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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1273633 No.1273633 [Reply] [Original]

Typical 40 year olds

When I'm 40, I'll be in my giant penthouse apartment in Tokyo with my waifu and children, smoking a cigar and playing chess with ZUN

>> No.1273637

ZUN does not play faggoty western games like chess

>> No.1273639

That French woman is frightening. Regardless, I'd let her whip me.

>> No.1273642

i wish to be the dead-end job middle management paper pushers

>> No.1273643

he meant shogi.

>> No.1273644

When I'm forty, I'll be masturbating alone, regretting never having talked with all those pretty, shy Asian girls sitting around campus reading.

>> No.1273647

Not when you give him beer from around the world.

>> No.1273651

When I'm 40 I'll invent a machine that can warp me to Gensokyo, then live with the yukkuris for the rest of my life

>> No.1273652

Middle Eastern Friend-o

>> No.1273657

Europe < Lump of cat turd <<<<< Japan < Bottle of cat urine < USA

>> No.1273658

the fate of anonymous...

>> No.1273659

I will be recognized as the best poster and I will be the administrator of the internet and you all will be praising me all day.

>> No.1273661

I didn't know there were penthouses in Tokyo

>> No.1273665


I already praise you Anonymous. Its quite obvious that you are the pinnacle of human evolution.

>> No.1273666

Replace the "<" with ">" and you get the happiness per capita and living standard.

>> No.1273692

I hope I never make it to 40

>> No.1273707

I wish to be the little campaign glass.

>> No.1273714

Can't be, there aren't enough people living in cat feces.

>> No.1273731

i've seen some trolls failing hard but /jp/ sure hits the spot

>> No.1273759
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>> No.1273774
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>> No.1273791

By what measurements?

Income per capita in Japan is 33.6k USD as compared to USA's 45.8k. This translates into a difference in the standard of living. And no, Japan is not miraculously cheap to live in, nor does it have more open countryside than the US.

UK: 35.1k
Germany: 34.2k
France: 33.2k

>> No.1273822

What's Nifong doing flipping burgers? I'm sure he could find a better job.

In all seriousness, OP's pic is fucking stupid.

>> No.1273866

What do you expect from a European?

>> No.1273886

ZUN will die in 20 years. How will your bereavement be like?

>> No.1273895

My goal is to be financially independent at the age of 35.

>> No.1273900

My tears will cry other tears

>> No.1273908

The toxic levels of alchohol with prevent his body from decaying and he'll continue to release Touhou games for an additional four years after his biological death.

>> No.1273912


Americans are fat?

>> No.1273918

I am financially independent at 22, how does that make you feel?

>> No.1273927

Jealous. liar

>> No.1273940

I'm financially independent at 20

not only that, but I never have to leave my house and I still make money

>> No.1273941

It's pretty funny - man.

>> No.1273964


Share your financial secrets with the internet.

>> No.1274010

get out of /jp/, spiral sage of fail

>> No.1274044

it's called "a job"

>> No.1274070

I dont care much about being "financially independent". I live in a thrid wolrd country, but i have a wealthy family, so yeah.

>> No.1274081

By some twist of fate, you are cure of your weeaboo ways. You find yourself a nice girlfriend and manage to lay the foundations of a promising career.

20 years fly by like nothing. As a CEO, you have your own large room with an ample desk were your computer and a picture of your happy family lay. You don't have much to do at the moment so you decide to play around with google, the only search engine available. "4chan...? It's been more than 20 years, I wonder if it still exists". Absent minded, you click that dust covered link. There, lost among /gaia/ and /frat/ you find the good and old /jp/...

A single sticky is hanged at the board. Years of memories flood your brain as you read "ZUN is dead". You have to get out of that building.

Empty, empty of all thought, of all feeling, you drift stumbling through the hasty stream of the avenue until you wreck at some bench where you cover with your hands, whose fever you couldn't notice, your eyes, whose tears you couldn't feel.

>> No.1274082


>>1273940 never have to leave my house and I still make money

Sure, jobs like that _exist_, but expecting to get one of them is laughable.

>> No.1274090


Isn't it the greatest?

>> No.1274109


>> No.1274110

>thrid wolrd country
>wealthy family
so you own two cows instead of one?

>> No.1274162

No it means they are wealthy by keeping everyone else in poverty.

>> No.1274194


That's not how it works, idiot.

>> No.1274298

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.1274299

In most 3rd world countries that is exactly how it works. All the wealth concentrates in hands of a few.

>> No.1274325


A large (huge) difference between the rich and poor does not mean that the rich are rich by "keeping everyone else in poverty."

>> No.1274383


That's what most leftist (read: poor minded) people think. They see the economic dynamics as a zero-sum game, and think rich people get rich by taking the money (or stealing) from the poor

Also, that gives material for the development of demagogic politicians who sees themselves as the "Robin Hoods" of modern societies. Curiously these politicians are the ones that get rich by "stealing" from the poor and the others by ways of heavy taxes, corruption and so on...

>> No.1274651

If the wealthy control all the resources and access to the means of producing wealth they can indeed be wealthy by keeping others poor. That is want goes on in most 3rd world nations.

>> No.1274698

It's called scarcity, people. We can't all be rich.

>> No.1274773


>> No.1274828

Actually we can its just some people are naturally greedy and other are just pricks.

>> No.1274838


>> No.1274885

In Japan, you work for a corporation.

In America, you work for minimum wage while a Japanese man does the job you went to college for at 10% the price it costs to hire an American to do the same job.

In Europe, the stuff that wasn't sold to corporations keeps old families rich.

>> No.1275060

Nothing stopping US employers from paying a living wage. College grads are a minority. All the non college grad jobs are Mc jobs or shipped overseas.

It's all on US employers they are greedy shits and slimballs, as long at they get rich fuck everyone else.

6.1 unemployment rate is a fucking lie it is many time higher than that. Fuck the Government, the Media and Business.

>> No.1275091

They're not ALL overseas, but it does take a bit of luck to find a decent job without a degree. I work in software without a degree.

>> No.1275136

A living wage for everyone who wants a job in the USA of fuck them.

Some of us are tired of this current set up, very tired. Schooling/ training is not an option for everyone, some of us have a learning disabilities. It seems the only options are poverty or prison.

All Adults should have a living wage job if they want one.

>> No.1275144

move to eurofagland then

>> No.1275163

You could always train for jobs that are/will be in demand: engineers, doctors, and such.

I've heard that overseas Chinese (could be any nationality, really) students are having problems even finding jobs in their native country because they often take commerce or business courses (arts even), and there just isn't enough demand for their skills.

>> No.1275173

No money and they wouldn't allow you to immigrate there anyway. Fucking rich assholes who have more money than they can spend in 50 lifetimes and Government need to get get with the program or the program should get going with them.

It pretty simple everyone who wants a living wage job should have one. Anyone or anything that gets in the way of that should be flattened.

>> No.1275193

Engineers, doctors, and such require a college degree. Not everyone can go to college. Not everyone can get training.

No one is paid for sitting home. If they can't create a society that has a useful living wage job for everyone who wants one they are shit and don't deserve their wealth or Government power.

>> No.1275231
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