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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 755 KB, 1409x2000, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13102092 No.13102092 [Reply] [Original]

I want a loli gf so fucking bad

Please God please give me a loli gf

>> No.13102097

problem is lolis only exist in 2d. Their 3d counterparts are shit

>> No.13102104

This. 3D gf in general is shit. I've tried and it was shit. Stick with 2D. Also young 3D girls are stupid and you won't be able to have a proper conversation with them. Fuck 3D.

>> No.13102110

become a loli yourself


>> No.13102122

I confirm. 3D girls are obnoxious, arrogant pieces of shit.

>> No.13102128

Translation when?

>> No.13102129
File: 106 KB, 750x1000, ne6qL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we may have been born too early to explore Space, but soon, AI and robotics technologies will be so advanced that we will be able to 3D print entire harems of robot lolis.
or, if you're too impatient, this: >>13102110

>> No.13102155

What about mature girls who just are petite and sweet?

>> No.13102155,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck a child, any tips?

>> No.13102155,2 [INTERNAL] 

I want an Aile loli robit gf oh my god


>> No.13102155,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why would she wear such short skirts in the middle of the night I bet her thighs are trembling from the cold

>> No.13102209

Stop living in your fantasy world.

>> No.13102220

I seem to be losing my faith on lolis...

>> No.13102228

We won't be getting to that level of artificial intelligence anytime soon, if at all, unless you mean a very simple AI.

>> No.13102234

Well, if you're lucky someone will make a loli compatible with the Occulus that comes with real-life accessories to improve your game experience if you know what I mean.

>> No.13102236

Who cares about robots and stupid AI.
I just want super immersive VR that uses all your senses and lets you live in the perfect 2D world forever.

>> No.13102260

This will require significant computer and medical tech advancement.

It may not even come to fruition at all, because the addiction potential would be much, much worse than say, opiates.

>> No.13102270

Just because your experience was bad doesnt mean its bad dude..

>> No.13102301


>It may not even come to fruition at all, because the addiction potential would be much, much worse than say, opiates.

I think humanity is likely to enter VR.

All of human advancement has been struggling to shape nature to our means. This is a never ending struggle that humanity will most likely eventually lose. Through this time, we have also been inventing reality, in the form of ever more immersive fiction.

Why not cut out the development time of attempting to manipulate everything, and instead, create our own reality, while machines maintain us and what is generating it?

This might be another variable in the Drake Equation. It could be that most civilizations just replace reality, rather than venture out into the universe for no real gain.

>> No.13102303

Even dic?

>> No.13102416

What we really need is a drug the prevents wasting of muscle tissue, as well as some kind of home-use intravenous nutrient dispenser.

>> No.13102525 [DELETED] 
File: 943 KB, 1404x1386, 002_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is henreader so KING.

We were born too late for VR as well, even if feminists/war/catastrophe don't prevent the successful development, we will be old men by the time it gets done.

>> No.13102530
File: 943 KB, 1404x1386, 002_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is henreader so KING.

We were born too late for VR as well, even if feminists/war/catastrophe don't prevent the successful development, we will be old men by the time it gets done.

>> No.13102540


You seem to have a defeatist attitude about humanity.

Yes, we struggle and we fight against something that is inevitable. But we do it in the hopes that it's not. There's the hope of victory, of success.
It drives us, motivates our interests, shapes the society that we live in, and guides us on our path to the future.
Perhaps it doesn't make sense. But that's ok. I don't think it's supposed to make sense.

I do think, however, that saying "fuck it" and throwing in the towel on all that is a terrible mistake.

>> No.13102546

I like my lolis pure, thank you.

>> No.13102560

War would most likely accelerate the development of that kind of VR.

>> No.13102581

Piercings, gross. Even worse on a loli.

>> No.13102597
File: 178 KB, 1872x1052, dolicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13102636

>You seem to have a defeatist attitude about humanity.
Wait, you actually have a good opinion of humanity?

>> No.13102653

How can I be edgy and cool like you?

>> No.13102655

3D isnt that great. You're going to be spending a lot of money on her while she just watches netflix and talks to you about shit that doesnt matter to you, and she obviously wont care about your interests either.
What brought you together was probably wanting sex, and most girls just lay there while you have to create a plan beforehand on foreplay, getting her aroused, and then doing all the effort during fucking. The only girls who ever put effort into sex are the megasluts, and you dont want to date those for obvious reasons.

>> No.13102688
File: 192 KB, 469x839, sakiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13102692

Uh, how about trying lucid dreaming?
Never practiced it but heard nice stuff

>> No.13102704

Why exactly is that post edgy? Many people in the lower and middle classes would share his opinion.

I'm pretty sure this is a loli thread.
If she turns out "wrong" it's entirely your fault.

>> No.13102721

I can already see it, the darkness in humanity heart.

Once we get enough advance technololi to explore the galaxy we human will just use it to conquer another civilizations.

Every human has any some kind of grudge.

>> No.13102759

I did.
It's really difficult to pull off and overrated in general.

>> No.13102807

When I tried lucid dreaming, the key for me was to remember at least 2-3 dreams per night and writing them down. After that, I started doing reality checks and got in a habit of doing them, eventually doing them in dreams and becoming lucid. The first ones are really unstable and when you get overly happy on something you get kicked out. Pretty much anything is possible in them, but requires practice

>> No.13102860

Pretty much the same for me except I used the wake up just before the REM part of your sleep starts method, then lay down and don't move for like 10-20 minutes tricking your brain into thinking you're asleep while staying concious and wait for the sleep paralysis to hit you, after that you can fall asleep while dreaming and being avare of it.

But yeah, it's difficult and ends quickly.

>> No.13102861

If you get a loli gf she will just threaten to call the cops whenever you dont buy her what she wants or take her to fun places.

>> No.13102870

What do you want a loli gf for anyway?

>> No.13102873

Taking a loli gf doesn't mean that you have to take a little bitch just because she's a loli.

>> No.13102877

Pretty sure that taking a loli to fun places would be one of the high points of having a loli gf. And she's just a loli, how expensive can she become? Oh, look, I want that Barbie puppet, okay, $30, whatever. Oh hey, I want that candy! Yeah yeah, $5, I can pay that.

>> No.13102878

The only technique that worked for me once was WBTB, when you wake up after 6h of sleep waking up your mind but letting your body rest, and after an hour you go back to sleep

>> No.13102881


>> No.13102882

Cuddling. Sleeping next to her. Combing her hair. That would be nice.

>> No.13102884

No, she'll want the $200 barbie princess playhouse and the $150 polly pocket collection, and you'll be out of money before you know it.'

What if I want to be a little bitch for my femdom megabitch loli?

>> No.13102901


At what age do girls stop playing with barbie dolls these days?

>> No.13102919

Pretty young.
Girls today start "playing" with vibrating electric toothbrushes and thirteen magazine, at age 10.

>> No.13102921

If she's too old for barbie, she's too old to be a loli. Simple as that.

>> No.13102922
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>> No.13102932
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>No replies
>No 泊まり

>> No.13102943

I like the anime show.
Too bad they won't be making a 3rd season.

>> No.13102956

Do you sometimes post in the /terag/ thread? There can't be that many people on the interwebs posting Mitsudomoe manga.

>> No.13102965

I don't know what that is, so no.

>> No.13102969

Forget a 3rd season, all I want is the manga to get translations.

>> No.13102973

Your shit taste knows no bounds.

>> No.13102992
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>> No.13102999

That's just /jp/ being clue having no clues about what real little girls do. They don't play thing like Barbie anymore but little trains and cars because [liberation of women] but that's not /jp/ related.

Actually, I don't even think that they play with toys considering that most of them already have an I-Phone real soon.

>> No.13103009
File: 163 KB, 466x878, 31408167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a friend who looks like a loli

>> No.13103012

biggest pleb I've seen on /jp/

>> No.13103016

Well, little girls just don't walk up to us and tell us what they do all fucking day long, so what do you expect?! It's not like we have any experience with little girls anyway, it's just an idealized view on how little cute girls are supposed to act.

>> No.13103021
File: 329 KB, 480x270, 1414548165582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toys from age 0 to 4, childrens electronics from 5 to 7, actual handhelds from 8+, smartphones from 10+.

>> No.13103062


>> No.13103074

Not that guy but I do I wish Nabutso will let me fap to his elin

>> No.13103110

I grew up the eldest of 12 cousins then my brother got married and I watched his daughters grow up. My niece is 8 and one thing I can promise you.

Real little girls are 90% shit. Sure 10% of the time they're sweet and cute but the other 90% of the time they're annoying, squirming, smelly, dirty, screaming little shits.

What you WANT is a mature yet sweet and innocent woman in a child's body and such a thing does not exist.

>> No.13103160

don't worry my fat virgin friends

i heard when you die all your dreams come true

>> No.13103235

DARPA is making a brain interface for VR. They already cam move an arm with your mind and even an entire robot. And remember, what we see from DARPA is 10 years old news. Which means they already have the tech and are just waiting for war to make use of it.

>> No.13103242

So none of you ever had gfs when you were little shotas?

>> No.13103254


I did and it was gross. One time she took me into the bathroom so we could do it but the daycare lady saw us and well you know. Then in the 4th grade she randomly came up to me out of nowhere (I didn't know she was at the school I attended) and told me she didn't like me anymore. Then she waltzed off like the queen of England and I was like "ooookay...who was that bitch?"

>> No.13103259

>alpha as fuck

based bro

>mah nigga

>> No.13103271


Back then even a year felt like eternity

Nowadays, I look at the calendar, it's 2015 already?Felt like just 2005 yesterday

>> No.13103296


I remember the days walking home from school in the sunny weather. It felt like each day would never end. I wonder if that's what other kids feel when I see them pass by my house happily chasing each other. They take it for granted unknowingly.

The dreamlike days will never return.

>> No.13103312

No but I had sex with a boy...


>> No.13103327

So did that make you gay or what?

>> No.13103347

lots of /v/ros had gay experience thats why their board is full of homosexia

>> No.13103363
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 1310657688669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was like you when I was more inexperienced.
>Offered 3 year transfer to japan in exchange for early retirement prospects and hefty pay raise
>Take japanese lessons on the company dime and paid for my time while I do so.
>Damn good deal since I was planning to learn japanese anyways.
>All sorts of people in class
>One of them is a 12 y/o half jp loli learning jap so she can visit her cuck dad in jp
>Think like you and go 'lol 3d pig disgusting'
>Generally conceal my powerlevel around everyone.
>Have to wait for some paperwork after class so I chill out at the lobby.
>See her sitting alone while playing pokemans on her DS after class.
>We briefly make eye contact so I'm forced exchange pleasantries.
>She is less annoying than expected.
>Nothing better to do so I decide to talk to her, all i knew was gen1.
>Apparently she's waiting for her mom to pick her up.
>Next day
>All of a sudden she chooses to sit next to me and generally follows me around during breaks
>Still see nothing sexual about her until one day.
>That one glorious day
>Class as usual
>She bends down to the side of her desk to take stuff from her bag
>mfw I get an eyeful of her loli nipples
>Then Anon was an irl lolicon

>> No.13103369

No but I had plenty of girls pretending to be my gf when they had an argument with their real bf.

Real girls are strange.

>> No.13103377
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please don't commit a croime, boigah-san

>> No.13103380

your greentext is too long i gave up half way

>> No.13103392

Become a producer

>> No.13103445

Little girls like this were just raised poorly.

>> No.13103459

>What you WANT is a mature yet sweet and innocent woman in a child's body and such a thing does not exist.
What if there are mature women browsing /jp/? Wouldn't they know and want to act like the little girl?

>> No.13103468

don't worry, sweet and innocent women would never browse /jp/, this place reeks of virginity and misoginy, only the dirty lolicon fujoshit stays.

>> No.13103470

>mature women browsing /jp/
There are no mature anyones browsing /jp/.

>> No.13103470,1 [INTERNAL] 

>My niece is 8
You don't know what you are talking about. Little girls in the 9-12 age range are only 20% shit.

>> No.13103483

>virginity and misoginy
Wait, what? This is not /r9k/ and we have no hate towards women. We're literally talking about them* all day.

* - idols and 2D

>> No.13103488

>What if there are mature women browsing /jp/?

I don't think you have to worry about that anon.

>> No.13103490

>sweet and innocent women would never browse /jp/
There's a pretty cute tall grill from Pixiv and Nipland who goes on /jp/ every now and then when we shit up their English talking threads on 2ch.

>> No.13103490,1 [INTERNAL] 

The posts in this thread are horrible.

>> No.13103490,2 [INTERNAL] 

The dreamlike days of a hecka cute 11 year old cuteslut.

>> No.13103490,3 [INTERNAL] 

One of the mods on a splinter /jp/ site is a girl, as in biological girl. I won't say which one but it's not very active.

>> No.13103490,4 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.13103490,5 [INTERNAL] 

How would you know?

>> No.13103490,6 [INTERNAL] 

its warosu girl

>> No.13103490,7 [INTERNAL] 

This is very interesting. I saw my loli cousin last week and I already miss her, but she probably feels like it's been a month since that day.

It's like lolis can stop time and go on dozens of time traveling adventures before dinner, while adults feel like whole weeks go by in the blink of an eye.

I wonder if lolis lose that power over time. Do they realize that days felt longer when they were seven? It must be amazing to be a cute preteen loli girl and have fun without worrying about time.

>> No.13103490,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13103490,9 [INTERNAL] 

Each day is a day closer to my inevitable death

>> No.13103490,10 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself. I can't believe they even let you near her even after raping her. Isn't there some sort of restraining order?

>> No.13103675

I want to be the loli gf.

>> No.13103690

Psst... hey ya want a loli? I got a loli right here for ya. i've got it for super cheap.

>> No.13103702

reported for illegal child trafficking

>> No.13103702,1 [INTERNAL] 

I know almost as certain as if I inspected her groin in person that she is really a biological girl. Not a tranny, not a whale.

>> No.13103732

I remember I once found on facebook a guy from a shitty poor rural province who was selling virgins. I made a throwaway account and sent him a message asking him if I could chat with the girls to know more about them but he wouldn't let me, he said I could only talk to them in person

>> No.13103750

What the fuck.
Tell me you're joking.

>> No.13103750,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah but how and where did you get the information? I think i have a pretty good idea which spinoff you are talking about.

>> No.13103750,2 [INTERNAL] 

probably talking about virgin phone heeheeharhar

>> No.13103760

What country is this

I'm guessing an Asian one

>> No.13103766

Paraguay. the page doesn't exist anymore

>> No.13103766,1 [INTERNAL] 

waaaaaait what an epic prank I could do

>> No.13103775

Someone tell me how to get a loli girlfriend please

>> No.13103779



>> No.13103780

No but he had a group photo of the girls and they all looked 14 years old, they weren't lolis

>> No.13103796

I totally have no idea what South American countries and people are like.
Are Paraguay and Uruguay similar countries with similar ethnics, races and languages or what?

>> No.13103804


>someone tell me how to get my anus stretched 6 feet wide

1. Go on social media
2. Message little girl
3. Become her friend
4. Groom Her
5. You now have a loli (internet) girlfriend

>> No.13103812

I don't want to use social media.

>> No.13103813

.. Well this is depressing.

>> No.13103819

1. Rent a sweet car like those pranksters who pick up golddiggers
2.5 Hang around a school after it's let out
2. Give the loli a ride
3. Groom her
4. Fill in the blank

>> No.13103837

They are so different they might as well be on different continents

>> No.13103867

Can't I get one without having to spend money?

>> No.13103874

Duct tape is pretty cheap

>> No.13103897


loli girlfriends come with a price tag too you know

you might spend money on her or you might spend money on yourself to appeal to her

>> No.13103918

Children are very fun to talk to. They come up with the most funniest shit with their wildest imagination.

>> No.13103919
File: 45 KB, 209x164, 1411677590931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-does anyone want to be my bf?

>> No.13103926
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anon why do you have to remind me of this...

>> No.13103928
File: 701 KB, 640x360, 1392571824406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bub, that anime girl is my avatar. You better stop posting her and post someone else.

>> No.13103945

Not him but what are you going to do, anon?

>> No.13103960
File: 149 KB, 1280x1316, 1422911967376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he keeps doing it I'm going to steal all his pics and use them as my own.

>> No.13103991

Forget lolis. Forget gfs. I just don't want to be alone anymore.

>> No.13104048

After you spend some time with me you'll WISH you'd be alone again.

>> No.13104068

That reminds me of that one comic where 2 guys kill themselves in the end.

can't remember the title.

>> No.13104085


I think controlling our own perception entirely is not "throwing in the towel", but far grander than a pointless conquest of the universe.

I think continuing on the current path is just going to continue to make everyone less happy.

>> No.13104089


>> No.13104096

Anyone ever thought of catfishing as a loli?

>> No.13104112


>> No.13104121


You don't even need to catfish as a loli; any girl account would get swarmed with horny men.

>> No.13104122


>> No.13104135


>drug the prevents wasting of muscle tissue

Electrical stimulus.

>> No.13104138

Loli tomodachi?

>> No.13104142

but my 3 year old niece has an ipad dood

>> No.13104146

>Perverted-Justice also operates a site that targets groups and individuals it identifies as being involved in the pedophile activism community
I wonder if they're watching /jp/.

>> No.13104147
File: 1.83 MB, 2560x2880, sumigl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to dress a loli in cute clothes

>> No.13104149

I want to fuck kids.

>> No.13104155

make that 4chan

>> No.13104174

No, they're just kids like all other kids. I'm guessing you have no experience with kids. Do you at least remember what it was like being a kid?

>> No.13104178

Oh yeah, that's the one.

I think the guy who made it also made one about a guy who knocks on door pretending to be a radioactive inspector or something.

>> No.13104182

at this point /jp/ is the one pretending to be the little girl; probably seen how gay its gotten in here lately

>> No.13104192


We didn't do that in my school.

Girls were to be avoided completely.

Was surprised to find out, when I moved somewhere else, that everyone had had a ``girlfriend'' before they were ten.

>> No.13104201
File: 398 KB, 1200x1739, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, geiger counter is the best

>> No.13104202


>> No.13104229

time goes fast in neet years man i still thought it was 2012

>> No.13104267


Please don't.

>> No.13104278
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>> No.13104300


What is this groom thing?

>> No.13104322


>> No.13104324


give a neat and tidy appearance to (someone)

I'm sure they're talking about buying nice clothes for her and doing her hair.

>> No.13104328

Isn't it when you brush someone's hair?

>> No.13104341

There's even a wiki page?
Now I feel dumb.

Maybe there's a page for loli girlfriend too.

>Did you mean: lori girlfriend

>The page "Loli girlfriend" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.

I guess not.

>> No.13104345

I always thought it was something like doing favors and treating someone very nicely so they grow to like you, grow to like being around you, and are more willing to do things when asked without thinking much of it because of how comfortable they are around you, and how much they like you.

Doesn't the same thing happen with women? Why is it bad when someone does it with a loli?

>> No.13104347

I'm sure it exists, just in a different name.

>> No.13104349

Oh, and giving them gifts is part of it too.

>> No.13104355


Take your pick.

>> No.13104365


>I always thought it was something like doing favors and treating someone very nicely so they grow to like you, grow to like being around you, and are more willing to do things when asked without thinking much of it because of how comfortable they are around you, and how much they like you.

This is ironic, right?

>> No.13104371

It's bad when you do it to have sex with lolis.

>> No.13104380

I'm sure there are other reasons, right?

>> No.13104383


In this case, not really.

>> No.13104386

Why not? If I had money and access to a loli I'd take her out to lots of places and get her nice clothes and stuff. That doesn't mean I want to fuck her.

>> No.13104486

If I ever want to fulfill my lolicon desires I'd have to date and spend time with an adult, legal age woman and just pretend she was very young. Besides just scoping out asian babes, what can I do to hook up with petites?

>> No.13104491

Since it's a wiki, you can make it yourself. Start it and add all your tips for getting a loli girlfriend.

>> No.13104502

I know how you feel. Sometimes I would like to pamper and dote on a cute girl too. No lewd stuff, just buying her sweets and things she asks politely for, just to see her smile and be happy.

>> No.13104504


>> No.13104514

>If I ever want to fulfill my lolicon desires I'd have to date and spend time with an adult


>> No.13104518

*fantasies, sorry

>> No.13104519

midget porn stars

>> No.13104519,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis say "hecka" a lot?

>> No.13104531

Um... Isn't that still like saying, "To fulfill my fantasy of driving a gokart, I will drive this car instead"?

>> No.13104532

what happened to IBsan

>> No.13104551

It's not even remotely the same.

>> No.13104567

I tried that... Didn't work so well...

>> No.13104582

So...end up on any sex offender list, or TCAP, or what?

>> No.13104664

where my lolis at
let's play video games

>> No.13104689

>legal flat-chested, (preferably asian) short qt3.14
I don't know about you guys, but there are a lot of these types of girls where I live. Hell, I even know a girl who I originally mistook for an early middle-school boy.

>> No.13104707


>> No.13104707,1 [INTERNAL] 

If I tell you that you might guess who it is. She is a nice girl, can't do that.

>> No.13104718

what kind of video games do lolis like
i think theyd like mario kart or crash team racing

>> No.13104718,1 [INTERNAL] 

Jones is a girl!

>> No.13104731


I heard one talking about Minecraft the other day.

>> No.13104731,1 [INTERNAL] 

then maybe you shouldn't have said anything from the beginning?

>> No.13104768
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>> No.13104775
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dota and csgo

>> No.13104797

only when you have become cured of lolicon can you hold hands with loli!

>> No.13104797,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty sure you don't know still so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.13104808

Instead of sitting on your ass and begging for it, you could instead divert your efforts into trying to make it happen.

>> No.13104811

rhythm games

>> No.13104813

No, thankfully. Just no gf and I gave up for good.

>> No.13104815


>> No.13104816

in other words, never?

>> No.13104828

How though?

>> No.13104828,1 [INTERNAL] 

of course, it's neo-neo/jp/

do you have pictures of her butthole?

>> No.13104848
File: 1.12 MB, 947x1228, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i play all of these
does this increase my chances?
do i have to lose to them if we're playing against each other

>> No.13104856

better find a loli to play with before she grows up and turns into an old hag

>> No.13104848,1 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis like mainstream normie garbage because girls have it easier in life unless they are fucking ugly. You have to be a lonely nerd to avoid becoming a fucking normie and actually know about video games.

>> No.13104868
File: 228 KB, 488x619, 1406164825051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I become the loli?

>> No.13104868,1 [INTERNAL] 

Am I really looking at a /jp/ thread and not an /a/ thread

>> No.13104868,2 [INTERNAL] 


Is there any difference nowadays?

>> No.13104868,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah dude every jpsie wants to fuck 3D little girls just like you keep tellin' yourself that

>> No.13104918

Become a 30 year old salaryman.

>> No.13104918,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's how it's always been. The first few posts is proof of how far /jp/ has fallen.

>> No.13104918,2 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off rapist stop making stupid generalizations

>> No.13104926

Do I look like I know? You're the one who wants it.

If it's truly what you want, you'll find a way.

>> No.13104955

Once in a lifetime, I feel good about my sexual tastes.
Feels good to not be a pedophile.
I got a sweet gf with a perfect body and cute face that doesn't leave her place ever and has great taste. You better be jealous. Just kill yourself already, you'll never have a healthy relationship with a woman you truly desire.

>> No.13104955,1 [INTERNAL] 

You know, there's a reason why junior gravure idols were banned. There's a reason some guy used to literally spam this place with child porn. There's a reason moot said this place is full of directionless pedophiles.

>> No.13104955,2 [INTERNAL] 

4chan is full of edgy teens?

>> No.13104955,3 [INTERNAL] 

My dick is in your ass?

>> No.13104955,4 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.13104955,5 [INTERNAL] 

love that edgy meme

>> No.13105014

I already had one.

It ended horribly.

>> No.13105014,1 [INTERNAL] 

Don't rease him for it, it's all he knows ever since he came here in 2013.

>> No.13105014,2 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, this manga would be amazing if the protagonist was a real loli instead of some old dude.

>> No.13105014,3 [INTERNAL] 

i'm sorry

>> No.13105014,4 [INTERNAL] 

It would just be a generic slice of life then. Lolis are already perverted and show their butts to people.

>> No.13105034

then it wasn't a healthy relationship, you dork

>> No.13105034,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want to see the daily life of a loli.

>> No.13105057

>replying to spoilers
>implying relationships with age differences are inherently unhealthy
It doesn't get more obvious than that.

>> No.13105066

What happens when she's not a loli anymore? Do you dump her and find another?

>> No.13105085

You love her despite her flaws.
Get it through your head. It's love, not lust.

>> No.13105094

Not a loli.. anymore?
I'm not sure I follow. Loli is eternal.

>> No.13105094,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13105101

fuck her and make more loli

>> No.13105127

Making lolis with a loli is my greatest fetish.

>> No.13105132
File: 45 KB, 478x430, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13105132,1 [INTERNAL] 

this thread is an eyesore

>> No.13105186

Why aren't you supporting the simloli dev?

>> No.13105186,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13105197

I found my eternal loli, but the story that made her an eternal loli is quite sad.

She had cancer as a child and was told she wouldn't live past 8, something horrible to be told. Her childhood was ruined, her parents kept her inside and tried to make everything for her as safe as possible while she went through chemo as such a young person. When her 8th birthday came along, all of her relatives were so happy she was still around, so they home schooled her to make sure she wouldn't make friends since she was bound to die any day now. Years passed and chemo continued, until the day she turned 14, she was told that her cancer had finally gone away, she had survived, battled and won. She was finally sent off to a public school, but alas, all her treatments had stunted her growth and she still looked like a 10 year old little girl, completely flat and short. Kids made fun of her, called her "tiny *****" and she was ostracized from her peers. She went through all of the rest of her school days, still undeveloped, still tormented by others. When she turned 18, and finally graduated from high school, she looked to be about 11~12, and went right into hiding, never leaving her home for fear that others would continue to taunt her for her stunted growth. This continued a few years until she finally was forced by her parents to get a job, which happened to be a reception for the business my mother owned. I came to her work one day, dropping off a lunch my mother had forgotten to take along, and noticed this adorable loli talking on the phone with a customer at the front desk. I knew my mother did everything by the books and wouldn't hire a child, so I assumed it was an extremely underdeveloped late blooming 16 year old, but she was 21 at this point. After talking to her briefly, being as nice as I could, offering her praises at looking so youthful, she nearly broke down in tears. I had accidentally brought up a past that haunted her, the now adult loli.

>> No.13105200

I apologized and left, scared that she would never talk to me again. Thankfully I was able to build her back up, little by little talking to her with idle banter as I forced my mother to allow me to deliver her lunches now every single day. We got to a point where we could talk casually, and even worked up to courage to ask her out to a bar, which she apparently reluctantly accepted. I was able to make a habit out of taking her out to eat and such since she was too scared to go alone, but wanted any kind of friendly human contact with someone not in her family. Things progressed more towards a friend until one fateful day.

While out at a local fancy pants bar, which I wasn't to happy to be at since I knew I was going to spend all of my meager cash at, she looked up into my eyes after a couple drinks and blurted out "I want you to make love with me". She never broke eye contact, and I was quite bewildered, but honored, that I was about to lose my virginity to a loli looking woman. I couldn't say a single word to her while we finished off our drinks, paid the tab, and headed out towards my car. Once in the car she told me she wanted to go to a hotel, since we both lived with our parents at that time, and I awkwardly obliged. Once at the hotel she started stripping almost immediately as we closed the door behind us. We then proceeded to make love in the missionary style while holding hands, very boring. I came really quickly, but the second bout lasted much longer, then came a third round. We were at it for about an hour and a half until we both passed out, exhausted, dehydrated, and both with uncanny smiles upon our faces. We did some of the same in the morning following. We leisurely went out for breakfast, then I dropped her off at her house. I never saw her again after that day. She never picked up her phone, she never showed up at my mothers work place, and no clues to as why I had lost the one true 3D that I thought I could love.

>> No.13105201

I came to find out a couple months later that she had an acute relapse and her cancer spread quickly and deadly. She was admitted to the hospital a couple days after our copulation and didn't live to leave from her final resting facility. She died a horrible and painful death where her organs shut down one after another, and I wasn't informed until after the fact. Once I learned of this from my mother, after the loli's parents had explained it to her I literally didn't leave my house for a month straight. She had wanted to make love to me, then left on her own to avoid causing me any pain. I wasn't there for her in her time of need, I wasn't able to hold her hand and tell her everything was going to be all right even if I knew it wasn't, I didn't do anything and lived oblivious of her suffering. She was the only good thing that had ever happened to me, and I can only hope vice versa.

To this day I get way too flustered whenever I look at vanilla loli doujin, to the point of tears. I couldn't and didn't do anything I should have, and this pain will stay in my heart until the day I die a lonely and loliless death. She will always be my one true loli love, and nothing on this planet will ever replace that gaping hole in my heart that lusts for her. She was and still is my one true eternal loli love.

>> No.13105201,1 [INTERNAL] 

a+ tier kopipe material

>> No.13105201,2 [INTERNAL] 

more like /a/ tier haha

>> No.13105216
File: 58 KB, 720x481, 1419446904627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13105216,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13105218

japanese lolicon bird hugging a 3d pig

>> No.13105229

How tight was her cunny?

>> No.13105255

looks like your dick can transmit cancer almost as well as your posts

>> No.13105255,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13105276

>tfw I'm the only loli here and everyone wants me. >.<

>> No.13105281

w-wanna meet up

>> No.13105281,1 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck fanfc fag on suicide watch lmao

>> No.13105282
File: 90 KB, 255x502, 1372085945813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your old folks home grandpa

>> No.13105284

are you old? -.-

>> No.13105284,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13105284,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13105320

im younger than most of /jp/

>> No.13105348

hey dont lie im one too!!

>> No.13105353
File: 684 KB, 1584x4120, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13105353,1 [INTERNAL] 

big w brings the smackdowns

>> No.13105353,2 [INTERNAL] 

why the fuck isnt this deleted yet goddamn

>> No.13105353,3 [INTERNAL] 

someone spam child models

>> No.13105454
File: 162 KB, 775x1200, 48108693_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will finally be your year

>> No.13105468

What happened to that guy who posted about his cousins all the time?

>> No.13105487

Got found out, got kicked out. Probably dead now.

>> No.13105639

tfw i have a loli gf
feels good man

>> No.13105666

No, it's edgy. Acknowledging the simple fact that human civilization is currently declining on multiple levels (technology aside) is an act of edginess. You're supposed to pretend everything is peachy, just for the sake of not having some self-righteous delusional fucktard regurgitate buzzwords at you.

>> No.13105673

How old is she?

>> No.13105700

uuh uh... okay.

Isn't that what women call being the "nice guy"? I'm pretty sure that the modern women see the nice guy as a weak guy, you don't wanna be one.

.. Assuming that you really, really are interested in real life women.

>> No.13105702

>human civilization is currently declining on multiple levels.
For example?

>> No.13105704

I can hear the mating call of /pol/ echoing already

>> No.13105716

I have the beginning of a loli story too. My sister is 12 now, 9.5 years younger than me. Before you freak out about incest and shit, she's adopted from China. That just makes it better though, right? I have 2 brothers as well (both between me and her) but me and my sister are the closest out of all of us.

A little more background, my parents are divorced and have been for several years. My mom is the nicest lady you could ever fucking meet, but she can be really (REALLY) overprotective. My dad is a scumbag. He never hit us and he rarely raised his voice, but he was so emotionally withdrawn and selfish that as kids, we were shown that emotions don't real. Dad stole and pissed away a lot of money from the family leading up to the divorce. He used to be a pretty well off businessman, but over time, all the money went away. I know he was a porn addict, but I honestly have no idea where all the money went. He's been in and out of the city we live in, he can't keep a job because he'll only apply for certain jobs in marketing. He's just the type of person who was never meant to be a parent. He thought having more kids would help that, but that was stupid. Sorry about the rant about my dad, but I think it gives good insight.

Now, on to my sister. She's really tan for a Chinese girl, she looks almost hispanic. Like I said before, she and I are really close. I live on my own now, but I visit the family for dinner about once a week. Every so often sis and I will have really long phone conversations where she just goes on and on about stuff. She likes to talk a lot which is really different from me who has trouble carrying a conversation. Whenever I'm over there, she likes to sit on my lap and we're always fairly affectionate physically. She's the only one I feel comfortable being affectionate with and I'm pretty it's the same for her. We also go on movie dates alone together and I definitely notice a lot of weird looks. (cont)

>> No.13105747

We have a resource problem that is only compounded and made even worse by our rising population.

We can choose to either step up or space programs and try to colonize space and grab some resources up in the heavens while spreading people out across a much less restrictive area than earth.

But more likely, when shit gets really bad and we're all crowded and dying of disease and famine we will have some global government step in and take charge of the world and save us plebs. Their first step will be to just holocaust all the excess people and proceed to impose heavy restrictions to reproduction, consumption and travel on all the people afterwards. I wouldn't be surprised if governments started to promote and even eventually enforce homosexuality for the common plebs in order to stop us from shitting out useless children. Heterosexuality and fertility may even become special privileges restricted to the elites in the future.

The whole point of the matter is that we are not looking to a bright future because people are too afraid to just take a stand and do something right now instead of later when it may already be too late. I'd rather just sterilize the entire third world/Africa than have to deal with global depopulation horrors.

But I'm just spit balling here. Who knows? I'm a fucking loon who focuses on negatives. This is just one of the worst possible scenarios I can think of.

>> No.13105753

Lack of economic stability in virtually all countries, declining average intelligence of citizens in first world countries, waning independence of citizens in first-world countries, international conflict still rising, increasing prevalence of mental disorders and neurological defects in gene pools across the globe, overpopulation becoming a major issue, running low on non-renewable resources (ie: fuel) that are permanently integrated to everyday life in modern society...

Take your pick. I'm sure there's some other environmentalist shit I could have added. Being aware of it doesn't mean you have to lament over it. Alternatively, you can just say "nuh uh" and try to rationalize it away as "edginess".

>> No.13105756

She's too young/oblivious to notice yet. The only bad thing about pursuing a more fulfilling, emotionally connected relationship is that she's so damn immature. She's sassy as fuck, and doesn't realize when she's said too much or legitimately said something to hurt you. (She hasn't been legitimately tested, but she may be on the aspergers spectrum. Both my brothers have severe aspergers, so being in that sort of environment I'm sure she learned some behaviors from them)

I used to tease and micromanage the fuck out of her when we were younger because I felt and was made to feel that I, being the oldest, was supposed to be a father to my younger siblings. My mom has a lot of health issues, so I definitely had way more responsibilities than a normal kid my age. Since I've been living out of their house now, our relationship has really improved. I'm the only one who she will actually talk about her feelings to.

Back to her being immature. I know for a fact that my mom has told her about sex, and she probably hasn't talked about it in a good way. Since my dad was a porn addict, my mom kinda sees it as the thing that destroyed her marriage. Catching my dad with porn was the first indicator that something was wrong in her marriage so she's been pretty scared of sex in general. That being said, she's still extremely accepting and supportive, she just doesn't have a realistic perception of sex and relationships. Mom also had a hysterectomy several years ago so she has zero sex drive. I'm sorry about all these tangents anons, I really am.

So this leaves me with a prefect loli sister, except for the fact that she is extremely judgemental of anyone's feelings and romantic relationships in general. I really don't think she understands that some of the things she says can be hurtful. (cont)

>> No.13105761
File: 10 KB, 178x165, 1416293185999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The excess of kikes in the world will lead to the downfall of civilization. Make no mistake.

>> No.13105765

fuck off normie

>> No.13105765,1 [INTERNAL] 


more pasta

this story wasn't even slightly interesting the first time I heard it

>> No.13105769

She's such an active, social, talkative person that I don't really feel safe having her as my 'gf' in this day and age because she has no filter or perception of what she should and shouldn't say. That being said, she really makes me happy, and I really enjoy spending time with her and holding her and being close to her. Iv'e talked to her a little about it, but she just blows me off because she just doesn't understand how to deal with her emotions or even recognize them in the first place.

I can definitely see a romantic relationship forming later on, but then she won't be a loli anymore. :(

Thanks for reading I guess. I don't usually post stuff like this, or even talk about it, so this took a lot.

>> No.13105780

I only partially agree. Jews are bad, but so is everyone else. If only we could objectively quantify and determine how good and useful a person is. Then we would be able to separate all the good people and then get rid of the bad ones.

My dream society is a world where only people with positive qualities are allowed to live and all wickedness is purged before birth.

>> No.13105787

>liking henreader
And to think I used to respect you.

>> No.13105797

Where the fuck are the mods?!!

>> No.13105800

Loli threads are /jp/ tho.

>> No.13105802

Archive says otherwise.

>> No.13105804

>If only we could objectively quantify and determine how good and useful a person is. Then we would be able to separate all the good people and then get rid of the bad ones.
Most of /jp/ would be murdered.

>> No.13105808

The archive has loli AND junior idol threads tho.

>> No.13105808,1 [INTERNAL] 

I really hate how megaman kind of died

ZX and ZX advent did become notable easier compared to earlier titles, but were introducing a lot of fun power-ups and transforms, I was really hoping a ZX3 would happen

closest we got recently was gunvolt, but you have to unequip all items because they make the game too easy

and then capcom started making more classic-type megamans, which aren't that hard if you get used to how little you can do and take it slow

>> No.13105810

I don't mind. If I could die with the 100% guarantee that the world would be improved and head towards a positive direction I would gladly sacrifice myself. It would be an honor for me and would give my life meaning.

>> No.13105813

I want to do lewd things with my cousin.

>> No.13105819

You are a noble but stupid person, don't die so other people can succeed, anon.

Be more selfish, live anon, live.

>> No.13105823

But if you die you can have no qt loli gf

>> No.13105825

Selflessness like that is stupid unless it's related to people you care about directly

>> No.13105826


That's a lot of people, though.

Where would you store them before the execution? Some sort of camp or something?
Eh, I guess we could polish out the details later.

>> No.13105828

That's some sort of race joke, isn't it anon.

>> No.13105855

You'll end up like cousin anon. Don't do it.

>> No.13105858

I thought that was uncle? There are more stories I missed?!

>> No.13105894

What are you talking about?

>> No.13105909

>If only we could objectively quantify and determine how good and useful a person is. Then we would be able to separate all the good people and then get rid of the bad ones.
>My dream society is a world where only people with positive qualities are allowed to live and all wickedness is purged before birth.

This idea has existed for a long time and was the philosophy that led to the Holocaust ([insert /pol/ claims the Holocaust was fake]): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics

In practice, trying to improve the human race this way is foolish as no human will ever be able to fully understand what traits will be useful at any given time. Even if you're not useful now, maybe in 30 years society will have changed in a way that makes your traits essential. In nature, even many parasites fulfill functions inside an ecosystem despite being nothing but parasites.

If you asked people 50 years ago, autism-associated traits were something to be erased for better functioning people. Nowadays, on the other hand, autism-associated traits tend to be useful inside computer science-related fields. It's likely computer science wouldn't have advanced as rapidly if it weren't for people with autistic traits.

>> No.13105927


>> No.13105956

There was a person called uncle anon who had wild times with his loli gf, I think he got busted though, I can't remember.

>> No.13105966

>led to the holocaust

also autism back then is completly different then autism today,
high functioning autists were just considered odd individuals and many successful individuals fell into that group.

and eugenics is pretty useful, its no good to pass on your genetics if your family line is full of inheritable traits like heart attacks by 30 and other similar things.

>> No.13105995

I think I understand what you are getting at.

But I think there definitely can be certain traits that are not necessary for a civilized society. I think people who intentionally harm others or misuse their authority should be purged with extreme prejudice. There are very few useful sociopathic traits imo.

Your last two paragraphs gave me an interesting idea, though. Being able to manually control emotions and psychology sounds like a very fantastic prospect. Having the ability to alter and adjust your emotions at will seems like a very useful skill, people could make themselves perfectly fearless in times of need or more charismatic if they wanted.

I think we CAN build a better humanity. We just aren't trying hard enough. Someday I hope that we have perfected the human race into a master race of hyper-intelligent, physically perfect, demi-gods fit to conquer the universe.

I don't think it's right to kill people for being defective. Just that we shouldn't be allowed to have children.

>> No.13105998

Must have been some other board. I've never heard of that person

>> No.13106027

>Offered 3 year transfer to japan in exchange for early retirement prospects and hefty pay raise
wish that actually existed.

>> No.13106040

>Your last two paragraphs gave me an interesting idea, though. Being able to manually control emotions and psychology sounds like a very fantastic prospect. Having the ability to alter and adjust your emotions at will seems like a very useful skill, people could make themselves perfectly fearless in times of need or more charismatic if they wanted.
That's called doublethink.

>> No.13106048

No, doublethink is rationalizing inconsistencies.

What this dude means is a complete control of his emotion and mind.

>> No.13106054

Doublethink also means controlling your emotions. Loving Big Brother is part of it.

>> No.13106073

Resading Henreaders's doujins and fapping thinking about all the lolified anons in this thread is specially arousing.

>> No.13106088

>I think people who intentionally harm others or misuse their authority should be purged with extreme prejudice. There are very few useful sociopathic traits imo.
Take a look at history. Many great leaders were complete assholes to put it mildly. Many civilizations have prospered on the backs of others. In a way, even our civilization fits the bill: If it weren't for the heartless people setting it all up, we wouldn't be receiving ultra-cheap goods made through practical slave labor in third world countries, and we'd be far less prosperous as a result. This, in turn, would shift our focus from things like science that isn't immediately needed (think of all the scientific advances made in the space race), stuff that benefits humanity in the long run.

>> No.13106101

I mean it in a more literal and deliberate way. As in you could press a button to make yourself stop feeling sad or feel more determined.

>> No.13106145

>As in some authority could press a button to make you stop feeling sad or feel more determined.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.13106165

Remove the normies.

>> No.13106207

> you could press a button to make yourself stop feeling sad
There are drugs that do that you know.

>> No.13106215

Where do I sign up?

>> No.13106273

At your local psychiatrist. The application process is long and expensive, and results are not guaranteed.

>> No.13106281

So instead I should get a pistol; the application being short and cheap. With guaranteed results?

>> No.13106327
File: 21 KB, 178x393, b8bd859f16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gift to you anon, the mere concept of a loli.

>> No.13106352

>Those legs
Monster girl ostrich loli?

>> No.13106396


Bowed legs are cute af.

>> No.13106505
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1200, 1414268534729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get what they call a 'legal loli'

>> No.13106508

I, too, would like to know how tight his anus was.

>> No.13106537
File: 55 KB, 437x600, 509e67fa1031c8456969446d12589d19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me that I want to make a cute dress for my 2yo pet rabbit. But I don't know how to sew so I can't be bothered to even try.

Why aren't bunnies the best pet? Everyone wants a cat. Or a dog. But my younger brother has a small shiba inu cross breed and he dresses him with designer jackets and stuff making me jealous because I'm a neet..

>> No.13106554
File: 99 KB, 640x360, 1416806295821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.13106585


>Why aren't bunnies the best pet? Everyone wants a cat. Or a dog.

Because cats and dogs have more advanced brains.

A rabbit just exists, mostly unaware of its position in the universe.

It won't develop as intricate a personality, and it won't do such interesting things.

It's more of an animate decoration, than a companion.

>> No.13106773

I'm dying man

>> No.13106800

That and bunnies are extremely fragile. They can die just from being surprised by a nearby firework.

>> No.13106961

Lolicon means pedo in denial

>> No.13107013

I am not in denial. Its just a cuter word.

>> No.13107034


No, it doesn't.

There's no 2D/3D distinction implied in the word in Japan.

>> No.13107124

小児性愛者is the word for pedo's though

>> No.13107130


Synonyms obviously don't exist.

>> No.13107208

>The application process is long and expensive
That depends on your country.
Actually finding the drugs that work for you might take time though, mostly because it takes fucking weeks for them to start working

>> No.13107215

No, Chris Hansen is in the front seat.

I'd prefer Nanyako.

>> No.13107311

I wish I was a loli so I could date all of you anons.

>> No.13107320
File: 1.28 MB, 250x141, 1410643597032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

>> No.13107351 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 1203x872, 4856435685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone know from which Henreader this is? I didn't find on exhentai.

>> No.13107442

It's part of the tank Hatsukoi Ribbon
it got removed from ex because of wani

>> No.13107445

Nakayoshi Ribbon

>> No.13107502

Too lewd, anon.

I want to save the pic but I don't think I should.

>> No.13107512

you should buy the tank and support henreader.

>> No.13107551

I didn't think we still had these kind of threads here.

>> No.13107633
File: 1.23 MB, 1351x2000, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you thought wrong.

>> No.13107858

How about "no"?

>> No.13107875

I wish I was loli so I could be your lewd sister.

>> No.13108159

I wish we were both loli sisters so we could experiment with each other.

>> No.13108203

and i wish i where your older brother that gets to do lewd stuff with both of his loli sisters.

>> No.13108203,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want to go balls deep in a loli's tiny throat

>> No.13108447

That's a tiny cunny.

>> No.13108452

No cunny-posting allowed, dude.

>> No.13108454

Seriously, what do you wish in a loli gf that you couldn't have in a not loli one?

>> No.13108457

2 dimensions.

>> No.13108463

The threat of prison.

>> No.13108479

It wouldn't be a loli thread without it.

>> No.13108500

Is that something to wish for?

>> No.13108583


What's fun without a bit of danger?

>> No.13108983

Love this /a/ meme. Yeah guys I TOTALLY only want to fuck 2D lolis. 3DPG, amirite? *wink wink*

>> No.13109008

all the loliness

>> No.13109063


>> No.13109099

Love this honeypot meme. Yeah guys I TOTALLY want to fuck little children. By the way, add me on Skype :)

>> No.13109099,1 [INTERNAL] 

Would you the butt of a super cute loli?

>> No.13109106


Isn't it a little too late for that now?

>> No.13109106,1 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis don't even have butts

>> No.13109106,2 [INTERNAL] 


Uhhh what is this?

>> No.13109106,3 [INTERNAL] 

A creepy photo of a store that you took after raping your cousin.

>> No.13109106,4 [INTERNAL] 

I just reposted it, I didn't take it.

>> No.13109106,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13109106,6 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I knew someone in real life who I could do loli things with. I'd seem a lot less suspicious at certain places if I weren't by myself.

>> No.13109106,7 [INTERNAL] 

A loli tomodachi?

>> No.13109106,8 [INTERNAL] 

Either an actual loli or just someone else my own age.

>> No.13109106,9 [INTERNAL] 

COme pick me up

>> No.13109106,10 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I wish I could clone myself or something just so I could do things without people noticing I'm alone all the time

>> No.13109106,11 [INTERNAL] 


Humiliation makes me cry ;_;

>> No.13109106,12 [INTERNAL] 


Then why do you read it?

>> No.13109106,13 [INTERNAL] 

The dreamlike life of a loli!

>> No.13109106,14 [INTERNAL] 

which spinoff do you think it is?

>> No.13109743

Pig gross. Duh.

>> No.13109803


>> No.13109823

Buzz off, newfrig.

>> No.13109834

>best way to show you're a crossie

>> No.13109918

Misusing the quote function and calling people crossies? Yeah that is a good way.

>> No.13110189
File: 1.83 MB, 2560x1920, P2271797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13110189,1 [INTERNAL] 

anyone want to chat with lolis on younow

>> No.13110189,2 [INTERNAL] 

woah they redid the site

>> No.13110189,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,5 [INTERNAL] 


holy shiiiiiit!

>> No.13110189,6 [INTERNAL] 

she stopped, fug

the mom was yelling at some guy about being 46 years old and sitting at home watching girls and jerking off to child porn

>> No.13110189,7 [INTERNAL] 


the way this girl talks creeps me out she reminds me of a religious person

>> No.13110189,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,9 [INTERNAL] 


another slumber party

>> No.13110189,10 [INTERNAL] 

the robin guy said he was 21 and the small girl asked if he was serious and then the other girls started teasing her that she had a crush on him

i wish a loli would have a crush on me

>> No.13110189,11 [INTERNAL] 

theyre all fat except one what th efuck

>> No.13110189,12 [INTERNAL] 

I want a loli to crush muh dick

>> No.13110189,13 [INTERNAL] 

So what the fuck? They have no problem with a 21 year old boyfriend? This isn't the first time I've seen a preteen girl talking about dating someone in their 20s.

>> No.13110189,14 [INTERNAL] 

That's pretty faggy

>> No.13110189,15 [INTERNAL] 

do 10 and 11 year old girls even know about sex stuff

>> No.13110189,16 [INTERNAL] 

In the UK we learn about sex ed as young as 9/10. The first girl that ever liked me was talking about sex and blowjobs at 8 years old too, although she was kind of a special case since she started smoking at 7 and was probably abused by her loony father.

>> No.13110189,17 [INTERNAL] 

All lolis on younow are basically just midget sluts

>> No.13110189,18 [INTERNAL] 

Are the lolis on YouNow representative of normal lolis out in the world right now?

>> No.13110189,19 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, you and me both.

>> No.13110189,20 [INTERNAL] 

Imagine jamming your cock into a tiny loli. It would take a lot of effort to barely get the tip in.

>> No.13110189,21 [INTERNAL] 

I had a lucid dream that a saw a bunch of lolis and snatched a cutie up and hauled her off to a secluded place to do unspeakable things, but at the last second right when I was about to go to lolicon heaven she turned into a cat and fled through a small space and got away... still best lucid dream ever though. I wish I dream about lolis and remember every night... sadly, it's exceedingly rare that I even remember a dream, let alone a dream about lolis...

>> No.13110189,22 [INTERNAL] 

uhh if it was a lucid dream shouldnt you have been able to stop her from turning into a cat

>> No.13110189,23 [INTERNAL] 

In Japan lolicon means straight up girl lover. You ever see the warning in LO Magazine? Yes, lolita, no touch!

>> No.13110189,24 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,25 [INTERNAL] 

Someone has never seen candy doll, lol

>> No.13110189,26 [INTERNAL] 

current gen candy dolls doesn't even match even a piece of LauraBabe's loliskin

>> No.13110189,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,28 [INTERNAL] 

seems like i might be right after all

>> No.13110189,29 [INTERNAL] 


I can't even read fucking forums without feeling physically ill and wanting to MURDER normies, holy shit. BURRRRRRRNNNNNNNN.

>> No.13110189,30 [INTERNAL] 

I remember browsing the GameFAQs boards when I was like 11.

>> No.13110189,31 [INTERNAL] 

Go shit on the floor or something fagot

>> No.13110189,32 [INTERNAL] 

Would you let Ron Jeremy fuck your 8-year-old daughter?

>> No.13110189,33 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck no? To him a hole is just a hole and he would end up destroying her. Only people from here are qualified loli lovers.

>> No.13110189,34 [INTERNAL] 

you pedophiles are disgusting kill yourselves

>> No.13110189,35 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't let any man fuck my hypothetical daughter.

>> No.13110189,36 [INTERNAL] 

Uhhhh is ass slapping really that bad? People slap my ass all the time.

>> No.13110189,37 [INTERNAL] 

uh guys?

what happened to neuschwabenland

>> No.13110189,38 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a girl with a plump round juicy ass

>> No.13110189,39 [INTERNAL] 

What do you mean?

no sorry

>> No.13110189,40 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,41 [INTERNAL] 


boner help

>> No.13110189,42 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis be hecka cute!

>> No.13110189,43 [INTERNAL] 

Uhhh what happened?

>> No.13110189,44 [INTERNAL] 

loli butts ride slow

>> No.13110189,45 [INTERNAL] 

i need to replay that game and get bernd's sister

>> No.13110189,46 [INTERNAL] 


not a loli but kind of cute

>> No.13110189,47 [INTERNAL] 

another slumber party the girl with glasses is cute

>> No.13110189,48 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,49 [INTERNAL] 

LOL, forcing turds inside of you. "What does that mean?"

>> No.13110189,50 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that lolis are kids!

>> No.13110189,51 [INTERNAL] 

epic ><

>> No.13110189,52 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis smell like crayons.

>> No.13110189,53 [INTERNAL] 

you so good to me

>> No.13110189,54 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,55 [INTERNAL] 

The cuteness of an actual, literal lolee keed.

>> No.13110189,56 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,57 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are gosh-darned amazing!

>> No.13110189,58 [INTERNAL] 

the tip of the tongue taking a trip down the palate to tap, at three, the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.

>> No.13110189,59 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,60 [INTERNAL] 

That guy is so cool I wish I was him

>> No.13110189,61 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis ever feel like absolute ass? Would you help a ultra cute loli with her problems?

>> No.13110189,62 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,63 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,64 [INTERNAL] 

I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk! I love you milk!

>> No.13110189,65 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13110189,66 [INTERNAL] 

haha u r so le funy XDD ><
