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1290054 No.1290054 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1290067
File: 218 KB, 640x480, 1221168765538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiha was my kind of loli.

>> No.1290627
File: 326 KB, 640x480, 1221176249702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has such a charming personality.

>> No.1290636
File: 164 KB, 683x450, 1221176335688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods, I love that hair.

>> No.1290639


Akiha was kind of an unlikable bitch in A Story for the Evening.

She awesome enough everywhere else to make up for it, though.

>> No.1290674


>Akiha was kind of an unlikable bitch in A Story for the Evening.

That's because you could actually read her thoughts and see what she is thinking. She's like that all the time. (Though actually the only time I ever found Akiha unlikable were when she went on a rampage towards the end of Kohaku's route, I do have to admit she really is a sadist.)

>> No.1290705


wait.. what?

Relevant to my interests.

>> No.1290712

in here h scene she seemed kinda submissive

>> No.1290726

bitchy imouto is bitchy

>> No.1290737
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If we're talking about between the original 5, yes, I agree Akiha is the best.

If we're including KT and MB, both White and Black Ren are superior. Especially White.

>> No.1290754


>That's because you could actually read her thoughts and see what she is thinking. She's like that all the time.

Wouldn't guess it from how she acted at school and how she treats the meidos.

>Though actually the only time I ever found Akiha unlikable were when she went on a rampage towards the end of Kohaku's route, I do have to admit she really is a sadist.

I'm guessing that you completely missed what happened at the end of Kohaku's route.

Plundering someone that has Roa in their body = bad news

>> No.1290829

>Wouldn't guess it from how she acted at school and how she treats the meidos.

Of course you wouldn't guess it from how she acts, she's good at hiding it. Though I suppose that she could have been unusually bitchy in A Story for Evening due to her Shiki's dong withdrawls.

>Plundering someone that has Roa in their body = bad news

Yeah, I got that, and it all made sense after the fact. But when she first started her "ONLY I CAN HAVE NII-SAN'S COCK!!!!" bit all I could think was "Geez, Akiha sure is a bitch".

>> No.1290854

seems exactly like how i think!

>> No.1290864
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>> No.1290865


I liked evil Akiha.

Elegant badassery.

>> No.1290871


Evil is hot.

>> No.1290872


But I love that about her!

>> No.1291633
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>I liked evil Akiha.

>Elegant badassery.

I agree. Yandere is also a plus.

>> No.1291658
File: 20 KB, 450x400, 1221190566433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both White and Black Ren are superior. Especially White.

I love you, dude.

>> No.1291681

-taking my cock out-
A: Im puttin it in Akiha-anata
A: ok i understand
Pleasure, pain, pregnancy, rebirth, regret, remove... it all was like a thousand seals at once dying and being reborn as Devas... it was once, more than that, it was this... why
.... WHY
...it was like that that it came to end, and for once more, it continued

>> No.1291687

Why is Akiha naked, guys?

>> No.1291715

Why not?

>> No.1291718

She is tipical imouto with pseudo incest complex. We all seen it before in almost every VN "OH noes i love my step brother, but he thinks we are blood related. No, i will hide my feelings for him, and treat him like a piece of shit to avoid the truth to slip from my lips.".

And she has the crappiest endings. But she is hot, i'll give you that. Specially in vermillion state.

>> No.1291733


The blur around her breasts makes me hate this picture.

>> No.1291741

Learn to spell and follow plot.

>> No.1291751

No way, Akiha was in her best in "Story for the evening." So awesome, especially to that Akira girl she bullies.

>> No.1291766

Needs tits.

>> No.1291769


I want Akiha to bully me.

>> No.1291774

Neither of you actually understood what Roa actually contributed to that. Roa didn't make her any more of a bitch than she already was, he just made her show her true colors more easily. That was what that whole part was about. Like when you REALLY hate someone but act kind to them because you don't want to look like an ass, Roa just broke that barrier of caring about looking like an ass. Roa's influence didn't make her do shit, he only took away her care about being a human which is the only thing that keeps her from being a the cold blooded murderer.

>> No.1291775

Kohaku's Stories > The rest.

>> No.1291782

Boring overrated bitch.

>> No.1291793

Best Bitca Evarrr

>> No.1291912

how can all of you call Akiha mean?
she's just a sweet girl who has trouble expressing her feelings so she puts on a tough act

Akiha's sex scene was the best one cause it shows her true nature

also Kohaku is a yandere bitch

>> No.1291927
File: 86 KB, 400x402, 1221193331275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also Kohaku is a yandere bitch
