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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12832755 No.12832755 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to buy either of the Neptunia Rebirth games when they're released on Steam next year? Who's your favorite Nep?

>> No.12832799
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I sure fucking am, dude.

Nepu is my favorite Nep.

I'd Nep her every day and night!

>> No.12832819

yo dats sexy
also green or iris

>> No.12832884

Of course not
Nep is best played on Vita, it's comfy as HELL.
And physical > digital
Might pirate FFF

>> No.12832987 [DELETED] 


>> No.12833214

No, Steam is dumb and Neptunia sucks anyway.

>> No.12833439


You're dumb.

>> No.12833445

DRM on my computer? No thanks.

>> No.12833482

Echoing this.

>> No.12833491

Echoing this.

>> No.12833696

Nope, already have Rebirth 1 on vita and will continue to buy them on vita. I will buy FFF on PC though.

>> No.12834088


>> No.12834096
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>> No.12835165

Nice tits

>> No.12835304

Nice hips

>> No.12835307

Nice thighs

>> No.12836754
File: 461 KB, 654x662, PcGG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eagerly await Hyperdevotion Noire on vita. Best goddess? Best goddess.

>> No.12836773

Cliché tsundere.

>> No.12836774

Nice neps

>> No.12836779

Nice lack of fuckable hearts in the thread

>> No.12837325

i'll get it if it's cheap enough

>> No.12838650

Nice navel

>> No.12838650,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why the hell is the steam release only in english.
I want to play the game in its intended language not some retards butchered rewrite

>> No.12838650,2 [INTERNAL] 

steam store says it will be in english and jap. Also thank you. I had no clue that it was coming to the PC. I will have to scrap up some money. How much is this suppose to cost?

>> No.12838650,3 [INTERNAL] 

only the voices not the text

>> No.12838650,4 [INTERNAL] 

lmao fucking weeb I'm sure there will be a mod released in a bit. Did the PS3 version even if that?

>> No.12838650,5 [INTERNAL] 

I am praying for a mod to come out maybe you can make one I will pay you two (2) Iori figures

>> No.12838650,6 [INTERNAL] 

No but there were Japanese versions of the PS3 games available.

>> No.12838650,7 [INTERNAL] 

i hate westerner pigs

>> No.12838650,8 [INTERNAL] 

Makes me sick how many steambros are going to buy this ironically because it's wacky anime

>> No.12838650,9 [INTERNAL] 

Ah hello, it seems you are a 2013er.

>> No.12838650,10 [INTERNAL] 

>umm i'm from 2010 i'm also the one who made the 2013er meme.
This is too funny

>> No.12838650,11 [INTERNAL] 

What? That isn't me. Sigh 2013ers sure are getting desperate these days.

>> No.12838650,12 [INTERNAL] 

Wait this is Trout trying to cause trouble again. Fuck, I fell into your trap Trout.

>> No.12838650,13 [INTERNAL] 

i hope nobody is seriously going to buy this shite
they are literally stripping the games original content away and forcing you to play a butchered translation done by HACKS

>> No.12838650,14 [INTERNAL] 

why did no one offered me two ioris when i asked for them

>> No.12838650,15 [INTERNAL] 

i'm afraid my friend will call me an weeaboo and bully me if i buy neptunia on steam

>> No.12838650,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,17 [INTERNAL] 

The game was made in Japanese, therefor taking away an option to play in Japanese is taking away a core part of the game and charging full price.

>> No.12838650,18 [INTERNAL] 

in drakengard 3 you have to PAY for the japanese voices as dlc wtf is that

>> No.12838650,19 [INTERNAL] 

That is autistic as fuck. I'm buying this now even if it is over $40 just to spite you faggot.

>> No.12838650,20 [INTERNAL] 

There are some people that will literally only play Japanese games if the voices are in English.

>> No.12838650,21 [INTERNAL] 

To a degree he's right. A lot of JRPGs are horribly translated.
Why he can't just ignore the text and just listen to the voices? I have no idea.

>> No.12838650,22 [INTERNAL] 

I did this when I was first learning the nip and it was so terrible hearing one thing and reading another. Fucking NISA.

>> No.12838650,23 [INTERNAL] 

Because a lot of Japanese jokes and stuff especially in eroge are easier to comprehend when looking at it written.
Translations tend to completely miss the point of the original text in order to make it available to a broader english audience

>> No.12838650,24 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just hoping it gets a pricing error when it comes out so I can get it for super cheap

>> No.12838650,25 [INTERNAL] 

that would be unlikely

>> No.12838650,26 [INTERNAL] 

it literally comes out in one hour

>> No.12838650,27 [INTERNAL] 

wait how much is this going to cost? I'm not spending over 40

>> No.12838650,28 [INTERNAL] 

it already has 5 DLC moment 1 of launch and NONE (0) of them give the option to play in japanese fuggggggggggggggg this


>> No.12838650,29 [INTERNAL] 

Based gabeman

>> No.12838650,30 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,31 [INTERNAL] 

reverse racism doesn't exist

>> No.12838650,32 [INTERNAL] 

Is this you?
Not Recommended
0.1 hrs on record
Posted: January 29
super epic... 10/10

>> No.12838650,33 [INTERNAL] 

no that would mean I gave my money to these shills.
its on sale until Feburary 05 so thats the deadline for it to get the original Japanese text or I'm not buying

>> No.12838650,34 [INTERNAL] 

why don't you just fucking buy the jap version? There must be one.

>> No.12838650,35 [INTERNAL] 

Steam has around 4000 games and you can't find more than 40 titles worth buying

>> No.12838650,36 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,37 [INTERNAL] 

you literally cant its only on steam and i dont own any 3rd world gaming consoles

>> No.12838650,38 [INTERNAL] 

You clearly should since steam is never going to have the things you want

>> No.12838650,39 [INTERNAL] 

i only care about eroge and i can pirate all of that.
i was only temporarily interested in nep because it had an anime and is acutally japanese unlike 80% of the "anime" games on steam and the babes are hot but NOP lel no japanese language eoagvjels

>> No.12838650,40 [INTERNAL] 

neptunia 2 has jap audio on ps3

>> No.12838650,41 [INTERNAL] 

He wants the text

>> No.12838650,42 [INTERNAL] 

They are listening!

Thank you very much for your interest in the Steam version of Neptunia. We
will inform the development team that there are players wanting a Japanese
version of this game. It is no guarantee, but we would like to explore
possibilities of a Japanese version.


Iffy's Support NPC

Idea Factory International, Inc.

Please everybody send them an email at support@ideafintl.com to tell them that the fans want the original Japanese!!

>> No.12838650,43 [INTERNAL] 

Be sure to stop by http://gnfos.com..

We have all the latest memes :)

>> No.12838650,44 [INTERNAL] 

stop sliding my thread

>> No.12838650,45 [INTERNAL] 

Be sure to stop by http://gnfos.com..

We have all the latest memes :)

>> No.12838650,46 [INTERNAL] 

jannyboyo is steamin again

>> No.12838650,47 [INTERNAL] 

I would but I'm an EOP NEET.

>> No.12838650,48 [INTERNAL] 

ahfsd;ijhthththtshgoipasdijkldjagsdaiophnj fdm'pjgi

My game just crashed and I haven't saved in like an hour a;fldjkas;fhdasfldsajfshgj

>> No.12838650,49 [INTERNAL] 

do it anyway weeb

>> No.12838650,50 [INTERNAL] 

kangaroo no you ni...

>> No.12838650,51 [INTERNAL] 

god da mnit

>> No.12838650,52 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO I'm going to hack your steam account now dumbass.

>> No.12838650,53 [INTERNAL] 

i found the janny

>> No.12838650,54 [INTERNAL] 

neptunia re;bitch

>> No.12838650,55 [INTERNAL] 

i'm going to buy it
i'm going to do it even though i will be bullied for it

>> No.12838650,56 [INTERNAL] 

actually i dont't know if
maybe i should pirate it???
do you think it will take long for a torrent of it to show up???

>> No.12838650,57 [INTERNAL] 

As long as you know spoken Japanese you should be fine. Some of the stuff that is translated is extremely questionable, but there are a lot of pun like jokes. Its a good time sink so far.

>> No.12838650,58 [INTERNAL] 

There's been a torrent up since yesterday

>> No.12838650,59 [INTERNAL] 

i can't find it on btdigg

>> No.12838650,60 [INTERNAL] 

more like btnigg

>> No.12838650,61 [INTERNAL] 

nvm i found it

>> No.12838650,62 [INTERNAL] 

Why do Japs never have a 1920x1080 option?

>> No.12838650,63 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think the devs were even involved in the pc port

>> No.12838650,64 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.12838650,65 [INTERNAL] 

>playing western pandering weeaboo games
>playing bad games

thanks for identifying yourselves faggots

>> No.12838650,66 [INTERNAL] 

How the fuck is it "western pandering"

>> No.12838650,67 [INTERNAL] 

no japanese text

>> No.12838650,68 [INTERNAL] 

>sankakucomplex characters
>game is only beloved by underagers and retards
>he thinks this game was developed with japan being a priority demographic

im sure you think hatsune miku isn't western pandering as well, just accept your /jp/ power level is bottom of the barrel trash

>> No.12838650,69 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like this series that much but it's got a sizable and devoted following in Japan. I doubt its western fanbase is even a tenth its size. Half of the games in this series haven't even been released outside of Japan and some probably never will be. And what does "sankakucomplex characters" even mean?

>> No.12838650,70 [INTERNAL] 

This is the stupidest thing I have read in days. Is this neo-warosu?

>> No.12838650,71 [INTERNAL] 

IF you're keen enough to know posting patterns you'd notice these teenbros are from either /a/ or /v/

>> No.12838650,72 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not very keen, sorry.

>> No.12838650,73 [INTERNAL] 

You seem neat. Wanna go out for a malt and burger some time?

>> No.12838650,74 [INTERNAL] 

It's alright, let's just sit it out huh

>> No.12838650,75 [INTERNAL] 

teenbros on the attack

>> No.12838650,76 [INTERNAL] 

It's 2:00AM here but sure. I will grab some. I hope your dreams will be with me.

>> No.12838650,77 [INTERNAL] 

your fav /a/ & /v/ anime game got owned, hahaha you actually bought this shit LOL

>> No.12838650,78 [INTERNAL] 

fuck why does /v/ cream themselves over this shit anyway i swear they used to have decent rpg threads in the past

>> No.12838650,79 [INTERNAL] 

Trout, you seem kinda mad about something.

>> No.12838650,80 [INTERNAL] 

little kids born in 97 manipulate the market and viral others into games simply by posting memes, image macros, reaction images, etc, check their steam accounts they've only been registered for 3-4 years

>> No.12838650,81 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,82 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, neo-warosu has gotten pretty bad. I'm going to have to move to /what/ or something.

>> No.12838650,83 [INTERNAL] 

It's mostly Trout. He's trying to get people to leave here. He's a fucking idiot. Just ignore him and he will give up some day.

>> No.12838650,84 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,85 [INTERNAL] 

You should try /reddit/, your feelings won't be hurt there.

>> No.12838650,86 [INTERNAL] 

>look mom I'm trolling the internet

>> No.12838650,87 [INTERNAL] 

The fuck? Who even still uses greentext anymore?

>> No.12838650,88 [INTERNAL] 

Are you the literal teenbro?

>> No.12838650,89 [INTERNAL] 

No? I just turned 20 this past summer.

>> No.12838650,90 [INTERNAL] 

I got a trashcan you can play in

>> No.12838650,91 [INTERNAL] 

I prefer boxes.

>> No.12838650,92 [INTERNAL] 

Got a message back from their support:

First of all, we would like to thank you for purchasing Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1!

Our team would love to look into the possibility of adding Japanese interface and subtitles! This may

not be possible in the near future right now, it will be something we may consider in future titles.

Thank you for your continued support!

>> No.12838650,93 [INTERNAL] 

Things are looking bleak

>> No.12838650,94 [INTERNAL] 

every shitty developer says stuff like this so you'll leave them alone

>> No.12838650,95 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK i actually bought the game and am extremely dissapointed.
On top of cringe-worthy localizations, they completely and entirely rewrite the text.
Changing a joke where the sweater girl says "nep nep mo, chuugakusei to onaji desu ne" after neptune picks up a wooden sword to "um, okey-dokey, Nep-Nep..." is the final straw I can't play this game any more.
Suck my dick translators you ruined what could have been a classic

>> No.12838650,96 [INTERNAL] 

just let it fucking end

>> No.12838650,97 [INTERNAL] 

if you must play neptunia then pirate it don't pay money for a shitty rewrite

>> No.12838650,98 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,99 [INTERNAL] 

wjherera reyou totori i love oyu so much pls mtotori i love oyu plss just let it fucking end please hlep me totori fuckigufkcuf ck,ufckfuck

>> No.12838650,100 [INTERNAL] 

totori is like 14 dude...

>> No.12838650,101 [INTERNAL] 

I just want to go to sleep and never wake up

>> No.12838650,102 [INTERNAL] 

here we go good to go neputyuunu ♪

>> No.12838650,103 [INTERNAL] 

GET lost

>> No.12838650,104 [INTERNAL] 

here we go way to go neputyuunu

>> No.12838650,105 [INTERNAL] 

>> No.12838650,106 [INTERNAL] 

I think I bolded that but it was supposed to be italic

>> No.12838650,107 [INTERNAL] 

I bought it but as usual I can't be bothered to play games and I get enough moe from the anime I watch every day.

>> No.12838650,108 [INTERNAL] 

I actually played it tonight and it was fun.

>> No.12838650,109 [INTERNAL] 

the translation is SHIT

>> No.12838650,110 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,111 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO he doesn't understand Japanese

>> No.12838650,112 [INTERNAL] 

You should see the translation when NISA was still handling it

>> No.12838650,113 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12838650,114 [INTERNAL] 

Totori has a loose pussy

>> No.12838650,115 [INTERNAL] 

i love totori so much

>> No.12838650,116 [INTERNAL] 

I hope Totori and friends come to Steam next.
