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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1285691 No.1285691 [Reply] [Original]

What are your qualms with Japan?

Personally, I dislike their disparity of wealth, and their general cuisine.
Has anyone else actually been to Japan? Thoughts?

>> No.1285699

My only qualm is the recent proposal to let in more immigrants.

If Japan proves anything, it's that homogeneity is good.

>> No.1285705

It's like America, but I can buy lolicon in places other than the internet. It makes me feel better about myself when I can hold the product in my hands.

>> No.1285708

They really do have very mediocre cuisine.

>> No.1285710

A policy that Australia has been trying to bring back for years.

>> No.1285712

What's your point? Good for them if so.

>> No.1285713

I love it how there is so much racial animosity between Japan, China, and South Korea, yet they all have such similar lineages. It's just stupid.

>> No.1285716

Ok, I lol'd. Well played, OP.

>> No.1285718

I can see it being dealt with in time to be honest. Northeast asians are racially quite alike (to a certain extent at least).

>> No.1285721

living in japan, i have a whole shit list of things.

one of my biggest qualms is that all the supermarkets dont have an express aisle.
theres 2o registers, but at any given time back 5 of them are in use, and i'm buying a bottle of drink and a strawberry yoghurt totalling 220 yen, but i'm stuck behind 4 old people all with full to the top shopping baskets of the days specials.

theres more, but i wont spam the thread unless people wanna hear it

>> No.1285725

Support the genocide!

>> No.1285726

what the fuck are you guys talking about? Japan has awesome food. I think the only Japanese food I don't like is natto. But I also pretty much like all food (somewhat of a foodie actually).

As for what I don't like about Japan, I don't care much for the general entertainment industry, and how utterly contrived it is. Along those lines, I hate the current fandom anime/manga/geek scene. Which is funny because I identify myself as a geek, but the way the Japanese do it, I tend to hate.

And I've been to Japan many times. In fact, I'm going tomorrow.

>> No.1285727

The fact that they let their language be corrupted so much.

>> No.1285728

wasn't a similar thread deleted 5 minutes ago

>> No.1285731

Please continue. Also, how's the currency and economy there? Any inflation?

>> No.1285732

The problem with Japan is it's full of the Japanese

>> No.1285735

What genocide? Not wanting sub-saharan africans in your country? Get out you bleeding heart egalitarian, there is nothing wrong with that, contrary to what the media says.

>> No.1285736

>theres more, but i wont spam the thread unless people wanna hear it
Might as well. It's not like there have been any good threads on /jp/ since the mods closed that loli thread earlier today.

>> No.1285738

I love Japan roughly, like an abusive husband.

>> No.1285749

Ignorant fag is ignorant. Was talking about the White Australia Policy, the One Nation Party, the Cronulla Riots, and the general 'Aboriginals were here first but fuck that, they don't count, real Australians are white' mentality.

>> No.1285760

Fair enough, Aboriginals have among the lowest IQ on the planet though.

As for Japan, Japanese have been the main inhabitants of tha tisland chain for 20x the time Australians have of Australia.

Again, why is there an obligation for Japan to allow African immigration?

>> No.1285755


If you're just buying a drink and yogurt, why didn't you go to a conbini?

>> No.1285769


>> No.1285772

Still waiting for this list of reasons...

>> No.1285773

LOL Enjoy your niggers, AIDS, and higher crime rate.

>> No.1285795

Lol blacks != niggers
And where's this list of grievances?

>> No.1285812

This thread is quickly devolving into another reason I don't like Japan sometimes:


>> No.1285815

Someone obviously has never been to and knows nothing about Australia.

>> No.1285818
File: 34 KB, 241x925, 1221099725162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol blacks != niggers

Many people believe that a bad social environment is a major contributor to crime. They believe that if people of all races had the same education, income, and social status, there would be no race differences in crime rates. Academic research, however, shows that these differences persist even after controlling for social variables.

In fact, the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic accounts for crime rates more than four times better than the next best measure: lack of education. Furthermore, even controlling for all three measures of social disadvantage hardly changes the correlation between racial mix and crime rates. The correlation between violent crime and the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic is 0.78 even when poverty, education, and unemployment are controlled, versus 0.81 when they are not. In layman’s terms, the statistical results suggest that even if whites were just as disadvantaged as blacks and Hispanics the association between race and violent crime would still be almost as great. It may seem harsh to state it so plainly, but the single best indicator of an area’s violent crime rate is its racial/ethnic mix.

Tired old excuse is tired.

Try again.

>> No.1285819

From what I've heard of aboriginals, they represent a gargantually disproportionate rate of the prison population, are degenerate drunks and generally quite worthless as well as committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime.

>> No.1285825

yeah alright.

the currency is decent, but it mimics the US notes too much, and the economy must be good because the local wards are constantly digging up good roads and replacing them with better roads and doing all sorts of patching up and road works. wakes me up in the morning.

another qualm i have is that i can walk into pretty much any restaurant, and find the same things at slightly different prices. i can walk into every ramen store within a 5km radius, and they'd all have the same things. miso,salt and soysauce ramen. toppings are all the same, cha-siu, nori, onions etc. side menus are all the same too: half rice, half fried rice, gyouza, egg. doesnt matter if i go to a ramen store where i live or one in tokyo, its gonna be the same stuff. i need variety. thankfully, some stores i've been to offered chicken nuggets, and one had extra chilli ramen and another had tempura ramen.

i dont like watching tv here either; its mostly all talk shows and news.
talk shows just talk about anything and usually have a celebrity or someone, but IMO, it seems they just pull people off the street to be on the stage. most times too, it seems they just talk about nothing. another aspect of the talk shows is that they have like camera crews go places, but usually its to some ramen store or some tucked-away country town to try the local wares.

the news, is news, but they tend to drag subjects all over the week. for example the akihabara stabbings, that was on the news on every channel for a whole week. and theres at least 2 news shows per day, one some channels.
i got to the point where i was thinking i had deja vu because i saw the exact same thing earlier that week. they've done it with the armed police incident last year and that "HACK" graffiti thing that was on the JR shinkansen. i mean honestly, is life in japan so boring that graffiti is headline news for a whole week?

>> No.1285826

[citation needed]

But if it is statistically significant, it would certainly explain all that tribal warfare in Africa

>> No.1285827

Japan isn't racist.

It's xenophobic, and it's perfectly fucking natural to be xenophobic, it's a natural phenomenon.

The reason blacks dislike xenophobia as much as racism is because they want to move en masse to every country on earth.

>> No.1285830

>Invisible Sky Magician !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1285837

So anyways...
Where is this list of a Japan resident on why he doesn't like Japan?

>> No.1285840


Wow. I'm just watching this athens guy go from thread to thread trying his hardest to start an /n/ shitstorm. Little does he know that /jp/ers don't care about that.

/r/ing public ban on athens. This guy needs to get a new hobby.

>> No.1285842

i guess my qualm is just that japan tends to stretch stuff and just run with it.
kojima yoshio, that stupid dance was on every channel, talkshow and 'comedy' show for a whole month. not to mention everywhere i went i saw it. as a gaijin, hard to tell if everyone was amused by the dance of his speedos.

dont get me wrong, i love watching the game shows (when i find them) and the documentary's are great, i watched the same tofu factory documentary 5 times in the same month before i got a computer and internet.

it costs more at a conbi store

>> No.1285844


FBI, Crime in the United States, 2002 (USGPO, 2003),
pp. 68-76. Census Bureau, 2002 American Community Sur-
vey, “Percent of People Below Poverty Level in the Past 12
Months (State Level)” (Census Bureau), http://
R01T040.htm. Accessed July 9, 2005. US, Dept. of Labor,
Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Regional and State Employment
and Unemployment: December 2002” (Washington, DC: US,
Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 2003), http://
www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/laus_01282003.pdf. Accessed July 11, 2005. Census Bureau, 2002 American Com-
munity Survey, “Percent of People 25 Years and Over Who
Have Completed High School (State Level)” (Census Bureau),

>> No.1285847

Well, a bunch of white people come in, gun you down and shoved you off your land that you've been inhabiting since the dawn of friggin time, and then force you to abandon your customs and become their slaves. What are they supposed to do? Get an education or a job? In 'White People Rule, Everyone Else Sucks' Land? Not friggin likely.

>> No.1285848

These 2 guys and me: only people to have actually set foot in Japan.

also, fucking OP I lold this is a 404d thread from 10 minutes ago, but with "kinder" wording so you successfully trolled all theses Waps that would have reported you again.

>> No.1285849

Their lack of polygamy.

>> No.1285852


Is the fact that ISM spent an entire 2 months prior to the Olympics shitting out anti-Chinese propaganda some kind of elaborate troll on my part? Considering I actually like China.

>> No.1285856

Protip: Africans were brought to every country on Earth thanks to whitey.

>> No.1285858

sup ISM

>> No.1285859


>> No.1285862

>Well, a bunch of white people come in, gun you down and shoved you off your land that you've been inhabiting since the dawn of friggin time, and then force you to abandon your customs and become their slaves.

What? Like the whites did to the Chinese during the Boxer Rebellion and countless other times of fucking around during the century humiliation? Seven European nations destroying the place along with Imperial Japan? Yet compare China and Africa today.

Face it, it's genetics, to claim genetics has an impact on everything from bone density to eye colour yet it mysteriously doesn't have an impact on intelligence is a faith based belief in the first place.

>> No.1285865
File: 58 KB, 547x550, 1221100330147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of the threads on /jp/ have anything to do with niggers and ISM is just one every thread going on all about spouting shit about them like we give a fuck or as if they were related to the thread.

>> No.1285866

I think someone's confused. White people generally took black people and bring them to other countries to be slaves.

>> No.1285867

Nigerians in Roppongi and Beijing are there due to whites? I don't think so. Whites in Southern Europe? Nope.

Blacks came there of their own accord.

Blacks should be on their fucking knees praising whites. They had a better standard of living as 'slaves' than they would have in shitty sub-saharan africa.

>> No.1285869

*blacks in southern europe

>> No.1285871

Fail. I was talking about Aboriginals. You know nothing of Australia.

>> No.1285872

none of ISM's posts have anything to do with /jp/ or the board he's posting in and are all about pushing his nigger-hating agenda, that's how you can spot him out.

>> No.1285873


Anonymous tripped athens' "DEVERSE RACIALIST BULLSHIT ALL OVER THE THREAD" switch and he's not going to stop until 404!!1



>> No.1285878

What we both know comes from anecdotal experience, you've yet to post anything empirical.

>> No.1285881
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The worst part is that people are actually responding seriously to him.

>> No.1285882
File: 12 KB, 320x316, 1221100557200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> athens posting

>> No.1285888

I for one dislike the single-mindedness of their culture, how being different is so majorly discouraged.

>> No.1285891
File: 83 KB, 660x495, 1221100674682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont not like japan, its great, but i think theres just some things they need to observe and steal / take / borrow from west to make it better.

what i really dont like here is seeing all the young people.
everyone here blindly follows trends; about a year ago there was that whole 'guys have to wear a big pink hair clip in their hair' fad. that was fucking gay. occasionally now i see it, but the fad is now saggin. i saw a guy sag his pants so low he had to hold them when he walked.
the whole trend with guys niggerism. tilted caps, large shirts, saggin pants. i facepalm everytime i see them. most 'guys' i've seen on the train have had some kind of a little bitch bag. looks like a handbag and probably is.

with girls, its all the sluts and ho's look. short shorts, glittering accessories, asymmetric clothing. a LOT of them walk around in high heels, but watching them walk, they kinda woggle and lose balance. the fad now is pyjamas. wearing pyjamas out to school is the new thing. pyjamas being track pants or dirty/old Tshirt and golden hello kitty slippers. yes, the guys do it too.
every young person here tries so hard just to be cool and follow the newest trends, that when i see a decent dressed under 20 yo, i think hey that looks good.

>> No.1285892
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>> No.1285894

Due to peer pressure over there, aren't they becoming sexually active at like 12-13?

>> No.1285895

