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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 218 KB, 184x184, he is my master.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1306499 No.1306499 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, Maid RPG is out.
I already bought my PDF, how about you?

>> No.1306504

I don't have anyone to play it with ;_;

>> No.1306505

If you bought it, put it on /rs/
/tg/ will make fun of me if I tell them to

>> No.1306508

in b4 torrent requests.

>> No.1306506
File: 360 KB, 434x645, cirnoisnotpleased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1306523

...you don't buy PDFs, you buy the physical hard copy.

>> No.1306529

/tg/ makes fun of everyone.

>> No.1306534

Is that an eroge?

>> No.1306535

Forget maid rpg. What happened to necrololi?

>> No.1306536

You misspelled after, didn't you?

Goddamn, follow the fucking link. You can buy a hard copy for like $25, or a PDF for $8


Also sup Suika.

>> No.1306541

how does i play rpg with pdf file?

>> No.1306542

That's still in the works.

>> No.1306545

Is the first Ronery /jp/ Meido game scheduled yet?

>> No.1306550

>last post: 16/07/2008 05:27:16 AM
uh oh.

>> No.1306556

I thought it was a joke, reading the introduction.

>> No.1306558


But I'm sensitive.

>> No.1306563

Not gonna upload it, enjoy waiting for someone else to.
I bought the hard copy too.
Sup Airpi

I'm not going to allow my players to play touhou-like characters, or any other series' characters, since it just makes it weird to deal with. Also originality is amusing.

>> No.1306566

Then thank god you're not going there to post about 40k.

>> No.1306567

>Not gonna upload it, enjoy waiting for someone else to.

You're a useless faggot then.

>> No.1306569



>> No.1306575


Choke on a nigger cock, asshole

>> No.1306580

>> No.1306582

But he's just being a responsible consumer!

>> No.1306592

>Suika !FSwM3CeNMU

>> No.1306596

lol cheap ass faggots

>> No.1306600

>Also, please don't be a total dick and post the PDF online. Every dollar we get means that there's that much more of a chance that we'll be able to afford to bring more interesting Japanese RPGs over into English. Thank you!

>> No.1306601

>ima fail trool XD

>> No.1306609

If you're not going to share it, there's no need to tell the whole world, "OH, I BOUGHT THIS AND YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY".

>> No.1306610


butt status: hurt

>> No.1306611

Fuck off. You're the worst kind of ano- oh wait.

>> No.1306615

But what could be more interesting than a MaidRPG?

>> No.1306617

He's spreading the news.

>> No.1306618


Although I appreciate the frankness, bringing Nipshit over here doesn't necessarily have to cost you a dime.

>> No.1306620

What's your point?

>> No.1306624


Fund it!

>> No.1306622


>> No.1306630

I am not going to help you anymore.

>> No.1306633

Things you probably won't need:
A maid costume: Not that you can't, but it's not necessary to play. And it might be a little creepy. Imagination and all that. If you look cute in one, feel free to send us pictures.

>> No.1306637


Life sucks that way. Their own fault for trying to market it instead of basing it as a hobby.
I'd buy and upload it if it didn't say it would take two days for them to email it.
Seriously, what?

>> No.1306638

Fuck off you useless faggot. If you can't upload an 8mb .pdf file for the sake of /jp/ you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.1306639

Fuck that shit; ribbons and silly hats are mandatory at my table.

>> No.1306655


>> No.1306661


I already checked that, it's not a pdf.

>> No.1306662

Rickroll and/or gay porn.

>> No.1306663

I received my PDF instantaneously.
Help with what?

>> No.1306674

2MB PDF Gay porn, rite, ANON...

>> No.1306675

Hurrr pirate rage.

Look, I don't have a moral high ground here, I'd download the PDF as soon as its available to me, but if somebody who bought it doesn't want to share, deal with it.

>> No.1306682

The Maid RPG PDF is 8 megabytes, ergo it can't be the correct file.

Gay porn, meanwhile, can easily be down in the ~100 kilobyte range.

>> No.1306694

I doubt think anyone would have raged if he hadn't made a thread about how he bought it and then refused to upload it.

>> No.1306710

Is it bad that I smirked, chuckled, and eventually laughed hysterically at the fact that this is a game and it's been translated into English?

The website design just made me lol hard.

>> No.1306721

Someone who doesn't want to share, fair enough. Tripfags not just refusing to share but going around telling people to buy it, deserve the rage.

>> No.1306722

It is a very lulzy enterprise.

>> No.1306724


>> No.1306725

Your loli sister makes me 'lol' hard.

>> No.1306777



>> No.1306785

tabletop, pen and paper. same diff

>> No.1306790

So how exactly do you play it?


>> No.1306796

>Maid is an light comedy anime-themed tabletop role-playing game for three or more players. The very easy to learn rules-light system, complete with random events which drive the story forward, will have you playing the game with friends only fifteen minutes after opening the book. Maid is also the first ever Japanese role-playing game to be translated and released in English.



>> No.1306797

u raep da maids XD

>> No.1306799

I have internet "friends" who are into this stuff.

>> No.1306804

You suck cocks like a generic Shrine Maiden.

>> No.1306805

hINternhets xD.

>> No.1306807

How often do you guys swap anal pics?

>> No.1306810


I don't think you have any friends. Enjoy sitting in your maid costume and playing it with AIs. Alone.

>> No.1306812

>Suika !FSwM3CeNMU

>> No.1306813

Like D&D. Only you're all maids.

>> No.1306835

I'd do that if there were AIs intelligent enough.

>> No.1306845

You fags do realize you could probably play this over IRC or the like?

>> No.1306855

I just use ventrilo and OpenRPG.

>> No.1306860

How can I play it without the PDF?

>> No.1306863

you get to be the little girl?
sounds like my type of game.
unfortunately tabletop gaming is one of those things that is great in theory but sucks in practice.

>> No.1306868

Internet roleplaying sucks. Seriously.
I'm sure I could find guys to play this at my university. The question is, do I want to be inviting around a bunch of people who want to roleplay being maids?

>> No.1306869

Not if you do it right.

>> No.1306870

Generally it is enough if only the DM has a copy, when dealing with simple games like this.

>> No.1306871

I hate speaking to people.

>> No.1306875

Internet play is better, you can pretend to be little girls together while never leaving your room or coming face to face with another human.

>> No.1306897

OP is siteowner and tries us to pay for it.

>> No.1306907

Suika: ''So, what are we gonna do m'dear :3''
Player 2: ''Let's do it!''
Suika :''K!''
-Ventrilo whoring of Player 1-
Suika: ''OOohhh, this feels nice!''
-Player 2 makes some weird stoming sounds, both in his computer's desk & the floor-
Suika: ''...what are you doing?''
Player 2: ''I put on my robe & wizard hat''.

>> No.1306919
File: 13 KB, 291x296, ಠ_ಠ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1306949

not going to buy this shit

>> No.1306952

source of the image?

>> No.1306969

>>1306952 he is my master.png
I think it might be Bible Black.

>> No.1306974

Bought hard copy and PDF. If this doesn't suck I expect to play with you guys every Friday night since my normal RPG group fucked off and started D&D4.

>> No.1306975

You won't die OP, won't you?

>> No.1306982

>I received my PDF instantaneously.

You best not be lying, tripfag.

Buying it for the good of /jp/, those tsundere faggots on /tg/ that say it's weeaboo shit but are going to download it anyway, and other imageboards.

>> No.1306994

>I received my PDF instantaneously.
"Also, allow up to 48 hours for the email delivery of the PDF: We do all this stuff manually."

Like said, Suika tries to make everyone buy this.

>> No.1307001

I used my Gmail account for this. Just make sure it's an email account that can accept an 8mb file.
I lold irl.

>> No.1307023

/jp/ likes and wants a meido because they can't do anything else themselves and want someone to do it for them(which btw will never happen lol).

>> No.1307038


It has three minutes to appear in my inbox before I decide you're a colossal faggot.

>> No.1307042

I bought it 30 minutes ago, no email.

>> No.1307056


Yeah, that's what I figured.

>> No.1307083

Thanks for your $8, faggots.

God, /jp/ is so damn easy to scam.

>> No.1307095


I figure it'll get here after the two days, as these are the same guys that were at gencon.

Doesn't make the OP any less of a faggot for lying and being straight out viral marketing.

>> No.1307096

If a male proposed to be your meido, would you accept? He's pretty good looking, but not particularly girly, and would only really be a maid in outfit and name as opposed to a butler.

Would you accept?

>> No.1307101

If you used paypal, you can get your money back by complaining. Other guys PayPal Account will be b&.
But well like website said its not instant sending the pdf.

>> No.1307103

Would he suck my cock?

>> No.1307107

Holy fuck, you guys are retarded.

>> No.1307110

I must have been lucky then.

>> No.1307122

To be fair, the email is probably sent out manually, whenever the site owner is online and approves the transaction. But Suika is still a faggot, etc

>> No.1307129

No shit Mr. Obvious.

>I received my PDF instantaneously.

>Also, allow up to 48 hours for the email delivery of the PDF: We do all this stuff manually.

I hate liars

>> No.1307131


>> No.1307136


Yeah sure. Maybe you can stop being a faggot and upload the thing then, since it's inevitable that it'll get uploaded now.

>> No.1307137

Yes because I am gay.

>> No.1307139

who the fuck cares if the email is instant or not?
yet again, /jp/ derails shit into useless bantering over nothing

>> No.1307141


If it was instant, I could have uploaded the thing by now.

>> No.1307144

OP is trying at viral marketing to get sales up.

>> No.1307147

Oh yay! Now I don't feel so out of place.

>> No.1307179
File: 76 KB, 855x578, pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1307199


Unless you've got comparable timestamps, you're still an asshole.

>> No.1307206


Doesn't show when you actually purchased it, gtfo

>> No.1307211

The amount of homos is surprisingly high on /jp/-Lolis/general, myself also being one of them.

>> No.1307219

How nice, casual swearing in a 'professional' publication.

>> No.1307217
File: 180 KB, 1280x1024, comparable timestamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1307227


26 minutes is not instantaneous you stupid dickshitter. You're such a fucking retard it's not even funny.

>> No.1307228


Half an hour still isn't "instantly", but very well. I'll rescind my claim of you being a liar and an asshole, leaving you as a mere dick for not uploading the thing.

>> No.1307230


>> No.1307241

Better than being a liar and an asshole.
I'm actually chuckling at your post irl.

>> No.1307251

I'm confused. On one hand, I love roleplaying games. On the other hand, this is everything I hate about anime right now.


>> No.1307255

Quite a strangely large bunch of gays here(Archer to blame?) At least the gays here are the nice and fun kind instead of the kind of hyperflamer furry you see on /v/ or /r9k.

>> No.1307261


I suspect it's not so much a large communities of gay anonymous, but more a few and a large amount of anonymous that can appreciate a true manly man.

I upload the archer/lancer homostuff every now and then, for example.
I do not believe I am gay.

>> No.1307262

Look guys, buying is good.

You fuckers can even buy a 360 which is like, shit. several times due to it breaking.

but you can't afford a 8$ PDF?

you better be kidding me

>> No.1307268

I wouldn't play it. I'd skim it once and let it rot on my hard drive.

>> No.1307273
File: 326 KB, 1044x1441, Sigmund_Freud-loc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1307277

Hum. That's an interesting way to look at it I guess! So it's more like bisexual, or are you saying that some men are just so very manly(Big Boss, Archer/Lancer) that they appeal to straight men just as much? Not sure how that would work but it sure does make sense.

>> No.1307284


Fucking delivered. Someone go tell /tg/, I'm sure some of them wish to be the little girl too. Even if they won't admit it. Now I have a few places to go drop this too.

One more fuck you to the OP.

>> No.1307287

"Hmmm. I suspect it is because your father molested you as a child, so every man reminds you of him and you seek out men to remind you of that event!"

I don't see it.

>> No.1307290

I would buy it if I could play it. Of course, as a /jp/ and /b/ regular I have two real life friends, I haven't met them in months and I would be too ashamed anyway to try to get them play a game like this.

The sad part is that I'm not trolling but telling the truth here.

>> No.1307291


anonymous delivers, tripfag does not

>> No.1307293

Not even trying...

>> No.1307296


I see your subtle request on how to utilize this, so I'll help you out.

Awkward ventrillo sessions with the rest of us.

>> No.1307297

I love how the game seems to assume that the players are female.

>> No.1307303

I enjoyed the file description. Thanks for the upload.

>> No.1307306

I don't really care if it's uploaded since it's bound to happen to everything. I just didn't want to be the one that did it.

>> No.1307310

Why the fuck do people like ventrillo?

>> No.1307314

...would you fucking go to TEAMSPEAK, where LotR kids crawl?
I wouldn't, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.1307318

I don't have a microphone. Can't we just use irc?

>> No.1307321


>> No.1307335
File: 25 KB, 502x423, 1221443047910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you mean playing females, at least judging by the little foreword thing

>> No.1307354

Maids are pretty much female by definition, apparently.

Unless you roll a trap.

>> No.1307356

Pure Lolita is best

>> No.1307365

In your case, pure tripfaggot.

>> No.1307406

Lolita doesn't seem so great. Extra luck in exchange for getting a handicap in moving around? No thanks.

>> No.1307424

So umm... anon has no friends offline.

does /jp/ want to play?

>> No.1307425


Enjoy getting fucked the GM
Possibly literally.

Compressed .rar, for /rs/ to pick up.

>> No.1307431

Yeah, anyone got an IRC or something set up? I'd rather not do a Vent for some obvious reasons.

>> No.1307442


I might be willing tomorrow. I'd like to at least read through it.

>> No.1307443

Gay Master?

>> No.1307445



>> No.1307449
File: 77 KB, 545x765, roberta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the Roberta type?

>> No.1307456

Alright, will you be doing this same time tomorrow, or how will I know when you'll be setting up an IRC thing?

>> No.1307458


See the next page.
Also, you can roll for hairtypes, but no twintails, shockingly.

>> No.1307465

no twintails?
oh I'm raging like a motherfucker

>> No.1307470


If I decide to do it, I'd make a thread.
If you're really that hankering for a session, One of the touhou imageboards has a game going.

>> No.1307473

Why the hell would you want a tsundere maid?

>> No.1307478

....Eh. Alright. I might as well try it out now. Looking forward to if you do put one up, though.

>> No.1307480

Why the hell not? G...geez, you're so stupid!

>> No.1307487


Why the heck would you want to be anything else?


Also, judging by
I think /tg/ might have a game getting set up on their IRC.

>> No.1307497

well for people that want an IRC channel you could use irc://irc.irchighway.net/maidrpg

>> No.1307540

I'll be joining tomorrow, after rolling my maid and reading up.
Is it wrong to be so excited about this?

>> No.1307544

not at all

>> No.1307593

Oh God I want to play this so badly. I'll put off playing with anons cause I want more meido RPGs to be released so I'll actually (Gasp) buy it. But I have $11 and no job so ...

>> No.1307605

You can legitimately buy the PDF for 8 bux...

>> No.1307612

Do these sessions take a lot of time? I'm pretty busy during the day (in before neet rage)

>> No.1307613

Anyone thought of running this over OpenRPG? (RPG Virtual Tabletop)

>> No.1307618


You know, you could just buy a version, and download the pdf while you wait for it.

It's not like you'll be struck with lightning or anything.

>> No.1307636

Are you suggesting I use the last $11 I have in the universe and possibly for the rest of my life to buy a Maid RPG?

I'm actually really tempted to do that, don't push me over the edge anon, don't do it!

>> No.1307633

I don't know enough of the rules to be sure, but I don't think the game is very much tied to the 'my character is in this square and can move this many squares per turn so I need to know if I can reach that guy in that square' mentality, so I don't know how much help a virtual tabletop would be.

>> No.1307639

I love maids i'm going to check this out

>> No.1307640


Would depend on who was GMing, I imagine.

>> No.1307662
File: 64 KB, 400x300, 1221450565277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, its this kind or rpg>>1307639

>> No.1307674
File: 51 KB, 280x284, 1221450707266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1307662 dungeons-dragons-400ds0702.jpg

>> No.1307673

We're getting a game set up so far on the IRC, and I'll even help set up characters for people.

>> No.1307730

Rolling up stats is obviously a must, because otherwise people would cheat, but am I the only one who thinks that it would be, at least sometimes, to just choose the various qualities and stuff for the maids?

>> No.1307736


I think that might take the fun out of it. Although it's not like we can tell if someone chose their qualities and stuff or rolled them.

>> No.1307737

I think it is most fun when people get random absurd qualities, but I think you could easily have a game where people pick their traits rather than roll for them.

>> No.1307740

Yeah, don't worry about that. That's only a crutch for people who really want to leave their character to chance. Though it does make for some interesting scenarios with random pick.

Also, again, the IRC is irc://irc.irchighway.net/maidrpg if you want to join a quick game. We're planning on a quick one-shot right now. Some of us are reading up, so feel free to join in now!

>> No.1307744

Some DMs have people roll up their characters at the table. The only bit of Maid RPG I have seen so far was in sitting in on the random character creation process on an IRC game; it looked like a lot of fun, especially with people trying to build a backstory to explain the weird combinations as the character gets created.

>> No.1307747

My ISP won't let me in irchighway. Could you move it to rizon?
I understand if you don't, but I don't lose anything trying, right?

>> No.1307749

Damn, I want to play, but I can't roleplay.

>> No.1307757

Damn, I want to play, but I have to go to sleep.

Oh well, I didn't make a character yet.

>> No.1307762


I imagine concessions would be made. Or you could always just spectate.

>> No.1307812

Really? Not even with a proxy?

>> No.1307818


fuck yes maids I fucking want them.

>> No.1307925
File: 5 KB, 701x37, 1221454906637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1307936

True, though the functions that come with it are rather handy and it's useful should images and what not need be displayed. IRC is good enough as it is though I suppose.

>> No.1307945


>> No.1307948

Seems like #maidrpg@rizon is taken, with two ongoing campaigns already.
Reading the logs, I see this roleplaying business takes a long time. All night and such.
Maybe I'll give it a chance in the future. Not enough free time for now.

>> No.1307974

This doesn't seem like it's much use as a dungeon crawler... which means any games played will just be a bunch of guys rping as girls trying to seduce one another.


Post some logs of your irc session after you play, whenever you do. It will be good for a laugh and a cry if nothing else.

>> No.1308005

I mean, you CAN play it as a dungeon crawl, if you want.

>> No.1308036


> a bunch of guys rping as girls trying to seduce one another.

Wait, you wanted something else from life?

>> No.1308421


>> No.1308461


Here's the IRC logs if you want to watch. Be especially sure to read if you're sensitive to spaniard or mexican stereotypes.

>> No.1308479

>Suika !FSwM3CeNMU is a massive faggot.

>> No.1308483


Read the thread
