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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 692x648, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13022773 No.13022773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/? Would you play a Touhou game that featured African/Indian culture and dark skinned 2hus?

>> No.13022779
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>> No.13022795

Who are these fucks on twitter and why are they talking about us of all things...

>> No.13022822

Who are these people
And why are they trying to make a nigger game

>> No.13022832

it would be nice to have a few tanned/dark skinned touhous at least, maybe like 2 or 3 of them. not like straight up black but like delicious tan
i think it'd be cute

>> No.13022834

You realize Indians are as pale as other East Asians?

>> No.13022842

People often fall under the mistaken impression that their interactions become unique or interesting when their identity is invested within them. This terrible thread is the result of such impairments in judgement.

>> No.13022847

Why do they care about /jp/ thinks?

>> No.13022855
File: 57 KB, 779x728, hey guys I fixed your 2hus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13022862

Black people are so gross.

>> No.13022865

Because they want to be acknowledged by /jp/.

>> No.13022896

Isn't Shou Indian?

>> No.13022902

u are racist bro

>> No.13022904


>> No.13022918

Curry niggers are disgusting.

>> No.13022920

How is finding black people to be aesthetically loathsome racist?

>> No.13022934

Go away nigger!

>> No.13022952
File: 998 KB, 1600x1200, 8337079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is that /jp/ would probably be far more welcoming to this game than the majority of the eastern fanbase. CJK countries have a nasty habit of being horrendously racist about African/Indian/Middle Eastern types (outside of the brown skin fetishizing).

>> No.13022971

No one cares, nigger. /jp/ is not your blog.

>> No.13022974

The funny thing is when white gaijin think they contribute, in any way, towards touhou fandom

>> No.13022996

Sorry, I'll try harder next time.

>> No.13023001
File: 523 KB, 800x800, 4d99f337c63ac4f7e6a94d610d1cbf78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown skin fetishizing
Ain't nothing wrong with a little dark meat.

>> No.13023002

It does not upset me at all, maybe it will be weird at start but i just need time to get used to a black Touhou.

>> No.13023033

I want a Portuguese, Dutch, and American Touhou.
We already have the resident britbong Alice

>> No.13023086

>britbong Alice

>> No.13023090
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x1820, 8d7d204c609adbf8c3e4f0a6f3561935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Touhou can be American, as long as they believe in Freedom and Liberty from the oppressive Youkai communists.

>> No.13023131

What does that make Byakuren then, a pinko?

>> No.13023139
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>> No.13024754

Alice is British, like how Parsee is Iranian

>> No.13024778

only an asian and european culture exists, everything else is derived and mixed up from these two cultures, there's no point in featuring african/american touhous

>> No.13024779
File: 1.68 MB, 1000x1500, 48517958_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark skinned as in manga dark skinned is fine

Actual negroid features are a big no no though

>> No.13024780

Who are these faggots.
How egotistical are they to believe that ZUN should hire their nigger asses?

>> No.13024801

People from white descent in Latin America have those kinds of dark/tan skin features.

Black people are pretty disgusting....

>> No.13024803

>still no touhou featuring french culture
I'm going to make a touhou game named Touhou : Baguette Boogaloo. Starring : the Gévaudan Beast, Roland, Charlemagne, and Merlin.

>> No.13024808

Sorry but you're wrong. Murica has some fun stuff hidden in his closet. Like the Chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, the Grey...

>> No.13024821
File: 46 KB, 428x348, 1307547711449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is more disgusting than unironically using twitter, i'm too old for this shit to understand why people are dumb enough to throw away their privacy and limit their messages into a degenerated string of thoughts compressed into 140 characters

>> No.13024831

>he thinks people are stupid enough to post private shit online
Hey everyone, get a load of that naive fool!
As if anyone would do that. Heh.

>> No.13024843
File: 926 KB, 2000x1591, The Futo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from Brazil and when I am in Finland, people talk to me in finnish, mistaking me by a finnish citizen...

I bet you are american.

>> No.13024859

>that feelio when no African/Indian 2hu

>> No.13024865

>game take place in Japan
>to be accurate, in a sealed dimension inside of Japan
>Japan has been isolationist for centuries
>guy making the games is Japanese, probably doesn't know/doesn't care about other cultures

>> No.13024869
File: 384 KB, 282x661, Deliciousbrown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see a brown skinned 2u , for sure.

>> No.13024890

I'd like to see a red-skinned Sekibanki.

>> No.13024894 [DELETED] 


>> No.13024901


>> No.13024903

Don't feed the retard.

>> No.13024932

As others have mentioned, dark skinned 2hus might be fine, but negro features are hideous and an abortion of mankind.

Thankfully it's not like ZUN can draw anyway so there's no way we'd end up with a hideous nigger 2hu.

>> No.13024933 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 333x279, 1279981758844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurt feelings /a/v/ kiddie?

>> No.13024933,1 [INTERNAL] 

why do they hate /jp/ lol

what sorts of rumors are there about /jp/ in the touhou fandom... seems like all our 2huniggers do is just dump danbooru pics and discuss body parts

>> No.13024998

>Isn't Shou Indian?
No, she's a manifestation of what the Japanese thought a tiger would look like

>> No.13025006

[Source needed]

>> No.13025012

I wouldn't care if ZUN made some as long the design makes sense.
But aren't most dark skinned deities/youkai just animals or at best anthropomorphous animals?

>> No.13025021

I want secondaries to leave.

>> No.13025024

I understand why you want to leave /jp/.

>> No.13025031

This Wikipedia meme is so shitposty.

>> No.13025035

Still no arguments, I see. When you are leaving?

>> No.13025060

I want a black gal 2hu

>> No.13025061

isn't Alice Romanian?

>> No.13025063

Source is history and SoPM.

>> No.13025069

>source is some book
Wow you totally convinced me with your hot opinion proved right by "history".

>> No.13025080

Secondaries ladies and gentleman.

>> No.13025082

Why do you feel obliged to present yourself? We all know you're a secondary, no need to say it.

>> No.13025083
File: 53 KB, 184x184, yuuka a cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else /pol/ cross boarder here?

>> No.13025086

That's why I didn't bother posting the source with my first post.
It's just not worth talking to filthy secondaries.

>> No.13025091

I don't understand. You don't like talking with yourself? Are you insane, Anon?

>> No.13025146

Why are all your posts just an extended version of "no u"? Are you 12 anon?

>> No.13025149

Only philo-semites are allowed on /jp/

>> No.13025161

Still no argument and no source, huh? I'm sad for you, you try to argue but you don't know how it works.

>> No.13025173


>> No.13025211

Sources got already posted but you went "lalala can't hear you".
Tigers went extint in Japan and most drawings are based on assumptions and tales.

>> No.13025216

move 'em niggers north~ If they don't like our/jp/ ways then move 'em niggers north!

>> No.13025276

>Sources got already posted
"History" isn't a source. You can spout all the crap you want, if you don't back it up with a reliable source (aka something accurate, and not something vague), it'll still be crap.

I can't believe I'm explaining a retard how sources work.

>> No.13025282
File: 40 KB, 349x445, hitler grin_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remove Juden, ‘‘kudasai”!

>> No.13025292


they said mythology, that's a bit more narrow than black/indian culture

I would actually play that

>> No.13025298

Did you try reading Shou's fucking profile from SoFuckingPM?

>> No.13025311

So rude! I'm done talking to you, kid. If you can't have a decent discussion without resorting to random insult, you're not worth the time.
When you'll grow up, you'll discover that swearing doesn't make you cool or edgy.

>> No.13025328

>I am from Brazil
Im so sorry...

>> No.13025333

We already got non-japanese mythology based characters, which are Kagerou and the Scarlet sisters. And I don't think the witches despicted in Touhou are eastern.

>> No.13025346



>> No.13025352

>inb4 "blogs are not accurate sources unless they're maintained by an academic expert with 9000 hours on tiger warfare"

>> No.13025378

More importantly, why does /jp/ care about what they think?

>> No.13025402

Patchouli uses the Eastern elemental system.

>> No.13025407


>> No.13025411
File: 394 KB, 650x919, 47567059_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown skinned Touhou
I can get behind this

>> No.13025424

>being butthurt of truth


It's time to get the Mississipi Burning. AGAIN.

>> No.13025427

We don't. The thread rapidly devolved into a banal exchange of racial insults and pedantry.

>> No.13025431
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>let's infringe copyrighted material to annoy a group of anonymous racists that only other people on the site will know about

Who am I quoting? Literally who.

Why don't you go back to your liberal hugbox and stay there, if you can't deal with reality.

>> No.13025432


>> No.13025437

nignog detected

>> No.13025439

Wow so original

>> No.13025446
File: 68 KB, 200x229, AY YO WHERE DA WHITE WIMMIN AT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno is already pretty thug lyfe.

>> No.13025448
File: 61 KB, 419x248, 1421437890937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso thread

>> No.13025458

buddhist heraus

>> No.13025506
File: 69 KB, 420x248, satori sunglasses straight up gangsta g_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EoSD portraits were so great

>> No.13025507

Patchi and Suika actually look good in african colors.

>> No.13025537
File: 155 KB, 450x631, 1420409270142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patche is a... negro?????

>> No.13025556

Now she looks like that dumb nigger girl from that stupid cartoon. The one about animals that get turned into subhumans.

>> No.13025613
File: 45 KB, 384x221, 1256927996655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when 4chan only said "nigger" ironically because it was such an edgy thing to say.

Now this dump is infested with legitimate stormfags.

>> No.13025626

What the heck is a stormfag?

>> No.13025631

>infringe copyrighted material
Where do you people come from

>> No.13025633

It's basically an insult. It means "someone I don't like".

>> No.13025638

A scapegoat for "progressive" 4chan users.

Patche is a horsefucking person of color.

>> No.13025639

Someone from stormfront is a stormfag, newfag.

>> No.13025642

Stay mad nigger

>> No.13025654

who u greening

>> No.13025672

Is that a big thing?
Seems like a pretty small site to me. Weird to specifically target that site rather than something more commonly known like KKK or something.

>> No.13025684

Don't question the logic of a nigger, because it has none.

>> No.13025690

Why do these people assume /jp/ is racist?
All races and people are welcome on /jp/ so long as they are not crossboarders, greentexters, normals, janitors, moderators, shitposters, ironic shitposters, non-ironic non-shit posters, English only peasants, weeaboos, newfags, oldfags, tripfags, idolfags, type-moon fans, type-moon haters, NEETs, non-NEETs, secondaries, tertiaries, primaries, or moot.

Truly this is a place of love and tolerance.

>> No.13025695
File: 15 KB, 163x162, 1383634148995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your monstergirl general, niggerfaggot

>> No.13025701

>Seems like a pretty small site to me.

It's the largest white supremacist community on the English speaking web.

>> No.13025704

You just described Reddit in a nutshell.
>"we're an open-minded community"
>"as long as your opinion matches with ours"

But /jp/ IS tolerant.

>> No.13025724

>Back to your monstergirl general

You fucking take that back.

>> No.13025739

It's not in her profile, it's in the symposium part.

>It's not quite right to say she was just a tiger. As you know tigers are not native to Japan. Back when scholarship was being brought over from the continent, an animal called a tiger was introduced too, but only as a word. The imagination of people wondering what they looked like was what gave birth to Shou.

Kagerou is a 100% purebreed Japanese wolf. (Were-animals are an universal concept.)

Why don't you go back to your nazi hugbox and stay there, if you can't deal with reality.

>> No.13025743

It's /pol/'s influence.
Nigger was basically like faggot, but you know, when your community is full of in-jokes and you don't explain them to new members said new members will think people are being serious.

>> No.13025769

This is the /jp/ AoC chose.

>> No.13025770

I wouldn't call us tolerant, but I'd at least say we're not racist, if only by virtue of finding a bunch of trivial bullshit to be divisive about instead.

>> No.13025771
File: 66 KB, 718x766, 1422140786914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, shlomo.

>> No.13025780

You forgot about the koreans.

>> No.13025785

I remember when everyone didn't call anything "ironic"

>> No.13025788

Sure, /jp/ doesn't seem tolerant. Sure, minorites and apes are insulted. But they're not banned.
Despite being shitted on, they're still accepted.

On reddit, not only you're getting shit on, but you're also banned.

>> No.13025791

>Nigger was basically like faggot, but you know, when your community is full of in-jokes and you don't explain them to new members said new members will think people are being serious.


Anyone who's not a complete newfag should remember a time when these words were being used flippantly. But as the site grew actual skinheads thought that they were in good company.

>> No.13025792
File: 118 KB, 1000x963, 1413895457894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger was basically like faggot
You don't fool me, newfag-kun.

Those "Would you rather have sex with a dog or a nigger" threads on /b/ were just ironic, right? There has never been racism on 4chan, right? I mean, all those "dog obviously" answers, and comparing blacks to worse than dogs were just to ruse any potential visitors to the thread, to shock them.

Yeah, racism here is just for shock value, isn't it?

>> No.13025796

OP called for them, so they came.

If it was an unrelated thread, I'd be concerned, but here you can't even assume it's genuine. When someone calls you racist, how can you not act racist just to spite them? Did you lose your chan way?

>> No.13025806

>On reddit, not only you're getting shit on, but you're also banned.

You would know, wouldn't you, Redditor.

I hope you know that, however long you lurk, you will always be cancer.

>> No.13025812

That thread in a nuttshell:
>"hey, that guy thinks we're racists!"
>"haha what a dumb nigger"
>"actually, nigger was ironically used before-"

Cool opinion, newfriend.

>> No.13025813

>Those "Would you rather have sex with a dog or a nigger" threads on /b/ were just ironic, right?


>Yeah, racism here is just for shock value, isn't it?

It was. See you have not have lurked long enough to know this, but at one time everything /b/ did was for shock value.

>> No.13025828

>put touhou in the op
>anything is on topic
I give up reporting. You win.

>> No.13025829

What about me?
I just want brown touhous

>> No.13025831

I bet you've been here since 2014 and found yourself a doll thread and call yourself an oldfag.

Only since SJW types like you raiding 4chan a few years back did it start to become shit, posting interracial shit and cuckold nonsense on /b/.

>> No.13025835

I'm racist against green people.

>> No.13025835,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13025847

i'm racist against aliens

>> No.13025849

If you like brown touhous, you're a niggerfucker.
If you don't like them, you're a stormfag.

If you don't care, you're me and you should get out of my body before I decide to drink that holy water.

>> No.13025853

Which touhou would you start a fourth Reich with?

which touhou would you go on a Rhodesian expedition with?

which touhou would you execute subhumans with?

which touhou would you fugg and make many masterrace babies with?

>> No.13025854

What if i'm your skeleton

>> No.13025855

I've been hear since 2006 and people have been saying that since I first joined.

>> No.13025859

Clearly you're the newfag here if you think that /b/ was ever serious. Not until they started crusading against Scientology, but even then /b/ was a board dedicated to people who just wanted to fuck around. It probably still is though I wouldn't know anymore.

>> No.13025864
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x540, 2spooky4me.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Horrified scream]

>> No.13025867
File: 490 KB, 819x933, 1396305937468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whose the most racist touhou? i think its Yukari "pull the trigger on every nigger" Yakumo

>> No.13025873

Most of what's on /pol/ is for shock value, too. When they realized they have actual stormfags, it became an interracial sex board for a while (then of course moot banned it, because you can't hurt racists' feelings on muh 4chan).

>> No.13025876

>"who is the most X touhou?"
>"I think..."
Are you going to act like the insane faggot in the touhou draw thread and insult people that disagree with you, or are you going to let me suggest that Eirin may be extremely racist too?

>> No.13025882
File: 711 KB, 1200x789, 1293340584651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Byakuren, all of the above.

Religious purity for all of Gensokyo.

>> No.13025886

>Most of what's on /pol/ is for shock value, too.

Probably, but I've never lurked there.

I've seen /pol/ "infographics" leaked throughout the rest of the site however and there's nothing playful about those.

>> No.13025896

The Yama

>> No.13025902

I've been on /pol/ a few times, and even through they use "nigger" as we use "faggot", they aren't that racist.
Sometimes, there are decent, interesting threads in there. But most often, it's something like :
>"hey, look at the news, some guy scammed another guy"
>"hahahaha serves him right for trusting a towelhead"
>"that's probably the hamburger's fault, that leech probably lived on welfare to compensate for its obesity"

>> No.13025942

You're newfag as fuck then, because /n/ and /new/ were just as racist, if not more so.

>> No.13025948

Which touhou would you start a fourth Reich with?
The yama
which touhou would you go on a Rhodesian expedition with?
which touhou would you execute subhumans with?
Little rumia
which touhou would you fugg and make many masterrace babies with?

>> No.13025951

2hu nigger for me!

>> No.13025968

You can play around while actually holding racist views. I may joke about towelheads, but who's to say that I don't hate niggers? They're really shite and unless you live around them, you're not allowed to disagree.

>> No.13025994

You're as bad those hamplanets who think people who don't find them attractive are "oppressive".

>> No.13025994,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm gonna puke

>> No.13025994,2 [INTERNAL] 

/po/ and /trv/ are the only boards worth using on 4chan

the entire site has become pol/r9k/sp/v/s4s

>> No.13026016

>legitimate stormfags
I'm only a racist asshole on the Internet. In real life, I don't give a fuck about the colour of your skin as long as you're not an asshole.

>> No.13026019
File: 532 KB, 1000x1000, 1324867339764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu "Bag the Hags, Bringing Drama to the Yama, Oni Annihilator, On the Prowl for the Tao, Lunar Pruner, Hakutaku Hacker, Dire to the Vampire, Crudest to the Buddhist, Bestial with a Celestial, On a Mission to Kill Every Magician" Hakurei

>> No.13026037

I legitimately hate most of the black people I've met in real life. There are very few black people that I like.

>> No.13026043

Is it blind hate, or do you have a genuine reason to hate them?

On second thought, don't answer that question, it's going to derail the thread and cause problem.

>> No.13026047

If I were /k/ I'd probably be bitching about how she's not holding that gun right.

But I'm not so I can't be sure.

If BOOF weren't dead I'm sure he'd tell us.

>> No.13026051

She isn't. With the recoil, the gun will hit her in the jaw.

>> No.13026062

What about black people you've met on the Internet?

Can we pls be Internet pals even though I'm black? I'm so lonely

>> No.13026080

I don't hate them because they're black. It's just that the black people I've met are loud and mean. A lot of them are legitimately racist too.

Of course, anon.

>> No.13026090

>they aren't that racist

Also I'm surprised that this thread is still here.

>> No.13026117

>Is it blind hate, or do you have a genuine reason to hate them?

How fucking stupid and self centered do you have to be that nobody forms prejudices or stereotypes based on actual experience?

>> No.13026121

>random swearing
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.13026124

prejudices based on narrow experiences are basically just blind hate

>> No.13026131


>> No.13026139

>newfag tries desperately to sound like an oldfag
That's sad.

>> No.13026139,1 [INTERNAL] 

4chan: a safe space free of nasty racists

>> No.13026147

What an ugly thread.

>> No.13026148

Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.13026152

Because people in span aren't as shit brained as the faggots in the west who accept subhumans with open arms.
If, somehow, touhou had ANY Indian or voodoo or any other shitskins culture then I'd shit on ZUN for all of my life.
Go back to tumblr and talk about being oppressed, you parasite.
When did we allow and accept these kinds of fuckers to ruin 4chan? Fucking m00t. I hope that shit face gets raped to near death by a bunch of fucking niggers.

>> No.13026153

>basically just blind hate

This is 4chan. Are you not entertained?

>> No.13026153,1 [INTERNAL] 

the part that really makes me laugh is that there are still people that use this site and act smug about it

>> No.13026163

Don't lump Indians in with actual niggers.

>> No.13026164

>heeey look at me swearing XD i'm so random and edgy
Underage kids go in the bin with the rest of the trash.

>> No.13026164,1 [INTERNAL] 

yeah using 4chan is literally no better than any old forum at this point

>> No.13026168

Why are you bullying? I already answered his question.

Anon, I'm a 'parasite'. I should probably just kill myself, right?

>> No.13026168,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this fucking /co/?
I'm not even going to bother connecting to an unbanned proxy

>> No.13026181

I just checked out that Kuma guy's twitter and, well, what the fuck is this shit?


>> No.13026181,1 [INTERNAL] 

its worse because you can't even communicate clearly anymore because the lexicon has become so convoluted

its like an old proboards site run through some meme version of gizoogle

>> No.13026187

Why are imposing greentext outside of the Monstergirl general?

>> No.13026191

I'm not racist but anyone trying to be PC on 4chan is a fucking retard.

That's tumblr, son.

>> No.13026193

>Underage kids go in the bin with the rest of the trash.
Who are you quoting?

>> No.13026194

I want to puke.

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.13026194,1 [INTERNAL] 

people still make family guy jokes

>> No.13026203

What, Shikieiki isn't close enough?

>> No.13026203,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm not racist but

love this meme

>> No.13026215

who are you quoting newfriend?

>> No.13026219

I know right? Tumblr, reddit, shitskins and shitskin apologists, Americans, and a bunch of other shit for brains.
When did the 4chan dream go?
If you can't handle the heat then get the fuck out.
Please do. You're doing nothing but being another fuck head ruining the western society.
I see nothing surprising. It's the average shitskin/ american doing their natural thing.
What a world we are going to turn into. Where shitskins subhumans will one day become leaders of the one civilised nations of the world and where it will be available for them to mingle among us normal folk.

>> No.13026219,1 [INTERNAL] 

You gotta wonder when someone does this what they are thinking. It's like three levels removed from parody at this point. Does he really think he is going to educate this person and make the massive horde of crossies leave? The sad truth is he is a crossie himself, posturing amongst the other crossies to try to emulate some form of "oldfag cred". That's why he does this, why he is still here, and why this keeps going on and on.

>> No.13026219,2 [INTERNAL] 

what's so bad about this thread other than your threads get deleted but this one isn't?

>> No.13026219,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026239

Gotta admit, I'm racist against greens.

>> No.13026243

One time I dated a black girl. She was nice but she wouldn't stop talking about fujoshi shit and it was really off putting.

>> No.13026244

Where's Arc when you need him?

>> No.13026249
File: 56 KB, 838x983, niggerwalk05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13026251

Greens are beyond redemption of any kind.
Just like their friends, the vegans.

>> No.13026251,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026254

i remember when he tried his hardest to be funny and nobody laughed

>> No.13026258

Didn't he get shot in some gang related crime or something?

>> No.13026261

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being racist as long as it is not against your own race.

>> No.13026261,1 [INTERNAL] 

it's still one of the most popular sites on the web

>> No.13026266

shit, I shouldn't have posted that purple people comic then

>> No.13026270
File: 83 KB, 573x807, 3fe662af47f7df29f17e56b1d56283ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come >>13026239
got replies but my

only got some ayy lmao /v/ crossie?

It's people like you that don't let me take it easy.

>> No.13026273

get fucked retard

>> No.13026275

Mōko no te nobashitatte sono namida nuguenai yo
Kitto mukae ni ikukara hohoemi wa tayasanaide
Yakusoku wa atsuku tsuyoku tomadoi tachikitte

Hito no nami ni kimi ga kasun demo
Furikaeranai yo me o tojireba itsu datte
Sugu soba de mitsume teru janai

Yume de owarasenai! Chippokena negai demo
Kaze o Nabi ni shite rēru no ue aruite ikou! !

Oshitsuke no manyuaru ni shibara re techa mae ga mienai
Tatoe kono machi no ame ga ore o kōra sete mo
Kono mune no takanari wa darenimo tomerarenai

>> No.13026275,1 [INTERNAL] 

so is facebook

>> No.13026280

sorry I don't speak portugese

>> No.13026285

Sorry. man, I wouldn't reuse that joke if I noticed you did it first.

That's the problem with posting in shit threads. Nobody actually reads them.

>> No.13026286


This is the otaku culture board, not the chinese takeout menu.

>> No.13026287

Sorry, I don't speak Korean.

>> No.13026288

Another young man shot down by niggers. And people still give those apes right.
Niggers and shitskins were actually treated better as slaves. Plus they weren't shooting people up for fun.
I miss the old america. I miss freedom.

>> No.13026288,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'd rather stay a virgin for 5000 years than date a nigress

>> No.13026294

This isn't funny. You're trying too hard.

>> No.13026294,1 [INTERNAL] 

i still think we got one of the janitors to quit after the leaks

my guess is brad because we found all his accounts

moderation isnt gone out of benevolence its because there hasnt been a new jan drive yet

>> No.13026297


Niggers make half of the murders in the US while being around the 13% of the population.

>> No.13026299

he was in one of the gangs though
god, learn the lore

>> No.13026299,1 [INTERNAL] 

i really want to fuck a nigger girl but it's scary because a lot of them have stds

>> No.13026299,2 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is shit

>> No.13026299,3 [INTERNAL] 

none of the spinoffs are good
4chan is bad
8chan is full of 14-15 year olds
other language boards are too circlejerky
normie culture is even stupider

im considering ceasing my communication with people

its not worth it anymore

>> No.13026299,4 [INTERNAL] 

End it

>> No.13026299,5 [INTERNAL] 

welcome to neoneo/jp/

>> No.13026299,6 [INTERNAL] 

do normies actually still do this

id rather kill myself than live with them

>> No.13026299,7 [INTERNAL] 

most of 4chan nowadays consists of people born in 1996 or younger

>> No.13026299,8 [INTERNAL] 

what happens to us

>> No.13026299,9 [INTERNAL] 

same shit, fucker

>> No.13026299,10 [INTERNAL] 

Accept the love of milk into your heart and pray to Her that the internet will not change any further

>> No.13026299,11 [INTERNAL] 

im asking if there is an alternative to the following:
sitting in this squalid leftover splotch at the bottom of the jam jar waiting for it to be thrown out or get any moldier
going back to gradeschool with the kiddies on 4chan
going to lad partytime with normies
being some kind of stupid activist
working with any of these people

you know I think this purposelessness comes from the fact that we really are supposed to be raising kids at this age

>> No.13026299,12 [INTERNAL] 

The goddess Herself isn't able to have children, likely a cost of divinity, it would be appropriate to follower her.

Be content with your life as it is and enjoy your video games and anime, that's what milk would do.

>> No.13026299,13 [INTERNAL] 

might as well just kill yourself if you're gonna waste your life doing that shit

your body isn't stupid dude
it knows you are fucking up and is gonna make it suck no matter how much you lie about it on the internet because it wants you to change

if i becomme some kind of christain will they give me a cute girl to fuck and cook me food

>> No.13026299,14 [INTERNAL] 

feelio 1996 is the new underage feelio when everyone born before that is now an adult


>> No.13026299,15 [INTERNAL] 

It sounds like this wasn't the life for you, maybe you should go hang out on /soc/.

>> No.13026299,16 [INTERNAL] 

epic dude

>> No.13026299,17 [INTERNAL] 

You're the one trying to lecture about things I realized were out of my control back in my twenties.

>> No.13026299,18 [INTERNAL] 

Probably because I'm only 19?

>> No.13026299,19 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,20 [INTERNAL] 

lol holy fuck you're old
how are you not dead yet

>> No.13026299,21 [INTERNAL] 

Anime, video games and milk.

>> No.13026299,22 [INTERNAL] 

anyone wish they were a nigger for a change

>> No.13026299,23 [INTERNAL] 

do you think the jan posted in this thread

>> No.13026299,24 [INTERNAL] 

whichever one didn't quit did yea

>> No.13026299,25 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,26 [INTERNAL] 

I am a nigger inside, I'm dishonest, lazy and steal things all the time

>> No.13026299,27 [INTERNAL] 

spiritually a nigger, the worst of all fates

>> No.13026299,28 [INTERNAL] 

I am black and I don't particularly enjoy it. I'm often harassed by random girls and police, and clothes don't really fit properly because of the size of my penis. On top of that, people think I'm straight up lying about the size of my penis. Worst of all, my hair literally cannot be styled properly. It's too thick and curly. I either have to just not care and look like a homeless person (despite living in a fairly affluent part of town), or shave it and look like some kind of hooligan. There really is no winning.

On the plus side I don't have to wear sunblock if I'm going outside for any extended period of time, which at this point in my life is pretty much never.

>> No.13026299,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,30 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,31 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck

>> No.13026299,32 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes on a bad day I'll look at my hand and cheer up because I realize I'm not black

>> No.13026299,33 [INTERNAL] 

there are actually subhumans that browse /jp/

>> No.13026299,34 [INTERNAL] 

gnfos.com is proof of this

>> No.13026299,35 [INTERNAL] 

Yes GJ is a perfect example

>> No.13026299,36 [INTERNAL] 

If I was born on 1995 does this mean I'm an old fag now?

>> No.13026299,37 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off and die in nigger hell

>> No.13026299,38 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, that guy is wrong. 1994 is the cutoff.

>> No.13026299,39 [INTERNAL] 

96bros report in :D

>> No.13026299,40 [INTERNAL] 

anyone here played that game called maximo: ghost to glory

>> No.13026299,41 [INTERNAL] 

commit suicide

>> No.13026299,42 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,43 [INTERNAL] 

Why are niggers so violent

>> No.13026299,44 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,45 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not violent or competitive at all, but then again I'm not really that black.

>> No.13026299,46 [INTERNAL] 

beta lord detected

>> No.13026299,47 [INTERNAL] 

You're probably a halfbreed. Too subhuman to be accepted as an equal by whites, but not black enough to hang with the other black apes. Like five years ago one of my close friends was halfish black, he was cool, but he lived in Canada so he was pretty much an omega beta.

>> No.13026299,48 [INTERNAL] 

We need to raid these weebs already

get in here /b/ros

>> No.13026299,49 [INTERNAL] 

anyone laugh when /a/ starts acting elitist and they don't realize half of their memes and posting mannerisms were token from /jp/

>> No.13026299,50 [INTERNAL] 

imageboard culture is so shitty, why doesn't someone put it out of it's own misery

>> No.13026299,51 [INTERNAL] 

which one is brad, the sonic guy

>> No.13026299,52 [INTERNAL] 

The cousin raper

>> No.13026299,53 [INTERNAL] 

what did someone mention me

>> No.13026299,54 [INTERNAL] 

I wish these pedo freaks would fkin leave you disgust me

>> No.13026299,55 [INTERNAL] 

I'll leave once you find me a loli girlfriend.

>> No.13026299,56 [INTERNAL] 

What about the spics and red skin?

>> No.13026299,57 [INTERNAL] 

real talk right here

>> No.13026299,58 [INTERNAL] 

feelie when the world will be swamped by niggers and darkies in the future


>> No.13026299,59 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,60 [INTERNAL] 

now check out the death rates and life expectancies that drive those birth rates

>> No.13026299,61 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13026299,62 [INTERNAL] 


both wrong faggots
