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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12762397 No.12762397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12762423
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A rabbit is added

>> No.12762472

Another attempt of moot trying to be funny.
Maybe it's just me but he's getting retarded. Even ZUN looks disgusted around him.

>> No.12762477

I got a laugh out of it, that's better than most of what /jp/ has to offer.

>> No.12762498

Your sense of humour is shit.

>> No.12762502

I value and respect your opinion.

>> No.12762502,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a faggot
The sad part is that it's probably him

>> No.12762502,2 [INTERNAL] 

if only he visited warosu he'd be able to appreciate real humor

>> No.12762502,3 [INTERNAL] 

What a fucking nigger.

>> No.12762502,4 [INTERNAL] 

warosu is a collection of unfunny retards second probably only to gnfos

>> No.12762502,5 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off then retard.

>> No.12762502,6 [INTERNAL] 

i came here to laugh at you

actually i guess that makes warosu funny

you win this one

>> No.12762502,7 [INTERNAL] 

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.12762502,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12762502,9 [INTERNAL] 

Hmm... I have my doubts.

>> No.12762502,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12762502,11 [INTERNAL] 

it's great when moot takes a shit on the mod's head like this

>> No.12762502,12 [INTERNAL] 

this is literally bread and circuses to save the grand jew

>> No.12762502,13 [INTERNAL] 

it's probably not even moot since he doesnt know how to edit his own website

>> No.12762502,14 [INTERNAL] 

▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓ U HAV BEEN SPOOKED
▓▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓ BY SPOOKY BUTTE
▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓ BUTTES WILL EAT YOU
▓▒▒▒▒▓ ▓▒▒▒▒▓
▓▒▒▒▒▓ ▓▒▒▒▒▓
▓▒▒▒▒▓ ▓▒▒▒▒▓
▓▒▒▒▒▓ ▓▒▒▒▒▓

>> No.12762502,15 [INTERNAL] 

I think you missed your stop at gnfos, it happens a lot though so don't worry about it.

>> No.12762502,16 [INTERNAL] 


what happened?

>> No.12762502,17 [INTERNAL] 

i cant put it into words i just know its tugging at my heart and making me feel

>> No.12762502,18 [INTERNAL] 

He gets the Devs to do it

>> No.12762502,19 [INTERNAL] 

has anyone seen the adventure of buckaroo banzai? that post reminded me of it.

>> No.12762502,20 [INTERNAL] 

moot is fucking retarded

>> No.12762502,21 [INTERNAL] 

can't funpost on /jp/ cause it's down. Where should I funpost for now?

>> No.12762502,22 [INTERNAL] 

At last, an archive with people around

password: lJT6+lSbebln

>> No.12762502,23 [INTERNAL] 

That's the first time I ever heard of it.

>> No.12762502,24 [INTERNAL] 

how old were you when you learned to read

>> No.12762502,25 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12762502,26 [INTERNAL] 

Literally the sonic racing guy right here.

>> No.12762502,27 [INTERNAL] 

thats me and i dont know when i learned to read but it was pretty early and i used to read a lot

>> No.12762502,28 [INTERNAL] 

Uh huh, sure you did.

>> No.12762502,29 [INTERNAL] 

Who the hell remembers that?

>> No.12762502,30 [INTERNAL] 

ask your parental

>> No.12762502,31 [INTERNAL] 

for real i was one of the top readers in my class and i always read at a level higher than my grade

english has always been my best subject

>> No.12762502,32 [INTERNAL] 

Did you notice anything special about the rest of the students in your class?

>> No.12762502,33 [INTERNAL] 

If you didn't read at age 3 I feel sorry for you and your subhumanly lazy (likely white) parents.

>> No.12762502,34 [INTERNAL] 

the same specialness I notice from 90% of society

>> No.12762502,35 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off you filthy god damn chink.

>> No.12762502,36 [INTERNAL] 

uh what kind of special? im not retarded if thats what you mean... me and a lot of my friends from those days were in programs for gifted children

but i didnt like school because i was bullied so when i could stop going i stopped

last i heard one of my friends went to corea to play chess

>> No.12762502,37 [INTERNAL] 

My white parents bought me lots of video games which helped me read at an early age

>> No.12762502,38 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sure your parents and doctors told you that you were "gifted."

>> No.12762502,39 [INTERNAL] 

Hey why don't you leave him alone?

>> No.12762502,40 [INTERNAL] 

i really hate that term

>> No.12762502,41 [INTERNAL] 

my parents told me I was genius and look at me now

just kill me

>> No.12762502,42 [INTERNAL] 

That sucks dude, but that's life for a fucking retard like yourself.

>> No.12762502,43 [INTERNAL] 

i dont get why people who hate their life dont kill themselves

like everytime i see a homeless i just dont get it

if i was homeless or poor or w/e i'd kill myself

like whats the point

>> No.12762502,44 [INTERNAL] 

if I had a gun I'd have done it

>> No.12762502,45 [INTERNAL] 

well to be fair my life doesnt look that great on paper because im really lazy and dont ever put any actual effort into most things and im happy being neet and my parents arent forcing me to do anything

>> No.12762502,46 [INTERNAL] 

why even mess with that bro

just eat some rat poison get drunk and slit your wrists in the bath while listening to whatever shitty weeb music you like

it wont be painful and it'll be like youre just falling asleep

>> No.12762502,47 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah man ingesting rat poison doesn't hurt at all

>> No.12762502,48 [INTERNAL] 

It also helped you turn in the loser you are now
I would know

>> No.12762502,49 [INTERNAL] 

it doesn't. its just an easy to get anticoagulant

>> No.12762502,50 [INTERNAL] 

my wrists hurt just thinking about that

>> No.12762502,51 [INTERNAL] 

I used to cut my upper arm and it never really hurt. It kind of just stings initially.

>> No.12762502,52 [INTERNAL] 

Only the initial cut would hurt, having lost a large amount of blood to the point of essentially being on death row, I can assure you losing blood feels extremely relaxing.

>> No.12762502,53 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah because you totally experienced that

>> No.12762502,54 [INTERNAL] 

He just said he did

>> No.12762502,55 [INTERNAL] 

I've wrote about it previously on warosu, I guess you weren't here for that.

>> No.12762502,56 [INTERNAL] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lFKARYNtc0 LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.12762502,57 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12762502,58 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12762502,59 [INTERNAL] 

Goddamn what a tranny
Is this what American women stare at all day?

>> No.12762502,60 [INTERNAL] 

