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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1304561 No.1304561 [Reply] [Original]

>Since Japan was at war with America, politically, there is still this looking down. "Oh, isn't that incredible. That's so darling", things like that. This still continues. They also have the admiration of the frivolous Japan, such as Hello Kitty, Doraemon. It's simply an extension of 150 years ago when people, Americans again, were labelling Japanese people as childlike and calling this place Topsy Turvy Land, and Douglas McArthur was saying that Japanese people had the emotional age of 14. This tendency to juvenalise a politically inert opponent is one of taming them, so I think the new interest in Kitano and Miike, and the new violence is so condescending that I can't believe there's any real appreciation, because the frivolity of this suits the new frivolity at work in America. But I don't think it represents any real feeling any more than the Kung Fu boom, or the Zen boom, the Dharma bum boom, or any of the other booms. They're fads. I think America is just as given to victimisation by fads as Japan is. There's a lot more real problems there than Japan has. The attitude of America to most other countries is one of condescension. It's always been that way. There's always been that high moral stance.

This is right on the money. Although he's not specifically talking about anime, this is exactly the mentality of the average American weeaboo and by extension the reason they ruin everything they touch.

>> No.1304588

wait, I don't really get what he's saying..

>> No.1304598

We should nuke America.

>> No.1304604

But Japanese do have the emotional age of a 14 year old.

>> No.1304615

I don't really think of it as a condescension. I admire a culture that values cute over violence.

>> No.1304619

>That's so darling

>> No.1304625

You must not know much about Japan. Violence is just as prevelant in media as cuteness. But of course, you wouldn't know that since you only watch moeblob animu and play Touhou, pedo.

Thanks for proving his point.

>> No.1304630

give me the tl;dr version

>> No.1304633

>cute over violence.
Yeah that's why there is so much tentacle/rape porn and even worse bullshit from japan.

>> No.1304634

It's not just the media. They also have cute mascots everywhere.

>> No.1304638

>tentacle/rape porn
How is that not cute?

>> No.1304639


copy/paste into the box and press play

>> No.1304643

Compare that to the amount of cute things from Japan.

>> No.1304644


tl;dr version:
> weeaboos, condescension, seriously?

>> No.1304647

I dunno. Their pop/low culture (anime, manga,etc.) has, what is it, an internet presence that is either equal to or above ours?

Exposure led to influence in my case, though I'm not so severe to worship an entire country based on the fact I like a bunch of comics, cartoons and Guitar Wolf.

>> No.1304657


I love a lot of shit that comes out of Japan but I really do dislike the country and the people.

>> No.1304664


I've never visited the place and my exposure is limited to what I see on the net, so I can't really comment on the place as whole myself.

>> No.1304671
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1221406787265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from 7-eleven by the way.

>> No.1304685

Source of the quote?

>> No.1304691


>> No.1304706



Interview regarding Japanese cinema conducted by Donald Richie, who's lived in Japan for 50 years and is one of the foremost authorities in Japan in the world, has written many books both about the culture and film.

>> No.1304726



>> No.1304750

I don't think this has anything to do with the "average American weeaboo." If anything they are on the opposite side of the spectrum here, thinking that everything Japanese is more intelligent and just generally superior.

This guy is talking about movie makers and music artists and other groups of people who continually misinterpret the cultural differences present in Japanese things as something they are not.

>> No.1304781


don't we all?

>> No.1304792

>continually misinterpret the cultural differences present in Japanese things as something they are not.

And it's the misunderstanding of cultural differences that gives birth to the weeaboo/wapanese mentality.

>> No.1304873

This thread is a piece of shit.

>> No.1304935
File: 149 KB, 890x772, 1221410087378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Americans don't have a clear understanding of which parts of their lives come from their culture. Traits that they don't recognize as such, they often mistakenly take as universal. An example of this kind of mistake would be to interpret this phenomenon on a personal level and call it pretentious.
When such people see deviations from these traits in a far away place, they misinterpret what they see based on these false assumptions, but never bother to dwell on what they see long enough to spot contradictions. Most Americans doing this never find a reason to fix it, because it's not worth the effort to them. They've each got their own horribly exciting individual lives to spend mental effort on. I'll bet you can think of at least nation somewhere that you know only on a level of stereotypes from movies, and ten things you'd rather do right now than read a whole book about them. Such people form a majority in America, so the horse shit made here to appeal to the largest number of people reflects their average world view, weighted by income.

>> No.1304985

That's hardly limited to America. Most people in most places around the world operate on stereotypes and hearsay instead of documented facts.

>> No.1305000

It concerns Japan, and is very general, so ファキュウ.

>> No.1305017


>> No.1305022

Perhaps, but the OP topic's quote concerns America's tendency towards this behavior, and I have little experience with non-American ignorance, so I restricted my comments to that topic.
It's very conspicuous in American media, if you know to look for it. How bad is it in your country's media?

>> No.1305024


Say hello to human nature you sack of liberal bleeding heart faggots.

>> No.1305028

Japan-chan is kawaii.

>> No.1305055

I couldn't have said it better myself. And luckily, there are those of us who are still too lazy to research a given country, but accept the fact that it is inhabited by normal, rational people.

>> No.1305100

Age for Japan/General.

>> No.1305107

I'd victimize her, if you know what I mean

>> No.1305125

It's got nipples.

>> No.1305349


>> No.1306087
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1207675462474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, that was a cute post, OP.
