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1295322 No.1295322 [Reply] [Original]

Which are the best Touhou fan remixes out there?

IOSYS is best for me.

>> No.1295326

Silver Forest

>> No.1295331


>> No.1295334

You all suck at trolling.

>> No.1295336

In before IOSYS hate

>> No.1295340


This. Used to be Silver Forest but I've really come to like MyonMyon.

On the same note, I'm thinking of getting some UI-70 stuff.

>> No.1295354


>> No.1295366


IOSYS is good if you leave them alone for a while before coming back to them. Problem with IOSYS is you've heard most of them before. Usually with each album I find I like half of it with the rest usually being too cutesy for my interests or not a style I'm too into, but I like how they mess about and I enjoyed some of their new stuff.

I pretty much always skip Touhou Otome Bayashi (the one with Border of Death and Marisa Stole the Precious Thing). Heard them both way too much.

>> No.1295372

I have something for Silver Forest, Wave and IOSYS.

>> No.1295385

Good: Demetori.

Bad: Everything else.

>> No.1295388

Where did Sakuya get such large pads?

>> No.1295390

Demetori is overrated shit

>> No.1295392

I don't know when Demetori, MyonMyon, and UI-70 got so popular, but it's fitting because they're all the best.

>> No.1295394

IOSYS was good starter music for Touhou. Then you "graduate" to something better.

>> No.1295397

Diverse System.

>> No.1295410

Touhou is a good starter series for shoot-em-ups. Then you "graduate" to something better.

>> No.1295414

ZUN !barYV1VtIA is a good starter trip for trolling. Then you "graduate" to something better.

>> No.1295428


But there are MUCH better shmups out there. A lot, too.

>> No.1295430


Like what?

>> No.1295431

But he is right

>> No.1295432


I dunno. Most people who actually PLAY the Touhou shmups (as in, try to 1cc and keep going up difficulties) tend to have already had interest in such things.

Also, MyonMyon fucking sucks ass.

IOSYS also sucks.

Actually fuck it pretty much all doujin circles for this blow massive ass aside from about one album from Hobby Atelier Carrot Wine and Demetori or so.

Everyone else just makes one or two good songs per album and doesn't try for the rest.

>> No.1295440


>> No.1295444

Kota-rock would like to have a word with you.

>> No.1295451

What are some good instrumental remixes? I've got most of SOUND HOLIC's stuff and liked it, especially the jazz pieces. On the other hand I've got an orchestrated album (forgot the title) once which was utter crap because they failed at using the instruments.

So, which group produces good instrumental stuff (jazz, piano etc. Doesn't have to be orchestrated) and knows what they are doing?

>> No.1295455

Anything by WAVE.

>> No.1295457

dBU music has never let me down.

>> No.1295465

shmups are all the same shit, faggots.

>> No.1295467

Are you kidding me.

>> No.1295473

faggots are the same faggots, faggot

>> No.1295479

Whether he is right or not is irrelevant, he's just trolling anyway.
Any statement by ZUN is trolling.

>> No.1295481

IOSYS? I like them better when they call themselves Albatrosicks.

>> No.1295482


>> No.1295486

I didn't.

>> No.1295490


I dunno, he makes sense to me most of the time.

>> No.1295499

Maybe, but still, he probably doesn't agree with what he's writing anyway.

>> No.1295508


But what he said was true.

>> No.1295519

Shut up, ZUN.

>> No.1295552


No, he really is the music and shump expert of /jp/. He even plays guitar better than me.

There's also an Eroge_Expert, but he usually posts as Anon.

>> No.1295567

He is also an elitist bastard the forces his opinions on others.

>> No.1295592


I don't force them, I just bug you all to try to defend your own.

Well DID.

I got kind of sick of trying here, most of you just couldn't manage it.

>> No.1295632


>> No.1295637

>Hurr I use multiple trips, aren't I clever

>> No.1295638

No goddamn you, let this die already, it's just going to have the same replies as already listed.

>> No.1295645

I didn't know anonymous was a bunch of butthurt fags. Having an opinion about something and asking for others to defend theirs is hardly "forcing it down someone's throat." Anyway, I tend to agree that for the most part, the touhou music scene is shit. It's hard to call something a remix when you don't do anything with it.

>> No.1295667

I like Everfades. Besides Reverie, I don't know what else they have done, but their music reminds me of how Hamauzu or Hamaguchi would arrange Final Fantasy piano collections.

>> No.1295732

Listening to Touhou Shivers right now. Is Fragile Online very popular? What you guys think? I'm personally like it, and I thought their touhou prog rock medley was pretty cool.

>> No.1295749

>every music scene is shit


>> No.1297523

I hate Four Seasons.

>> No.1297526

And Hellion.

>> No.1297552


Touhou + prog? A combination that can't lose!

>> No.1297685

My favourite Touhou fan remixes are these Donald mcDonald videos on niconicodouga.

>> No.1297717


Are you the music troll who digs Silent Hill stuff?

>> No.1297866

demetori is complete shit.
why would you listen to synth metal?

>> No.1298449

Why would you listen to real metal?

>> No.1298491
File: 341 KB, 898x1200, Ciel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads are shit

>> No.1298497

Among the best electronic stuff:
Alstroemeria Records, Delights music, Alice's emotion, ZTS, Cis-Trance, Levo Lution

Among the metal/rock stuff:
Sekkenya, Demetori, UI-70, Kota-Rock, Kishida Kyoudan & the akeboshi rockets, MyonMyon

Also some great multi-genre/other/non-assignable circles are Cytokine, Sound holic and TAMUSIC.

>> No.1298546

> Alice's emotion
One or two good songs per CD, the rest is trash and makes your ears bleed

> MyonMyon
POWERCHORDS AND MAX DISTORTION and they go through great length to rape each song as hard as they can, so that the bastard child they'll release will be as abominable as possible

> Demetori
PURE FUCKING AWESOME (except for maybe 1 or 2 songs)

>> No.1298551

 ヽ( ゚Д゚)
    O-、 )~

>> No.1298554

>one album from Hobby Atelier Carrot Wine

Which one?

>> No.1298565

>one or two good songs per CD, the rest is trash and makes your ears bleed

FANATIC HARDCORE RED LABEL would like a word with you.

>> No.1298567

I personally enjoy the Liverne compilations

>> No.1298580

dBu does the best remixes with electric guitar sound.
I haven't found any really good rock/metal group, but I guess UI-70 have some good tracks here and there.

IOSYS does the best mixed genre. Not trolling. Those that say they are good for just introduction only ever liked a small amount of their songs from the start too, but they are way more and they just didn't like it.

GCF are the best electronic.

Haven't listened to any really good symphonic, piano or jazz ones, but recently found out about shishimai brothers which seem to do a light combination of the three and I really like it (at least on the C74 album which is by one of them, I'll have to check the others).

>> No.1298594

Fuck this thread, I gonna listen to AC/DC.

>> No.1298600

Fuck AC/DC, I gonna read this thread.

>> No.1298621


>> No.1298645

I agree with Golden City Factory. Their albums are really high quality.

>> No.1299057




>> No.1299087


>> No.1299106

Honestly, I think their softer stuff is better.

But I still come buckets every time I hear Eye of the Needles.

>> No.1299136

Give me some examples of the rock you speak of.

>> No.1299155

Metal is not a rock.

Would you happen to know of a place where one can illegally download all their albums? I only have the ones available on rs.4chan and TT, and I haven't been able to find anything other than their latest album on PD.

>> No.1299164

dBU has some of the best arrangements out there. I just wish they'd use something other than a synth board.

>> No.1299190

Metal is a subdivision of the rock genre.

>> No.1299203

Yellow Zebra is a good circle IMO, simply because while they make catchy arrangements, they also play with the song structure so it's not just a straight redo of the song, while still keeping it recognizable.

>> No.1299221


Shangri-la Storm


Just get them from Doujinstyle.


Demetori are not metal.

>dBu does the best remixes with electric guitar sound.

Ugh what? It's completely in the background and nearly drowned out by the drums. And as with;


Nearly everything I've heard from most of these is just ridiculous uninspired. I don't get it either because fan projects should logically be MORE inspired and people with record labels, but so much of it just isn't.

Also, TAmusic only have one good song, and this is it.


Why? Primarly because the beat is not a piece of trash, and it actually manages to keep a good pace, unlike everything else which is just either so slow it's boring or so fast it's just wankery.

>> No.1299234


The two are fairly fucking well defined and split. This is like trying to call something electronica when it's specifically Progressive House or something, the close specifications are just plain better and more useful.

Or calling a Death Metal band "Heavy Metal"

Blanket terms are retarded.
UI-70's latest album is actually alright. Better than their other shit at least.

MyonMyon is fucking terrible in every sense of the world. WHEE 3 NOTE CHORDS OVER AND OVER WITH SYNTH FROM ONLY PARTS OF THE SONGS.

You faggots should just go listen to In Flames or Soilwork if that shit really appeals to you.

>> No.1299244

>Also, TAmusic only have one good song, and this is it.
Holy hell, everything you've said all this time has been completely invalidated by calling silentensemble a "good song".

>> No.1299251

Nah, it's just that you can insert most music genres inside four major ones, rock, rap, classical and electronic.
Anything else is pretty much a mix of those.

>> No.1299252



The guy's being a bit prickish, but what's so bad about Silent Ensemble? I disagree that it's TAMusic's only good song, but I agree with him that's it's a good song at the very least.

>> No.1299255

You don't know much about inheritance, do you?

>> No.1299264


Replace rock with blues. Rock originates from blues anyway, and blues covers off a lot more branching stuff.

Still doesn't make it less retarded.

>> No.1299272

> Just get them from Doujinstyle.
They only have those three albums as well...

>> No.1299276

Then let's just make two divisions, Classical and Nigger music.
Everything with instruments is classical, anything without is vocal niggerstuff.

>> No.1299278


As far as I fucking know, that's all there is anyway. Check the lossless torrent thing to see if there's more

>> No.1299280


Opera is nigger music?


>> No.1299282

Opera has instruments.

>> No.1299286

I found these, and I want:


>> No.1299287


Not anything more than a rap song would have.

And what're you classifying stuff with sampling and such then? Unless you're willing to say a Synthesizer isn't an instrument, in which case electronic stuff is nigger music too.

>> No.1299290

Rap is made by blacks.
Synths are derived from pianos.

>> No.1299293


There are only 3 albums on the lossless torrent, no more exist on the internet. Live with it.

>> No.1299294

I refuse.


>> No.1299297


>Rap is made by blacks.


o rly

The funny thing is, although there are a lot of really great exceptions, for the most part, blacks make the best electronic music.

>> No.1299314

Wow. This whole discussion turned toward a rather prejudicial bent.

Back to the actual Touhou music for now......

Oddly enough, as much of a fan of rock as I am, I'm not really a fan of most rock arrangements of Touhou stuff, if only because many of the songs really don't lend themselves terribly well to straight rock arrangements, which most circles doing rock tend to do.

This is probably why I like stuff more along the lines of Crow's Claw and Ataa. The former just does some well done arrangements that actually modify the songs well to their sound, while the latter is...well, they're stuff is just quirky and has a nice stripped down feel to the songs (if you don't know, they're the ones that do the song for that Cirno Love Letter video).

>> No.1299317


Ah, found one, I'll continue my search.

>> No.1299325

Another one:


>> No.1299327


Crows Claw are literally the worst case of one fucking AWESOME track then the rest being a pile of crap I've ever heard. It's even in their Type Moon albums (ie, Broken Phantasm is awesome, but they butcher everything else)

>> No.1299405

>Ugh what? It's completely in the background and nearly drowned out by the drums.
what are you talking about, there even are tracks with lead guitar.

>> No.1299455


Haven't heard any like that from then. Always been primarily synth.

>> No.1299486

that's why I said electric guitar sound. its guitar synths.

>> No.1299495

Just tracked that down and holy shit. They remixed Touhou with King Crimson. This is the most epic thing ever.

>> No.1299501



No I mean it's always been primarly synth leads, as in not even synth'd guitar lead.

>> No.1299515


>> No.1299531


Drums are totally out of sync with everything else. Also, pretty much all the lead is just scale wankery.

>> No.1299568
File: 129 KB, 495x664, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also did track 5 on UI-70's Vaguely Dreams of Scarlet Fullmoon, tracks 2 and 21 on Ground Zero, and tracks 8 and 13 on Megalomania, a Mega Man arrange album.

>> No.1299604

trolling aside I do hope you realise you didn't touch my point.

>> No.1299639

Just popping in again with my faovrite example of Yellow Zebra stuff, since most of the talk has been around dbu, Demetori, MyonMyon, etc. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX5hU4To0ts&fmt=18

>> No.1299651


1298580 here
yellow zebra is my second favorite in the female vocals deparmtent, I also like how they change the songs.

>> No.1299663

The drums aren't synced at all.

>> No.1299671
File: 425 KB, 1680x1050, 1220807244378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hands-down best two songs by Demetori:


The former was a guest track on Vaguely Dreams of Scarlet Fullmoon (hence the incorrect title/description). The latter is my favorite song of all time, Touhou or otherwise, and I still get goosebumps whenever I hear it.

>> No.1299675



>> No.1299676

you forgot your trip. stop trolling.

>> No.1299682

I don't have names enabled, sorry about that.

>> No.1299687


I didn't say that.

>> No.1299696


They don't sound off sync to me. The song does have some syncopated drums outside of the prechorus though...and the fact that the bass is horribly muddled in the Youtube-uploaded versions possibly doesn't help.

>> No.1299699

ok then stop copying Armchair_Music_Expert

>> No.1299718

That's the joke, you moron.

>> No.1299719

OK, but he'll have to sign his posts then because I can't see his name.


>> No.1299720


>> No.1299725


Pretty shitty joke.

>> No.1299726


Wow...the second song is great. Then again, it's not their usual speed metal stuff, which probably helps (nothing against Demetori, I've just kind of gotten sick of speed metal in general).

>> No.1299734
File: 852 KB, 1416x1405, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow Zebra is awesome. I like Yuki's voice very much.

Talking about circles, sakabato is very very good.

>> No.1299737

Yeah, it's one of my favorites as well, and the only reason I like Demetori.

>> No.1299783

Shout at the Devil has a nice acoustic version that's worth a listen. Don't bother with the rest of the album though.

>> No.1300386


>> No.1300446


Sinen isn't speed metal at all really.

But yeah, their that Eastern Dream arrangement is easily the best touhou arrange song ever.

>> No.1300612

I personally quite like a lot of crow's claw stuff

>> No.1300631

This, some of their songs would be awesome if it wasn't for the fucking synth

>> No.1300637

I'm looking for some Touhou rap. SOUND HOLIC did one song, but that's it.

>> No.1300663

They were actually better before they started doing Touhou arranges. Not saying they aren't still good now, though.

>> No.1300697

Issay & Geist Jazz Band that worked with Sound Holic has done the best Touhou Jazz re-arrangements.

They've since broken off and formed "Swing Holic" and released their first all jazz-album. It's got some good part but it's smoother than their previous stuff that was a lot of strong bebop. Their U.N.Owen is pretty awesome.

Doesn't sound as good in this ↑ but you get the idea.

>> No.1300715


>> No.1300741

Hmm, they did remixes of what else exactly?

>> No.1300803

They did two Type Moon albums, two Final Fantasy albums, a Ragnarok Battle Offline (?) album, and one original album (two if you count CROWZFEST).

>> No.1300828


Their Type Moon arranges only have 2 good songs in them. Vogres and Broken Phantasm.

>> No.1300860

Hm only found crowsfest and parentaladvisoryexplicitguitar on doujinstyle
What are these then?

>> No.1300904
File: 296 KB, 1209x651, Sekken-Ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread needs more Sekken Ya

>> No.1300945
File: 266 KB, 605x605, Sekken-Ya3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1300951
File: 161 KB, 480x640, Sekken-Ya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1302099

Go to crowsclaw.info and look under Discography.

>> No.1303597
File: 184 KB, 952x1465, Clipboard04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking seconding sekkenya and zekkenya.
Also, why didn't anybody bring up cool&create yet?

Furthermore, the Flowering Night concerts are quite awesome.

>> No.1305094
File: 29 KB, 320x316, King Crimson - 1997 - Epitaph Vol.1 & Vol.2 - Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The early Demetori ones done with UI-70 were good in the prog sense. Very Red. Then they started spewing out junk soon after.

Sadly I've only got the Best of Fragile Online vol. 1, of which I could only identify two King Crimson and one Yes cover. Any more of these?

>> No.1305117

>Also, why didn't anybody bring up cool&create yet?
ochinpo ga ochinpo ga BOKU NOOOOOO OCHINPOOOooooooo

>> No.1305129

ITT metalfags

>> No.1305133


We're just trolling.

>> No.1305180

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BGpEQrVxCg
While I don't agree that this is their best, I'd kill for this guy's guitar skills

>> No.1305206

...and skillful usage of the mellotron.

>> No.1305260

Ezel-Ash. Though he hasn't made many remixes.

>> No.1305261

BITPLANE is excellent. Wish they'd release something new.

>> No.1307119

If you like Ezel-Ash, try SSH.

>> No.1307125


>> No.1308146

Whoa, thanks.

>> No.1308170

What about Iron Attack

>> No.1308213

Sure Anon, just pad this thread with awful recommendations. Perhaps it will last until next Monday.
