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12929498 No.12929498 [Reply] [Original]

While going trough these I just realized something
Outside world has very interesting lore

>> No.12929509
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elaborate please

>> No.12929589

>As the sins of the spirits trapped in the earth by asphalt are fading away, there are a lot of cracks in the roads of Tokyo.
>Even inside the perimeter of the Yamanote Line, a strange field is starting to form. Not leafy plants, but curious flowers made of nothing but stalk and petals are covering the roads. The number of the old-fashioned vehicle called the car has decreased along with the decrease in population. Even if anything major happened to the roads, it would not be an inconvenience.

>Nowadays, nobody would believe something as old-fashioned as that.
>Virtual sensations stimulates people more than real ones.
>Just as they cannot distinguish between dreams and reality, and humans from butterflies.
>It's common sense in these days that these two elements can never be separated.
>Needless to say, virtuality is the essence of human.

There was also bunch of other details that differentiate it from real world like Mount Fuji being World Heritage Site

>> No.12929589,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12929665

>along with the decrease in population
As the human race? Or something else?

>> No.12929686

This was said by someone overhearing conversation between Maribel and Renko
This person is most probably talking about humans but if he is talking about population of Japan or whole humanity is not specified

>> No.12929726

Name other details?

>> No.12929748

In Magical Astronomy (2006-08-13) Renko and Mary talk about a space station where rich people go and can flavour 0 gravity coffee from its coffee shop.

Recently we got this:


>> No.12929750

Maybe the Outside World is in the same year, but has 5 to 40 years ahead of us in technology.

>> No.12929776

The outside world is our world, Renko and Mary live in the future of our world.

Gensokyo is linked to our current timeline (major proof are Sanae, Kanako and Yukari) while Renko and Mary are in a somewhat distant one.

>> No.12929779

Yeah, Gensokyo time is slower than the Outside.

If Sakuya could stop time, will it pause outside or not? Gensokyo and the Outside World has a different rate of time.

>> No.12929784

So we will be able to enter GSK in the far future?

>> No.12929799

Yukari said it doesn't snow any more in the outside world.

>> No.12929806

I don't really recall her saying that, I think it was more about the winter being actually way warmer due to the greenhouse effect.

What chapter was it again?

>> No.12929816

I don't remember exactly. It was the chapter where she gives Reimu a rare plant to make some soup I think. I should have saved the page

>> No.12929898
File: 383 KB, 823x1200, Makoto_Hirasaka_and_ZUN_-_Strange_and_Bright_Nature_Deity_ch07_strange_and_bright_ch07_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it.
I don't really know what to say, the rest about ours being the outside world just fits so well.

>> No.12929934

>Marisa wants nuclear winters in Gensokyo
Pray she never harnasses the Ultimate Master Spark powered by Okuu.

>> No.12930070

Sounds like the future that causes by us. This is our future, gentlemen. Because of the likes of us it is possible.

>> No.12930309

Nah, you'll have two games released a year apart, and then someone in Game B mentions that Game A happened last year. Happens all the time.

Easiest way to explain away the inconsistencies that creep in is "having youkai-ish powers slows your aging".

>> No.12930328

The real world is really interesting.
Since Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream we know an unified theory was successfully created and this was reinforced in some of the Renko and Maribel albums, I don't remember which one.
I can't help but be astounded at every mention of how this real world is going to be like in the future.
I wish Zun would just release his newest song collection already so I could see more implications of Maribel's newest powers.

>> No.12930335

Then why is Gensoukyou still around ~1900?

>> No.12930403

Why does Japan still use fax machines for everything?

Gensokyo has been cut off from the Outside World for a long time - while there are occasional Outsiders brought in, they don't fit in well and are rarely able to duplicate modern technology.

>> No.12930419

Keep in mind the "outside world" is Japan. It's not that big if it doesn't snow anymore on some already semi-tropical island chain.

>> No.12933389
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Me too. I can't shake the feeling that eventually Maribel will worm her way into the main games/Yukari will eventually interfere. I also want some more Ghostly Field Club-esque music. Zun's great. Doujinshi made of the two's really captivating, also.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx2RVQ6yMfs I get chills everytime.

>> No.12933423

>Maribel was hospitalized for delirium.
>Chased by a chimera on Satellite Torifune and was scratched. The scars appear in real life.
>Maribel is starting to question reality. Whether the outside world or Gensokyou is the real world. Probably slowly losing her grip.
>Renko can do nothing but watch.
>Either one of them describes the outside world as being a place where children don't smile anymore and strawberries don't grow anymore, either.
Please don't do this, Zun. It's even worse that the story he wrote her Dolls in Pseudo Paradise was a take on Ten Little Soldier Boys. About some soldiers who are slowly picked off one by one.

>> No.12933550
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If the games are happy-go-lucky and have little girls causing incidents to drink tea afterward, where would ZUN write the true nature of youkai?
The album and side stories! A serial killer from DiPP can easily be among the denizens of Gensokyo. There can easily be a savage Gensokyo in space, where the chimerae feed. Kisume may conveniently store severed heads!

>> No.12933565

The story he wrote in DiPP was based on Ten Little Niggers.

I mean, he namedrops U.N Owen and anything.

>> No.12933574

>>>Renko looked on as Merry was getting all excited about something.
She kept on muttering things like “Izanagi was real..." on and on. It was as if Merry was going off somewhere all by herself and Renko started to feel lonely.

Come to think of it, recently it felt as if Merry's abilities were getting stronger. At first they had fun enough with just being able to catch a glimpse of strange new worlds, but now they were bringing things back from those worlds as if it were nothing.
In those strange worlds they had sometimes encountered beings like youkai. To Renko, those were just figments of her imagination, but to Merry, they were real.

Renko couldn't help thinking that Merry was on the same level as those youkai.

- Trojan Green Asteroid

It's not looking good.

>> No.12933580

I was kinda sad ZUN stop releasing more albums, I guess we need more games for more music hence more remixes.
