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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12901722 No.12901722 [Reply] [Original]

FAQ: http://www.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender


Beginners guide


>> No.12901725

Any active alliances out there that I can join?

id: 8w22i

>> No.12901727

So the next event is going to be about cat girls

I gope you like catgirls

>> No.12901832

I am hype, but at the same time I'm sad because I didn't manage to get a Beezlebub this event, I just wanted that puffy loli pussy.

>> No.12901846

Seriously, couldn't all of you have waited for a day so that we could have a catgirl OP pic?

>> No.12902374

My AW notification hasn't been working in the last few days, but other things like BP, vit, AB notification still work fine. Does this happen to anyone else? Usually I don't mind it because I'm taking it easy right now, but this will be a major pain if I go for rank.

>> No.12902438


>> No.12902485


Be there in a day.

>> No.12902493

I had this happen to me, what I did was simply clear my notifications out(I am using bluestacks so I just let everything sit there). After I cleared it out I started getting the notifications again, I guess it's some kind of bug with having too many notifications.

>> No.12903616
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>> No.12903629
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16 card Dragon Knight is complete! I accidentally forgot to use the safety arcana a couple of times and got a couple Dragon Slayers by mistake but she's done and she's a cutie.

Once she falls in love, which N card should I 16 card evolve next?

>> No.12903649

Congrats, man.
I dunno, what's left?

>> No.12903661

Let's see, I've done 16 card evolves with:

Dragon Knight
Lacrosse Master
Rambler Rose
Life Saver
Blue Knight
and Teacher

>> No.12903668


>> No.12903672
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Looks like I have Storyteller in my collection not 16 card evolved. She's an old favorite of mine but I dunno, she already loves me

>> No.12903680

Sure, I can do that! She's in regular campaign's too so she should be easy to collect.

>> No.12904106

Hey I just got back into the game and was wondering if /jp/ horizon has any space my friend recommended it to me and if there's no room could you kick any inactives, thanks.
My ID is 5oowu

>> No.12904126

Also forgot to mention 1 day timer since I just left an inactive alliance.

>> No.12904609

Why is this game so fucking goddamn hard to get into. I killed 100ish of each AW to get their likability to max. Then I kill 130 Huang Long's and I still don't get the likability to max. So I'm fucking 530 kills in and only got 4 of the cards. 0 of them dropped, they are all from likability. Now I'm out like $40 from buying valkyrie swords/shoes and I didn't even get the fucking card.

>> No.12904636

New event is on
Both FAW and AW are fucking useless but they are qt as hell
>Polaris is available for Awakening
fuck yess
>have to Amalganate Catagion with an enemy that only appears in Witch Gate to get a Catcine
fuck nooo

>> No.12904667

Oh man these cards are too qt. How do you rank? I'm level 45 100 jewels and a couple of swords and shoes saved. Do you just keep buying shoes and swords? Should I focus on assisting every AW I can or getting them myself? Last question how many $$$ does it take to get top 500? Or top 3000 to get that UR

>> No.12904683

I spent totally about ~$400, rank 121 last event. The step up summon last event is a heaven's gift. Get my whole FAW killer team from that summoning

>> No.12904702
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Disease turns girls into catgirls

Wanting to stop it

>> No.12904705

It was around 3 mil points a day last event to get into the top 300. 2.5mil a day will get you into top 500. And the other ur u can get from amalgation so its not too bad.

>> No.12904749

Already got 2 Laperm after 3 encounters in the witch gate. I was super unlucky in the last even, so this is their way of making it up to me.

>> No.12904766

Is it just me or are there no quests for this event?

>> No.12904773

There are no quests, read the news

>> No.12904815

Sweet, first Catagion get.

>> No.12904848

GSR Polaris or UR Amatsukami? At the moment I only have enough medals to max one.

>> No.12904872


>> No.12905000
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>> No.12905231

Welp got my HSR Catagion already, guess I can take it easy.

>> No.12905234 [DELETED] 
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Looking to sell my main, will play casual until I have found someone else for it. Current offer 250$ but is not able to buy it till end of february...
Level 130
RAT 18
Magicschool Level 10
3 Yggdrasil Trees
Almost all buildings maxed
Lots of event/gem decoration
200 Cardspace and almost Max deck cost limit (missing +10 and +20)
Only 2187 Medals since I maxed a few cards but tons of SR to medal
30 Valkyrie Shoes (Witchgate OP)
70 Valkyrie Swords
99 Light Valkyrie Swords + more than 50 in presents
51 Upgradepotions
10 Valkyrie Rods
Almost all Arcana maxed except ATK and DEF (Both 43)
4k Maiden Tickets (333 Shoes or Swords or 33 Premium summons)

GUR Cards:
GUR Promotheus (Maxed)
HUR Promotheus 2x
HUR Calamity
HUR Juliet

H/UR Cards:
HUR Tyr (Maxed)
HUR Barista
HUR Kyohime 4x
HUR Trapmaster (Maxed)
HUR Persephone
HUR Wind Chime
HUR William
HUR Oracle Ascendant (Maxed) 2x
HUR Princess Black Rose
HUR Jack O' Lantern
UR Chainsaw Girl
UR Pup
UR Tyr
UR Magma (almost Maxed)
UR Annaberge
UR Azi Dahaka (Maxed)
UR Antigone
UR Teaspoon
UR Calligrapher
UR Harmonia
UR Kikimora
UR Scheherazade
UR Crescendo
UR Fu Xi
UR Colobockle
UR Furries (Maxed)
UR Inanna (Maxed)

Ranking Rewards:
HUR Charlotte
HUR Peacock
HUR Ometeotl
HUR Clockmaker
HUR Nureonna
UR Hygieia
UR Queen Arthur
Lots of HSR and SR Cards, see Pictures or add 5ty55 for collection. For more questions please message me via line: chkaze or per email: shiinavalkyriecrusade@gmail.com


>> No.12905295

I am so disappointed by this event, it could have been awesome but all the cards are shit, even the RR... Oh well, guess I'm farming some SRs for leveling up HUR/GUR/GSR cards... And maybe I will have time to finish the regular campaign.

>> No.12905335
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>> No.12905510
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14 failures out of 17 tries now. I swear to God if I don't get a success before 20 I will never play again. And this time getting an SR I've wanted since I started playing will not save them.

I am BEYOND fed up with this bullshit

>> No.12905517
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..... Yeah, well; I'm still mad

>> No.12905716

How do I get the Low-ya promotional card?

>> No.12906022
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Less than 30 kills... not bad. Depending on my luck might even go for perfect amalga. If not just one amalga UR + reward for top 3000.

>> No.12906074

They probably wanted to give people some time to rest after the last one. Catcine seems pretty solid for AUB, all cards are really cute this time.

Maybe I should try going for RR, only for the looks... UR looks better than HUR so just one would be enough

>> No.12907112
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Do you think if we all asked they would turn off first round AOEs? Wasting 4 and 5 Battle Points on one Archwitch is retarded.

>> No.12907142
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And what the hell is this, seriously? None of my buffers proc for 35 rounds?

>> No.12907225


git gud

>> No.12907229


Newish player here, can you use Cassandra or something like that to get the card more easily when you encounter it?

>> No.12907269

The first turn AoE makes Jewbee so much money on swords, so I highly doubt they would remove it. I mean fighting AWs have only gotten worse, I atleast havn't seen attack skill blocks untill last event, and it's a huge pain, and it's here again this event.

>> No.12907371
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Fourth kill and she already drop. I cannot believe in my luck.

>> No.12907434

>So I'm fucking 530 kills in and only got 4 of the cards. 0 of them dropped, they are all from likability. Now I'm out like $40 from buying valkyrie swords/shoes and I didn't even get the fucking card.

It always takes me around 150 kills to get one SR to drop, but my LUK stat is pretty low.

I'm happy to have at least one Huang Long from fusing the 4 cards though. I had no atk buffer before.

Why contain it?

>> No.12907548

Except it takes easily 600ish kills to get all 4 to drop without likeability. I did it 3 times and they were all around 600+.

>> No.12907747

The last event was my first attempt at ranking (and I decided to do it just before the halfway point, so fuck me) and I would like to thank the people in /jp/alliance1.1 and all the senders/traders from the last thread and the document list. You guys are my saviors. Sorry if you didn't get as many FAW's back from me as you expected, I started to run out of swords near the end and prime-time was non-stop requests. I'll be sharing the love around for the next few events as much as I can while hunting for awakening materials.

Stock up on swords and shoes, find some nice senders or traders on compatible time-zones, and send them FAW's, and hopefully they'll send you some back. I used about 30-40 full swords (at 17 BP) while *trying* for 6m/damage per FAW w/ 1.5x pts HSR. Final result was rank 120. I don't think this event has a dedicated FAW area so ranking might be more of a pain in the ass for this event.

>> No.12907890

Yeah I only have 9 bp right now so I guess I will settle for top 3000. It would probably just be a waste of money with such low points. I'll try ranking an event when I have more bp/vitality

>> No.12908172

Why does this game randomly change which unit is my dispatch unit?

>> No.12908350

No, you are guaranteed to get a treasure chest from her, so Cassandra's skill doesn't matter.

>> No.12909072

Just fought an AB where one girl had 35000 soldiers, what's up with that?

>> No.12909098
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GSR proc'd with her skill

As for me? 5 points from 940500! Hahahahahahaha!

>> No.12909210
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anyone willing to join my alliance "Divine Sword" ? I need good players in order to get all of the Jordi cards in the alliance battles. My team is doing pretty poorly atm, I could really use some help

>> No.12909256
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I feel your anguish...
26 total members and only 4-5 ever participate at one time

>> No.12909260

git gud

>> No.12909273

it takes more than one person to get enough points to get the Jordi rewards

>> No.12909873
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Two more LE drops and time to make Catcine.
Not bad drop rate too, was scared it will be next nightmare but going preety well.

>> No.12909957
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Teach between love and lust ...? But why?

>> No.12910159

>fight in the alliance duel
>every single team is 5 girls
>they AOE out of their ass on the first turn for way more damage than my maxed cards have soldiers for

how the fuck do I get good cards?
Do I have to hope I get copies of SR cards to evolve?

>> No.12910196
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AoE cards are the standard for PvP teams, some also use a single card with skill nulification to counter AoE. But I still prefer AoE cards, the higher the proc chance the better, no problem even if the card only procs during the first turn, because it's the only turn that matter.

>how the fuck do I get good cards?
>Do I have to hope I get copies of SR cards to evolve?
Yup, and you are in luck because this event's FAW has an AoE skill, you can make a decent PvP team with just her. Other cards with AoE skills are also very common so you can get them sooner or later if you kill enough FAWs.

>> No.12910362

What is wrong with that picture? The image is blurry, low quality and looks like it's a screenshot from some anime. The gun has very little detail and it's proportions are all weird. The bullets which she has hanging are way too short for that (unrealistically modelled) gun. Why does she have a tattoo? And in that place? Disgusting pervert. And that generic super boring moe eyepatch... Umm no, I don't prefer girls with faulty eyes, thanks retard developers.

Bad game, wouldn't play.

>> No.12910821
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Hello friends,

I'm a new player who pretty much just started. Would anyone like to give me their code so that I can say they invited me and get us both a thingy?

>> No.12910826


>> No.12910828

Done and done

>> No.12911200

Indeed sir, what is your ID? I will add you to my friend's list.

>> No.12911252

Lv 36 need an alliance and tomodachis to bully witches with: 8r8cw

>> No.12911413
File: 317 KB, 640x896, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone used low res image, and its N or R card...

Now look at last event UR card..

>> No.12911480

Ok, thats more like it. Is that an enlarged image though? If not, it has color banding, and looks like small amounts of dithering too.

There is no need for that on moder machines. The color is lacking bit depth.

Oh wait! Is that because it's browser game and they want the cards to load fast and also save on their internet bill. BAD GAME, WOULDN'T PLAY. Waste of good art. People this is why you don't play casual browser games, this is what they force down your throat.

>> No.12911494

Hey Tek minihori here save me that place nubee still haven't responded to my confirmation email.

>> No.12911496

Also my ID on my old account I am getting back is 73dqe just gotta wait for them to manually transfer it

>> No.12911510

I'm seriously considering getting a tablet or something just to play this

>> No.12911516

Bluestacks yo

>> No.12911551

Why are you feeding the troll? Please stop.

>> No.12911627 [DELETED] 

Finally I've got it!

>> No.12911634 [DELETED] 

Oops, here it is:

>> No.12911645 [SPOILER] 
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Finally I've got it!

>> No.12911668

I am that "troll" and everything I said is true.

I am so above these casual browser games. You /jp/ should be ashamed of yourself for playing these. Go play some touhou now. Or what, too hard for you?

>> No.12911757

Can someone explain the Catcine Proc?

>> No.12911780

I only play Call of Duty, you filthy casual.

>> No.12911866

Yea, me and my clan will fucking wreck you. Fight me IRL.

>> No.12911896
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I'll duel you anytime anywhere, nerd.

>> No.12911906
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Sent, good luck with the recovery.

Anyone have an idea what the drop rate is on this girl? Since we need 4 it seems abysmally low.

>> No.12911926

I got 2 to get catcine and only spent 2 Witch Gates ^^ btw, i don't get the point of catcine's proc ^^'

>> No.12912032

Her proc is really good for AD and duels, basically you take 80% less damage and that gets reflected back 800% stronger

>> No.12912035

It's probably as low as getting a witch from an AW, luckily I got 1 pretty early.

>> No.12912058

Got 2 copies in 60 kills, but I`ve heard horror stories of people getting nothing in 100.

So yeah, its RNGesus.

>> No.12912059

Thank you so much!

>> No.12912667

>almost got into top 50 with a meager 7 mil
I was expecting ranking to be a easier now but this is a bit too much. Did everyone who ranked last event die or something?

>> No.12912716
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/jp/alliance1.1 has two spots open now. The alliance is still searchable, but make sure you're on the spreadsheet before applying.

>> No.12912779

>have HSR Catagion
>WG refuses to appear
oh come the fuck on

>> No.12913052

Well anyone who got 2-3 copies of GUR Huang Long dont care about 250% buffers any more.
I got two GUR Huang Longs, and retired both my 250% buffers, the def buff is too good.

Put AW on hold, walk in 1-2. WG tends to show when you are in low vit so do it around castle regen or be ready to burn some blues.

>> No.12913086
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Am I the only one who gets constantly dueled in AUB? With duels, I mean normal duels.

>> No.12913090

I guess.
It honestly happened only once to me. Maybe you are low on soliders or have easy to beat def team?

>> No.12913195

Can you show me the stats on those with their awakening skill? I'm working on awakening my amalgamated Huang Long and considering if the 700 soldier loss on my unamalgamated version is worth the attempts

>> No.12913200

It's not a browser game nor was it ever. It's a smartphone game. You ask too much from a phone.

>> No.12913257

This time nubee gets back the old formula. There is no area of higher rate. So it mainly depending on comrades and alliance's FAW trade.

A tips: trade in right timing.

Personally I hate this kind of events. Too much effort and not rewarding. The last event or sulis one was much better.

>> No.12913271

Since AUB is kinda "balanced" and p2w. Getting better members do not really help you to win. Note that A rich member with 2 account can do 300k by himself.

There are only a few alliances that can win AUB all the way to the end.

>> No.12913278

There are more people do duels in AUB time.

Hint: If your def team match their atk team, you get more battles. (You still get lots of battles when you have a strong def team.) So if you want to avoid battle, you can think about changing the def team.

>> No.12913282

Actually now we are on the subject I did play quite a lot of Call of Duty, even though people dislike the game, I think it was good fun. Oh yea and I wasn't joking, my clan would wreck you, we were rank 79 in the world. So come at me.

>> No.12913334
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>> No.12913336
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Two in a row!

>> No.12913342

Aww, wrong picture, the first was #197 into my deck

>> No.12913349
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Oh my god ... 3 in a row???

>> No.12913369
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This isn't fair, this isn't even fair. All that shit I've put up with, the RNG hates my guts. Grinding for my last Bianca till time ran out. Stuck with a half complete Kiohime, having to kill 500 Alps just for one and all my luck is used for THIS?

My god, there's still almost two weeks, I want my cards back! All the shit the RNG put me through. Whatever the RNG is based on is crap!

>> No.12913391

I'm sorry, I complain too much. It seems like all I do sometimes. It's just that I want the RNG to make sense. Not to withhold giving you something for 500 kills and then suddenly give you 4 SRs in a row. That crap should never happen.

Sorry, I calmed down. I'm not mad anymore. At least I got my lovely catgirls.

>> No.12913446
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Perfect amalga HL.She is hella strong card.
With 5/5 light shrines was doing more tap damage than maxed HUR. The buff is amazing, 200% def makes your HSR with maxed def survive AOE from FAW with 3-4k hp.

If second one is drop, go for it too. Two of them with max stats are good core for any unit.

>> No.12913447

> Whatever the RNG is based on is crap!
Which part of RANDOM number generator don't you understand?

>> No.12913452

Looks like I accidentally sent a blank email to nubee because I forgot to write the information above a certain line so my recovery is going to take a little longer.

>> No.12913464

Refusing to drop a card after 500 kills then dropping 4 of something in a row is proof of a badly programed RNG

>> No.12913478

No, it's just actual RNG, not pseudo random. Google pseudo random and you will understand.

>> No.12913741

It can't be helped. Human brains aren't good at accepting true randomness.

>> No.12913973

I am 8w5iq
Thank you for adding me!

>> No.12914417

In terms of game design, I greatly prefer RNG systems that prevent streaking, more or less.

And this is VERY different from a pseudo RNG. PRNG bases its generation on something that isn't necessarily random (the current date and time, inputs, seed, etc). Minecraft and Pokemon are two examples here. All of VC's RNG is probably done server-side, so PRNG of course isn't relevant here.

>> No.12914449

Pseudo random is the term usually used about RNG that "prevents streaking" as you say.

>> No.12914474

Eh, what? Psuedo RNG means that if a skill doesn't proc this turn, the chance for it will be increased in the next one, and vice versa. What do time, date and input have to do with this?

>> No.12914584


I guess I can't argue with a colloquial definition, I haven't really heard it used in that way though. To quote Wikipedia:

>A pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), also known as a deterministic random bit generator (DRBG), is an algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers whose properties approximate the properties of sequences of random numbers. The PRNG-generated sequence is not truly random, because it is completely determined by a relatively small set of initial values, called the PRNG's seed (which may include truly random values).

>> No.12914590

so i just blew over $500 dollars on summoning HUR megaera. Ask me anything

>> No.12914593

Why are you wasting that much,
do a pic with timestamp(?)

>> No.12914607

>To quote Wikipedia

>> No.12914608

What's the best way to get progress points? I want to get those premium and Ultimate summon tickets this time

>> No.12914617

Put AW on hold, walk in area and kill stuff seems for me 2 per step does the job. Sometimes 5-10 per step is better. But overall blow some vit like 1-2 full regens + castle and you should get nice PP.

>> No.12914655

I'm relatively new, where is the best spot to farm aw's? 1-x has less cost but there are less aw too. what do you think?

>> No.12914659

Its same chance, all you need is high level Magic School and they will spawn every 2-3 steps.

>> No.12914664

Is it enough with an Yggdrasil and a Magic School lvl 2?

>> No.12914711

You want to use your jewels on getting more, but if that's what you have it's fine. Just make sure that is the first thing you spend your jewels on.

>> No.12914712

Jesus. Read the Valkyrie Crusade wiki and check Magic School levels and how they affect rates.

>> No.12914722

You should know the own rate of AW's more than anon right?

>> No.12914726

Stupidity really. Also had something to celebrate so decided to just spend $100. Decided to do the box summon as it has gotten better. Only after halfway through the first box did i realise the horrendous odds...

>TLDR didnt do enough maths in high school

>> No.12915038

You poor fool. You could have gotten several SRs and maybe one or two URs by waiting for flip summon.

Anyone have an active AB alliance with a line chat?

I have 4 30% proc AOE HSRs that I top with either 25% battle start 5 turn skip Venus or a 40% battle start SR Strategist. My alliance founders quit and they refuse to get a line chat.

>> No.12915461

Yes... the words UR guaranteed suckered me in. Did not fully consider the implications of the probability. That and some stupid lucky comments on the VC site... I have been trying to justify to myself with all sorts of reasons(mainly how i pinch pennies in other matters of life) for the past 10 hours.

Also my alliance twilight angels are fairly active during AB and has a line chat. Do you wish to join? I can try asking the leader.

>> No.12915840

It's truly a terrifying vice. I used to have a problem, but I found the key was to put it in perspective of other things I could buy. It's a form of gambling and winning feels good, but the cost is far too inflated most of the time.

I'm level 103 btw.

>> No.12916052
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*and my user id is 7inho

>> No.12916137

Hi guys, I'm a new player. Only played for 12 days so far. Still lv 33
Can anyone give their invite code or should I use the existing code in the thread?

How do you guys take picture?

Why the current AW's affection doesn't increase anymore?
I'm already 3 affection and she's keep getting stronger and stronger.

>> No.12916144

My code is 3j0py.

>> No.12916153

Thank you

>> No.12916173

I'm >>12916137 anyone want me to send FAW to you for ranking?
I'm not interested in ranking for now.
Is it rude to ask this? I mean I'm the one who will get the FAW if you kill her.

>> No.12916180

I'll kill your FAWs. 87apt

>> No.12916190

It's comrade id right? Alright. When I encounter FAW, I'll send it.

>> No.12916198

You have to add me as a comrade first before you can send me faws.

Go to the comrade tab and then the add tab and input my code.

>> No.12916203

Hold on, I'm fighting a Lv 130+ AW now.

>> No.12916308

Mind if I send AW? Took me 2 Valkyrie Sword Light now to defeat them.

>> No.12916333

I don't mind killing a few, but prefer FAWs.

>> No.12916341

Alright then.

>> No.12916630

Okay I've asked the leader. My id is 6dspk, Ceath.

I can kill your FAWs. and maybe some AWs too. Id is 6dspk

>> No.12916643

Thank you.
Probably sending later because I burn up my vitality.
Any alliance I can join?
Currently I can't join any because I leave the previous alliance, though.

>> No.12916655

Forgot, I'm >>12916173 the FAW and AW sender.

>> No.12916710

Cool, as long as the line chat can catch when I forget about the battles, I'll be really active. I just need to get around to maxing my op aoe team. Lemme know if there's a spot and i'll leave my current dying alliance.

>> No.12916840

Does FAW only appear after defeating AW?
Outside of witch gate of course.

>> No.12916857

Nevermind there's the answer in wiki. I'm a retard.

>> No.12917090
File: 253 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2015-01-16-07-24-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awakening will be hell with my luck for passion cards. Failed one Santa Oracle 4 times.. and have this and two Santas to awaken.

Oh well at least it looks nice.

>> No.12917434

ok the leader has agreed and should be sending you an invite soon. Try to leave your alliance asap so you can join in time for the AB

>> No.12917497

Got a FAW here but all of my /jp/ comrade are either off or sleep.
Is there any chat like IRC for /jp/ VC?

>> No.12917883

Is it just me or did the flavour text for Lilim change? I could have sworn it used to say something along the lines of "daughter of a high ranking demon"

>> No.12918116


I never noticed the British spelling before.


>> No.12918176

I left just a short while ago, I should be able to join in about 5 hours before it starts.

>> No.12919100

ok great

>> No.12919162
File: 209 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, don't do this. Please don't do this. Tell all your friends and alliances that if they can't do more than 1,000,000 damage in one attempt to just let it go. Your battle points are far more important than mine. I have 20 battle points wasting them is far less costly for me than for a new player.

But the FAW will get away! Let it. There will be more.

>> No.12919194

>Guys, don't do this. Please don't do this. Tell all your friends and alliances that if they can't do more than 1,000,000 damage in one attempt to just let it go

Well, defeating a lv 180 AW requires at least 10 attempt.

>> No.12919310
File: 192 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a point to this card other than as a weak buffer? Her HP is insanely low. I'm wondering if I missed the point to her and if she's likely to be rereleased.

Otherwise I'll just cry over never getting her HSR and medal her

>> No.12919361

You are supposed to use her for amal, or just keep her for the cute look.

>> No.12919400

So nothing but the Amalgamation for Captain Bianca? That still feels odd to me. All I could think of is she's some new gold girl type card only SR like Queen Slime is a new Slime except SR.

>> No.12919445

is there a reason to do any zone other than 1-1?

>> No.12919469

If it takes more than 2 attempts, that's when you know you should just stop and let a higher-tier player one-shot it for you.

>> No.12919471

harder to get cat punch, miss out on area rewards.

>> No.12919490
File: 236 KB, 806x509, ScreenShot211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Area rewards?
I'm starting to think I shouldn't hunt Archwitch until I'm truly ready.

I feel bad for sending AW to player who prefer to kill FAW

>> No.12919505

The first assist is free. If they can't kill it in one-shot, their deck is weak enough that they don't deserve to be begging for "FAWs only". Or for FAWs at all for that matter.

>> No.12919509

Don't feel bad about it. If you add people from here or go into an active alliance someone will kill your AW.

>> No.12919512

Yea that's not true anymore though. FAWs and AWs both cost 1 bp for each encounter

>> No.12919524

Send to me then.

If I'm on I will kill her for you no problem and don't feel bad we want to kill your AWs too, both of us benefit.

If a player doesn't want to kill your AW they won't if they do, they will, no need to feel bad.

>> No.12919529

That actually makes me want to start playing again. Ranking was horrific back when first attack was 0 BP because all the no-lifers and bots just had VC open 24/7 and insta-oneshot any FAWs that appeared.

>> No.12919536

Why rush towards not needing any of them? I say do what you can in an event, but as soon as it becomes an undue strain go back to working on the campaign, getting easy duels, etc.

>> No.12919540


Consider befriending some of these AW killers, and send AW. Also if they don't want to kill AW, they won't. No need to feel bad about it, you pansy

>> No.12919546

Thank you for the help anon.

>> No.12919670

dude have you not been on in a while that's literally incorrect. First hits aren't free anymore.

>> No.12919817

Every time I fail an awakening I die a little inside, I don't know how many more failures I can take before I just quit this game for good.

>> No.12920108

the invite should have been sent. Do you have it in your list?

>> No.12920131

hey dude, not sure if you were the earlier guy that was asking for help with AW and FAW. Either way theres nothing wrong with sending your AW to your comrades. If they dont want to kill they wont touch it. Simple. Currently im trying to take a break from killing FAW so i dont rank too high for mid-reward so i can kill most of your AWs no problem(IGN is ceath).

>> No.12920313
File: 620 KB, 255x396, 1341739951465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I see it. Twilight Angels at 29/30. Still have 12 hours left on the alliance withdraw cooldown.

>> No.12920339

Can someone help me with my aw/faw? I'm still new in the game and the alliance i'm in, isn' active.
I tried to add some of you guys, but your comrade lists are full? My id is 8rwqf , the name is Chemela. Help would be really appreciated

>> No.12920397


>> No.12920534

Alright guys, I'm thinking about starting and investing most of my time into this. Only one question; Is it fun?

(Thanks in advance)

>> No.12920573

To answer that one question with my own opinion: It's "fun" enough to do on the side while doing other things during my downtime, but that's it.

For me, collecting cute girls and helping assist other players outweighs the terrible RNG and money-grabbing downsides. Only just.

>> No.12920584

short answer: no

long answer: yes

Just take it easy as you start out. Don't be in a rush, save your swords, shoes, and gems for when you're higher level since they'll give you more value, and I would suggest taking it easy on the events starting out.

In fact, the easy event rewards are pretty repetitive in terms of use and skills, so don't feel rushed to jump out of beginner. Read the wiki. Make your town lively.

>> No.12920587

>terrible RNG
lol get gud

>> No.12920591


And how far can a poorNEET get without wasting a single coin? Sorry for bothering you with all the questions.

>> No.12920597

Ah yeah. That's me. thank you for the help.

>> No.12920598

Whatever you don't pay for with money you'll have to pay for with time. Jewbee actually gives out free jewels quite generously, you just have to be patient and smart in how you use them.

Protip: Don't even bother with summons unless you got free tickets from a quest or event or something

>> No.12920630

For the current AUB system, is it the defense unit that is on defense? or just whatever unit you are dispatching?

>> No.12920693

To be honest you can play it without spending.
Cash related things you want are:
Magic school to LV 5
Ydgradliss x3
MS 9
Castle lv 10
MS 10
And 3rd workshop that is optional but useful.

As for gems you get 500 monthly (3x weekly 100gem and 4th is 200), then some from completing quests and free player should get around 1000 gems per month. Plus some gems from completion and I think in 3 months you should get MS 9 and Ygradliss easy and 2 more for Castle 10

Don`t bother with summons, slowly accumulate premium summon tickets from rewards. Wait till you have 20-30 and when there is rate up on summons. When there are progression points in event, you can get easy 2 tickets. When you get active alliance doing UAB if you participate in most battles with decent AOE unit you should rank in top 3000 which is next two tickets.

Time to time there will be card worth burning your resources (swords mostly) like William/Oracle Ascendant/Huang Long that you can build your unit around. For example this event is good to start and take it slowly since AW/FAW are nothing special and UR is usefull only in def unit.

I`ve spend some on this but just to get MS/Ygradliss faster and that`s all. Ranked few times in top 300 without spending anything on swords/shoes. Sumons are RNG trap, and some quaranted sumons (like last new years) need tons of gems anyway.. dont bother.

If you are patient and able to give this game some time its pretty easy to get into everything.

>> No.12920732

You can add me, I will kill some of your stuffs too. 83y8q

>> No.12920743

Alright then. Thank you.

>> No.12920961

I highly consider joining a VC group on Facebook (Valkyrie Crusade Gamers Group) it's on closed so people on your friendslist won't see a thing.

>> No.12921159
File: 266 KB, 806x509, ScreenShot210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first Archwitch. Thank you guys.

>> No.12922014

I just got Bluestacks to play the game from my computer but I cannot seem to be able to run it. Something about graphic APIs and shit. Anybody that can help me?

>> No.12922144

Use an older version of Bluestacks.

>> No.12922165
File: 26 KB, 1059x400, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do that, you can easily go to regedit and change parameter to 1, then restart BlueStacks and run the app :3
Pic related

>> No.12922307


>> No.12922790
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Lucky guy receives Lilim

>> No.12923314
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Explain please

>> No.12923458

Looks like it's from your gallery, did you maybe get the card and sell it? Is it in your presents? It seems like you got it, but for some reason not all the way?

>> No.12923521

He's probably talking about the poorly-translated quote.

>> No.12923558

Dying often results in being killed and vice versa.

>> No.12923708
File: 47 KB, 180x240, DrZEI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But people die when they are killed.

>> No.12923980

HUR Netherworld Princess or UR Amatsukami?
Rest of team is 2x Lilim and 2x Huang Long

>> No.12923988

aoe skill unleasher
Seriously I don't think it even matters at that point. Netherworld Princess is stronger so if you still can put her on your team, you should go with her. She is prettier too

>> No.12924080

Take out 1 Lilim to make space for both, problem solved.

>> No.12924137

Skill unleasher would be better than an AoE.

>> No.12924209

Sorry but I don't spend a money here and also happen to have very shitty luck with the few free summons Nubee hands out. Amatsukami is the only decent card I've ever gotten from a ticket/summon.

>> No.12925396

Does the 3 team buffer + 2 critter team still work now that servants can nullify offensive skills?

>> No.12925420

Shit can they? My FAW team has been 2 buffer, 1 skill unleash, a heal and skill cancel.

>> No.12925541

I`m runing 2x crit 2x buff 1x unleash.
Its sometimes annoying but if you don`t go for full 6,5m overkill you can just tap cancel servant.

>> No.12925954

Does praise do anything?
Also how to check own town's praise?

>> No.12925965

I don't think so.
In your profile

>> No.12926168

What about greet? Can I see who is saying hello to me?

>> No.12926178

I don't think so. It's just so you can get 10 more friendship points.

>> No.12926188

Hi, I just started playing this
The Beginner's Dungeon area is proving pretty difficult for me. I did some areas in the main campaign, the beginner's guide pastebin said to finish the dungeon ASAP so I went there afterwards. I'm at 3-2 right now and at 140 total soldiers. Should I use my remaining resources to buy soldiers, or what?

>> No.12926211

make factories and upgrade them. start upgrading the castle and continue with the dungeon, I did it that way, also you can pass the dungeon wasting a bit of your resources, focus on one card with the major attack, it will help you to clear more easy and try not to loose too much soldiers. ^^

>> No.12926220

Try to keep enough to keep your production building continuous.

>> No.12926236

Got it
How do you make factories?

>> No.12926262
File: 207 KB, 1151x706, RoJ3tSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That little button

>> No.12926278

I know how to build stuff, but I don't see a factory anywhere in that menu. Am I not high enough level?

>> No.12926314

He means your resource producing buildings.

>> No.12926329

Oh. Right. Sorry.

>> No.12926387

When they distribute mid ranking rewards?

>> No.12926445

You're leveling them up right?

>> No.12926485

Should be sometime after compiling the rankings tomorrow.

>> No.12926530

Hahah if you don't beat the boss of the final event level on the first try you just don't get the reward. Nice fucking game.

>> No.12927179

>Kill arch witch
>Open chest
>Its a shiny one
>The black night background
>Oh here it is
>The card finally dropped
>Its a shitty item and not boss card

thx for reading my meem.me

>> No.12927383

what is mean by 'procs' in this game?

>> No.12927452

how many times skill can activate in battle

>> No.12927564 [DELETED] 

Don't worry you guys are not affected.
Important rules being enacted by me. Make sure you understand the new rules around these parts.

>> No.12928671

So I am that point of a game where I can finally afford a full SR party.

Before that I had to use any R and HR I had because of the lack of other more powerful cards and kept every event R card.

So, is there any point in keeping and leveling up event rare cards which do X2 damage to AW now? Or should I just evolve them and fuse them away to someone?

>> No.12928704

Depends if you have maxed HSR damage dealer.

>> No.12928758

So you mean without a proper maxed HSR I better stick to event x2 dealer?

>> No.12928773

When you HR it its x3 damage so hits hard.

It basicly depends on your team and how good your HSR/SR cards are. Just do some tap/skill test. It might even be good for that 300% damage to single target skill. With x3 its 900% damage so close to crit.

>> No.12928840

can i leave "on hold" an aw while searching for a witch gate?

>> No.12928961


>> No.12928978

Still not appearing those gates, damn nubee.

>> No.12928990

Nope, they lose the 2x damage buff after their event ends. I usually fully evolve them because I'm a completionist; but then just sell them for medals afterwards.

>> No.12929011
File: 229 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I think I should quit because Nubee is assholes they drag me back kicking and screaming with something I've always wanted.

Sasuga Nubee

>> No.12929211

They just "love" to appear when you are on low (50 and less) vitality.

Just start forcing them when you have castle regen up.. works like a charm every-time.

>> No.12929535

>When you HR it its x3 damage so hits hard.
Even if I don't Max level every card I put into evolution?

Because well, I feel like I will spend all the event fusing these cards they will probably be at full potential only by the end of it.

>> No.12929694

Correct. The 3x damage is simply because they're HR instead of R and it lasts till the end of the event. Each event has an Event R card with 2x damage that becomes 3x at HR.

You can balance your needs with the difficulty of obtaining the HR version before the end of the event. If you only have a bit of time you can quickly evolve to 3 stars (a total of 4 cards) Then level her to 40 and evolve her at the last step with another level 40 version. Perhaps she'll be good enough for you then. Also that will only take 2 level 27 slimes to accomplish along with only 2 training arcana.

>> No.12929700

I've made it to the 4-4 boss in my 24 hours of infinite vitality. Is that any good? I'm completely exhausted and I'm not getting past that boss anytime soon.

>> No.12929845

"Infinite vitality"?

>> No.12929868

When you first start you get 24 hours of infinite vitality. Usually you use this to get really far in the campaign and finish the beginner campaign.

>> No.12929869

Yeah? When you begin the game you get 24 hours of unlimited vitality.

>> No.12929875

okay okay, calm down ;^; i can't remember recieving any infinite vitality, it was a long ago...

>> No.12929993

Either way, the 24 hours are already up. Should I have done more than that?

>> No.12930052

Is 5x Huang Long team stupid? For reasons other than having to farm shitton of awaken mats, I mean.

>> No.12930059

Awakened? You're a god. Time for auto play.

Unawakened? You're probably a demigod.

>> No.12930177

Noob here. How do I send AW/FAW to my comrades?

Ran into a Witch Gate and lost to AW but I don't see a reinforcement button anywhere on the defeat screen.

>> No.12930201

You cannot send for reinforcements in Witch Gate.

>> No.12930272

So SR Lynx gives 30% more points from AW. Does HSR Lynx give more than 30%?

>> No.12930366

The blue number in parentheses doesn't count towards the 19999 stat cap, correct?

If I want to feed someone 200 arcana, does that mean I need 200 N cards? Is there no way to fuse multiple arcana?

>> No.12930402

+50% points
The blue numbers are bonuses from elemental buildings, unit bonuses, etc.
No you cannot feed multiple Arcana per card.

On a different note, does anyone know where I can find the information on the current ranking metagame? Is it still 2x200%/2xLilim/1 crit?

>> No.12930425

AoE cards are very popular. Basically you get a bunch of buffers and 2 AoE cards, everything maxed you get 999k damage on every procc. Very fast and efficient with the AW minions.

>> No.12930429

Different anon here, but does this work with HSR AoE cards? Or do I have to go for UR? And about how many times should the AoE card be buffed before doing 999k damage?

>> No.12930434

I have a team right now with 2x 350% buffers and I am using a HSR AoE card, with no upgrades. It takes 2 buffs to get it to 600k~ damage. So with the card maxed it will take 2 buffs to get 999k damage but you should be at 500k~ with 1 buff.

>> No.12930459

New player here, my 24 hours just expired. What am I supposed to do now?

I have cleared the beginner dungeon, stage 5 of the campaign, and 2 stages of the current event.

My unit only consists of SR Hades and a 1x evolved snow mage. Arena and castle level 3 are set to finish sometime tonight.

I only have 2 comrades that are capable of killing AWs for me because not many people have accepted my comrade requests.

>> No.12930482

Search the thread for IDs on people saying they can kill AWs, or post your ID saying you need AW/FAW killers, remember to clear out all those requests that weren't accepted. You can start by adding me. 83y8q

>> No.12930492

i'm trying to rank this event, 5b00r
You can add me (Tek) or you can post yours and I'll add you and other anons can too.

You need to finish the first campaign area for your second area (You get a keep there that's much like your castle but only gets to level 5) and you need to clear the second campaign area to get a Hades. Since you have 1 that'll get her to HSR.

Those are LONG term goals though. You may not be able to clear the first campaign for weeks. You may not be able to clear the second campaign for months. For now I would focus on building your resources and spending what vit you get on the campaign. If you want event cards I wouldn't leave area 1-1 of the event area. There are rewards for clearing the event map including Cat Punch but it's up to you to decide if it's worth the extra vit. Try and time grinding with when you level up because each time you level you get your VIT back.

>> No.12930499

I should correct myself, you need to finish the first campaign MAP to get your second Kingdom AREA. Calling them both areas is probably confusing.

>> No.12930527

Shit. I used my copies of my starter card to upgrade it instead of evolving it. Can I get more Snow Mages somewhere? ;_;

>> No.12930531

She is a random reward for killing AW/FAW

>> No.12930542

Can I get her through summoning like the first time?

>> No.12930557


8x44y is my ID. I sent requests to both of you.

6-1+ in the campaign seem impossible for me to finish right now. How should I be investing in additional soldiers?

>> No.12930565

Where did you get the information that 3 Team Buffs + 2 AOE is common? Just curious when the meta has changed and where I can find changes in the ranking meta.

>> No.12930569

To add to this guy. There are three basic types of AOE cards, they're not all the same. Limited proc AOE cards (Like Pup's two procs or Tetea's battle start) 20% proc cards and 30% proc cards.

Limited proc AOE cards are probably only useful in PVP when they're 30% since the whole match is over in one move anyway. I use Pup because she's a UR for the 29999 max attack. Otherwise forget about them.

30% AOE cards are very precious. There's only like half a dozen out there and Nubee doesn't seem to want to make any more (though Sekhmet is still available for coin exchange). I would save them for PVP.

Unlimited 20% cards are common. Forget the 350% buff cards, those are cash only. Focus your team on what you can do. Your 200% cards are good enough for now.

>> No.12930577

>How should I be investing in additional soldiers

You shouldn't. Focus on building your resources now. If you get level up rewards that will exceed your storage capacity spend those resources on maxing your Hades health. Use her as your primary killer in campaign and keep your other cards at 1 hp. There is no cost to restoring a card back to 1 hp (It's automatic) and they absorb hits for you so your Hades won't take as much damage.

>> No.12930598

I would say it changed with the addition of FAW servants.

>> No.12930712

Does upgrading a card's skill carry through evolution or should I just not upgrade the skills until cards are evolved?

>> No.12930727

Skill level and friendship carry over in evolutions but not in amalgamations.

>> No.12930785

Yes. She is easily obtainable. You can get her from all the summons except Regular.


>> No.12931595

Been playing for about week now and I'm pretty hooked. I'm looking for a comrade who can kill F/AWs but most in the spreadsheet either have full friends lists or don't accept, so I figured I would ask in the thread. Any takers?

My ID: 8wfhl

>> No.12931668

Try looking here

>> No.12932408

picked up an anahita SR today, is she worth using as a healer or not?

>> No.12932429

Is not so easy to make it hsr, i think no, there are some ones like vermillion bird, that can heal full and you could easyly make it hsr. Bad news, event finished.

>> No.12932440

Compared to what? 70% heal at 10% proc isn't bad. It's also infinite proc, so it's usable where a 100% heal 15% proc wouldn't be since it's limited to two proc.

>> No.12932447

I mean in some defense or longterm strategy, I prefer the latter because I have cards that focus on killing before I could get a third

>> No.12932481

Teams that have healers have been nerfed a lot with all the different skills AW have now. They used to be really good, but now they are mediocre at best. Only healers with resurrection are good now, like GUR Santa Oracle.

>> No.12932561

So, the limited decoration sale ends right with this event. And here I hoped to quickly grab more gems from the next event quests.
Shit. If only I waited with leveling MS.

>> No.12932802

How do I leave an alliance?

>> No.12932809

go to the alliance menu. press the information tab and scroll to the bottom where it says withdraw

>> No.12933005

If I got a third Seducir, should I medal her or keep her? I'm a new player.
Already have a HSR version of her.

>> No.12933044

Keep every SR you get until you have one better. No problem running two HSR Seducirs in your AW party, or an HSR and an SR.

Sadly archwitches will now clear debuffs so attack down isn't as useful as it once was but until something better comes along I would keep every one you get until your unit cost is overwhelmed.

>> No.12933094

Normally, I don't battle against Fantasy Archwitches because I get wrecked almost immediately and my alliance isn't the greatest thing ever. But for some reason, Fantasyt Archwitches in Witch Gate are pretty easy. Just set it to use 2-3 points and I can actually beat them. I got 2 Catagion this way. STILL NO LEPERM THOUGH LOL

>> No.12933729


now I only need three more

>> No.12933742
File: 919 KB, 170x196, 1410144311391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alliance with 24 of 26 members
last two AD averaged 4 participants...

Anyone looking to join an alliance?

>> No.12933745

I just wanted to make sure I got this Evolution & Amalgamation correct

All I need to do is make sure every card is max level and I use an arcana successor when I evolve and I wont ruin the card

Is that correct or did I miss something?

>> No.12933747

That's correct

>> No.12933758

Alright thanks

>> No.12933772

I left my alliance, but I'm still getting notifications for alliance battle. How do I get rid of thise?

>> No.12933895

Am I supposed to max a card's attack/defense using arcanas before evolving it or wait until after?

>> No.12933905

Wait until after, there is no point in doing it before since you lose most of the stats.

>> No.12934438

15% transfer so its waste.

There is no point in maxing SR cards, for UR well if you cant get second copy (like top 500 RR) or you dont sumon often but get something great (buffer/criter) then sure.

Other than that wait for HSR/HUR and then max. Also when making GSR/GUR stats transfer.

>> No.12934637

I would say maxing the def of an SR AOE buffer would be a good idea. It may be a long long .... long time to get a second and having an extra hit can be useful.

>> No.12934668

Why isn't this autistic thread in /vg/ yet?

>> No.12934671
File: 15 KB, 300x225, 07627162228_wgrzsign-bv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Delmesh is here.

>> No.12935073

I spend $5 for 600 jewel to build Magic School and Yggdrasil while it's on sale.

>> No.12935825

I'm playing this on Bluestacks, do I have to keep the computer on and the game running to produce resources/finish building stuff?

>> No.12935865

If I have two Hong dongs and she is my only UR is it better to put two of them in a team as URs or one as HUR.

The team I've been using
HSR Dark Santa
SR Flu, Ensemble
HR Healer or Unleasher

>> No.12935891

If you are able to upgrade her to a GUR I would go for it, the GUR is so much better.

>> No.12935937

I probably don't have the materials for that, but I'll work on it.

>> No.12936154


>> No.12938133
File: 467 KB, 1000x562, Screenshot_2015-01-22-04-42-29[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks Nubee. I really need another two Catagions. That makes six. And I still only have one Laperm. And only one Seducir.

>> No.12938176

The opposite for me. I have HSR Laperm and no Catagion.
She refuses to increase her affection for some reason.

>> No.12938181

6 Catagions means you can get a HUR Catcine and still have an HSR Catagion.

How many shoes you got? If you have 20+ I would recommend going to the last area, walking till you run into an Archwitch, let her go, then walk till you get a Witch Gate, let the first Archwitch go again and walk for Laperm encounters. Repeat till you have them all. Took me about 10 light shoes.

I'm sure you're well aware of that of course, just giving you a reminder.

>> No.12938207

Like 2 half and 4 full. That's what I've been doing now. I guess it's just not happening, which is a shame. Catcine looks like a great card for defense unit.

>> No.12938211
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What does 'current ranking' mean down there on the bottom? Is that how far I am from where 436 is now? Not sure I understand

>> No.12938247


I think it means you're rank 436 the last time it was counted +X amount of points since the last check? The number doesn't always make sense to me and seems too high sometimes though so I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.12938709

Finally got Catagion without affection stuff.
The skill seems less than desireable though so maybe I should make her a Catcine.
But Laperm has better skill. What to do?

>> No.12938721


>> No.12938853

When using skill unleash does it use one from the total number of times you can use the skill?

So if Furinkazen procs on my Laperm will she still have 2 more times to use her delay skill? Or does it suck one away?

>> No.12939202

So call me retarded or insane, but I'm pretty sure with the right procs, you can..

999,999 x 6 = 5.9m (5999994)
Getting to the point: I dealt 5999996 or 5.

I don't have a screenshot of it, but while watching a movie, Leviathan decided to awaken and proc for 1 damage. That's right, 1. I also failed to screencap that too because I'm retarded. Anyone else come by this strange "glitch"?

>> No.12939305

I have had this happen too, mostly when I used Lilim in my team.

250% ATK buff, 200% ATK buff, GSR awakening proc, Lilim 1000% ATK buff, critical damage proc for 1 damage.

>> No.12939328


So I'm not crazy then.

My numbers probably ran like this
100% ATK, 200% ATK, 100%/200% Unleash, 350% + GSR crit.

>> No.12939365
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>> No.12939371

Yes it does. It forcefully proc's the cards skill rather than add a free proc. So if you skill unleash before the other cards have proc'd, your losing overall potential procs.

>> No.12939381

Does reviving reset the count?
Congrats, bro!
I'm still upset about her HUR colors. UR was perfect. There should be an ability to pick which stage you want the card to show.

>> No.12939401

Nope. They keep any buffs though.

>> No.12939500
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You can get 6,5m, need one 490k tap into faw.
Congratulations best buffer in game IMO. That 200% def buff is amazing.

>> No.12939543
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Lazy people exist. Like me.

>> No.12939550
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And this person too.

>> No.12939563
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But there is glitch, had awakening burst and like 4x200% on Huang Long.

>> No.12939583


So.. what's the glitch..?

>> No.12939635

7,5m in on BP, at best you should be able to do 6,5. So there is some glitch with awakening burst breaking 999k limit.

>> No.12940130

what should a new player do with a pair of catagions?

>> No.12940314

Level one of them to 50, level the other to 50, combine them or put both in your team until you have more SRs the choice is up to you.

Just don't do what I did and combine them at level 1 and learn too late that you're not supposed to do it like that.

>> No.12940870
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HR is really cute... Dammit, I took no effort to level her, her R versions all sucked

>> No.12940941
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Trial 1 ... Ribbon Girl will lead because she has 19999 atk and def (I did that for fun over summer). She's 6 card evolved.

I'm aiming for 90% success with R cards vs Archwitches. Here we go!

>> No.12940985
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Not bad, Ribbon Girl is a tough center (if it was Crusher the damage output would be considerable) but her only buff is from New Girl

>> No.12941069
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She keeps killing Crusher first (4 times in a row now)

>> No.12941083
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Again Ribbon Girl stands alone. I think it's obvious that a full attack Crusher would result in 1 bp Archwitches much of the time. I'll try swapping New Girl for Cinderella but until they have high attack I see results being the same.

>> No.12941140
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Trial 2, there's just no survivability without Ribbon Girl. Back to the drawing board! I'll try again when Crusher has full attack

See you then

>> No.12941142

I am in desperate need of active FAW killers. I am losing 7-10 FAW kills every single day because it seems nobody like to kill Catagion. If you need a steady stream of FAWs sent your way add me 6bumd. More info on spreadsheet.

>> No.12941163


>> No.12941180

Your name is in kanji, yeah?

>> No.12941194

Yeah it's 鷹姓絢子

>> No.12941235


>> No.12941288

sent just now

>> No.12941714

I love you all got 1.5m points today instead of averaging at 0.5m \o/

>> No.12941785
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I noticed this a while back. Not sure if it's only crit procs, or skill procs in general, or just any damage over a certain amount while awakened.

>> No.12941942


Off topic: neat 60 recording of your... uh, device.

>> No.12942233
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I've wanted her from the first day I played. Took a long long time.

She sure is a cutie.

>> No.12942245
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Switch phone to Japanese
That's what I thought why Sea Princess? I'd rather Otohime. Who translated this crap?

>> No.12942762
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Can anyone explain please, why would we want this again?

As far as I can tell Catagion is the good guy and Catcine is the enemy.

>> No.12942827

For the defense team

I actually don't know. It was a retarded idea from the beginning. Every time Oracle or Catagion said something about wanting to or stopping the virus, I screamed inside. Who the fuck would want to stop it

>> No.12943454

My body screamed inside when Catagion said "My body stopped producing it anyway" about the virus.

>> No.12943467

Do I have to be able to kill AWs to get laperm from a witch gate?

>> No.12943484


No, you just hunt for Laperm herself to obtain the card. If you read the news, she's a "rare enemy" but not a limited.

I'd say that's better because fucking limited enemy was such a stressful piece of shit to manage. Burning those shoes hard.

>> No.12943523

Any active killer available? i came back to the game recently discovered all my freidns in game didn't logged in for more than 100 days and so tried to add people from the google doc thingy.

I need to send AW anf FAW for rewards ... add me if you can: 2ovxn (IGN criostage)

>> No.12943555

It took me 12 light shoes to get 4 of her and I have 250 vitality. I don't know what your situation is but I'm just giving you a warning. She is VERY difficult to get.

If you can, and you really must have her before the event ends follow this advice

>> No.12944418


>> No.12944431
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>> No.12944495

you are welcome now give me that card xd

>> No.12944570
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My fellow fgits is it possible to play this game on the computer as i get frustrated playing it on my phone dcing 24/7

>> No.12944669


You can use bluestacks although it's shit. I use genymotion and it works perfectly on that, you can switch your account back and forth between that and phone using twitter easily but you'll want to change the device ID of genymotion so it's not the default pile of zeroes first probably, it's a locked feature apparently but it's possible with an app anyway. There are other android emulators too but I don't know much about them.

>> No.12945129
File: 149 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so beautiful!

God I've wanted her for so long

>> No.12945271

bluestacks works very well if you edit the registry and set the ram to 1gb
