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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 256 KB, 565x652, 940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12761097 No.12761097 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't other people be like Mogeko and make non-shit RPG Maker games like Mogeko's Castle?

Okay, Wadanohara kind of goes to shit once it gets serious but still.

>> No.12761164
File: 2.41 MB, 1360x1814, 54c94e9c50065b471d359d76c2eefe36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RPG maker thread?

>> No.12761230

Sure. Recommend me some titles that don't suck.

>> No.12761273

Wadanohara is pretty terrible and bugs me the fact it's probably the most famous work right now.
I guess people like more emotional 2deep4u stuff instead of lighthearted stuff like Mogeko's Castle or Gray Garden.

>> No.12761276


>> No.12761301

The drama felt really cheesy and the story ended kind of abruptly and felt unfinished. There are some pretty cute bits in it, though.

>> No.12761350

There was a game I've played time ago about some knight collecting all the treasures in a dungeon, it was a platformer, the final boss was a hydra I think.
It was fun.

>> No.12761374

That's not helpful at all, anon.

>> No.12761617

My god that picture is wonderful.

>> No.12762054
File: 114 KB, 284x750, 11-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wadanohara was way too easy modo for me and got super edgy but I still liked it. Mogeko is the queen of character design.

>> No.12762103

I'm playing The Gray Garden and it's a lot better so far.

>> No.12762149

That feel when I still haven't finished Wadanohara.
Grey Garden and Mogeko Castle were pretty great, though.

>> No.12762220

I personally think that Wadanohara is better than The Gray Garden because it's relatively self-contained and not "Unexplained Setting: The Game". But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

>> No.12762289

I like Grey Garden better.

>> No.12762435

I'm pretty sure Wadanohara can also be considered a "Unexplained Setting: The Game". In fact,I can say Gray Garden explains the setting more since it delves with the conflict between angels and devils.

>> No.12762443

Wadanohara is probably too long for it's own good. The rpg elements and fighting system should have been cut or drastically reduced. No need for a system that is neither hard nor interesting.
Endings could have been thought out a bit better. I think I get how they are meant to be but the issue of wada forgetting she can heal people and fatal wounds suddenly not being fatal.

I still wait like a very excited little girl for the next game.

>> No.12762470
File: 171 KB, 600x720, Macarona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macarona is love.
Macarona will beat the living shit out of you with her fists.

>> No.12762478

Do they have a development blog? Imo, Wadanohara should have ended after the other empire.

>> No.12762487
File: 330 KB, 600x850, itsaboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel like Gray Garden had more unexplained things, if only because there seemed to be, in the large picture, more to question.
Its probably why we're getting a sequel and a prequel for it.

>> No.12762500
File: 569 KB, 500x728, hagaki5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gray Garden explains the setting more since it delves with the conflict between angels and devils.
We still don't know what the fuck is up with the sword in the tree, the grave in the flower garden, the monochrome dimension, almost everything surrounding Reficul, the schoolteachers, and what everyone's relationships were like in their past lives. Don't forget the journal in the omake room

The only undeveloped mysteries in Wadanohara is Wada's mother and Uomi/Mikotsu's father

Mogeko got rid of their fc2 blog since it was a "distraction" [sic], but they update their site once a week

>> No.12762514

Moge-ko is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.12762523

What is this?

Also, that crossover manga on his site is pretty neat. Was wondering where that demon from Mogeko Caste was fun

>> No.12762529

I think both teachers come from this thing http://okegom.web.fc2.com/story/ice_scream/002.html same as the shark bullying orca. No idea what it is exactly though.

>> No.12762531
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>> No.12762752
File: 367 KB, 760x656, 5-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I'm loving this artist.
Who cares?

>> No.12762835

Has anything interesting been translated recently?
I always thought that the male teacher came from Reficul's world. No idea about the other one. Neither of them appear on Ice Scream though.
An "interactive" comic/story http://vgperson.com/other/icescream/

>> No.12763100 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 320x240, 1417753479366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ashamed to say that I fapped to this scene.

>> No.12763130
File: 71 KB, 310x400, 1405251114330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really like Wadanohara that much because of that dolphin guy and his key points in the plot. I mean really, she's a fucking witch. It just feels forced and stupid.

>> No.12763190
File: 152 KB, 624x793, 0105_shirogane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice Scream is a series in the Mogeko universe that takes place on a winter-y island. The MC is Shirogane, a masochistic wolf who gets bullied by everybody especially Idate

Sal is a shark

>> No.12763282

I want to be bullied by Moge-ko!

>> No.12763311

Moge-ko is the girl right?

>> No.12763351
File: 183 KB, 378x600, Mogeko Castle 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the blond one.

>> No.12763567

Gray Garden is my favourite one.

I like weird stories without any deep meaning, also the characters are fun.

>> No.12763595

I still want to know what Raspbel did to Rawberry when she saw what her big sister was eating.

>> No.12763609
File: 11 KB, 320x240, Raspbel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12764397

EOPlation when

>> No.12764557

You haven't played mojiquest.
Fully english now, so you have no excuse.

>> No.12764558


Plenty on there

Some include:

Alter A.I.L.A Genesis: Uses Side scrolling exploration and Comic book styled cutscenes; also has a long bonus dungeon and plenty of collectibles

Demon Legacy: Long ass RPG, same with it's sequel Phantom Legacy (Redux).

Off: Solid game, just beware the fanbase for it. There are a few fan games based off of it as well.

Miserere: Yume Nikki styled game except the waking world is aboard a space station and you aren't confined to one room aboard it.

Desert Night: Horror game; protagonist is girl who was separated from her family after an argument and winds up in some strange town with even stranger occurrences. Uses music from Silent Hill series.

>> No.12764630

Desert Night is shit though.

>> No.12764662
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>> No.12764721

>recommending desert night
I was midly hyped downloading it after seeing it on a horror image list, I should have gotten skeptical when it was not listed in a real genre but just "indie".
It feels like the dev tried to cram every possible horror movie ever released into the plot which made it a huge mess.
Really ashamed that was made by a german.
I like most of those except crooked man and paranoid(both by the same dev) because of the horrible controlling action sequences. Crooked man has some good story elements though.

>> No.12764834

>I like most of those except crooked man and paranoid(both by the same dev) because of the horrible controlling action sequences. Crooked man has some good story elements though.

I completely agree with you, haven't played Paranoiac yet, but Crooked man indeed had a good story sequence, just with those awkward action engine.

Let it be known that vgperson's translated stuff is great, a lot of hidden gems.

>> No.12764855

Ib - Shit once Garry shows up
Mad Father - Too many cheesy cutscenes
Misao - Shitty Corpse Party
Midnight Puppeteer - Cheesy cutscenes

I'd like to try Palette but apparently it doesn't run correctly in window 7?

>> No.12764865

Just started Moshi Moshinee (http://vgperson.com/games/hellohello.htm)) and I'm really scared. It's one of those that changes at each run.

>> No.12765013
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>> No.12765051
File: 57 KB, 643x483, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is hilarious.

>> No.12765079

i ran palette fine in windows 7
misao is obviously a parody, mad father isn't too bad but i hope it's a joke too

>> No.12765106

Is there a way to get it in windowed mode?

>> No.12765132

it's been a while since i played it, but i remember playing it in fullscreen so probably not

>> No.12765637
File: 36 KB, 649x513, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this when the file it wants is already in the folder?

>> No.12765793

It runs fine on Windows 7 but it doesn't run fine in windowed mode. If you play it in fullscreen and have the right RTP you should be okay.

As far as recs go..

Red Riding Hood's Wolf
Alice Mare
Bury (Wherever you can find it, it's worth it)
Dreaming Mary
The Lieeat series
Mermaid Swamp
Mikoto Nikki
Mix Ore
Mogeko Castle (duh)
and the Witch's House.

At least you should start with these.

>> No.12765794


Are you running it in Japanese locale? Even paplocale doesn't work with this one.

>> No.12765811

I think it's just alt tab if I remember right. but DO NOT play it in windowed mode. It ruins the color palette.. heh..

>> No.12765813

>Japanese locale

Oh, that's too much effort for me.

>> No.12765916
File: 74 KB, 1280x348, doyouhearthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga

>> No.12765985

Anyone know what this guy is talking about?

>> No.12765999

Fuck OFF back to tumblr.

>> No.12766001

Sounds like Hydra Castle Labyrinth

>> No.12766010

Oh, I was hoping for a side scroller RPG maker game.

>> No.12766061

I don't get it

>> No.12766074
File: 150 KB, 1024x900, B2usWFBCIAAXayR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck tumblr. As an art otaku, you have shit taste if you hate OFF by the way

>> No.12766116

Unless you won't take the plunge you won't get to see delicious sempai.

>> No.12766193

Have you guys played Helen? It's an rpg made in RPG Maker that's actually good.

>> No.12766206


>> No.12766223

All I found from google was "Helen's Mysterious Castle" which looks and feels underwhelming.

>> No.12766279

That would be it.

>> No.12766384

The RPG elements in The Gray Garden feel kind of tacked on. Especially since the monsters don't attack unless you attack first. Also prefer the bigger sprites in Mogeko Castle over these smaller ones.

>> No.12768136

Midnight Puppeteer was pretty fun until it decided to have a dumb story.

>> No.12768264

Its the one withe esper thing bullshit right?

>> No.12768268

Evil Lord Elly is really good. Is there anything else like it?

>> No.12768279 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 319x240, 1417874047701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too
bit dissapointed this didn't escalate further tbh

>> No.12768288 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 319x240, 1417874207929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too
bit disappointed this didnt escalate further tbh

>> No.12768304

Yosafire's super squad of little gay girls is too strong for any of DeepSeaPrisoner's bullshit.

>> No.12768308

My Mogeko game keeps crashing at a certain instance when im being chased by mokegos after failing to get to F7 in the egg. Someone help

>> No.12768360

It crashed randomly 3-4 times for me maybe. Just try saving every few pathways when no one is around.

>> No.12768593

Then draw a doujin

>> No.12769372

Anyone know any sidescrollers?

>> No.12770096

Moonlight Ghost is .. sort of similar, but the concept isn't really too common.

Except early Ys games with bump killing, no timer though.

>> No.12770101
File: 30 KB, 642x484, mogemoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Red Riding Hood's Wolf - Annoying
Bury - Can't find it
Ib - Fuck Gary
Mermaid Swamp - Ugly graphics and stolen art

More things need cute original art like Mogeko's games.

So many character designs that'll never be used, though.

>> No.12770188

Just downloaded and it feels nothing alike so far

>> No.12770198

TGG with art update when

(Wadanohara is fine though. Mogeko was just plain lazy at some parts of TGG)

>> No.12770201

I don't really like Garry either but, I would say that he was something necessary for making Ib what it is.
Speaking of Bury, here's a working download link:

>> No.12770222

Never mind, wrong link. Here you go:

>> No.12770297
File: 41 KB, 641x486, MJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Toilet in Wonderland. I have no idea what I should be doing. Any tips?

>> No.12770338

Bury is kinda stale and boring.

>> No.12771503
File: 82 KB, 643x487, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12771577

So I went into a house and found a locked locker. I can't seem to leave the house and I can't find any hints about the code needed to open it. What am I supposed to do?

>> No.12772070

>You will never meet a cute girl who likes guro and who is an hardcore edgelord like DeepSeaPrisoner.

Why even live?

>> No.12772095

>You will never take your stupid posting habits back to /v/a/ and die

Why even live?

>> No.12772287


Why is it that a game made over 14 years ago has better graphics and music than pretty much everything else that's translated?

>> No.12772294

I enjoyed OFF for the atmosphere. The music, art, and life style of the people in the game was a nice blend of strangeness. However, the battles were way too fucking easy with the bosses being long instead of hard, and the plot was absolute shit. Anyone can throw in some stupid 4th wall stock idea crap and pretend it changes how the player views games, but don't do that in a game that I'm playing solely to see how strange it can get and the atmosphere.

>> No.12772320

>better graphics
The pictures look good, but the textures in the screencap are not great by any measure.

>> No.12772344

Fuck, how do I save Saori?

>> No.12772816

I wanted to try Wadanohara but all its tumblrina fagdom kept me away from it.

So I rather should try Castle first or Gray Garden, anons?

>> No.12773109

Well since I made this thread and have played a few more games...here are the ones that I didn't think were shit.

Toilet in Wonderland - Pretty amusing
The Gray Garden - Pretty cute
Peret em Heru - Great atmosphere and nice music
Evil Lord Elly - Very fun gameplay

Things I didn't like:
Little Red Riding Hood - Tedious
Mad Father - Cheesy as hell
Misao - I laughed a lot at the deaths, I guess
Mermaid Swamp - Couldn't get into it
Midnight Puppeteer - Was fun until the ESP bullshit

Can someone recommend me some stuff that doesn't use default RPG Maker graphics?

>> No.12773174

Cloe's Requiem and Patty & Mr. Miles are both really great games.

>> No.12773186

LiEat series. There's 3.

>> No.12773195

Try any of them. Or start from Gray Garden, Wada, then Castle if you're following the chronological release.

>> No.12773232

I thought Mogeko was their first game. What are they working on now, by the way?

>> No.12773276

I'm pretty sure Mogeko is their most recent game, hence the sleek art and assets used.

>> No.12773464

Mogeko Castle was their first game but they remade it recently.

>> No.12773477

That I didn't know.

>> No.12773493

Oh, what did it originally look like?

>> No.12773502
File: 8 KB, 640x480, mgk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looked like this

>> No.12773522
File: 8 KB, 640x480, QUALITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The remake looks a whole lot better than the original by miles

(Excuse the fucked up text in the screenshot, I could only find the chinese TL and I forgot to install the necessary fonts)

>> No.12773532
File: 7 KB, 640x480, mgk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First scene on the train

>> No.12773552


Would like to see their next game use art like Mogeko's remake.

>> No.12774296

It's pretty goofy for most of it, but really shifts in tone in the "Truth" section that unlocks after beating the main game. Whether that's a good or bad thing is arguable, but it gives the characters a tiny bit of depth, at least. They just felt kind of there for most of the game.

If you mean sidescroller in terms of exploration (and not a platformer) Lisa's looking really neat based on its previews, though it's not out yet, and costs $10:

Best previews of the bunch:

Steam Page:

There are hints for the locker scattered around that house. If you want a really big hint: Look at any of the calendars on the walls.

If you just want the answer, the code is 0832

Far as the game's goals go, there are two goals. The first is to find and use the toilet at the end of each area, and the second is to get all the laxatives to make Mira's constipation counter reach 0%. You only need to complete the first goal to go to the final area and get an ending, but you need 0% constipation to get the good end. Getting the good end it worth it, since it only requires visiting all the areas a second time to pick up the extra laxatives (which is both quick and lets you see some new stuff) and it's a bit nicer than the bad end, though I'd suggest getting the bad end first, since you're locked into the good end once you have 0% constipation.

When Saori disappears from the group (it's at the camp in the winding stairway area) you need to head all the way back to the top of the stairway, where you need to talk to her, then use the "take" command to steal her picture, so she won't jump off later.

You should also try a playthrough where you kill off everyone you can eventually, since that's also pretty neat, especially near the end.

>> No.12775550

Fine, then I'll follow the chronological release. Thanks, anon.

>> No.12775846

LiEat 1 was pretty nice

>> No.12775860

What are some games that take place inside of a school besides Misao?

>> No.12775862

All three games were nice for how short they were.

>> No.12776219
File: 25 KB, 642x483, whatisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this supposed to be?

>> No.12776757

In LiEat 2 what happened to the snake girl?

>> No.12777138 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 547x421, 1418081269348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, shit. Just played UTOPIA and was wondering if I got the good end because it was kind of depressing.

>> No.12777507

I think that's the normal ending; there's a better one you can obtain if you recover Yui's book.

>> No.12778100

I see thanks.

Any RPG recommendations?

>> No.12778689

That's basically a "skybridge" or a bridge between two class buildings. You can either presume that the middle is made of glass and enclosed, and that the roof itself is not as high as the actual buildings (denoted by making it lower than the interior walls, which fully extend to the class ceiling).

Alternatively, it is possible that the design is similar to this:


Where they are not picturing the clear transparent glass sections, because it's transparent and the point is that you can see the outside.

Alternatively, it is an uncovered walkway between two buildings, with only side railings:


The perspective may be a bit off, but these aren't that uncommon. Sliding doors that would be sealed may be un-pictured.

I can probably think of like, 3 other explanations for what it is, but my guess is really on the above.

>> No.12779246

>we're getting a sequel and a prequel for it.


>> No.12779579

Why do people pick horror games over VIP games that have won awards?

>> No.12780371

Because horror games are popular.

Some of those horror games have also won awards, like Corpse Party (PC 98 version, but Rebuilt is practically the same game), Toilet in Wonderland, Peret em Heru, and Palette.

I'd also love to see more of those really good non-horror RPG Maker games, though.

>> No.12780799

Excluding Corpse Party none of them are very well known here. Peret em Heru is fantastic but garbage like Ao Oni is somehow incredibly popular.

Maybe VG Person and Tosiaki just have shit taste? I can't even find any RPGs (Mogeko's stuff and LieEat hardly count) that don't use default graphics and music.

>> No.12780841

Ao Oni was one of the first horror RPGMaker games translated, and it was also really popularized by let's players in Niconico along with Nobita no Biohazard and Yume Nikki several years ago. I think those are the reason why that game is so well known even now.

>> No.12780867

Try Cappella's Promise.

>> No.12780887

I just recalled I still haven't finished Cappella's Promise. Like any other traditional JRPG, I slow down during the desert areas.

>> No.12780906

Looks like it's using default art which turns me off..

>> No.12781315

If anything the mechanics are the cool part. I like the alchemy focus and class switching. Also the story is nice.

Yeah, I feel you. The mid areas are always kinda meh. How about Hero and Daughter? That's interesting.

>> No.12781333

Hero and Daughter has god awful art but mildly entertaining events and conversations. Still a shitty RPG game since you can cheese with broken party builds.

>> No.12781426

Didn't people flip out on Mogeko for drawing a 18+ picture of Wadanohara?

>> No.12781430

Please link.

Know anything genuinely good?

>> No.12781448

I never saw the picture. I've seen Mogeko hate for the implied rape scene in Wadanohara, though.

>> No.12781461

There are implied rape scenes in Gray Garden as well as Mogeko too. Actually I'm pretty sure its just straight out rape with a large black censor over the top.

>> No.12781492

I went through the Mogeko Castle tag on tumblr a while ago, and saw some drama with people berating others for complaining about some rape picture to the point of making Mogeko leave the site.

>> No.12781505

>Mogeko leaving the site
Welcome to five months ago, bro, it was fucking horrible and nobody deserves death threats for drawing hentai

>> No.12781516

>Using Tumblr
>Drawing Hentai

Kind of a given that you would be driven out since the damned place is crawling with SJW garbage.

>> No.12781541

He was operating under a language barrier and didn't realize what kind of idiotic minefield he was standing in.

>> No.12781568

Wait, what? Can you fill me in and post said hentai?

>> No.12781653

Different person but, I've tried really hard to find it and never could. Maybe someone here has it, though.

>> No.12782111

Finished The Gray Garden. Glad it didn't get too serious towards the end. The RPG elements in Mogeko's games need some serious work, though.
It feels pointless, you're constantly finding new equips right after the old ones, and there's no challenge. The only annoyance about the monsters is that they'll get in your way since they don't actually attack first.

Guess I'll focus on Re:Kinder now. Setting seems fun.

Tried Corpse Party Zero and have no idea what I'm supposed to do after I rescue the slut from the bathroom. I like the graphics better than what's used in modern versions of RPG maker, though.

>> No.12782252

Re:Kinder is laughably horrible. Like hell, I can't even begin how fucking shitty that game is.

>> No.12782274

Outside the graphics it doesn't seem bad so far.

>> No.12782283

Speaking of Re:Kinder, does anyone has a download link or anything for the original version? The only things I could find about it were a playthrough in NicoNico and several dead links in 2ch.

>> No.12782287

Oh I'm not talking about graphics. I'm talking about pants-on-head retarded setting like kids talking like adults with adult problems. And yeah, kids. Also the ending is really really stupid.

>> No.12782294

You just described anime, man

>> No.12782375 [SPOILER] 
File: 238 KB, 368x458, 1418203875871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the picture, gonna put it in a spoiler.

>> No.12783007

while it looks suggestive/implied, I don't see anything too hentai-ish about it. It's more ecchi, really.

>> No.12783408

It bothers me how unresolved the plot in that was.

>> No.12783472

Yeah, me neither.

>> No.12783571
File: 209 KB, 553x447, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is pretty lewd

>> No.12783601
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>> No.12783611

ow the edge

>> No.12783860

I agree anon

>> No.12784719
File: 267 KB, 547x420, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me some skill builds for Capella's Promise? I have no idea where to put skill points.

>> No.12785121

This game is pretty funny.

>> No.12785129
File: 179 KB, 546x421, gnahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot my pic.

>> No.12785195

New download link for bury since the previous one was taken down.

>> No.12786016

Any walkthrough for Kanousei (Possibility)?

>> No.12787133

Anyone? Just a general idea of what I should be putting SP into for each kind of character.

>> No.12787373

Where are you having issues? Maybe I can help you.

>> No.12787399

>Death threats
>In the internet
I don't know who is more goofy. The people who send the hollow threats, or the people who actually believe they're a threat.

>> No.12787447

How to save cellphone girl?.

>> No.12787449

It really is entertaining. I stuck with the angel, the girl with the black hair and red eyes, and the candy bitch. So fucking good.

Too bad the art isn't that good.

>> No.12787551
File: 16 KB, 660x523, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't turn on nor use the phone anywhere near the red seats; pic related.
Don't make a call and don't play music out loud. In other words, just use the Internet option until you get down to one power unit left and then send a email.

>> No.12787741
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 75_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find a list that satisfied me, so I made my own.

>> No.12787760

your ratings are fucking bizarre and shit

>> No.12787796

Y-you too

>> No.12787971

How about when she says she's cursed? I've loaded up previous saves but I still can't save her.

>> No.12788239


Was interesting to see your thoughts, even if I don't agree with them all (I agree Peret em Heru's awesome, though).

I did you ever play The Witch's House or Toilet in Wonderland?

The Witch's house is probably one of the most popular games VGPerson translated, the other really popular one being Ib. The two games are pretty different though, since Ib focuses a lot more on its characters (probably part of why you didn't like it much, since you didn't like Garry), while the Witch's house is more straight-up horror, with lots of atmosphere and ways to die, so you may like it. Definitely get the true ending if you play it though, since it's what makes the plot memorable.

Toilet in Wonderland's just really awesome in how silly and crazy it is, and is probably one of the better RPG maker games recently translated, in my opinion.

While I wouldn't call it as good as the last two I mentioned, Patty and Mr. Miles is also pretty interesting. It may seem kind of boring at first, but it gets pretty interesting in the After Story.

>> No.12788272

I have played Toilet in Wonderland and laughed my ass of reading it. Can't believe I forgot it. Will fix in a moment.

I've played a few minutes of The Witch's House, but I'm not sure if I want to play more if it's just a lot of backtracking item collecting.

>> No.12788278

As long as you haven't been spoiled, Witch's House should be one hell of a blow, well the true ending that is.

>> No.12788323

I see. I'll post here when I get around to playing it.

Just finished Mayohiga and thought it had a nice atmosphere,

>> No.12788583

Seventh Night is really fucking difficult. I think I'm going to give up.

>> No.12788899

Alright. Does anyone knows what I'm supposed to do with the cursed letter on Possibility? I tried watching and following Tosiaki's videos but it didn't work; due to the fact that when I try to show them that note, I can only trigger the first mini-cutscene. Any idea of where did I fuck up and how can I fix it?

>> No.12789490

So are there any "traditional"/non-horror RPGs to recommend? Not that I don't mind them (even it's just that I dislike jump scares in them), just seems like a ton of ones I've seen talked about are horror.

Are the default art assets that bad, or it just shows laziness in the author?

>> No.12789514
File: 229 KB, 557x452, baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, looking at all the art RPG Maker comes with it is hard to imagine doujin devs being able to churn out as much, but seeing the same sprites over and over again does get kind of old. There are things like Hero and Daughter which have original art for the girls but it kind of creates a clash in style.

>> No.12789561


I think the one vgperson recently translated called Capella's Promise is more traditional, but can't say for sure since I haven't played it yet. Same goes for Hero & Daughter and Standstill Girl, both of which vgperson also translated.

If by "traditional" you just mean "with a typical RPG Maker battle system", then there are a few others I can think of:

OFF is the first most'll mention. Kind of creepy at points, but not really horror. It's pretty good (and pretty surreal), but I liked it more for the story and atmosphere than the gameplay.

Space Funeral also has RPG elements, but it's not a big focus. Really the sort of game that you play more for its weirdness than battles, but it's still got them as part of it.

Barkley: Shut up and Jam: Gaiden is a pretty good JRPG parody game. Story's the bigger focus once again, but gameplay's actually pretty solid and kinda fun in this one.

Patty and Mr. Miles has RPG battles in the first half, though there are easily abusable ways to make yourself overpowered, so they're easy to trivialize. The game also has no battles in the second half, so may not be what you're looking for (especially since the second half is what really makes the game worth playing).

One kind of interesting one I played awhile back is Dhux's Scar. It's made interesting by the ways it goes against a lot of the tropes. The main characters are a greedy merchant looking to make a quick buck and a demon in a young girl's body. This means the plot is less typical (it also gets pretty crazy and over-the-top near the end) and that they're both weaklings. This carries over to the gameplay, which can be a challenge (if you're desperate, you can abuse the demon girl's powers to win fights easily, but doing so too much will get a bad end later, which locks you out of the last 1/4th of the game).

There are tons of others on rpgmaker.net and Japanese indie game sites, but I've never played most of 'em.

>> No.12789575
File: 446 KB, 544x416, HeroAndDaughterScreen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hero and Daughter is pretty fun if you enjoy dungeon running and collecting girls.

Cappella's Promise is really well made, but I haven't played much due to sucking at SP allocation.

>> No.12789674

Demon and Phantom Legacy. The latter heavily relies on character sprites from Romancing SaGa 3 and it's romhacks, it still has a decent plot.

>> No.12790553

In The Seventh Night I'm supposed to go to the Tatami Room and deliver to the kamaitachi, but when I enter the room the oni mask always breaks. What am I supposed to do?

>> No.12790855
File: 771 KB, 554x1340, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide if this game is amazing or hilariously bad.

>> No.12791727

RPG Maker Games always gave me this melancholic sensation, like it's a lone, timeless media, it just seems that way to me.

>> No.12791770

It's great because it doesn't take itself too seriously, but at the same time, recognize itself.

>> No.12794925


How about wolfRPG games or do you consider them the same?

>> No.12795004

Dreaming Mary is pretty good. Its short on its own but has quite a few endings. Very cute artstyle, but very surreal and actually has a dark story to it.

Another one I would recommend would be One Shot. Does a lot of creative shit with the game. Very meta in terms of breaking the 4th wall. (Think Psycho Mantis from MGS1)

>> No.12797231

I was talking about wolfRPG too, not that i ignore their differences, but i get the feeling overall.

>> No.12797242

I am out of words, if the game is as good as the OST i will love it.

>> No.12797884

Pom Gets Wiki is utter bullshit.

The art style is cute but hell the characters are fucking annoying.

>> No.12800471
File: 770 KB, 816x1089, 46137765_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So over the last few days I finished The Witch's House, Re:Kinder and a few other games.

The Witch's House had a boring setting, pretty boring puzzles, and almost a complete lack of story until the ending. It didn't have any kind of mechanics to set it apart from all the other shitty horror games where you examine the same thing millions of time. The ending was okay, I guess, but some things didn't make sense to me. Like How the ghost girl actually saved the witch multiple times

More importantly, I finished Re:Kinder and was very impressed with the ending. The boss fights were quite fun and I appreciate that it had some original art even if it wasn't of the best quality. The humor was also hilarious and bizarre.

On the serious aspects, Yuuichi is a pretty sad faggy shota. Too bad Tumblr seems to have latched onto the character with their own delusions. The content of the game becomes even more interesting upon knowing that the author, Parun committed suicide by jumping off a building.


The combat, in my opinion, added to the horror effect and I don't get why so many of these games decide to limit their games to just chase sequences with bad AI. It's RPG Maker not Walking Sim Maker, seriously.

His other game, Heisei Pistol Show also looks interesting.

Also tried Fantasy Maiden's Odd Hangout. I was tricked into playing it because of the custom art and assets. The story has sucked so far (I'm at the start of the portion where you play as the fujoshit shota). Not a very interesting game.

Played Re:Member and got the first ending. Was pretty boring and uninspired.

Played a bit Oni Asobi and the puzzles didn't really make sense.

Akemi-tan was pretty okay.

Currently playing My Home Town by the creator of Moon Whistle (http://www.moonwhistle.org/))
Surprised Moon Whistle isn't translated.

I really don't understand how so many lazy and effortless games have gotten translations

>> No.12800528
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Post was too long.

What aspect of using art people have seen thousands of times combined with random lucked based chase scenes is scary? How the fuck does a purple giant with a big head frighten anyone? Also, why western mansions? They have their own rich history with oni and people being spirited away. Why not a game set before modern times? Recreate classics tales of horror, or something.

RPG Maker games are interesting when the developers push the limit of the engine, not when someone just shits out a generic horror game.

>> No.12801419

So Lisa's out now.

>> No.12801450

You mean the earthbound-ish stye Lisa or a new one?

>> No.12801523

The new one.

>> No.12801650
File: 436 KB, 640x670, セクハラ_階段_通常.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played Black Senpai? It's not really that much of a horror besides ambiance and the puzzles aren't particularly difficult to solve. The more focus is on seeing how many and if you can get all the kinda ecchi scenes. I played it for the art and did enjoy it. Definitely has a dom/sub angle.

The translation is ... sufficient. It's not great but it's playable.
> http://tosiaki7.tumblr.com/post/86672048937/translation-complete-black-sempai

>> No.12801695
File: 68 KB, 641x479, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I don't remember this in the PSP version.

Why the fuck would they remove it?

>> No.12801748
File: 637 KB, 1018x1186, 43355483_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was too lazy to solve the puzzles. Was pretty much a clone of that 4-koma manga except with a mystery instead of game gags.

>> No.12802110

the poor translation makes it a pain in the ass to do the puzzles
the psp remake is vastly different from the original, not just the removal of the rpg battle

>> No.12802143
File: 60 KB, 600x450, E884B1E587BAE383A1E383ADE383B3E3839CE383BCE383AB5-93ea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, his translations kind of suck.

I see. I think I actually liked this version better. The people who churn out horror RPG Maker titles could probably learn a thing or two from Corpse Party or Peret em Heru. Hell, even Re:Kinder with all the goofyness is far creepier than the stuff Tosiaki and VG Person often translate.

>> No.12802378

That creature's porportions are certainly creepy.

>> No.12804312


Pretty solid free RPG.

>> No.12805294
File: 192 KB, 547x419, hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was intentionally delaying the "final" boss fight in Hero & Daughter thinking the game would end and I wouldn't be able to unlock extra stuff but apparently... I wasn't even halfway finished and the first credits roll unlocked a plethora of content

Taichi really knows how to create a fun game. He should get other artists to contribute monster art and art for new girls.

>> No.12806776

It was made by the creator of Irisu Syndrome, if that counts for something.

>> No.12807533

I haven't played that yet, actually, This game is incredibly fucking hard, though. Gold and items are very scarce and I didn't even get a weapon until a few hours in.

>> No.12808573

Seraphic Blue

It has a unique battle system in terms of magic usage. In battle; you cast elemental magic, and a color will appear on the lower right hand side of the screen corresponding to the element, when that field is active, it will allow the player to use Higher level magic that uses that type of element.

It also allows the player to use "Hard" versions of attacks and defense (Stronger attacks/defense; at the cost of priority in terms of time needed to act again)

The game also has a destination log which will allow the player an idea of where to go to next if they have not played the game in a while or forgot where they needed to go. It also has a recap function which summarizes events from earlier in the game.

>> No.12808614

Is there a way to search for translated games on that site?

>> No.12809309

it's an english speaking community for rpgmaker games, the majority of games on it are already in english

>> No.12809431

Maybe he wants them translated into Spanish or Chinese

>> No.12811607

No, I just want to find Japanese games that have been translated.

>> No.12812182

Holy shit this guy has the cutest fucking art style.

>> No.12812400

It's almost the end of the year. I hope Mogeko releases a new game soon

>> No.12813219 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12813230
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It's nice to see someone making a horror game that takes place in ancient Japan. How has it been so untapped compared to western mansion garbage?


Looks good too.

>> No.12813983

Just played through both Wadanohara and Mogeko's Castle.

I thought Wadanohara was better in every aspect. Mogeko is fun and thrilling, but I just couldn't get attached to the characters enough. Wadanohara has many more unique and lovable characters.

The way Wadanohara handled the gore and horror really made me uneasy, I was playing well into the night with the lights turned off. Mogeko got frightening at times especially during the chasing parts, but I guess I just prefer the more serious undertones of Wadda.

>> No.12814007

Mogeko Castle made me jump a few times (goddamn mazes) but Wadanohara wasn't scary at all

>> No.12814052


There was a jumpscare in Mogeko that didn't even affect me at all.

It's just that in Wadanohara, there's so much more on your mind plot wise. The two kingdoms, your familiars, Samekichi, everyone else, etc.

I don't know. Maybe I just have shit taste but Wadanohara has been on my mind for so long now and it feels so bittersweet

>> No.12814603

Really? I thought Wadanohara was cheesy as hell.

>> No.12814865
File: 320 KB, 647x510, taichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Taichi make such charming games?

>> No.12815053

Its funny but my opinion is the exact opposite.
I think Mogeko had more unique and lovable characters, with great story and atmosphere, while Wadanohara failed to make me give a shit about its story and characters

>> No.12815102

>while The Gray Garden failed to make me give a shit about its story and characters

I personally felt that TGG had this... humid, uncomfortable atmosphere about it that wasn't "comfy" at all. The humor wasn't funny, Yosafire was your typical annoying genki girl, and the game had choppy storyline pacing. Some parts are just lazy in terms of art direction, such as the chibi sprites being used as event CGs/cut-ins and minor overworld issues.

Wadanohara was very heartfelt and had good art direction (for an amateur game anyway) in comparison.

>> No.12815117

I haven't play it yet, maybe Wadanohara turns out to be less bad in comparison but Mogeko is still the best one

>> No.12815742
File: 29 KB, 545x418, lisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've played every decent translated free game now. I'm sad.

Tried Sukette and it had no redeeming features and felt like a waste of time.

Picked up Lisa on steam and it's pretty hilarious. Music is pretty awful, though.

>> No.12816760

Maybe this isn't the thread for this, but has anyone else noticed how Tosiaki's doing? He doesn't seem to be feeling well and he's asking people in his area to come hang out with him. He mentions it on both his tumblr and his twitter that he's lookin to chill with someone in the Boston, MA area.

>> No.12817918

Definitely the proper thread.

I would have legitimately met up with the guy if I didn't live half the planet away. Kind of sad how nobody is picking up on it though.
Maybe he's too ambitious with his doujin culture thing, scaring people away? Getting a bit concerned here.

>> No.12818283


I recently beat Lisa, and really, really loved it. I'd definitely recommend; gameplay, story and atmosphere were all pretty good. Surprised you thought the music was awful though, since I was loving that aspect too (some of it is definitely weird, but it felt very Earthbound-like to me). I guess tastes will be different, and all.

>> No.12818518
File: 76 KB, 547x418, wowowowow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've clocked in about 8 hours so far. It's a great game. I think the developer should go back and change some things about the opening scenes. They're way too quiet and abrupt.

Also starting to wonder if I should have let Terry get killed to save my arm...

Who was your party?

>> No.12818545

He's been whining for months now. His personality is pretty shitty and I can't agree with his super weeb ideals.

>> No.12818628


I liked the opening, though comparing to the rest of the game, I see what you mean. It definitely feels like the game takes off more after the first big choice.

My endgame party was Geese, Bo, and Harvey.

Geese was a pretty good damage dealer, and he also could inflict poison (and later on, deep poison).

Bo is a pure support type with multiple good status-related skills, but especially useful is his his AoE heal. 400+ healing on the entire party for only 15 SP feels pretty powerful.

Harvey does pretty good damage, and can inflict a lot of different status ailments as well, which helped a lot with crippling some of the tougher bosses.

They definitely felt like a strong party, but there were some other characters I didn't use who also seemed pretty good.

>> No.12818644
File: 94 KB, 547x422, goty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I avoid 1hit KO's?

>> No.12818693


They're pretty tough to avoid completely in this game. To some extent, it's a matter of luck, though there are some things you can do to help it. One obvious one is getting better defenses through gear or using higher HP companions, though inflicting enemies with status ailments can also help a lot. For example, Weird will reduce an enemy's defense and attack, and if you skills that stun them or make them fall, that'll give them less chances to move in general. You can also equip your allies with items that give them stink( like the "Stink" item or Stinky Sock accessories), since that increases their dodge rate some. Some riskier stuff would be inflcting them with pissed, since that causes them to often attack themselves, but also causes them to crit a lot more, so they may deal massive damage to themselves, but could also wind up slaughtering your team. If you manage to slowly stockpile perfume as well, the occasional ally KO doesn't matter as much. I also had a lot more problems with one hit KOs in the earlygame, though (Terry and Nern's HP is pretty bad, and Rage's HP and defense are below average).

>> No.12818728
File: 156 KB, 545x418, praisetheburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's the original Lisa?

>> No.12818736

>How's the original Lisa?
One of the most disturbing things I've ever played.

>> No.12818737

Hey, I'm new to the whole idea of RPG maker games and wanted to ask a few questions if you'd allow.

I want to play Mogeko's games as a start and go from there but should I read/watch obsolete dream and poison bugs in order to understand the stories?

>> No.12818742
File: 34 KB, 639x480, Lisa The First.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lisa 'the first' (that's what the creator renamed it) isn't as good or as polished as Lisa (the second game), though I still enjoyed it. Basically, it's has no RPG elements and plays a lot more like Yume Nikki, where you're exploring different really surreal areas. There's still a bit of an Earthbound vibe, but it's also a lot more consistently dark and uncomfortable. There is some stuff in it that could be considered funny, but it only really comes out in some of the weird things you see. It's short (around 2 hours to complete) and free, and gives some insight into the backstory of some of the characters in Lisa, so I'd say it could be worth checking out, just keep your expectations lower.

>> No.12818744

Nope, Obsolete Dream and Poison Bugs are unrelated to Mogeko's games, although Kurotsuno, Met, Hanten, and Tsumuri make minor cameo appearances. Chlomaki is a recurring character in Wadanohara however.

>> No.12818745

Alright. Thank you kindly.

>> No.12818773

I see. I'm a bit stuck now.

After finding the girl again and being kidnapped again, how do I get past the room blocked by rocks?

>> No.12818798


You just need to exit out of the cave by walking out (NOT with the car keys, since that will make you have to walk all the way back), and an event should happen that will advance the story.

>> No.12818820
File: 19 KB, 548x420, toughchoice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do?

>> No.12818836


Yeah... that was a tough one. I chose "cut it off..." since a nipple sounded for 3 lives like a lot less of a sacrifice than an arm for 1 life, and considering Buddy's selfless nature, figured she wouldn't like me killing 3 people in front of her eyes either far as the consequences doing that go, it didn't seem like it was anything too significant, but I can't be sure since I never played through the alternate outcome yet. Makes ya feel bad either way...

>> No.12818850
File: 14 KB, 546x421, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ these choices. What now?

>> No.12818870

Heh, I knew this was coming. That one was even tougher. I chose to "cut it off" with that one since I had a lot of items and magazines, but I also still had two arms at the time. If you don't mind some gameplay-related spoilers, there'll be a shop that lets you buy various strong consumables in the 3rd area, so if you can manage to build up mags again, you can probably do alright with losing all your items. If you still have the Russian Roulette minigame with some matches uncompleted, then that works really well, but if you did that fully already as I did, sacrificing your items is a lot riskier.

>> No.12818903

That feeling when I only have one arm left.. Should I cut it off?

>> No.12818951

Decided to lose my stuff instead. Can't seem to find the roulette place again, though.

>> No.12818966


with no arms, How will brad hug Buddy? But really, it's your choice. Both are gonna be crappy in different ways, but if you don't have any easy source of income, I'd say losing all your items is probably a bit riskier. Bo can help a lot in making losing items less of an issue, however.

>> No.12818972

Oh, looks like you posted when I was posting. That's fine though. The Roulette place is in the left section of Crossroads 2, down a cliff. Look on the background walls, and there should be a marker pointing down.

>> No.12819545

Can't seem to find the fan for the boat. Looked all over the place and i can't find it.

>> No.12819581

Definitely check it out. Dreaming Mary is a fantastic game, and it's like having a cupcake shoved into your eye socket and then kicked in the nose.

>> No.12819586

How on earth could you beat the game in two hours? That spider section fucked me over. I can't finish this damn game.

>> No.12819855


I'm on the same boat, in that I live over on the west coast. I've met up with anons in my town a couple times already, and I've always had a good time with it.

I've actually mailed him a letter and a Christmas gift (with his permission), but I think he's out of the state with his family, so odds are he won't get it until the new year or something.

I think it's sad that people only message him asking to translate more games and such. When you read his twitter, that's basically all that's on there.

(I mean, it's frustrating being deep into import games and obscure things with having absolutely no one irl to enjoy them with. It's cool that people like them online, but I guess it's a big backfire when people don't care to enjoy these things with you and only ask you to translate something else, no?)

It's definitely pretty concerning.

>> No.12819945 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 540x420, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;__; This is sad as hell.

>> No.12819953 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 540x420, 1419218087575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say I expected this from Lisa.

>> No.12820003 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12820114

Well, it does have the tagline of "The painful RPG". Pretty beautiful though, isn't it?

>> No.12820143
File: 363 KB, 600x753, halloween_niko_by_nightmargin-d84uojg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys played Oneshot? It's a really good RPG Maker game that came out this year.

>> No.12820157

>having absolutely no one irl to enjoy them with
What's wrong with enjoying things on your own? Why require someone to enjoy them with?

>> No.12820162

talking to yourself gets pretty boring after a while

>> No.12820163

Yeah, it was great. How many endings are there, though?

>> No.12820195

Looks nice, but I can't stand those kind of games for the most part since the games are usually shallow as hell. Toilet in Wonderland and Corpse Party: Rebuild are the exceptions.

>> No.12820198


Depends on what you define as an "ending". What you saw there always ends the same, but there's an extra scene at the very end if you avoid using Joy through an entire playthrough. Aside from that, there are some smaller differences based on your choices at some points in the game, but most of those changes are more gameplay-related. Can be kind of interesting to see how gameplay changes with 2 arms, 1 arm and no arms, but unless you care about Steam achievements, not much point playing to the end with all of them.

>> No.12820209

Which kinds of games, exactly?

>> No.12820213

I got the one involving scientists. What was with him becoming a giant pile of lard and scooting over to a house?

Collecting items and solving "puzzles"

>> No.12820222

Really. The reason I play them is specifically because I find the combat portions of combat-centered RPG Maker games totally redundant. Plus I have never seen a really unique combat system implemented in one of these games from what I have played.

>> No.12820225

Talking to yourself about what? If you did the thing, you already know what you did and if someone else did the thing they know what happened too. What's there to talk about other than "hey you know how you did that thing?" "yeah man I remember doing that thing."

>> No.12820234

Also, I've seen people mention a "scientist village", where or how do I get there?

>> No.12820280


Then sounds like you got the extra scene. Far as him becoming that giant Blob, I think Brad became a Joy mutant, like many of those other creepy enemies throughout the game (even if you didn't choose to take Joy, Buzzo forced a lot of it down Brad's throat closer to the end). It may have also been triggered by him dying, but it's hard to know for sure

It's in one of the caves in Area 2, behind one of the boulders you need to break with dynamite.

>> No.12820291

I see. I've also seen people mentioning his sister committing suicide. When did we see that happen?

>> No.12820336

Shit, loaded a save to go back and check the place out and I can't find TNT to open it.

>> No.12820680


Of course he enjoys things on his own. After a while though, but people need some "ya know what, I did the thing too" in their lives. If you enjoy not operating like that, that's perfectly fine, but you can't really speak for everyone, don't you think?

>> No.12820941

>but you can't really speak for everyone, don't you think?

>After a while though, but people need some "ya know what, I did the thing too" in their lives.

Nice hypocrisy.

>> No.12821267


Nice nitpicking there, but come the fuck on. Anyone with two cents worth of reading comprehension knows what the anon means.

>> No.12821452


There was one flashback that implies that, but don't remember where it was.

With TNT, it's possible you used it all up (since it can also be used in battle) but you can try returning to the construction site. If you haven't revisited there yet, should be 1 use of TNT you can find on the ground.

>> No.12821635

Had to reload further back. Not much to do there besides looking at a door you can't even enter.

Also went to the resort place. Not sure what I'm supposed to do. I found a Joy Mutant, though?

>> No.12821741

Yeah, not a ton at the village, just a creepy place that hints a bit at the game's backstory and has some creepy enemies (along with one unique boss, apparently a doctor based on the achievement killing him gives you) and a few nice items.

With the resort place, It's got some 4 hidden switches scattered around the rooms to press. If you find and press those, a secret passage opens up in the top room which leads to a room with a couple nice items.

>> No.12821812

Yeah, I found that. Was hoping for something more tropical.

Playing the original Lisa now and got a VHS for a finger. Not sure what I'm supposed to do with it. Putting it in the TV goes to another screen but there's nothing there to do.

>> No.12821963

Yeah, ain't so tropical once you get inside, but I liked that, myself.

With that stuff about the original Lisa: The VHS tapes are mainly hints for the story, there are 3 in the game total. So if you've seen everything in the one tape you got, you can just exit out. Also, one of those 3 tapes is pretty well hidden near the end, and gives an alternate ending when used. If you're stuck, you may have overlooked something. I remember overlooking something in the first area from the left myself when I first played the game.[/spoilers]

>> No.12822062

Made some progress and got stuck again. After getting the necklace and get tele'd back to the main room/hall. I also found a bag that I can't find any use for

>> No.12822174


The plastic bag? You use that at an area deeper into the leftmost area. On the western side of the area, there should be a red door blocking off a stairway. Go down there and explore, then you should eventually find the thing to use the bag on. If you need the key for that door, then you likely missed the rum. To get that, you need to first talk to the guy who wants rum (in a house around the middle of the same area), then go to the bar, and one of the Martys there will give it to you. Then you just exchange the rum for the key.

>> No.12822228
File: 14 KB, 646x486, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not finding anything

>> No.12822259


It's further in. Go down that ladder, then when the path splits, take the left path.

>> No.12822309
File: 19 KB, 646x486, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't see anything.

>> No.12822512


Sorry, just checked, and realized I was confusing the pills and plastic bag. For the plastic bag: You need to go in the far right door of the hub world, then in the house in the top left of the area. You then need to get past the spiders, and you'll be able to use the bag at what's waiting at the end. If you already got to the end of that area, you can just use the candle near the start to warp.

>> No.12823301

You mean far left?

>> No.12823354

How the hell do you get past the spiders anyway

>> No.12823362

Just practice, over and over and over again.
I could upload a version of the game without the spiders, do you want me to do that?

>> No.12823489

Yes please

>> No.12823534

...I think I just broke my copy after getting the second tape and watching it, hitting x and then trying to leave crashes the game. Would appreciate a save file if anyone has one.

>> No.12823616

Here you go: https://mega.co.nz/#!BUYHyQrB!agqvqN5PsTa6QrNrrbcE_xZtHzFmnwwm5nTC9JQCwkE
I included two save files, one for each tape. Please tell me if you encounter any issues

>> No.12823755


>> No.12823818
File: 110 KB, 500x667, 942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of Charon? He created games like Yanderella, Dark Side of Red Riding Hood, Makoto Mobius and Mix Ore.

>> No.12824082
File: 427 KB, 450x545, camil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play demon king chronicle, /jp/.

>> No.12824148

Just finished The Grey Garden

9.5/10 very enjoyable, Yosafire is a sweetheart and I love her. There are just too many unanswered questions and a cliffhanger at the end

>> No.12824607

get ready for prequel and sequel fun.
Whenever that happens.

>> No.12824659
File: 112 KB, 520x365, story_kumo03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone else knowing of and reccommending demonking chronicle?
Really surprising this isn't more known and talked about with its nice story and great angle battle system.
It is also by the same dev that did irisu syndrome if that playasia link is to be trusted.

>> No.12824689

It was definitely made by the creator of Irisu Syndrome, see? http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/wtetsu/
Also, any advice on how to make Kumo level up faster?

>> No.12824715
File: 656 KB, 420x550, cutin_kumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't really speed up the levelup process except with equip/items that raise xp gain rate, this functionality may unlock only after leveling an item up to 3 stars. For general I would suggest to either power through the unlocked dungeon with your team if you are equipped well enough or grind the new character up a bit near a water source.
I did it without extra grinding iirc but I also had very good equip drops thanks to the white rabbit paw.

>> No.12825168

He sucks and there's no depth to his games.

I mentioned it earlier in the thread.

Are they a boy or girl?

>> No.12825198

Just got the ending. What happened?

>> No.12825212

I feel that his games are kind of shallow and corny, especially Red Riding Hood which was basically just a pick-your-own-ending depending on which junction in the road you went into, which all looked almost the same paired with some ridiculously slow paced movement.

That being said, the rest of his games are all kind of charming nontheless. The yandere scenes, while generic as hell, are still pretty sweet. I've only played Mikoto Nikki, Mix Ore and Dark Side of Red Riding Hood so far, so I'm looking forward to the rest.

Also picking honey milk as the drink first playthrough in Mix Ore because I read about it in the readme was the worst choice. Holy shit.

>> No.12825632
File: 98 KB, 400x550, cutin_z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mentioned it earlier in the thread.
Sorry, didn't see because I replied from the frontpage.

>> No.12826728

Someone mentioned this earlier and it looks pretty cu-
>Triggering content
Oh. Why?

>> No.12826813

Near ``rape'' scene.

>> No.12826820

Should we make another thread or just let it die until we get another interesting and translated game?

>> No.12826860
File: 17 KB, 549x420, thxjim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up to anyone who wants to make another thread.

There's one bug I've gotten a few times involving the character automatically moving in one direction, when this happens it seems to happen to every other game running on the same version of RPG Maker.

If someone wants to recommend some non-Japanese RPG Maker games I'd be willing to try them.

Also, killing Jim was pretty satisfying considering how much of a cunt he is.

>> No.12827020

I really want the portraits of Yosafire from the Grey Garden. I tried searching but I only find fanart, is there a way to get inside of the game to pull those out?

>> No.12827028

Try going into window mode and using the snipping tool to cut them out.

>> No.12827031

Wouldn't they just be in the graphics folder?

>> No.12827041


It's an .xyz file, really weird. I guess i'll just cut them out from the game but the portraits ingame are slightly cut off on the left side

>> No.12827044

iirc, the game files for Wadanohara are in .xyz file format, so I'm guessing it's the same for Grey Garden. They can't be opened by regular means, so I'd say just cutting them out would be less of a hassle.

>> No.12827723


I guess just wait for another translation. Can't really think of any games coming out at the moment. I haven't heard of the progress on the translation for P.R.I.C.E. or anything.

I guess just Darkipt, but I'm sure that's already been talked about.

>> No.12829208

>If someone wants to recommend some non-Japanese RPG Maker games I'd be willing to try them.
Laxius Force was surprisingly awesome despite its really bad art to the point that I purchased the trilogy on a non steam drm plattform. The first 2 are on torrent sites from what I saw.

>> No.12829216
File: 120 KB, 640x480, TheGreyGardenApplepieFeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure the rpgmaker engine lets you im- and export images from/into xyz format if you have the project opened.
