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12925683 No.12925683 [Reply] [Original]

Why there's such a huge gap between mystic square and Eosd soundtrack? And no I'm not talking about the sound font nor the bit quality I'm talking about the composition pc-98 soundtracks are weak, inconsistent, repetitive and boring. From koumakyou all these windows soundtracks are master pieces in comparison with pc-98 compositions
what happened to zun between these 2 titles?

>> No.12925689

3 years gap
that's a lot of beer taken

>> No.12925713

He got better, obviously.

>> No.12925716

I disagree. Some pc98 track are gold like Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream and Strawberry Crisis.

>> No.12925719

Here's the missing link:


>> No.12925722

>mystic square and Eosd
SG came in between, and has better music than either

>> No.12925740


Woops, here's the better link.
Though I disagree, while I too find good part of the stage themes kinda repetitive there are also very good themes like Chiyuri's, Mima's, Yumemi's, various stages etc.

>> No.12925801

what's sg?

>> No.12925812

Steins gate

>> No.12925825

that's totally unrelated or is this a poor attempt to troll?

>> No.12925846

SG's music sounded very chunky imo.
Its melodies really starded to shine with the lattter arrangements from the Renko and Mary CDs.

>> No.12926048

PoDD is the only good PC98 soundtrack as a whole

fight me irl if i'm wrong

>> No.12926071

Shuusou Gyoku. Lurk more next time.

>> No.12926083

EoSD and PCB has a huge gap, too, although in a different manner.
EoSD has this terrible sound or something, don't get me wrong, its composition is great and all, but in later albums when ZUN redid some EoSD tracks, they're far better than the game version.
UN Owen
Shanghai Alice

>> No.12926117

Those are really good especially Shanghai Alice

>> No.12926119


While I agree there's an audible difference between EoSD and PCB, it can be explained by slightly newer/better samples being acquired for PCB onwards. It's also a reflect of ZUN's progressive improvement on working with a new system.

But sorry, the tracks you presented sound fucking atrocious in comparison to EoSD. There's a lot of out-of-tune stuff going on - and I'm a person that enjoys microtonal stuff, this is not microtonal, it's unpleasant - and no care for the attack and release on the instruments - even more perceptible on the strings used for Mei's theme.

>> No.12930805

All of them have good songs and bad songs.

I think it really it is a question of ZUN's skill, as the PC-98 can emulate the soundtrack of PCB pretty well.


>> No.12931003

EoSD remake when?

>> No.12931145

>But sorry, the tracks you presented sound fucking atrocious in comparison to EoSD.

That's because you people are using YouTube for music lol

>> No.12932031

128k (or higher) is not hell, its just audibly inferior.

Now, on older videos I can agree with you, but I have no problem listening to music on recently uploaded videos.

>> No.12932074
File: 6 KB, 311x216, 1400748648570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm talking about the composition pc-98 soundtracks are weak, inconsistent, repetitive and boring

>Eternal Shrine Maiden
>Now, Until The Moment You Die
>Blade of Banishment
>Hakurei ~ Eastern Wind
>End of Daylight
>World of Empty Dreams
>Himorogi, Burn in Violet
>Complete Darkness
>Strawberry Crisis
>Bad Apple
>Maiden's Capriccio
>Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star
>Romantic Children
>Plastic Mind

Fuck off you tasteless cocknigger.

>> No.12932086

Be nice, he prolly just heard a few PC-98 tracks in a video and doesn't know better.

>> No.12932111

Nah, The version of U.N owen was her that you posted has samples that sound too MIDI-ish and is highly noticiable by the piano. Also that version of Shanghai alice is supossed to be an arrange.

>> No.12932119

Are you serious? the PC-98 games had some really good tracks and the composotion was really good, you only notice a gap because the PC-98 had a really limited sound as oposed as the EoSD engine.

>> No.12932144

I've always thought that the soundtrack quality remained kind of constant over the series.

There are some exceptions of course, some drops here and here, but I think this is a matter of personal preference and how ZUN likes to use specific musical styles in certain songs that the player might not like.

And hearing a song remade from 8bit-likeness to "X style", like it happens in fan remixes can make you love a song even if you always disregarded it.

>> No.12937637 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, you and me have the exact same favorites. I mean absolutely exact.

I thought I was the only person who loved Blade of Banishment, End of Daylight, and World of Empty Dreams.

Thanks for reaffirming my beliefs, anon!

>> No.12937645

I would pick the exact same favorites as you, even Blade of Banishment and World of Empty Dreams, except I think "Alice in Wonderland" is the best PC-98 track.

>> No.12937722

Shit, if this is what PCB's OST sounded like I would top Mystic Square's.

>> No.12937725

Listening to the game 1-5 OSTs gives me goosebumps.

>> No.12937739

ZUN's compositional skills have pretty much stayed constant. Arrangement, on the other hand, has gone downhill since MoF (10D excluded). Kinda wish he'd break out a different sound set or something.

>> No.12937796

...that's exactly what he's been doing...???

>> No.12937869


Is it me...or did the PC-98 games' music have a darker atmosphere to them? I dunno if it's the lack of actual instruments or what, but somehow they just have a gloomier feel to them.

>> No.12937940

Don't mind me, just being the best song in the entire series.


>> No.12938163


They were definitely more surreal and foreboding, which is what I loved about them.

In most of the series, the lack of explanations seems to be for the sake of the fans, but in the PC-98 games its as if there is nothing to really be said.

SoEW is probably the most egregious example, in that the scenery is either dim dusk or literal phantasmagoria, with the bosses being as undefined as the girl with the katana or the Five Magic Stones.

Playing SoEW is like walking in the forest, with a foot of snow on the ground, just when the dusk and the night become almost imperceptible in the haze of cold, uncaring blue-grey turning black. Its nice but sterile.

>> No.12938174

Genmukai and Eternal Shrine Maiden are too similar.

You can even overlay them: http://a.pomf.se/xenhqp.mp3

>> No.12938987

I miss Fantastic Modulation

I'd love to see ZUN take a break from releasing games for a little bit to work on music using old synths. I really like the sound they make much more than the modern stuff.
