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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13094350 No.13094350 [Reply] [Original]

Why do japs sleep on the floor?

>> No.13094354

cheap like your vocabulary :^)

>> No.13094359

Why do you sleep on a bed?

>> No.13094364


it's warmer and better for your back

>> No.13094368

Because the air is thinner the higher up you go so you don't end up suffocating.

Or was that Koreans?

>> No.13094370

Well what do you think?

So that rats wont bite and infect you at night.

>> No.13094373
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>it's warmer

my floor is cold

>better for your back

true but still inferior to pic related

>> No.13094396



It's the same reason they sleep together. They can't afford to have all of these separate rooms for each family member, so they sleep together.

Also, like a restaurant, they turn over the area. Six to eight hours for sleeping, then it is turned over for breakfast, then turned over for use as a sitting room, then dinner, then back to a bedroom.

I still can't get over them all sleeping together. Morning wood and all. Then again they also bathe together naked. Ugh.

>> No.13094824


>> No.13094865

Koreans have fan death.

>> No.13094929

Rats can climb stuff, very easily may I add. They also will generally avoid you regardless because you're a threat to them.

Convenience, space, and it looks more neat. You can roll them up and conceal them so they're not in the way.

>> No.13094944


>I still can't get over them all sleeping together. Morning wood and all. Then again they also bathe together naked. Ugh.

Do you get the whole mother/sister-fucking thing now ?

>> No.13095212

you make them sound like filthy rats

who'd want to be part of THEM?

>> No.13095235

>Rats can climb stuff, very easily may I add. They also will generally avoid you regardless because you're a threat to them.

I had mice easily climbing my metal bed posts. I couldn't figure out why but either way I started killing the mice. Double edged sword apparently, as this let the bed bugs they were eating reproduce super fast.

>> No.13095339

What shithole do you live in? It's time to throw that bed out.

>> No.13095370

Its been dealt with for over a year now.

Bed bugs are actually pretty common now a days and can be found in even the cleanest of homes. Make sure you check your mattress!

>> No.13095381

How do you check for bed bugs?

>> No.13095443

I've never seen or known anyone with bed bugs in my life. The only person who ever had them lived in a pigsty with an absolutely filthy roommate who wouldn't take care of business.

You can't miss them.

>> No.13095584
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Because they are tired.

Didn't their eyes tip you off to this fact?

>> No.13095605

when I was in college, the apartment I rented out had cochroaches and bed bugs, Then it was infested with ladybugs, then it was infested with stink bugs (an animal I've never heard of in my life til I moved into that apartment).

I actually took him for small claims court because I was promised a clean house with no rat/bug problems (something I even asked). Not a place infested with ladybugs, cochroaches, bed bugs, and stink bugs. Also had to throw a lot of stuff out cause I was very paranoid.

Bed bugs are the worst thing fucking ever.
That said they can show up in clean places, it only takes one person to fuck up. If someone throws a bed bug infested bed or lamp or etc.. out near your house, they can and will migrate to your house. They are not attracted to dirt (as far as I know), it is just that, you're probably the kind of person to bring in bed bugs if you're a dirty person.

They have tiny grips on their claws, they can literally climb a smooth wall. You'll almost never see it but it is terrifying when you do.

>> No.13095618

I wish someone would sleep together with me...

>> No.13095639

>That said they can show up in clean places, it only takes one person to fuck up

If you live in an apartment building or a shared building of any kind, they will often migrate through wall plugs and such if their host is absent for some time. You can pick them up from train station floors and bus depots as they love to attach themselves to luggage and such.

>> No.13096217

>Then it was infested with ladybugs
That would be pretty awesome if I didn't know firsthand just how nasty their bites are.

>> No.13096243
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Are we thinking of the same kind of bug?

>> No.13096246

I never heard of bed bugs in my entire life and I live in a 3rd world country.
Is America that filthy?

>> No.13096247

You've never heard of them so surely they don't exist in your country. Flawless logic is flawless my friend.

>> No.13096250


>> No.13096254
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>At a point in the early 1940s, they were mostly eradicated in the developed world
t. wikipedia

>> No.13096265

>but have increased in prevalence since 1995, likely due to pesticide resistance.
literally the same sentence from wikipedia
Why am I even taking this bait...

>> No.13096509
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>Why do japs sleep on the floor?
beds are wasted space when its only being used for 1/4 of the day. plus most can only afford small rooms where a bed would take too much space.

>> No.13096591
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4 mat room

>> No.13096609

Asuka pls.

>> No.13096618
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Have you ever been bite by a fucking cockroach?

>> No.13096650

>1/4 of the day

Speak for yourself; I usually wind up sleeping 12+ hours a day.

>> No.13096695

Just buy one of these: http://amzn.com/B00L2K4GV6

>> No.13096811

Eye and lips, and it swelled pretty bad.

>> No.13096818

Not enough room.

>> No.13096874

Holy fuck m8, mine was on the finger

>> No.13097315


>> No.13098260


>> No.13098376

where do you live anon

>> No.13098399 [DELETED] 
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sleeping on the floor is not otaku culture. also friendly reminded that fun is still not allowed on /jp/.

>> No.13098479

still missing the good days of /jp/ tripfag shitposting, MMORPG games, formspring and steam groups

>> No.13098500

>ban evading

>> No.13098710 [DELETED] 
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Not only bite, they ate a bit of skin from my toes, creeped me out.

>> No.13104326

Because it is cooler under the room

>> No.13104358
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They can bite?

>> No.13104369

Yes, are you retarded?

>> No.13104395

No, just didn't know.

>> No.13104427

Sleeping on the floor is much more space and cost efficient.

>> No.13104439

No it's not. I only own a bed so I can save space by storing things under it.

Sleeping on the floor = straight waste of 2sq meter. When a room is ~12 sq meters (pretty much average, in Japan it's often <10 sq. meters), that's a lot.

And laying down futon/storing it back daily is a fucking chore.

>> No.13104456

What about the space above your stuff which is occupied by the bed?
Huh? What about the fact that you are extrenely limited in the size and quantity of stuff you can put under your bed?

Don't give me your lazy excuses you worm. Beds are shit.

>> No.13104521

>What about the space above your stuff which is occupied by the bed?

What does that even mean?

If I want to put shelves above my bed I can, just like you could do with a futon as well so it doesn't change fucking anything. The space ABOVE is literally the same whereas you use a futon or a bed. If your bed is next to a wall, you can still put shelves on that wall.

>Huh? What about the fact that you are extrenely limited in the size and quantity of stuff you can put under your bed?

If you don't have shit to store I feel sorry for you really. Yes in an empty room scenario, space isn't important. My whole point is, if you lack room because you have shit to store; a bed can provide you with that extra space.

It's a fucking basic principle. Just like a mezzanine gives extra space in a room. A bed has the same effect, to a lower extent. If you have a single bed and it's ~0.5m off the floor, you get 0.8 cubic meter of storage. That's 2+ times what's an average chest of 4 drawers would give you.

If you lived in a city where rent is expensive (Tokyo) and where the typical ceiling height is fucking low, you would have a notion of what a cubic meter is and how much you can store in that space.

>> No.13104555

You talk as though you lived in a room woth absolutely no free space whatsoever to lay down a futon. A futon hardly takes any room at all and when you're done you can put it over your shelf. Cubic meters are irrelevant, especially when you can just wrap up your bed and take up literally zero cubic meters during the day. You can put your books and shit in a cardboard box in the corner.

With a bed you are permanently constrained. Let's say you want to place a desk where that bed is. You can't. And if you have space to move it around then you have to move a heavy bed frame. It gets even more annoying if you want to move out. A futon you can do anything with.

>> No.13104639

He was actually pretty much correct on his assumptions. But personally, I would rather make a double square frame that I could attach with each other so I can make it as a bed frame with storage space in the bottom, and yet be easily removable if I need the space.

>> No.13104652

This thread is honestly making me think about getting a futon or at least a roll up mattress. I live in a tiny place, so space is a real issue.

>> No.13104660

I use a futon on my room. Gives me a lot of space for my home office which has 2 monitors yet still a lot more space in between.

>> No.13104740

To act as a lovely heater for all the aggressive floor spiders. Don't want them to get cold now do we?

>> No.13104810
File: 57 KB, 600x451, Brazilian Wandering Spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, don't want my friendly wandering spiders whose poison isn't only deadly, but will cause a painful 4 hour erection to be uncomfortable and get mad at me, right?

>> No.13104845

>no twin size.

>> No.13105627

False: Japanese people sleep on the floor.
True: (Present) Japanese people live upon the BED all day.

If you visit a traditional Japanese farm house built before 1950s, you can understand it.
Kitchens and working rooms have no raised floor (called doma), and people cook and work there without taking shoes off. Only living&sleeping rooms (ima or tokonoma) have the tatami floor raised more than one foot over the ground. This is a kind of “the big fixed bed”. Such doma has been abolished in a modern house except the entrance zone (genkan), and they learned to live on the raised floor all day.

>> No.13107890

Because they take their shoes off when they enter a house?

>> No.13107982


No, I don't live in the ghetto

>> No.13108234

i sleep on the floor.

>> No.13108277
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>> No.13108311

I had an infestation of ladybugs too, they're cute but not when you see hundreds of them roaming your room. Plus when they die they fell onto the floor with their stomach up so it all looks black and disgusting. Its not pretty.

>> No.13108356

I used to have one of those stepladders but then it rusted

>> No.13108372

ew vacuum your floor.

>> No.13109206

Just think about how you were subverted in the food chain. That's crazy.

>> No.13109218

What the fuck. Clean that up.

>> No.13109324

Me too but no weeb futon, sadly. Just regular blankets (3 because ceramic floor is cold as fuck).
I also have a hammock for summer. Makes me feel... unemployed.

>> No.13110193

Just cat food. Messy kittys

>> No.13118178


>> No.13118188

>not cleaning up because lol pets
You are the worst kind of fucker imaginable.
I bet you invite people over and have them sleep on the floor, too.

>> No.13118204
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I sleep on one on a wooden stand. I didn't want the stand but my dad bought it so yeah. Also got the 8 inch futon. My dogs bed is the pile next to it.

>> No.13118207

I thought they froze on the same place and became attached to a surface when they died. I mean, there is one ladybug which is standing exactly on the same place next to lightbulb on my room's ceiling for about ten years now. I didn't do anything to attach it there, but I'm a hundred percent sure that it's dead.

>> No.13118292
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Tatami has heat retention and insulation characteristics.

>> No.13120951

If an entire family sleeping together is common, yeah, I can understand why that association would create that fetish.

>> No.13122606

Okay, so I have a 'traditional' style futon that I lay out on the floor. I'm a little uncomfortable laying it down straight over the carpet though.

Whats a good solution for this, that still retains the futons portability?

Just throw another sheet under there? (That doesn't really seem to be enough to keep the dust and other nasties out).

>> No.13122685
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Please don't fight, guys. You all have valid points.

In my case I found the futon to be the best choice. Despite having a fairly limited area, It gives me plenty of open space to move around during the day.

>> No.13122720

I don't know whether or not it's legit but this explains a lot and makes sense. I bet it's a pain to clean though.

>> No.13123720

You want one that's all cotton filling, or cotton/wool if you need the extra padding. A lot of them have a foam layer in them that sucks all all sorts of sweat/grease/bacteria/mold that you'll never get out.

>> No.13123791

the shitty dorm beds at uni are too hot and uncomfortable dont have a weeb futon just a sleeping bag but my fellow burgerclaps probably think its strange anyway

>> No.13123943
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It's either sleeping in a futon that you can pack away, or in a loft bed, but trying to climb back up into bed when you're drunk isn't that great of an experience.

>> No.13125793

So a couple years ago my bed broke (not entirely, but it's too complicated to explain properly) and ever since I've just been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. So nowadays I wonder the opposite of OP: Why do Westerners sleep on a bed? What is the advantage of a bed compared to sleeping on the floor (other than being able to store stuff under the bed as an earlier anon mentioned)?

>> No.13126379

I much prefer a lofted bed. But I don't take well to cognitive inhibitors like alcohol.
If I want a buzz like that, the occasional phenibut works much better.

>> No.13130674


>> No.13136621

beds a shit

>> No.13137463


>> No.13138412
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anon pls

>> No.13138467

so does a fucking mattress

>> No.13138916

I see you have three pets (cats probably) but jeez, dude. Put those food bowls on a floormat, vacuum your room, and fix that crooked picture frame.

And why is your calendar over your sleeping area? It isn't even properly aligned with all of the (crooked) pictures next to it. Holy shit I am premium mad.

>> No.13144914

How do they fuck on these?

>> No.13145027

Like animals.

>> No.13145427

>having three cats in such small room
you fucked up.

>> No.13146675


>> No.13153161

They're poor.

>> No.13156071

Because Japan is crammed as fuck.
And people are poor as dirt there.

>> No.13157170
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this is my future. it's worse now but at least i'll have a companion that loves me, so it's a step up. need one of those futons though, literally sleeping on the floor hurts my back.

>> No.13157185

>Put those food bowls on a floormat

Better yet, put the litter box and food dishes each into a big box with moderately high sides. The cats won't mind (they love boxes) and it'll keep stuff from getting scattered around.

>> No.13157216
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choose one, because they are mutually exclusive. stop being such a fukken prude and live your life a little. "cognitive inhibitors" lol i bet you don't know the slightest thing about pharms.

>> No.13157230
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1. Be NEET, wanting a cat since forever ago
2. Accquire E
3. Finally be able to afford a place that allows cats
4. Only be home half to a quarter of the time as much as before, so I never get to see my cats.
5. ???
6. Shit sux.

>> No.13158116

space has traditionally been an extreme commodity in Japan so homes were designed with multi purpose rooms (hence the sliding screens) That's why they have bedspreads rather than actual furniture beds.

that's one explanation anyway

>> No.13158312
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Holy fuck I never knew they actually bit people as a defense mechanism.

>> No.13158330
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Me neither.
Christ almighty!
