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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 198 KB, 806x625, daikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12871923 No.12871923 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12854384

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12871992

Kancolle VN when...

>> No.12872013

Best 2014 release vote from previous thread:


Less than 30 serious replies so far. Please vote if you haven't.

Also to stop people from submitting blank to see results, here they are:

>> No.12872035

>You need permission

As if anyone would want to show you their email adress.

>> No.12872042

there are more than 30 people on /jp/?

>> No.12872043
File: 883 KB, 803x625, pi pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing this, how the fuck i'm a penguin.

>> No.12872052

It's symbolic, everything in it is symbolic.

>> No.12872083
File: 251 KB, 804x604, capture_001_04012015_154530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing inspire`s Edelweiss and I`m just awed how succinct, graceful and easy to read the writing is. I`m not far enough to judge the story itself, but so far it sticks faithfully to the hardboiled aesthetic faithfully.

>> No.12872107
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x720, himakoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Himakoi. Since some of /jp/ peeps seems curious about the game I will give short review about the game . (minor spoiler)

The story start of quite similiar to Toradora, both MC and main heroine have a crush on someone else and due a certain turn of events they form an alliance to support each other love problems. Akane (the main heroine) treat MC like trash at f first, I suppose some people might get turned off by that since she's also deredere to MC childhood friend . But please give it some time until she "confess" to him, if you still hate her then it's time to uninstall the game because this game revolve around her.

Overall, I really liked this game. The true route "recollection" scene made my cry a lot, not many boring moments and one of the best heroine ever. I don't know why /jp/ called the art subpar but i personally liked it.The soundtrack and songs are really nice and that's really good considering both of them play an important part on the story. As for the supernatural element, it's almost non-exixtent until the true route and they handled it really well .

No matter how much i liked this game doesn't mean i would say this game was flawless. The voice acting is quite bad, especially Kana VA , her voice just didn't match and unnatural. There area some typo and "broken" voice line, good thing they don't happen in an important scene, extras is not voiced, lack of side character and some plotholes. Lastly, the epiloge for true route could be done much much better. H-scene ends and back to title screen? Also, fuck that H-scene, you don't expect me to fap after i cried for few minutes.

Well, if you like pure 青春 romance this game is for you.

P.S: No, there is no NTR.

>> No.12872146


>> No.12872176

>there is no NTR

>> No.12872441


Thank you, I will give it a try.

>> No.12872474
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, 後編.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there are a few of you waiting for this. Like the first part, here is a rip of the second.

>> No.12872478

Thanks man, now if only Teito Hiten could come too

>> No.12872531
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu! - 111 (TVA 1280x720 x264 AAC)[(035200)22-53-37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you

>> No.12872568 [DELETED] 


Sound like some edgy chuunishit, fuck off Moogy.

>> No.12872633 [DELETED] 


>1. あの晴れわたる空より高く(moeshit)
>2.月に寄りそう乙女の作法2 (trap fetish shit)
>3 .ChuSingura46+1 -忠臣蔵46+1- 武士の鼓 (A samurai's beat) (not bad)
>4.紙の上の魔法使い (another moeshit)
>5. ヒマワリと恋の記憶 (moeshit again LOL)
>6. ランス9 -ヘルマン革命- ( alicesoft fanboy only)
>7. VenusBlood -HYPNO-(great)
>8. ひこうき雲の向こう側 ( fucking moeshit AGAIN)
>9. なないろリンカネーション (was decent)
>10.蒼の彼方のフォーリズム (moeshit again and again, cute girls flying? lol)

What the fuck japan? Where is Shenshinkan and Hello Lady? That ranking is stupid. Even VNDB know the best eroge of this year is Shenshinkan.

>> No.12872642 [DELETED] 

ChuSingura is pretty much moeshit too.
Except for the parts that were directly riped off the original story the plot is laughable and the action is just made of the protagonist panting forever
So the only thing left is the moe

>> No.12872649

Reminder to not reply to trolls

>> No.12872651

I thought the first ChuSingura was pretty fine.

>> No.12872661

Thanks you.

>> No.12872666

I thought it was mediocre, I liked some of the characters and some of the humorous/moe part but it failed pretty hard when it tried to have a plot or some action

>> No.12872679

What's the greatest moege of all time?

>> No.12872680

Best idol.

>> No.12872684

saya no uta and kara no shoujo

>> No.12872951

Both of those are full of drama, those aren't moege at all

>> No.12874122


Man, I'd really like testing those games out but all the torrents on nyaa are either unseeded or "make a quick online survey to get a password" schemes.

>> No.12874129

I'll upload the first one to Mega then. Might take a few hours, though. Unfortunately I don't have the rest.

>> No.12874155


>> No.12874211
File: 25 KB, 350x313, 63639_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenshuui Tendo Dokuta

>> No.12874252 [DELETED] 

That would be nice. The other parts are on anime-share. Maybe I'll download them if I have a free week.

I really miss the /jp/ fdp.

>> No.12874261

That would be nice. The other parts are on anime-share. Maybe I'll download them if I have a free week.

I really miss the /jp/ ftp.

>> No.12874429

Haha, I still love that line. The first Djibril is pretty fun but unfortunately way more vanilla than I was expecting. I ended up dropping it for that reason and my completionism won't let me skip ahead to the (presumably) more NTR- and rape-heavy later episodes.

>> No.12874451

It was really enjoyable and the characters were fun so I didn't mind the vanilla H-scenes. You should just skip to 4, it doesn't have any relation to or carry on from the first 3 episodes except for Luvriel. It has some good gangbang scenes if you're into that.

>> No.12874575

>It was really enjoyable and the characters were fun so I didn't mind the vanilla H-scenes.
Yeah I probably could've played it for the character interaction alone if I hadn't been trying to play it for porn.

>You should just skip to 4, it doesn't have any relation to or carry on from the first 3 episodes except for Luvriel. It has some good gangbang scenes if you're into that.
I kinda wanted to see Rika get gangbanged though.

Maybe I'll give the series another try someday.

>> No.12874663

I'm sad that Djibril 3 anime got canned. Nagi is probably my least favorite, but at least being voiced by Miru makes her passable.

I'm also sad that we barely got any Luvriel animated sexy times.

>> No.12874828

Is it normal for antivirus to get a false positive for visual novels? I torrented Aiyoku no Eustia from nyaa and it says that it's a Trojan.

>> No.12874836

Happens for me at about a one in twenty rate, AVG is a pain in the ass sometimes

>> No.12874851


Yeah, I use AVG too. Should I be worried? I don't think the torrent I used is a virus since it's been up for three years on nyaa and hasn't been flagged, but I'm not sure. Are there any reasons why the antivirus thinks the game is a virus?

>> No.12874874

I wouldn't be worried about it, i've never gotten a virus from downloading eroge in the 7~8 years that i've been playing them. I don't know why AVG calls them out to be viruses/Trojans myself but i've gotten to the point where i always disable it, install the eroge and make the game's folder a exception when I'm installing a new eroge

>> No.12875110


sorry for the nube question but what does NTR mean? i read a few VN's but don't really discuss them much on boards. Googles only gone and made me more confused

>> No.12875112

Netorare, aka cuckolding fetish.

>> No.12875118

thank you. thats what it said in google but i was like wait that cant be it x.x

>> No.12875269

A good idea would be to not use AVG.

>> No.12875526


I'm going to guess this is a fictional country,set in an alternate world,but how the hell am I supposed to romanize/think about this name?

The name アミーラ is clearly Japanese for the arabic name Amira,but the name of that country has me stumped concerning the meaning/inspiration behind it.

What do you think /jp/?

>> No.12875884

If we go further with Arabic, ジャイシュ looks like Arabic word Jaish (army).

>> No.12876047

Stuff by ASa Project deserves more love.

>> No.12876154

changed so anyone with link can view.

>> No.12876246

Could daura mean assault or wave in arabic?

>> No.12876324

Shine koihime musou MOEshuuden

>> No.12876526
File: 103 KB, 446x600, lovt101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

魔界天使ジブリール Vista対応版
Sorry it took so long. Enjoy.

>> No.12876686

I will be the first to praise them if they start making character routes which are on par with the common route.

You're awesome. Thank you.

>> No.12876718
File: 810 KB, 2384x1342, hb_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The degree of protection this executable has is astounding. It checks for OS language, timezone and does a CD check too.
Why does Japan care so much about their games not being run on filthy gaijin PCs?

But anyways, has anybdoy played this? I just started it, wondering how long it is.

>> No.12876900
File: 107 KB, 1024x766, ひげタッチ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Sayuki's route for アマカノ today.
It lasted longer than I expected it to somehow, even though literally nothing happens after the initial drama of the protagonist marrying into a miko's family.
The initial cozy winter feeling was nice, but it wore off as I got more and more into Sayuki's route and the other girls were nowhere to be seen.
If I were to read it again, I think I would probably choose Koharu's route partly because the song that plays when she's around is the only memorable one in the game aside from the OP and ED. Due to the low budget though I'm kind of burned out of Amakano for the moment.
Maybe Sayuki just wasn't for me, but I would personally recommend one of the other two heroines since they seemed to be more along with the theme of the title.

>> No.12877884

>I finished Sayuki's route for アマカノ today.

Finished Koharu's route today myself and despite how good this title is, it feels like the routes are seriously overstaying their welcome. Good title none the less but honestly once you start dating the girls the only interactions that remain interesting are the humorous ones.

Maybe i'm just not in the right mindset for a slow game like this.

>> No.12877890

What's the go to text hooker nowadays? Is it still AGTH?

>> No.12877917


I wonder how many downloads this newer version will get this time

>> No.12877925
File: 34 KB, 539x611, 1405100707935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude.

>> No.12877964

Routes are a bit too long for my taste. I understand they're trying to follow the LxC format but I enjoyed LxC 2 much more for some reason.

>> No.12877987

>but I enjoyed LxC 2 much more for some reason.

For one the routes in LxC2 felt shorter even if it's just because events were better spread out across the days

>> No.12878061

fhc's dictionary is recommended for full experience.

>> No.12878343

AVG is shit now anyway, I prefer not running antivirus to that crap

>> No.12878355

>AVG is shit now anyway

This might be /g/ related not /jp/ related but could i have a little bit of info why it's crap now?

>> No.12878468

I actually find not running an antivirus preferable to running most modern stuff that automatically half of what you download.
I run noscript in my browser and do a run of Malwarebytes anytime I think I might have downloaded something fishy.

>> No.12878546

If you read visual novels too much, do you ever enter a period where something just snaps and you get burnt out and don't feel like reading anything anymore?

>> No.12878553

Yes, I do. As now I can't choose what to read: Rewrite or Comyu.

>> No.12878957

I'm like that all the time but because of my poor attention span. Haven't finished a game in years.

>> No.12879049

And I'm pretty opposite of that. When I start a vn I'm playing it "at least" 4-5 nonstop hours even if its shit and most likely I'm finishing common route in one go, but I dont feel like opening a game even though I have 90-100 games in my backlog.

>> No.12879100

I just play my backlog of non-eroge until I get the itch again and play so much I burn out again. Repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.12879110

>I'm playing it "at least" 4-5 nonstop hours even if its shit
Why would you keep reading it if you don't enjoy it at all. That just doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.12879426

I'm like since a few years ago. I don't even know why I'm still in this thread.

>> No.12879434

I would never trust having a program running in the background just to scan everything as it pleases in the first place, nonetheless one that actively stops programs from doing things. The very idea has always made me uneasy.

>> No.12879437

I think so. But it might be that I'm not really into the kind of eroge being released. I have much better luck when I pick something that's around 10+ years old.

>> No.12880064

What VN gave the strongest emotianal impact to you /jp/ ? The one who made you cry for a while and still makes you teary eyed when you remember certain scene or something that make you rage on your computer screen?

>> No.12880098

katawa feels17 no uta no kuni no kajitsu

>> No.12880424


>> No.12880428

dies irae, fsn and comyu
hello lady is great too

>> No.12880437

depends how entry level or genre savy you are. I replayed the game that made me bawl like a schoolgirl years later and found it completely artificial shit.

>> No.12880442

Higurashi. I'm not even an EOP, I just found the characters to be well-written and a lot of the emotional scenes really hit home for me.

>> No.12880453


>> No.12880459

The only one that comes to mind that made me cry for a little while was the epilogue in G-線上の魔王. I don't remember why though

>> No.12880492

Writing that shitty title in Japanese won't make it less obvious that you are EOP scum anon-kun.

>> No.12880557

Umineko. The magic ending and the ??? scene of episode 8 just did it for me.

>> No.12880586

>The one who made you cry for a while and still makes you teary eyed when you remember certain scene
>or something that make you rage on your computer screen
SubaHibi. I/O and Grisaia no Rakuen's endings.

>> No.12880664

Baldr Sky still even after these several years since I read it for first time still effects me in various ways when I just remember it. There are few others that get response out of me when I remember them but none them are really on the level of Sky.

>> No.12880586,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't cry at video games because I'm not a repressed man-child.

>> No.12880664,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12880664,2 [INTERNAL] 

When was the last time you cried? If it's any time beyond the age of 16, you have lost your credibility as a man.

>> No.12880694

I don't think I'll ever forget those moments before the last boss fight.

>> No.12880694,1 [INTERNAL] 

16 lmao turn in your man card you shouldnt be crying beyond the age of 5 pussy

>> No.12881054

I could watch the first ep of the anime and get teary again easily.

>> No.12881151

For me, Aiyoku No Eustia. Fantasy's always been my thing, so that game was pretty much my ideal.

>> No.12881166 [DELETED] 

Translated only please.

>> No.12881168


Kara no shoujo i think. Not for the story, but just for Touko. I don't want to feel this way towards a fictional character ;_;

>> No.12881201

What are some companies whose releases you always look forward to? Recently I've been playing through all of August's games. I'm really fond of the art.

>> No.12881228

Despite their recent games not being as good as they used to be, I always look forward to nitro+ titles.

>> No.12881231

Innocent grey, noir 50s detective fiction.
Liar soft, mostly for Sakurai's stuff.
Asa project's stuff makes me laugh a lot.
Tone works, even if they only have a couple of releases so far I enjoy the quality.
Light, for my chuuni dose, also the resolution feels so good when you go fullscreen.

>> No.12881274

Not directly advocating OELVNs here, but why is there a prevailing sentiment that only Japan can make good VNs? They're picture books with music, what intrinsic quality could Japanese people possibly have that the rest of the world couldn't possibly emulate? Some of the earliest "make a choice" fiction was published in the US anyway (like R.L. Stine's CYOA Goosebumps books), and VN/LN writing is awful most of the time anyway.

I'm just interested in why people write off the rest of the world when it comes to making content for such a relatively simple medium.

>> No.12881279

Because the rest of the world try to emulate what the japanese do, style and all, and they simply fail at it.
Add the obvious lack of budget and amateur staffs and you get every single OELVN.

>> No.12881290

The only good western VN I've read so far was the Krautchan loli VN. Might be because it doesn't try to be American highschool drama in eroge form.

>the rest of the world try to emulate what the japanese do,

If only. All those praised OELVN read like a VN version of Beverly Hills 90210.

>> No.12881322

The issue isn't that the west isn't capable of doing them, and that isn't what's criticized usually. The issue is that most OELVNs have extremely low production values because they're made by amateurs. There's no way to compare a industry that has existed for a few decades to a bunch of weebs who read 5 VNs and decided they wanted to make their own.

>> No.12881336

What is also strange about OELVNs is that the authors tend to have hardly experienced what the genre they try to emulate has to offer. A lot of them don't know Japanese for example.

>> No.12881354

Baseson fan here.

>> No.12881373

It doesn't take an expert command of Japanese to write a choose your own adventure book.

>> No.12881377

People are just mad because western VN devs give Japanese VNs so much shit and think the medium could be much more. I can only imagine the butthurt when a successful and critically acclaimed OELVN with writing that could match up to "real literature" comes out and people are going to say things like "the west has accomplished in a few years what Japan couldn't during two decades".

Here's a good example:
katawashoujo *dot* blogs pot *dot* com *slash* 2011/02/could-be-so-much-more.html

>> No.12881424

Yuzusoft really is the only one that I really look forward to now.
I used to do the same for age, but between TE and several of the decisions they've made in the recent past I really can't bring myself to care about them anymore.

>> No.12881443

SAGA PLANETS and Alcot+Honeycomb.

>> No.12881447

No, but when they try to emulate the Japanese style (which they almost always do), they do so without really having read any in their original form.

It's a bit like trying to write a horror book after having read a very butchered translation of a single one - you usually aren't going to create a masterpiece of the genre, especially when so many of these OELVNs lean so heavily on the 'heritage' of what they are.

>> No.12881467

Why don't you give me an example of what you consider a good OELVN then? Are there even 5?

>> No.12881472

I just wish age would stop milking Muv Luv. Even a new installment of kiminozo would be better at this point.

>> No.12881478

Anyone know when NekoPara vol. 2 is coming out?
>Chocola best neko

>> No.12881480

Please, discuss your shitty OELVN in /vg/.

>> No.12881489

No, because anything SP touches turn unreadable.

>> No.12881571

This is honestly why despite all their numerous flaws Warinaki (granted this has some tenuous ties to ML but they basically don't become clear until the epilogue of the game) and Shapeshifter are probably my favorite things age has made after 2006.
The latter especially had pacing and tone issues and the drama was retarded even by age standards, but it still managed to be pretty entertaining,

>> No.12881574
File: 361 KB, 1750x2500, 209381ids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, deputy.

>> No.12881661

I look forward to announcements of writers, not companies.

But I'd buy any title of rail soft and applique.

>> No.12881679

Please buy and share the latest mareni game, it's basically railsoft anyway.

>> No.12881694

I had this moment a few months ago and now it has hit again.

I finished Dive1 and I have to force myself to play more and continue though Dive2. I really enjoyed parts of Dive1 but it's just so god damn long and I'm not into gameplay and that anymore.

So I tried playing Dies Irae which started off good with unique writing but I've got to the part where they had meeting in that dark space or whatever and I just don't feel like continuing.

And a few other games I played for about five minutes. Like Kusarihime, Aiyoku, Youtou Jiken and Muv Luv. Kusarihime had more absolutely beautiful backgrounds.

So I thought I was losing interest in everything but I started reading Slam Dunk and Oyasumi Punpun and I'm enjoying reading them, so I just think I'm just tired of eroge at the moment. But there are so much more I want to play but I just don't feel like playing them.

>> No.12881698

I've dropped the last 4 games I tried, three an hour in, the other one before the common route ended.
Read too much during the holidays and I'm quite burned out. I also want to read at least the new leyline this month so I'll stop for a couple of weeks.

>> No.12881800

Prety much anything by Nine/Dual-tail is something I care instantly nowdays and pre-order their stuff regardles of quality, same goes for Eushully. Other companies and writers just come and go mostly depending on mood but those always stay up there.

>> No.12881817

I like August's artist too, despite the sameface. At least the sameface is a nice one, unlike Nishimata Aoi or Sayori.

>> No.12881820

I'll gladly take Sayori's over August's.

>> No.12882104
File: 137 KB, 799x597, so based suicidal vn grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /g senjou no maou/ here?
It's #based

#B #A #S #E D

>> No.12882108

/sp/ please calm down when you're visiting us.

>> No.12882113

Hey! I see you are new here! Have you considered killing yourself?

>> No.12882120

Just like Haru-chan :33333

>> No.12882227
File: 522 KB, 800x600, CROSS†CHANNEL94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Several sections of Cross†Channel were really heavy for me. I wasn't expecting it to be so powerful since I didn't really find it to be anything special when I read it English, but I guess it goes to show what good writing can do. The ending in particular completely broke me.

There were also 4 scenes in chapter 2 of Asairo that made me cry, with the most powerful being the flashback early on in the chapter. That certainly deserves a mention as well.

>> No.12882402

Just stopping by to let you guys know that many of the dumbest posts in these threads are coming from a retarded warosu teenbro with power fantasies more severe and delusional than any /jp/ janitor has ever had.

>> No.12882402,1 [INTERNAL] 

hooooooooooooooooooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.12882402,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12882402,3 [INTERNAL] 

trolled hard

>> No.12882402,4 [INTERNAL] 

No, the guy is a genuine retard who thinks he's an epic evil mastermind. I'm happy to point both /jp/ and janny in his direction to have a good laugh at him.

>> No.12882402,5 [INTERNAL] 

ownage ITT

>> No.12882494
File: 151 KB, 893x440, owabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

美少女万華鏡 got delayed a month.

Is this the Hello Lady autistic shitposter?

>> No.12882502

>美少女万華鏡 got delayed a month.

One less title to look forward to this month

>> No.12882507

Absolutely nobody is surprised by this.

What was the last one you dropped? Was it just because reading burnout or did you not like the plot?

>> No.12882509

Pretty sure most people here don't even pay attention to him anymore. Or at least I'd like to believe so.

>> No.12882509,1 [INTERNAL] 

pretty sure he's just having fun and you have autism d*de

>> No.12882509,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12882509,3 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty sure you and your gay IRC buds should kill yourselves dude.

>> No.12882509,4 [INTERNAL] 

Guys people are being burned so hard in here. HOw do I get in on this?

>> No.12882509,5 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself

it will be epic

>> No.12882509,6 [INTERNAL] 

Epic truly epic :D

>> No.12882755

For what purpose?

I wish, there are retards responding to obvious bait every fucking time without fail.

>> No.12882891

How often do you replay games you already completed? Somehow I can't bring myself to go back to them.

>> No.12882906

My backlog is too huge to allow me to replay anything. It would probably take me a few years of playing to finish it, without adding any new games.

>> No.12883050
File: 45 KB, 612x612, 1402907992979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey never played a VN before and this my first time coming to this board

Can someone recommended me a good starter VN?

No pastbin so I thought I'd ask.

Be gentle

>> No.12883067


>> No.12883071

>>>/vg/90745715 might be a good place to get started.

>> No.12883227 [DELETED] 

MLA. also kns2 a little bitnnduc

>> No.12883267


Also Eushully, although I haven't cared much for their last few games. Definitely excited for the new SRPG though

>> No.12883282

But there were two of those, on opposite sides of the argument. Unless you're implying they were both the same person.

>> No.12883449

He takes the bait himself.

>> No.12883756

Clannad and Air.
Fucking ゴール, man.

Artemis, though they seem dead now and their last game was disappointing.

>> No.12883777
File: 134 KB, 1280x854, e38c3928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12884089
File: 318 KB, 2175x517, top_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tigre announced two new games and a new edition of Reminiscence with additional content. (Patch will be available for people that already have the games)

>> No.12884154

Dystopia looks interesting but I don't know the writer.

>> No.12884241

Like some anons said, if it were just equivalent to a doujin or amateur scene there wouldn't be much of a problem, but a lot of groups like to act like professional companies (or like they're in a position to properly criticize real companies using their works) when their product is much, much farther beneath that mark.

Also - this may be less of an issue in the future depending on how the translation scene keeps going - most of them don't know Japanese. This means they're drawing from a much more limited pool of resources than Japanese devs, so their products end up sort of hackneyed or outdated. For example: if you look at VNDB, most of the dating sims released last year were OEL, because they haven't caught on to the fact that no one actually likes those yet.

Just stuff like that, I think.

>> No.12884544

>because they haven't caught on to the fact that no one actually likes those yet.
Speak for yourself, nerd.

>> No.12884653

How is the poll? Hello Lady should be winning as expected right?

>> No.12884906

I'm looking forward to 学園舞闘のフォークロア. The OP song is pretty awesome, although I'm a bit skeptical as to how the story will turn out.

>> No.12884911

i wish i could choose every muv luv girl

>> No.12884940 [DELETED] 

hi moogy

>> No.12884968

4 votes for senshinkan
3 for tsuki ni yorisou 2
4 hello lady.
Other don't have more than 2 votes. In total less than 40 submissions though.

>> No.12884986

Hello Lady is the only title from this year that I read and I didn't like it enough to want to vote for it.

>> No.12885033

>In total less than 40 submissions though.
How many people are active in these threads anyway? 40 responds seems like a decentish number.

>> No.12885042

>new edition of Reminiscence with additional content

Good. Thought about rereading it it anyway.

>> No.12885044

There are 2 votes for Nekopara. They are either Sekai shill or filthy EOP scum, the game literally just a short nukige with high production value.

>> No.12885091
File: 443 KB, 1200x851, kouya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's new info about the new Romeo? C'mon Takahiro, spit it out. The summary on the teaser page says nothing.

>> No.12885101

(updated)Best eroge of 2014 according to EGS rating (excluding nukige)
3 .ChuSingura46+1 -忠臣蔵46+1- 武士の鼓 (A samurai's beat)
5. ヒマワリと恋の記憶
6. ランス9 -ヘルマン革命-
7. VenusBlood -HYPNO-
8. ひこうき雲の向こう側
9. なないろリンカネーション

Looks like Tsuriotsu 2 is really good, I think i will give it a try. This year is much better than 2012 and 2013 for me, I hope 2015 will be much better.

>> No.12885111

List disregarded.

>> No.12885125

But, it's actually good.

>> No.12885130

Unless it does something amazing that sets it apart from the whole "Guy goes to a all-girls school and cross-dresses", it really isn't.

>> No.12885139

So what's your favorite for this year anon? I like to know what kind of game that did "something amazing" for you.

>> No.12885165

I don't have a favorite for this year or in any year in fact, I'm too wishy washy to able to come up with one

>> No.12885168

So you are just shitposting? I get it.

>> No.12885176

I'm just expressing my distaste for the setting 月に寄りそう乙女の作法2 uses and the majority of titles that share that setting. If you think that's shitposting and not just my opinion being stated go ahead, no skin off my back

>> No.12885219

You don't even play the game right but say it doesn't deserve to be the best game of this year just because you hate certain element on that game? And you don't even have your own favorite ? Why are you even here ? Have you considered killing yourself?

>> No.12885225

Sequels in general are likely to be overrated compared to new things, just because people who didn't like the first don't play the second.

>> No.12885244

>you hate certain element on that game?

Hating the entire setting of the game is quite a bit more than a certain element. I haven't even started on how the protagonists are pretty much females with a dick or the ever increasing stupid reasons for the entire story to start or that the heroines in most cases can be more of a man than the protagonist can be.

>You don't even have your own favorite ?
Since when did you need a favorite to discuss the games you've played?
>Why are you even here ?
To talk about the game's i've played and read people's opinions on games they've played.
>Have you considered killing yourself?
I really don't understand your though process behind asking these three questions.

>> No.12885252

Stop replying to shitposters.

>> No.12885256


>> No.12885446

Does anyone know if White Album 2 or KoiChoco are good for learning Japanese? I'm nearly JLPT5....
I only started learning recently

>> No.12885455 [DELETED] 


>> No.12885459

>>>/fuck off/

>> No.12885482 [DELETED] 

Koichoco is pretty easy to read, but I wouldn't recommend WA2 that early. I recommend you get to at the very least JLPT 2-4 level before you consider reading VNs in JP though.

>> No.12885575

Nice crossthread post and spoilers br/a/h.
Honestly, you don't have to start reading stuff that's oriented to adults if you have such weak grasp of the language that you can't pass simple JLPT5. In both our best interests and trying to not shit up the thread any more go read some manga with furigana or something.

>> No.12885591

Crossthread'd to get the most/best responses, sorry.

>> No.12886007


As always there is nothing worth of look forward at january. I guess I'll just pick up ラウテスアルタクス as moege without expecting anything, and 学園舞闘のフォークロア even though I'm almost sure that it'll be end up as a landmine.

>> No.12886252

I'll probably read Haru Kiss because I haven't had enough Kazane in my life the past few months.

>> No.12886350

Can anyone recommend me a good disturbing VN?

>> No.12886586

Examu's designs are as awful as usual. I wonder if they will ever get a competent artist.

Where the fuck do you get your ranking from? Do you use mean value or median, how many minimum votes have you set, etc.? Your list is absolutely worthless in the way you present it.

>> No.12886706

The recent game 駄作 seemed to have some praise in these threads.

>> No.12886740

Where would you generally get a list of VN's worth reading by year? I haven't really read much since Aiyoku no Eustia / Tokyo Babel which feels like ages ago.

>> No.12886748

I don't think anything exists like that brother, at least not anything written by /jp/.

>> No.12886752

EGS filters, Moe game awards, sales rankings in Getchu/DLsite etc might be okay places to start just browsing I guess.

>> No.12886763
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>> No.12886878

Have they started the poll for this year yet? I can't find any thread.

>> No.12886892


Alright that image will help for sure, and I'll take 752's suggestion on Getchu. It's a hell of alot better than my idea of going through the vndb database looking through ratios one by one.

>> No.12886907

I mean, 2014...

>> No.12886922


>> No.12886983

Do you have no taste of your own, or what?

>> No.12887198

Anyone else wish there was like an HBO in Japan for ero-anime?

If they had a channel like that,then maybe some eroge with good stories,but lots of violent sex could get the adaptations they deserve.

>> No.12887226
File: 3.88 MB, 2374x893, 1412083862682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /vn/

Anyone know some good VNs with Blood-related Brother/Sister Incest? preferably with some kind of romance.

I've checked out some VNs with that tag on VNDB but after playing them, turned out that they were not actually blood related. Also no nukige, netori or netorare.

Already reading DCIII and few other VNs

>> No.12887230

HBO is terrible television, and why do you care about anime adaptations anyways? Just play the original eroge.

>> No.12887298

Just dropped Tsujidou. God, how the hell this shit is rated 80 on EGS ? The protagonist is an ultra faggot, worst than any generic faceless moege protagonist combined and the girls fall for him too fucking easy. If just by praising someone kawaii~ kawaii~ or yasashiine~ would make girl have sex with me in 1-3 weeks there won't be any need for sex industry out there. Even Majikoi is 100x better than this, Yamato might be useless in fight but at least he use head to be helpful for the heroines and his existence is not only a damn scarecrow.

>> No.12887309


Which game you talking of? Seem like a game I enjoy. I love a hetare man protagonist which do his thing for a whole game. I have look for a long time to find a game which suit my taste where the man do nothing for the game, many game have hetare man begin a hetare and then do some thing later in the game and this not the game I am search for, this kind of game a shit game in my opinion.

>> No.12887327
File: 341 KB, 1448x856, azunyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was the whole point of his character, to be the normal one among the delinquents. Not that that made him anymore than a husk.

You read tsujidou for Azusa anyways

>> No.12887328
File: 328 KB, 950x670, Yuuki.Shikijou.full.383852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Original Killer Queen, i rate it 5/10 , was good for the twists and setting. There are some points i'm left wondering.
How did Yuuki die in the first part
How did Yuuki manage to play more than 8 games, at what age did she start
What was the point of divergence in both parts
Why the fuck the MC let Yuuki get away with everything

>> No.12887345

Yeah, I know about that, but it still really annoying. Also, my other problem is the heroines is too "easy", I don't ask for heroic "the guy save the girl" from her fucked up problem like Grisaia or some long development and time span, but just in 1-3 weeks and all MC did is just generic flattery and the girls already head over heels over him? Give me a break. I don't know about Azusa, I can't expect the FD to be good if the original is like this.

>> No.12887437

I'm more or less the same, but I find that I can bring myself to replay a game two years after I first finished it. But even then I usually just reach a memorable part then never pick it up again.

>> No.12887659
File: 386 KB, 1296x757, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of bullying done to Remilia is boner inducing

>> No.12887714

is this worth of playing?

>> No.12887743

Way too early to give a definite answer but I'm really enjoying it sofar, probably the most fun i've had with a title in the last couple of disappointing months

>> No.12887965
File: 281 KB, 495x720, angel-beats-1st-beat-2014-12-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can t wait for the first beat


>> No.12888432

I don't get why you're complaining. Tsujidou is basically a slightly worse version of Majikoi, you could've known what you were getting into.

>> No.12888728

I liked Tsuyokiss NEXT. So, i tried Tsujidou because according to EGS it written by the same person.

Dropped so fucking hard.

>> No.12888739

I tried to get through Tsujidou, but there was just what felt like padding to me, that I couldn't last more than one route.

>> No.12888766

Is no H really so bad? I just see it as a bigger emphasis on the story. Key H-scenes are shit anyway.

>> No.12888791

Not him but, H acts as an incentive to finish something even if it's not very good.
Not like I'll be reading this regardless though as I've never like anything by Key that I've tried.

>> No.12888797

It's your typical Takahiro club. Soulless flat characters doing things. I'm really worried Jackson and Romeo will get some cancerous infection from him.

>> No.12888895

But Tsujidou and Tsuyo Next is not written by Takahiro.

>> No.12889052

Yeah, it's by the guy who was fan of Takahiro, i.e. "Takahiro club".

>> No.12889085

If you're gonna read something just for the H, why not play a nukige or look up H-Scenes? I think it'd be hard to justify 10-20 hours of unenjoyable reading for a few H-scenes.

>> No.12889095

Also not him, but relationships just feel too artificial in non-H works. That perception may come from having read/watched way too many romance manga/anime.

>> No.12889100

I think that's a matter of the author, really. Though I see your point.

>> No.12889168

I agree with both of you guys. Its really matter of the author, but most of them do it more like "good friends who hanging all time with each other" instead of a lover. Then again, there is some really good non-h visual novels which doesnt do this shit, for example sengoku koihime (my last all ages game) was enjoyable and didnt feel as an all ages game at all. Well of course I still prefer the +18 one though.

>> No.12889931

What do you do when the bg music gets repetitive and annoying? Disable it? Play something else in the background? Just put up with it?

>> No.12889939

Every time I start a new game I lower the BGM to something that is there but isn't loud enough to ever get repetitive and annoying. Why people would leave default loudness and make it take auditive real estate over voices is beyond me.

>> No.12889998

When I first played VNs, I muted the volume and played my own music. Probably one of my biggest regrets. Having shit like the Initial D ost play during dramatic scenes definitely ruined a lot of emotional moments.

>> No.12890006

That's an intriguing idea. However I think it would also reduce the impact when good, fitting music is used and would otherwise enhance the scene (which happens a lot).

Even though it's "B"GM it feels weird for music to be in the background in an eroge. I think music plays a more prominent role in eroge than in most other mediums.

>> No.12890041

If there is notable BGM ever I simply take a while to listen to it if it catches my ear. That's why I don't totally mute it.

>> No.12890131

I usually put up with it, but I don't exactly know why. The music is mostly terrible, especially in moege. Worst thing is when it sounds like straight out of some 16bit RPG. They should really put more effort into that.

Sometimes you really get memorable tracks though, like Sakuya's theme in 恋愛0. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbbxiUd92Xs

>> No.12890146

That reminds me of when we had a brief discussion on VN music on here. I remember this track being pretty good:


>> No.12890148

I've never run into a case where i've had to mute a BGM due to it being repetitive or annoying, I've done so for sound effects and such before though

>> No.12890154

Not him, but finished it. Pretty decent sword combat eroge with good art, especially the sex scenes.

I liked it, but nothing amazing.

>> No.12890162

Yeah, even though I said I lower the volume of BGM, I mentioned a few notable tracks that I remembered off the top of my head back then at >>12806242 . I'm just really picky about sound, I guess.

>> No.12890223 [DELETED] 

Can you guys suggest me some visual novels which would make me emotional please? My last 10-15 games were moege so I just want something sentimental, it can be anything even a flashback is okay as long as it made me feel like emotional. But please no chuuni. I dont really find " I'll go and fight 100000 guys alone and die, you guys just run" thing sentimental at all.

>> No.12890227 [DELETED] 

>But please no chuuni
How about you just look at the work and determine for yourself if you'll like it?

>> No.12890233 [DELETED] 

You are right, then please suggest me chuuni games as well, I'll try whatever you guys recommend, but it would be great if its not popular since I have already read most of popular games.

>> No.12890237

try clanned its realy good... especially the nagisa root

>> No.12890241 [DELETED] 

I'll try naruto as well, thanks for your shitposting.

>> No.12890248

You do know that Clannad is a visual novel, right?

>> No.12890250

Err, have you read Nanairo Reincarnation? It came out recently and I wouldn't call it a moege, so despite being popular I'm not sure if you've read it.

>> No.12890268

Yes, Well to be honest at first I thought it as a moege and thats why I have downloaded it, but seriously it was awesome. I think it really deserves to be in top 3 of 2014, they should change the cover though.

>> No.12890272

>they should change the cover though.

>> No.12890286
File: 54 KB, 256x359, 22157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is just seems like a classic school life moege, and I'm sure many people thought this as well and just didnt bother with trying it, at least until they saw the reviews.

>> No.12890316

So neo-Silky is good? What's the difference between their Wasabi and Sakura imprints?

>> No.12890336

>Because this is just seems like a classic school life moege
Just the design of the lower right girl makes it not look at all like a classic school life moege

>> No.12890350

Her slanted eyes? Pale blue hair? Mature lips?

>> No.12890365

99% of eroge, moege or otherwise, have that exact same cover.

>> No.12890380

Of course, anyone who appears older than 16 is never a prominent character in a moege. Not moege, the cover says it all indeed.

>> No.12890395

That's some high level analysis.

>> No.12890490

Did you try this?>>12872107

>> No.12891170

No i didnt try it, I guess I'll now, thank you very much.

>> No.12891176

Any Eushully-autists around? Replaying Madou Koukaku now, and wondering if there is a way to raise level limit for own characters beyond 50.
How the fuck you are supposed to win against lvl 99 enemies when you are capped at 50? Even my powers of autism are useless here.

>> No.12891211 [DELETED] 

>not liking chuuni
Moebutas are cancer, every good sentimental game always have chuuni parts around just step from your shitty moege and read them.

>> No.12891243

>blue hair
Are you colorblind?

>> No.12891302
File: 266 KB, 651x343, 8658635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Ikikoi here?

For a medium length comedy, its pretty good.

And holy fuck the imouto route..

>> No.12891359

Are there any good harem-ending visual novels that actually have good writing? I'm in the mood for reading a "happy ending for everyone" type thing with characters I actually like.

>> No.12891399


>> No.12891942

Saihate no IMA

>> No.12891958

You know, I don't remember the last non-nukige eroge I've read that has a harem ending.
Do they even exists?

>> No.12891978

grisaia comes to mind, as that anon said
though the epilogue is basically nukige so I'm not sure it counts

>> No.12891993

Sengoku koihime, a non-h game with only harem ending, its like a miracle.

>> No.12892118 [DELETED] 


>> No.12892168 [DELETED] 

Why does the command form of please even exist?

>> No.12892186 [DELETED] 


Is this a nukige? Because if not it should be.

>> No.12892188

He said good writing. The quality of the writing in that game's way too inconsistent to be considered good.

>> No.12892199 [DELETED] 

And why do Nips always append けど to everything as if they're constantly unsure of themselves. Who fucking knows, Japanese is a weird language.

>> No.12892201

Did any of you bitchlosers read 帝都飛天大作戦 yet?

>> No.12892202

Just because you can't understand doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.12892203 [DELETED] 

Shit at Japanese confirmed.

>> No.12892211 [DELETED] 

No, you.

>> No.12892217 [DELETED] 

N1 is really easy and anyone who can read an eroge in Japanese can pass it no sweat

as a whole the JLPT is basically just designed to make gaijin feel good about themselves, the only level with any merit at all (and any value in the real world) is N1 and that's basically "can you read and interpret normal Japanese" with a ridiculously low threshold for passing, what the fuck is 100/180 (I got 176/180 when I took it, no studying beforehand etc.)


>> No.12892234


>> No.12892239 [DELETED] 

It's never going to get uploaded.

>> No.12892271 [DELETED] 

Moogy-ojousama was reading it one day after release.

>> No.12892272

Her VA is crazy good.

>> No.12892275 [DELETED] 

That's because he's got a friend in Japan.

>> No.12892281 [DELETED] 

J-List doesn't seem to be selling it, though.

>> No.12892296

J-List wouldn't immediately carry an untranslated new release, newfriend.

>> No.12892300

You're awful at jokes dude

>> No.12892349
File: 77 KB, 1283x213, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here managed to get untranslated umineko working with voices?

The patches from "Tweaking umineko wiki" only work with the english version unfortunately.

>> No.12892354

Buy the PS3 game.

>> No.12892558 [DELETED] 

Shut up Habluka

>> No.12892582 [DELETED] 

Does this fag actually talk to Japanese people?

>> No.12893103

learn english

>> No.12893236 [DELETED] 

>deleting on-topic discussion

Die in a fire you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.12893681

Hell yeah, Djibril in the OP. Still on the first game myself but I can tell I'm going to enjoy the rest of the series just from the first one...sad we don't get a Luvriel route in any of the games besides 1 though.

Does anyone know if there's even a slight chance someone will upload ちびドル? It's by a new/unknown company so I doubt it, but I really want to play it. Incongruously cutesy art in lewd things is great.

>> No.12894121

I don't really play them so I don't really know, but what is the quintessential moege? Like if you could only recommend one to someone, which would it be?

>> No.12894150
File: 187 KB, 800x600, 728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skipped Sachi's route so I could get to best girl's route. No regrets. I'm not reading that bullshit.

>> No.12894261
File: 1.68 MB, 1279x718, 2015-01-10 00_27_32-時計仕掛けのレイライン -朝霧に散る花- 【体験版】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trial for the last Leyline is out.

>> No.12894265 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 1500x1500, 1420878705563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is bad isn't it?

No more mamono Seikatsu for me I guess.If I'm reading this right the artist behind Vanadis Soft's best games has been fired.

>> No.12894280


I forgot the source,it's from the official company twitter.

>> No.12894305
File: 8 KB, 598x204, mahoyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 魔法使いの夜.
Overall pretty enjoyable. In some parts on the second half it felt like the quality of the writing really fell down though.

I think they made the right decision to keep it unvoiced since it wouldn't match the 3rd person narrative.

I have expectations for the next 2 parts but I'm not expecting it any time soon.

>> No.12894309

>since it wouldn't match the 3rd person narrative.
No, you can still have 3rd person narrative with voiced characters, it was just cheap.

>> No.12894321

Eh. I still think it didn't take away any enjoyment from it.

>> No.12894438

well, type moon shits money and delayed the game more than once to program visual effects properly, you can like or hate the choice but I don't think it was about being cheap, it's more like Nasu's literaly pretenses that should be blamed

>> No.12894544

January releases.


1/7の魔法使い is exactly the type of generic fantasy tale I like. Anyone played the trial?

>> No.12894582

Only looking forward to 夏の色のノスタルジア. The trial looks promising and twincest is enough reason for me to play it.

>> No.12894687

>one of the best animated novel

>> No.12894767


>> No.12894893

Can you read this as a one-shot or do you need to read other stuff first?

>> No.12894898

You can read Mahoyo on its own, but you'll probably enjoy Type-Moon works best in general if you also read all of the mythos and worldbuilding Nasu has done with character and world materials that are not in the games. Nasu's writing may be boring at times but I think his strength lies in the creation of his universe. Not the best I've ever seen but probably the best in the medium.

>> No.12894907

Where would you read that?

>> No.12894910

I've seen people around who read Mahoyo as their first T-M work and they greatly enjoyed it.

>> No.12894913

I don't remember where I got the bunch of scans of the books, but they should still be around in the internet if you google well enough.

>> No.12894920

>Nasu's writing may be boring at times but I think his strength lies in the creation of his universe
Too bad his universe is completely undeveloped since in the few games he released you only see a small part of it
I mean the whole grail stuff in FSN is just a very small part of the setting and while Tsukihime has a lot of important actors in the setting it's still a 15 years old doujin games that doesn't really develop much of anything at all.
Mahoyo has the potential to develop into something pretty big but the first episode was just a pretty small self-contained story too.

The TM setting in general is all about potential and that's all

>> No.12894939

>in the few games he released
Yeah, he expands much more on the side material instead of in the games, which can get awkward. Which is why I said that reading the side material will probably make you enjoy the universe more. What does happen though is that you can see how you can link a lot of things between his games. Aoko herself is an easy example, being majorly featured in events in Misaki and tangentially in Clock Tower things and by extension, Fuyuki.

I do agree it has potential that hasn't been fully exploited, though.

A few searches on Nyaa give results to most of the books.

>> No.12895052 [DELETED] 

Even fuwanovel dislike moege.

>> No.12895099
File: 98 KB, 1900x1087, NxVYH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an eroge setting I came up with. Would you read it?

>> No.12895291

時計仕掛けのレイライン and 夏の色のノスタルジア for me.

>> No.12895315

I've seen Leyline praised around here. I guess I should get into it.

>> No.12895347

From what I've played of the first game, it seems pretty weak. I imagine the second one is a lot better though.

>> No.12895440

we know it's from mugi

>> No.12895692

>hello lady because that was the only thing I could stomach this year and it wasn't very good i only read sorakos route and shit was just asspull after asspull in the final part what the fuck thanks hino. teitou hitou might take the number one spot but i would know because there are no torrent anywhere fuck you

I think i just found the Hello Lady shitposter!

It looks like both Hello Lady and whatever that light game is won the poll. Doesn't cut the possibility that most of those votes are a samefag though.

>> No.12895781

>I'm reading this right the artist behind Vanadis Soft's best games has been fired.
Maybe you should stop reading with a machine translator because that tweet has nothing to do with his job.

>> No.12895817

>Doesn't cut the possibility that most of those votes are a samefag though.
Apparently you wasn't here back in spring when game was released. It was most actively discussed release of month and had mostly very positive reception.
Just because sane people ignore that retarded shitposter and don't contribute to meaningless arguments it doesn't mean they suddenly changed their minds from their original impression of game.

>> No.12896069

Nice try moogy.

>> No.12896252

Is Nekopara that good or it's just filthy EOP who votes for it because the only game that released in 2014 and translated is only Nekopara

>> No.12896263

It's short and a little comfy, that's about it. It's only so pronounced because tri-language release with e-mote.

>> No.12896274

As someone who was very hyped for it, I found Neko Para to be very disappointing. Sayori's art was great as always, but writing was very generic and boring.
Most disappointing thing about it though was protag, he's so dumb and weak that even his pet easily manipulates him and overall looks like genius in comparison.

>> No.12896358

I currently have no access to anything more than a Notebook and School Days HQ's main menu window remains black with the title music playing.
Does it need something special to work?

>> No.12896913


>> No.12896923

Subarashiki Hibi

>> No.12897028
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, Twinkle Crusaders PSS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games written by Shigeta.
Twinkle Crusaders and its fan disc have enjoyable gameplay to go with the moe and there's Princess Witches if you want something more plot-heavy. If you prefer something without gameplay Magical Charming has the best main heroine ever and a pretty okay brocon imouto, but otherwise the game wasn't very notable.

>> No.12897086

Hey man, don't screw with newbies like that, it's mean. Subahibi is a *yuri* moege, playing on the concept of moege with a female protag in typical moege situations!

>> No.12897292

>that start

I would've reset that match right off the bat, even with Misa's Blastic Cycl--oh god why am I analyzing this.

Fuck it, have an Orietta vid.


>> No.12897456
File: 139 KB, 806x625, ココちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itsusora is my favorite moege.

>> No.12897581

At least she's polite while verbally abusing you.

>> No.12897643

I don't fully understand what you mean by "quintessential", but if you mean standard moeges, I'll say ToHeart2. Or Mashifony if that's too old for you.

>> No.12897738
File: 150 KB, 800x600, 20120128212556e59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By far Loverable.

>> No.12897745
File: 344 KB, 1024x768, sister-princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I'm a fucking retard, I'm only thinking eroge.

Correction sir, I'm a dumbass. The quintessential moege is Sister Princess

>> No.12897783

>Sister Princess
I'm not the "quintessential" dude but to be honest I have never played sister princess and I'd like to play it, is there a pc version of this or only for playstation 1?

>> No.12898025

If you suddenly become to have twelve sisters, what do you think?

>> No.12898038

What kind of game exactly can be categorized as a moege?

>> No.12898109

One things that makes me mad is the Grail war: why just five? That's bullishit, you cut your own legs. And the first two are useless too. And he consider every route canon. You can't use the setting and the character anymore, great!

The nasuverse is wasted potential at it's finest. I'm so mad.

>> No.12898209

>you'll probably enjoy Type-Moon works best in general if you also read all of the mythos and worldbuilding Nasu has done with character and world materials that are not in the games
I think this is only true for a certain type of people who are obsessive about lore and worldbuilding, who I'm sure are a small minority. I love Type Moon games and have never felt any need or desire to read outside resources about the Nasuverse.

He's also a few years too late to participate in TM power ranking threads, which were half the reason why anyone delved into the supplemental material in the first place.

>> No.12898779
File: 99 KB, 802x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually finding the girls and these slice of life yuri scenes really cute.
I think I am going to be disappointing when events inevitably take a turn for the worse because clearly this is not meant to be a purely happy game. I thought I'd give it a go before it gets fully translated and becomes a kusoge though.

>> No.12898855

How often do you want to reuse the same plot points? Don't you think the Grail war would be overstaying it's welcome if it continues past the fifth iteration?

>> No.12898873

The Japanese certainly don't think so.

>> No.12899063
File: 302 KB, 1290x749, what the fukc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what they call retard moe?

>> No.12899071
File: 54 KB, 300x450, archer_ponder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a story with multiple routes, what is canon?

>> No.12899079

The main heroine.

>> No.12899192

when i dont like the main heroine i just convince myself that my favourite is canon and kill off the main heroine........................

>> No.12899208

Fans are often the worst people. The character arcs are done, the central mystery is solved and we had a prequel and pre-prequel. Not everything has to turn into a long running franchise.

>> No.12899321
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x600, Screenshot (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiyouri and her meow meow.

>> No.12899370

Are there any torrent sites where you can download untranslated visual novel, besides sukebei.nyaa?
I want to read Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na, but I cannot find a good download on nyaa.

>> No.12899378

Nope. Your only other chances are either share or anime-sharing.

>> No.12899380

It was on the ftp I think.

>> No.12899594

all i can say about the imouto route is that my wrist was pretty sore so was some other places.

>> No.12899746

Was it so bad that it caused you to slit your wrist?

>> No.12900233
File: 32 KB, 474x603, wtff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that? Does someone knows how to fix it? I'm launching it on jap locale and everything, I don't see why it would behave this way.

>> No.12900254 [DELETED] 

Currently playing Katawa Shoujo.
My first route was Emi because I just can't resist this kind of little twintailed cutie with such adorable expressions. My heart was melting with every "gambatte~!" pose she would make. Too bad the sex scenes (for what was present on-screen) were really bad but that goes to show the relationship from Emi's p.o.v.

Lilly's route came next and it was really relaxing. Lilly is really beautiful and I liked the deep affection between the MC and her. It's also interesting to have a route without a truly bad ending (though I didn't get the neutral one yet)

I'm really smitten with this VN. I tried to follow the chart to get a bad ending and the "Kenji route" is actually very depressing but it also sounds a bit weird that you have to die because you ruined your chances with all the girls. Maybe a little more thought into this would have been a good idea, as in "you can't feel at home here because you never managed to find yourself a place and as you fall into depression, your health is starting to deteriorate and your parents decide to remove you from the school." or something like this.

Next, I think I'm going for the Rin route because I've heard a lot of good things from this route. Besides, I'm quite intrigued by her.

>> No.12900265

OELVNs go to /vg/
I'm not even that one EOP shitposter, this is actually in the board rules.

>> No.12900297

I guess someone on /vn/ linked to this thread. Disgusting.

>> No.12900337


>> No.12900370

Taking forever to download Itsusora from nyaa.
Anyone want to help seed?

>> No.12900408

just buy it

>> No.12900485

Can you guys suggest me some moeges which have "bully" element in it? I'd like to save some girls from bullying and ichaicha with them but all I can find are nukiges.

>> No.12901463

Thanks to whoever seeded. The speed shot up and I'm done now.
Maybe if I really like it. I did like Asairo.

>> No.12901822

the obvious one would be yume miru kusuri. there are quite a few if you look at older games. I also enjoyed H2O.

bullying is considered too off-putting by moege standards nowadays. it's up there with a potential male competitor, abusive step father, any hint of non-virginity etc etc.

>> No.12902392

Yeah I want something like yume miru kusuri, well it doesn't have to be that hard though. I guess I'll try h2O now, also if anybody have some more recommend I'd gladly try.

>> No.12902395

Karmarka circle I guess, it's pretty crap overall, I finished it and I don't even know why because it was disappointing as hell.

>> No.12902678

>Karmarka circle I guess


>> No.12902759

Crassy Cranberry has bullied heroine and Prince on White Horse as protag who saves her.

>> No.12902780

I've been trying to buy my first VN on DLSite. I was on the phone with my bank for hours trying to authorize the charge. AFAICT my bank doesn't support 3D-secure which DLSite requires. Is this a known thing?

Also do they list which games have DRM?

>> No.12902798

I could buy games fine with anonymous prefunded cards just fine there.
>Also do they list which games have DRM?
Yes, look for green shield and text next to it at game's description (it will say either "serial number" or "soft denchi"). Actually, its very hard to miss, did you even try reading pages there?

>> No.12902820

Still not seeing it. I'm on the "DLSite Pro" site, maybe that's why?

>> No.12902843
File: 11 KB, 444x89, オゲレツ大百科外伝~マシーナの輝石~ [West Vision][トシぞー 丹下ゲンタ 黒崎将弘] | DLsite Pro - 成人向け.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter which part of site, its exactly same everywhere. Here's sample for pro:

>> No.12902853

The games I was looking at just didn't have it. I finally found one that does. Thanks.

>> No.12902993

Does anybody else's gears get massively ground by the way these titles get abbreviated?

>> No.12902999

eroge titles are usually a mouthful, so even if they seem shit people come up with to sound cool and catchy they have their usefulness

>> No.12903047

Most of them make sense if you consider how the titles are written in Japanese. Any particular examples you're thinking of?

>> No.12903358

Gluttony route hurrr your father built a wall that killed a person when it broke down lets bully you and call you killer.
That was bullying alright.

>> No.12903507


>> No.12903518

You'll be surprised how she plays out in the later chapters.

>> No.12903526

So you played Kamimaho?
How did you like it?

>> No.12903754
File: 787 KB, 1003x1412, 47775393_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better than everything else released that month. Kisaki is the best imouto I've ever seen.

>> No.12904073
File: 294 KB, 1276x706, kisakibestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah

>> No.12904167

Great, except for the fact that she's DEAD.
I lost interest after it was confirmed in like, chapter 7 or 8.

>> No.12904253

Anyone knows how long Sayuki route in Amakano is? I'm on the 3rd H-scenes and am considering if I should start a new game instead

>> No.12904294

She has 6 scenes, they really went over the top with Amakano's length

>> No.12904663

Is that canon or only happen in the bad end? I like to play it but I don't want to be emotinally devastated for a week. I had enough sad things in my life

>> No.12904884

She dies before the routes branch off so it's canon in all routes. If you don't want to be sad it's probably better if you avoid this game because basically all the character routes except for the true end are sad/bittersweet endings. Actually even the true end isn't all that happy.

>> No.12905008

I cant remember the last time I actually got hard from a VN. But Ikikoi did it.

>> No.12905428

How is Tenso when it comes to buying eroge?

I heard they open every package and inspect it once it gets to their warehouse,and I don't want some hassle that cost me money and ends with me still not having my eroge.Anyone used them to buy eroge before?

>> No.12905451

I've used Tenso for years and I've never had any problems.

>> No.12905479

For eroge?

That's a relief, now I just have to figure out how to get my mom to sign up.

>> No.12905651

What's the difference between easy and normal mode in Lovely x Cation 2? I'd much rather just leisurely make my way through the game, but I don't want to miss any CGs because I didn't pick normal.

>> No.12905657

>What's the difference between easy and normal mode in Lovely x Cation 2?

Required parameters and changes some things to RNG, iirc. If you are just going for the story just play easy

>> No.12905666

Aight, thanks anon. I'll do just that.

>> No.12906553

no new thread ;(

>> No.12906809 [DELETED] 

New thread: >>12906807

>> No.12906863

Can someone not retarded make the thread? At least put VN somewhere in there so it shows up in the catalog.

>> No.12906880

It's not really something to sperg about. Anyone can easily see it's a VN thread by the screenshot, he linked to this one properly and it has the usual opening words.

>> No.12906888

yeah i messed up. still have a huge countdown timer to go so someone else please post.

It's needed because lot's of people get to the thread via search

>> No.12906891

Its also not far enough in to make it a big deal to remake, it'd be nice to have it easily searchable in the catalog/archives and for filters.

>> No.12906903

New thread:


>> No.12907506

I really hate how soft and pathetic modern otaku are. It limits the industry.
