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12816470 No.12816470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you /fit/ yet /jp/?

>> No.12816475
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>> No.12816477

I'm too weak-willed, bored and like shooting more.

>> No.12816480

I was /fit/ for a while, the I got bored of it, and since the confidence you get from being fit can be gained by music and faking it, there's no point in trying anymore.
It's not like I want to live forever.

Also being a normalfag is boring as fuck, it's fun at first but it wears off pretty fast and good luck finding friends who are into the same hobbies you are into without being prejudicial.

>> No.12816482

This man has wandered the abyss and got out of it.


>> No.12816500

Lolis don't like fit guys.

>> No.12816511

I was stabbed and lost all my gains due to a long hospital stay.

Starting exercising again 3~ months ago, will be fit again soon.

>> No.12816625

I'm too lazy

sorry Homu

>> No.12816646

I'm working on it. More like a hobby though.

Also latter part of this >>12816480

>> No.12816648

i am intending to take up a light exersize regime when i get back from my 3 week long vacation
i already eat well but i tire out quickly and would like to be able to play ddr without getting tired after 4 songs

>> No.12816658
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I work out 4 days a week. I stay in shape because I want to be the best man possible for my beloved Chihaya.

>> No.12816704

because i need a link for the app store

>> No.12816900
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You will never touch Chihaya's chiseled abs.

>> No.12816945


shit, what happened dude? Do you live in an enriched sector?

i lost the will to live

>> No.12816953

remember my friends always made fun of me for being /fit/
haven't exercised in a while now, should get back to it for sure.

>> No.12817009

are they fatties

>> No.12817018
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What if his friends are weak skinny girls ?

>> No.12817043

I weight train 3 times a week but I'm not "/fit/" nor do I want to be. I want to be a little bigger than I am but not full-on swole. I don't think it looks good and it makes it hard to be /fa/.

>> No.12817070

What's important is that you're fit enough to get places and climb stairs without running out of breath. Which is a problem for me so I need to fix it.

>> No.12817176

what if lolis too

>> No.12817207

I'm too lazy
Just being healthy is enough
I'll start someday
Maybe next year

>> No.12817304

Depression is a bitch. It's like a cycle. You think you're out of it but then you're back in it.

Or worse, you realize you never left it in the first place

>> No.12817378

how fit can i get before lolis stop liking me
i want to be healthy and also have lolis like me

>> No.12817401

be healthy but not scawny

>> No.12817410

Dude, I have no fat to burn. If I lost weight I'd be hospitalized

>> No.12817416

i imagine lolis don't like muscular people? i dont wish to be muscular just more fit

>> No.12817418
File: 296 KB, 714x826, alice wink&point out_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then you're done cutting brah, now it's all about dem gains

No but seriously, it's good to have some muscle. You have to be strong if you want to pin down and rape cute little jay peas, Anon!
