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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13036816 No.13036816 [Reply] [Original]

わたふぃ の なむ わ メアリ でつ。
わたふぃ わ ビッグ ブラック コック だいすごい でつ。
よろふぃく おねげい ひまつ。

>> No.13036854

I can't read this shit

>> No.13036860

Are you making fun of gaijin? This thread's purpose is a mystery to me.

>> No.13036874

You have improved the Japanese language. Thank you for enlightening me.

>> No.13036913

Do not think. Feel. 

and you will become tanasinn,

>> No.13036923

Tasukete, mary-san!!!

>> No.13038459
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>ビッグ ブラック コック

Nigga I will find you and end you.
How dare you disparage Mary-san like that.

>> No.13038562

Mary is a whore and you know it

>> No.13038569

Shouldn't it be Marie?

>> No.13039253
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>> No.13039486

>わたふぃ わ
Maybe you should stop sucking cock and go back to studying your own books, Mary.

>> No.13039540

Everyone keeps saying there's NTR or something in these books. Can someone sum that up for me, or at least tell me where it is? Everything seemed pretty normal so far

>> No.13040376

Marie has converted to Buddhism, I see.

>> No.13040457

わたしの なまえは メアリー です。
わたしは おおきくて くろい おちんちんが だいすきです
よろしく おねがい します

>> No.13040554


>> No.13040559

Sorry I can't read kanji...

>> No.13040579

Kora, Mary! Biggu burakku kokku wa dame tte itta deshou?

>> No.13040639

Sorry, I don't understand it past the kokku...

>> No.13040671


>> No.13040688


>> No.13040753

父さんのばか こんな家 でていきますわ

>> No.13043381


>> No.13043437

my sides

>> No.13048177
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>> No.13048234
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>> No.13048868

Yall a bunch o' bakatsuras, ahous and konoyarous ^.^

>> No.13049127
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>> No.13049140
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>> No.13049163

I wish nihongo's really did use spaces between words more often. It would make their language much more simple to learn.

>> No.13049307

Holy shit, it really does sound Corean. Haha.

>> No.13052594
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>> No.13052599
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>> No.13052608
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>> No.13052616
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>> No.13054155
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Who the hell is Mary? (゜-゜)

>> No.13054192
File: 164 KB, 477x242, Come to laugh at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the hell is Mary
She's in like almost all of the thread's images.

>> No.13054207

Is Genki the standard Japanese textbook used in American high schools or something?

>> No.13054275

yes and self learners because it's good at reinforcing what you learnt with the workbook

>> No.13054594

Please stop talking chinese in my chinese board.

>> No.13056756
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Miss Brown moe.

>> No.13056759

last try

>> No.13056793
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My university used Genki for the first 3 semesters of Japanese. The 4th through 6th semesters were a different book that sucked in comparison. I wish that Genki went further in the language since it really reinforced things a lot better.

>> No.13057321
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I see the Producer and Iori on the bottom row. I need to get some help.

>> No.13057348

I have to be a normie and register for university courses within the next couple of days, /jp/

Should I do the introductory Japanese language course? I can do it as a general, which I need 2 of, and not many other courses are jumping out at me as interesting. I already have Genki 1 which is what the class uses.

>> No.13057421

Do it.
Just hide your fucking power-level if you have one.
Nothing gets you ostracized faster than acting like a colossal weeb. You want these other people to work with you on group assignments.

BUT, if your prof does one-on-one oral exams, blow that shit up.
Reveal at the end so you don't make things harder for yourself in the interim.

Or if the class is graded on a curve and you really want to wreck some face, go full retard and try to fail everyone with learned-tier jappery.

>> No.13057624


>> No.13057962



Don't wait until the class begins to start, though. You'll probably get discouraged by how little you learn and how tedious and backwards university teaching methods are.

Finish Genki 1 + 2, get started on the core 2K anki deck, and at least start reading easy manga like Yotsuba before then. Start right now if you haven't already.

>> No.13059614
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>> No.13063794

Fuck off Mary no one likes you.

>> No.13065262

So is Genki good for self-study? Is it popular because it's so good, or is it popular just because it's popular? What are the alternatives?

I know a good deal of basics just from watching subbed shit, but I want to get some proper education. I tried doing the 2k deck, but on its own and without context to place it in I didn't find it really beneficial and ended up dropping it after a couple of weeks.

>> No.13065368

why does Mary smokes?
Is it because her life is so shit?

>> No.13065391

It's pretty good, but it's probably best suited in a classroom setting, as there are dialogue portions and pair work exercises in every chapter. I'd consider getting a (motivated) partner for self-study. Further, you really should be doing all the exercises (including the ones in the workbook) and having someone look over them (your partner or a language forum, for example).

I went through the books over two semesters at uni and even though I considered myself to ``know a good deal of basics just from watching subbed shit'' it taught me a lot of grammar which I was pretty much oblivious of. It obviously isn't going to teach you enough to read without a dictionary, but it gives you a solid grasp of most of the elementary (as in 95% of what you'll encounter) grammar and sentence structures. You'll probably be able to read an intermediately difficult VN with ITH/KanjiTomo and actually enjoy it (rather than just getting the gist of it) after completing the books.

The main alternative is Tae Kim's guide (http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar)) which I personally have no experience with. It appears to cover much the same ground, and it seems people like it. I'd be a bit concerned about the apparent scarcity of exercises, however.

>> No.13067111

T-thanks Anon, that's a more elaborate answer than I expected. I think I'll be buying it some time soon. The study partner bit might be a bit tricky, but I should be able to figure something out...
