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12953819 No.12953819 [Reply] [Original]

Good day to everyone! I thought I should post this here before anywhere else. I know the subject matter may be a tad alarming as I'm pretty sure some of you have heard of a project similar to this and the trouble it's caused. But we're not at all related to that.

In light of things, we decided to start up the design and planning of a Touhou Smash Bros. project, because we feel it's something that should be made. And made right. For the fans by the fans. We have a very talented programmer in our group as well as an awesome composer, but we are going to need a bit of help.

If anyone is interested in joining our team, we will need someone who can help with the engine alongside our programmer (while he can help, he cannot commit full time), as well as a 3D modeler who can pull off a bright cartoony style. Your help would be most appreciated. Having a Skype account will be necessary as well.

>> No.12953825

IaMP best touhou fightin game though

>> No.12953827

Is there a reason you started a new thread rather than posting in the existing one which already is populated by people who are interested in the project, or have an opinion on it?

>> No.12953835

I'm not affiliated at all which that other project. I wish to make something diverse from it, something that isn't strictly high level competitive gameplay.

>> No.12953848

Try reading my post again. If you weren't making useless threads like this without even bothering to catalog -> ctrl+f, you would see they live alot longer in autosage mode.

>> No.12953851

Well good luck. Make gaijins look good for a change.

>> No.12953858

I can read and write some intermediate Japanese if you need a translator.

>> No.12953862

I can be an ideas guy if you want

>> No.12953868

I think that use of a translator will come much later.

>> No.12953887

Ooookay. Not sure what you're going on about. Someone merely suggested I post here to ask for help.

>> No.12953891

Is there any money involved

>> No.12953898

I should say not yet. I do have contacts within the doujin community who could help advertise and sell our game. But that's a ways off.

>> No.12953933

I don't like smash but I hope you guys do something cool.

>> No.12953999

Where is the janny?

>> No.12954005

The what...?

>> No.12954021

I'd be willing to bet no one here is interested in helping.

>> No.12954111

Cool, when are you guys gonna start a Kickstarter campain?

>> No.12954130

Haha. Good one. xD

>> No.12954139

>I wish to make something diverse from it

>> No.12954148

Well, that game is kinda being catered to the hardcore competitive audience. But we want to make something fun that everyone can enjoy without having to learn complicated physics based tactics.

>> No.12954169

Why copy Smash though? Smash is shit.

Why not make your own original Touhou fighting game?

>> No.12954178

That game was easy as shit to learn, judging by the demo.

>> No.12954209

Well, we thought doing a Smash Bros. style game would be fun, especially using beloved Touhou characters.

>> No.12954225

Again, we're not affiliated with that other project.

>> No.12954237

What does that have to do with the awkward "diverse from" phrase you used that doesn't make any sense?

>> No.12954240

Like I said, that one is being catered to the competitive audience. We don't want to do that with this.

>> No.12954250

So you used the word "diverse" instead of "different" even though those two words have completely different meanings. Sure, that makes sense.

>> No.12954307

>Another Smash clone

That shit is so overdone by now OP.
If you don't wanna make your own, maybe think about copying a different game?

>> No.12954312

Oh, so you're not from around here. Perhaps leave the info at >>12819912, too. You might literally get completely different posters to read it there. (Don't ask.)

>> No.12954333


>> No.12954343

Thanks. I'll do that.

>> No.12954351

Maybe. But right now, we're doing this.

>> No.12954365

maybe you should learn to not words that you don't know the meaning of first

>> No.12954415

why just not make a Touhou fighting game that plays like Jump ultimate Stars with 2D sprites?

I think more people would be intressted in that kind of game.

>> No.12954500

We felt 2D sprites would take longer to produce as opposed to models.

>> No.12954545

>Jump ultimate Stars

Pleae no, at least copy a good fighting game if you have to.

>> No.12954759
File: 371 KB, 1920x1155, 10841742_835696706491604_7830757543767476682_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a character designer. Let me know if you can use me.

>> No.12954771

I'd play as the one wearing the fedora

>> No.12954787 [DELETED] 

didnt your project get shut down but ZUN?

>> No.12954787,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12954787,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12954787,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12954971

That's the same thing posted on FromSoySauce's facebook.
facebook dot com slash fromsoysauce

>> No.12954987

Wait, nevermind. I'm an autistic retard. It SAYS FromSoySauce right on the image. Anyways. No relation to the other project, huh?

>> No.12955019

>2d sprites longer to produce than models
Confirmed for not knowing jackshit about art.

These models are going to be FSS-tier.

>> No.12955076
File: 82 KB, 800x533, deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do low-poly models it could look pretty cute and nice. Here is a low-poly deer model which I thought was pretty nice. Kouotsu's models are quite nice too if any of you are familiar with his works.

>> No.12955092

Just save yourself the trouble and use MMD models.

>> No.12955101

This. Please no airdasher kusoge tho

>> No.12955103

wud fug

>> No.12955104

No. Leave that for Japan, they'll do something eventually.

>> No.12955109

I miss low-poly models. They feel a lot more expressive, like a cartoon. High-poly models either look photo-realistic, awkward, or just high-poly count collections of basic shapes.

>> No.12955115

Probably because Mugen and the official fighting games exist.

>> No.12955142

sure OP, i'll be the ideas guy :^P

>> No.12955160

>they want to "cater to the smash scene"
This thing is almost the most amusing thing.
Without being able to leech off of a popular franchise, I don't see it having much of anything going for it.

As far as Smash is concerned, the official Smash titles exist.
And beyond the official titles, Project M exists. And competing with Project M feels like something of a herculean task at best and futile at worst.

>> No.12955270

it'd be nice if the game tried to be original, instead of just "smash but with reimu please give money." There's so much room for experimentation in Smash's genre that no one is exploring. Come up with some unique mechanics and characters instead of "look you can wavedash!!"

>> No.12955962

Well if that's true then it will be the first cause of touhou's descent back into obscurity given if such descent would happen if it hadn't been for the many fans around the world. I'm curious as to where the series would go if ZUN passed away in the far future. In order for TSA and ZUN to truly make a successful living off of the media they produce, the really need to expand their audience: the Sony Campagin is a good first step, but to introduce the Lore of Touhou to the rest of the world, Zun and his team need to get over there fears with a leap of faith.

A gateway title would definitely be the safest leap into the western audience. Heck they could even use the example plot from my previous comment and I wouldn't mind (just give credit where it's due). I personally (along w/h most fans most likely) want the Touhou series to be more mainstream/successful by the time I kick the bucket and would give anything in order to make it happen.The uniqueness of an all-female cast, the gameplay, the lore, all of it would make Touhou an interesting game in the western world, and the only thing holding it back is the fear that TSA and Zun have about releasing Touhou in the West and the possible misunderstandings. It just peeves me so much because such potential is not being used to its fullest.

Now after that "rant" I really want to contribute my "icon" skills to the project. If you're interested, my primary way to contact me would be via smashboards under my alias Cahalan ATM. You guys could make an account there and then you'd be able to contact me. (Unless you prefer e-mail)

>> No.12955988

kuso game
kuso thread
op is a kusohead

>> No.12956072

> I personally (along w/h most fans most likely) want the Touhou series to be more mainstream/successful by the time I kick the bucket and would give anything in order to make it happen.

>> No.12956840

Honestly I'm not convinced by your post that you have what it takes to make a good game. I'd love if you can prove me wrong though.

Remember, half of what makes Smash great is that it is essentially the ultimate Nintendo fan service. In order to make a touhou equivalent you will need to have a lot of content. I recomend trying to contact the content creators of famous Touhou music/art etc and see if they are willing to contribute to your game. In order for this to work it needs to be a celebration of everything 2hu.

It would also need to have good gameplay - ie. balanced, tightly controlled and with a highish skill ceiling.

Honestly I think this project is a bit too ambitious for a small team to pull off.

>> No.12956959

>There's so much room for experimentation in Smash's genre that no one is exploring.

There are other games that explore the genre such as Jump Super/Ultimate Stars and PlayStation All-Stars, but they're so much inferior to Smash that nobody pays attention to them.
