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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 440 KB, 800x1132, 2015_FEB_11_OC164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13037758 No.13037758 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

I tried today

Previous thread >>12950089

>> No.13037936

sleepy get the fuck out

>> No.13038244
File: 164 KB, 600x600, 2015_FEB_11_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But where to?

>> No.13038262

Good news: we finally received our third contribution after a long while. So, again, if you want to submit your work, that is - music or art, you can email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com. You can request for an invitation to the dropbox, or send me your work directly and I'll do it for you. You can also just post it in this thread, but just make sure to attach a message of your intention to join - I wouldn't know otherwise, yes?

>> No.13038284

this is an original song I made for famicompo pico (famicom music competition): http://a.pomf.se/yrhmrr.mp3

>> No.13038291

Oh wow, chiptune music! Haven't heard one of those in ages. Very fun music, nice.

>> No.13038309


Dang, that girl is cute.
Also what is ||i>| 9m

>> No.13038328
File: 200 KB, 700x700, 2015_FEB_11_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote "kill me" when the layer was flipped to check for errors. Forgot about it when I flipped it back, and decided to keep it. A happy little accident.

This makes me feel warm.

>> No.13038335

Woah, dude that was fast!

>> No.13038350 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.13038361

but I would not have wanted to know that if i was going to watch a movie of his life

>> No.13038385

what's the brush setting on these?

>> No.13038390
File: 717 KB, 1158x818, Cat Trouble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some furry garbage I drew for a friend's birthday..lol

>> No.13038396

She's got, uh, really manly hands.

>> No.13038437

cute! that impromptu/solo after the second half could be revised+shortened though, probably leading back into the chorus/hook you had going in the first half
+ 1:10 might want to clean that up lol

made some bgm a while back, tried to remix it


>> No.13038485

I think that is a bit too... interesting(?) to be a bgm. It's too dynamic and uppity, you'll never be able to focus on what you were supposed to be doing on top of it. Don't get me wrong, though - it is good. Short, though!

>> No.13038512

Generic round brush,
opacity 100%, flow 100%
Shape dynamics:
size jitter, angle jitter, roundness jitter
Other dynamics:
opacity jitter- pen pressure, flow jitter- pen pressure

Basically it's a common round brush and I didn't change anything.

>> No.13038539


Tell me what you think /jp/?

>> No.13038541

This is nice. Feels very Gimmick.

>> No.13038546 [DELETED] 

Get out

Kill yourself out of /jp/ you attention whoring autist

>> No.13038579
File: 169 KB, 1440x851, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay that I drew this? I feel like a horrible person.

>> No.13038581

If he tweak the mix a bit it could work as a bgm for a Persona game tho

>> No.13038594

Wow mean.

>> No.13038599

Why is Chen's anatomy so much better than Ran's?
Do you have women?

>> No.13038603

Finished something that I started way back that I just forgot and left. I tend to do that a lot...


>> No.13038605

I was so focused on rendering and light that I let the anatomy slip off.

>> No.13038613

It's pretty at least.

>> No.13038666

Isn't that what the rough is for?

>> No.13038692


Yes, but I'm trying to stop doing roughs because I'm stuck on doing 2 hour speed paintings and can't push beyond that. Most professional paintings take at least a week of work.

>> No.13039224

I like it in general, but first half >>>> second half.

>> No.13039243
File: 2.96 MB, 489x331, balls.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my framerate to be at least playable with post processing stuff on, though it still drops occasionally. looks like complex animations slow it down the most.

>> No.13039261

>evangelion 3Dmodel
Where? How? Link?

>> No.13039401
File: 1.16 MB, 1214x900, 2015_FEB_11_food_steps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried again /jp/. What is photobashing?

>> No.13039480

that's some really good photobashing. practically an art form in itself.

>> No.13039494

I really like the idea of photobashing but I can't never get around it. Looking for the perfect picture gives me autism and I end up painting by hand.

>> No.13039618

just some basic mmd models

>> No.13039623

post the finished pic pls

>> No.13040065

When the /jp/OC thread dies, I eagerly check the catalog daily for the new one.

When it finally arrives I get that empty feeling of having nothing to share.

I disgrace the jay.

>> No.13040096

One day I'll contribute to these threads, but not today.

>> No.13040246

holy fuck you're a genius

>> No.13040357

Great stuff!

Hard to tell where the track is going with just 30 seconds, but the trap drums in the transition made me expect something less upbeat.

How can your painting be at this rather nice level if your anatomy is shit? Back to the basics with you!

Boost that bass! Feels like this song is shaped like an upside-down U. Cool stuff, pretty bgmish but still with a character of its own to be a standalone song.

I don't get it.

>> No.13040631
File: 118 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20150212_120758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread reminded me of how I always wanted to make a story.around battle lolis, so I began sketching.

My.drawing skills are very mesiocre, but is she cute anyways?
The arms turned out rather short on every attempt and I can't into clothes, the bulkiness is on purpose though.

I don't know why, but I thought she would be blonde from the previous version. Still cool though. Are you the guy that turned /jp/ into lolis?

>> No.13040863
File: 554 KB, 1280x980, chardes_hoshino1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last week has been quite frustrating, trying to find a work around for the problems I'm having with the flixel top I'm using. So frustrating that I'm almost beginning to regret ever using it in the first place. Still, there's no way i can say no to that rendering speed and efficient collision detection. I certainly can't replicate it. So I've decided to just work around it.

In between futile attempts of fixing it myself, here are some webms of a new weapon for each character:


I'll still figure out how to make that spear thing multi-directional, and I'll still add a touch on the orange bullet. However, my next real focus would be to add some fighting AI.

I've also come around to trying to make character designs; pic not just related - it's exactly it. Though I drew the character design on a whim - just because I wanted to, and all that, but I suppose if it can help me bait an artist into helping a /jp/sie out, I wouldn't mind that at all.

>> No.13040950

Her eyes aren't droopy, just high. In fact, on the leftmost one where they're most open, they're the opposite of droopy; tsurime, instead of tareme.

>> No.13041027

I don't know what I'm looking at

>> No.13041477

its basically creating a single composite image with several reference images
its a quick and trick to paint stuff, which is why concept artists tend to look down on it

>> No.13042219
File: 329 KB, 1215x916, lazy doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13042376

>collage of random food
>draw a smurfs cave on it
I still don't understand the logic behind this

>> No.13042380

was for

>> No.13042506

it's easier to draw something from reference than from scratch; basically it's just makes painting easier

and the fact he made a landscape using a bunch of random food photos is pretty neat

>> No.13042567

How is that neat, its like taking the reference of a giraffe and drawing a chair
what's the reference used for if you draw something else

>> No.13042579

Values and color composition.

>> No.13042656

They're completely different

>> No.13042667

They aren't, though. A lot of the colors and values are shared between the slammed-together pictures and the funky painting.

>> No.13042774

Anon your brain just doesn't work as well as others. You're creatively retarded, sorry.

>> No.13042956
File: 488 KB, 943x1000, momiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick sketch

>> No.13043015

Yeah, that works too.

>> No.13043075

I was going to post my stuff, but now I see I'm out of my league.

>> No.13043101

You shouldn't think like that, there will always be someone better than you somewhere.
Post it anyway.

>> No.13043558
File: 471 KB, 708x613, 021215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ideas and too many filters later

>> No.13043764

These threads have always been filled with people of all different skill levels.
Stop being a wuss. One day I'll follow my own advise, but not today.

>> No.13044204
File: 515 KB, 2000x2000, asdadgsgswf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youmu surrounded by dumbshit

>> No.13044272
File: 142 KB, 1291x1423, youmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emphasize your silhouettes, dude! Make them count.
Same goes to you, specially for a game with tiny sprites. Get your characters distinct traits that will show up even in a 24x24 pixel character.

I agree with him a bit, though, What is the point of picking random photos and making a composition if you are going to chop it and arrange it however you like? That is no different from splatting ink around with a brush.

>> No.13044323

That's really cool. This kinda reminds me of that thing where you scribble on a piece of paper, try to look for an image in the scribbles, and draw from there.

>> No.13044452 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 700x972, suika drunk censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncensored version:

>> No.13044467

Now that's just way too fat, and I can't tell if her hand is supposed to be going straight up or pointed back.
Censored nsfw is still subject to moderation, btw.

>> No.13044474

I like it but her mons seem a little too far forward.

You do know they're not trying to draw real life accurate pictures, right?

>> No.13044480

/jp/ seems to have quite a few artists in it. I wonder why no one here has ever made their own doujinshi before.

>> No.13044638

Those hips give me a strange feeling in my pants.

>> No.13044639

are you a good enough drawer for me to read your doujinshi?

>> No.13044653

I want to breed with suika!

>> No.13044701

seriously do you have a deviantart, pixiv, artstation etc.

All your stuff is legit

>> No.13044727

do you have a zip with a bunch of your pictures?
I'm about to cum to that suika.

>> No.13044883

These threads inspired me to start making music. Turns out it's not as hard as I thought it would be, and it's a lot of fun even if I still suck at it.

This is my first "finished" piece. I'm pretty sure the harmony is a bit messed up, but I stupidly lost the original flp file so I can't fix it anymore.


>> No.13044885 [DELETED] 

He has never linked his twitter.

>> No.13044890

>he has never linked his twitter

>> No.13044939 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13044943

The point is he actually made something from splatting ink around with a brush.
It's as simple as that.
After you give it a go, you'll understand that it's not as simple as it looks.

>> No.13044959

You can stop being ignorant right now and just google photobashing.

>> No.13045003

Nice job ruining the physical appeal of Suika.

No shit. But why is he going through the trouble of cutting pieces of images and making a soup instead of just splatting some colors with a brush? That is as efficient at giving a headstart as pasting bits of food randomly, but it's faster and less nonsense.

I'm familiar with the technique. The fact it exists doesn't make it rational.

I find it rather strange how everyone starts making music so atmospherically and playing with harmony, while I've always been melodic in my attempts. I wish I was a real boy.

But hey, this is pretty decent, are you saying this is your first attempt? I hope not, it's pretty complete, you got a sense for it.
Boring (to me), but transpires a lot of potential. Don't be afraid to push the limits though, for this song I'd make the beats stronger, too washed out.

>> No.13045012

No you're not familiar with the technique. I can tell because you don't understand what it's for.

>> No.13045043

>Nice job ruining the physical appeal of Suika.
>not saving it and editing it yourself

>> No.13045049

That's extremely rude and extremely green.

>> No.13045101

>I find it rather strange how everyone starts making music so atmospherically and playing with harmony, while I've always been melodic in my attempts
Atmospheric seems easier. There's not that much going on, just repeat a few cords and tweak some knobs to make it sound nice. With melody you have to figure out how to make all those notes fit together nicely, have enough variation to keep it interesting, etc.

>But hey, this is pretty decent, are you saying this is your first attempt?
Thanks. I've been attempting to make music for a long time, but it always ended in me giving up in frustration after a few minutes, so I don't know if that counts. Now I've finally read a little theory, watched some tutorials, and decided to stick with it. This is the first time I've made anything longer than a 10 second loop.

>> No.13045124

Then congratulations, you're off to a great start! Keep pushing.

>> No.13045210

What are you doing on a futaba clone, then?

>> No.13045212

Not editing people's art and not greentexting.

>> No.13045411

I've made one before, and I'm sure some others have at some point.

>> No.13045474

It really does sound nice, but...

>This is the first time I've made anything longer than a 10 second loop.
Yeah, that really shows. There wasn't much going on, and it's basically just a long loop on repeat that I had to skip a couple times to get through it. It gets boring and tedious at parts.

You can get around this through a number of ways. The easiest is to just make it shorter. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you still want it to be that long, you can introduce variations later on, by adding key changes, melody variations, more/less instruments (this is a great choice for atmospheric pieces), etc.

You're only choosing safe notes as well which gets boring after a while, so you can make it more interesting by stepping out a bit of the major scale framework from time to time (this is the hardest imo though).

But anyway, for a first try this is really good. You've got the ears for it and you're off to a good start, so do your best! We're all waiting for more from you!

>> No.13045538

This is really awesome. It may need to be a little shorter, or maybe have some more progression or variety to make it a little more engaging, but apart from that I was really in love with the sound. Please keep doing this.

>> No.13045622

Really nice. You're well on your way, anon. You'll get more confident the more you do it - take more risks, find more interesting sounds. No need to rush anything.

>> No.13045972

>Feels like this song is shaped like an upside-down U.
You know what, you're right. To tell you the truth, I'm actually using two different computers intermittently and two different headphones. One one, In do hear that it's quite hollow in the middle, as you say, but when I tried it earlier today on the other one, it sounded quite full. There's a weird disparity between the two, with one being heavier on bass, and the other one either lacking bass or it simply pumps the high frequencies too much. But, since you're saying, basically that you're also hearing the latter, I might conclude that that will be the sound system I trust from now on.

So I added a bit of bass in:


At the same time, I was studying how to master tracks, and I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me if I did it right or did I blow it:


...And some extra advice you're willing to share would also help. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have deleted the pre-master version just yet...

>> No.13045978
File: 1.36 MB, 2308x3104, Nuovo documento 9_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the paper, i drew it in class. Did i fuck up something, apart from the clothes?

>> No.13045981

Si, si, capone. Esta good, muchas gracias.

>> No.13045988


>> No.13045989

Ha, yes, my bad. Gracias is spanish.
If I remember right, it's grazie mille in italian.

>> No.13045997


welcome to the club!
also that's insanely good for a first track
you even got a koto/guzheng synth going on which is pretty cool

>> No.13046008 [DELETED] 

Se ti impegnassi a scuola la meta di quanto ti impegni a disegnare cartoni cinesi tua mamma non sarebbe cosi depressa brutto pezzo di cazzo

>> No.13046024 [DELETED] 

probabile, ma il pù depresso è mio padre per la mia carenza di abilità calcistiche

>> No.13046032 [DELETED] 

Sei proprio la rovina della famiglia
per purificarti guarderai MADs di Sanremo per tutto il 2015

>> No.13046042 [DELETED] 

era già mia intenzione

>> No.13046045 [DELETED] 

Ce l'hai un peexiv, masturbatore folle?

>> No.13046051 [DELETED] 

nope. In realtà questo è il primo disegno che posto da qualche parte

>> No.13046059 [DELETED] 

Wow, puoi dire in giro che jayp ti ha e-sverginato

>> No.13046103
File: 231 KB, 1212x1200, pFYTJrKBqIIYsP2XsLYShAls2pul5dqwLTNtsSOuOcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13046114

pedro's pls go and stay go

>> No.13046128

>Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings

Well, you asked for it. I've been writing some "light novels" for a while, originally for /a/'s OC threads, but /a/ stopped having OC threads long ago, so I ended up with no place to ever show them. I hate advertising, so I didn't want to make a separate thread. I did make a small website to host the books, but it kind of defeats the purpose, as I didn't write these stories for some randoms, but with fellow anons in mind.

It would be wasted effort if there were no readers at all, so if you want, have a look. If you don't think they belong here, just ignore this post. I'm not going to repost them in any other thread again. If you're concerned about the links, I don't have any ads on my site and I don't get any money from visitor count, DLs, or anything else.
Don't let the crappy art freak you out, since I did the covers myself. I was too lazy to do insert illustrations though.

Direct links got flagged as spam, but you can download everything here:

The first book was inspired by Shinmai Maou no Testament, which I felt was such wasted potential, I wanted to see if I could write a better scenario myself. A fantasy oneshot with emphasis on action and comedy.
The second, on-going series is a mishmash of Marimite, Haruhi, Zaregoto and various others influences. Supernatural mystery stories set in an all-girls school. Despite the premise, it's not really /u/ at all. Or very "light".

Happy valentine's day (a day early)!

>> No.13046145

Thanks for the feedback. Wasn't expecting such a positive reaction, it's very encouraging. I'll definitely be trying to add more variety for my next songs.

>> No.13046222

Great, now stop sucking dongs and contribute to >>13038262

>> No.13046313

I will as soon as I manage to write something that's worth submitting!

>> No.13046433

actual talent in a /jp/ oc thread?

>> No.13046454

are you baiting?

>> No.13046460

No, he's clearly fishing.

>> No.13046623
File: 398 KB, 700x850, lookin4daboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13046648


>> No.13046887

If he were really talented, he wouldn't be afraid to link his twitter.

>> No.13047057

Flawed logic. Also plural of two or more people is "they".

>> No.13047161

I was only referring to the suika. Fuck the sketch.

>> No.13047168

I guess /jp/ doesn't remember or recognize JADF anymore.

>> No.13047345

christ at what level of bullshit we've arrived

>> No.13047715

Twitter? What? Why?

>> No.13047730


>> No.13047734

JADF hangs out in the /a/ drawthreads, now. He's dead to me.

>> No.13047741

He hanged in /a/ as a drawfag before the /a/ drawthread chain and /jp/ existed, what made you change your opinion on him?

>> No.13047769

I started to read a story but it was full of honorifics even though you're a loser whitey. Dropped immediately.

>> No.13047818

Cool, you've redone Slash Princess and now I don't find it super bright, it's more on the low side and (to me) more pleasant to listen to.

Yuri Mechanized is 404, can't see what you've done on the bass.

Ham fingers and eaten up nails are ugly, are you by chance using your own hand as reference? Other than that, pretty nice.

Cute umbrella, dude.

>> No.13047947
File: 186 KB, 1528x1264, you dont seem to understand how bad i draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really /jp/ but i put effort into this pitiful piece of shit as sad as that is.
i am also the one who posted the youmu with dumb shit picture.

>> No.13047965
File: 89 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-00008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /jp/, I made a video so you can be lonely together with Patchouli tomorrow. It's quite explicit, NSFW. I hope you enjoy!


>> No.13048032

Oh, sorry about that. here's the proper link:

I also agree that since adding compression to some instruments and moving the pans around, the sound got a bit more balanced. Perhaps that's what it means to master a track? I've still much to learn, of course.

>> No.13048096
File: 613 KB, 1677x1023, patchouli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least get a model that LOOKS like it could be Patchouli.

>> No.13048142

I used PPD studio, so I'm restricted to their models

>> No.13048329

>you will never see a new video with zakoneko patchouli
>the t-back コトバトラボラト video will never be reuploaded

>> No.13048339

>you will never get any of those modified Ran models used for the siwmsuit dance MMD videos

>> No.13048362

You will never know who these anons are quoting

>> No.13048582

Wow, this one is actually upsetting.

>> No.13049005

I was attempting a something, but FL crashed.

Not that inclined to rebuild it.

>> No.13049089

You didn't save the project?

>> No.13049201

Yup. Once in a blue moon I lose stuff because of this habit. Not enough regret to change it, though.

>> No.13049222

Develop a saving addiction. Me, I habitually press ctrl+s again and again whenever I'm thinking, idle or, nowadays, even when I'm not aware of it. Of course it only works for programs that respond correctly to that. Thankfully, it's a popular enough shortcut.

>> No.13049225
File: 2.20 MB, 1283x1662, b7mIRvX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13049229

This is like literally all french to me.

>> No.13049269

Gratuitous languages, cheap symbolism and Asuka.

>> No.13049273

But it's French combined with English, Japanese, Greek, German and Spanish!

I give it pretentious bullshit/10. But at least it looks nice.

>> No.13049289

I have no idea what's going on in the picture but I like it

>> No.13049683

guess someone likes gekidan inu curry

>> No.13049895


Well, I wrote them for the kind of people who insist on having honorifics in their subtitles and think they convey information that can't be expressed in English. I wanted people to get the kind of experience like they're watching an episode of anime while reading. Sorry you found it embarrassing.

>> No.13049957

I like the cross-eyed pit viper on the top.

And I guess the milk on the side of the kingsnake means that the glass on the coral snake side is poison? With a lump of sugar on top? Who the hell is taking their poison with sugar?

>> No.13050071

Will your adolescence ever end?

>> No.13050076

Deep symbolysm man

>> No.13050183

It's like you don't even want the reader to understand your image.

>> No.13051244

Whenever I see your work I always get this feeling of pity. You could be doing something with your talent, but instead you're wasting your skills churning garbage after garbage. Shame.

>> No.13052110

I'm pretty sure he's cursed by a gypsy to draw like that.

Like, he probably wanted to draw a cute loli with animal ears but when he tried, that thing came out instead.

>> No.13052204

>imgur filename
you're not him. why you keep posting his stuff here?

>> No.13052812
File: 239 KB, 1056x1491, Moko_test_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good guides like this? (Besides the ones found on Pixiv through tags)


Also, is this drawing made too overcomplicated with the constructs and measurements? I find it hard to draw a base figure without making a calculated line skeleton first. It is WIP.

>> No.13053934
File: 601 KB, 2000x1913, somesketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here some sketches from yesterday.

If it gets you a nice result and you don't mind taking your time, keep at it, your proportions are fine this way.

But most people learn to eyeball proportions and draw relatively, it's messier but more practical over time. So if I have a torso and a head, I know my elbows will go about waist length, and after I draw the thighs I know how far down the hand will get, till about the middle of the thigh. Etc.

I just don't like the form the pants have taken, too lifeless. Make it rounder, show its weight, make good use of their silhouette.

>> No.13054179

Any updates on swimsuit world? What kind of swimwuits do they wear in the winter?

>> No.13055157

You shouldn't be counting heads for every drawing, take the time to learn it seperately until it becomes natural. Also, since her knees are bent (and any time the figure isn't standing straight up), counting heads like that doesn't work. 7 heads doesn't really work with that simplistic face, that kind of style fits better at 5 (at least I think so personally).
Watch her right arm, make sure the elbow ends at the ribcage because right now it looks like it's going to end up too long.

>> No.13055681

looks like she's trying to poke the guy's eyes out at the end with that hippie hand sign.

>> No.13056462
File: 999 KB, 941x529, meiling small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this a couple days ago. it took a while for me to figure things out, but it was fun.
I have made couple of doujinshi before, planning to get some of those to here.
you are always my favorite.

>> No.13056633

Well done

>> No.13056720

Please don't harass people into contributing to the project. It makes us look bad.

>> No.13056743

None, because they live in a tropical country.

>> No.13057107

Tropical planet?

>> No.13057143


>> No.13057248


>> No.13057365

Are there topless beaches in swimsuit world? How are nudity and tiny revealing swimsuits viewed? What's formal wear like?

>> No.13057652

Nudity is a good question, but I think it might be the same as we view it. Swimsuits are still, however you look at it, still clothes, after all. As for formal clothes, I imagine they're still swimsuits, only more frilly and cute!

>> No.13057960

It's already a bad project with a bad reputation.

>> No.13059480

just like these threads?

>> No.13059540
File: 84 KB, 512x512, dengekiko-tan 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, everything's all good right? Is there anything I can change to improve?

>> No.13059544

Do they go to bed in pajama-swimsuits? What about marriage? Do two cute girls in wedding-swimsuits kiss each other after a swimsuit-nun blesses them?

Do they have space-swimsuits for their astronauts? Haz-mat swimsuits? Military swimsuits?

Swimsuit world seems to be a very good world.

>> No.13059551

>Do they have space-swimsuits for their astronauts? Haz-mat swimsuits? Military swimsuits?
That sounds risky! But I would like to see it! I wish to be a swimsuit!

>> No.13059589

I want to see their world's history, too, come to think about it. Did Caractacus-tan go into battle wearing nothing but a micro-bikini? Did the Celts invent the standard navy blue school swimsuit by painting their swimsuits blue before battle? Did Siegfried gain invulnerability by stealing a dragon loli's swimsuit and wearing it, later meeting her doom because she forgot to repair a hole on its shoulder?

These are important questions.

>> No.13059601

Her potential forehead area looks a little questionable around the top of her head. That is, she might be missing a bit of head, but it might be fine.
Also her nose could be rounder and less perky. It looks fine if her head was upright but her head looks like it's angled down, which makes it look pointing more than a bit upwards, but it'd be fixed if it didn't have that little nipple on the end.

>> No.13059604

>I want to see their world's history, too
I'm not the creator, but from what I remember of what they posted for ideas, Earth blew up or something and swimsuit world is basically an asteroid that used to be California.

>> No.13059636

>that little nipple on the end
Haha, I didn't even notice that. Thank you, I'll try to adjust everything.

>> No.13060139

Just like these threads.

>> No.13062427

Sure things became kinda dead since last time I've been here

>> No.13065281


>> No.13065985

>>13044883 here, finished another song. Everyone said the first one was too long and boring, so I made this one even longer and more repetitive. Sorry.
That's kind of what I've been going for with this one though, it's supposed to be like a trippy trancy kind of song, so I feel the looping parts are integral. Might not be up everyone's alley though.


>> No.13066224

I think the lead is annoying, if you're going to loop it nonstop, choose something less aggressive to do it.

But specially because it's focused in one spot in the center of my head. Play a bit more with the stereo, everything is in the middle and this is not an interesting "lanscape".

You will gain a lot of free space by doing this and things will become more spatial.

I can't tell if the high/mid/low frequencies are well distributed because of this center-packing. I GUESS it's okay, though. Just the annoying lead needs to be dealt with.

When the lead stops around 5:30 it's pretty relieving, some stereo here would be the best.

>> No.13066991

Fuuuuuck when that main guitar goes on stereo me head hurts

>> No.13067349

Okay, this one is just objectively bad and a chore to listen to.

>> No.13067945 [DELETED] 
File: 842 KB, 900x1273, preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried today.

>> No.13067976

>porn on blue board
Why do over half of all drawfags think he's exempt from the rules? It is not allowed, regardless of skill level. Post in the drawfag porn thread on /i/ and link to it like the other half does.

>> No.13067983

Is it seriously such a problem that it warrants your complaining?

>> No.13068003

Go whine to the flockdraw thread

>> No.13068019

Son, this here's a Christian image board. Y'all should at least put a disclaimer explicitly stating that all characters depicted in the work are 18 years old and over.

>> No.13068088


>> No.13068099

these threads are pathetic.

>> No.13068105

Did you drop your pacifier?

>> No.13068121

Someone probably slipped some ants in his breeches.

>> No.13068997

Well shit, I expected that the composition wouldn't appeal to everyone, but the sound thing is worrying. Honestly it sounds perfectly fine to me, I don't know, might be my headphones or something.

I tried making the lead less harsh, and added a little stereo to the drums. Does this sound any better?


>> No.13069240

It's as if this song is designed to annoy people.

>> No.13069493

> I expected that the composition wouldn't appeal to everyone
Well still I'm part of that everyone, but at least my head doesn't hurt anymore.

>> No.13069717

>the composition wouldn't appeal to anyone

>> No.13070679
File: 258 KB, 458x900, JC_2_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, how rude of me. Here's the censored version:

Also, the reason behind >>13039401 is that it's hard to start a spontaneous painting on a blank canvas. Filling it up with random photos and textures help a lot. It's just a pile of rocks anyway..

>> No.13070926

God damn, how do you choose colours
That's amazing

>> No.13071053

Study color theory. It's pretty basic, actually.

>> No.13071109

It worked, not annoying anymore.

>> No.13073293
File: 393 KB, 1000x1333, shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this

>> No.13074562
File: 155 KB, 608x900, 0813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uncensored version:

>> No.13074580
File: 378 KB, 1000x1333, 1424322282559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13074855

You know, your style is awesome and all, but those faces are so fucking weird. They are cool, but really fucking weird.

The art it good but the motive is just disgusting.

>> No.13075010
File: 620 KB, 1096x2572, sketch_Grandeur(guennol).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13075401

>links to porn
>still post censored porn, a bannable offence
Have you learned nothing?

>> No.13075474


Do you think this does anything?

>> No.13075479
File: 63 KB, 600x600, aby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried painting stuff

>> No.13075515

i think it depends from the level of censoring, and is more for some useless censors like when you draw a thin black bar over a small part of the dick and you're done.

all his pic needs is 3 lines, one between the censor pictures, two going up and you got a mock bra, which is no longer against any rules.

besides, last i checked the rules got changed so people get warned rather than banned for every tiny infraction, and bans are only reserved for spam, cp and other illegal shit. did they go back on that?

>> No.13075525 [DELETED] 

post heavily censored cp and see how long it lasts, then

>> No.13075537

Censored cp and censored normal porn are not the same.

>> No.13075571

I'm very sorry for the irritating image to the one thought it's disgusting, as I forgot to post it with a spoiler. I apologize for this and I'm sure it will not happen again.
Please some delete the attached image file at least.

>> No.13075585

I really hope you're being sarcastic.
Grow some fucking balls and remember who the moderation actually are.

>> No.13075651

Do you comprehend english?
Porn is not allowed.
Censored porn is not allowed.
Spoilered porn is not allowed.
No porn of any kind, in any form, is allowed to be posted outside a hyperlink.
I'm trying to help you, dude.

>> No.13075659

Good god just fucking leave

>> No.13075688

Some one needs to learn to sage.
Stop bumping the OC thread for board rules. Visible sage needs to make a return, maybe then you'll pick up on how to make use of it.

>> No.13075690

Nice stuff, I like this unrefined aspect when it's done right in proportions.
The mouth is cute.

Shut up, Hays Code.

>> No.13076153 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13077043

I miss blue sage posting, it's not fun anymore now that it's invisible

>> No.13078078
File: 313 KB, 387x578, crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way too. When I started drawing animu faces, Madoka was airing. So perhaps I was influenced by their wide heads, not understanding the design philosophy behind it. Also, I need to study more faces-no excuses there. Pic related has been squished.

>> No.13078583

One of the better drawings in a while and it gets deleted despite being completely censored.

There's no sex or obscene actions, not even implications.
She could be wearing a bikini that wouldn't show any more than that and it would be fine.
Does this really warrant a deletion by the janitors? Really?

>> No.13079385

Now that you say it, I can see it. A lot, actually.
It's still somewhat of a trademark, people will recognize it, but "weird, smug faces" isn't exactly something most people would want as a give-away. For what it is, I still really enjoy your style. Maybe you could get some influence from Yuyushiki or Hidamari Sketch as well, since, they share the same basics with Madoka.

Anyways, before rehauling your art-style, some sort of stoner-manga would be nice.

>> No.13079614
File: 495 KB, 600x654, IMG_resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pencil sketch of Tewi!

>> No.13080902

I like the sketch, although proportions are truly distorted. Cute bunny, bro

>> No.13081314
File: 360 KB, 1179x693, lmao1plate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13081351
File: 572 KB, 1024x768, Momiji Sub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13081588

Are you the webm guy?

>> No.13081590

who are you quoting?

>> No.13081616

i don't know how many times you get asked this but do you have any place you upload your art?

>> No.13081650

I will never understand how you're supposed to make a shape without drawing lines to define it

>> No.13081897

The feet is facing towards us, aka foreshortening, so that's why it's bigger

>> No.13082004

Depends. Do you want to congratulate me, or do you want to kill him?

>> No.13082042
File: 71 KB, 800x900, asdasdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13082046

I'm pretty sure we just can't see them. You know, because layers.

>> No.13082448

If you don't make a webm, you'll die.

>> No.13083074

pixiv id=816068

>> No.13083265
File: 555 KB, 1920x1080, rmtgjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, her pelvis looks out of place

>> No.13083354

Finish the /jp/ manor - your call story

>> No.13083401
File: 964 KB, 1950x1110, jpmanorhi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13083751

Hope you don't mind spanking.

>> No.13083841 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1000x1465, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still expecting to look like maiyan


>> No.13083927

I can't stay awake anymore. I hope it's ready when I wake up.

>> No.13083990

Sorry, but I don't think this is sleepy. Sleepy has so much better control with his art style and color in my opinion. Yes, they both have a flat head style.But the use use of this person facial features and expression looks rather distorted and disgusting. I mean no offense, but if this is really sleepy, it would be a shame.
But none of the less, good work.

>> No.13084031
File: 785 KB, 800x600, Nue peeping on the tengu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over twenty minutes in MMD just to avoid dislocating Momiji's shoulder.

Sorry, I thought you were kidding.

>> No.13084146

>I don't think this is sleepy
>Pixiv user name: Sleepy
you're on drugs

>> No.13084155

Thank you!

>> No.13084157

Gotta be the first time I see someone so happy.
I wish I have a decent video editing software to add more impact to the slaps, through.

>> No.13084178

Cute Arc, dude.

>> No.13084250
File: 423 KB, 1600x900, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manually placing background details is not fun. I have underestimated how much work making the levels themselves would be.

>> No.13084399

No, I am saying that >>13078078 doesn't seem to look like Sleepy's work.

>> No.13084455

Buy some glasses

>> No.13084459

You have now experienced what it truly means to be a 'programmer'.

>> No.13084508


It's okay. I have the wintermute engine now and according to the site and a few modifications I could finish my other game in only a couple of months. I just need to learn how to use it properly.

>> No.13084968

why do you do this shit

>> No.13085173

Excellent work, sir.
Which Nue is that? I already the have the Momiji.

>> No.13085271

Dunno. Called the folder "Nue Mekakurage", so I guess that's the guy's name. Try googling it on CitrusSmoothie.
In the readme (that I can't read), there's this link posted : http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/8496926/video/, but I don't have an account so I can't say if it's the video or not.

>Excellent work, sir.
Don't overestimate that shit, it's nothing but a 15 frames loop. An "excellent work" would be a full movie, complete with Momiji catching Nue peeping, dragging her inside kicking, screaming and begging, and spanking her for fifteen minutes with everything she can get her hand on, from a shoe to a hairbrush. While Aya takes pictures. Everything fully voiced, of course, complete with Nue's ass reddening as the spanking goes on, only for Nue to fly away, get caught by Byakuren, and getting another spanking from Youkai Jesus. That would be fappable and excellent. And that's also out of my reach.

>> No.13085977

That's why people work in groups. Now get to it. Do you have a storyboard?

>> No.13085990


>> No.13086013
File: 569 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2014-12-24-18h58m55s141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A storywhat? You're just using all these hard words because I'm not that smart.

>> No.13086028
File: 87 KB, 257x311, 1382796062452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make the meido game

>> No.13086040

You won't get help if you don't have anything to show for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storyboard
The only people making voiced mmds are chinese, so you might have to drop that part. The rest can and has been done.

>> No.13086369

I want to do Valkyrie Profile 3 since Tri-ace died yesterday. someone has to do it.
I will pledge my soul to Pazuzu to gain the pea soup skills to pay people to make the game
or maybe I'll learn Unity

>> No.13086388

Make the sprites then

>> No.13086774
File: 719 KB, 1440x1440, quick practice doodle sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick doodles.

>> No.13086783

and get a bunch of bird references, their color schemes tend to fit

>> No.13086815
File: 81 KB, 617x617, Capture8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to remake the hanasaku OP

cab anyone who plays guitar
help figure what's wrong


Also anyone else heartbroken not being able to attend the kyousougiga signing session

>> No.13087552

Why did you say
>I don't think this is sleepy

>> No.13087557

Shimakaze butt just isn't right without a bulge...

>> No.13088125

>The only people making voiced mmds are chinese, so you might have to drop that part.
But I'm sure people would love a MMD with cute girls voiced by a 25 years old European guy talking English with a horrible accent.
>The rest can and has been done.
If you mean the part about Nue being dragged and everything, tell me where to find it, please.

>> No.13088159

But Anon I am sleepy right now.

>> No.13088180

Nice taste

>> No.13088184

Not a guitarist, but I like it very much. I hope you'd do the lyrics lines into an instrument as well, though.

>> No.13088264
File: 144 KB, 534x425, ashley_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We /slee p/ now.

>> No.13089132

You don't think it is, but it do.

>> No.13089298

And also, I don't think I can find other people who know how to use MMD and don't mind doing the boring parts.

>> No.13089470
File: 424 KB, 1000x1000, 201450120f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi jp

>> No.13089476

Wow! How long have you been drawing?

>> No.13089479

It's like you don't want to follow your dreams. Very well.

>> No.13089480

someday i will draw something
someday i will get up out of bed before noon
someday i will go for a nice morning walk
someday i will start my study at nine and finish it by four
someday i will pack myself a homemade lunch
someday i will spend my free time learning japanese and how to draw instead of shitposting on /jp/
someday i will drink one beer and be satisfied by it
someday i will look at my bank account and be filled with relief
someday i will buy my round trip flight to tokyo and go to comiket
someday i will know what i want to do with my life beyond sitting around fighting depression and grasping at straws
someday i will be more than a fat ugly 25 year old virgin who still lives with his parents

but not today.

>> No.13089487

Do something. Right now. That's the only way.

>> No.13089516

Suicide counts, right?

>> No.13089522

Let's be realistic. I'm probably the only guy that wants to make a spanking movie with MMD.
Everyone else either :
- can draw and thus isn't interested in MMD,
- doesn't have the patience,
- can't work in a group and follow a deadline.

>> No.13089545

you're late ham

>> No.13089549

Please don't respond to my posts anymore.
You've already turned away the person who would have done it all for you because of your miserable outlook on life. You could have lurked for a day or two and found entire threads of people who would have done it for you. This thread is for oc, not spiraling depression. Perhaps you would fit in better here >>>/tumblr/

>> No.13089566

>spiraling depression
Who's depressing here? Certainly not me. I'm just being realistic. If you can't handle reality, that's your problem, not mine.

>> No.13089599

Friendly reminder that everyone that you love and cherish will be dead in 100 years, and that we're all bags of meat hanging together on a rock floating in the void and punching each other because we can't agree on anything at all.

>> No.13089716

It would be easier if you just put on a name so you can be filtered. You're obviously the type who is compelled to respond to any post about himself, and this behavior matches perfectly with everything I've said.
At least you DID make that webm, so you're a little better than the average. Keep it up, dude! Maybe one day your webms will get long enough to count as a movie and you'll be satisfied.

>> No.13089729

Being satisfied means not having any standards.
How do you cope with the knowledge that you'll die one day?

>> No.13089757

>At least you DID make that webm, so you're a little better than the average
I have at least fifteen similar webms if that interests you. I do my best to try and make /jp/ a little less shitty, but I still believe nothing good can come here because /jp/sies can't work together. Just prove me wrong with a collaborative work of any kind that isn't ruined by dicks, memes or by anything else.
Protip : you can't.

Plus spanking is too cliché, a futa movie with girls fucking each others would bring more people.

>> No.13089775

I don't think you're the same person. To avoid confusion, I will no longer be replying unless he uses a name or trip.

>> No.13089776

Katawa Shoujo.
rekt, gg no re

>> No.13089798

>It would be easier if you just put on a name so you can be filtered
>I will no longer be replying unless he uses a name or trip
You're literally insane.

>> No.13089832

That doesn't mean I can't post a bit before filtering him. Downloads take time.

>> No.13089885

Stop shitposting. Your constant whining is NOT an useful contribution to this thread.

>> No.13089894

Then stop replying to him

>> No.13089964

developed by /a/ not /jp/, all anons eventually quit and got replaced by weeaboo faggots from random animu communities.

>> No.13090202

why don't you ever draw girls with big boobs?

>> No.13090208

>and found entire threads of people who would have done it for you
I want whatever you're smoking.

>> No.13090222

I almost want to start a spanking thread on /jp/, just to see how long it'll lasts before being flooded and erased by the janitor.

>> No.13090465

Are you new or delusional or some shit?

>> No.13090830

Maybe he thinks his br/a/hs will come to his aid, they're crawling all over the place after all

>> No.13090915

People fighting about nothing for days
you guys should find an hobby or try new porn

>> No.13090942

I'm the guy who wrote >>13089480
and even I'm glad that I'm not this mad

>> No.13090962

Impotence breeds frustration

>> No.13091588

We made a music album. Two, even.

>> No.13091811

How easy is it to make music? What are the prerequisites?

>> No.13091876

Software, hardware if you want (you'll likely need a midi keyboard), musical knowledge and a musical mind. Experimenting around with production and teaching yourself is key. The internet is full of guides as well. You can't just start and be good though.

>> No.13091878

Well, you can't be deaf. That's the accepted minimum. You can try and struggle like Beethoven did, but he was already a musical genius before he went deaf, so be deaf at your own expense.

Next, you need something that makes sounds. Instruments are the norm, but your voice can also do. That's called singing. It usually gets judges on a rather different basis compared to other instruments.

Other than that, you can do whatever you like, really. Learn from guides, do it yourself, maybe copy other songs or something. You might want an instrument, but if you're unable to play/purchase any, you can get/pirate a daw and never leave the comfort of your computer.

Then you start out shit, and learn not to be.Standard stuff.

>> No.13092084


If you're tone deaf you're going to have a hell of a hard time too. Fortunately, most people aren't!

>> No.13092365

Sounds simple enough. I think I'll give it try.

>> No.13092953
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, 20150114b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 10 years, but i was in 'hobby mode' for most of the time...

what'd i miss?

big boobies take up too much space and cover up too much of the moe

>> No.13092968

I wouldn't mind seeing big boobs on ghibli-styled girls.

>> No.13093082

There's already enough artists in these threads drawing big dumb planetoid boobs. I like his girl's boobs as they are.

>> No.13093128

I want to fuck your drawings

>> No.13093278

But the style is completely different. I want to see one hamgirl with big boobs. Then afterwards, I'd like to see a hamboy, they're just as rare!

>> No.13094209

Made more music. Still experimenting with different sounds and styles. Hopefully this one is easier to listen to than the last one.


>> No.13094234

this post kills the thread

>> No.13094692
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 1423547329186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Ashley, dude

>> No.13095306
File: 480 KB, 950x1500, sketch_Grandeur(half-sized).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now comes the hard part.

>> No.13095353

spooky dude, I like it.

>> No.13095654
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x2000, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WIP in progress of a collab.

My friend's done the base guitar/bass/drums/noise and I put some violins on top (centered section, left solo and right counterpoint).
It'll be some DSBM post-rock thing with vocals at the sound explosion. Not familiar with the genre, but I'm enjoying doing it.

Great stuff! Are you going to sing?
That instrument around 00:55~1:05 seems a bit off-key, not sure if this happens in the original as well.

I don't like the sudden silence at 2:50, maybe it the crash would splash to make the transition more smooth it'd be better.

Good spatiality. Stuff looks a bit skewed to the right, though.
I'm liking it so far.
The drum after the 2:00 mark is a bit drowned, either drown it more to sound intentional or pump it up!

I think that's it. Doing fine, keep going.

>> No.13095667

Very nice. Waiting for vocals nau.

>> No.13095794

This is pretty good.

My ears started to hurt though, and running the file through a spectogram I see it's clipped up the ass at 16k without the violin, and 20k with the violin. So it's not really nice to listen to despite being a good composition. Was this intentional?

Awesome. I forgot it was by nano.RIPE so I was pleasently surprised when I opened it.

There are some parts that should've been held legato instead of simply arpeggiated, and there were pauses in the lead where there shouldn't be any as well, but otherwise it's fine.

Did you use a tab for this?

>> No.13095843

>clipped up the ass
Odd. Can you show it? The mix was -7dB before I set the ceiling at -0,4. Could this be due MP3 compression?

>> No.13095884
File: 180 KB, 627x390, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know, 320 kbps shouldn't look like that? I don't know, sorry if I'm wrong.

>> No.13095924

I'm not really sure. It is indeed clipping, but I don't know the reason. My master only has a compressor and this limiter with -0,4 to make sure it doesn't clip.
Doesn't seem to be working, though.

>> No.13096078

Does it clip without a limiter though?

>> No.13096326

/How do I get motivated to become better at drawing feet when I don't care about feet?

>> No.13096334

Doodle some anyway

>> No.13096342

Question why you need to draw feet at all and not shoes and socks.

>> No.13097325

One of these days, I'll get the courage to post my work here again. Today is not that day, my work looks like it was drawn by a 4 year old. Proportions are off, faces look awkward, background is dirty and a mystery.

Everything I make looks so much worse once I step away from it. I guess that's a good thing that I can at least notice that.

>> No.13097351

where can i subscribe to your blog?

>> No.13097361

Do what you need to do to achieve what you want, period. It's amazing the level of stupid questions you guys pull out.

>> No.13098108

Why doesn't this piece of shit site work when I need it to?

>> No.13098113

Someone want to make a simple request? No touhou or lewd though.

>> No.13098163

bunnies jumping over a fence

>> No.13099212
File: 203 KB, 682x664, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13099258

who is the bee?

>> No.13099357

it's nightbug. it has a cape, that's the first line, second line was supposed to be a line to show off firefly butt
i know it looks like a bee though

>> No.13099394

Let's end this thread with a "the birds and the bees" reference.

>> No.13099481

Maybe he's stuck in 2009, when people like Jones had flooding scripts set up.

>> No.13099909
File: 10 KB, 465x423, temp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the wrong story

>> No.13099955

