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13066271 No.13066271 [Reply] [Original]

Do youkai poof when they die or do they leave corpses? Would burying it cause a new youkai to form?

>> No.13066276

They leave behind samples.

>> No.13066280

You can't kill an idea, capitalist schweinhund.

>> No.13066295

But would the same youkai with its personality intact be reborn from the corpse or would it only have similar powers?

>> No.13066435

I always thought it's like objects and instances in object-oriented programming.
Say there's a set of properties called "Cirno" (inheriting other properties from a superset called "Fairies").
This set is abstract. It does not actually exist.
Now, the Cirnoᵢ you know is an instance of the set Cirno. It's there, the space acknowledges its existence, and it does its things.
Now, let's say Cirnoᵢ ceases to exist, and you create Cirnoᵢ₊₁.
It talks like Cirnoᵢ, it walks like Cirnoᵢ, and it stalks frogs like Cirnoᵢ.
But it is not Cirnoᵢ, it's Cirnoᵢ₊₁, another instance of the set of properties called Cirno.
And yes, afaik damaging a Youkai's body beyond repair makes them go poof, after which they return in the manner I describes above.

>> No.13067199


Nowhere is specified that the function Youkai is run again with the same argument (in this case Cirno but could be said for any other valid argument) after it ends.

>> No.13067971

Hopeless Masquerade confirmed that 2hus explode when killed.

>> No.13068439

They aren't real though.

>> No.13068772

WaHH as well. "Kappa's arm? Youkai usually don't leave corpses."

>> No.13070790

Youkai is a set, just like Cirno. It canoot be "run".
Also, functions are called, not run.
Cirno inherits every property Youkai has, e.g. dependency on faith.
To illustrate, the set Youkai is probably never initialized by itself, since all Youkai types (Magicians, Vampires, Fairies...) are subsets of it.

>> No.13074381

they burst into treats

>> No.13074421


Fairies aren't true youkai though.

>> No.13074427

I guess they poof since they will be reborn after a while as long theresomeone believing in that youkai.
If they left a corpse it would be funnily messy, specially for kamikaze attackers like Fairies.

>> No.13074430

They pichuun, you dingus.

>> No.13074462


If I recall, it's the fact that fairies CAN'T be defeated through physical damage or banished like "real" youkai is because they're personifications of an external source of nature, being avatars of said force's will in the way that angels act as servants to the deity that created them.

So, when Cirnoᵢ's "body" is destroyed, she respawns as Cirnoᵢ with the same consciousness, if not necessarily the same memory (depending on the rate of exchange between the ID and the body), because the mind is only tentatively tied to that body in the first place and is meant as an avatar for Cirnoᵢ to function. If the portion of nature that stores Cirnoᵢ's personality is destroyed, Cirnoᵢ...might cease to appear physically, but still isn't technically destroyed, as the variables that cause Cirnoᵢ still theoretically exist, but an exact duplicate of the aspect of nature that was storing the information in the first place would have to be perfectly rebuilt in order for that personality to become functional again.

>> No.13074483


Do us all a favor then and define "youkai." Because I know damn well some youkai can easily slip between being a guardian deity to monster that fucks up anything that gets too close.

>> No.13074519


Youkai are creatures that are generally classified on three characteristics: The need for belief in order to exist, supernatural strength, and the need to consume human flesh (something that even Yukari is hinted to need). For instance, a fairy is strongly affected by belief, but is neither stronger then a human, nor relies on the consumption of human flesh in order to continue existing, making them a youkai-noid. This is noted by Yukari when she speaks of the three fairies of light, with Luna Child being the closest of the trio to having the status of youkai. The fact that fairies can become youkai in the first place would mean that they can't be the same class of creature as other creatures commonly called youkai. So, while some fairies might be youkai (like how it's implied Cirno is becoming one), to say they all are would be as erroneous to say that all humans are youkai on the basis that some humans are also ghosts.

Furthermore, where most youkais' purpose to instil fear in humanity, fairies' purpose is to act as servants of nature.

>> No.13074534


One thing one must know is that "Youkai" is a flexible term, and while the above might be the technical definition, anything that is either a crypid, supernatural, or even metaphysical in nature can be considered a youkai, like the anal gland that kappa pull from humans. Non-living things such as gusts of wind could even be called youkai.

But I think the OP was talking about things like Yuuka and Meiling.

>> No.13074558

Artistic Licence. They don't really explode, they're just knocked out.

>> No.13074644
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They are buried politely by girls gentle at heart.

>> No.13075471

Youkai means "any supernatural creature." This "truYoukai" thing is just the latest trolling craze.

>> No.13075539

are you a youkai worried about death?
if not, then it's none of your businesses what happens to them.

>> No.13075670


Mostly cause Zun's defenition is finicky as hell. On one hand, youkai need to consume human flesh, yet on the other hand some youkai don't need to eat. Just call any supernatural creature/weird foreigner that sufficiently ticks you off a youkai and leave it at that.

>> No.13075685

It has nothing to do with Zun. That is what youkai is. 妖怪. I can't help you if you're incapable of dealing with general things. What you're doing is the same as complaining that some felines are house cats and some felines are lions, then disparaging the word feline.

>> No.13075708


>Youkai (妖怪, "mystic apparition" or >"mysterious calamity") is a term mostly >associated with Japanese folk creatures and >ghosts. The term can also apply broadly to >anything that is a supernatural being or >legend, from any culture.

There. In Touhou, there is a specific species known as "Yokai" where the flesh eating thing is a requirement (which is what Ruima and Yukari supposedly are), but that is just one specific type of youkai who just happens to be named that because they're the pinnacle of what a youkai is supposed to be. When Zun refers to the flesh eating, he means THAT kind of youkai specifically, but a youkai doesn't have to be that specific creature in order to be classified as a youkai.

In other words, all yokai are youkai, but not all youkai are yokai.

Was it that hard?

>> No.13075718

When a Cirno is kill, it turns into water only to respawn from atmospheric humidity. I guess you can extrapolate this elemental concept to other youkai, since each is unique. For instance, Rumia might make a blood poof when her function is bugged beyond repair.

>> No.13075727


If they aren't explicitly immortal, they become spirits, while a similar youkai is manufactured to take their place.

>> No.13075737

youkai cannot die, they are simply reborn
