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File: 26 KB, 965x467, shitpostingcindy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12826051 No.12826051 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12797207

Discuss various rhythm games and have your Cindy fanart ready.

>> No.12826066

other thread isn't even on the last page, no point in making a thread this early

>> No.12826800

lmao ok

>> No.12827372

What is your overall favorite bemani song?

>> No.12827376
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>> No.12827428


>> No.12827562

i can never decide
i like love BBB alot at the moment

>> No.12827574

fun to play and i like how it sounds

>> No.12827661

Definitely Rislim -Remix-. I often play it all night long.
Truly, being NEET is the most efficient way to enjoy Rislim -Remix-.

>> No.12827950 [DELETED] 


>> No.12828296


>> No.12828459

not bemani, BMS still welcome though.

>> No.12828758
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>> No.12829238

Get on IRC and PM me your email with the picture.
You're going to have to be able to prove it's you though so just write your IRC name on it and take another pic and send it to me.

>> No.12829306
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>> No.12829551

DDR fag reporting in

>> No.12830169

oh my fuck i love this song

>> No.12830409

far east nightbird.
and flower maybe

I have shit taste.

>> No.12830469

Freeleech time faggots!

>far east nightbird
>i have shit taste
nah you alright brah

>> No.12830478

I downloaded ReRave. I'm not sorry at all.

>> No.12830514


>> No.12830522

That I am.

>> No.12830832

can anyone else not get into webui right now?

>> No.12830971
File: 57 KB, 906x535, GpiuYAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to finally get Omnimix
Works fine for me

>> No.12831011

Is it the same login info as ctrl? Because I can get into that fine.
I've never set anything up that needed webui until now so I've never tried to log into it.

>> No.12831175

I'm not 100% sure since it's been ages since I setup my account, but I think they were different.

>> No.12831241

r u gay

>> No.12831284

Does anybody know how the PS2 Beatmania controllers are? Is it possible to get them to work on computers to play LR2 or other rhythm games with it?

>> No.12831343

They're a good entry point, you can use a PS2 to USB converter (or a usbemani) to connect it to your PC to play LR2.

>> No.12831388

They're not great, but they're functional and they're a good cheap way to see if you like the game enough to eventually invest in a proper controller. You can get a PS2 to USB adapter and use them on PC, but they've got a bit of a delay and some inconsistency. It's nothing you can't compensate for with delay settings though, and you don't really need perfect accuracy when you're just starting out and seeing if you like the game anyways.

I've never seen anyone complain about this, but my biggest gripe with them is the fact that the buttons arch awkwardly far upwards and it makes it feel really shitty to play on. You'll also want to do the wax paper slipmat mod for the turntable.

>> No.12831453

Okay yeah it's just a separate account, thank you anon. I didn't think to check "activate account" because that sounds like it would require some kind of separate invite and thought it was the same form as the operator login

>> No.12831699

Anyone got some recommendations on adapters? Preferably one I can just order from Amazon. I got that shitty two port blue triangle one made by Dilong and re-badged under god knows how many brands, but it doesn't work with USB 3.0 ports (what?), so I have to run it through a fucking USB 2.0 hub (and it needs a powered hub). Also, the driver disk that came with it has a virus according to MSE. I'm on a JKOC if that matters.

>> No.12831723

They're absolute trash. The ASC is the only one even worth touching unless you want to waste a lot of time modding the shit out of the KOCs by adding sanwas and a USBemani.

As an absolute bottom of the barrel "what does a turntable feel like" for 30 bucks, I guess they're useful. Otherwise, build your own or buy a dao.

How the hell do you not have a single USB 2.0 port? What kind of dogshit motherboard forces only 3.0 on you?

>> No.12831914

I actually have two USB 2.0 ports on my ChinkPad, but I only tried the side one since I have something semi-permanently plugged into the back and I figured it wouldn't matter. Turns out it works fine on the back one (thanks for reminding me), but not on the side one. I can only guess this is because the back port gets a hub to itself while the side port also has the integrated camera on its hub.

Anyway, coming from playing exclusively on a keyboard, I didn't think a turntable would make such a big difference. I'm basically back to beginner songs until I can nail those TT+keys and back scratch mechanics that used to be mere keystrokes. I agree with the general consensus that KOCs are alright for beginners, but I can't see myself ever getting to a place where I would need to mod the controller to improve (or even just increase the USB polling rate), and yet be unwilling to put down the money on a real controller.

>> No.12831920

A button mod is between 20 to 70 bucks, while a whole new controller is 150+.

>> No.12832103

Where can I get this BMS? Can't find it anywhere

>> No.12832106


>> No.12832716

>DDR fag reporting in
>IIDX song

>> No.12832762
File: 199 KB, 512x384, 1287703943107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just tie sows and psun accounts together if people are so worried about non-sows people playing arcade data?

>> No.12832780

Lurk more. It's been said already that the PSun people do NOT want to do this.

>> No.12833001

>Santa Tran still doesn't have anything worth a shit
>Snow Song Show is still not a thing for SDVX
why do they hate good things

>> No.12833083

I have the shitty blue one. It felt perfectly fine in LR2 but its delay was definitely noticeable in IIDX, setting the delay to around -1.3 helped and made it playable but you can still tell its off.
I still think it's a good starting point if you're not sure if you're willing to drop ~$300 on a controller yet, because you can get them for really cheap.

I played on that setup for a month or two, fell in love with the game, bought an FPS, and then fell in love with it even more.

>> No.12833113

So I just got my dao and I'm loving it, but I don't think I have the turntable set up properly and I can't find any guides anywhere. First of all the turntable moves my mouse along the Y axis, which I feel like is something that shouldn't be happening. It also doesn't register at all when it's moving slowly, it always has a pretty heavy delay on registering movement but it has to travel less before registering if I move it quickly.
It calls itself "HID-compliant mouse" in the analogs tab.

>> No.12833138

yesterday was my first time playing in an arcade. I sucked.

>> No.12833145

He's asking why that is

>> No.12833202

I think psun's founders didn't like how closed and exclusive the whole system in general was, so they choose to just turn a blind eye to where your data comes from.
That wouldn't really work if sows and psun were one thing.

>> No.12833404

1: they turn blind eye where you get your data true
2: it was supposed to be for friends of friends, and not really everyone... but with all those leaks... well let's say 4chan is friends of friends.

>> No.12833429

What type of tape does everyone prefer for their turntables?
I generally like to use hockey tape for anything that needs to be grippy but I'm not sure how well that will stay on.

>> No.12833653

Thanks a lot!

>> No.12833697

how the fuck does one make the jump from 7's to 8's? i can AA and even AAA 7's effortlessly but when i try 8's i just get confused and end up slapping the controller.

>> No.12833735

let's trade problems, because I've been playing for a month and a half and I can clear most 8s but I don't even have a single A on anything

>> No.12834148

anyone else playing low 12s and having trouble with their wrists kinda hurting after a while
or their fingers sort of lock up

is there something wrong with my technique because i dont get how kaidens play high 12s for hours nonstop

>> No.12834165

I guess this is something normal
I can clear 9's no problem, but then if I try to play any 10's it's like I have no idea whats going on on the screen. I can't read shit and my fingers will not respond D:

>> No.12834373

Same exact thing but going from easy 11's to hard 11/easy 12

>> No.12834914

When I'm in a good play session and all warmed up, I can get at best an hour of max level play before my fingers and wrists get stiff, and I'm only clearing into the 12.9s. It could be some aspects of technique causing undue stress, or it could just be endurance issues.

I'm considering learning pinky on 7, but I'm afraid that I'll just start getting nerve pinches in that wrist like i have in my other wrist.

>> No.12835071

when i had that problem i upped my green number by about 10 and played some songs i knew i could read at a reasonable pace
then turn it back down to what you're used to and try reading the new song

>> No.12835074

>upped my green number
typo, reduced my green number

>> No.12835110

Just played Rave*itRave*it and it's literally osu!mania level shit

Also, any pendual lr2 themes? I can't find any in the usual places, but it could be on some obscure bbs or something.

>> No.12836240

How do I improve my timing? each note's accuracy grade feels like a coin toss and I generally get pretty much even numbers across pgreat, great, and good. This game's timing feels inhumanly strict to me.

I just set up my card and started paying attention to scores a few days ago and it's just getting depressing

>> No.12836295

Do you know what a green number is?

>> No.12836372

I do, but I didn't think it had anything to do with timing. I thought it was just about reading speed.

>> No.12836404

I also have timing problems
I don't know if it's the game, my setup, my monitor, my controller or whatever.
The better result I got was a AA on a lvl 9 song. I tried playing lower level songs (hell, even lvl 1 songs) and I can just get A's.
I feel like there are some specific songs that are easier to get better scores, even if those songs are much harder than others. Is just such a thing?

>> No.12836427

Basically, yeah it is reading speed. It's important that you choose a green number and stick with it to feel that sweet spot and consistency. Setting up floating hi-speed (which locks your green number and your lane cover amount) helps with that.

Pay attention to your fast/slow ratio to see if you need to increase or decrease your green number. Just because you're hitting slightly more fasts or slows on a few songs doesn't mean you should change your green number or timing offset. Only change if you are always hitting fasts or slow.

If you already know all of this, the only thing to do is work on your technique and play easier songs more often.

There's very few like gambol (H) but there aren't many songs.

>> No.12836467

Trying to break into 18s in DDR

What's the easiest 18 that isn't Trigger?

>> No.12836767

Which game? Which arcade? It pisses me off that the Pop'n machine at Chinatown Fair in NYC has been broken now for like 3 months. Fuckers. But they still have a Beatmania and several DDR machines.

I tend to do better in the arcade, because my home "setup" is sitting on the floor with the controller on a cushion.

>> No.12836908

What kind of switches do dao's start and select buttons use and why do they feel so much cripser and nicer than the keyboard's omron 50gs?

>> No.12837442

I'm in the same situation except with 10s, it's like I can hit the notes but I can't time at all. I get a B on pretty much ever song past like 7s.


>> No.12837580

honeywell 15g

personally i can't stand the way they feel or sound. try removing one omron and one honeywell and play around with them in your hands and get a feel for how they work.

>> No.12837669

The little square buttons must have much heavier springs or something, then. It might not be the switches, but they feel a lot less squishy and the plunger doesn't seem to have as much room to wiggle.

I might see if I can find 100g springs anywhere without having to pay international shipping

>> No.12837768

Yeah, they do. in the 30mm square buttons (which are bao lian, not sanwa) he uses a different spring, shorter than normal sanwa springs, bronze in color, feels like 200g. I put some 50g omrons and 100g springs in mine and the spring is too long for the button, it creaks and makes noise and still doesn't feel right because it's a cheap chinese button.

To buy springs just order from sanwa directly and eat the $12 shipping cost.
http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/sanwadenshi/item/ilumb_217/ 100g
http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/sanwadenshi/item/ilumb_300/ 60g

i use 50+60 for my sanwa keys and i couldn't be happier

>> No.12837789

Yeah, I bought those for my cheap Chinese 45mm buttons. From the factory, they come with 200g springs, and 200g switches. What the fuck were they thinking?

Then I got hit with import tax, so a pack of 10 springs wound up costing me more than double the cost of the 7 Chinese buttons. EMS is fucking retarded.

>> No.12837956

you could try akihabarashop or the sanwa shop on rakuten
when i bought springs from sanwa there was no shipping cost, not sure if it was in error or if they just used a cheap method

>> No.12838051

sekret club down for anyone else?

>> No.12838055


>> No.12838096


>> No.12838848

How does one go about getting a sows invite if you don't really know people who have accounts?

People tell me it's pretty easy once you make it clear that you're dedicated, and I think I have enough of a setup to show that, but I just don't know where to actually go to show it. Should I just casually hang around the IRC and hope it comes to me?

>> No.12838920

draw cindy from pop'n music

>> No.12838958
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I just got my first A
I'm so bad at timing that this is really exciting

>> No.12838964

It still amuses me that, myself, someone with no real rhythm game understanding or experience just wondered into irc, and within 10 minutes got an invite; the following 2 weeks, ordered a dao, and now currently enjoying iidx

I'll hang about the IRC a little later, and if you're still around I'll see to repay the favour that was brought upon me

>> No.12838967


What did you get an A on?

>> No.12838969

bass 2 bass on hyper

>> No.12838975

That'd be great, I've been playing on leaks for a few months and just recently got a dao and I'm still just trying to figure everything out myself and from what little info psun has. I'm running into a few weird hardware issues and I don't want to ask on psun and make it obvious that I'm not on sows because it's all probably been answered a million times over there.

This might be a stupid question but I can't actually find it listed anywhere, what's the network and channel?

>> No.12838999

Not that anon, but the network is irc.bemaniso.ws and the channel is #bemaniso

>> No.12839003

>This might be a stupid question but I can't actually find it listed anywhere

You managed everything else but the IRC Channel?
Thats pretty weird, especially if you know the website of tracker

>> No.12839004

There is also #programmedsun which is more active. Same server.

>> No.12839017

Oh, I just remembered/checked that freeleech is on, ain't able to invite people till that finishes, which maybe a week? after new years is when it'll most likely finish

>> No.12839313

sherl0k said it will finish until new year.

>> No.12839466

Are there any good alternatives to Dao's pop'n controller, or should just I pick one up now that they're on sale?

Making one isn't an option because I'm shit with tools, and I'm willing to pay a bit more for good aesthetics.

>> No.12839472

The only complaints I have with mines is that the buttons are really shrill and they took a bit to break in, but other than that it's great.
I don't have any way to compare it to sanwa buttons or an arcade setup tho as there arent any cabs near me

>> No.12840028

Price-wise it's wonderful. Buttons are really loud, magnified by the hollow wooden box they're mounted in, and they come with stock 200g/200g so you'll want to buy a pack of 60g springs. Also the buttons stick so you'll have to clean them and maybe sand down the rough parts. Buy it though, especially with the sale.

>> No.12840643

Does drawing Cindy fan-art actually get you a sows invite, or is that just on a random occasion? I've been trying to find ways to play IIDX/SDVX from home only because the nearest arcade that has them both is a 4h drive from where I live.
>somone halp ;_;

>> No.12840652

its how i got mine

>> No.12840666

yeah, is the easier way to get one, but sows is in free leeching, and no one can give invitations until it finish.

>> No.12840675

>d ways to play IIDX/SDVX from home only because the nearest arcade that has them both is a 4h drive from where I live.
>>somone halp ;_;
If you're located in anywhere that has E-Amuse access (which I'm guessing you do since you have a nearby arcade with SDVX) you'd only be likely to play offline, as PSun doesn't allow those countries on their servers and bans their IPs

>> No.12841211

Do sanwa buttons jiggle around less than the dao keys? That's really my only gripe about them so if buying sanwas won't better that I shouldn't bother

>> No.12841233

Got mine that way, Its really that easy.

>> No.12841244

What the fuck, I swear I saw a post saying it'll finish by the end of Christmas

>> No.12841254

from sherl0k when someone asked when was going to finish:
>it lasts until the new year.

>> No.12841638

Isn't 200g/200g arcade spec?

>> No.12841639

200/100 is i'm quite sure

>> No.12842269

It finishes in new year.

It was meantioned in the blog post "for christmas" but it's till the end of the year.

>> No.12842283

this game sucks massive dick when you're stuck with a KOC and a shitty adapter

timing is so off I just want to punch a hole through my wall

>> No.12842294

Nice! If you're playing on hyper, try:

Mind Mapping
refractive index
Follow Tomorrow

>> No.12842331

Just don't worry about timing until you get a real controller, focus on technique and actually hitting patterns while you're stuck on the KOC.
Going for scores and timing will just make you rip your hair out because so much of it is beyond your control

>> No.12842767

hey people who sweat out the hands a ton what kind of cloth/towel do you use

>> No.12842990

How do you actually open the back of an FPS? The product page says it's magnetic and doesn't need tools, but I'm afraid to just pull on it and hope it comes apart

>> No.12842998

pull on the two feet on one end

>> No.12843034

Oh that was easy, thanks. I was just pulling on it like that at first but the bottom plate was bending and I was afraid it wasn't actually the right way.

>> No.12843251

Shit. This thing looks a lot better than Dao's SDVX controller.


>> No.12843272

dude, those prices looks nice, maybe I will save money to buy one of these.

>> No.12843283

what are the arcade perfect switches for an sdvx controller?

>> No.12843327

Yeah man. I'm probably going to order one soon. There's a couple positive reviews on sows already too. Here's the conclusion bit of PHNIX's.

PHNIX wrote:
>Overall, I have almost nothing negative to say about this controller. Playing on it has been a great experience, and I definitely want to thank Virgoo for giving me the opportunity to test it out. As of right now, I actually prefer playing on this controller over my SVRE9, which is about twice as expensive. To anyone looking to buy an ASC for SDVX: get this controller. It is 100% worth the money. Dao is going to have to really step it up on his SVSE5/7 to outperform the Turbocharger.

>> No.12843352

Feels bad spending $600 on my SVRE9 when this looks way cooler and cheaper.

>> No.12843359

and, free shipping.

>> No.12843371

I still like the look of the svre9 better, but apparently the encoders on this thing are miles better than dao's.

Like the ones dao has been using literally cost less than a dollar, and the turbocharger's are around $20.

>> No.12843519

Well shipping was built into the price...

>> No.12843735

I ordered the SVSE5 last week
I think I am fucked.

>> No.12843961

Since I'm faily new in IIDX, my favourite songs are always changing because I keep finding new stuff
Right now I'm addicted to playing this:

>> No.12844026

雪月花 always and forever
that feel and those clicks when you play it well

>> No.12844050

s!ck is really good

RIP rising in the sun

>> No.12844119

Is there even a slim chance of IIDX ever getting touhou music or am I just going to have to stick to SDVX for that

>> No.12844143 [DELETED] 

>Is there even a slim chance of IIDX
fuck you!!!

>> No.12844147

>Is there even a slim chance of IIDX ever getting touhou music
i fucking hope not!!!!

>> No.12844242

Hi tuxdude.

>> No.12844386

>Is there even a slim chance of IIDX ever getting touhou music

Thankfully no

>> No.12844468

Does anyone have experience ordering from sanwa's rakuten shop? How reasonable is shipping, and did you get additional fees after delivery like they warn you about? I got pretty far into the checkout page (for testing shipping) without the shipping ever changing from " - " so I've got no idea what it'll end up as.

I was too poor to get sanwas on my dao at the time but if I can get a set of 7 for around $88 or less I might pick them up

>> No.12844504

ordered set of buttons, switches and springs to northern europe and shipping cost was 2400yen for EMS.

>> No.12844563

If the shipping cost goes over $20 they'll email you and ask if you still want to go through with it.
I ordered SDVX buttons and switches and it only cost $14 for shipping to the US

>> No.12844618

So you just had to pay that shipping itself and no additional fees or taxes after it was delivered? Cool.

Also does Rakuten even sell sanwa buttons alone without switches? I have dao buttons and 50g omrons so all I need are the empty buttons themselves.

These are the cheapest ones they have but they're still pictured with microswitches, and the differences between each differently priced button on the store are so engrish I don't even know what the difference is

>> No.12844753

Only difference is color. Both don't come with an LED and don't have an integrated style switch

>> No.12844836

I figured they were the same thing, I was just linking both colors.
So these should be good to just pop in place of my FPS's dao buttons? I want to be 100% sure first, but if so that'll be about $85 if shipping is ~$15 so that's a pretty good deal. It costs about as much as adding on the sanwa buttons from the start but I also get the extra set of dao buttons to hang on to.

>> No.12845077

200/200 is arcade spec but it's extremely stiff and you can't play very well on it unless you're a veritable gorilla. A guy i know at sunnyvale golfland set up the cabinet there with 100/100 and everyone loves it, and he says in korea they use even lighter setups. He's also cleared every song.

Those are the correct buttons. They come with 100g springs by default, so add switches and optionally lamps and you're set. Always go with (no ramp) and (old lamp holder).

>> No.12845326

man SDVX doesn't even get the good 2hu music

>> No.12845741
File: 115 KB, 300x300, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best rhythm game of all time.

>> No.12846104

Is there any specific reason to play something like Tricoro over LR2? I have a PSun account with a PCBID but it stopped working a while ago and I deleted my data. I'm looking to get back into it and wondering if I should bother finding an HDD and doing all the setup.

>> No.12846153

online leaderboards, rival system and unlock events if you feel like playing them
did you have an operator account? a while back all PCBIDs given out by tictak were revoked

>> No.12846230

I don't think I had an operator account, maybe the PCBIDs being revoked is what broke it

>> No.12846442

any tips for someone getting into iidx right now, game-wise? i've been playing 16 + premium best on ps2, but i guess all the cool kids play arcade rips and stuff?

basically, how does one go about getting into playing those? i'm fairly new to the bemani scene, so i don't have a sows account or anything, and i don't know any other serious bemani players outside of a few people at cons.

>> No.12846494

Playing IIDX AC on your PC will give you a better feel for the real/strict timing of IIDX. LR2 is nothing but a clone or its own game. If you want to play IIDX, just play IIDX and not IIDX BMS.

Playing IIDX AC will also get you familiar with its scroll speed system such as green numbers and floating hi-speed. If you are going to play at an arcade at some point, you'll also know how to adjust offset since every monitor at the arcade is different.

Playing on PSUN allows direct comparison of scores of the server and rivals. I wouldn't bother with BMS/LR2 until you're proficient in the 発狂 stuff...

>> No.12846495 [DELETED] 

>Tripfagging congoer wanting information for free instead of using google.

>> No.12846502

no bullyerino pls

>> No.12846509

I would say there might be a slim chance since I would have never thought of IIDX getting vocaloid music. You could always play BMS for touhou music.

>> No.12846529

i thought the vocaloid songs were a crossover from the SDVX gumi birthday thing
unless there's some for pendual i'd be very doubtful if there will ever be vocaloid again

>> No.12846780

Check the thread archives (or just wait until someone posts them again), then get on PSun. If you need more help you can ask on the IRC. No one says anything specific here thanks to Konami's legal history but you'll be able to find the stuff if you look.

>> No.12846822

>shipping a pop'n controller costs $90

god damn it.

>> No.12846954

thanks! that was actually super helpful. i imagine sniping an invite from the invite thread is the best way for a pleb like me to get in?

>> No.12846996 [DELETED] 

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.12847010

Pretty much, but usually the invites go out the same day. Be sure to read everything there, there are a couple ways to get banned fairly quickly if you don't pay attention.

>> No.12847029

stop bully!!

>> No.12847254


>> No.12848033
File: 524 KB, 1280x800, Cindy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that actually work? Because I need to know whether or not to continue this.

>> No.12848069

Draw cindy and then send it to sherl0k in irc.
In your case, you're going the extra mile there. I want to see it when you're done!

>> No.12848101

I'm not going the extra mile, I just can't draw worth shit.

>> No.12848104
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, cindy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly how I got my invite

>> No.12848108

You're the second person I've seen send in a 3d model instead of a five second mspaint drawing.
That means you're putting effort into it! That's a good thing!

>> No.12848116

Definitely works.
If sherl0k isn't available, you can message Corin as well.

We're on free leech until new years though and invites are disabled.

>> No.12848119

Yes it works and that looks magical

>> No.12848335

Remind me again why everything in IIDX uses EX score and money score doesn't mean fucking anything at all?

It's irritating how goods are worth exactly as much score as not even hitting the note and getting streaks doesn't affect anything.

>> No.12848356

>streaks doesn't affect anything.
Sounds like you'd enjoy Osu! scoring better.

>> No.12848412

I'd be okay with streaks not counting, it's just that the EX score system seems really counter intuitive and overly minimized. I don't think actually hitting a note regardless of accuracy should ever the same as missing one, plus having a value normalized to a consistent max number is nice because you can compare scores between songs easier. With EX score, a given number might be really good on one song but total trash on another.

and no, osu is butt

>> No.12848424

Because in the early days of Bemani most games used a scoring system like that, but everyone ignored it in favor of seeing who got the most Perfects.

>> No.12848559

Hey!, I got mine from drawing in paint.net, and it was like 30 minutes to do it.

>> No.12848627

while goods are worth nothing for your grade(/ex score), they're very valuable for clear lamps! (and miss count)
i kinda like having these more specific & unique measurements

it sounds like what you're asking for is dj max scoring which i mean is interesting and i never minded it on my psp but eh

>> No.12848648

People generally refer to their scores as percentage of max EX score for that song. That way you can also tell what rank a score was with 66.67% being an A, 77.78% being AA, and 88.89% being AAA.

>> No.12848654

>having a value normalized to a consistent max number is nice because you can compare scores between songs easier
Yes, if only there were an easy way to compare scores between Fly Above and Mei.

>> No.12848701

>having a value normalized to a consistent max number is nice because you can compare scores between songs easier
are grade and スコアレート sort not easy enough?

>> No.12848771

I Know You Know
or BSB

>> No.12849078
File: 246 KB, 1500x1128, fps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about controller placement setups?
Do people play at custom standing cabs, sit with the controller on your lap, with it placed on a low enough desk to sit and play at, sitting on the floor, or something else?

When I had a KOC I just played with it on my lap, but the FPS I recently got is a little too big for that. It's far too high up if I place it flat on my desk so I'm thinking about finding some kind of low-sitting long table to place it on, something like this.

>> No.12849086

I need one of those too. Right now I just keep my FP7 on my desk and sit on 3 pillows to play comfortably.

>> No.12849095

i play with my fps on my lap, but for doubles and my pop'n controller i use a table style keyboard stand that i got for ~$30

>> No.12849102

i may be moving to japan to live for an unknown amount of time relatively soon
1. i have an fp7 which weighs about 5kg. has anyone tried transporting one of these with them overseas without shipping them separately?
2. obviously i am using psun. would moving there invalidate me from playing on psun, requiring me to use offline mode or get on one of the 2ch networks? i would potentially be there for a period of 5 months to 2 years depending on what happens
2a. if i would need to be on a japanese network, how would i go about getting onto that?

>> No.12849110

right now I use my uskoc in my lap, and my popn controller on a shoddy piano stand

>> No.12849145
File: 587 KB, 1836x1377, IIDX1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in the last thread but w/e.

I have a FP7 on a 3 shelf bookcase which is great cause it gives me the choice of standing up or sitting on a stool.

>> No.12849153

It's okay, it's still sexy.
Where the computer it's running on and how it that all set up?

>> No.12849207
File: 39 KB, 250x167, shelf-liner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put my KOC on a tall piano bench with a sheet of this stuff on it to prevent slippage (works great). Then I have a short ottoman that I sit on that lets me position my hands for maximum splash beats while keeping my arms at a comfortable angle. The controller ends up being a little lower than it would have been if I set it on my lap, which feels about right.

I actually have a 3 shelf bookcase that I thought would be the perfect height, but the only place I'd have to put the monitor is onto the window sill behind it.

>> No.12849227

Thanks man. It took a little while to buy all the pieces and get it set up but I am really happy with how it turned out.

I took the middle Shelf out of the bookcase and stuck the PC and shitty Subwoofer in there.

PC is a Optiplex 780 from craigslist. Added a 650w PSU, AMD 6570 and a Wireless NIC.

The TV is a Samsung UN37EH5000 and it's great. It doesn't change one bit from 60.0030 during timebase.

The keypad and GPS holder are from staples, they're held together by strips of Velcro.

Last thing I need is an Arcin so I can finally stop using a shitty PS2 adapter and maybe get decent timings.

>> No.12849234

Where'd you find the TV? The fucking thing is out of stock everywhere.

>> No.12849254

Open box at Best Buy.

The 40" or 32" are really nice as well though.

>> No.12849278

if thats one of the dao ones why are you using a ps2 adapter?

>> No.12849282

the older ones were ps2 only with a usb power cable

>> No.12849289

I got it back in 2009 when empress came out on PS2. That's how they shipped.

>> No.12849366

Do you have the PC set up to boot right into IIDX or something, or do you need to climb back there and navigate to it each time you play?
I've kind of been wanting to set up a cab.

>> No.12849376
File: 93 KB, 960x540, Cindy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good. then I have a few days to finish.

>> No.12849394

I just pull the mouse out but launching directly into IIDX sounds like a nice idea.

>> No.12849414

why does sherlok like cindy so much?
she's fucking gross

>> No.12849424

because she's fucking hilarious, that's why

and everyone calls the place "sows" so we use a pig (sow) as the mascot

why are you so fucking dense?

>> No.12849493

I have this

It fits all of dao's controllers nicely, including a pop'n controller. It can even extend long enough for doubles.

>> No.12849606

why does everything I enjoy have to be such a money sink

>> No.12849716

How come Spada won't launch in windowed mode even when I add the arg in the command line? It works fine for SDVX.

>> No.12849916

why are u so MEAN

>> No.12849994

even if the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu songs arent key sounded i still really like playing them

>> No.12850009

me too, the charts are fun to play.

>> No.12850094
File: 76 KB, 531x672, ss+(2014-12-29+at+03.54.02).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9s HC lamp soon...

how are you guys doing?

>> No.12850523

I got the SVSE5, and I can give some opinions on the knob
The default encoder have that bump each increment, kinda like those old mouse scrollwheel.
They gave in another set of encoders. But they are hard as balls to rotate, bu t its linear.

Just buy the turbocharger. Looks better.

I also have to drive 30 mins to pick this thing up from the customs, because dao didn't put the product price in the tax declaring thing.

>> No.12850672

I actually thought about that when somebody suggested a /jp/ bms player.


For example, three players(p1, p2 and p3) played Mei[a](because 2000 notes means easier calculations)

P1 got 600 pgreats, 850 greats, 500 goods and 50 poors, at 700 combo(got a very good random I guess).
600*40+850*20+500*5+700=44200 IX(Improved EX)score

P2 got 1200 pgreats, 600 greats, 150 goods and 50 poors at 350 combo.
1200*40+600*20+150*5+350=61100 IX score

P3 got 600 pgreats, 850 greats, 500 goods and 50 poors at 200 combo.
600*40+850*20+500*5+200=43700 IX score

This way combo only matters when comparing scores with close accuracy, and there won't be "that guy with 75% FC's beating 95% scores", which I have been way too often in osu multi back when I played.

In fact, a 200 combo can beat a 2000 combo by having 46 more pgreats. I think that's a fair balance, but I'd like to see IX used in practice to be sure.

Also, calculating highest possible score is still as easy as with EX score, just multiply note count by 41(so 82000 for Mei[a])

>> No.12851117
File: 89 KB, 535x965, scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raised a few of my bests. Decent and relaxing session.

>> No.12851516

Can anyone enlighten me a little on how playing arcade titles trough my PC with Sows or psun work? Once I get in, I have to download the whole titles and they might not be optimized for my PC? I'm currently playing with LR2, I once downloaded a Sirius rip from Blackcats but had to download 25GB and it was a mess to make it work, I don't think it's worth it for me if I have to go similar troubles (not to mention I have a 130GB montly bandwith limit) when I can just download the full BMS packs from every game and play them all from LR2.

>> No.12851566

Newer versions of IIDX (20 and 21) aren't picky with hardware.

Find game, download it then get an invite through psun forums or IRC.

There's set up guides if you know where to look.
If you don't plan on playing online then just stick with LR2.

>> No.12852016

I do this too. I'm on Psun and Sows but I prefer to just play LR2 because it takes no effort to set up. My only problem is no floating hi speed, though.

>> No.12852092

I fucking love this op.

>> No.12852095

OP Here.
You're welcome. I'll probably reuse it for the next thread then.

>> No.12852129

Are you retarded or something? It's a minor hassle at first, then it's literally just as easy, clicking gamestart.bat.

>> No.12852239

Not him, but LR2 boots up super fast and can easily be set to windowed and can be cleanly tabbed out of without inputs still affecting it, things like that. I have a full spada setup and everything but when I know I'll be playing for less than 15-20 minutes and/or I'm also following threads or talking to people I just use LR2.

I'm not much of a scorefag so really the only downside to me is not being able to change hi speed mid-song.

>> No.12852244

If LR2 doesn't crash on you every few songs it's easier, but as >>12851566
says you can get the rips running on anything that's not a complete toaster (my current setup relies on integrated graphics). Newer versions are significantly larger than Sirius, but once you've set it up the first time you're done.

>> No.12852320

Is there a way to play Taiko that isn't Osu or getting a cabinet? Osu works fine but there aren't many good maps.

>> No.12852360

Taikojiro is well spoken of but it feels funny, to me at least.
I homebrew'd my Wii and was running some of the Wii games off there with a knockoff tatacon. You could try Dolphin and a bluetooth dongle as well. Only problem is the controller isn't very good and requires modding or even building one yourself. Playing with the controller is no problem if you like zxcv (closer to zxnm) though.

>> No.12852365

taikojiro or the wii games

>> No.12852461

I think sows should expand their applications process to include drawing a Cindy fanart, writing a RASISxDao fanfiction, and recording a video of the applicant singing "I'm Screaming LOVE" while balancing a KOC on their head (or alternatively, playing RISLIM -Remix- [B] one-handed on a midsummer's night).

That way you know only the true fans are getting in.

>> No.12852573

>RASISxDao fanfiction

>> No.12852577

go to bed CHZK

>> No.12852629

Fuck off Laura

>> No.12852721


fuck code name zero

>> No.12852988

Does anyone have experience with downloading and installing LR2 themes?
I can't find a word about it that's not in moonrunes

>> No.12853572

>I'm Screaming LOVE
h ell yeah

>> No.12855369

so, come new years who should i send this incredible cindy fanart to? i spent like five-million hours in SAI for this.

>> No.12855379

I think you can send it to cory or sherl0k, heck, even me, I have 2 invitations in my account.

>> No.12856241

It exists, it's on the Sows wiki. CHZK wrote it.

>> No.12857455


I'm going to fucking kill you

>> No.12857466


>> No.12858184

Best place to buy plexiglass for the top of my pop'n asc? I need a place that'll cut the holes for me as well because I don't have the tools for that shit.

>> No.12858329

cory cory cory in the house!!

>> No.12858617
File: 1.05 MB, 1260x1680, DSC_0039-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my desk + asc landed with the keys being 88cm up, ~arcade spec. i built this desk long before i started playing 2dx, so i suppose that worked out for me (even though i just listen to mr scruff all day as u can see)

>> No.12858645

Do you play standing up? My desk is about arcade spec if I stand at it but then my monitor is too low

>> No.12858807

yeah, but i tilt my monitor upwards as far as i can. got it mounted on a nifty ball joint thing
will be useful when (if) i get an sdvx asc

>> No.12858964

How do I go about playing some other rhythm games? I've only played all of the project diva (on psp) cytus, and osu!

Any others you guys recommend? I only have a PSP, PS3, PC, and an Android to play them on.

>> No.12858973

Keyboard stepmania is always a nice place to start. You can find practically any song for it.

>> No.12858975

Lunatic Rave 2

>> No.12858978

If you're genuinely interested in better rhythm games, find a way to join the sekrit klub and set up arcade games for your PC. Invites are unavailable right now due to free leech,

>> No.12858985

>implying you actually need to be in the seekrit club

>> No.12858990

You don't but it just makes things a lot more easier.

>> No.12858994

There's some cool shit there that doesn't get leaked.

>> No.12859003

all dat cindy fanfic

>> No.12859008


>> No.12859021

Thanks. I'll look into it.

Thank you! I'll have a look.

I suppose I'll have to lurk moar.

>> No.12859057

Are you guys ready for the greatest sows leak of the year? Here is what they really don't want you to get your hands on.


>> No.12859065

shit nigga!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12859078

Shit, sows is ruined.

>> No.12859093

duuuude, why did you do that?

>> No.12859103

so much for not speaking about it in public...

>> No.12859113

fukken saved

>> No.12859185

dao is cute af

>> No.12859878

why is khamen break so fun to play

>> No.12860207

which difficulty? I want to try :D

>> No.12860296

well I play on hyper but I'm sure they're all enjoyable

>> No.12860488

is sows still in freeleech?

>> No.12860494


>> No.12860855

i just switched to spada and holy crap, i really love this song too.

>> No.12861327

Svse5 or turbocharger or wait for svse7? I want to play with rasis too, maybe svse7 is best....

>> No.12861390

Is there even any information on the svse7 yet?

Honestly I think the turbocharger is going to be the best option for sdvx though, no matter how the svse7 turns out.

>> No.12861531
File: 132 KB, 1152x648, PHOTO_20150101_140236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i just finished my 3er world country sdvx custom controller. What do ya think?

>> No.12861538

That is brilliant.

>> No.12861589

never play a song like 50 times over for lag tweaking. i'm at the point where i can play devilz staircase with one hand and my eyes closed and i fucking hate it.

>> No.12861637

I can't imagine being this poor.

>> No.12861682

Laughing so much right now.

>> No.12861708

I'm a noob trying to get into psun, almost there but I need some final help.

I can connect to the psun server and boot Tricoro, but I don't understand how to create a PIN for my e-amusement card. I generated a card from their site, saved it in my game folder, directed to the file in bemani tools. Checked the "use top keyboard row" option because I dont have a numpad, selected my Razor keyboard. However when I'm in game I try pressing the + key and the backspace key and nothing happens, how am I supposed to choose a PIN?

Also, is the timing more strict in Tricoro than LR2? I tried playing songs I can get A on LR2 and I get C, my timing is off. Not sure if there is some delay to adjust or I just suck

>> No.12861737

You probably have an unsupported keyboard. Good fucking luck getting it to work.

>> No.12861761

For the second part, Tricoro (and all IIDX games) have timing windows about half the size of LR2's.

>> No.12861763

Try this ID


>> No.12861795

I actually remembered that I had a nother old usb keyboard, plugged it and got it to work.

Thanks for the info, I'll just have to git gud it seems

>> No.12861843

you might want to adjust your timing offset, if you're consistently getting slows then it could just be that the window is in the wrong place by input lag

>> No.12861901

I think it's just me, I played an easy song and could get P-Greats if I focused on the timing

And wait a sec, I'm confused about the card stuff. I thought I only had to press + and enter a PIN the first time. but when I rebooted the game and pressed start I wasn't logged into my account..

>> No.12861919

you have to sign in for each play session
might be worth looking into premium free and timer freeze hex edits if you prefer to just play without having to sign in again

>> No.12861968

Definitely do pfree with timer freeze. Also might consider the led ticker text edit, which replaces the free play text with whatever the red led on an arcade cab would say. Good for translating complicated song titles

>> No.12862013

Finally my keyboard actually works, I was just dumb. Do you have guides to the hex edits? the setup guide on psun only has pfree hex, I couldn't find anything about timer freeze.

>> No.12862029

4882D: 48 -> 90
press VEFX and effector to quit out

>> No.12862071

What are those buttons?

>> No.12862100

my FPS's turntable sticker keeps peeling up but I don't want to glue it down in case I want to art mod it someday

>> No.12862190

I bought some double sided tape and sticked 3 slices under it, works just fine.

>> No.12862192

It was already at 90 for me...After 6-10min I still get kicked out of premium free

>> No.12862226

So what is the difference between the Arcin and Dao boards other than AC lighting?

>> No.12862250
File: 174 KB, 750x1268, PHOTO_20150101_173524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually really cool, i did it as a prototype to mess around with the code till japan deliver my sanwa buttons. I never played with a real controller, but definitely is a lot better than playing with the keyboard.
I'm using KMS to test it cause i'm not in sows, but i'm having a lot of fun with it.
Those are classic 22mm arcade buttons from a local manufacter.

>> No.12862264

double check you're at the right offset, just checked a clean dll and it should be 48 by default

>> No.12862316
File: 37 KB, 736x304, ss+(2015-01-01+at+04.15.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it wrong?

I also have a final issue that's really bugging me. My FP7 turntable is too sensitive in the menus, it's like impossible to skip one song at a time, it always goes off by 2. How does one set a DAO turntable correctly?

>> No.12862321

Go ask on sows.

>> No.12862347

try 048E8D as your offset

>> No.12862384

Linux user here. Anyone know how LR2 works on Linux? Even with VT-D style virtualization I'm still getting unplayable lag with AC rips on a Windows VM.

>> No.12862468

LR2 is dead. Since you're a Linux user, why don't you fork Raindrop on github and contribute?

but muh 2hu qpros!

>> No.12862551

>usbio phase of startup causes all of my usb devices to rapidly blink in and out and lose all functionality roughly 50% of the time forcing me to manual shutdown
>not in seekrit club so I can't go check their knowledge base
LR2 it is, I guess

>> No.12862562

>go ask on the needlessly exclusive secret club invite only forum that you're probably not a part of

>> No.12862579

Needlessly exclusive? I got my invite in two days max just by making friends in irc. Sows is literally the easiest private tracker to get into. Anyway it has to be otherwise konmai'll just shut it all down. and then NOONE GETS ANY FUN.

>> No.12862580

i haven't seen that tweak for tricoro. at the very least you can change premium free to go for up to 30 minutes in the test menu. you said you only had up to ten, right?

>> No.12862583

arcin has 1000hz polling rate and the turntable input is much finer. You can change white number in increments of 1 with ease (and 2 because uneven ratio of lane cover notches to vertical pixels).

>> No.12862647

So overall arcin is a better pcb choice?

>> No.12862675

>LR2 is dead
That wasn't what I asked.

>> No.12862687

>Linux User
>Wanting to use deprecated software
Top kek.

>> No.12862718

take it off? the fps turntable is already tiny and the sticker makes the grippable space even smaller

>> No.12862732

an arcin is worth it if you have the old dao PCB setup. the latest dao boards are actually pretty good, and are getting constant firmware updates from dao on sows

>> No.12862773

Sounds like you're the dev for that project you just shilled and you're looking for someone with Linux experience to do all of the work for you.

>> No.12862808

>Implying that using some new piece of shit is better than something that is proven to work.
It runs fine for me in WINE, grab it and you will most likely not run into issues. I'm running Debian.

>> No.12862814

LR2 that is

>> No.12862821

>Proven to work
It still crashes about every six or so songs.

Let me know when it reaches stepmania levels of stability.

>> No.12862830

Let's see your one man project achieve that level of stability on Linux. I'm waiting.

>> No.12862838

>Still implying I'm the dev.
M github account is blank as fuck and will likely remain that way forever because I'm shit at coding.

>> No.12862986

It actually depends on the setting within the chart file.

EASY is more like Pendual's Expand Judge except it affects everything instead of only pgreats
NORMAL is well, normal
HARD is a bit sloppier than iidx timing
VERY HARD is a bit harder iidx timing

Most ripped bms are converted to EASY because people can't tell the difference anyway. Get a batch editor of some sort and edit each .bms file.

>> No.12863030

Hey dev, since you're here, can you tell me why is there an "empty chunk" when trying to compile your shitty player?

Try either sonorious(or whatever the new angolmois is called) or ruv-it through Wine(which I would be using if i could make a CS-size skin for it)

>> No.12863167

god fucking damn it

>> No.12863512

>Full Combo Clear / Miss Count: 1
Can't take it easy!

>> No.12863653

Ehh, It does this.
Its due to the PCB, I'm tempted just to grab an arcin for this reason

>> No.12864183

>goods give zero points
whose fucking idea was this

>> No.12864188

Zero points towards EX score, they still give points for normal score. EX score is easier to keep track of though, and what ranking is based on.

>> No.12864193

Well yeah, but that doesn't really mean anything because money score is literally scenery

>> No.12864195

I liked the Pop'n distribution of 10:5:1:0 for COOL:GREAT:GOOD:BAD. Lapistoria's 10:7:4:0 is for babies.

>> No.12864205

>I liked the Pop'n distribution of 10:5:1:0 for COOL:GREAT:GOOD:BAD
See I'd be okay with something like that, even if it's miniscule ratio to pgreat it just feels right to be getting at least something more than a missed note for it. Every time I see "good" on my screen I want to punch my controller because score-wise it's the same thing as me missing a note and breaking the combo

>> No.12864216

Agreed, 10:5:1 would be much better than the current. It's 2:1:0, right?

>> No.12864223

>It's 2:1:0, right?

10:5:1 would be perfect, it still puts a focus on pgreats and greats but it would eliminate that "I might as well have not even fucking hit it" feeling

>> No.12864256
File: 886 KB, 960x720, 1405486306850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I might as well have not even fucking hit it" feeling
I understand this, but it doesn't bother me too much IIDX has miss count and clear status.

Then again, the feeling comes back in full force when it's a song I already have 0 misses on.

>> No.12864276

I'd actually be happy with something more like 3:2:1, but I'm well aware that I'm in the minority for that.
I just have more fun learning to comfortably play faster and heavier stuff rather than learning to practice timing on easier songs I can generally full combo. It feels like the game should reward me more for being able to play harder stuff than for being able to autistically perfect easier stuff

>> No.12864285

To be honest I think you're just playing with a bad method of progression. I've been working my way up to harder stuff, not worrying about the timing.

The timing kind of just comes naturally after a while. I'm still not perfect but I can get A's on level 8's now, without have to play a bunch of 4's to get used to timing.

>> No.12864294

>the game should reward me more for being able to play harder stuff
That's what clear status is for.

>> No.12864466

The worst part is keeping all the scores from up to Sunny Park without any sort of indication that the scores are old or even that the scoring was changed.

>> No.12864707

I know right? After years of playing on my ps2 AC layout feels too weird for me.

I guess that's one good thing about OSSSSS, you can skin it however you want. Too bad that timing, scoring, hi-speed, bms support and a lot of other things are shit.

Speaking of which, anybody knows any CS-style skins for LR2 that show the green number?

>> No.12864735

Talking about Linux, doesn't bemanitools mount a /dev directory in a virtual environment? Does IIDX run in a Linux/Unix subsystem? If that's so porting wouldn't be so hard although it does use DirectX to render.

>> No.12864736

How did you set up the knobs in game? I have a controller already but I am too retarded to set it up for k-shoot.

>> No.12865113

I'm using unojoy so the knobs are setting up as a analog sticks.
In kms you need to change the laser object input as a analog stick x/y.

>> No.12865177

Shit, I have my knobs control the mouse signal.

I think I will have to mess with it more.

>> No.12865180

I haven't tested it but there's a mouse signal option too. Check out the Input options.

>> No.12866584

How long did your DAO took to ship?

>> No.12866588

Just over a week from order to arrival, I live in east coast US

>> No.12866640

Thanks. I guess it will take around the same time for my FB9 to ship to western yurop then.

>> No.12867155

Once they actually ship it and give you a tracking, it will be fast (less than a week). However I've heard reports of people having it take 1-2weeks before it actually ships, so don't get too much hype until it ships.

>> No.12867527

Both my FP7 and SVSE5 took a little under a month to arrive at my door from the time I ordered it.

>> No.12867595

Noob here. Why is it that when i fail a song at the arcades i only get 2 plays and not 3?

>> No.12867601

Because that's how it works.

>> No.12867617

But the signs said 100 yen 3 plays!

>> No.12867626

Then stop failing songs.

>> No.12867653

What part of I'm a noob don't you get.

This is one gigantic scam!

>> No.12867661

Congratulations, it's taken you this long to realize that arcade games are designed to make you fail so you put more money into the machine.

That's how it has always worked and will continue to work until arcades die everywhere.

Welcome to 1980 anon.

>> No.12867704

So that's why it's called jewbeat!!

>> No.12867707

And that is why the attempts at U.S. version were called jukebeat instead.

>> No.12867996

That sucks because it prevents you from getting good. You git gud by playing songs slightly above your level; that you can barely pass but will probably fail. But if you're poor and want to play 3 songs you'll have to play songs you're sure to pass so you won't get out of your comfort zone and get better

>> No.12868002

Improve scores/timing/technique/whatever on the first two songs. Play above your passing skill level on the third. This has been pretty standard progression technique since the beginning of time.

>> No.12868005

Well it's not like I care, my progression technique is playing home on my PC and playing whatever the hell I want

>> No.12868284

Play step up mode. You'll always have 3 stages even if you fail.

>> No.12868287

well yeah people have also been supplementing with CS versions and sims for a very long time
(it's weird but i almost feel like psun is too good for those us with arcades)

>> No.12868483

I don't know how it works in Beatmania, but pre-X DDR had this stupid mechanic where your lifebar would drain faster on each song you played. If you tried to play above your skill level on the third song, you'd fail it unusually fast and get less practice.

>> No.12868744

At least it's not like most other rhythm games where you can fail out mid-song

>> No.12868756

>FPS turntable sticker had been peeling up
>didn't really care
>scratched a little too far one song, sliced the fuck out of my finger on the peeled sticker without noticing
>feel moisture and realize there's blood fucking all over my controller at the end of the song

PSA: tape down your turntable sticker if it's peeling up
More than aesthetics are at stake

>> No.12868934

What is even this mode? I only played the first "level" on Tricoro and I dind't know what exactly it was, from the runes I was able to decipher on screen, I understood the game was only explaining to me how to select a song and that a bigger number is a bigger difficulty. Is it some kind of extended tutorial?

>> No.12868945

I have no fucking idea. I tried playing it a few times, but it always just gave me level 1 songs.

>> No.12868956

it gives you songs based on your dan ranking i think

>> No.12868975

Not him but I'm new to Tricoro, what is this dan ranking system?

>> No.12868985

class mode

>> No.12868994

I'd cleared a few, at least showing I could beat 3s and 4s, but it still just gave me 1s. Unless you mean you have to get out of Kyu before it even changes.

>> No.12869011

I believe that it sets your Step up difficulty when you first enter the mode based on Dan rank. It is then no longer checked, so the only way to move up is to play step up moar

>> No.12869035

i got dropped in at 9s for 6dan, not sure if i tried step up mode at a lower rank

>> No.12869046

Well, fuck that. It takes forever to progress, and playing easy mode songs isn't fun. My one hand skills can only get so high.

>> No.12869218

In Trocoro, when I started the step up mode I had a choice between five difficulties. I chose the middle one and had a selection of 5-7 songs. Didn't you have that choice?

>> No.12869705

Use Hard gauge, get good grades or FC.

>> No.12869746

Scores/timing/technique are still improved faster if you don't play things you can do with your eyes closed though. I used to progress incredibly fast with Free mode + 2 bullshit songs, but it's bad for my wallet. And by the time I get to the good song in Standard I've already fallen asleep. Thank fuck for Step Up.

pop'n did a right thing. Lapistoria doesn't kick you out for failing a song anymore. I hope IIDX gets this eventually.

>> No.12869756

new thread

