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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 720x464, militarische madchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13096543 No.13096543 [Reply] [Original]

Good day /jp/. This game has just recently came into beta. Has any one of you played it yet? From what I can tell it is Kancolle but with Tanks and Infantry.

>> No.13096548

I forgot the link.


My apologies.

>> No.13096563
File: 300 KB, 1068x643, madchen screenshot 1 edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A screenshot from the "HQ" screen.

>> No.13097205

Fuck of japan stop such a creep with our shameful history.

>> No.13097250

Oh look.
It's like Kancolle, except it's with tanks. And nazi germany history.

Aren't Japanese aware that Germans don't like being reminded of WWII?

>> No.13097281

Obviously, it's Japanese that will play this, not Germans.

>> No.13097290

I wonder how Japanese would react if I were to shit on their history by making a game where all the emperors are inbred autists and all Japanese are racists sadistic jerks, said game being destined to the european audience and constantly banning all asian IPs.

>> No.13097299

Was that supposed to be an analogy to the game? Because it isn't, and you're getting angry for the sake of being angry.

>> No.13097303

What if I LIKE being angry, huh?
What if I want to lick the butthurt tears of Japanese finally getting their history shitted on, hu?

Remember the King Arthur, how these assholes made him an insecure woman with "muh ovaries".

>> No.13097306

It's only a matter of time before there's an anime with Hitler and Stalin being secretly gay lovers.

>> No.13097307

Yeah, not my thing. I'd rather discuss this cute new game with cute new tank girls。Hope you find someone to vent out to.

>> No.13097308

Enjoy the obvious cash-grabbing for that pay2win game, goy.

>> No.13097311
File: 297 KB, 1018x635, lolcanada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's APC's in this game. Britbong APC's.

>> No.13097326
File: 158 KB, 561x634, TKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Polish Tankette a cute.

>> No.13097371
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x640, 20150224-190909_夜上海.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combat is pretty much Kancolle, both units line up and take turns shooting at each other.

>> No.13097379

Oh, so that's what the squarish iconmeant. Well, Poland was part of the Greater Reich, so I think I'll keep those units in my team.

>> No.13097381
File: 1.01 MB, 1022x742, 3rd from top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what the 3rd option from the top does? There's a bunch of interesting menus from within, but I can't tell what they are just from context unlike what I was able to do from the other options.

>> No.13097384

Do the nips really have that much time playing all these kancolle clone?
Kancolle is already a huge time investment. I really dont see the kancolle playerbase jumping boat to start all over again.

>> No.13097393

It's probably for those who didn't get into Kancolle to begin with. Like myself, perhaps.

>> No.13097395

that is not the german I know

>> No.13097413
File: 976 KB, 1024x640, 20150224-182052_夜上海.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is "Officer School".
you unlock it later. It's basically construction/development in Kancolle.
You build girls/weapons and Scrap them there.

>> No.13097423
File: 170 KB, 888x539, Calvaryinmyww2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calvary Infantry

Isn't that a little outdated?

>> No.13097439
File: 108 KB, 758x460, ss+(2015-02-24+at+06.29.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You choose which girl you want to "build" with. Then choose a type. Like in construction for example, the 4 blue buttons on a screenshot above, from left to right: "Tanks" "Support Vehicles" "Special Weapons" "Infantry"

Then you set the slider, to determine how many resources do you want to use. Lower left button let's you continue after you set the things. Then you get a timer. the button next to it is to take the rewards after the build time is over.

The button above "Back" is to see your chances of getting whoever.

You use up a resource book everytime you build a girl or a weapon. You get them through quests. It's the plans in this picture.

>> No.13097442

>and Scrap them there.
Oh dear, for that reason, would you be so kind as to point out which one the scrap option is? I would like to know so I can avoid that, at least.

They were still used widely in WWII. Mainly in the Spanish civil war, and the Eastern Front. Probably also saw tons of use in the Asian theatre, there tanks would have been disadvantageous in the mostly jungle terrain.

>> No.13097452

Oh, thanks for the explanation. That helps a lot!

>> No.13097456
File: 955 KB, 1024x640, 20150224-182811_夜上海.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First tab is build, second is scrap girl, 3rd tab is build weapon, 4th tab is scrap weapon. 5th tab is just a picture tutorial

Picture included is 2nd tab, scrap girl screen.

>> No.13097460
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x640, 20150224-194930_夜上海.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I can tell about the HQ screen.
Camera button lets you take a screenshot. Button next to it lets you see your equipment. I have no idea what the gems are. Resources are simple. Fuel. Ammo. Rations. Gold.
First button to the left is Sortie.
Second is Group Formation. This is where you repair/resupply/modernise.
Third button is Officer School. This is the "Construction" screen of Militarische Madchen.
Fourth button is Quest.
Now the green buttons below the main four.
First is "Battle results". It's basically your commander's profile and stats
Second is the card section and stuff. Trivia and pictures of the girls you got.
Third is shop. I guess you can buy stuff with irl cash or whatever.
Fourth is Furniture. You can buy stuff with furniture points to make your HQ look better. I have no idea how furniture points work.
Fifth button is volume. Of course.

>> No.13097462

oh boy can't wait for the infinite generals this will bring to /jp/ like every other god awful website game

>> No.13097470

How much do they pay you for that viral marketing?

>> No.13097736

>actual vehicles
>not girls

no thanks

>> No.13098056

Does this again require a japanese IP?

>> No.13098091

Gonna be interesting to see how this will take off. There's been a lot of these kind of games lately

>> No.13099707


No. You just need a Yahoo .co .jp account

>> No.13099727

What battlegroups are you going to make, /jp/?

I'm currently working with my early game light mechanized with a front of mech and infantry, with light tanks to flank the sides. I'm also going to build up a Schwerpunkt of med-light tanks, supported by mech at the sides, but that's going to be on the side for a while. I only have 1 pz III as my spearpoint for now, and too few mechs.

Do they have artillery in this game?

>> No.13099888


Yes. I have a m10 wolverine and 3 variants of the StuG. Try constructing and clicking on the second tab. Those should get you support vehicles.

>> No.13099932

>Assault guns
Well, good enough.

I didn't expect there to be much love for towed howitzers anyway ;_;

>> No.13099933

So I'm making a Yahoo Japan ID, what's this T-card thing all about?

>> No.13099950

I don't know. I said no to it and it seems to be ok.

>> No.13100033
File: 85 KB, 973x638, ss+(2015-02-24+at+08.23.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears the maid has thrown a wrench in my plans to play this game. What a shame.

>> No.13100092


Keep F5'ing. It's a connection issue. I solved it by just f5'ing.

>> No.13100204

Na wunderbar. Wenn die das richtig authentisch aufziehen wollen kommt ja wohl diesen Sommer noch die komplett deutsche Version.

Dann aber bitte nicht mit "DER KAMPF ANFANGT" oder so'n Bullshit.

>> No.13100283

Whatever you say, Adolf.

>> No.13100322

Japs love themself some german, but they are not very good at it. Just look at all those wrong german titles in doujins and wrong german in anime and manga.

>> No.13100861

Is it pay2win or as free and generous as kancolle?

>> No.13101094

Kancolle is free and generous are we playing the same game?

>> No.13101359

I meant compared to other dmm games.

>> No.13101597

Any Construction tips? Are those paper form items devmats and clocks instant craft or repair? What are the plane items?

>> No.13101670
File: 595 KB, 562x634, Nashorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah. We Panzerjager now.

>> No.13101698

And holy shit what a monster. This thing cuts through tanks like plasma knife through butter.

>> No.13101800

so uh...girls und panzer?

>> No.13101806

More like girls are panzer.

>> No.13101829

What I hate about Kancolle more than anything it's that it was abvious people would make clones over clones and weebs will play them anyway.

>> No.13101831

people will play terrible games as long as they feature cute girls

stop the presses

>> No.13101837

What I hate about Kancolle is that we lost many touhou artist to this, and now they're trying to steal touhou memes to boost kanshit's popularity.

>> No.13101866

people who draw art of a thing should be married to it for life

>> No.13101886

Paper plans are devmats.

Clocks are instant repair.

Planes are instant build

Radio is instant expedition

>> No.13101898

I don't want to be married to that stick figure I drew at school.

>> No.13101903

How to unlock 2nd squad and I assume expeditions?

>> No.13101923

There should be a quest that allows you to unlock 2nd squad. I think its one of the combat ones.

>> No.13101943
File: 154 KB, 985x505, squad 2+expedition quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the one, right? I'm not sure what the condition is though.

>> No.13101950

Scrap 2 girls.

>> No.13101965

Thank you.

Is there priority targeting in the game, as in the team's position relative to the enemy will change who targets who? Or just random?

>> No.13104028

I think there is. From experience, there seems to be a higher chance for units to shoot what's directly in front of them. Then, if there's none, it's a random pick.

>> No.13105311

So apparently this is the formation stats.

1.横体 [Straight Row]
攻撃:O = Good On Offense
防御:O = Good On Defense
対空:Δ = Normal On Anti-Air
Bonus +10 on Hit 命中
Bonus +5 on Anti-Air 対空
Bonus +10 on Dodge 回避
2.斜行 [Echelon]
攻撃:Δ = Normal On Offense
防御:O = Good On Defense
対空:Δ = Normal On Anti-Air
Bonus +5 on Hit 命中
Bonus +5 on Anti-Air 対空
Bonus +10 on Dodge 回避
3.楔形 [Front Spear]
攻撃:Ⓞ = Great On Offense
防御:Δ = Normal On Defense
対空:X = Bad On Anti-Air
Bonus +15 on Hit 命中
Bonus -5 on Anti-Air 対空
Bonus +5 on Dodge 回避
4.凹角 [Rear Spear]
攻撃:Δ = Normal On Offense
防御:O = Good On Defense
対空:Δ = Normal On Anti-Air
Bonus +5 on Hit 命中
Bonus +5 on Anti-Air 対空
Bonus +10 on Dodge 回避
5.散開 [Spread Out]
攻撃:X = Bad On Offense
防御:Ⓞ = Great On Defense
対空:O = Good On Anti-Air
Bonus -5 on Hit 命中
Bonus +10 on Anti-Air 対空
Bonus +15 on Dodge 回避

>> No.13105343

Where does Anti-air come in anyway? Can units call for airstrikes and you need AA to defend against it?

>> No.13105457

Teaser for future content? This is like Kancolle meets Warthunder in that case.

>> No.13105478


There's planes in the game. When you get a weapon one of the "usable" classes is planes and bombers.

>> No.13105670

Crafting feels like quite the resource devourer. Is there any info out on the craft system? Like what the tabs that change the recipe ratios stand for at least?

>> No.13105928

The tabs lets you "decide" what type of girl you want.

Like if you want to build a "tank", you click on "tank" tab and choose a tank girl to build it. It's cheaper to build a girl using a girl in the same class.

>> No.13105939

Ok, apparently the explanation for all the "Variants" of the same vehicle is that...each girl represents a particular Ace. Like the finnish StuG 3 being Erkki Halonen or the Shy BT-7 being Grigoriy Naydin.

That would explain all the variants or something.

>> No.13106242
File: 893 KB, 1113x633, PzIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're half right. Some vehicle variants are also actual variants of that same vehicle. Technically, the PzIII G and PzIII J are two different vehicles.

>> No.13106293

Man, I'm loving the music of this game.

>> No.13106488
File: 926 KB, 1018x638, Simochan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, how do you steer in the map mode? I've been doing the third Barbarossa mission over and over and I can't get to that level that forks over from Moscow. It keeps redoing that damn Moscow mission I've cleared probably a dozen times now.

Also, I think my special forces battlegroup just got completed. Pic related.

>> No.13106501


...Simo Häyhä?

>> No.13106515

In the adorable flesh.

>> No.13106518

What do you guys do with your excess food and money? I can't eat all of this up. Is there a way I can trade them for fuel and munitions? At least to balance them out for crafting.

>> No.13106526

What does those rainbow things you get do?

>> No.13106538

If I'm not wrong they are only used to "repair"

What Rainbow things?

>> No.13106545
File: 3 KB, 105x31, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13106551

You can click on it to trade those gems for resources or "items" like instant repairs/devkits

>> No.13106603

No fatigue?

>> No.13106725

Craft, drop or quest reward?

>> No.13106734

I think there's a morale-fatigue thing because there's a neutral smiley that turned red when you sortie too much. I dunno if there's a sparkle mode like Kancolle though.

>> No.13108303

I got the same card from grinding 2-2, although I'm not sure if the stage matters.

>> No.13108413

Chen nowhere to be seen.

>> No.13108490

>sparkle mode
I don't know if it's the same, but I got my Nashorn in yellow flaming very smiley face for some reason. Probably from winning a whole lot. She's never even been damaged to date.

>> No.13108493

Drop. I got it in my latest run of never-getting-that-stage-beside-Moscow on 2-3.

>> No.13108931

Looking into what different compositions I could make with what I have, I've stumbled on a few bits of knowledge that might help the aspiring anon and his panzermadchen:

- Generally weak attack/accuracy from having only 1 weapon slot and that weapon being only infantry weapons
- Evades very well
- Will die almost immediately from any tank hit
> In the second/last phase of combat, it seems all infantry have 100% chance of critical hit, and - this next part I'm still looking into - that attack might either ignore tank armor or boost attack power by insane amounts.
- Very fuel/supply efficient

- Midpoint between light tank and infantry - ok survivability and ok evade.
- Can equip machineguns/autocannons and infantry weapons in its two slots. Thus, no good against even light armor.
> In the second/last phase of combat, it seems all mech have 100% chance of critical hit, and - this next part I'm still looking into - that attack might either ignore tank armor or boost attack power by insane amounts.

- From light to heavy, the proportions of evade/speed and hp/armor are inverse.
- In the second/last phase of combat, all tanks only shoot normally.
- Fuel/supply hungry

>Support Weapons (Spg, Pzjg, R-Art)
> Can potentially shoot >4 times in a whole battle
- Shoots first and last
- Survivability is roughly equivalent to light-med tanks, depending on model
- A definite must-have for your firepower needs.
- Eats up fuel/supply like no other

That's all the types I have for now.

>> No.13109039
File: 134 KB, 744x523, ss+(2015-02-27+at+09.50.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's "Command Vehicles."
I haven't gotten one yet, but they're needed for one of the quests. One of my friends who got it told me that his command vehicle has a 6 hour timer.

>> No.13109125

>his command vehicle has a 6 hour timer.
Why would the girls have a timer?

>> No.13109132
File: 171 KB, 560x631, MiliHimeCommand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st craft of the day and I got a 6-hour timer. Rushed it, so here's the stats at least.

>> No.13109149

Nice. Do tell what properties and abilities she has once you send her out for a sortie!

>> No.13109167

It can only equip rifles like the one it already has and its variants. If it could wear more things I don't own them yet.

>> No.13109195

That seems to be an MG. So I assume it has the same fighting statistics as a Mech Inf but with 4 slots. Quite nice. Anything else? Does it act list a support weapon or as mech infantry?

>> No.13109213

I got a second set of attacks in a battle.

>> No.13109322

Crafted some pistols, universally equippable but they have garbage stats. I wonder if they have special properties though.

>> No.13109326

I'm guessing that's Montgommery.
Good get, Anon.

>> No.13109358

I'm not sure if this is for the command vehicle, but a got a yellow prompt pre-battle and increased stat bonus besides field and formation modifiers.

>> No.13109376

For reference, I used forward spear and the prompt was for "the deep operation".

>> No.13109427

Echelon gives a yellow prompt "The Pakfront"

IRL references.

>> No.13109437

"Advanced" Strategies are probably unlocked when you have command vehicles. Interesting.

>inb4 Backhand Blow, Ambush, Blitzkrieg, etc.

>> No.13109494

Rear Spear triggered Mobile Defense, even more evasion for your evasion needs.

>> No.13109560

You mean my infantry can finally evade like it says on the tin? I should get myself one of those.

>> No.13109569

Also, have the relevant military doctrine:


>> No.13109603

Advance tactics might require terrain as well as formation, or it's just luck. It needs more testing.

>> No.13109611

Is there an English wiki for this game? Even a blank one? All this info will probably be lost once this thread dies.

>> No.13109640


Here's the wiki. It's not complete by any means but at least it is there.

I think one of the Anon's can just make another thread once this one dies.

>> No.13109710

Trying to test advanced tactics more, got Pakfront with forward spear so a tactic is not directly paired to a formation.

>> No.13109733

Command Vehicle doesn't attack in the extended battle phase by the way.

>> No.13109780

Would it be tied to the enemy composition?

The real Pakfront would have been measures against enemy tanks trying out Blitzkrieg tactics. Trying it out in the 1-1 levels with only mechs might reveal something.

Otherwise, there's no reason why it wouldn't just be completely random either.

>> No.13109815

I'd do more tests but fuel is low so it'll have to wait.

>> No.13109832

fugg almost 100 accuracy at level 1.

>> No.13109864

How do I change my secretary?

>> No.13109870

Click her

>> No.13109872

Click the secretary, the unit list pops up, choose a new one.

>> No.13109962

Blitzkrieg confirmed in advanced tactics.
Triggered with Forward spear vs enemy echelon, forest terrain.
All these could still be random but doesn't hurt to try I guess.

>> No.13109982

Can yo also note force composition? I can only guess that you might be using mostly tanks, both because that's what a Blitzkrieg calls for, and because that's pretty standard for the game.

>> No.13109984
File: 157 KB, 560x634, Mannerheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking For White Death but got Mannerheim instead. 2-2 boss node S rank drop.

>> No.13109991

So, nobody knows how to get your army into the node you want in the map screen when going a campaign?

>> No.13109994

Comp was Mech/Assault/Heavy/Command/Medium

>> No.13110017

Nipponese wiki for anyone willing to dig

>> No.13110103

So I got this from a comment in the wiki:


From what I understand, it seems he's saying that it doesn't matter how much resources you put into [summoning new girls via military academy], the chances of getting a good one doesn't change, so it's better to invest the lowest amount.


>> No.13110135

You can look at the % by pressing the green button on the right of the crafting screen (once you've selected a value).

>> No.13110210

Can we agree that 2-2 is the best place for farming/units?

>> No.13110222

Can you share your farming team?
I can get an A but S is unlikely because my units keep getting damaged.

>> No.13110251

It's mostly luck because even scratch damage kills S rank. More preemptive strike units or having a command vehicle for bonus stats from tactics helps.

>> No.13110268

So Stug is the KTKM of this game.

>> No.13110273

I farm using my highest level mediums armed to the teeth with the biggest cannons - 3 variants of Pz III, My nashorn td and 1 infantry armed with AT. The important part is the high level of the mediums, because low level mediums will be one-upped by enemy infantry and light tanks because of their naturally lower speed, but level them up a bit and modernize them using inf/mech and they can carry you to your S ranks no problem.

>> No.13110285

Finally got you too.
Natural higher base hit compared to other infantry as well as starts with what you'd expect Hayha to have historically(it's a 5* equip in game)

>> No.13110292

Does the formation matter?

>> No.13110302

Yes. With my build, I normally use spearhead formation, since I want to get the hits in as much as possible. However, when that's not possible (heavy tank that won't gmo down fast), I use the staggered formation or envelope formation so that I can at least try to evade.

It's also much more important to determine who will be in front of whom. I try to get a formation where my nashorn in directly in front of a tough tank, to get rid of it early, as well as get my infantry out of the way of pretty much anything except other infantry.

>> No.13110736
File: 144 KB, 921x589, kolobanov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went for my daily 2 crafts. One of them is a 4 hour timer. Turns out it's a KV-1. Apparently this one's based on Kolobanov.

>> No.13110778

So when you have a MiliHIme selected there are 4 options
What's the 4th one? Remodel/promotion?

>> No.13110780
File: 545 KB, 561x636, Matthews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hey hey. Looks like there _is_ some love for towed guns after all.

I'm sure my favorite FlaK 8.8 is bound to be in as well!

>> No.13110796
File: 282 KB, 335x459, img0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need Rocket waifu

>> No.13110824
File: 1.01 MB, 1022x637, Taigachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woohoo what a good day!

>> No.13110853

Is the + for rarity supposed to be the Iron Cross and the winged version >>13106488 as Iron Cross 1st Class?

>> No.13110867


If I'm not wrong, the winged cross is the "rarest" rarity in the game.

So far I've seen only 5, so I assume it works like this:
Common to rare:
1 star
2 star
3 star
Winged Cross

>> No.13110898

From the voiced description, it seems Kercher (?), the basis of the character was a subordinate of some sort of Otto Carius. However, searching for the name in Google doesn't bring up anything. I probably misspelt something here.

>> No.13110915

not sure if this is the right guy
Here's Otto Carius

>> No.13111426
File: 555 KB, 546x618, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Command Vehicles can make all your units attack again?
Does the same apply to the enemy?
I just got her but I can't tell what can she do.

>> No.13111444

I figured out that she can rise the team accuracy and attack with the 3 stars radar she comes with.

>> No.13112253

It seems like it.

I fought an enemy battlegroup with a command vehicle before, and to my (unpleasant) surprise, in between the first and last phase, a new phase was inserted where the enemy got full initiative. I still got to counterattack afterwards, though.

>> No.13113321
File: 1.21 MB, 1021x636, home_screen_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little Aryan can't be this cute!

>> No.13113803
File: 513 KB, 504x568, ミリ姫大戦 ゲームプレイ ゲームならYahoo モバゲー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this from 2-3.

>> No.13114013
File: 933 KB, 1023x639, zytsev-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, are all top tier snipers lolis?

Because I can totally get behind that.

>> No.13114069
File: 152 KB, 851x608, kv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they kicked a lot of ass.

Also I went full yolo. Maxed sliders on building a tank. Got me a derpchan.

I've no idea why the KV's are Catgirls but I'm fine with that.

>> No.13114089

>dem cannons

>> No.13114199

Unless I'm simply not seeing it when it's right in front of me, was there a way to 'Modernise'?

I have a bunch of tanks and infantry units otherwise making my list messy, unless we're supposed to ditch extras.

>> No.13114226

Go to your desired MiliHime's status screen. There are 4 buttons at the bottom, the top left one functions as Kancolle's modernize.

>> No.13114230
File: 167 KB, 555x616, modernise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red button on this picture is "modernise"

>> No.13114240

>I have a bunch of tanks and infantry units otherwise making my list messy, unless we're supposed to ditch extras.
Yes. In your team list, on the top roster your "picked" 5 units, select 1 of them.

There are 4 options directly underneath that roster, click the 3rd. That is the Unit "portrait "and statistcs". Directly underneath the portrait, there are 4 options in a square formation:
[Modernize] [Repair]
[I dunno] [Resupply]

You know which one to pick.

The modernize screen itself is rather simple. Your unit is on the left. It's stats are displayed right next to it. All of your _unused_ and _unlocked_ units are listed on the right.

You may click 5 units for modernization at once and the changes in stats will be displayed accordingly.


Be careful.

>> No.13114250

Also, sometimes, as a result of modernization, you are able to get a bonus of +1HP to your unit. I'm not sure what triggers it, but I usually get it from modernizing 5 units into an infantry.

>> No.13114252

Is it worth it before changing forms, or do stats reset after becoming other things?

>> No.13114257

changing.... forms?

>> No.13114260

>[I dunno]

>> No.13114264
File: 45 KB, 400x528, 1325205486000_1236_aa85_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Der Kampf angefangt

>> No.13114277

Anyone promote anything yet?

>> No.13114285

I'm guessin that's remodel.

Turns your tank from say T-34 to T-34 Kai or something.

That would explain the third button on the "details" list.

>> No.13114287

Damn, it really was right in front of me all this time.

Judging from the JP wiki on the matter, it seems like when your units promote (remodel) in this game they retain their modernised stats.
There was also something about being able to change their appearance (their paint job in the battlefield?)

>> No.13114306

It reads as promote. Might come with a better tank, but they're named after people and not vehicles like Kancolle. Unless we get Cyborg infantry, I'm down with that.

>> No.13114403 [DELETED] 

From what I understand, you can upgrade girls once they reach a certain level and raise their stats. You can then upgrade them again (although not all girls) once they reach the next threshold, however, it resets their level and stats (except for HP). They get a new picture though.

I heard Rozen (pic) becomes a heavy tank after her second upgrade.

>> No.13114412
File: 841 KB, 1024x640, 20150227-211118_くろぱん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand, you can upgrade girls once they reach a certain level and raise their stats. You can then upgrade them again (although not all girls) once they reach the next threshold, however, it resets their level and stats (except for HP). They get a new picture though.

I heard Rozen (pic) becomes a heavy tank after her second upgrade.

>> No.13114426

It might be that the upgrades would follow the careers of the characters themselves. For example, Otto Carius started out with a Pz 38t, then went on to a Tiger and finally, a Jagdtiger. Though in the game, he might as well start out with the Tiger. A man of that prestige has got to be Iron Cross rank at least.

>> No.13114470

My first promoted unit. Not too shabby, and an extra slot for a Hayha nugget for+20 hit.

>> No.13114475
File: 182 KB, 563x638, Promotions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot pic.

>> No.13114532

Did anything reset? The wiki said something resets.

>> No.13114553

Level is retained and mods are retained. I unequipped as a precaution so I can't say if equipped items are lost. Repaired and resupplied and morale reset to neutral.

>> No.13114563

Equipped mods are placed into your inventory, which is good because I forgot to take them off before hand.

>> No.13114663
File: 317 KB, 386x525, img0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked the wiki and it seems that there are multiple stages to promotion. First is just a v2 of your current unit with better stats, then certain units can take another promotion with a class change ie. Samohin switches to a Medium Tank from a light tank, that brings you back to lvl1.

>> No.13114692

Is there any particular maps people farm for resources like food? The cost to repair tanks that are heavily damaged are pretty high to the point where I have the resources to sortie out, but no food to repair them should they get damaged.

>> No.13114704

I do 2-3 for farming. That's like the highest level "easy" map you can get normally.

>> No.13114705

I dunno about resource farm spots, but have you unlocked squad 2 and secret missions yet? And can you reliably run 2-2 for stat fodder? Past 2-2 you'll want all the armor and evade you can get.

>> No.13114724

I haven't unlocked squad 2 yet. Do I get it after finishing 2-4? I've been doing 2-3 to get that resource tile fully unlocked for its bonus.

I've been farming 1-1 for stat fodder, although it mostly drops infantry. Also works to put a unit to high morale without any trouble as well, although I haven't seen what high morale does for a proper right yet.

>> No.13114740

Do this quest

>> No.13114935
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x640, 20150228-175307_アワラ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they release more snipers soon - giving them Panzerfausts turns them into highly efficient killing machines.

>> No.13114966

>Can not be promoted more
Now I'm disappointed. At least I found my next leveling project and I'm sure that has a promotion path.

>> No.13114983

How to build more Stug?

>> No.13114987

by lucky

>> No.13115000

Got 4 different StuGs and they all share the same base stats which is a letdown. Where's the Towed Gun or the Howitzer, they sound more fun.

>> No.13115007

Towed guns don't seem to correspond to artillery, but AA/AT like the FlaK. Lower tier towed guns are rather disappointing in that regard. Still, they're counted as support guns so they still get the extra shots.

>> No.13115034

Towed artillery doesn't have as high firepower as an assault gun and doesn't do well against armoured targets (unless you load that particular ammo on it).
They also have pretty poor accuracy (they tend to start at the mid 50's), but they also double as anti-air platforms (usually starting around 50 or so as well). They only have one slot (maybe more if improved?).

What you're probably looking for are the self-propelled guns/rockets, but I haven't gotten either to tell you how they fair compared to towed artillery.

>> No.13115043

This over here >>13101670 is pretty delicious. Also has a promotion to Tank Destroyer according to wiki.

>> No.13115054

Maintenance? Well the game loves to crash on me maybe they can fix that. I dunno if it's their server or because it's a RAM guzzler.

>> No.13115083

Definitely their server. No game has ever defeated my rig before. Never. Not even shogun 2 total war with double units size mod.

>> No.13115148

Is it just me, or since the just recent crash/maintenance, the enemy is now using formations other than just straight line for everything?

Starting to see the same set of enemies I'm farming arranging themselves into formations like Echelon and Rear Spear, or even Spread Out.

>> No.13115157

They've always been changing formations for me.

>> No.13115307
File: 168 KB, 560x637, Improved Sniper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of HP for an un-modernised infantry. If only I had another panzerfaust to give to her, to boost her firepower even higher than this.

>> No.13115337

Woah. Is it just me or are the Winged Cross snipers not as rare as I thought they were? I just got a second Simo Hayha after I got my second Vaytsev not too long ago. I don't even know what to do with all these nuggets.

>> No.13115348

2-2 or 2-3?

>> No.13115358

I only grind 2-3.

>> No.13115371

Boss node drop?

>> No.13115373

Yes, and if I remember, also non boss nodes.

>> No.13115389

I've gotten mine off the node just before boss node, so it drops from there as well.
For those farming 3-1-A for heavy tanks and such, they drop from there as well according to the the wiki.

>> No.13115408

People are aleady farming 3-1 and here I'm struggling to beat 2-4 ;_;

>> No.13115427
File: 184 KB, 912x591, Tigerclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself a Tiger. So who's this cutie.

>> No.13115433

Noice,Just got her from the first node in 2-3.

>> No.13115443


Nice catch. Word of advice. NEVER let her die. You will NEVER be able to pay for her repairs. Please trust me. I know. I, >>13110824, I can't use mine anymore... ;_;

>> No.13115454
File: 920 KB, 1017x636, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you don't believe my words, at least believe my screenshot.

>> No.13115471

What the fuck?

>> No.13115476

How do you farm 3-1-A? Retreat after the battle or go to the next node?

>> No.13115487

Damn, A cute tomboy is a must get.
Where did you find her?

>> No.13115492

Please, take care of your Tiger.... I just don't want this to happen to anyone else ;_;

>> No.13115508

How did she die?

>> No.13115517

By Top Secret mission. The one with the Ferdinands. They fucking shot my mediums for only 20 dmg a pop, so I thought she'd be invincible. But how was I supposed to guess that they'd have a MASSIVE vs heavy tank only bonus?

>> No.13115526

Yeah, go in and fight, then retreat. It apparently has a good drop rate for tanks like the KV-1 and is easy to obtain S rank as well.

The more I play this game and look at the maps people farm, the more it mirrors the maps people farm in Kancolle.

>> No.13115548


Is that meant to be a Pz 38t?

>> No.13115554

Too bad we don't have subs to pass 2-4.

>> No.13115565
File: 502 KB, 505x572, ミリ姫大戦 ゲームプレイ ゲームならYahoo モバゲー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13115578

Crafted. Used a panzer 4 as my flagtank.
Sliders were 4

>> No.13115580

I think its time you purchase one of those purple heart things. 300 yen a pop in the cash shop.

>> No.13115590

Yeah, I really need to get levels/stats for my main battlegroup right now before trying 2-4 again.
At least 1-1 solo farming is actually viable in this game, though it takes quite a bit of time (solo S-rank on 1-1-A is 720 exp including the MVP. In addition morale rises really fast due to being leader and MVP, as well as infantry and the occasional light tank as stat fodder)

>> No.13115593

Nah. I'm not inclined to spending real money on these things. I'll just keep her there. If the wiki's anything to go by, since lv. 44 gets my resource cap at 10000+, I can estimate that 45000 resource cap must be lv. 200 or something. Maybe one day.

>> No.13115668
File: 576 KB, 585x553, 1010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come stai
>Sí, comandante!
M-my heart...

>> No.13115696

I tried to play this thing and it showed this message
I already google translated it. What do I do?

>> No.13115711

Try refreshing or trying again after restarting your browser completely if it isn't loading. Otherwise try another browser?
I'm on right now without any issues using Chrome, if the browser's the issue.

>> No.13115716


>> No.13115768

Does those 10% repair depot in maps work for pre-damaged tanks? There's one in 1-4 - could try seeing if you can repair your Tiger back to operational status by spamming that place (just be sure to always make sure she's always on the left-most side to avoid being shot at)

>> No.13115845
File: 522 KB, 559x633, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted the tomboy tiger but got her instead.
What does she do?

>> No.13115932
File: 164 KB, 559x639, Modernised 88mmFlak36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's considered a Support, so she'll fire in the opening phase and the final phase just like an Assault Gun. Towed Artillery also fire first over infantry.
The only issue with them is that being a gun already, you can only equip shells and misc items like ammo boxes to her, other than handguns. Her base firepower is also low, with her anti-air being the highest at base.

That doesn't mean you should give up on her, though. She can be modernised to the point where she can one-shot mediums after the opening firing phase - see my version, with all modernisations save for anti-air maxed.

>> No.13115956
File: 1.70 MB, 908x1060, ミリ姫大戦 ゲームプレイ ゲームならYahoo モバゲー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, they don't die if they lose all their HP.

>> No.13115965

Confirmed that the 10% repair depots work for pre-damaged tanks - just need to land on the tile with them.
1-3 seems easiest to do this with since at most you'll run into 3 enemies, so the left two most slots are safe to put your heavily damaged but expensive to repair tanks in.
It will take up to 10 runs if they're that badly damaged, however.

>> No.13115977

I guess you didn't really need to try to be original and make a kancolle clone with something like castles.
Actually looks like going even more bland and be an obvious ripoff by picking up tanks as a core is totally fine.

Planecolle when?

>> No.13115978


>> No.13115985

They don't die. However they take an obscene amount of resources to "revive".

In the cash shop they sell Purple Hearts which work as a free revive, the catch is they cost 300 yen each.

Be careful regardless.

>> No.13116265

Milihime will have planes.

>> No.13116480

So what level are you commander?
Started playing yesterday,Level 37 just from farming 2-2/2-3.

>> No.13116646

Whats with the top secret mission? Is it event time or anything?

>> No.13116699

I think they are daily stages and there's a Daily quest per difficulty per day and a weekly for clearing All daily missions at a certain dificulty.

>> No.13116738

Are the 3rd/4th squads unlockable? Haven't tried committing to 2-4 clear yet but if I have to for the next squad I'll adjust goals.

>> No.13116759

I'd like a picture of pz IV.

>> No.13116779

Tried the nip wiki?

>> No.13117097

I tried that, but you can't sortie _destroyed_ tanks. At most, heavily damaged tanks.

>> No.13117115
File: 76 KB, 351x467, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First heavy tank.
How high are the stars in rarity? 5? 6?

>> No.13117145

The highest I've seen is a cross with wings. For weapons, it's 5 stars

>> No.13117222
File: 75 KB, 356x466, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah ok.
also, i've been using her from the start and i just realize she's a 3 star.

>> No.13117225

She's five stars in my heart.

>> No.13117379

Do any of the wikis have branching rules yet?

>> No.13117597
File: 530 KB, 915x572, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usa usa usa usa usa usa usa

>> No.13117682
File: 271 KB, 334x456, god bless america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more freedom

>> No.13117728
File: 76 KB, 347x466, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got one

>> No.13118100

I actually just got her just now from Searching too.

>> No.13118279

Are paper plans (dev mats) only from missions? I need better equipment but I haven't seen a map node or secret military that gives out the stuff.

>> No.13118643

Has anybody tried that Muramasa game yet?

>> No.13119506
File: 128 KB, 702x558, nashorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a Nashorn. I wonder what's the difference between her and the TD/Assault Guns.

>> No.13119690

The 88mm Artillery Flak 36 Towed Artillery can be improved at level 18. Up on improvement, she also comes with something on her - armour piercing shells to give her a bonus against armoured targets, and has a second slot free (to put on a 38 or yellow phosphorous shell to have a bonus towards non-armoured as well).

So if you have a mind to level grind certain units for their equipment, consider level grind a Flak 36 to 18 for the armour piercing shells if you don't want to craft RNG for them.

>> No.13119702

Wait, I misread the characters wrong. She comes with anti-aircraft shells. When do we start coming against enemy aircraft, anyway - 4-1 or not implemented yet? I've gotten a bunch of equipment for aircraft from crafting but not a single plane.

>> No.13119752
File: 81 KB, 353x471, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13120336

Is Jack Churchill in this game?

>> No.13120399
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x640, 20150301-220909_exesgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many Simo Hayha, and I'm looking for tanks. What is this.

>> No.13120467
File: 256 KB, 333x453, img0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, if you want a Tank Destroyer without the mercy of RNG, Bix promotes to one.

>> No.13120504

What loadout did you guys use to reach the boss in 2-3?

>> No.13120508

I'm more curious what loadout you use to stray from the boss? Never got the 2 dead ends.

>> No.13120511

I've tried mix of Light/Medium Tanks and Light/Medium Tanks + 1 Infantry so far. I've gotten the north dead end every time.

>> No.13120532

Try throwing in a support fire unit like the StuGs?

>> No.13120568

Well fuck, time for me to pray to RNG in Searching then.

>> No.13120578

I think there's a 1-time quest that rewards a StuG. It could also be a recon check that sends people to dead ends.

>> No.13120607

I checked for you, it probably does require an Assault gun, dunno if towed gun or ther supports would work since I don't own those yet. But swap out the StuG and dead end city.

>> No.13120637

Thanks. And yea, for whatever reason, apparently my 2-1 Quest didn't pop up until I already cleared 2-1 or something. So I had to do that one and 2-2 again and the quest for 2-2 rewards a 1* StuG.

>> No.13120671

Everyone should set up their tanks for cut-ins as opposed to just slapping on the highest damage guns. While the cut-in chance is RNG, the +50% or +75% to firepower and +100% crit chance more than makes up for this (It's not the same as the super boost that infantry and mechanised infantry get at the final round, though).

While I haven't seen it do otherwise, I don't think cut-in attacks can miss, either.

>> No.13120683

I believe the 100% in cut-ins is a hit boost and not a crit boost. Still good to have of course either way.

>> No.13120714

I think it might depend on the tank's stats. With the same loadout, my Polish starter would get almost non-stop Cutins; but other light tanks that dropped/constructed later barely got any.

>> No.13120954

What level?

>> No.13120962

StuG do cut-ins like no other, combined with their pre-battle and end-battle shooting they make the most OP unit in the game.

>> No.13121010

I'd guess lvl30 for class change since the base class is Md. Tank.

>> No.13121214
File: 236 KB, 331x454, E38396E383ADE3838BE382B3E38395E382B9E382ADE383BCE698872E706E67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, If I want this Panzer 4, i need to level up my starter Pz.38 to level 25.
I think i undestand now how this game works.

>> No.13121240

Among starters, that one's promotion has a higher rarity, though no Idea how better her stats are vs the other promoted starters.

>> No.13121274
File: 397 KB, 567x515, ATPJq39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the problem with the grammar? Oder sind die Lexikons in Deutschland so gut, dass man damit Grammatik lernen kann?

>> No.13121318

Playing this game really let's me appreciate how nice German compound words roll off the tongue.

>> No.13122032

Been on 20 sorties without any drops. Am I really that unlucky or the game is cheating?

>> No.13122134

I think you got that wrong. First, you need to level up your starter Pz.38 to level 25. Then you need to level it up some more to get the 2nd promotion for the tank change.

>> No.13122172

If I remember correctly, only A and S ranks drop anything. A ranks have a large chance to fail, on top of that.

>> No.13122199

Yeah, I got mostly A rank on 2-3. But was the drop chance really that low?

>> No.13122227

Yes, very. You could almost just assume you won't get any. You only get a drop from As very rarely.

>> No.13122781

As a tank fan, it boogles my mind how a Pz.38 would evolve into a Pz4.
Also is there a wiki already?

>> No.13122793

From what I can decipher (some of these tank aces aren't popular enough to get a wikipedia entry) the "evolution tree" might follow the Ace's career, not the development line of a tank. Such as Bronikovsky starting out with the Pz38 and later in the war, he got himself a PzIV.


>> No.13122902

this >>13101698
Furthermore, her initiative puts her just after medium tank, unlike towed AA/AT and assault guns which only fire after everyone else.

It's a shame you can put copies of the same units in the same squad.

>> No.13122907

Oh so the girls are tank aces, infantry personalities and so on. I thought it's them being the actual tank. I was wondering why there are 2 Pz3 Ausf. J and 2 BT-7.
So Wittman would go from a StuG 3 to a Tiger?

>> No.13122920

Maybe, but I think not necessarily. I would expect big names like Michael Wittman would probably be deemed too "famous" and thus must start out at Iron Cross rank. Because of that, I think that such people would get bumped up a bit, for example, So, I think, if Wittman were in, he'll have to start with at least a Tiger for iron Cross rank, and then move from there.

>> No.13122928

So basically crafting with 5+ is a waste of resources right?

>> No.13122932

Already exists. There in the light novel with the loli philosophers.

>> No.13122954

I think I hate Japan.

>> No.13122986

No. Increases odds of getting good stuff, reduces chance of getting shit.

And, if I read the wiki correctly, some stuff only come up when you invest at a certain level of resources.

>> No.13123079

Then you came to the right board. We all hate japan here.

>> No.13123139

If you prefer, there's an art book with Hitler and Stalin as DFC schoolgirls if I remember correctly.

>> No.13123147

Light tanks usually upgrade at 20 and promote at 25 if promotion is available.

>> No.13123149

Yes please.

>> No.13123662

Has anyone tried doing the "expeditions"(how do you translate 特務?) with a high morale squad?

>> No.13123674

Specail missions? But no, though I don't know what difference that would make. The missions themselves are barely worth the resupply, but the free exp is good and whatever free tiems/quests that would unlock. It also gives my second squad something to do, since you can only really use 1 squad at a time.

>> No.13123716

You see the question marks there right? They would probably only drop with high morale units in the squad. Question is, which missions have the stuff worth morale grindan for?

>> No.13123721

I like how her hair ornament is an MG-34 ball gun.

>> No.13123740
File: 582 KB, 560x639, ddf7f2029245d6880d8141d5a0c27d1ed31b24cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take care her, and she will become even more awesome when she's level 35

>> No.13123778
File: 113 KB, 542x528, 20150302142058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love French

>> No.13123784

Searching for a Tank using a Tank recruiter at slider 1 has a 14.2 chance for each of the 5 starter tanks(That's 71% of the chance pool right there) as well as having only 3 pages of drops, meaning you're probably not gonna find any cross/feather rarity stuff. At slider 10 the % chance of starters is 9.3%(46.5% of the pool) and has a 4th page of results.

Checking what the recruiter changes, it shifts both the resource/slider value ratio as well as shifts the chances towards the recruiter's type. So a tank recruiter has a bias for tanks and recruits from the Tank search the cheapest, but the bias also affects starter tank drops. The 46.5% starter drop for tank search is reduced to about 25%, but low rarity infantry jumps significantly.when using an infantry recruiter for a tank search, as well as worse resource per slider ratio. So the amount of garbage would roughly be the same but more varied.

In conclusion, since the chances are dick either way, minimize your costs by matching recruiter to the recruit type. Tanks for tank search, infantry for infantry search, Assault gun for support search, Command vehicle or self-propelled vehicles(not Bradley though, AA gunner counts as support) for special search.

>> No.13123808

Agree with that, though research(研究) i would recommend slide to higher, at least for me it have 50% chance to get better equipment if i slide to 6 or higher costs (and when i minimize the costs, it's 100% handgun)

>> No.13123812

I find out all tiger tanks are voiced by GuP Yukari's VA

>> No.13123823

By minimize cost, I definitely don't mean drop the slider. Low slider means only low rarity in the unit pool.

>> No.13123861

Command Vehicle
>8.24% total chance at slider 10, special search(3rd tab) with special recruiter(it's the right recruiter if it only costs 1500/1500/500/750)
>3.16% without special recruiter.

>> No.13123865

Well my Kurt Tiger (>>13115427) was got from searching ,and yeah i slide to 1 and still get it(search team=T-34/76)

>> No.13123873

that was a less than 1% chance at slider 1. Sometimes it's all luck.

>> No.13124055

Which tab combination should I use to get panzerfausts? I'm trying to make a panzergrenadier regiment, so I need them to have anti tank capabilities. But with only 2 rockets to to go around, that's not going to happen.

>> No.13124352

I want that tiger dammit.
Do you know if she drops somewhere?

>> No.13124364
File: 154 KB, 706x424, ミリ姫大戦 ゲームプレイ ゲームならYahoo モバゲー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13124373

At slider 10 you should have a 2% shot. You could always check the drop list for your chances. They're listed Alphabetically so it should not be hard to find the name.

>> No.13124384

Looks like they gave you free premium cred for some reason at first glance.

>> No.13124475

Where is the drop list?

>> No.13124526

At the search menu, bottom right above the cancel button I think. Posible results and their chances are there. No map drop lists yet if that's what you wanted.

>> No.13124541

Too bad, I guess all I can do is to keep farming 3-1-A and hope she drops there.

>> No.13124566
File: 568 KB, 559x635, bazooka_akimbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dual Wielding bazookas
Oh, Luke, you silly!

>> No.13124591

That's Luck, von Luck. And promotes to Rocket artillery. High firepower, fires in the precombat, goes ahead of tanks in turn order. Downsides is all other stats are low so you have to kill your opposite number or get chunked.

>> No.13124605

Shit. That's why I could never find her wikipedia entry.

>> No.13124618

Took me a long time to find too. Had to take a roundabout route to pinpoint.

>> No.13124687
File: 73 KB, 680x301, 3rdsquad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the quest to unlock the 3rd squad. I have no idea what I have to do, seems like its related to world 2. Can some kind anon help?

>> No.13124708

So this doesn't work in Firefox?

>> No.13124712

I play it on FF.

>> No.13124713

Yes it does.

>> No.13124715

I'm getting the maid screen and someone shouting at me every time I F5. What's wrong?

>> No.13124716

Every time? Well, if it doesn't work for 3 straight tries, then try chrome or something.

>> No.13124817

I think you need to upgrade the FF or something. With Chrome it was always the latest update so it woll work on it.

>> No.13124865

I have 7 pages of missions and i have no idea how to finish them.

>> No.13124889

The quests that look like flares are mostly finish daily mission X at Y difficulty, and 3 weeklies I think for clear all Y difficulty missions for the week.

>> No.13124901
File: 131 KB, 531x615, 20150302212111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your heavy tank will shoot even faster than light tank

>> No.13124911

Not even her Final Form since Knispel has a promotion.

>> No.13124913

I know, i saw >>13123740
4 levels to go

>> No.13124921

After scheduled maintenance we're probably losing the exp boost and passive resource boost. So grind now while it lasts.

>> No.13125034

Please tell me how did you get her :_;

>> No.13125067

Roll the dice. 0.5-1% isn't too bad, I mean some people including myself have her.

>> No.13125091

+10 special Currency for Maintenance. (Maybe it was extended or unscheduled?)

>> No.13125109

How to choose difficulty?

>> No.13125115

You choose a different mission.

>> No.13125525

Is there a faster way to dequip girls before feeding them?

>> No.13125837

Send a 5 (any) unit team on the special mission on page 3, middle top, 5 hours.

>> No.13125962


The studio sure did a lot games i heard before

>> No.13126393

ded game

>> No.13126398

New game.

>> No.13127072

Do you mean deequipping girls you want to use as modernization ingredients? Don't worry about it, once you use the girl, the equipment gets removed automatically.

>> No.13127754
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>> No.13127822

Was it that hard? I got sent back by the pre-boss a few times but otherwise it wasn't too bad. Not Kancolle's 2-4 at any rate since I actually do get the short route a decent number of times.

>> No.13127897

Unlike Kancolle you can at least influence what your girls fire at, which makes battles remarkably different.

For the other anon, if you have trouble with 2-4 you probably need to grind either 2-2 or 2-3 first to get levels/other girls. Only have one main gun at all times - how fast your tank goes is influenced by the weight of their equipment.
I gave all my tanks one main gun only and used 1 towed arty, 1 assault gun, 1 light and 2 mediums to clear it.

>> No.13128015

Another Anon here, but most of the enemies aren't. The Tanks with the green backgrounds seem to like doing cut-ins that instantly bring down my girls to 1 HP though.

>> No.13128057

Do Assault Guns drop from Support Vehicle or Special Weapon in Searching?

>> No.13128115

Support, but it'll probably be faster to just grind for drops if you really want one.

>> No.13128152

Well damn, after you suggested that I got one from the very next 2-3 boss drop.

>> No.13128203
File: 119 KB, 695x491, mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I missing here?

>> No.13128296

If it's like the earlier one with Medium Tanks, you have to have exactly what it says there and nothing more, remove the extra 5th unit.

>> No.13128352

That did it, thanks.

>> No.13128401
File: 23 KB, 446x101, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this equipment's ability?

>> No.13128428

If I remember right toolboxes make the unit more resource-efficient.

>> No.13128440
File: 269 KB, 334x455, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, planes (even though they aren't out yet).

>> No.13128441

Just the unit?
Bad then, i thought it's something that'll affect the whole team since it's only equippable on command vehicle.

>> No.13128452
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>> No.13128467

That specific one seems to be a whole team effect item, If I read the parenthesized text right.

>> No.13128468
File: 264 KB, 340x460, E383B4E382A3E382B9E382B3E383B3E38386E382A32E706E67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the best one.

>> No.13128569

Are the planes for next maintenance?

>> No.13128620
File: 76 KB, 375x481, 20150303140512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally saw someone get Rommel

>> No.13128663

So there is a Rommel unit. Well that's gonna be a bitch to find for the mission requirement.

>> No.13128673

Is there a point to light tanks besides possible branching needs?

>> No.13128694

As you would expect, they have an ok amount of recon and evade despite not being as soft as and packing more punch than mech or inf.

>> No.13128743

Can someone with a modded/upgraded Light Tank share a screenshot of its raw stats? I don't have one and would like to compare it to an upgraded mech.

>> No.13128802

At the cost of 30 money it reduces the ammunition usage of your entire team, stacking with other ammo boxes. There are four or five versions of the ammo box that cost the same amount of money but progresses in rarity (and presumably raises in efficiency).

This and the fuel equivalent is what you will need if you want to use heavy vehicles like heavy tanks, assault guns and tank destroyers efficiently past the fourth battle node.
They also count as an item for cut-ins (same tier as putting a main gun + MG)

I don't know about you guys, but I usually end up with way too much money and either no fuel or ammo (usually fuel first), so any reduction in fuel/ammo usage is incredible.

>> No.13128823
File: 78 KB, 347x467, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so expensive to repair

>> No.13128829

Yeah i'm seeing the difference. Now to craft the fuel one.

>> No.13128932

Did you drop her to 0?

>> No.13128965

1020 food and 850 coins for 1 HP.
It would be scarier if she dropped to 0.

>> No.13129030

Do daily fronts chance drop equipment or only 1st clears work?

>> No.13129038

My KV-2 costs around 3k of both at 1 HP.

>> No.13129169

RIP soon. See you next thread.

>> No.13129292

Some kind anon will probably make a new thread when this one dies.

I think.

>> No.13129399

I can't seem to reach 2-3 boss, is there any specific formations needed?

>> No.13129473

All I know is you need an Assault Gun.

>> No.13129519


Before the thread dies, I tried to make a Pastebin FAQ, if anyone cares to check, add, correct stuff, please do tell.

>> No.13129592

Thanks anon.

>> No.13129853

Thanks anon

>> No.13129992

New Thread:
