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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13085029 No.13085029 [Reply] [Original]

/toy/ - tinyurl com ihatedolls
/jp/ - tinyurl com dollfaq

Letting the doll thread die? For shame /jp/

>> No.13085034
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Where is the anon who is buying the VMF-50? Did you get her home yet?

>> No.13085057
File: 591 KB, 900x900, ddsnow-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a bunch of anons on /jp/ are getting Snow Miku as their first doll. I'm excited to see how they react when she finally ships. It will be fun to have more doll owners (as opposed to doll admirers) in these threads.

>> No.13085170

Like a year and a half later?

>> No.13085305

>not thinking about your doll every day until she gets home

It's like you don't even want her.

>> No.13085360

green now, blue later.

At least that's the idea I'm toying with.

>> No.13085869
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Why would you just throw away $1000 by buying BOTH on the aftermarket, when you could by one at MP for ~$700 (with shipping). THAT'S MONEY YOU COULD BE SPENDING ON CLOTHES/WIGS/EYES/ACCESSORIES

>> No.13085909
File: 194 KB, 1500x1000, DSCF1071-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you got what he meant.

He meant that there'll be new doll owners here
new green owners now

new snow owners later

Posting my green.

>> No.13085970

snow miku will arrive later
and you can get regular miku now to fill the gap

>> No.13085974

What's the difference between #doll and #DollfieDreams?

>> No.13086010

Doll is a doll, I think you know what a doll is.
Dollfie Dream is a specific brand of dolls, like Monster High, just huge and expensive.

>> No.13086024
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>> No.13086137
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One is full of autistic sperglords and the other is full of sperglords with autism.

Still infatuated with Rise but I've been so busy with work that I haven't had the energy to watch Persona. At least I will have the money for her sooner.

>> No.13086262
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>> No.13086317


>> No.13086452

Ranka and Sheryl were the first two I ordered, Snow Miku the 4th.

I ordered a resin doll after Ranka/Sheryl that will get here first so I guess that's my first doll

>> No.13086875

Anybody have much experience with Azone's 1/3 scale HAF? I was wondering how the quality of the wigs are.

>> No.13087036


Never had any quality issues with mine if that's what you're asking about. If you mean how close to the character they represent, well that varies between dolls and some are better than others. Don't believe the stock photos of a doll as they are overflowing with hair gel and/or photoshopped to shit and back. Find pictures of real dolls from owners and judge from them.

>> No.13087264
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your cruelty knows no bounds

>> No.13087359

Fuck you anon. Fuck you.
That's going to stay in my head and tear me to pieces when I don't want it to.

>> No.13088881
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Which resin did you order? Resin doesn't get much love in /jp/. I own two but only post my DD's here.

>> No.13091680
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I came to conquer your heart

>> No.13093921
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>tfw no hentai ice cream to buy your doll

>> No.13097051
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i really need to get me a sewing machine

>> No.13097936
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bird-on-head retarded

>> No.13098028
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>this outfit


>> No.13100095
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that miyu behind her looks really shitty

>> No.13100107

The Asuna looks good, too bad it's Asuna.

>> No.13101705
File: 481 KB, 1500x1002, 14907207290_457979c413_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the outfit looks stupid though

>> No.13102264


there is no Asuna there. Are you talking about the Erica Fontaine?

>> No.13102794

Ordered her a few days back... needless to say, I'm pretty fucking excited. She'll be my first.

>> No.13103108

Congratulations! Now to kill the wait time by ordering her lots of clothes and wigs.

>> No.13103364

Oh man congratulations, I'm exited for you!
also >>13103108
enjoy never having money again

>> No.13103555

no don't leave

>> No.13105773

It's a DZ Floy. I got it because I wanted the sheep thing that was up on the event, so might as well get a full doll and get the sheep for free.

Any idea when we're finding out about the outfits that won the Macross frontier fan club vote?

>> No.13106514
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>DZ Floy,

Cool, another DZfag in the /jp/ thread. That little sheep is a cute-as-fuck badass.

>Any idea when we're finding out about the outfits that won the Macross frontier fan club vote?

Probably a few months before the preorders ship.

>> No.13110519


>> No.13110531

Help report spam please.

>> No.13111121
File: 182 KB, 1024x683, 16426168239_49c7081aab_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping a thread that is an integral part of /jp/ culture should not be considered spam.

Post dolls or GTFO.

>> No.13111171
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I wish I had hands this nice. I'd be tempted to take similar photographs with my dolls. But a life of hard work to afford their nice things has left my hands in poor condition.

>> No.13111186

white satin gloves

>> No.13111468
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>But a life of hard work to afford their nice things has left my hands in poor condition.

This is super cute.

>> No.13111618

>doll budget

As someone who has spent over $300 on doll clothes and accessories in the last three weeks, I can relate. But damn does my new doll look fly right now.

>> No.13112331

Where are the photos?

>> No.13112336

My hands are one giant callous anymore.

>> No.13112447

In /toy/, because /jp/ doesn't like resin. I haven't bought anything for my DD's in too long, but it's so hard to find clothes I like more than the ones they've been wearing for a while.

>> No.13113404

Link? I want to see

>> No.13113421

>same general on two different boards
No wonder this shit died.

>> No.13113535
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How does /jp/ feel about SD styled DD's?

>> No.13113538
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>> No.13113542
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>> No.13113548
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>> No.13113553
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>> No.13113558
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>> No.13113562
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>> No.13113568
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>> No.13113578
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And this one is mine. I changed out her eyes as soon as I got her. Which reminds me, I promised some anon last year that I'd post pics of her with my resin boy. Whoops.

>> No.13113590










>> No.13113646


ehhh, you're just using non animetic eyes on them, i wouldn't classify that as a whole style category

>> No.13113651

The faceup is more resin styled too.

>> No.13113659

The face up is styled to be more SD like, is what I meant.

>> No.13113911

Just got my Miku in from yahooJP, can't wait to open the box!

>> No.13114208
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>> No.13114443
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>> No.13114825
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I think this one ended up at bottlefairy's

>> No.13114830
File: 922 KB, 2048x1365, 16584998326_7d8f165be9_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bit of a different look with non-default eyes

>> No.13114837

I think you're right. Well spotted anon.

>> No.13115050

This is so gorgeous. I never thought of doing this but I would love to have that faceup on one of my DDs. Maybe I'll get a Mayu and try this out. Any faceup artist recommendations?

>> No.13116009

I can't offer any faceup suggestions since everyone has different tastes but know that no reputable faceup artist will copy an existing faceup done by another artist exactly.

>> No.13116269
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what does /jp/ think of licca dolls?

>> No.13116341
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>> No.13116481

oh my gosh this is the cutest doll DD I've ever seen

What sculpt is that? Is it a custom???

>> No.13116484

I just see them as the japanese barbie.

>> No.13116979

Looks like a Saber Alter.

>> No.13116997

It's been a year since I saw the auction, but it was definitely a regular DDH, either 06 or 07 in semi white skin. Remember that the only reason you like it is because of the face up. It also looks like they've sanded those nose/modded the mouth a little.

>> No.13117158
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Congratulations! Post pics when you get her all set up

Look for the pics of DZ Joe. I'm that anon that's been obsessing over him since I got him. I'm still smitten and want more clothing and wigs

/jp/ is more for dollfie dreams/SQ labs/PARABOX, /toy/ is more for resin.

>> No.13117313
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>> No.13117317
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>> No.13117932


is not the same doll, but in that picture she has the same features as the other alters. If it's a mod of a standard head then they did a hell of a job.

>> No.13120339
File: 100 KB, 450x675, ephe20150213d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning, /jp/

>> No.13120858

I wonder if they want to murder mastah or just wake him up.

>> No.13124802
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>> No.13124835

not cure. terrible lighting. hair needs brushing

>> No.13124839

*not cute

>> No.13124997
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>not cure

>> No.13125081

The moment I realized my mistake I knew something like this was going to happen .

>> No.13125348
File: 158 KB, 930x523, 9754704734_d63c8b1a29_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish volks would come out with a tan dollfie dream already, they have it for their SD line, why not DD? Kanu unchou doesn't count, shes as tan as an olive.

>> No.13125349
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The best mistakes are ones that lead to something positive, like cure dolls being posted

>> No.13125356

I think SQ labs has a tan anime-style doll, but I am super unfamiliar with them and I don't know if that particular doll/resin color is still offered.

Luts now makes anime-style dolls in resin, and I believe you can opt for a tan resin (along with their other resin colors).

>> No.13125363

1. No they don't.
2. Resin anime styled bjds look like absolute trash.

>> No.13125523

Presumably because there's not enough demand.

>> No.13126093
File: 385 KB, 650x930, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resin anime styled bjds look like absolute trash
>absolute trash

I think your definition of absolute trash is slightly skewed. That, or you've never seen ACTUAL trashy BJDs.

>> No.13126249

Or volks are just lazy fuckers.
All I see is trash. Resin anime styled bjds look derpy at best and offensive to the eyes at worst.

>> No.13126868

that'd be mega cute if the cheek blush wasn't so dark.

>> No.13127037
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Don't forget to do something special with your doll(s) on Autism Day, /jp/!

>> No.13127061

April second? Were you aiming for April first?

>> No.13127085

SQ labs are resin.

>> No.13127087
File: 126 KB, 959x899, ss+(2015-03-02+at+06.43.40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I mean April 2nd

>> No.13127098

is that ur birthday weeb?

>> No.13127177

Have any of you ever made your girls do lewd things? Did you regret it?

>> No.13127197

Autism is such a joke.

>> No.13127221

I actually jumped back in my chair a little when i scrolled over this

>> No.13128273

WB would be nice.

>> No.13128276

Where do those eyes come from? Looks like Senran Kagura slut mixed with Miku.

>> No.13128327

It's Nia Teppelin.

>> No.13129254
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I'm glad I saved this. I'll be celebrating Autism Day the same way I celebrated it the last time. With /jp/.


I keep buying fetishwear for mine, force them into it once, take a crappy photo, then get all spergy and embarrassed and change them back into their formalwear. The naughties go in the clothes drawer never to see the light of day again. A sukumizu, gym clothes, lewd maid, a baby doll, and some tartan ultra-short skirts are among the collection.

>> No.13129387

One of the first things I did when my DD arrived was to have her atop of me with her legs either side of my body so it felt like she was straddling me, and we laid on my bed like that for god knows how long, all while I just stared into her beautiful eyes. I don't regret it one bit, it was a great bonding experience.

>> No.13129996
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I have a dollho, so of course, and why would I regret it? Lewd stuff/Sex is something you do with someone you love deeply. It is an affirmation of deep love, if you will, of course that is nothing to regret.

I love my doll, I would never regret loving her.

>> No.13133156
File: 478 KB, 1280x1707, notstolenfromtumblr_nkkxywW3Fs1skl0jgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please tell us more about how you love her.

...Obviously nobody else has anything to talk about; this thread's way back and it isn't even near the bump limit.

>> No.13133204

but she's not a real person, anon

>> No.13133368

is there like a strike going on somewhere? Ive gotten delay emails from volks talking about a dock strike preventing my miku from getting to me.

>> No.13133475

If you think that way you're in the wrong thread

>> No.13133611
File: 194 KB, 1024x678, DSC_4999_150225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strike ended a week or two ago. It only affected the west coast.

I actually don't understand why a dock strike would affect items shipped via EMS. I've never had anything ship via EMS and not end up on a plane and in my hands in 3 days.

>> No.13133814

>waiting on a qt dress to arrive
This is torture. It's been so long since I've last been able to buy anything that I'm really excited.

>> No.13133952
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Where did you get the dress? I'm excited for you

>> No.13134095

Not only do some things go through the Panama Canal and hit the east coast. But also suppliers will ship more via air slowing down that due to the increased load.

>> No.13134188

EBay, but the dress itself came from a dealer at dollism. I'll post a pic when im off my phone. Cheers, anon. I can't wait to post pics upon arrival.

>> No.13134343
File: 145 KB, 930x1400, 992327b95a81e2ff0a3c34c45de21c37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stinks for you west coast folks. I ordered a bunch of stuff from Korea and Japan in the last 2 months (including over CNY) and never had a package arrive in more than 72 hrs from ship notification. I fucking hate these winters, but shipping speed from Asia alone almost makes it worth it.


Awesome, can't wait to see it.

>> No.13134433
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>you will never be this cool

>> No.13135169
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Here's the ebay pic.

>> No.13135178
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ugh, feeling a bit guilty with how much I've neglected my doll lately ;;____;; last time I took a photo of her was back in december and even now it took like 3 hours of dressing her up in different kinds of clothes and trying different poses to come up with something decent. But here she is, browsing this thread.

Going to go on a trip to Japan in a few months though, maybe I'll find a lot of doll clothes and wigs and everything there.

>> No.13135211
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1280, 16387545269_02effc8d2f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visited a doll meet at a convention recently and saw lots of dolls. Seems that there's been a lot of interest and many new owners within the last few years.

>> No.13135220
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1280, 15953632423_1e72d0b2a2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also saw a peach pai doll in person for the first time! It was very exciting. Kind of a shame my doll has the one-piece body so no swapping bust pieces.

>> No.13135421

That's a shitty photo but holy shit it's so awesome.

>> No.13135567

Wow all three of those dolls are really cute.

>> No.13135914

That was terrible, anon.

>> No.13136069


Indeed it is terrible to call a 3dpd something as perfect as a doll.

>> No.13136089
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>> No.13136146

i think we should help a fellow dollfie lovers


>> No.13136213
File: 340 KB, 473x710, o0473071013224908848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats gonna be cute as HELL

>> No.13136487

Have any of you been shamed by people you know for this hobby? I'm so afraid that if I tell people I like dolls they'll think I'm a disgusting sexual deviant or something.

>> No.13136611

>I'm so afraid that if I tell people I like dolls they'll think I'm a disgusting sexual deviant or something.

Well, are you?

>> No.13136800


>> No.13136807


You're in good company. What other people think doesn't matter.

>> No.13136879

Not for this hobby but for other hobbies I have. Usually it's just someone who is talking out of his ass about something he knows nothing about. Generally it's better to just not associate with people like that.

>> No.13137439

Only because of the price of the dolls.

Which I totally understand, if you're not into anything comparable it can be hard to understand how doll things are worth the price. That money could buy plenty of other things as well, it is not cheap.

>> No.13137700

I ordered an Azone HAF doll that comes out later this year. Should I post pictures when I get her or are Azone dolls sacrilegious or something?

>> No.13137717
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If anything, I think the price helps justify owning them at least in terms of seeming a bit less creepy, since $500+ dolls are not something a kid could do as a hobby. Thus making them for adults. Where as someone with a bunch of $12 Barbies can't use that argument.

The thing is the point you are trying to make can apply to million other hobbies as well, and hell arguably any hobby is a "waste of time and money" in consideration of using time and money on "more important things".

>> No.13137721
File: 627 KB, 1710x1254, 1359267615931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, Azone dolls are great too. I love them. I want get one like this guy has, (I hope he makes more pictures).

>> No.13137728

oh my god that tiny room is adorable

>> No.13137844
File: 186 KB, 828x1280, tumblr_nklay3AtZx1sfxrjmo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some people get irrationally mad when when talking about Azone dolls. I personally think they're just jelly because the Obi50 body has superior flexibility, durability and part replaceability if there is a failure.

Would be nice if there were more open-eye hole Azone heads available pre-painted, as many folks don't like painted-on eyes. I own two of the ~3 open-eye heads that exist.

>> No.13137876

I guess, the people who judge me for the price tend to not be full-on normalfags anyway so they wouldn't judge anything as "too creepy", though. The price is what makes it...not understandable, to them, since they can't understand why I wouldn't rather spend the money on hi-fi or something.

I don't tell everyone about my doll hobby, but I guess if I told some random person who doesn't know anime and similar things, they'd judge DD:s less than barbies, yes.

>> No.13137966

Possibly dumb question.
Why won't companies make double joints in knees/hips, like volks does in the elbow? I remember Danny Choo saying his dolls have limited poseability in legs cause he doesn't like that slit on the calf, wouldn't adding a hidden joint solve the issue? I guess hips would be a little tricky, but knees are pretty doable.

>> No.13137971

They'd be so much better with open eyes. Azone has been getting their shit together lately.

>> No.13137990

>Why won't companies make double joints in knees/hips, like volks does in the elbow?
>double joints
I meant the DD3 elbow design, cause as far as I know obitsu bodies have doube jointed knees, but the joints are exposed, not hidden.

>> No.13138272
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You should do more lewd photos. I'm sure she'll love it.

>> No.13138339

That torso really looks good.

>> No.13138374
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1920, 1394737553365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not sure if it's a one-piece soft torso or some shoopy shenanigans, but yes, it does look good.

>> No.13138524


I have an Obi50 that I'm selling because it's just ugly. The feel of the plastic and the look of Obitsu heads are just a shit. I get really mad because they got the Madoka license and made such terrible shitdolls that are forever garbage.

It's a one-piece, that poster is/was a regular and bought it off Y!JA for a deal. I love the one piece. It's my favorite. I was really hoping to win Melty and bring one home. Alas.

>> No.13138964

I live overseas, how do I get a touhou dollfie?

>> No.13139301

Yahoo Japan auctions, stalk Mandarake, Amazon if you're rich.

>> No.13139761
File: 1.32 MB, 2297x2583, IMG_1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope so. I'm happy about finally being able to get some more conservative clothing for my girl. I have some other accessories (stockings, headband) from another outfit set which I know will match perfectly with the dress.

>> No.13139817

You should order some materials off ebay and such, then just learn some basic sewing and make cute little numbers for her.

I'm considering doing it myself, sewing is pretty easy to get in to and I did it for myself as well. (admittedly that was more fetish, plastic clothing stuff)

I should have a doll arriving tomorrow, I was hoping today, sadness was all I got.
Can't wait to dress her.

>> No.13139851
File: 1.43 MB, 2582x3558, IMG_1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something I plan to do when I have more free time to spare. For now its alot easier to place an order for something thats already made.
Ooh, which one? I know the disappointment of something you're really looking forward to not arriving in time.

>> No.13139858

>doll arriving tomorrow

I'm really excited, and I'm not even the one getting a doll tomorrow.

>> No.13139889

It isn't really anything good to be honest.
I just found it horribly adorable.
It is one of those Design a Friend dolls, Grace.

Might dye her hair slightly, a more vibrant deep red.
Already got a little raincoat for her.

Optional ninja loli too.

Isn't the usual BJD, so I thought I would mix it up a little.

>> No.13140145
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x1920, IMG_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha, nice to see that she's liked, here's a lewd. Somehow always feels a little awkward taking lewds, though. Or maybe not taking but publishing, at least!

And yeah the body is the one-piece sister from either one of the Idolmaster dolls or Melty, not sure which.

>> No.13140167

How does she pose bent over with the one piece torso? It looks absolutely awful on Miki's DD3 body, I don't know if they fixed it upon a DDS release.

>> No.13140192


It's a little restrictive but not bad at all. The body poses a lot better than the DD2 I had before thanks to the upgraded elbow joints and the legs not being all floppy.

>> No.13140544
File: 642 KB, 1600x1067, 15805037720_3da77be3ca_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Firstly, you're a shitcunt and your opinions are wrong. Secondly, what are you selling?


I really love how she has such a sweet and innocent face and then you see that body and holy shit.

Take this photo for example, yeah she's all cute and sweet at first but then you see that thigh and subtle sideboob. Suddenly she takes on a completely different air. Mimori is just an exceptionally lewd little girl and she damn well knows it.

>> No.13142235


That's not really nude, take a pic with her ONLY in her panties and nothing else, then it will be lewd

>> No.13142238


nude = lewd
(got ahead of myself in my mind...)

>> No.13142577
File: 443 KB, 1440x2160, DSCF4230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you were right anon, she did love it!

>> No.13142679


Miki such a qt

>> No.13142729

>panties under the belt
gets me every damn time

>> No.13143060
File: 505 KB, 1440x2160, DSCF4232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miki thanks you!

>> No.13143162

what the fuck anon

>> No.13143172

Quit hating my Gracy, you meanpoop.

>> No.13143671 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 2511x2535, IMG_2255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dolly spam imminent.

>> No.13143687
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dolly spam imminent.

>> No.13143708
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>> No.13143715
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>> No.13143724
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>> No.13143730

Some shitty Obitsu body. I had an 01 head on it. It moves and can be pushed into shapes fine. It looks like shit tho. Those knees are awful. I have a misuzu head too and it's... ok, but too small compared to the superior DDs.

>> No.13143731
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>> No.13143734
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>> No.13143742
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>> No.13143744
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>> No.13143807

Good taste detected

>> No.13143822

Thanks anon. I'm currently in frilly heaven.

>> No.13144047
File: 48 KB, 480x700, thousand yard stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look dead on the inside

>> No.13144290

Just the kind of look that gets me going. I have particular tastes.

>> No.13144300
File: 119 KB, 1024x682, 20150306_1034971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The balls on this doll owner. He goes to so many public places with his dolls.

>> No.13144470
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x1920, 14959637062_d103291125_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm envious of people who dare to do that. I occasionally try to do outdoors doll photography but it always feels really stressful. It's a lot easier if there's company and multiple dolls though, compared to just going alone.

>> No.13145308


What's wrong with the knees? I personally think they look better since they don't have that huge slot down the middle. Plus being double-jointed makes them more flexible.

Show me a picture of your Misuzu.

>> No.13146701
File: 3.67 MB, 5472x3648, IMG_0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Placed an order for DD Miku at Mandarake Grandchaos and the Senbonzakura outfit at Complex... Complex invoiced me in 1 day and shipped the next after payment. Grandchaos is on its third day and still no invoice. Bah.

Anyone have experience with Grandchaos? I know Mandarake takes a while in general but I'm curious as to what the average speed is for this branch. I should've just gotten the DD Miku at Complex too and combined EMS but I was thinking the one at Grandchaos was in slightly better condition from the description.

Here's my one and only so far, a regular DDS Mayu I got not too long ago and is my first. Miku will be my second and Snow Miku is already preordered so... yeah, I got addicted pretty quick lol. Goodbye wallet.

>> No.13148007

Yeah, that's how it happens. You can never have just one doll. What if one gets lonely?!

Don't worry about the delay from Grandchaos, especially now that it's the weekend. You'll probably have your invoice late Sunday night or Monday. They most likely need extra time to package the doll because of the size of the box. Also, there are a lot of different parts, and I bet they're making sure everything that is supposed to be included is in the box before they ship it.

>> No.13148566


Yeah GrandChoas is apparently slower. Email them if you need.

>> No.13149951

I just masturbated to my dollfie, /jp/. What should I do? I feel like I've crossed a line I can no longer return from. It feels like I've sullied her.

>> No.13149990
File: 822 KB, 1536x2048, 8356254518_f2c582d71c_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to the club buddy.

Just don't get cum on her face like hotglue-kun did and you'll be fine.

>> No.13150112

Yeah, I won't have that problem.

>> No.13150376

>Yeah, I won't have that problem.

Why not? Do you shoot blanks?

>> No.13150432

maybe they're a g-girl

>> No.13150553


>girls can't cum
>girls don't have cum

skip biology class did we?

>> No.13151514

but wouldn't it be pretty hard to get anything on the dollfie as a girl? maybe my imagination of the positions you'd be in to see it well is off or something though.

>> No.13151562


How would rubbing it on your cunt do it for you?

>> No.13152101

That would be masturbating WITH the doll, not TO it.

>> No.13152118


Hooray, I got the invoice, paid, and was told it'll be shipped tomorrow. Literally got it on the evening of the third day.

They told me in broken english that the shipping courier was on "break" and that they can't ship it till 9-3-2015. As an American unfamiliar with that date format, I had a little "oh shit" moment before realizing.

>> No.13152135
File: 382 KB, 1360x2048, 15680560211_a1e0afb7e8_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to hear anon! Mandarake is fairly reliable in general in my experience.

Though this makes me wish I had gone that route, still waiting for Volks USA to get their finger out of their ass so that I can bring her home.

>> No.13152246


Well at least you didn't have to pay out the ass like I did. I just got into them so that means I had to pay markup prices for her... though the weakened yen did pad that pain a bit.

As for Volks USA, isn't it because of the port dispute? I actually ordered Mayu from them, and they shipped next day. Friends ordered some stuff from them too and same thing, shipped next day. I don't think they can do anything right now besides stick their finger up their asses regarding the DD Miku shipments, really.

I stopped by their HQ awhile ago though and they had a DD Miku on display. Oh, so angelic. I fell in love on the spot. I can't wait to receive mines...

>> No.13152313

>As for Volks USA, isn't it because of the port dispute?

Yes. The problem though is that they've required and happily accepted payment even though they've known about the dispute since September. You'd think they'd offer some kind of compensation but then again we're supposed to feel honored to even be able to buy their dolls outside of Japan right?

>> No.13152335
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 20150308_1036178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're supposed to feel honored to even be able to buy their dolls outside of Japan right?

Now you're sounding like a Volks owner!

>> No.13152376

Don't underestimate the power of love.

>> No.13154947
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>> No.13155107

Anyone have the DD Nia? With my next paycheck I'm going to try to get her. 900 seem about right for her? Any known issues?

>> No.13156523
File: 438 KB, 1440x2160, makoto4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13156885

Just watch out for staining.

>> No.13158136

They say it's perfect, when it's closer to purchase I'll ask for close up nude shots to check for stains.

>> No.13158291

No, I meant as an owner YOU need to watch out for staining.

>> No.13159098

Yeah, don't make the mistake of thinking only dark colors stain. Even hot pink will leave a mark.

>> No.13159161

What are the best stands for DD? Before buying the Volks one, was wondering if there were better alternatives.

>> No.13160055

Well shit now you have me worried about my Kanojo. Time to strip her.

>> No.13160132

I used to be super nervous about clothes staining and would only have my dolls wear neutral or light colors but I find that if you wash out excess dye most of the clothing can be used for extended periods of time without staining.

Of course, I do test on a unused body part before using dark colored clothing but being able to even put them on without being worried sick makes me happy.

>> No.13160679 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13160694 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13160825

Looks nice, what body is that?

>> No.13161321

I would say its a Tokyo Doll OneThird-55M with body make up and finger wire option but I'm probably wrong.

>> No.13163160
File: 150 KB, 930x1312, 286dd1663098849689f6a4ad0e38dd2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13163165

The noodle knees are way worse

>> No.13163745 [SPOILER] 
File: 583 KB, 1440x2560, 1426031484503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That noodle line every time she gets posted. Get over it.

>> No.13163921

>all that fluff stuck to her leg
I'll take my doll joints any day.

>> No.13164466

Yeah, fluff not nice. The peach pais are prone to that as well, thank god for talcum powder

>> No.13164478

source / more before ban?

>> No.13165140
File: 318 KB, 1080x1620, IMG_0142 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandarake guy here. She finally came. Overnight with DHL.

I gotta learn how to style wigs now, she's high maintenance lol. Her hair's always gonna be all over the place until I get something to keep groups of hair together.

Also, her twin tails are so heavy, they can pull her head down at slight movements. And the wig is super tight to put on. I saw a damaged wig on Mandarake with a clump of hair missing near one of the twin tails. I'm thinking that's the reason why.

>> No.13166213

Congrats anon, she's very cute.

Look into wig wax, I hear it's very useful for the Mikus

>> No.13166432

You can style miku well with a baby toothbrush (make sure it says SOFT on the package) and a make-it-yourself wig spray (1:10 ratio of fabric softener to water in a spray bottle).

The wig wax is tricky - you may actually want to buy that from Volks. You could use a water-based wig wax made for human hair wigs from a beauty supply store, but I would worry that the consistency may not be correct.

>> No.13166499
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>> No.13166676


Thanks for the info. Adding that stuff to my shopping list.

>> No.13167782

Yeah, where is this anon?
I hope you perverts didn't scare them off.

>> No.13168770
File: 281 KB, 930x1347, 7a0d3b5a90a6b2d5edbfc12edc8f16be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy bought a VMF50 - there's nothing in this thread more perverted than that.

>> No.13170376


I'm usually not very fond of Mariko but that's an interesting look.

>> No.13170491
File: 768 KB, 1440x2160, saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wholeheartedly agreed, not often I look twice at a picture of her.

>> No.13170922

Could anyone post pics of dd`s wearing rise`s default eyes which aren't her?

>> No.13172061
File: 137 KB, 570x570, 4518992404240_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked but I couldn't find any. I bet if you went to dollfiedreams.com they could help you out.

The best I can do is this doll with the same style of eyes, but a different color.

>> No.13172075

>Also, her twin tails are so heavy, they can pull her head down at slight movements.
Check if her head is properly attached, you might need to push it further. My Miku came with a loose head and it was always kinda hard to push it deep enough. The hair still weighs her down, but only a little.

Bump? I'm also interested.
The volks one looks cool but flimsy, I'm looking for something to keep my doll standing when I'm not playing with her.

My Miku never had that ahoge-ish strand of hair and I can't figure out if my wig is defective or if I'm just retarded. She has a longer strand of hair on that side but it's under the rest of the hair, it's really hard if not impossible to bring it to the top. Maybe I'm wrongly assuming that's the wisp they're talking about.
Either way I can't wait until I get her a shorter/less fancy wig, this one looks really cool but is kinda a pain to keep.

>I hope you perverts didn't scare them off.
They probably did, but I doubt it had anything to do with us being perverted...

>> No.13172106

is she wearing your chastity key?
While posting lewd pictures online for other men!?

>> No.13172109


The transparent plastic one by Volks that kinda looks like a figma stand at least is shit. I wasted my money on that and it's too light to keep the doll upright and the joints break really easily. Avoid.

I think the metal coolcat ones are a lot better but don't have any personal experience with those.

>> No.13172252
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_0084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She wears the pendant just because she finds it cute ♪

A bird thing right now.

>> No.13173102


I get that feel of other men seeing lewd pictures of my dolls.
But the way I see it, *I'm* the only one who gets to see everything, whenever I want.

>> No.13174049

can I see everything too if you invite me over and then you can watch?

>> No.13174217
File: 230 KB, 720x1080, stands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The transparent plastic one by Volks that kinda looks like a figma stand at least is shit.


>I think the metal coolcat ones are a lot better but don't have any personal experience with those.

The coolcat stands are very good, not too obtrusive while providing good support. The metal Volks stands are solid but bulky. The dollfieworld stand is solid, has a tripod mount but is also quite bulky.

Personally I prefer the Selen stand with the clear acrylic base, it's tricky to get outside of Japan though, I got mine from YJA. The Selen stand with the wooden base also has a tripod mount.

What stand you ultimately get depends on a few factors, do you want an thigh stand or a saddle stand? Does the bulkiness of the stand matter to you? Price? Availability?

Pic related, leftmost stand is from coolcat, middle stand is from dollfieworld, rightmost stand is from Selens.

>> No.13176398

I didn't know about the selen one and it does seem like what I'm looking for, thanks.

>> No.13180266
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1200, IMG_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore the paw things Bottlefairy makes for his sabers so wanted to try something similar for my girls :3

>> No.13181151

Cuteness overload!

>> No.13182078
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>> No.13182084

Dude why would you want to show the belly of your doll to everyone? Why are you making her a slut?

>> No.13182160

>belly of your doll

I didn't know that the 1800s had internet.

>> No.13182301

proremiriat will be on his way soon

>> No.13182359
File: 2.43 MB, 3648x2736, dolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my dolls /jp/. I've really had to lay off buying stuff for them or other dolls because I need to pay rent and buy a car now. I had Miku pre-ordered but I had to let her go.

>> No.13182989
File: 3.85 MB, 5248x2952, DSC_0034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone do they're own faceups?
Just got some gouache paint finally and its amazing
Why the hell was I using tamiya before

>> No.13183135


They're beautiful.

>> No.13183170

Thanks! Asuna was my first, I got her in October of 2013. I got Illya in May of 2014 and Eris (my OC) in August of 2014.

>> No.13184138

I always heard people advise not to use gouache because it has a tendency to crack and flake off?

>> No.13184263

ca$h re$tirction my friend.

Car is eating all of my money atm.

that and i dont think i could ever own anything so beautiful, the responsibility to keep ti clean and beautiful would.. well i would fail miserably.

>> No.13184760
File: 240 KB, 930x646, ef24d378767e01a7ea3771a8beeac9da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're good! I'd love to see more of your work.

>> No.13185676
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, DSC_0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I haven't done many faceups. But im planning on getting the obitsu 48cm body/head set and try to make appearance miku down the road
Gouache does come off rather easily but it should be fine after you seal it

Sorry if the photo is side ways, posting it by phone

>> No.13185695

So I've finally figured out why my Kanojo's left arm was so loose. Upon inspection the shoulder joint was shattered. It's been far too long from when I bought her off of Manda for any sort of fix. How can I fix the love of my life? I'm afraid it will get worse and her left arm won't stay in socket at all even with clothes.

>> No.13185761

First off what type of doll is she?
I'm pretty sure you can get a replacement part if your not scared of taking apart your doll

>> No.13185783

/jp/, how do you interact with your dolls? Dressing? Holding? Cuddling?

>> No.13185795


>> No.13185816

Usually just looking and fantasizing. I do like to cuddle them once in awhile, but I'm too obsessive and concerned that they'll get damaged when that happens. I spend way too much time fixing and adjusting them so we don't cuddle as often as I'd like.

>> No.13185887
File: 215 KB, 480x640, OhnoRaptors1343211062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azone Obitsu 50cm.

>> No.13185906

you should be able to find a replacement part here

>> No.13185915

I love you, I'm going to be scared to death to take her apart but it might make us closer. Wish me luck!

>> No.13185940

Surgery is always terrifying.

>> No.13186240

Ordered the parts and took her apart. Decided to just buy a spare of everything because it's so cheap. Thanks again.

>> No.13186269

No problem! just helping another doll lover
Parabox has really good costumer service. I made two orders a day apart before, and they noticed it was the same address so they combined the order and refunded me the money from the second shipment

>> No.13186342

the idea 4chan has about what is and isn't Autism is a joke, for sure. And I even kind of find it funny. Like yeah, you're a bunch of socially inept guys who love inanimate objects - sure, that's not common in a lot of places but you're doing it because you learned about it from the internet. (Also nothing wrong with this.)

However, actual Autism is a thing. My friend's brother has it, and he was uncapable of learning English or any other language, even Sign language, he has severe trouble with. Everything else he can do. He's in his twenties and has to live in a care taker type home. He's an extremely happy person who speaks some kind of gibberish, like he makes noises and he bobs his head, but he's completely incapable of communication and his family visits him often and he is capable of recognizing them.

So yeah, Autism does exist, and sure it's funny, but I think very few people on this site actually know anything about it other than high functioning Autism, which seems more rare than anything else.

>> No.13186782

>other than high functioning Autism
well, if they're not high functioning they're not on the internet. therefore they do not exist as humans to us. they're just fall into the generic "mentally disabled" bucket.

>> No.13186790

They just sit in the shelf. I'm too scared of touching them.

>> No.13186792

It's a spectrum, the line between high and low functioning is very blurry. See: Chris Chan.

>> No.13186818

yeah, but when does anything ever get acknowledged for its nuances and not reduced to stereotypes?

>> No.13187390
File: 246 KB, 1620x1080, IMG_0161 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took them to a local anime con/fundraising event today for a panel. Had a little shoot outdoors afterwards.


I occasionally pat and caress their hair. If their hair starts getting messed up, I put them on my lap and I comb them. It's relaxing and good stress relief. My standard of living has increased dramatically ever since I've gotten them.

>> No.13187396
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>> No.13187746
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Did you get her apart without hassle? I can give advice on the Obitsu 50 body if you need it. I'm a complete hamfist so all of my girls have had major surgery of one kind or another.

>Parabox has really good costumer service

Seconding this, and their clothing range, while sadly small, is very good quality for the price. Only negative is their dark colours can sometimes stain. But clothing for twice the price does that too.

>> No.13188186

You're 10x better than most people with little faceup experience. Just by practicing more, you're going to get very good. You clearly have the skills and talent, keep it up anon!

>> No.13188406


where did /jp/ go so wrong? instead of being filled with pretty dolls people talk about obitsus and say this terrible faceup is good. where did our standards go...

>> No.13188422

>better than most people with little faceup experience

>> No.13188591
File: 249 KB, 853x1280, 20150304_1033525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trash-talking obitsus

>>>/toy/ is thataway

>> No.13188627
File: 227 KB, 666x1000, 1387778498774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother stole a pickup truck, and I dont bitch when people talk about niggers nigging.

I graduate in 2 months, and it will be like 4-5 months after that I have enough free capital to even look at buying a doll. I have decided it will be my first major purchase after a new mattress. I want to get a Mini DD and build a little loli girl. Nice ribbon, dirty blond hair. Skirt setup for first outfit, but not school girl, more like she is out around own on a sunny day.

Bloody hell how can you people wait, and how should I wait?

>> No.13188643

>liking obitsus

go back to dollieh santuary and whine about how your subpar doll is totally as good as volks. price=/=quality amirite you plebian faggot?

>> No.13188660
File: 432 KB, 1067x1600, 1387958325272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone heard any of the rumors of Volks discontinuing the Mini? They have been reducing the number of base models and parts. Its worrying.

>> No.13188759

>a new mattress

I kept saying that a new mattress would be my priority whenever it came time to make my next "big" purchase.

I've bought 2 dolls since then. I keep saying "pff my mattress isn't THAT uncomfortable"

>> No.13188767
File: 1.04 MB, 2000x1333, 16686656966_f102fbbca7_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own any obitsus, FYI but I have no problem with people who like them. Take your toxicity back to tumblr or /toy/

>> No.13189128

The chest joint was a bitch to remove. Had to push her body up past her neck to remove it.

>> No.13189692

>I am jealous of the Obitsu body's superior movement range and serviceability.


You mean the soft upper torso? You should be able to just take that off completely quite easily.

>> No.13189748

Well, I dont exactly have a mattress. I a a bunch of old blankets from a thrift store that I folded and wrapped together, then I wrap that in normal bedding and sleep on it. I wash the whole thing every month, and the bedding weekly, so it stays feeling new. Just not the same as a real american bed though.

Is it a reasonable course of action to buy doll parts and slowly build her? The body being the last part (most expensive). Or is that a bad idea?

>> No.13189867


My friend recently went through the same thing with buying parts. You're better off buying a Base standard complete from Volks international so you get to bully the now weak yen. I think it's $470 shipped right now for a base. And then just build off of that. You won't have to worry about face-up either.

If you buy in parts, parts are not always available and where they are, they're expensive as shit. My friend had to pay $100 to complete his DD with shins, when they're only supposed to be $50 (had to buy them off a reseller cause Volks didn't have any). And you'll be incrementally raped by shipping costs, not to mention waiting for them to slowly come in the mail. It sucks having an incomplete doll and not knowing when you can finish it. You might lose motivation/commitment too.

That's my opinion.

>> No.13190957

Yeah I found that out after I took the chest out. The chest and neck were on too tight and I couldn't feel the separation.

>> No.13191595

Can I see your faceups you done so far?
also the one you called "terrible" is like 10% done

>> No.13191636

Was he just being a poopybutt giving that person a hard time, or are there really some people here that are that elitist, dramatic, and incapable of understanding? I'm relatively new to this thread, so I can't really tell.

>> No.13191735

Is there anywhere you can buy alternate hands that are compatible with DDs other than Volks? Just out of curiosity

>> No.13192484
File: 92 KB, 450x675, ephe20150316d04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an artist that takes DD hands and mods them to give them gyaru nails. They're still Volks hands, I believe, but it's the only thing that comes to mind.

In this hobby, it's equally likely that they were honestly shitting on an anon for being new (albeit clearly talented) at faceups, and equally likely that they were trolling.

>> No.13192793

Why is it that our hobbies suck so much?

>> No.13193073
File: 279 KB, 800x450, 20150317_702316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are dicks everywhere. As long as you enjoy your dolls, be happy.

I find that /jp/ and /toy/ are about the only doll communities I can stand. Reddit isn't too bad either, the BJD subreddit also has <1000 subscribers and isn't super active.

pics in case you were curious about these artist hands.

>> No.13194263

Nothing new, last year they had a 6 month stretch with hardly any parts/etc, and bam semiwhite skin MDD.

Fun fact: Their actual physical stores have plenty of parts in stock, had a friend pick up 2 complete MDD bodies in parts in the Osaka store for me.

>> No.13198260
File: 1004 KB, 930x618, untitled591848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13199335

I need this.

>> No.13199742
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>> No.13199750
File: 130 KB, 680x1024, f10cef42efda81dfb464a900878e3937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13199773

this is creepy as shit dude
please reconsider what you're doing with your life and your free time

>> No.13199929

Dont you want a daughter?

>> No.13200649

>semi-white skin DDS body in stock yesterday
>"hmm maybe i'll buy it later so I can have a standalone body for my senbonzakura set"
>out of stock

Lesson learned.
Now for the indefinite wait.

>> No.13203747


How often do Volks international get parts back in stock anyway? I'm after a torso frame.

>> No.13203940

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13204445 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 459x1632, 1426817230500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with surgery on Kanojo. Top or bottom.

>> No.13204472


Whatever size she came with.

Also, smaller busts are easier to find clothing for.

>> No.13204473

Bottom. Also, nice Kurisu figure you've got back there.

>> No.13204622
File: 33 KB, 375x500, oil mist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any oil mist for wigs?
looks like you may need some

>> No.13204759

Just ordered some

>> No.13205832
File: 340 KB, 480x720, o0480072013249775316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere from several weeks to several months. Try emailing customer service and asking if they know when they're expecting another shipment.


For when you run out: You can make your own by using a 10:1 ratio of Water:Fabric softener in a spray bottle.

>> No.13205967



