes it easy

>> No.13138805

I think making a bit more of effort wouldn't hurt anyone.

>> No.13138820

Says the one who doesn't do anything but spend all his time telling others to try harder.

>> No.13138833

Whoah, where did that come from? I was just thinking about him releasing his potential. Didn't mean any harm, you meanie.

>> No.13138836

Too bad for you, my schedule orders me to bully from 3:30 to 4:00. After that, it's crotch-grabbing for 15 minutes, and harassing a deviantfag for 45 minutes.

>> No.13138837
File: 32 KB, 196x317, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to be better but i barely drew for over a year and regressed. i've been meaning to practice but never get around to it

>> No.13138855

I always though that the hardest part is starting, you just have to keep the momentum afterwards.

>> No.13138856

Why do you trace Dead Silence's cover like that?

>> No.13138882

I used to be pretty good too, but then I had a long pause of six years, and after that I had many others between three and nine months
meeting someone that was really good and feeling that he didn't even considered me completely destroyed any trace of confidence I had. even doodling is problematic for me now.
I think you have still time to try seriously.
I wish I could go back ten years ago and don't give up my dreams so easily because "I don't care, I have no future anyway". don't do the same mistake I did

>> No.13138921
File: 57 KB, 539x627, 1425317256970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it pep talk hour or something? I wish y'all would shit your clams and stop wasting posting space.

>> No.13138940

says the one posting Dan Kim the hugbox queen

>> No.13138975 [DELETED] 

Wasting post space? There's no post limit, and if you're worried that the thread will die too soon, there's the archive and someone can always make one.

>> No.13138982

It's the same concept as filling a thread with requests. Better to have your pep talk somewhere else and leave the oc thread for posting OC. Stop lowering the quality of these threads already.

Lately there's been a large influx of dumb fucks who like using the oc thread as their personal blog while never contributing, they should fuck off.

>> No.13139001 [DELETED] 

I'd agree with you if /jp/ were faster, but it's so slow it doesn't even matter.

>> No.13139007

Thanks for your input, confirmed /a/ crossie. Go back to your board's "oc" threads and spam it with requests because a person like you just doesn't care anyway.

>> No.13139015 [DELETED] 

This really is ironic because you're shitting it up instead of posting oc. Also, only "crossies" use crossies unironically.

>> No.13139022

Somebody needs to tell you to fuck off.

>> No.13139029 [DELETED] 

If you're not trolling then delete your posts.

>> No.13139039

Nice try.

>> No.13139104

>Lately there's been a large influx
This shit happened since before the oc threads were even numbered. only someone trolling or awfully new would say something like that
>It's the same concept as filling a thread with requests
no you fuck, requests aren't allowed simply because this thread is for spontaneous oc and not fullfilling requests, except when someone asks for them.
>Stop lowering the quality of these threads already
you're the bitch stirring shit up for two fucking posts. fuck off

>> No.13139487 [DELETED] 

kill yourself internet troll

>> No.13139616
File: 2.76 MB, 555x312, maid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice demo

>> No.13139627

Looking very nice. Did you draw the artwork too?

>> No.13140016
File: 100 KB, 530x705, 112574211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have a fetish for dressing characters as other characters. Is that a thing? I think it might be a thing.

>> No.13140255

Wow, someone finally understands me! We should give this rare and unique fetish a name.

Let's see... they are playing with costumes... costume play... costplay... how about COSPLAY? Dude... that could be huge!

>> No.13140410


can see vaporwave/chillwave crows liking it
but really just wanna punch bones in the face now

>> No.13140415

that kick's way too clicky

>> No.13140501


Orchestra piece I'm working on, unfinished and not really properly mixed yet but any feedback is welcome and appreciated!

>> No.13140677

That was much much better than what I expected, well done. Don't forget to use the pedal and enlarge and shorten some notes in the piano midi data, it makes it sound more natural.

>> No.13140713
File: 202 KB, 611x589, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sketch too

>> No.13140737

Is that a scarf?

>> No.13140758
File: 141 KB, 400x276, preview_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried recently, /jp/.

>> No.13140768

Thanks anon

Thanks, does it run smooth for you?
I noticed games in general don't look smooth in windowed mode when using the windows classic theme.
You can press alt+enter 2 times to go into full screen, 1st time is for borderless full screen, 2nd is real full screen which should make things smooth if you had issues.

Yeah I do everything except audio myself.

>> No.13141073

Good call, it's all just sequenced out right now but ideally I'd like to play at least some stuff in. If I chicken out on that I'll definitely put more work into humanizing though. Thanks dude!

>> No.13141125

Is there any place where you post your works? You're pretty good.

>> No.13141520

This is really good
Seconding a link/soundcloud or whatever you use

>> No.13141537

>can see vaporwave/chillwave crows liking it
that hurts a bit, anon. it might sound similar because we use similar sample sources, but i've tried distancing myself stuff like that. i can't stand "vaporwave."

>> No.13141843

Listened up to track 4, not impressed.
I for one wouldn't call it Vaporwave, but yeah, that's the kind of grounds you're covering, with little musicality and lots of aesthetics.

I truly hope the horns will receive their proper shine in the final mix.

Loving the subtle glockenspiel around 2:00.

I'm not very into Orchestral Soundtrack music, but I can tell this sounds really impressive/grandiose.
Keep it up!

>> No.13141894

>little musicality and lots of aesthetics.
that's a huge slap in the face, anon, and quite frankly, an inaccurate assessment. do you not listen to hip-hop or something? i can understand if it's not to your taste, but to say it's all style and no substance is insulting.

>> No.13141971

But then again, is "THE SIMULUCRUM (sic) IS TRUE" and some mojibake substance?
I do listen to some hip-hop, trap and other slowmo niggercore stuff which I'm unable to classify, such as https://soundcloud.com/ggabbe/08-nations-and-nations
But I don't follow any scene, so I'm just giving my opinion.

Bear in mind I'm giving it honestly, so the slap in the face is not intended to be gratuitous, but rather a "snap out of it" call. You don't have to follow it, I'm a random anon at a random board in the Internet. But yeah, I keep my opinion of not seeing any special appeal in it.

>> No.13142014

Thank you for the kind words.


SC account is mostly unfinished and joke stuff, but I think the BC albums are at least semi-polished. Just keep in mind I'm all over the place genre wise so if you want a lot of serious orchestrated stuff you'll barely find any.

I'm kinda garbage about social media stuff but I'll return follows at the very least. If anyone wants to talk music or collab or whatnot I'm pretty easygoing and open to whatever.

>> No.13142081

>But then again, is "THE SIMULUCRUM (sic) IS TRUE" and some mojibake substance?
well you clearly know what it's supposed to say. the obfuscation of the text is intentional, though i will admit, stylistically borrowed from various sources.

At risk of sounding pretentious, yes, yes it is supposed to be substantial. this whole project was a concept album meant to be a sort of poststructural exercise. samples and sounds used in a way that i can only describe as "textual" (I don't know if there's a proper term for it). the referential titles, adding/splitting kanji to condense meaning, self-referencing and external referencing by the samples and metadata, etc. the point was to tie these together and recontextualize them into an intertextual kind of story--a story based around the idea of a rapper who managed to successfully steal a real person's identity and history and turn it into his own caricaturized version of it. rick ross the rapper is much more "real" to everyone than the irrelevant freeway ricky ross. the image precedes the person. symbols become all.

i need to stop. i've thought too much about. i've tried "coding" as much as i could so that the project would speak for me. i'm bad at explaining things.

as for the music itself, i honestly don't think you're engaging with it enough to see how "musical" it is getting, particularly rhythmically, tonally, and texturally. is it super avant-garde experimental stuff? no. i still want it to be listenable after all. but it's not your basic rap shit either.

>I'm a random anon at a random board in the Internet
it's more than that. you're a /jp/sie. This has been my home for the past...i don't even know how many years anymore. that's why it hurts so much more. if this were anyone else on any other board, i wouldn't give a fuck.

i'm sorry for going off like this. you don't have to like it. i just want you to know i didn't just thoughtlessly shit this out because i thought it would "look cool." that's all.

>> No.13142146
File: 24 KB, 676x697, knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help /jp/ i can't stop drawing knights

>> No.13142158

draw little girls in knight's armor! problem solved!

>> No.13142180

You could also draw a knight in little girl armor.

As in, he has little girls tied to his arms, legs, torso and shield. His helmet is a girl sitting on his shoulders.

>> No.13142205
File: 31 KB, 676x697, knights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little girls huh? i'll give it some thought

>> No.13142383
File: 377 KB, 500x500, Mahou Denpa Galaxy~!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made this mixtape a year ago and all it's doing is stacking up dust so I thought of sharing it to anyone interested.

This is also a great first spin for those new to denpa.



>> No.13142512 [SPOILER] 
File: 347 KB, 919x1308, 1425626891113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but you inspired me!

>> No.13142606


but only +2DEF?!

>> No.13142898
File: 204 KB, 600x600, 1364396234872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it run smooth for you?
I actually ran it with wine on Linux and it was running smoothly. There wasn't any audio and the gamepad didn't work correctly, but that might related to my wine setup.

>> No.13143493
File: 818 KB, 1000x1400, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13143511

It ran in wine? Last time I tried that it didn't work cause I used shaders, that's great.
There's no audio yet that's why, for pads did you try the debug config screen?

>> No.13144124

This look nice!

>> No.13144162
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, mikumiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this ages ago, its bretty gud

>> No.13144163

I know people frequently ask how to begin drawing but I'm interested in the beginning resources/stories of popular japanese artists as well as fanartists on pixiv and similar sites.

Do many use the same popular books used in the west? What are the foundations of drawing in Japan?

>> No.13144171
File: 284 KB, 800x276, te1425600309654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her eyes are looking in different directions
missing eyebrows. the horizontal line on her stomach isn't helping, i'd get rid of it.

>> No.13144201

Why Naruto?

>> No.13144207

Are you qualified to give correctional advice? You aren't, so stop.

>> No.13144208

He's not even being mean about it. Try not to shit your pants.

>> No.13144210

Kill yourself out of this thread.

>> No.13144244

Don't think. Feel, and you will be tanasinn...

>> No.13144259
File: 93 KB, 800x276, 1425659570129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the original she is looking up towards the viewer. In your version she's looking hard to the left. The narrowness of the irises probably confused you. There's nothing wrong with the original.

BTW my version is the best.

>> No.13144287

thanks for reminding me why i stopped trying to give advice
i know that's a possibility but the pose made me think she would be looking left. even if she was looking to the viewer or forward, her eyes are still not focused

>> No.13144295

I want your job.

>> No.13144308

It looks focused to me, almost piercingly so. Maybe it's your eyes that are not focused.

>> No.13144314

Let's face it, anon, they don't add much coverage.

>> No.13144368

what got your panties in a bunch, goyim?

>> No.13144414

Do you talk like that normally? your parents must be pretty stressed

>> No.13144641

perhaps, but what kind of MONSTER would want to try to hurt little girls? I'm sure most enemies would hesitate to attack.

>> No.13144665

no. i hardly talk at all, normally. probably why i make music. these things are too hard to put into words. i'm terrible with people.

that kind of word salad is more like how i talk to myself late at night, sleep deprived but still can't sleep for whatever reason. everything makes sense in that state. then it makes a lot less sense when i wake up.

anyway, sorry for going on and on about it. like it or hate it, just please take it easy.

>> No.13144739

I can see what he's talking about. The closeness of her right eye to the hair and the slight bowing of the pupil to her right make it look like that eye is looking a bit to the side.

>> No.13144818

You're supposed to play along and make some bitey remark pal, I wasn't trying to criticize you seriously

>> No.13144830

I think that you guys don't get it.
go watch any cartoon with something with eyes like that inside. do the pupils move like if they were really pupils? no. its a graphic code

>> No.13144832

Why are these called containment threads when this stuff happens in every thread?

>> No.13144838
File: 911 KB, 1056x1393, whydoIeventry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13144850

wow how did i forget eyebrows
thanks for the critique

>> No.13144855
File: 364 KB, 752x800, 1382208591647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13144860


>> No.13144952

Your colors are all over the place dude, but you got a general sense of it...
But the anatomy is pretty bad.

>> No.13145030
File: 258 KB, 752x800, 1425674519446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13145333


but rambling about inconsequential things actually is a problem for me though!

why am i so bad at this. orz

>> No.13145530
File: 486 KB, 600x800, 1423850839878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea is so good in my head but I can't get satisfied with it.

>> No.13145659

puffy vulva・ω・

>> No.13145727

Where exactly?

>> No.13145987
File: 237 KB, 885x865, ranshama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-Best 2hu

>> No.13146053

are there any guides to drawing cute lolis with a mouse?

>> No.13146191

How about using different VSTs? That might be a start.
At least get rid of this choir Ah ah ahs.

Also the vocal mixing is bad, specially when the choir is playing along, your voice disappears.

The music itself is fine, you are stuck on the technical/production stuff this time around.

Drawing with a mouse is pretty stiff.
I suggest you draw it by hand, then photograph it and make the digital clean up using your mouse.

>> No.13146218

Disable pointer precision and lower the speed a bit, the rest applies to both mouse and pen.

>> No.13146239

So the song/composition itself isn't bad? Because that's what I'm really concerned about.

I understand the quality of the synths and mixing itself is shit, but there's little I can do to improve that. A $200 keyboard is all I have to make do with. Which as you can hear, sounds incredibly cheap. I use VSTs for pianos and various string sections, but a lot of what I use heavily like choirs aren't replicated the way I want in sample banks. I'm not looking for a Gregorian Choir.

The vocal mixing is what's bothering me. And is definitely my weakest point when it comes to mixing. I can never decide if it's too loud or if I've made it too quiet. https://clyp.it/kb2zh1xy I remixed it a little, tried to make the chorus more prevalent. If you feel my vocals get too quiet at certain points please tell me and I'll raise them.

I've also tried EQing out some of the bassy frequencies, because I've come to realize a lot of my songs are unnecessarily crowded and fatiguing because of overabundant bass frequencies.

But yea, I really wish I had better instruments. I feel if I had label funding and a studio to use I could make some amazing stuff.

>> No.13146475

you may not realize it but I can see in ways you're getting better.
Now that's said the hand of the brunette girl needs to be redone.
I really like the hands of the blonde loli.
The left lolis upper stomache is kinda messed up.
the left hip near the ribbon would be fine with a little curve but it curves twice which doesn't transition well to the legs.
I like the drawing even if it isn't perfect.

>> No.13147257

lewd and what is up with those proportions. i like exaggeration, but damn man. still kinda like it though.

>> No.13147650 [SPOILER] 
File: 193 KB, 800x640, 1425727368933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly I thought the rough I drawing would be suitable to put on boxer shorts.
So I tried.

>> No.13147664

Masturbation time is going to be awkward as fuck.

>> No.13147748

I'm pretty sure that almost any synthesizer could replicate that sound you want. Add some little effect to it if you're still unsatisfied.
About mixing, don't understimate the power of volume and panning, that the first thing you should work on before EQing. When EQing, first of all, you should try making it sound as bad as possible (because it's easier), now that you know what sounds bad. you should be able to know what to do to make it sound good. Always try cut completely the extremely low frequencies, 20hz and lower, and try to ease the conflicting frequencies.

>But yea, I really wish I had better instruments. I feel if I had label funding and a studio to use I could make some amazing stuff.
Not that it would really change the things very much. Many people make some amazing things with just a PC.

>> No.13147809

I apologize for my bad english. I don't usually re-read my sentences.

>> No.13147868

Sorry I just wanted to have you play with us, please don't feel bad orz

>> No.13147933

would buy if finished

>> No.13148173
File: 571 KB, 1000x1000, spiders_te_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your interest. I didn't set out to make the retro look, but it certainly came out that way.

>> No.13148224


>> No.13148229

Looks like something out of a Bosch painting.

>> No.13148308

Too deep for me, yet this piece moves me boldly.

>> No.13149071

I think you're about to start doing seriously interesting stuff. good job and keep at it

>> No.13149165

I'm not sure how a synth could replicate a human voice, but I will check some out and go looking for some good sample banks. I'll also try practicing mixing over the weekend.

>Not that it would really change the things very much. Many people make some amazing things with just a PC.
They usually do have nice audio interfaces or at least a decent synth/keyboard though.

Thanks a lot for the help anon, appreciate it.

>> No.13149251

I'm wondering what kind of choir you need. Maybe I can find something.

>> No.13149304

Something like this (the Roland VP-770 Vocal Modulation keyboard):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVTxYRuCgyI (The main riff starting at 0:05)

The problem is it's very unique sounding and there's nothing close to emulating it. I don't think a soundbank will work, I need something that'll let me modify my voice while singing. There's a feature in REAPER that allows me to pitch-shift my voice live but it's very dry and cheap sounding.

I've looked everywhere but if you can find something I'll be in your debt forever.

>> No.13149402

>I don't think a soundbank will work, I need something that'll let me modify my voice while singing
Now that I really know what you meant, I can say you're absolutely right. Finding something like that would be pretty hard, specially without paying, but I think melodyne would work good enough for what you want.

>> No.13149474

I've thought about melodyne but it's CPU-intensive. Also, because I just copy-paste the vocal to make a harmony it sounds really robotic, like a cheap chorus filter. Unfortunately I don't think software can do what I want.

I'll just stick with my plan of saving up until I can eventually afford the VP-770.

>> No.13149537
File: 248 KB, 1816x1656, circling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hola /jp/.
I'm trying to get into drawing and while I don't want to rush it, I just want some words of wisdom to get me on the right track with as few beginner's mistakes as I can manage.

I'm doing beginner's anatomy now, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do faces.
If I put the eyes far apart, it looks... you can guess. If I make them bigger to compensate, it looks like I'm doing Key art. And I can't even figure out to start with WHERE the face goes.

You can't tell much from this doodle of course, I just drew on eyes and a mouth to give you an idea of where I currently in my inexperienced mind think eyes and a mouth go.

>> No.13149629

Melodyne can also change the timbre of the voice and other wacky things like that, just give it a try. Alternatively, you should give a look Antares Harmony Engine, but it's not particularly better.
I you don't know what faces look like, just look at some faces anime faces from your favorite artists, but don't copy. Be analytical, feel the face from all angles, the measurements, try to understand the form, how is it composed and constructed. Basically, try to understand how they go on about faces, and most importantly, think in 3d. Reading something like eyes start from the first 1/3 of the face won't cut it.

>> No.13149650


I sort of reverse-engineered the face of one drawing an artist I like made. Though it left me with more questions than answers. Nonetheless I push forwards.

>> No.13149670

Can you post it?

>> No.13149723
File: 204 KB, 752x1062, outlinetrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't save it, but I remade it just now so you can see how I "reverse engineered" it.
All I did was estimate and guess how he placed his outlines in the sketch phase.

It didn't really answer my question of "are shoujo heads shaped like beans, or like a circle with a triangle stuck on it?"
I did some mental outline tracing to another artist, and his artwork came up kinda bean-shaped. But I think it's just a very clever way of hiding his outline shapes by covering it up with hair.

>> No.13149748

you're kinda right, usually the eyes take up ~half the lower half of the face
top half's more of a plectrum shape

give this book a look: https://yande.re/pool/show/2192

>> No.13149751


Thank you, anon.

>> No.13149776

>like a circle with a triangle
Don't think about shapes or outlines, think about forms, like spheres and piramids. I think you did the guidelines wrong, and got confused with the hair, because that head is not that wide.
But did you learn anything about it? Like why does he draw and place eyes like that? Or what it would look like drawn from another angle?
I don't think that picture is particularly good to learn from. It's very flat.

>> No.13149800

The head doesn't touch the edge of the hair. Your red needs to be a little short and much slimmer.
That other anon is full of shit. If you can't draw a head, google human head anatomy and proportion, then start working on your japanese animays once you learn how things are generally spaced.
As for your doodle, it looks off because you put an adult chin on a baby's head, which is why you're struggling with the spacing and proportion of everything else.

tl;dr google human faces and trace anime until you can see all the 3d shapes in your head.

>> No.13149816
File: 139 KB, 533x550, mymistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roger, I'll try to make the mental switch from shapes to forms. I also noticed what I did wrong with tracing the forms (pic related.)
The green outline isn't precise, it's just... well, a general idea of what I got wrong.

>But did you learn anything about it?
Yeah. I studied a lot of his other pictures, specifically where he puts facial characteristics. I don't want to downright copy this artist, but he's one of my favorites so I'll use a few of his images to learn from.
>Or what it would look like drawn from another angle?
I didn't think of that. I'll do some sketches later of what it might look like at a different angle, just as practice.

>I don't think that picture is particularly good to learn from. It's very flat.
I just picked one semi-randomly. But yeah I suppose it's not a good example.


Roger. This isn't the first time someone told me you should be able to draw human anatomy before you draw anime anatomy, so I'll switch focuses to the former now. Thanks.

>> No.13149845
File: 87 KB, 1091x550, 1425765153041 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...wow, i can't even touch this image..

>> No.13149849

>how to draw anime
pls no

>> No.13149857

A good little exercise you could do as a beginner is to bisect the drawing with lines, taking into acount the form, like a wireframe.

>> No.13149869

This might be useful, but if I were you I wouldn't rely on it.

>> No.13149946

Who's the artist?

>> No.13149968


This guy: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=127206

>> No.13150286

Is the anon I talked to extensively about Noko's success in the Kamattechan thread here?

>> No.13152225

That means a lot to me. I will try not to disappoint.

If you think it of it as a protagonist an hour or so after a trauma, the imagery will probably be less opaque.

Using a time machine to steal art isn't going to work if you keep noticing the source.

>> No.13152295

>like a wireframe
Seconding. I've been playing around with this the last few weeks, and it's been really helpful in forcing me to think about the 3D form of an object instead of just its outer contour. A thin, lightly-drawn mesh over an object also soothes my autism, but your mileage may vary.

>> No.13152371

Stealing art is perfectly legit

>> No.13152835

I feel bad for posting this without giving my two cnets on the other anons music, but my internet sucks too hard so I have to download the songs and that taked time.

Either way, I got my way around to use some chiptune-vst and did this on a whim:
Hope it turned out good. I kinda like it, but imagine people could grow bored or annoyed with it quickly.

>> No.13152866

Feels somewhat directionless, like the beginning is the end and the end the start.

>> No.13153294

It's the thick colored eyelids, isn't it?

>> No.13154425

That's deep shit, anon.
