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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, gaben_157890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12861424 No.12861424 [Reply] [Original]

Steam sale on VNs. Since I decided to get Nekopara, thought I might as well look at other VNs too. Should I get these?

I remember you guys saying Planetarium was good a while back.

I have no idea if this is any good or not but vndb rated it decently.

I like the art. That's about it.

>> No.12861441

Planetarian is good.
If you have to get IMHHW, get the restoration patch made for it that adds back in all of the censored content, or you're getting a completely gimped route for one of the girls.
Dunno about fault milestone.

>> No.12861483

le troll face

>> No.12861489

Buy eden*. It's much better than any other VN you quoted.

>> No.12861493

>buying visual novels
Not even joking here, all these titles that are all freely avaiable on the internet.

>> No.12861510

I love how 3 of the 4 you mentioned are renown for having a shitty translation. Simply epic dude.

>> No.12861517

Yes, we know that just about any type of software is freely available on the internet. Thank you for confirming what Napster taught the public over a decade ago.

>> No.12861518

Then what would you recommend? Are there good fantranslations out?

>> No.12861523


>> No.12861529

If you aren't trolling then yes there are good fan translations. Most fan translations are better than what Dovac shits out. If you are planning to buy VNs buy them from Mangagamers. http://store.steampowered.com/search/?publisher=MangaGamer
They actually work to improve what they release. Hell they are retranslating a release they made with a poor translation in prep for it going on steam. Unlike Dovac who poorly translates a game just so he can put it up on steam and then have retards buy it who don't realize his translator barely knows Japanese and English.

>> No.12861529,1 [INTERNAL] 

why would you BUY a shitty nukige with a shitty translation and all the porn removed?
literally w t f

>> No.12861529,2 [INTERNAL] 

Its just dovac advertising his shit, ignore him.

>> No.12861529,3 [INTERNAL] 

steam weebs

>> No.12861768

If you absolutely feel like you have to buy VNs on Steam, at least don't buy any from Sekai project. Anything from Mangagamer is good. Give those guys the support, they need it.

>> No.12861768,1 [INTERNAL] 

you can EASILY patch the porn right back in retard.

>> No.12861768,2 [INTERNAL] 

i bought the valve pack thing truck simulator uh skyrim i think and eu iv i dont know when ill play all this shit i literally never play video games

>> No.12861768,3 [INTERNAL] 

oh and audiosurf

>> No.12861768,4 [INTERNAL] 

steam is a social networking platform, whats your ID?

>> No.12861768,5 [INTERNAL] 

Sonic racing guy should I buy sonic racing? Is there still a pretty large NA community?

>> No.12861768,6 [INTERNAL] 

he has a vested interest in getting you to buy it dude

>> No.12861768,7 [INTERNAL] 

there seem to be people playing whenever i want to play online especially after sales

>> No.12861768,8 [INTERNAL] 

the names t....

j t

>> No.12861768,9 [INTERNAL] 

i bought long live the queen 2 weeks ago still havent played it yet thoug

>> No.12861768,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12861768,11 [INTERNAL] 

long live my dick in your mouth lol

real talk tho nigga buy this http://store.steampowered.com/app/266210/

>> No.12861768,12 [INTERNAL] 

uh i literally bought that at the same time as long live the queen still havent played yet thou

>> No.12861768,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12861768,14 [INTERNAL] 

play it, its really addictive

>> No.12861768,15 [INTERNAL] 

what class should i pick

>> No.12861768,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12861768,17 [INTERNAL] 

there are only like 3 to start with and they are all simple to ease you into the game

difficulties are easy too at the start while you're learning but you unlock more as you beat a world

>> No.12861768,18 [INTERNAL] 

you will unlock more classes too

talk to your fairy for tips and if you ignore her she gets mad sometimes

>> No.12861768,19 [INTERNAL] 


any hustlers on the w tonight?

>> No.12862712

Whoa why the Sekai project hate?
You'd think they are doing something wrong if they could get stuff like Clannad

>> No.12862787

People hate seikai project because they are getting the big licenses and releasing a lot of games quickly.

The VN TL community is really anal about proper translations but the most vocal people don't do a damn thing to improve any of it.

>> No.12862846

So Sekai project does shitty translations? How bad? Peter Payne kind of bad?

>> No.12862875

Pay no attention to the filthy cross-boarders.

Planetarian is KEY's hidden gem and one of the VN's that exist, despite being old as fuck.

If you haven't played it, do so. Every tru/jp/ has Planetarian in high regards.

Also, be warned, because if you are a sensitive little flower, you will cry, a lot.
You will cry either way though.

>> No.12862879
File: 111 KB, 1023x532, 15451254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Sekai provides a extremely poor product. You consistently find massive spelling and grammar errors in everything they release. Not to mention their actual translators who have been kicked out of other projects. I don't know why you would support a product like that.

>> No.12862920
File: 1.24 MB, 1296x778, 1419908083521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Dovac is a snarky asshole who has no clue on how to run a business.

>> No.12862967
File: 472 KB, 3264x2448, qPnpByO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd say his business is doing very well considering all the sales and licenses they are getting.

Manga gamer tried to get key for years and sekai project just grabs them out of nowhere.

>> No.12862974

This sounds like it's from a different company that got it's ass handed to it by SP, oh my.

>> No.12862994

I don't know. Someone who consistently insults his customers on twitter is not someone I believe to be a good businessman.

Dovac pls

>> No.12862998

Don't think they sell on twitter.

>> No.12862999

>Manga gamer tried to get key for years and sekai project just grabs them out of nowhere.
How did SP even do it?

>> No.12863007 [DELETED] 

Literally what?

>> No.12863018 [DELETED] 

AND now we have this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=367329752&insideModal=0&requirelogin=1
reminder to give Jewvac your steam dollars.

>> No.12863023

Sorry, don't think you understand social media or how forums work, lol.

>> No.12863026

that artist is really good though. If only they did porn releases as well instead of all age only.

>> No.12863040


That was the sad part. We would, finally, get a real, official Key game, and then.... this utter garbage.

Outside of the Grisaia series (which is handled by koestl, a competent translator), there's really nothing to look forward to with SP now. They've shown that they're perfectly content with releasing utter garbage, and certainly aren't going to change.

MG's had dark days, but this is awful, because they keep getting huge sums of money for it. The fans are literally saying 'we, we don't' give a shit if the English is wrong, awkward, and incorrect, we don't give a shit that you've had multiple chances to fix things, and we don't give a shit that you're consistently putting out garbage, all we want is horribly mangled TLs'.

>> No.12863044

Oh sorry, I didn't realize that was you Dovac.

>> No.12863048

Who did planetarian's translation?

>> No.12863055

Planetarian was already translated. They just did what Jast does.

>> No.12863057
File: 186 KB, 526x605, 7d72b5e321f0fb7daedb709f4665425b.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well to be fair MG does do a lot of stupid pointless nukige translations. We maybe get 2-3 games actually worth playing in a single year from them.

>> No.12863092

Uhhhh, that doesn't answer the question.

>> No.12863097

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, then why does it matter who translated it? The translator doesn't work for Sekai now so why would it matter?

>> No.12863112

Jesus christ those comments.

>> No.12863118

>doesn't work for Sekai now
So, you either don't know and never played planetarian or you do know and don't believe releasing their translations is bad so are ignoring it.

lol, cherry picking.

>> No.12863137

Were you born stupid or did /v/ just make you that way?

>> No.12863142

Planetarian was translated by insani back in 05.


But I guess neo /jp/ and /v/ know anything about older translations.

>> No.12863154 [DELETED] 

I think you may be retarded.

LMAO you didn't sage don't act like you are one of us OLDFAGS

>> No.12863158 [DELETED] 

sage doesnt even work anymore you dork.

>> No.12863165

Being an old shit poster and a new shit poster doesn't have a difference what so ever.

Thanks. So Sekai is in contact with him? Think he's going to take over the Clannad translation?

>> No.12863166 [DELETED] 

Holy shit Janny is literally in this thread right now. I bet he is >>12863118. How does it feel to be retarded Janjan?

>> No.12863179

Why the hell would he ever translate Clannad? Everyone already knows who's translating Clannad. Which board did you come from?

>> No.12863179,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny is fucking mad

>> No.12863185

Who's that?

>> No.12863185,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janishit confirmed for Sekai shill.

>> No.12863195 [DELETED] 

I would tell you crossie-kun, but I'm tired of your lack of sagging. You haven't saged one time in this thread. You are extremely rude and I don't answer rude people's questions.

>> No.12863222

So you don't know, ok. I'll wait for that other guy.

>> No.12863239


clannad got jumbled all over the place with a bunch of different people like air.

>> No.12863259

Sekai don't retranslate things. They "adopt" fantranslations and pretend to clean them up a little.

>> No.12863259,1 [INTERNAL] 

did you buy sonic racing do you want to play with me

>> No.12863308
File: 338 KB, 795x738, 1bacac60966a9d1424d1a1262483517a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with what SP does. Atleast they are getting games out there. MG has too much of a backlog and the majority of the games they do are utter trash.

They have the license to do innocent grey games but it takes them forever to release anything because they are too busy doing nukige.

>> No.12863339

Yeah, so keep supporting SP so they can keep making those wannabe translations that kill every novel they do without your knowing, instead of supporting company that is actually getting better and take it little more seriously.

>> No.12863349

atleast SP is releasing games unlike MG who does 1 decent game per year.

>> No.12863425

1 is still greater than 0. I'd rather have a company actually give a fuck about translations and take longer to release their finished results than just rush laughably bad TLs out the door.

>> No.12863443

The only people that think MG is getting any better are people that work for MG and their friends. pfft. lol

>> No.12863455

There is nothing wrong with SP translations.
I don't know what people are complaining about.

>> No.12863490

Maybe if you were any good at English

>> No.12863576

Look at Nekopara. There are numerous wrong lines and they weren't fixed. That's the stupid shit that I have a problem with.

People tell them that the lines are wrong and they ignore them. It's not that damn hard to make a patch, why don't they show a little effort when all the work is done for them?

>> No.12863585

well i think nekopara is a unique case since it came with every language. I'm not sure if there was any time restraints but either way its still unique.

>> No.12863616

Ummm, go dig through the archive a bit. This is a consistent problem with SP. Fault, Nekopara and Paca Plus have had some extremely questionable translations. I'm sure I am forgetting a couple games too. I never read World End Economicas, but I would assume it has similar issues.

>> No.12863645

>trying to buy Nekopara from DLsite
>Japs refusing my debit card

>> No.12863655 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12863662 [DELETED] 

Just greentexting
I've been trying to buy this game all god damn day

>> No.12863690 [DELETED] 

>Just greentexting

Are you enjoying your first visit to /jp/?

>> No.12863699 [DELETED] 

>i'm a verteran oldfag for using the who are you quoting meme xD

>> No.12863701 [DELETED] 

I used to frequent /jp/ around the time it was made then I stopped because it was shit

Guess not much has changed

>> No.12863716 [DELETED] 

That's fine and all, but who exactly are you quoting? Because it certainly isn't >>12863690. He said no such thing.

>> No.12863716,1 [INTERNAL] 

Alright I'm going to try playing Bioshock again.

>> No.12863870 [DELETED] 

LMAO Janny sure is
*puts on glasses*

>> No.12863877

Please stop trying to bait so hard here. Are you that one guy from /vg/'s thread?

>> No.12863911

Do you have any examples of the errors in Nekopara? In your opinion, what would be the corrected version for such lines?

>> No.12863918

If you don't put in the effort to go through the thread then why should he put in the effort to reply to you?

>> No.12864026

>the majority of the games they do are utter trash.
The same is true of SP. In fact if you factor out the games that already had fan translations SP doesn't have a single worthwhile game.

>> No.12864616

>over a decade ago
It never had VNs though.

I know this is more than likely an attempt to kick the hornet's nest but all of those are pretty mediocre VNs.

>> No.12864763

Hey dovac, since you're obviously here, where's my fucking Narcissu artbook? You never replied to my e-mail with the shipping adress. And it couldn't be auto spamblocked either, because we mailed earlier.

>> No.12864955

No japanese site has ever accepted my debit. Not even japanese itunes or shit like that. I have to do everything through third party.

>> No.12864955,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey /jp/, wanna play videogames?

>> No.12864955,2 [INTERNAL] 

What are we playing

>> No.12864955,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,4 [INTERNAL] 

What you got kid? Want to play sonic racing?

>> No.12864955,5 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, what multiplayer games do you people would like to play?
Excluding Dota2

>> No.12864955,6 [INTERNAL] 

Battlefield 4, Dota 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and Red Orchestra 2.

>> No.12864955,7 [INTERNAL] 

I'd play Sonic Racing if anyone wants. Add me on chococake03

>> No.12864955,8 [INTERNAL] 

smash i play as lucina

>> No.12864955,9 [INTERNAL] 

I have Red Orchestra 2 but I don't know how to play, I always die.
Sorry, I don't own that game.

>> No.12864955,10 [INTERNAL] 

Advanced Warfare

>> No.12864955,11 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you guys plays on consoles...

>> No.12864955,12 [INTERNAL] 

Wanna play l4d2 versus mode?

>> No.12864955,13 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have any PC games...

>> No.12864955,14 [INTERNAL] 

ew, those are for poor people

>> No.12864955,15 [INTERNAL] 

hey buddy, wanna play?
with my dick

>> No.12864955,16 [INTERNAL] 

i can play cs fuck l4d is shit

>> No.12864955,17 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when no cute girl to play with your dick and learn how dicks work

>> No.12864955,18 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself bourgeois pigdog

>> No.12864955,19 [INTERNAL] 

hayaku, let play soemthing.

>> No.12864955,20 [INTERNAL] 

lets play ace of spades

the old version not the shitty jewgex one

>> No.12864955,21 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a cute boy, can I play with your dick?

>> No.12864955,22 [INTERNAL] 

I have Ace of Spades Beta 0.54 installed.

>> No.12864955,23 [INTERNAL] 

host a server

>> No.12864955,24 [INTERNAL] 

You do it, i have shitty upload.

>> No.12864955,25 [INTERNAL] 

you have higher upload than me

>> No.12864955,26 [INTERNAL] 

sorry, mine is like 29kbs

>> No.12864955,27 [INTERNAL] 

then who will host if not me or you

>> No.12864955,28 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO do consoles even exist anymore?

>> No.12864955,29 [INTERNAL] 

I'm playing Insurgency!

>> No.12864955,30 [INTERNAL] 

I got gifted Nekopara but I'm playing a pirated lewd version right now.

>> No.12864955,31 [INTERNAL] 

stupid nerds on /v/ game me like 5 games during sale lmao

>> No.12864955,32 [INTERNAL] 

Alright guys, time for more bioshock. Maybe I will reach the first boss this morning.

>> No.12864955,33 [INTERNAL] 

I have made two robot friends hopefully they will take care of me.

>> No.12864955,34 [INTERNAL] 

Ummm, they just both died to a rocket turret thing

>> No.12864955,35 [INTERNAL] 

nice resolution lol

>> No.12864955,36 [INTERNAL] 

You think I'm going to play this game in fullscreen? Its fucking spooky fuck that shit.

>> No.12864955,37 [INTERNAL] 

it really isnt after the first 2 hours

oh and that one part that you probably havent gotten to yet

>> No.12864955,38 [INTERNAL] 

I have already past 2 hours playtime, but I have been taking it very very slow. I think I have spent more time in the save menu than in the actual game. I just got the shotgun and the telekinesis plasmid. How far am I from it not being spooky?

>> No.12864955,39 [INTERNAL] 

when you can murder big daddies no problem

>> No.12864955,40 [INTERNAL] 

Goddamn steam is like 99% shit games.

>> No.12864955,41 [INTERNAL] 

heres my list of cool games on steam

100% orange juice
crimzon clover world ignition
exceed 3rd
one way heroics
and skullgirls

>> No.12864955,42 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,43 [INTERNAL] 

please dont make fun of that game i really like it...

>> No.12864955,44 [INTERNAL] 

The characters aren't even cute. The tutorial is solid, but big ben is broken as fuck.

>> No.12864955,45 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's gay since it tries to be anime but it's not japan

>> No.12864955,46 [INTERNAL] 

dont do this to me...

>> No.12864955,47 [INTERNAL] 

there hasn't been a new thread made on /jp/ in almost a full day

dead as fuck board

>> No.12864955,48 [INTERNAL] 

janny's perfect day

>> No.12864955,49 [INTERNAL] 

It's not even a good fighting game. Its like some weird mix between Arcsystem games and slow fighters 4.

>> No.12864955,50 [INTERNAL] 

something is fucked up. can't create threads

>> No.12864955,51 [INTERNAL] 

stop it im warning you

>> No.12864955,52 [INTERNAL] 

Wannaplay left 4 dead 2?

>> No.12864955,53 [INTERNAL] 

Hey /jp/
Pickp a server for a games you would all play, discuss it between yourself and I will rent it.

>> No.12864955,54 [INTERNAL] 

Sonic racing

>> No.12864955,55 [INTERNAL] 

I wanT the real gangbanging experience

>> No.12864955,56 [INTERNAL] 

try second life

>> No.12864955,57 [INTERNAL] 

could you host a minecraft server?

>> No.12864955,58 [INTERNAL] 

anyone want to play subhuman racing

>> No.12864955,59 [INTERNAL] 

I could rent a server, but you people need to disccuss it, woulod you even play on it?

>> No.12864955,60 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit


>> No.12864955,61 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,62 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,63 [INTERNAL] 

i wod i think

>> No.12864955,64 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,65 [INTERNAL] 

pick a game /jp/

>> No.12864955,66 [INTERNAL] 

ouija board

>> No.12864955,67 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,68 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,69 [INTERNAL] 

why can't these kids organize shit like this on steam? isn't that basically facebook for games? this shit is fucking foolz-tier subhumanism, god..

>> No.12864955,70 [INTERNAL] 

Sonic racing

>> No.12864955,71 [INTERNAL] 

What do you want to play

>> No.12864955,72 [INTERNAL] 

We only play sonic racing here asshole.

They LITERALLY just do it here because it bothers you.

>> No.12864955,73 [INTERNAL] 

minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft

>> No.12864955,74 [INTERNAL] 

lol seriously? that's a cute team effort for bait. I'm not even here all the time.

>> No.12864955,75 [INTERNAL] 

they are the shitposting illuminati they follow me around and derail everythijng i want to talk about even here i wanted to talk about minecraft but theyn they force sonic

>> No.12864955,76 [INTERNAL] 

dick my cock

>> No.12864955,77 [INTERNAL] 

stop fucking replying to me with your /ota/ baby talk it's disgusting

>> No.12864955,78 [INTERNAL] 

what are you? the warosu police?
lol fag, go back to yourdead board faggot

>> No.12864955,79 [INTERNAL] 

i dont even pos ton ota what teh hell is problem man

>> No.12864955,80 [INTERNAL] 

Minecraft, but only if you don't post it anywhere but here.

>> No.12864955,81 [INTERNAL] 

Already posted it on /v/

>> No.12864955,82 [INTERNAL] 

fugg :---DD no :--DDDDDD

>> No.12864955,83 [INTERNAL] 

level 61 stuck on seath the scaleless...
sitting at the bonfire region luxembourg anybody want to put up a sign...?

>> No.12864955,84 [INTERNAL] 

sent ;)

>> No.12864955,85 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,86 [INTERNAL] 


anyone else completely memed out?

>> No.12864955,87 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah since around 2007.

>> No.12864955,88 [INTERNAL] 

lol i was 10 years old then

>> No.12864955,89 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12864955,90 [INTERNAL] 

Sonic guy one last question. What is that weird thing online where a player seems to move around really fast. Is that just some lag related thing?

>> No.12864955,91 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit i thought teenbros were just a joke

>> No.12864955,92 [INTERNAL] 

thats lag on their end pretty sure

did you get hit by them when they lagged? that can happen and really fuck you up hard

>> No.12864955,93 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, its pretty annoying.

>> No.12864955,94 [INTERNAL] 

any TIPS for seeth the scaleless??
he just spams his unpredictable swishing attack that does like 2000 damage

>> No.12864955,95 [INTERNAL] 

git gud, grind, git gud

>> No.12864955,96 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope you're not just running into the unkillable version on the top of the prison.

>> No.12864955,97 [INTERNAL] 

uh im a teenbro

>> No.12864955,98 [INTERNAL] 

run behind that crystal thing and wait for him to use his laser like attack on the crystal, then hit him with everything while he is stunned.

>> No.12871797 [DELETED] 

steam vn is a blasphemy

>> No.12871818

So anyone here has Nekopara on Steam?

When do the clear chapter 1 achievement pop? I'm afraid the restoration patch ruined cheevos for my game

>> No.12871869

>buying VNs with cutted/censored contents
>literally paying for butchered products

I normally have no beef with steam but that's just fucking retarded.

dlsite always accepts my debit card AND master card though, I use to buy their stuffs from UK all the time.

niconico accepts paypal payments.

itunes is a little more troublesome because they don't accept foreign credit card, you can just pay extra by buying from 3rd party websites that offers itunes card though.

>> No.12871869,1 [INTERNAL] 

tell me about your one way heroics adventures dude who bought it

>> No.12871869,2 [INTERNAL] 

i still havent decided on swordsman or knigh

>> No.12871869,3 [INTERNAL] 

tough choice that part took me nearly 22 hours too

>> No.12871869,4 [INTERNAL] 

im playing ffxiv :)

>> No.12871869,5 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12871869,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,8 [INTERNAL] 

add me on steam i will coop with you ok bro

>> No.12871869,9 [INTERNAL] 

here's my steam


>> No.12871869,10 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone play ffxiv

>> No.12871869,11 [INTERNAL] 

Should I kill the little girl or let her live in bioshock?

>> No.12871869,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,13 [INTERNAL] 

The fuck

>> No.12871869,14 [INTERNAL] 

humble bundle has Shadow Warrior for a buck buy it you subhuman weebs

>> No.12871869,15 [INTERNAL] 


This user has also played as:






>> No.12871869,16 [INTERNAL] 

I really want to drive trains in Japanese cities, does anyone have a game with those routes in it.

>> No.12871869,17 [INTERNAL] 

didnt even know agdq had started

i love watching these nerds

>> No.12871869,18 [INTERNAL] 

sigh im tired of losing in smash maybe i should just kill myself

>> No.12871869,19 [INTERNAL] 

jt comes up with some pretty epic names heh i love that guy

>> No.12871869,20 [INTERNAL] 

So seriously what is with this post? Are you sonic racing guy?

>> No.12871869,21 [INTERNAL] 

he's just memeing

>> No.12871869,22 [INTERNAL] 

The Forest is pretty fun. For these past three hours I've been smashing subhumans with an axe and stealing land from them. I've even created a base of operations in the middle of their village.

>> No.12871869,23 [INTERNAL] 

what kinda game is it?

>> No.12871869,24 [INTERNAL] 

shit looks spooky hell I'm having trouble getting through bioshock I don't think I can play that.

>> No.12871869,25 [INTERNAL] 

Some nerd got cucked there last year hope there's more coming

>> No.12871869,26 [INTERNAL] 

i hope that guy who kept saying annoying shit during a guy's playthrough makes an appearance

i dont remember the specifics but he got owned hard by the runner

>> No.12871869,27 [INTERNAL] 

is there a way to play multiplayer

>> No.12871869,28 [INTERNAL] 

feel have to set stream to mobile quality or it lags

>> No.12871869,29 [INTERNAL] 

hahaa le cuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!

>> No.12871869,30 [INTERNAL] 

Are these fags even well known in the speed running scene? Only speedrunning shit I have ever watched is I wanna fangames and shit.

>> No.12871869,31 [INTERNAL] 

So just killed my first big daddy after 4 hours. How close am I to finishing this game? pls tell me

>> No.12871869,32 [INTERNAL] 

your 30%

>> No.12871869,33 [INTERNAL] 

i can be ur big daddy babe :)

>> No.12871869,34 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,35 [INTERNAL] 

Essentially it's a realistic minecraft with hostile subhumans trying to kill you.

Games pretty scary especially during night, but as long as you stay above ground it's not that bad.

Yeah. Game is pretty hard on single player. It's actually pretty easy on multi-player.

>> No.12871869,36 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, I'm not sonic autistic. What the fuck is your problem kid?

>> No.12871869,37 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't memeing dude it really happened

>> No.12871869,38 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,39 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit mr.nasty is speedrunning sonic at the event

>> No.12871869,40 [INTERNAL] 

dude sonic racing is actually p hard

mad respect for that autist streamer

>> No.12871869,41 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,42 [INTERNAL] 

jt is actually at the event right now but he's not running any games because he's too fast

>> No.12871869,43 [INTERNAL] 

uh dude im right here at my house

>> No.12871869,44 [INTERNAL] 


j + t

josh + trev


possibly and probably

>> No.12871869,45 [INTERNAL] 

Literally who? Is he doing right now?

>> No.12871869,46 [INTERNAL] 

dont mind the guy posting hes just some nerd i havent used that name in like a month

>> No.12871869,47 [INTERNAL] 

h*ly shit........

imagine how good a mixture of those two would be
he could drive and meme at the same time

>> No.12871869,48 [INTERNAL] 

Simply le epic.

>> No.12871869,49 [INTERNAL] 

didnt i tell you not to cum round these parts anymore

>> No.12871869,50 [INTERNAL] 

Epicer and epicer.

>> No.12871869,51 [INTERNAL] 

your finished

no-one in this town will hire you, no-one will even dare look at you after im finished

>> No.12871869,52 [INTERNAL] 

>Awesome Games Done Quick 2015. Benefitting Prevent Cancer Foundation.
>Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Isn't this kind of retarded?

>> No.12871869,53 [INTERNAL] 

Not as retarded as you

>> No.12871869,54 [INTERNAL] 

is cancer donating a scam by the jews

what have they ever done

why is there still cancer after all those donations

>> No.12871869,55 [INTERNAL] 

They should do something productive and donate to NEETs

>> No.12871869,56 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just saying, isn't a foundation to prevent cancer retarded? It's like a foundation to prevent being struck by lightning. It just happens sometimes and its nobody's fault.

>> No.12871869,57 [INTERNAL] 

I tried to and he was going to buy a mic but he's getting a job at Chipotle now.

>> No.12871869,58 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit.

>> No.12871869,59 [INTERNAL] 

Some forms of cancer can be prevented.

>> No.12871869,60 [INTERNAL] 

This shilling. How do you watch this shit? It may be decent if there was less "waaaa, my mum died of cancer waaaa" but that's all this shit is.

>> No.12871869,61 [INTERNAL] 

that sounds awful I was planning to watch it tomorrow but I guess I'll pass

>> No.12871869,62 [INTERNAL] 

Prevented by using common sense? Why is there a foundation for this shit?

>> No.12871869,63 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. People die anyway, it makes more sense to support those who cannot function in society financially

>> No.12871869,64 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,65 [INTERNAL] 

Really why don't they donate for something useful like save the Jangolin campaign.

>> No.12871869,66 [INTERNAL] 

Simply epic.

>> No.12871869,67 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when you check out a stream and can see right through the girls shirt
feelio when the girl isnt attractive and black so you tell her hoping to ruin it
feelio when she says sincerely thanks you many times and puts on another shirt

>> No.12871869,68 [INTERNAL] 

What? Its true. You are LITERALLY retarded if you think curing cancer is a good thing.

>> No.12871869,69 [INTERNAL] 

dying from cancer within the next two months...
thanks fo rnothing pal....

>> No.12871869,70 [INTERNAL] 

It is true. Overpopulation is a real problem. Just imagine what it would be like if cancer were cured.

Just fucking send me to Mars already

>> No.12871869,71 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck if only I had donated...

>> No.12871869,72 [INTERNAL] 

are you the same guy from /sci/? feel you bro

>> No.12871869,73 [INTERNAL] 

Get fucked, you are just being rooted out before we hit our population capacity.

>> No.12871869,74 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,75 [INTERNAL] 

whos the guy sitting in the chair behind

>> No.12871869,76 [INTERNAL] 

My favorite part of Tomba 2 is when you play hide and seek with the lolis and also the questions with them. I wish I would have known that game would become "rare" because I would have kept it.

>> No.12871869,77 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't want to be around either of those guys in the video, but at least the guy with the green sweater tries to be friendly to the guy sitting next to him.

>> No.12871869,78 [INTERNAL] 

The jeans guy is a qt. Are these guys all not friends? I would assume they at least all know each other.

>> No.12871869,79 [INTERNAL] 

while the guy was kinda harsh tolerating retards is a bad thing and overall its that annoying guy's fault for being such a nigger

>> No.12871869,80 [INTERNAL] 

"good job guy I don't know" - mustache man

>> No.12871869,81 [INTERNAL] 

he wasn't doing anything overly offensive from what I saw such as physically messing with the player's controller or getting in the way of the screen or anything.

>> No.12871869,82 [INTERNAL] 

You guys think that the guy in the jeans would not be annoying as hell to be around? I have autism and even I found him and his "commentary" to be incredibly frustrating and senseless. It's like someone was whispering into his ear "say something, silence is awkward" so he just tried to say whatever he could.

Silence is fine and preferable to this guy's babbling.

>> No.12871869,83 [INTERNAL] 

he was extremely annoying and when all of your jokes and witty commentary fall flat and get completely ignored its a good sign to stop

he didnt take the hints

>> No.12871869,84 [INTERNAL] 

He actually has autism.

>> No.12871869,85 [INTERNAL] 

guys we can play space engineers together
or the forest

>> No.12871869,86 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,87 [INTERNAL] 

The only multiplayer game we play around here is sonic racing.

>> No.12871869,88 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12871869,89 [INTERNAL] 

Does multi-player work on the pirated version of the forest?

>> No.12871869,90 [INTERNAL] 

idk ... i havent bought it yet so if it does i wont buy it either ask the guy who bought it on steam its not me

>> No.12871869,91 [INTERNAL] 

It should work if you use hamachi or tuungle.

>> No.12871869,92 [INTERNAL] 

is gamergate over? who won?

>> No.12871869,93 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12877250


>> No.12881282

I would only purchase a VN from Steam that didn't have any 18+ content in the first place. For example, I have WEE and planetarian, but something like Nekopara should never be bought on Steam.

>> No.12890879 [DELETED] 
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, neko para chest bounce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12891067

Slice-of-life with annoying characters. Apparently the translation is pretty bad, too (not sure about the finished product, but the demo was obviously translated by someone who didn't properly know Japanese). Steer clear unless you're into stuff that tries way too hard to be moe.

Universally acknowledged as a classic among older /jp/ posters. Good, short story with emotional impact. I personally find it overrated, but I'm in the minority on this one.

>If My Heart Had Wings
Original Japanese release was voted as one of the best of its year, but Western reception has been less enthusiastic, likely due to decision by its developer/publisher in the Western release; the inconsistent translation varies from 'slightly awkward but fine' to complete rubbish from what I've heard (I haven't read that far, apparently some routes is where it gets terrible) and the sexual content was removed; this doesn't impact most of the game but apparently it's important for the story of one route. There's a demo available on the publisher's site.

Quite a bit different from most VNs, much more plot-oriented. Short Japanese indie game. People claim the translation is bad but this is simply due to association with Sekai Project; I haven't noticed any problems yet. A demo is available on Steam; play it and you'll know if you like it.

>> No.12891112

Yes, most of the good VNs we get in English are due to fan translations. We get very little in the way of official releases. You can use the site vndb.org to find visual novels and their translations.

>So Sekai project does shitty translations? How bad? Peter Payne kind of bad?
Varies widely. Nekopara apparently has a terrible translation, while the upcoming Grisaia release will have a great translation. Also, note that Peter Payne is not a translator, just the businessman coordinating the translations (Peter Payne is to JAST what dovac is to Sekai Project). And although JAST has released terrible translations in the past, they haven't released any bad translations recently as far as I'm aware (while they have released excellent translations such as Saya no Uta's).

Actually, gp32 DOES work for Sekai Project right now. He's retranslating Narcissu 1 & 2 for Sekai Project.

Blatant slander, in addition to being demonstrably false; they're retranslating Narcissu right now.

>instead of supporting company that is actually getting better and take it little more seriously.
I supported MangaGamer during its early days. Half a year after Da Capo's translation (a significant improvement over their older translations) they released Kira Kira's translation, which was even worse in its inconsistency than Konosora. Then with Higurashi's release, they screwed people over by releasing Kai in parts at a price twice as high as 1-4's. Then they horribly botched Kara no Shoujo's release, leaving me a choice between either not playing for two days or possibly getting the entire story spoiled to me (and I was lucky I even got that choice; most customers simply couldn't play, period), and blamed pirates for its bad sales. Then, as a final middle finger to their loyal customers, they stopped releasing proper story games and only released nukige and fandisks. Yeah, I'm not all that positive about supporting MangaGamer anymore.

>> No.12891122


n..no thank you!!

>> No.12891123

>Ummm, go dig through the archive a bit. This is a consistent problem with SP. Fault, Nekopara and Paca Plus have had some extremely questionable translations. I'm sure I am forgetting a couple games too. I never read World End Economicas, but I would assume it has similar issues.

Let's go through this step by step.

Guilty as charged.

The only evidence I've seen is a single screenshot of an otherwise fine translation that totally messed up one line in editing/QC. Meanwhile, I've played the actual game and personally feel the translation is fine. People only say the translation is bad because it's Sekai Project.

>Paca Plus
But they haven't even released this yet. Yes, the original translation was terrible but Sekai Project was entirely uninvolved with it.

>World End Economica
Wasn't translated by Sekai Project; the translation was an independent release on DLsite which Sekai later published on Steam. You can only fault them for not improving it enough.

>In fact if you factor out the games that already had fan translations SP doesn't have a single worthwhile game.

Fault. But your anti-Sekai bias likely won't allow you to recognize it as a proper new VN because Sekai released it.

>> No.12891244

You just spent over half an hour typing up shill posts. Sekai Project better be paying you for your hard work.

>> No.12892460
File: 701 KB, 643x720, GoodGirlVanilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Nekopara
>vanilla only good girl

>> No.12893466

gp32's not dead?
How about haeleth, insani, and NNL?

>> No.12893533

Great, tell /v/.

>> No.12893547

>they stopped releasing proper story games and only released nukige and fandisks

Did you miss all the 2014 licenses or something?

>> No.12893978

I was talking about way before that. After Kara no Shoujo's release (June 2011), they've only released Deardrops (easy license because Overdrive), Dengeki Stryker (same), ef (already translated and released), Otoboku (mediocre cheap license) and Harukoi Otome (mediocre cheap license) until they released Cartagra (October 2014). What makes it worse is that both KnS and Cartagra were already 100% fan translated but unreleased when MangaGamer picked them up; MG had no other good 2011 releases.

I will be buying Gahkthun, but it'll be the first title I've bought from MangaGamer since Kara no Shoujo.

>gp32's not dead?
>How about haeleth, insani, and NNL?

No longer active in the VN scene, but Sekai managed to get him translating again for Narcissu 1&2. He'll probably disappear again afterwards, though.

Dead. He left a cryptic message and vanished one day (I'd link it but novelnews is down), and nobody's managed to contact him since.

Dead. The people involved either stopped working on translations or went their own ways.

Alive. They're working with MangaGamer on localization of minori titles last I checked (though it may be outdated information - not sure). Just not doing fan translations anymore.

>> No.12894046

Never played a vn before, just started leaning Japanese. Any suggestions for one in English?

>> No.12894090

Bookmark that site. And don't ask /jp/ for recommendations; if you must ask for recommendations do it in the /vg/ thread instead.

>> No.12894221

if you seriously go to steam for your visual novels you should go away. no country for crossie fuckboys.

>> No.12895478

Thank you, and dually noted.

>> No.12895500
File: 287 KB, 800x600, st_ayumi_a001b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly, a Miel/Norn game on Steam.

Zoo Corporation owns Miel and Norn so they just took their art assets.
Based on the description, they put in the eroge voices.

>> No.12895500,1 [INTERNAL] 

sonic racing is on sale

>> No.12895500,2 [INTERNAL] 

Alright you nerds, STALKER Call of Pripyat is getting a Co-Op/multiplayer mod, 64 players, I'm going to rent a server for this since minecraft a shit.

I hope you are down for some stalking.


>> No.12895500,3 [INTERNAL] 

k have fun

>> No.12895500,4 [INTERNAL] 

uh that game is 20 bucks dude i'm not made of money

>> No.12895500,5 [INTERNAL] 

We only play sonic racing here.

>> No.12895500,6 [INTERNAL] 

I smash.

>> No.12895500,7 [INTERNAL] 

ill play it does it got voice com

>> No.12895500,8 [INTERNAL] 

Just pirate it.

>> No.12895500,9 [INTERNAL] 

can u pirate it or not
if not make a minecraft serv srsly like........ thats a month worth of ramen

>> No.12895500,10 [INTERNAL] 

thats illegal

>> No.12895500,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12895500,12 [INTERNAL] 

why arent we playing san andreas online

>> No.12895500,13 [INTERNAL] 

how about not playing a shitty teenbro game
k tnks

>> No.12895500,14 [INTERNAL] 

The "Ray of Hope" modification is the dream of the most in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s community, it's like the name says. This mod gives you the possibility of surviving in the zone with your team-mates, with not only NPC, but also other players. You can now feel the game in a new way, in a new experience. Join factions, organize raids, search artifacts and hunt mutants, alone or with some good company, when around you many others live their adventures in the dangerous and scary Zone. These are some of the “stalker’s routine” activities you will be able to do online.

The modification also changes:
-The balance
-The gameplay
-The difficulty
-User's Interface
-Graphics and Animation
-The AI

Will be also added the reputation, which will affect the prices you will buy everything at, and the consideration of other players. If you are part of monolith, bandits or you work as a mercenary, you can kill or maraud without worrying about that, as the others will already see you as an enemy, and you'll buy everything at your base (only, here). If you are a stalker of the other factions, no one will take you as a team-mate, as a friend or a trader, with bad reputation. Also, you'll have to buy everything at high prices. Every action have consequences, if the zone doesn't kill you, the one who you have betrayed will.

The medical and fighting systems will be more complicated and realistic. The difficulty will rise and surviving will become more intense. The prices will be higher, but also more balances and somewhen more realistic. The good old atmosphere of the game will remain the same, the world we all love will only change a little, to improve it and save it from the death. The X-Ray engine rev6636 is what everything is based on. All the content is thought for the multiplayer, to better suit the cooperation between players.

Additional Features:
-Chatting with PDA: you will be able to talk with your team-mates or other stalkers by using your PDA.
-Many “Call of Pripyat” old quests, with some new ones: to have a good way of earning money for your team.
-Frequent improvements with new patches: to never let the game get old and always add something interesting and entertaining.
-Secure zones: where stalkers can relax, talk and meet up.
-New weapons, materials and equipment.
-New effects and soundtrack.
-Maximal Freedom: you will be able to organize you trips and explorations, find and defend the shelter of your team or faction division, the base of you faction, the "house" of your own; play as who you want to be: a loyal soldier, a killer who defends or kills stalkers for money, a lonely fighter or a simple company friend who entertains the others.

This is what we plan to add in the near future, little by little.

We've already tested everything we've finished, and it works very well. Synchronization is perfect and the world reacts to every player's action. We are a determinated team, so we won't leave the work we've begun.

The project was, and still is, really ambitious, and it needs a lot of work to be completed. We use our time and resources to realize it, and we are committed to give to the players the best product we can develop. We accept the help of people with good knowledge in 3d modelling and animation, shaders and work with graphics. Those who already had experiences with developing mods for stalker, are welcome to our team. Contact: rohmod.info@gmail.com , or by private message.
All the support will help to faster finish the mod and release it, with everything made with maximal quality.

>> No.12895500,15 [INTERNAL] 

I will be real here. I hate all of you and don't want to play a game with you guys other than Sonic racing.

>> No.12895500,16 [INTERNAL] 

suck my cock, dude

>> No.12895500,17 [INTERNAL] 

can you kill other players or not

>> No.12895500,18 [INTERNAL] 

I make up like 75% of the post here man. I am /ghost/

>> No.12895500,19 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12895500,20 [INTERNAL] 

cheki breki moist nugget

>> No.12895500,21 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12895500,22 [INTERNAL] 

Link to mod download page? Is there any specific version of stalker that I should download?

>> No.12895500,23 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12895500,24 [INTERNAL] 


Is not out yet.
