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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 448 KB, 900x900, op0204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12998120 No.12998120 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12984640

2015 Pastebin:

Shopping links:
http://en-nls.com (Japan)
http://hotpowers.jp (Japan)
http://japanshoppingservice.jp (Japan)
http://queencatadulttoys.com (CA)
http://toydemon.com (IL)
http://www.coolmalesextoy.com/ (CA)

Amazon.jp link in Pastebin

How long have you been a degenerate?
Take the lube poll:
Penis size poll:
How do you get down?

>> No.12998134
File: 977 KB, 371x322, 1422997029900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for Slut announcer best midprice onahole

>> No.12998231

Kiwami is coming in soon, bought accessories for it (spankies and panties)

I am past the point of no return. brb killing myself

>> No.12998245

Eagerly awaiting my purchases from three different places, this is gon be gud.

>> No.12998252

impatiently waiting for my NLS order to come too. it left Japan by EMS about 34 hours ago and no news since then, I hope it doesn't take too long

>> No.12998254

I just cleaned my onahole in the shower with my dick, is this a preferred method?

>> No.12998273


>> No.12998283

They're like tight shorts

>> No.12998297

We're in for the long wait together anon.

>> No.12998308

is that your first purchase too?

>> No.12998325

Ye mang, first onahole purchase anyway. I purchases fleshlights in the past but it's time to move on up to the next level.

>> No.12998369

I've never tried fleshlight, but for my first onahole purchase I bought 5 of them. I'm so impatient, please hurry up EMS!

>> No.12998391

Fleshlight is ok, the material could be better I think. Gets tacky / sticky very fast to the point where the stickiness is counteracting the lube and hurting your member. (bad) The textures are kinda lame too. My main complaint is the material really, the toughness of it and the stickiness is unacceptable.

>> No.12998424
File: 639 KB, 1077x638, fleshwarmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fleshlight mouth model and imho is a decent sex toy that you can get pretty much even at local sex retail store. It has nice suction and mellow-mid stimulation depending on the suction setting and use of lube.

The main problem with this toy is that its representing only a one main feature of being a sex toy: Its a rubber and symmetrical to the bone that won't surprise you when you use one compared to japanese onaholes and their "random" inner section of sleeve.

Stickiness hmm, I was powdering the thing after each clean (this same apply to onaholes that I own; ZXY and 17 Evo) and softness is at level... lets say that ZXY is 100/100 of being soft (external) where Fleshlight superskin material would be somewhere around 70/100

>pic related

However Flesh-company have came up with something eye catching attention of neat luxury accessory that can heat up sleeve, unfortunately I don't own one but its looking promising when you side next to well known pink ona-warmer.

This one have warming up and auto lock down to the temperature (no overheating or burning after extended leaving sleeve inside the warmer) of about 105 °F and keeping heating when you look for some hentai for example. So its basically fool proof and safe to heat without worry of burning anything.

>> No.12998436

that heaters looks promising, but it must be expensive, right?

I have a regular onaho warmer in my package to come, I think it'll be enough for my use, I'll use it with care though. I wouldn't want to burn my loli holes

>> No.12998438

For US market is 30 USD and for EU is 20 EUR

>> No.12998445
File: 235 KB, 960x435, s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can by used as dryer as well

>> No.12998447

20EUR looks reasonable, could be a smart purchase then. But I won't buy it now, I don't have much money left after all those holes I ordered

>> No.12998490

>I was powdering the thing after each clean

I did the same yeah, but it's no use for the internal of the toy since as soon as you add lube you're getting a shitty cornstarch/lube mix which is horrid. If you don't powder inside then it's near too sticky to use in there. As I said before, the lube even gets overpowered by the stickiness making an all around bad time.

>> No.12998519

I've love to hear how it compares to the warmer on NLS, it sounds like it may go to higher temperatures which is nice.
How would you use it? I assume you apply lube to the toy before placing it on it.

>> No.12998524


Can't help but feel this sounds like Fleshlight employee shill in action.

>> No.12998530


>> No.12998538

Sure buddy.
Read over the three posts.

>> No.12998569

>So its something to keep in mind that the hole might be more pleasurable if you're around the bigger size
well shit, too late now, it's already on the way. I guess I'll try to j-j-jam it in to see if I can get some womb action.

>> No.12998570

So? Are you not interested in other new things that are on market? Or you just see one brand in front of your nose? Is it...Tomax? NPG-GPN? japan_original? And yeah, they pay me 2.1 OZ of Fleshlight lube per post on /ona/ thread.

>> No.12998576

Are the popular lubes on NLS and other sites safe for use with actual girls too? Probably a dumb question.

>> No.12998607

If you cant get womb action/are dissapointed I'd buy it from you for a decent price.

Really, you think a FL shill would be on here after japan_original had been around for a month before you guys noticed?

Small potatoes. Also why would an FL guy admit to having an inferior product to NPG. Some people just want to support products they know. FLs are easily accessible and for people who dont know or understand onaholes this is their point of reference.

But yes, (most) onaholes are better than FL. FLs are kinda boring and bland.

>> No.12998663

If its water based it should be okay with condoms

I've given my girl the toucan more than once

>> No.12998691

>If you cant get womb action/are dissapointed I'd buy it from you for a decent price.
whoa you want to be eskimo brothers? give me till the end of the month, I'll drop my email with price and number of uses by then if I find it's not as fun as my uterus hard.

>> No.12998696

I can't use condoms with onaholes, can I?

>> No.12998716

You can, but why would you want to?

>> No.12998741

muh fetish

>> No.12998779

More of a cheapskate who is impatient on overseas shipping than wanting to be eskimo bros.

But I wont let any one on your myface real life wall.

Sounds good my lewd email address is stoicbuzz@yahoo.com

Feel free to keep it and email me when you may be interested in selling.

>> No.12998799

fuck...typo. I wont tell anyone. I'm a The League fan too. But as long as its clean im cool with it.

>> No.12999089

makes it easy to eat your cum

>> No.12999146

Yes you can, but prelubed condoms may conflict with other lubes and force the two to congeal into a sticky paste.
I have this fetish too.

>> No.12999278

I don't get this toucan meme.

>> No.12999281

so I've been lurking these threads for a while and I'm now ready to spend some eurobux on a onahole. I don't really want a collection and due to weight limitations I will only get one onahole.
So far ive narrowed it down to:
venus clone soft
slut announcer
vacuum witch
I kinda like the idea of suction. Does anyone have 2 or even all 3 of these? How do they compare in this retard? I've been beating my dick regularily over almost 2 decades so I might suffer from deathgrip, so would that exclude venus clone as it seems low stimulation? I've got a 5.5 inch penor if that matters

>> No.12999312

>How do they compare in this retard?

What? Also I don't think you can go wrong with any, I wouldn't worry about low stimulation, though it's strange I've been lasting a lot longer with onaholes than with my hand. I think Soft helps you last longer.

>> No.12999372

You're not missing out.

>> No.12999381
File: 35 KB, 493x387, groriousu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do they compare in this retard?

Why so mean?

>> No.12999393

Where's Dr. Big C0ck? I haven't seen him in the past few threads. I miss him.

>> No.12999402

k. it's still in Chiba atm. and I'm a clean freak so that won't be an issue. I'll drop you a line regardless.

>> No.12999505

Witch I pretty big for a loli hole, suction is nice, I'm 6.1ish inch myself but I can't reach the end. So you might not get the most out of the hole but its a very durable hole. Slut announcer is a great choice its one of my favourite holes together with mi-nyan.

>> No.12999543

I don't get what a toucan has to the with the lube?
It's not Toyshearts logo or anything.

>> No.12999585

Jesus, lube really makes all the difference. This thing is sucking my soul away.

>> No.12999615

Should I use Pepee or Ona Tsuyu with the mouth of truth? Going for realism here and was thinking Pepee as it's a bit more sticky.

Since I'm going for realism should I just use saliva? Or would that not work well? Maybe mixing saliva and Pepee.. hmm..

>> No.12999668

>was thinking Pepee as it's a bit more sticky.
Is your saliva sticky, Anon? Stick your finger in your mouth real quick and check.

>> No.12999687

Sorry, sticky is the wrong word.

I should say a higher viscosity.

>> No.12999880
File: 315 KB, 435x600, ShitfitBuzzard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go. This should explain it all

>> No.12999906

Still waiting for the day daimaoh restocks on Venus Real Soft/Very Soft

>> No.12999907

Im not him, but I dont get it either.
Maybe I am just really bad at puns or something, but how does that explain?

>> No.12999925

Nah theres no pun. Its not really anything besides a circlejerk meme

I posted a picture of a toucan back in the day when i first mentioned Onatsuyu as a good lube. Since then I've called it the toucan lube. The pastebin also has a toucan in it.

Like the other guy said. youre not missing anything.

>> No.12999941

How do you guys discretely dispose of your onahole? Mine's wearing out

>> No.12999951


>> No.12999979
File: 461 KB, 571x800, 1408133623762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just throw them in the trash. No fucks given

>> No.12999985


Grind it up into a powder, offer to make your mother/sister/other female family member dinner, and mix it into the food. Make sure it's full of semen when you do it.


Send it to one of us.

>> No.13000156


>> No.13000202


>go on road trip
>roommate buys 5.99 truckstop porn-shop rubber vagina 'for lulz', as he says
>traffic jam outside houston
>gets out of van, walks up to VW Golf in front of us, pins rubber vagina under wiper blade

laughed for like an hour straight. Later, unbeknownst to myself, he buys a 12" black suction cup base dildo and sticks it the back of the van. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada all saw a big black dildo on my shitty van.

>> No.13000386

So I placed an order from japan_originals on Sunday for a few holes and lubes, and one of t he items was delivered today... but from Amazon.

My only guess is that the japan_originals guy ordered them at a loss from Amazon... but why?

>> No.13000400

What hole?

>> No.13000406


Your room mate sounds like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.13000411

Lilith Uterus Soft, I'm pretty worried actually. I can't put the thing down.

>> No.13000450
File: 1.11 MB, 641x604, Clipboard012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered all this stuff. I declare this month Fapruary!

>> No.13000482

Thinken of buying Puni Fuwa Mocchi 2000. Anyone have it? Is it gud?

>> No.13000606

What lube have you used so far on that hole? what are the differences?

>> No.13000655

Shill or not, is this true?

>> No.13000699

It seems a lot like drying a cup by stacking another cup on top of it.

>> No.13000712

>Can this heat source be used to dry things?
It's true in some ways. Look at what they're using it for: drying a fairly open Fleshlight case. If you're thinking about using that to dry your Japanese onaholes, especially the close-ended ones, I doubt it would work as well if at all though. Not enough room for the air to pass through, though I huess you could use it as a paper towel ramrod or something.

>> No.13000744

How do you guys dry the seventeen bordeaux?

>> No.13000758

I've used a bit of the Honey Drops it came with and some pretty nonstandard USA water based lube. I used a bit too much of the Honey Drops and it numbed the feeling for the maiden voyage, the next time I used a little less of the normal lube but it was still a little bit much. The last time I only used a pea sized drop of the normal lube and I think that's all it really takes.

I'll try out the honey drops again and try not to use all that much, then I might have a better idea on the differences.

>> No.13000766

I don't know how to dry anything, I can't fit my fat fingers into the hole with a microfiber.

>> No.13000780

Well, I just don't want to tear or damage the inside, and flipping it inside out is not an option.

>> No.13000828

Wrap your index finger in paper towel and use your two middle fingers to open the hole, then insert your index and wiggle it around. Repeat that until it's dry.

>> No.13000860

Could you do the same with microfiber?

>> No.13000870

You could with loose holes, but it's easier with paper towel. Unless you have a really thin microfiber cloth.

>> No.13000880

Okay, yeah I totally see your point now. The microfiber that I have is actually quite thick. It can only get into a quarter inches to the entrance. How long does it usually take for you to clean and dry?

>> No.13000933

About 2-3 minutes for most holes.

I finger the hole in running water and a bit of soap for about a minute, or until I can't feel any lube. Drying is really easy if you use the method I posted, it shouldn't take more than a minute for most holes.

>> No.13001168

anyone from mexico? last month (01/09) ordered with e-packet and just arrived today to Correos de Mexico (so two more weeks to arrive to my home) so i was wondering if paying the extra 10 for EMS would make a difference on shipping times?

>> No.13001213
File: 3.28 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_0207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally arrived

8/10 would recommend

>> No.13001237 [DELETED] 
File: 3.27 MB, 4608x3456, 1423111037294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13001334

Okay, thanks for the tip.

>> No.13001338

How feels the ribbing inside?

>> No.13001433

I see. I was actually around back when you posted the pic originally, but I still didnt get how toucans relate to Onatsuyu in any way.

>> No.13001456

It's been three weeks since my last hole came in and I feel like I need a new one. Please help.

>> No.13001470

It doesn't end until you run out of things to buy.

>> No.13001484

Does daimaoh.co.jp deliver in Burgerland

>> No.13001502

No. use a forwarder.

They dont, the two have no correlation.

>> No.13001573

How about hotpowers>?

>> No.13001595

Hotpowers ships to clapistan via EMS. Read their international shipping instructions or use JSS.

>> No.13001608

>Read their international shipping instructions
I can't read moonrunes

>> No.13001827

Has japan_original really been shilling here or is this just tinfoilhatting?

>> No.13001948

Welp, I just arrived at work and realized I left the case I store my onaholes on the floor in my bedroom instead of storing it on top of the closet like normal. This would be fine since I love alone but my mother is coming over today to look at the curtains in that very room. I really hope she's not going to be too nosy about it or the next time I'm over is going to be very awkward

>> No.13002010

Has anyone tried twins panic? It looks really hot on the outside but don't know how the inside is.

>> No.13002083

Tinfoilhatting. Every "community" ultimately turns into a circle jerk. I'm sure this is better than the TD forums, if for no other reasons than wider variety and no big brother overlord.

>> No.13002252

The inside is good, but you can same stimulation for onaholes half the price, and below. It's just about the loli twins.

>> No.13002621

This place isnt that shitty. At least we're not like the Huniepopgeneral yet

>> No.13002733

With all of this blogging and spoiler misuse, we're well on our way.

>> No.13002735

Should I wash my Venus real when it arrives?

>> No.13003020
File: 82 KB, 1227x701, order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally did it. Feeling rather sick to the stomach for some reason.
now to play the waiting game

>> No.13003051

Don't feel sick, feel excited!

>> No.13003125

mine just came like 20min ago give me some time and ill let you know!

>> No.13003130

rip anon

>> No.13003162
File: 3.18 MB, 5472x3648, DSC01180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, thanks to these threads I somehow ended up with a 65cm waifu today. Thanks I guess?

>> No.13003235

dude nice. more pics please

>> No.13003294
File: 2.54 MB, 5472x3648, DSC01183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13003309
File: 3.15 MB, 5472x3648, DSC01182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13003323

Model? Vendor? Price?

>> No.13003331
File: 52 KB, 400x250, too lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dude

Squishy Sisters, /jp/ review when?

>> No.13003332

that's a big hole

>> No.13003362
File: 2.91 MB, 5472x3648, DSC01167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how you look at it. The doll is similiar to the size of the big dollfie models. So it's actually a tight fit.

First I thought this was a japanese product when I found these dolls at: https://shop.manzoku.or.jp/pc/detail/item.php?item_id=MSD026D
but you can find endless amount of vendors at aliexpress.com at various prices, you just have to find a legit seller though. I paid $565 incl. DHL free shipping.

>> No.13003440
File: 135 KB, 807x861, 1234123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, anyone know if those anime dolls on alixpress are legit?

cause if you guys can confirm, thats my decision on buying.

>> No.13003473
File: 105 KB, 600x600, cover_ridethelightning_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its happening, i swear /jp/ i don't bullshit.

>> No.13003489

>paid $565

D-does it feel good?

>> No.13003507
File: 24 KB, 320x360, My laharl body is ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13003569
File: 681 KB, 894x894, xion_kh_by_dreamyxion-d6ddtg9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13003602
File: 133 KB, 850x1057, 1422585969333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll stop shitposting, sorry


>> No.13003635

>Expected delivery: 2015/02/06
SOON. Real and clone coming soon. Can't wait.

>> No.13003670

>tfw my clone is at least 2 weeks away

>> No.13003727
File: 384 KB, 671x1000, 1370798499503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you talking about this?

aliexpress .com /item/2013-men-s-favorite-Japanese-anime-beauty-girl-love-doll-fabric-line-young-girls-sex-dolls/1336046939.html
run at your own risk lol.

>> No.13003955

I enjoyed it more than the kiwami hip.

>> No.13004050
File: 872 KB, 900x663, keine sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to my sensei's and ordered a uteri soft. Will it live up to the hype?

>> No.13004065

care to drop a link or two
the search function on aliexpress can be quite messed up for me as the site keeps redirecting itself to the russian version way to often and gives me no way to go back other than to it's main page

>> No.13004115

I bought from this seller:
You can choose bust-size if you contact them, and requesting timestamp is no problem.

>> No.13004133

D-do they have loli dolls?

>> No.13004156

hows the inner texture?

>> No.13004182

check the link at
and scroll down to see the texture, it's quite simple, nothing fancy.
not from what I've seen in the 65cm category.

>> No.13004283

Those who don't love the uterus right away always come around after a few sessions, usually after figuring out the appropriate sober of lube to use . You can be confident in your selection.

>> No.13004387

Has anyone here tried the Shokonyan or the Ainyan? The Mi-Nyan is very popular here, with good reason, and I was thinking of getting one of these two with my next purchase.

>> No.13004418

#31 on the hair colors is my waifu. I'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.13004434

Ok /ona/, this is what I need

>tight hole
>very stimulating
>no vagoo aesthetic
>anus look is ok

>> No.13004457

I agree and it is better if you go for longer sessions than quickies.

>> No.13004680

So I just made my first purchase from one of these Japanese sites
Do you really have to make a choice every time between a two week wait and highway robbery shipping costs? That's fucking brutal, man. I dunno how a regular customer for this kind of shit could deal.

>> No.13004781

Will NLS mark packages as gift if requested to dodge tax in the EU?

>> No.13004794

I just order and forget about it. Only the first time might feel like forever since you don't have anything but your hand but you can just play a game and see if you can last not fapping until your order gets to you.

>> No.13004807

>highway robbery shipping costs
Costs around $20 for EMS. If you're from the US, you'll know you'll save more buying from Jap sites even with DHL

>> No.13004811

Never used a hole. I want to fall deeper into my degeneracy. Suggestions?

>> No.13004819

Tomax Venus Real or Clone in regular or soft. Best for newbs.

>> No.13004833

I haven't but I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions on one of the others if you decide to go that route. It might be worth getting the blonde one with the dots who's name I'm not going to bother looking up. I think the brunette one's interior is p much the same as the entrance to Mi-Nyan except the jagged part just continues all the way through.

The same way I pick between the 1 dollar gallon of "orange flavored beverage" and actual name brand orange juice. Except on a larger scale. It hurts a little bit every time I see how cheap the alternative is, but I know the extra money is being well spent.

>> No.13004861 [SPOILER] 
File: 418 KB, 900x1200, 1423187764410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So video review when?

Also what is the poseability like? I have reservations about silicone dolls with wire skeletons, they allegedly tend to break if bent too often or too far.

If I were the onadoll sort I'd be more inclined to go for a DD with a dollho torso for the reliable skeletal structure, and the exchangeable parts. Plus it's a lot easier to get loli DDs.

>> No.13004888

Yep. The yen is falling down like a hammer into a pool, which is bad for the japanese but good for everyone else.

>> No.13004889

ok so first impression is very good, decent size and weight. Came with some panties that are a little too big for the hip but can be used for other things I guess. Not sure what type of lube it comes with but it seems pretty middle of the line. Both holes are good but I found the vagina a little hard to get into, it was pretty tight. Bear in mind this is my first hip but I would recommend it.

>> No.13004903

The panties are for you to wear on your head, not the hip.

>> No.13004911

Do the packages stay concealed?

>> No.13004933


No they are delivered with "FAKE RUBBER CHILD VAGINA SEX TOY FOR [addressee name]" written on the box.

>> No.13004951

From the FAQ:

>I want you to ship my order as a gift so I don’t have to pay any taxes, is it possible?
>Unfortunately, not. We cannot declare a lower price than the original price based on our company policy, neither can we declare it as a gift which can be no commercial value.

Tip: buy on Amazon.jp and forward to JSS. They will.

>> No.13004971

Start placing an order every week with the cheapest shipping.
After a while you'll have a steady income of packages. Problem solved.

>> No.13005042
File: 151 KB, 728x1039, hentaikamen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I know just thought I'd mention it cause someone mentioned putting them on earlier

>> No.13005060
File: 10 KB, 392x207, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to purchase from hotpowers and I'm on the second step. This dialog box pops up when I click the proceed button. What does it mean?

>> No.13005117

So I got a packaged from japan_original yesterday. It came from amazon.com about an hours distance away from me. Weird.

>> No.13005174

If you can't into runes then just use jss.

>> No.13005210

There's instructions in pastebin. I followed it and that pops out.

>> No.13005243

So are certain onaholes recommend for the very big or very small or is it more of a one size fits all thing?

>> No.13005257


Your postal code is wrong.

>> No.13005333

There's like 2 boxes there and my postal code is 91914. How should I proceed?

>> No.13005348

oralé señor, how's almost méxico?

>> No.13005354

Definitely not one size fits all. Shoot for stuff that's around your size if you can. If you can't, try not to get anything that's TOO much smaller than you. The textures become hard to feel and it just doesn't feel very good imo. Though maybe you'll be into that if you're into lolis? idk

Either way, if you end up getting something bigger, that's fine too I'm sure. I don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about a hole being uncomfortably big.

>> No.13005359

Maybe they want the extended zip?

>> No.13005370

I just wish that I could get something at least close to my full length without having to get a hip. This is my first ona and I don't want to pay like 70 bucks for a puni or even really the 50 for something like a venus real, which would still be a couple inches short anyway.

Maybe I'll just get something like an R20.

>> No.13005378

I'm half flip. So it's "kumusta" not comostas.

That did it.

>> No.13005418

Well, if you're a FEW inches bigger than ~6.75 then yeah, your options are limited to the R20 & hips i think. I can't really speak for stuff in that range & I don't know that I've seen anyone that big give any reviews around here.

>> No.13005452

A couple, not a few. Just eight and a half, which is probably about 2in bigger than the toy since the canal doesn't go all the way to the back.

>> No.13005551

You should get one of the tomax venus holes. I'm 8in and I can go balls deep in mine.

R20 is also decent, but it's too firm and only good for quick faps.

>> No.13005575

But the toy itself isn't even 8 inches long, much less the canal, how does that even work?

It does sound nice but it's just so expensive in comparison and at that point it's getting expensive enough I'd consider just jumping up to a hip.

>> No.13005579

Tomax stuff takes a pounding, that's pretty much all there is to it.

>> No.13005596

Theres also the fact that the Venus series are almost universally loved by everyone. In my opinion it's worth the extra cost.

>> No.13005624

Any have any information or comparison for the puni dx hard and normal versions?

>> No.13005626

It can stretch

>> No.13005630

Just purchased some stuff from hotpowers. Any idea where the tracking is?

>> No.13005650

Welp, I guess I'll have to shell out 50 bucks plus lube.

Ah. That makes sense.

>> No.13005666


(original anon you were talking to here)

I'd trust him if i were you. When I said much smaller i meant like trying to squeeze in an extra 3+ inches into a regular-firm hole or something. I don't own a tomax hole but they're notoriously durable and if you get it in soft it'll be more stretchy than you probably realize. (based on my experience with other softer holes) In fact the only reason I haven't bought a venus clone is because I'm saving the best for last.

Also consider shipping costs before you start going into hips. I'm assuming you live in the states so priority shipping & taxes won't be much more than 15 bucks from queencat. Meaning you'll be dropping around $65 and be done with it. The vast majority of anons I see buy hips are dropping well over $130 though. That same vast majority also says they're only worth it as a special thing to break out every once in a while, since they're such a pain to clean.

Also I can see that you just decided to go with the venus anyway now that i've typed all this, oh well. Hopefully this gives you a little more peace of mind.

>> No.13005672
File: 943 KB, 295x366, SLJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw hotpowers just told me there's going to be a delay and I'll have my package in 2 weeks instead of 1

I don't have Puni DX but based on my experience in most onaholes the difference between hard and normal sensation-wise isn't that much. Although, hard ones tend to break more... or maybe because I go rough on it.

>> No.13005701

Wait, so clone vs real? I was thinking real but then you said best for last with clone and now I'm wondering.

>> No.13005713

pretty much this. If you want to have like a 20+ minutes fap, then you should consider something else. R20 is good, but it is way to stimulate. And I suppose you will need to invest some extra lube to reduce some stimulation.

>> No.13005738

I'm just going with it based on the fact that i have a realistic feeling hole that i'm perfectly happy with already. In your case though, i'm pretty sure you can't really go wrong either way. When i said "best" i was just referring to tomax in general.

>> No.13005746

After a year and maybe 45 uses my Spiral Wave Very soft is developing a small (5 mm) tear at the bottom of its entrance. First sign of wear on any of my Tomax holes, though it's still 100% perfectly usable and doesn't seem to be getting worse despite rough in-doll pounding.

>> No.13005761

>After a year and maybe 45 uses my Spiral Wave Very soft is developing a small (5 mm) tear at the bottom of its entrance.
That's still impressive. I've bought Corean ones and it lasted 4 months of 1-2 times a week

>> No.13005807

It's a subjective thing. Clone is more stimulating (but crazily so) while real is supposed to be fairly similar to the real deal and is reputed not to feel like too much at all, making it great for longer sessions. Personally I'm cut and do just fine with the clone and a thick lube, but it's up to you to decide.

>> No.13006100

My bad, somehow ended up quoting myself instead of you.

>> No.13006115

Can you flip seventeen Bordeaux inside out to dry it?I tried to use my finger wraped with microfiber, I can not reach all the way till the end. My microfiber is too thick.I also tried using paper towel instead, but it just keep getting clogged and having torn pieces inside. I really don't want any mold, could I just flip it upside down and let it air dry for half of a day?

>> No.13006149

J-j-j-jam it in.

>> No.13006403

I'm having a real hard time figuring out my next hole. Usually I'm into high stimulation, especially with some sort of suction. My favorite hole has been Girl in Box, and I'm currently using Mouth of Truth and Lolinco, enjoy both a lot.

I've been going back and forth between a few holes but can't seem to pick one. I really want to pick up a Mi-nyan but it hasn't been on NLS for a while it seems. I'm considering Vacuum Witch since it sounds like it's up my alley, but the price is pretty steep and I'd love to have something softer right now. Lilith Uterus sounds good too, but I'm not sure that has the stimulation I like, and the way people describe the long-session low-stimulation use with it honestly doesn't sound very exciting; I'd rather have the hole make me want to climax in a few minutes and then fight it for another 20 myself. Tomax holes scare me too because people make it sound like they'll basically make my other holes worthless.

Any suggestions on any other holes I could consider?

>> No.13006454

If you like high stimulation, I'd stay away from the lilith uterus.

If you haven't tried a low stimulation hole yet, I highly recommend the lilith uterus if you're looking for something new.

High stimulation does not make a hole better, I'm glad lilith uterus taught me that.

>> No.13006476

You might like the Slut Announcer.

>> No.13006774

my holes are out for delivery. should be here in 2 hours or less.

>> No.13006839

>Own like a grand worth of onaholes
>>Still use Venus Real Very Soft almost exclusively

If Daimoh expanded the sales of their tomax line the rest of the onahole world would go out of business, their materials are on a whole nother level.

>> No.13007244

finally here! gonna open them right now

>> No.13007307
File: 3.50 MB, 2320x4128, IMG_20150206_122828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything's there

>> No.13007335

Nice box of lewd, dude.

>> No.13007357
File: 2.70 MB, 4128x2320, IMG_20150206_123816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13007468

So many holes

>> No.13007472

warming one right now to try it... it's my first time with a hole, I hope I don't get disappointed, but I don't think I will

>> No.13007644

came in 5 minutes... it usually takes at least one hour with my hand. pretty satisfied I guess

>> No.13007702

>tfw my Clone is weeks away

>> No.13008271

No personal experience, but AFAIK turning dual layer holes inside out is a no-no. It will help separating the layers faster.
Try wrapping the microfiber over a thin stick (like a chopstick) instead of your finger.

>> No.13008333

Oh yeah Chopstick. Nice, I never thought of that. Thanks, I will give it a shot!

>> No.13008396

Mfw I was able to sell one of my Fleshlights and now my Lilith Uterus will pay for itself.

>yes my ad said 50
>yes he only came with 40
>yes I lied when I said I never used it...I only used it once. That's when I realized it was too tight. I washed it several times and even got std tested to make sure it was ethical for me to sell.

>> No.13008505

sloppy seconds

>> No.13008518

>buying second hand pleasureholes

What did the buyer look like?

>> No.13008543

Bet he was white.

>> No.13008560

Hmm, it's tempting. I want to try something soft but low-stimulation just sounds boring. But I was hoping between the vacuum and your grip you could get some more out of it when you're about to finish? Also, soft or regular?

I know this sounds stupid but I looked at that after reading some good things here and don't like the huge tits on the body.

Thanks for the recommendations, still considering. Thinking about the Virgin Age Admission too, is that hole as tight as lolinco?

>> No.13008568

Meh, the seconds werent actually sloppy. Since I also have onaholes I baby all of my pleasure holes. For 40 bucks the guy got a deal. The fleshlight, the original box, all inserts, the lube and advertisement and the receipt from the brick and mortar store I bought it from.

Buyer was a white guy, mid to late 40s heavyset, greying and a bit "off" to say the least. In our email exchange he casually mentioned he had a wife while we were trying to sort out our schedules.

He looks the type of guy you'd see at a sex shop (or flea market) who actually buys porno dvds. Alternatively he also looks like the guy to complain to the manager of a buffet that they have pepperoni pizza, but not plain and ask when it is coming out.

I'd call him a blue collar Guy Fieri if that analogy lands with anyone.

We met at a 7-11 and did the exchange very painlessly.

>> No.13008569

I'm black fyi

>> No.13008576

Schilling used fleshlights to the next level. Now the man will get aids (or w/e you get from sharing hole) and he will want money back.

>> No.13008578

Haha, he was absolutely white. I'm a black grad student.

Also the weirdest part of the transaction was watching him finger the inside with his stubby little fingers. I almost feel bad for that thing- it is going to have such a worse life with him than it had with me.

>> No.13008584

>Thanks for the recommendations, still considering. Thinking about the Virgin Age Admission too, is that hole as tight as lolinco?

just tried VA Admission one hour ago, and damn, it was good. it was the second time I came in less than 3 hours and I lasted only 10 minutes.

I don't have the Lolinco though (was recommended to me but it'll be a purchase next time, I wanted other holes this time), but yes, it's tight. it's like it was trying to eject my dick back everytime I thrusted in it. felt damn good, if you're into loli and tight holes, that's a good buy.

I'm >>13007307

>> No.13008587

I've got a nekokko mii nyan but I can barely feel anything past the first bit. Looking for a really intense hole, what should I go for? I hear the slutty announcer and R20 are pretty intense but I feel I'll be missing out with the R20 since I'm about 5.5", no R20 punk reviews either. Was thinking about picking up a loli hole for extra stimulation but I'm not really into dick bullying.

>> No.13008589

>Haha, he was absolutely white. I'm a black grad student.

Holy fuck my sides when I think that some 40yo fuck is fucking used fleshie by some nigga.

>> No.13008603
File: 36 KB, 1000x1000, 51WYJz3GHmL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the evo17 2?

I mean it gotta be bestseller for a reason

>> No.13008611

It kinda sounds like some next level/meta cuck shit that /pol/ would hate (and probably jerk off too).

Honestly I bet I could make a half decent porno for gays with this premise.

>> No.13008626

Everytime I bring up the evo17 & its mult versions. I'm swayed away from it with other people on these threads saying that it is a best seller because it is riding off of its name.

What other holes do you have? What are you looking for in a hole?

I kinda wish that Tomax would make an evo17 killer that is some fusion of the Venus Clone and the Lilith Uterus.

>> No.13008627

Is that vacuum chamber is working at all? (like in Lilith etc) or it is just a gimmick?

>> No.13008634

I'm sure you can write up some elit right now. Do it and post on the referred to hellhole, please.

>> No.13008643

Mah nigga. Fuck yeah for other brothas into onaholes. Do you have any? If so what?

Nice haul bro. Wait you jerked off for THREE HOURS? I'm glad you are alive.

I sense a loli theme in your order.

Where did you order from?

>> No.13008662

>Wait you jerked off for THREE HOURS? I'm glad you are alive.

well nope, never said that, and I hopefully didn't. I used to do when using my bare hand sometimes but it wasn't often.

I used one hole and lasted 5 minutes. then I paused for about 3 hours and used VA Admission, lasted about 10 minutes.

and you're right, I pretty much only like loli, so... I ordered last wednesday from nls. 2 items weren't in stock so I had to wait monday to have my holes shipped. got them today. the delivery guy was even curious to know what I ordered from Japan, I just told him it was video games to get rid of him fast

>> No.13008724

>I used one hole and lasted 5 minutes. then I paused for about 3 hours and used VA Admission, lasted about 10 minutes.

that makes much more sense. Happy fapping

>> No.13008752

I think I'll give my holes a 3rd round soon. thank you

>> No.13008902

Hey what's up. This is me again, Dr. Big C0ck. (I don't actually have a big cock.)

Yes, I recommend that you never turn a dual layer hole inside out. Maybe some can take it, but many can't and it's not worth the risk.

I ruined my "hug me" that way. I read a report from /jp/ from someone who said he could turn his out to clean it without damaging the inner layer, so I tried it out with mine. And then after that, lumps of the inner layer started coming off every time I used it, and it eventually got to the point that it didn't feel good enough to be worth using anymore.

A harsh lesson learned, but at least it was with a fairly inexpensive hole. I'll definitely never turn another dual layer hole inside out.

>> No.13009073

Anyone have any recommendations for my next onahole?

I've been enjoying the Lilith Spiral Wave a lot. I bought a Cocolo but am not a big fan of it.

I was thinking about getting another You're My Idol, because I remember enjoying it years ago before it wore out, or maybe a Mouth of Truth, but I don't really know.

>> No.13009103

Have you got nekokko mi nyan? If not, that might be a good choice. It's cheap, durable, and strongly stimulating.

>> No.13009265
File: 26 KB, 290x290, 1_1395112541_m_GPv73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I impulsively bought this alongside AKD48. Am I gay?

>> No.13009291


>> No.13009295


>> No.13009300


>> No.13009314

T-thanks. I'm more confused than before.

>> No.13009315


I can't stop spending money on onaholes

oh god what am I doing

>> No.13009322

If you have a girlfriend, break up with her. If you have none, you're still spending way less than maintaining a qt3.14 gf

>> No.13009379

I've spent over 4k on holes and shipping. I sometimes think that's a bit excessive, then I recall previous girlfriends and I realize what a great price-per-orgasm value holes are.

>> No.13009383

Are tomax holes really that great? Is there a consensus which tomax hole is the best?

>> No.13009445

Best price-performance ratio. Also one of the most durable with 6+ months lifespan.

>> No.13009492

wait lilith is low stimulation? I use a lilith hard, and man...I need to work on stamina I guess

>> No.13009495

Clone and Real I guess

>> No.13009511
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 7a961b15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucked by an onahole
now I've seen everything

>> No.13009523

can confirm it works in lilith. for example if I pull it halfway and release, it slides back on like a piston.

don't know if suction alone adds much in terms of stim, but going in and out of the cervix is a great feeling

>> No.13009554
File: 27 KB, 433x486, 1363844268215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13009674

Suction plays as much of a role as texture in determining overall sensation. Try comparing something like the Vacuum Witch to a non suction hole like Kunoichi for a stark contrast in approach.

>> No.13009682

Virgin-age admission enthusiast here.
It's as tight as the lolinco but without the entrance gimmick, also easy to clean.

So tight.

I've had for like two months and I still can't last more than 15 minutes.

>> No.13009698

Time to start your very own onahole blog and spread the joy. Handfappers should all be converted.

>> No.13009702

>Handfappers should all be converted.

couldn't agree more. I'm a newly converted too.

also aren't you that guy who runs onahole.eu blog?

>> No.13009705

Ok, Lolinco arrived today and it's time to take her for a ride. Anything I need to know to make sure it'll be enjoyable?

>> No.13009711

Lotsa lube.

>> No.13009731

Himself. But shame on me, I have yet to get a TOMAX onahole.

>> No.13009736

o fuck. Someone important.

Yes theyre great. Clone and Real in soft.

>> No.13009743

I got my first order today (see >>13007307 ) and your blog helped me choose, so thanks I guess

>> No.13009748

I misread that as 'Someone impotent' and found it quite humorous.

>> No.13009756

Lots of good stuff :) But, how's the "Caution Tight Hole" ? I remember it was quite a pain to use it's ancestor, Kozaru..

>> No.13009766

I already used the miko imouto, admission and mouth of truth... yes, all of them today, and I was planning to use the Caution tonight to try it, even if it seems bad quality. I just threw it in my order because it was cheap and didn't increase shipping fees

>> No.13009804

What's the one on the far right?

>> No.13009822

http://en-nls.com/pict1-38906 this one?

or you meant far left maybe. in this case, it'd be http://en-nls.com/pict1-41764

>> No.13009833

We missed you.

>> No.13009834

I'm just someone, Master Rjob. Your Holy Scriptures on Pastebin make you the only and rightful Onahole Prophet, and I'm happy being your humble priest. *bows down*

(not even being sarcastic)

>> No.13009989

How's that vs the soft?

>> No.13010084

are you me?
have you tried other tomax holes?

>> No.13010158

It's a misconception. Uterus SOFT is low stim, normal and up are not at all if you're using full strokes. People that have the harder versions generally agree on that.

>> No.13010192


>> No.13010249

>The shipping status of my order has been stuck in the same state for days.


>> No.13010329

For people who have experienced 3D vagina, do onaholes feel better or worse?

I'm curious to know.

The only feeling I have experienced is the onahole.

>> No.13010351

Get a Venus Real Soft, heat it, and use it hands free. Congratulations, you've experienced sex.

>> No.13010361

I'm not him, but I have had my own question about the Real Soft

How tight is it when compared to a real vagina? Like, it is virgin tight, loose whore tight, or is it kind of average?

>> No.13010381

Probably loose whore since you can fist it quite easily, but it's perfect once you squeeze all the air out and create a bit of suction.

>> No.13010387

Or get a Clone and feel something better than 3D.

>> No.13010456

>But, how's the "Caution Tight Hole" ? I remember it was quite a pain to use it's ancestor, Kozaru..

just tried to use it, well, as its name says, it's really tight. even VA Admission is loose in comparison. it's so tight the small entry hole is hard to penetrate. and there's not much texture inside, I couldn't cum with it (well, maybe because it's the 4th time today already, though). I finished myself with the Ubu Virgin, so I used all 5 holes in one day...

yes, I really had been expecting them. can't say I'm disappointed.

>> No.13010519

onaholes feel different, in my opinion, I get better orgasms with a hole than with a gf, even with all the love and shit, I don't even miss sex

altough I miss the cuddles and hugs and her warm body at the bed but on top of everything, I miss WHEN SHE CLEAN HERSELF AFTER SEX AND I CAN JUST REST IN BED

>> No.13010565

I swear Golden Lotion must be some kind of medical grade lube. It smells like the hospital.

>> No.13010684

You mean like a hospice?

>> No.13010812

It has a medicine or rubbing alcohol type of scent... But it is the best lube for very soft holes so I tolerate the odor.

>> No.13010942

Why is it the best lube for soft holes?

>> No.13010995


post more images of your orders / collections so i can add them to the gallery, stupid weebs!

this isn't being used for judicial purposes!

>> No.13011039

>tfw 2 weeks away

>> No.13011132
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. It's here, my first onahole thanks to you. What am I in for? Can I ever go back to using my hands?

>> No.13011140

I wonder if it's any point in getting Real after using Clone

>> No.13011158

Besides hips, that might as well be the only onahole you'll need until it breaks apart.

>> No.13011231

Thicker (harder) lubes for softer holes.
Thinner (softer) lubes for harder holes.

I prefer golden for tomax very soft, Pepee (orange, jasmine, or g project nururu) for soft, and ona tsuyu or g project sarara for medium and hard.

>> No.13011251

Thicker lube is only useful for harder holes to kill over-stimulation if you find that to be a problem.
Thinner lube isn't inherently softer. It's just more slick and requires less to work.

Golden is VERY thin, yet holds its shape extremely well.

>> No.13011253

Tried one for the first time last night: the Tenga Deep Throat cup.

I have never been more disappointed. Fuck, I even showered and trimmed for that.

>> No.13011264

What? I thought Golden was the thickest lube possible, it seemed a lot thicker than my pieces after all, and has much less friction.

>> No.13011275

Spread the two out on your hands separately. Compare how thin you can make them go before they start to cause friction. Starting very small, using less and less.
Peace's will start to rub friction before Golden, due to being thicker, not spreading as far.

>> No.13011280 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1423274640840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13011282

Go die, queer. You are the bane of my existence.

>> No.13011293

I was always under the impression that thinner lubes caused more friction because they had higher water content, and water has more friction to it than lube.

>> No.13011333

i ordered 3 onaholes
MLSCBTT <-most explicit
mouth of truth

will canada customs fuck me in the ass for having loli?

>> No.13011396

Prepare your anus and retain a lawyer, canadafag.

>> No.13011420

oh hoooo

>> No.13011455

Did you get the packaging removed? if not you best hope they don't inspect that shit.

>> No.13011566

Yes, they feel very different. Clone wants to make you cum, Real wants you to take your time. I'm currently edging with my Real Very Soft right now, been going for over an hour.

>> No.13011703

Should I buy the Seventeen Bordeaux as my first hole?
How long will it last?
What other holes should I get with it?

>> No.13011715

Nobody should ever buy a Seventeen Bordeaux. Buy a Lilith Uterus instead.

>> No.13011718

No, it's a mediocre first onahole and might only last a few uses.

>> No.13011790
File: 36 KB, 975x502, wot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on the amazon.....

>> No.13011840

What should I get instead?
I was planning to buy from NLS because it works out cheaper than QueenCat because I live in Australia.

>> No.13011849

I can't get the Lilith shipped to Australia.

>> No.13011853

Just got my Seventeen Bordeaux too. It's really not that bad. It's just really soft and not as stimulate compared to R20. I think it's pretty good for beginner user.

>> No.13011860

Use jss. It's really simple if you use their proxy service. You just give them the link to what you want to buy.

>> No.13011871

>the bane of my existence

>> No.13011913

Wet meiki shin, aryune before awakening, akd 4* and kunoichi normal have been my favorites from nls.
That female announcer hole has been shilled here pretty hard recently, so it might also be something to look into.

You should look at some of the recommendations in the archive and just get something you think you'll like. Everyone likes different holes, so take their opinion with a grain of salt.

>> No.13011941

Yeah, I was looking at the Seventeen Bordeaux because it was rec'd in the pastebin and I'm too big for loli holes.

>> No.13011962


>> No.13012263
File: 2.84 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first order

>> No.13012390
File: 63 KB, 239x283, Santoucan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya did good son

>> No.13012566
File: 26 KB, 300x205, 20100519-sad-parents-300x205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey, i was peaking around in anons room in the basement and found a few things, I think we need to have a talk.

>> No.13012637 [DELETED] 

Actually if you look at the description in nls, they mention that it contains some antibacterial junk and moisturizers and stuff like that. Its definitely the most pleasant lube to just rinse off and get on with your day. (At least out of the ones ive tried)

>> No.13012745


haha jokes on you both my parents are dead and I live alone in my own house

>> No.13012933

>your blog helped me choose
I can second that. Went with VA Grad personally.

>> No.13013635

Is it worth getting the clone if I already have the soft?

>> No.13013744

Friendly reminder to listen to some H-audio while using your onahole.

It makes it even better, my god.

>> No.13013752

Why do people record and upload videos of themselves fucking onaholes?

>> No.13013756

I've gotten tired of the standard ASMR imouto sleeping and ear cleaning crap. Any other ideas to pass around?
For others to watch, of course.

>> No.13014003

I'm wondering the other way around. Is it worth getting a Real soft if I already have a Clone soft?

>> No.13014004


>> No.13014016

Good. Now trash Tenga shit and get a Tomax.

>> No.13014070

Take a look at the voice thread in /h. Some of the H audios are very good.

>> No.13014160


Is a dedicated board for stuff like that.

>> No.13014281



if that's your picture, maybe you can answer these anons' questions

>> No.13014563

Yes please

>> No.13014614
File: 2.40 MB, 640x360, Assuming Direct Control.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best experience I've had was getting high
>doing drugs while listening to this track using my puni DX. The part where both Suzushiro and Seri start licking your ears is absolutely the best. And the random intervals where she'll whisper into your ear is also great.


That was probably one of the best orgasm's I've had yet.

On a side note which one of you faggots did this.

>> No.13014651

fucking lol

>> No.13014658

meant to reply to >>13014614

>> No.13014671

Yes it's my order, but I'm sorry to say I haven't tried the Clone VS yet.

>> No.13014812

any germanbros or anyone from the eu here that bought holes from gls? is the value of the content written on the box anywhere for tax purposes? or were you betting on the package going through unnoticed?

>> No.13014867

meant to write nls and not gls
capcha: dstem

>> No.13014890

Alright, here's my experience with japan_original.
I live in an apartment complex. I ordered several things, and they all came in separate packages. All from Amazon too, weird. He didn't put my unit number on the package. It just said my name, address, and a lot of l33t numbers and letters after it. When it was delivered, my doorman gave half to me, half to some guy that lives here with my exact name; without knowing, obviously. It's been three days since I got them, and I just found this out. So he took my packages, opened them, realized they weren't his, but kept them anyway.
I tried contacting him but he hasn't responded.

It may not entirely be japan_original's fault, but there's just a warning.

>> No.13014892

they wrote the order amount in japanese yen, and I had to pay taxes too. they say they won't put a smaller value or declare it as gift

>> No.13014899

If you have any open ended onaholes maybe you can solve your problem through dick unity.

>> No.13014942

It must suck to live with niggers.

>> No.13014951

so they basically filled out one of these forms, right? did you have to pay the taxes to the delivery company?

>> No.13015002

>tfw your neighbours find out about your hobby

What items did your namesake get? He may be enjoying them right now.

He will probably thank you for helping him discover true degenerancy.

>> No.13015004
File: 261 KB, 774x1000, 1422347303642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw free onaholes arrive in the mail

>> No.13015026

Rina and MoT.

>> No.13015028

Oh god, I just ordered a girl in the box from them like 2 days ago and i live in an apartment complex. Thanks for posting this, I'll send a message asking them to make sure they include my apt #. I can't think of a worse hole for someone else to accidentally get and open.

>> No.13015082

that's correct for both. I don't know how it works in Germany, but in France I had to pay taxes to the delivery man

>> No.13015109

Is it pathetic to buy one of those animu blowup dolls just to cuddle with it while sleeping?

>> No.13015119

No. Nothing is pathetic here.
But wouldn't a Dakimakura feel nicer?

>> No.13015148

Split the difference, buy a plush doll.

>> No.13015178

Just get a Daki.

>> No.13015188

The only pathetic things here are diy cornstarch onaholes and fleshlight/tenga.

>> No.13015374

So what are the recommendations for prostate toys to go with my new onahole?

>> No.13015387

real and clone just arrived. I'm going to try them tonight, so excited.

>> No.13015509

You can't go wrong with Aneros

>> No.13015726
File: 344 KB, 374x210, 1422839411479.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got mouth of truth, my first onahole. I may suffer from deathgrip syndrome because it was tough getting to orgasm. Fapped twice and used up the 15ml of lube it came with.
Are holes like these supposed to have small holes at the end? When I was using it a bubble came out from the other end made of plastic that I think finally popped

>> No.13015762

PO boxes come in handy sometimes.

>> No.13015793

what, you really used ALL the lube for two tiles with the hole? you're not supposed to use that much. just use something about the size of a hazelnut, no more. then rub it all inside with your finger and you're ready to go.

also, what do you mean "a hole at the other end" ? please tell me you didn't punch a hole at the back end of the MoT with your dick... holy shit

>> No.13015809

Like the other anon said, you probably used like 3 or 4 times more lube than you nessecary, that's probably why you had trouble finishing, less is more in terms of lube:stimulation. Also, it's not uncommon for those to come with that exact factory defect. Not sure if anyone has a good way of fixing it.

>> No.13015817

I own a mouth of truth also and I use around 10ml of lube because its way too stimulating.

>> No.13015863

Put a couple drops of water (or spit) in your onahole when the lube gets dry. Adding more lube will just make it stickier.

>> No.13015969

My turn to comment on japan original.

I ordered an R20, an onahole warmer, and something else.

The something else and the R20 have not come yet. However the onahole warmer came today. They were all in the same order on ebay, but were shipped separately.

Not that its a problem. Free shipping and all. Just weird.

>> No.13016011

You gotta use way less lube so you can get that awesome feeling of those teeth trying to peel your skin off, that's the whole point of the hole

>> No.13016031

What's that?
And no it's like a bubble that inflated with each thrust. A small one.

Ah so maybe that's what it is. Would that hinder the suction of it? I can't really tell since it's my first ona and I have none other to compare it to. Also damn my dick head is sore.

>> No.13016040

>What's that?
Disregard this part.

>> No.13016061

not the suction, the suction is created by squeezing all the air from the end of the hole and inserting

i've read people talking about decent suction on the MoT before but never understood why, the first half of the hole is basically a cavern as far as onaholes go. the tight part doesn't start past the uvula and if you stroke past it air is going to get into the throat.

>> No.13016068


Yeah I have the same problem, pinhole at the end that's not supposed to be there

>> No.13016115
File: 483 KB, 500x375, 1421877141669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you dry yours? I tried sticking a paper towl down MoT's throat but I'm having trouble doing it. I left it with the mouth part facing down on a towel but I hope it dries well.
>tfw tried kissing it

>> No.13016128

>tfw tried kissing it
Been there done that. My ventriloquism act will take the internet by storm one day, you just watch.

>> No.13016138


Exactly that. Paper towels, shove it in as gently as possible... don't see any other way to go about doing it.

>> No.13016147

>tfw tried kissing it

so did I

>> No.13016191

put some googly eyes on it.

>> No.13016399

New thread:

>> No.13016983

I ordered a Lolinco and Mouth of Truth from japan_original on Ebay.

Has anyone here in the US ordered from japan_original? I'm interested in how long it took for you to get the package, especially if you're on the West Coast.

Also, should I record a video of myself fugging an onahole?

>> No.13016992

It took a week for my package to come.
Both of them were shipped separately though, werid but legit.

>should I record a video of myself fugging an onahole?
