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File: 40 KB, 640x480, I did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1286653 No.1286653 [Reply] [Original]

I finally did it, guys!

>> No.1286660

Terrible player, or great troll.

>> No.1286670
File: 61 KB, 200x228, 1221109507554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Continues used: 2

>> No.1286675

You did better than 80% of /jp/

>> No.1286680
File: 167 KB, 1250x1425, 1221109589935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job

>> No.1286681

Last night I wasn't able to beat it with even 3 continues. But I guess I was able to see the gaps and got to Marionette before I finally had to use a continue. I'm sure, in a couple of more playthroughs, I'll 1CC it.

>> No.1286688


>> No.1286686

Still reporting; you should have played easy for full effect.

>> No.1286708
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Reach for the gold, Anonymous!

>> No.1286710
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Nicely done, I have yet to accomplish this basic, but necessary feat.

>> No.1286716
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Posting some Remi in celebration.

>> No.1286719
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>> No.1286730
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>> No.1286738
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>> No.1286740
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>> No.1286745
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>> No.1286748
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>> No.1286753
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>> No.1286761
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>> No.1286762
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>> No.1286765
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>> No.1286769

Congrats. It took me a while to do this one and even longer to get 1cc. I really get fucked by mid-boss Sakuya. Everything else was cake by the end but oh god Sakuya...

>> No.1286771
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>> No.1286789

do you get an ending if not then you didn't do it

>> No.1286785

I probably would have died more on Misdirection if it wasn't for all the"just tap left/right" advice in all those "I can't beat Misdirection" threads.

>> No.1286795

I don't have any problems on Normal mode for TH6-10, but SA's Normal is just damn hard. I've only 1CC'd it twice out of like thirteen runs.

>> No.1286798

Am I the only one who thinks Icicle fall is harder than Misdirection?

>> No.1286822

Icicle fall is easier as you can survive without any special tricks.

>> No.1286829

I think so too. Usually I just go left to right on Icicle Fall but have hardly any time left when I beat it.

>> No.1286906

Misdirection is easy once you get the hang of it, on the other hand I totally suck at Icicle Fall and bomb the shit out of it.

>> No.1286916

Weird... I haven't died to midboss Sakuya in a while but I sill can't clear normal even using every continue...

>> No.1286944

I've gotten all the way up to Remi's third to last spell card without continues, but I'm too shitty to actually 1cc it.

>> No.1286945

I cant get past rumia any tips?

>> No.1287017


Hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.1287040

Am I the only one who has to bomb on Cirno's attack before she uses Icicle Fail? I think it's one of the hardest parts of the entire game. It goes pretty fast and without a visible hitbox it's easy to accidentally run into it.

>> No.1287041

Am I the only one who has to bomb at the beginning of stage 1? I think it's one of the hardest parts of the game. The fairies go pretty fast and even with a visible hitbox I still accidentally run into them.

>> No.1287057

I find Rumia and Cirno easy, I usually lose lives when U fight China, I can do the spell card that looks like a expanding flower and the rainbow chimes but I have trouble where she shoots the circular spell card that MOVES FAST. The rest of my lives are usually lost to the faeries and I usually lose 1 life to koakuma. When I reach patchy I usually only have 1 life left which I lose during her longass spellcards.

>> No.1287067


>> No.1287111

Goddamn faeries im tired of them spraying the whole fucking screen like niggers once you get past 3.

>> No.1287115

>Continues used: 2
Please don't waste our time posting shit like this.

>> No.1287120

But didn't you just waste your precious time by replying instead of just hiding the thread?

>> No.1287124

Because it's late and I'm sleepy.

>> No.1287130

So I tried again and beat it with only 1continue.
I will 1CC EoSD by the weekend, you have my word.
Hey, I could probably easily beat PCB now since I'm sure if I can do this without a hitbox I'll be able to finish a game with a visible hitbox.

>> No.1287132

Also despite the failure it is technically a topic about the games, so I felt obliged to reply.

>> No.1287138

You'd think that... My first game was EoSD - about 40-50 attempts to 1CC. PCB... about 100 after.

>> No.1287141

The first part of the game where I have to bomb is on Meiling's last card, which I like to call "Shit Flying Everywhere". I can deal with patterns, but those types of cards always kill me.

>> No.1287147

PCB on normal requires a lot more memorization than EoSD on normal, especially stage 4.

Also Yomou's slashes can take away a few of your lives. Its hard to convince yourself that you should be using bombs against those attacks you see.

>> No.1287152

Yeah, I've always had trouble on PCB's stage 4. I can clear EoSD's stage 4 with no problems now though when Patchy used to kick my ass so at least that's something.

>> No.1287154

Don't feel bad about bombing that card. Its not necessarily a difficult card, its just that it's dangerous since you can die very suddenly, especially since you have an invisible hitbox.

Kind of like a weaker version of philosopher's stone.

>> No.1287158

Stage 4 Patchy can still fuck me up. However Stage 4 Satori copying Patchy's spellcards is way easier to me. Am I broken, /jp/?

>> No.1287159

Wait actually China's last spellcard might have some kind of odd pattern to it that makes it much safer. I don't remember too well though.

If such a pattern exists though you'll be able to see it by playing the level on hard.

>> No.1287166

Satori has 3 spellcards (4 if you count tracking laser).

Patchy has 8ish spellcards and your hitbox is invisible.

>> No.1287190

I find china easier than cirno. Is there something wrong with me? I think alice is easier than chen too.

>> No.1287218

Easy and Normal Chen have that hellish spellcard that causes the bullets to curve inward at you. I fucking hate that.

>> No.1287228

If you think Cirno is hard, you are stupid.

>> No.1287232

Cirno is only slightly easier than China when playing on normal.

>> No.1287244

There are no hard bosses in any Touhou's first three stages.

>> No.1287265

I always have to bomb on icicle fall. if I try to sit right under her I get hit by the homing bullets. sometimes I can do it by grazing around the bottom but it's definitely harder than any of china's cards

>> No.1287298

