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File: 139 KB, 1200x1600, porkslope_turkeyhandle_ds2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
127633 No.127633 [Reply] [Original]

With working images!

* no touchpad scrolling(it was testing, and it sucked in actual use)
* latest text appears in blue
* fixed text spacing(dont think my previous release had that happen though).

source included

>> No.127647

I'm pretty excited to try this out, but I won't have access to my DS until tomorrow.

>> No.127648

You finished the whole thing in a weekend?
This is the whole novel though, right?

>> No.127649


>> No.127651

A good day is now.

>> No.127656

I'm buying a mother fucking revolution card or whatever the fuck it is just for this.

>> No.127683


I've just ordered a CycloDS Evolution and a microSD card for this.

I fucking love you Anon

>> No.127686

its not done, just people in the last thread were complaining about images being broken.

and I fixed some things in the engine.

also, still no .sound.

if I work on it near constantly, I might have it out in little over a week.

>> No.127700

I want Hizashi no Naka more than this. Work on that. Still, Tsukihime is welcome. How much of this is finished? I might get it if there's a lot.

>> No.127709

do you have a project website we can follow?

>> No.127714

Just for reference, there's a demo of the F/SN demo on


>> No.127708

up till getting to class.

so not much

>> No.127716

irc.rizon.net #vnds

theres also http://digital-haze.net, but I probably wont put it there till its done.

>> No.127719

dldi patched?

>> No.127715

I tried it on my ezflash V with no luck on either of the .nds files or the .gba file. Does this only work with certain cards?

>> No.127730

I wish the text was like the OP's.

>> No.127732

Does that moonspeak learning thing work? As in, it teaches moonspeak fully?

>> No.127740

Since I don't know what that is, I guess not.

>> No.127741

its just a flashcard program.
you put the data in yourself.

>> No.127754

Aw. I'll stick with my PC learnings then.

>> No.127758

I'm sorry to say, but I cannot accept any translated-games that have sub-par installers anymore. I've seen the light, and I simply can't copy files anymore.

>> No.127770

I hope this is worth doing. I want to read at school.

>> No.127775


lol, I guess your school can't afford textbooks or something.

>> No.127778

>I want to read at school.

>> No.127779

Are you planning on porting the ero or non-ero version?

I'm not sure if I'd want to bring the hot mollusk action into public

>> No.127783

theres a non-ero one?

I have no plans to, but I imagine it wouldn`t be too hard.

>> No.127817


Ha, that would be funny.

"Don't play video games in class WAIT WHAT THE FUCK LOL MOLLUSKS"

>> No.127822


The public wants hot mollusk action

>> No.127823

Hello Again, OP. Glad to see you making progress. I'll test it out right now.

>> No.127836


Likewise. I will give this a run aswell OP

>> No.127869

It works on my M3. Obviously no sound and saves are still fucked up - otherwise everything else seems to work. I think there's a PSP version (try googling) but I think that's in jpa

>> No.127874

K, after dldi, it seems to work fine, no problems at all. One thing that annoys me is having to hold down the right trigger to access the save/load menu. Could that be changed to a toggle?

>> No.127886

Pretty cool. Just got it on my DS.

>> No.127898

saves still need lots of work.


>> No.127915
File: 29 KB, 462x408, 1204511698243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC translation of Tsukihime has already been ported to the PSP. Rapidsearch it.

Everything works perfectly, except that the game fucks up after a cleared game. This means that the flags for the Tohno Family Route/Far Side of the Moon is unaccessible. Looked around everywhere for a solution, but apparently it can't be fixed. Something about memory retrieval or some shit.

Ark's True ending and Chiel's True and Good endings work fine, though.

>> No.127951

Just out of curiosity, does this support the non-ero version?

(Please say yes...)

>> No.127958


>> No.127981


are you going to try and get the sound working? if so are you going to use the ever after music?

>> No.127994

I`m making someone else do sound, since I make him do all the weird low level stuff(he did .png stuff).
whether he is actually going to I can`t say.

so if anyone wants to volunteer, or point me to how to get .ogg/.wav files to play on a ds, go ahead

>> No.128027

"everything works perfectly"
except half the game.

>> No.128038

OP is god.

>> No.128053

I would start playing this right now
(tested it and it works fine)
But no saves and no sounds ;_;

>> No.128208

Can someone explain to me how this works what do I need to do this on my DS? Btw yes I have only had DS for about two months so I am kind of new to this stuff.

>> No.128223

Get an R4(use froogle, don`t pay more than $45) and a microsd card

>> No.128232

Does it still have Nasu's mollusk sex in it?

>> No.128241

How much are microsd cards?

>> No.128243


>> No.128261

Is this R4 good enough?
and this microsd card?

>> No.128282


>> No.128308

>R4 NDS MicroSD Card Adapter English Version
That's just the R4 right?

>> No.128316

the picture leads me to believe so.

>> No.128324

Ah, thanks then.

>> No.128327

And today my M3 Real arrived. Weird.

>> No.128455

Any way to get this working on EZ Flash V?

>> No.128460

Can the DS display 32 bit pngs? (As in with an alpha channel)

If so, the character portraits could be vastly improved not to have those jaggy edges and places with missing transparent bg.

>> No.128475

no alpha support, colors are 16 bit.

>> No.128479


If I had the sound track to Tsukihime could I put the songs on the game or would that not work?

>> No.128533

I need some help, plz. I downloaded the file, and i end with a folder with an .nds and .gba files and some directories with the images.
I'm trying to figure out, but i can't get this to work :\.

>> No.128552


look for 'ever after' on rapidsearch for the album and tell us if it works

>> No.128568

I'm having an issue getting this to run on my M3 Real.

The vnds.sc.nds stalls on "DLDI Compatible (Now Loading... down buttom right)" and the .nds one goes to a black screen. help?

>> No.128575


I have the Album already and tried it, No go. But still Yumizuka on my top screen is WIN.

>> No.128580

>We are now decide to hold all R4 sales all together due to the all in a sudden supply shortage.


>> No.128588

Think you could convince Mirror Moon to let you do the UBW installer?

>> No.128609

They don't accept suggestions. Believe me, I tried.

>> No.128652
File: 18 KB, 80x80, 1204517270066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bastard. Trying to steal my thunder! Just for this, I'm delaying the patch another month!

>> No.128655

Anybody tried it on a CycloDS yet?

>> No.128665

Oh lawd

>> No.128667

Google DLDI.

>> No.128673

You're giving message ideas.

>> No.128674

It's a sad day when Tsukihime gets ported to the DS(and at this rate in less than 1 months time might I add) before the UBW patch ever sees the light of day. I would feel very ashamed if I was message, but being the loser he is, he probably feels nothing.

>> No.128683

Works perfectly on mah R4. Just needs sound and save ;_;

You should try Fate/Stay!

>> No.128691

Working on my EZ Flash IV Lite Deluxe.

>> No.128697

Some faggot had already informed Mirror Moon


>> No.128701

I got it working on mine. Had to use a dldi patcher.

>> No.128706

What the fuck is going on with it, anyway?

How fucking long does it take to make an installer?

>> No.128723


Sorry for being a slowpoke but what exactly is the UBW installer?

>> No.128735

We are guessing a device that installs UBW on EVERYTHING. That could be the only reason it is taking this long.

>> No.128736

I did, CycloDS Evolution that is.
Works fine.

>> No.128756

they probably didn't finish the testing itself, so they're covering it up with the installer

who needs installers anyway? just copying the files should be enough

>> No.128793

You have the file on sort sort of drive, yes?

Whenever you HOLD the drive close to something, or HOLD something close to the drive, the data can wirelessly install Unlimited Blade Works on it.

An iPod, a DS, a toaster, your brain, a stuffed animal, a credit card, a payphone, your genetic code, ANYTHING.

>> No.128804



>> No.128831

Someone fly this man to Japan

>> No.129545
File: 20 KB, 751x158, 1204524118989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.129550


>> No.129556

Yeah. That would be good advice for that fucker.

>> No.129593

it can be elite beat agents

except with lines

that sounds horrible

>> No.129604

someone sticky this shit

>> No.129616

Stickies? In -my- /jp/?

>> No.129617

threads last for days here.

no real need.

>> No.129634

shit isnt working

>> No.129837

You're doing it wrong

>> No.131181

Woo cutting school today

>> No.131219

How was the music handled in the DS game? Any chance you can change it?

>> No.131222


>> No.131231

OP, you're awesome.

>> No.131236


har har too slow

>> No.131246

How about pressing the screen to advance the text, instead of scrolling? Kind of like Pokemans does it.

>> No.131266

put the "novels" folder into root

>> No.131292

Thing is that touching the screen triggered both, advancing the text and scrolling. Well, you'd have to touch the screen and then move the pen to scroll up and down, but like this you have to touch the screen again just to scroll up like 5 lines (and at the same time advancing the text more since you always have to touch the screen again)

>> No.131506

This thread should be stickied until OP finishes.

>> No.131542


There are a handful of translated ONscripter VNs available

Kana little sister (i think)

just think of the possibilities...

>> No.131663

Copy vnds.nds(I use an R4
Copy folders src and novels

Do I need to put in anything else into my DS?

>> No.131755

What's up with the filename?

>> No.131762


FS/N is NOT onscripter/nscripter, it's the kiri engine.

>> No.131774

>/a/non wrote:
>This is what we call 'efficient' people. Watch and learn.

>ayadew - This is what we call a badly disguised flame from a btard.


>> No.131789

too ARCADE BUMSTEAD for you?

>> No.131840

oooh, I know! I know!
Ummmm... it's /po/!
Did I win?

>> No.131862

Do tell us when you finished it.

>> No.131906



>> No.132221

this is fixed in the new version

I dunno

no, I wont

>> No.132743

dldi patched?

>> No.132764

It works fine for me, just a simple drag and drop unto my R4 no sounds and only up to the school and no saving just as said. All in all Fun, PSP Tsukihime is kinda hard to play so god speed OP.

>> No.132771

*printf functions + libnds assumes that you've set it up on a background already. He's using my video init code as far as I know, which doesn't set anything up for *printf, so you'd want to set it up to. If you want debugging, comment out lines 58, 61, 64, 67 and 74-77 - that's all the sub screen stuff if I got the line numbers wrong. Then, unless you want something specific just call consoleDemoInit(), which should default to sub (you might have to check that). You don't need to comment out those lines but it's set up for BG3 so it'll be hard to read (*printf stuff will cover it and such).

>> No.132823

Wouldn't it be easy enough to hack up an option?

I mean, at the very least you could have an option where hentai is replaced with a blank screen.

>> No.132863

Well VideoInit sets up main too (top screen for this). It will sure as hell mess up if you write to videobuf_main when it's uninitialized. That won't work unless you kill off all the blitting code. Commenting out text printing and those lines I gave will be less likely to error (make sure you comment out text stuff else it'll still try to write to videobuf_sub, which is just as bad).

>> No.132885

Also, irc.rizon.net #vnds if you're not already there.

>> No.133924

Why is everyone saging?

>> No.133929

I guess they don't want their technical speak to clutter up the board. Good call by them.

>> No.135975


If I can ever figure out how the fuck to read ONscripter code, I'm going to remove/make those flags auto-yes. I'll Repack the game with properly resized images this time if I ever figure it out(so that people dont have flat heads and such).
