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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1284557 No.1284557 [Reply] [Original]

What college do you go to, /jp/? Assuming you aren't a NEET, that is.

>> No.1284589

Somewhere in Alabama.

>> No.1284593

National Technology University (not in the US).

>> No.1284598

University of Toronto, the only good university in Canada.

>> No.1284612

Arizona State University

>> No.1284621

>the only good university in Canada
McGill would like a word with you.

>> No.1284626

Gothenburg University.

>> No.1284624

Upstate New York.

No, not near the main city.

>> No.1284643
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UCSB, incoming grad student

>> No.1284657


Quebec isn't part of Canada.

>> No.1284656

>University of Toronto, the only good university in Canada.


oh jesus christ

I'm dying here

>> No.1284661
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Universidad del Valle.

>> No.1284666

Florida State University.

>> No.1284780
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Sacred Heart here.

>> No.1284784


>> No.1284786

I'm a drop-out.

Also, reported.

>> No.1284789

One of my parents went there.

>> No.1284798

Quiz Magic Academy.

>> No.1284799


>> No.1284841

Sup, CT.

>> No.1284842

University of /jp/

>> No.1284849

I go to the University of Duh.

>> No.1284858

UCONN. It gets tiring hearing about basketball all the time.

>> No.1284851

Mother fucking scholarship to Harvard. Won't be going for another two years, though. I'm too poor to travel without saving money for a long time.

>> No.1284855

John Abbott college.

>> No.1284870

Quebec is Canada. Everything else is just to keep the faggots out of Quebec.

>> No.1284872

Went to University of Minnesota.

>> No.1284879

University of Montreal

>> No.1284883

Miami University, Ohio

>> No.1284891

City Uni London. But I'm finished. Just have to redo an exam next year. Technically NEET then. Mum is telling me to check if I can get unemployment benefit moneys. I'd rather get a job... or just sit around.

>> No.1284896

Toulouse Lautrec.

Im Peruvian btw.

>> No.1284905

Virginia Tech


>> No.1284919

college, lol

>> No.1284920

Graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology.

>> No.1284950

I'm a Neet, but only when I'm not working at my part time job and going to school.

>> No.1284962


I go to CCSU, are you in the jungle?

>> No.1284963

I attended Univ. of Rochester and Rutgers for 2 years each before I figured out college was worthless and went into business for myself.

>> No.1285035

University of Maryland, College Park.

>> No.1285062
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Oh shit, what dorm?

God, I envy you.

I have near-perfect SAT scores, I write very well, and I have good reasons for wanting to go to Harvard. I am obsessed with neuroscience; Steven Pinker is like a fucking rock star to me. My brother is severely autistic, and I want to become a neurologist in order to help people like him and their loved ones.

But my home life screwed that all up. I'll spare you the details, but I had to juggle between looking after my brother and curbing my mom's pill-popping habits -- this on top of the fact that I was just plain lazy -- and my high school transcript is pretty much garbage. Sure, I can bring up my grades in college and try transferring in two years, but even then my chances of getting in are minimal.

I'm not bitter at all. Really.

>> No.1285096
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>> No.1285100


You can generally catch me at the business school, if you're unlucky enough to see me.

>> No.1285103

You wouldn't happen to know one Kristin Bebber, would you?

>> No.1285105

Illinois Institute of Art: Shaumberg
hurf durf
I don't think any of the guys I know that go to 4chan there go to /jp/

>> No.1285118

Rutgers Newark The Most Diverse Campus in The Nation which means it's full of fucking NIGGERS who steal your shit and spics who also steal your shit and white-guilt liberals who are faggots and Derka Derkas who I plan to call Homeland Security on.

>> No.1285127


No, I avoid Tora-Con like the plague. Even the fliers make me cringe.

>> No.1285133


college has taught me that there is a distinction between black people and niggers, and that the latter have no worth as human beings.

>> No.1285136

Small place in Georgia.

>> No.1285137

Shit, it's like GTO in here.
Also, don't try to change the neuro atypical. It's not a disease, just another neural answer. Trying to solve it will only curb our potential evolution as a species (not that they get much of the mating pool, but still).

>> No.1285148

There are no black "people" in Rutgers Newark. They're all Affirmative Action Niggers

>> No.1285153


Do they whoop like monkeys in class? We have some of those. They are easily identified by the fact that they use free plastic bag backpacks.

>> No.1285176

Actually, um, I'm not going to college yet. I'm a senior in HS.
But I live in the area.

>> No.1285179

>It's not a disease, just another neural answer.
what are you blabbering on about

>> No.1285207


I got our network banned from all boards for starting a 200+ reply troll thread on /jp/.

Judging from the plea comments they're pissed and don't know how to use proxies. I feel kinda bad but not really.

>> No.1285238

Columbia University

Unfortunately, I'm part of the shitty engineering school.

>> No.1285242

That's because you're a shitty person ಠ3ಠ

>> No.1285254
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Michigan State University

>> No.1285259

I'm not going to answer, as I do not wish to bring disgrace upon my college's name.

>> No.1285256

Evolution is a name for the process by which genes unfit for survival/reproduction gradually fade out of existence. It's not some goal that a species works towards. Unless some severe threat to the survival of the human race comes along, it doesn't mean shit to us.

>> No.1285262

West Kent College.

>> No.1285264

Nice way to go to a fag school, brah.

>> No.1285269

Drexel U

>> No.1285276

Linköpings Universitet

>> No.1285284

Makes me feel glad I've got a router reset button within arm's reach.

>> No.1285301

Ah, damn. I'd tell you to apply here so that we can be INTERNET COLLEGE BROS, but next year I'll be at Marist.

>> No.1285308

Engineering at University of Waterloo (Canada)

>> No.1285313

Engineering at the University of Waterloo (Canada)

>> No.1285315


>> No.1285332

Haha, it's cool, I wanna get into an art college anyway.

>> No.1285397

DeVry. Am I cool yet?

>> No.1285412


Reach for the sky, mongrel.

>> No.1285418

Actually... not to seem creepy or anything, but how often do you go to the Trumbull Mall? I was planning on going there this Friday or Saturday, and I'm really hurting for some human contact that isn't DURR FOOTBALL.

>> No.1285425

University on New England, Marine Bio.

>> No.1285427

I work there.
Actually, I'm working on Friday AND Saturday from 6-10.

>> No.1285432

Temple University in Philadelphia.

>> No.1285440

University of Texas.

>> No.1285446

Why haven't the mods deleted this yet?

>> No.1285465

Oh, awesome. What store?

>> No.1285470


Because it is relevant to our ronery.

>> No.1285476

Um... the Gamestop upstairs.

>> No.1285495

None of you fuckers are ronery.

Stop thinking that you have worse problems than you actually do; you can't be ronery if your actually going to college.

>> No.1285501


Awesome, I'll be upstairs in a minute. You fine with being the uke?

>> No.1285529


>> No.1285533


>> No.1285530



>> No.1285532

Wish I lived there...

>> No.1285537


It is easy to be alone in a crowd if you can't identify with any of them. What we are not are NEETs.

>> No.1285539

Alright... I won't pry any further.

I'll show up at some point on Friday, wearing a shirt with gray and black horizontal stripes. I won't know who you are obviously, so if you don't feel like saying anything, no pressure.

>> No.1285605

whats with all these rich university fucks?

community college ftw

>> No.1285613

Ever heard of need-based financial aid?

In fact, there are some very highly-ranked schools where, if your family's annual income is low enough, it's completely free.

>> No.1285614


My mom drops me off at college. I'm 20 and without a license, I don't plan on getting one anytime soon.

>> No.1285621


My tuition is just over 10,000, room and board inclusive. I go to a respected university.

You are doing something wrong.

>> No.1285628


I think you're what he means by "rich university fuck", then.

>> No.1285632

Complete bullshit.

On a related note, this trend of turning mutual commiseration into some sort of dick waving contest needs to stop. That type of behavior only serves to exacerbate the cheapening of the term.

And for the record, if you're a troll, good job. I'm being serious here, that's a fucking brilliant angle.

>> No.1285651
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UTS in Australia.

>> No.1285653


A not-too-bright lemur can make 10,000 while attending classes.

>> No.1285657

Texas A&M here

>> No.1285658

explain, i take 19 hours of science/math, how do i make $10,000 and still expect to have a 3.6 GPA

>> No.1285661

I'm rather surprised that nobody has stated that they are still in high school.

>> No.1285668


Limit yourself to 5 classes, find a job that allows you to prioritize your schoolwork. I pulled down a 4.0 last semester. Hell, I only took up a job for some walking around money.

If you can't handle working while classes are in session, take multiple part time positions during the summer and winter recesses.

>> No.1285670

I go to community college, but I'm applying for most of the colleges in the UC system. I want to go to Berkeley, but I'm more likely to get into just UCLA.

>> No.1285676

Well, I'm still old enough to be in high school, if that counts (skipped a few grades).

>> No.1285682

A few? Please elaborate; I've only skipped one.

>> No.1285686

I did earlier.

>> No.1285692

Um, I can't remember exactly which grades I skipped (switched schools a couple of times), but I'm about 2 years younger than most people in my classes.

>> No.1285702

19 hours is 5 classes atm, but labs take up a huge amount of time (3, 4, 4, 4, 4)

summers are full except a few weeks

i've attempted to look for a job earlier but i realized it wasnt going to happen with my schedule

its worth it though to me lol

>> No.1285717
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la city

>> No.1285733


Why didn't you just say "I'm taking like 70 billion labs, so obviously I can't work."

>> No.1285745

Rutgers New Brunswick.

>> No.1285767

Rice University

>> No.1285784

Just graduated from UCLA (Univ California Los Angeles).

Now I'm going to a community college for illustration, since SCIENCE was fucking lame.

>> No.1285801
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