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12938016 No.12938016 [Reply] [Original]

Soooo, I have actually played all the official touhou games, but I have never read any of the mangas. Where should i start?

>> No.12938037
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>> No.12938054

O-okay anon-kun, if that is what you say.

>> No.12938793

Release order.
Skip the first one and the Inaba 4koma

>> No.12940326

>skipping Inaba
It's not canon but it's still good silly fun.

>> No.12940358

Why do people dislike SSiB? I find it quite interesting.

>> No.12940359

Skip everything before Inaba/Inaba.

They aren't worth reading, don't make sense canonically, and have terrible art.

>> No.12940384


>> No.12940393

Prove it.

>> No.12940404

By skip the first one I meant Seasonal Dream Vision.

Also Inaba is fun, sure. But if you read it first it's just going to confuse you.

It still must be read for the sake of knowledge.

>> No.12940475

Everything that happens on the moon is horrendous, before that it's alright.

Art is pretty shit too.

>> No.12940490

Their favorites got owned.

>> No.12941912

anyone know a site where I can read these in english?

>> No.12941927

SSiB is about as bad as DBZ fanworks where the creator's OC wrecks everyone without trying.

And the art wasn't as good as the DBZ fanworks either.

It was so bad that none of the moon OCs ever get mentioned again by ZUN.

>> No.12941930

The translations are linked to in the wiki.

>> No.12942007

This, but don't skip SSiB and the Inaba 4koma.

>> No.12942037


>> No.12942507

This anon knows what's up, that's what I did.

Except for BAiJR, PMiSS, and SoPM, which I was told to read first because they don't particularly follow a plot and are mostly there for the sake of fleshing out the characters.

>> No.12942553

...nigger what? Have you read Inaba or SoPM?

The moon princesses were directly mentioned by ZUN in SoPM.

>> No.12942577

Yukari wants to go to the moon, Remilia steals her idea because she wants to bring back part of the moon's ocean as a souvenir for the SDM.

There. You don't have to read SSiB now.

>> No.12942584

...explain why they don't make sense canonically?

>> No.12942618

butthurt because their waifu got rekt by superior moonhus

>> No.12942630

Anyone complaining about SSiB for being relatively empty needs to go read CiLR. They are a pair, and CiLR is the more important part.

Anyone complaining about broken Watatsuki sisters is fine to complain about using superpowers as devices just to beat the others, but if anyone thinks that SSiB was about the "battles" then they seriously missed pretty much the entire book and focused on the completely wrong things.

>> No.12942672

I actually like Aki Eda art. It's Makoto Hirasaka art that I dislike.

>> No.12942745

Zun wtf. That is retarded

>> No.12942749

>It's Makoto Hirasaka art that I dislike.

You have neither taste nor soul.

>> No.12942761

They are all shit that people only read because it says Touhou on the cover. Especially the first 2 manga. The 4koma is probably the best one because it at least doesn't have terrible pacing, making it the least painful to read.

>> No.12942777

you are an idiot

>> No.12942847

But those manga feel really Touhou in that everyone take it easy.

>> No.12942935

This, really, it's the take it easy pace, very Touhou-like. I find all of them enjoyable read.

>> No.12942949

SSiB is almost too Touhou-like, which I guess everyone hate.

Everyone acting smuggy as fuck.
The plot is simple but very complex structure.
Very big battles but nothing gets hurt because it's just playing around.
Tea party ending.

People want to get a serious Touhou battle manga, they get a Touhou manga.

>> No.12942957

>The plot is simple but has very complex structure.
Not quoting, just fixing.

>> No.12942977

Just play the game if you want serious Touhou battle. How do you even depict danmaku battle in drawings?

>> No.12942981

The games aren't serious Touhou battles either, they are just playing, hence the slow, flowerly patterns.

>> No.12943025

It's very Touhou like. I especially like how it looks like shit.

>> No.12943030

ZUN doesn't care about how the art goes either since he didn't tell a lot of details on the weapons the moonies use either so Aki Eda just go with bolt action rifles.

>> No.12943035

It doesn't communicate itself very well. When I read CiLR I came to really love the story and ideas. I think it needed another volume, and an artist with more range than cute yuri comics. And I can't believe they left out Yukari's fucking checkmate at the end. Probably wasn't written yet.

I wish ZUN would try another big story.

>> No.12943038

That totally makes it better. After all, it's ok if something is shit as long as it's Touhou.

>> No.12943040

It's not "shit" though, it's just Touhou.
Yes, ZUN admitted this in SoPM, he didn't communicate with Aki Eda very well.

>> No.12943044

Yeah, and I think a WaHH bonus said how specific ZUN gets now over the details.

>> No.12943046

What is that even supposed to mean? Is there some rule that says Touhou must look like ass even when ZUN is hiring someone else? Touhou is not a quality level or standard.

>> No.12943055

It means it doesn't suck, it's a Touhou manga with plot just like in the games, inconsequential and meant to be humorous rather than serious.

And I don't think Aki Eda art is that bad anyway.

>> No.12945361

Better to go with publication order if you can manage it. http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/東方儚月抄 has a list for people who want to read Bougetsushou, which is the best I could find on that angle.

I suggest reading the music CD stories first - they're short, interesting and set up a few concepts.
Then read the encyclopedia-type books.
Then read Silent Sinner in Blue + Cage in Lunatic Runagate in the order the chapters are listed on the page above (Inaba is fun, but you don't lose anything by reading it later).

Then read Lotus Asia, Inaba, and the Three Fairies series in any order.

Save Wild and Horned Hermit + Forbidden Scrollery for last, since they're the most recent.

>> No.12945385

>Then read the encyclopedia-type books.

Not him but I'd like to reminder those things are super accurate since they have in part the point of view of Akyuu.

>> No.12945549
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Super accurate Akyuu never forgets!

>> No.12945581

Damn, I'm sleepy.
I meant "aren't super accurate", you know how Akyuu is all "REMOVE YOUKAI"

>> No.12946422

I love ZUN's written work. It has such a unique feel to it.

>> No.12947129

Akyuu is only "REMOVE YOUKAI" in public; she works with people like Yukari in private, and even tries to make her books appealing to youkai as well as humans. She knows that, as beings of chaos, youkai need the human-youkai conflict in order to survive (and that the conflict isn't actually a threat to humans due to the spell card system). However, it is impossible for Akyuu to work with anyone without constantly snarking at them, so she tends to comes across as hostile anyway.

When she thinks Kosuzu is turning into a youkai she doesn't think it's warped or evil. She just says goddammit Kosuzu don't come crying to me when the village finds out and expels you.

>> No.12952536 [DELETED] 
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>I sure am glad I sent my ID to moot to suck dicks for free

- TheBurnWard
