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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12736205 No.12736205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often do you come to /jp/ just to look down on the pitiful souls who still haven't escaped this jannie-infested shithole?

>> No.12736205,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12736221

too often for how full of crap this place is

>> No.12736232
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>just to look down on the pitiful souls who still haven't escaped this jannie-infested shithole?
Where do I escape to?

>> No.12736236

fucking newfag stay here

>> No.12736239
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It's the new /jp/ hotness.

>> No.12736240
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spinoffs are all dead or circlejerks

>> No.12736240,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get in, homos.

>> No.12736242

Don't listen to this guy, he just wants you on his site to edit your posts and ban you

>> No.12736244

atechandotco/jp/ is under new management

come /jp/sies

>> No.12736245

saber a slut

>> No.12736247
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Say that on my site and not online and see what happens.

>> No.12736249

Why are you still here? We are all waiting for you at cripple-chan's loli board.

>> No.12736249,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think we need a new /jp/ spin-off.

Both /ota/ and /gnfos/ are tripfag-of-the-week boards for gossip girls.

>> No.12736252
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>> No.12736254

That place is literally sponsored by a literal jew. Plus it's associated with that retarded gamergate /v/ trash.

>> No.12736263

>Plus it's associated with that retarded gamergate /v/ trash.

that and having a dead as fuck /a/. down to 27 post per hour now.

>> No.12736266


>> No.12736272
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>> No.12736274


>> No.12736284
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damn straight, newfag

>> No.12736292

/a/ is literally better than all of the other boards on 4chan and its spinoffs

>> No.12736293
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>> No.12736293,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12736342
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which is pretty fucking damning for the spinoff boards

>> No.12736350
File: 171 KB, 947x891, 1415710068490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ is better

>> No.12736350,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get in, retard.

>> No.12736357

More like because your board's users keep shitting up the already crap spinoff I frequent.

>> No.12736361

/v/ is shit all they do is bitch about feminism

>> No.12736445
File: 10 KB, 500x375, 1365976640574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there no /jp/ spinoff about things other than anime, blogging and circlejerking?

>> No.12736445,1 [INTERNAL] 

Because this is the bottom of the barrel, my man.

>> No.12736445,2 [INTERNAL] 

I got to see and mark a college niggy's English paper today.
You wouldn't believe the butchering of the English language that was there, there were at least 50 double-negatives.
I'd be curious how he got through high school, but then I remember our academia system is fucked beyond belief.

>> No.12736445,3 [INTERNAL] 

If you don't like double negatives you should check out /gnfos/.

>> No.12736445,4 [INTERNAL] 

because /jp/ is about anime, blogging and circlejerking

or it was until the grand jew and the janitor decided it was the weeaboo /vg/ for /a/ shitters

>> No.12736634

What is it supposed to be about then?

>> No.12736644

I got used to /jp/'s shittyness after comforming to it a few months ago. It took me only 3 years after it got truly shitty.

>> No.12736653 [DELETED] 

sigh, conformists...
*takes a drag on cigarette*

>> No.12736671 [DELETED] 

your boypussy is fixing to conform to my girly cock DUDE!!

>> No.12736775 [DELETED] 

Please post pics of your girly cock

>> No.12736775,1 [INTERNAL] 

anyone enjoying dreamhack 2014


>> No.12736775,2 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, it's fucking hilarious. The explosion of mad over that was hilarious. Even Scott and the guy on the floor were pissed.

>> No.12736775,3 [INTERNAL] 

wow, fnatic's decision of forfeiting honestly makes me feel a bit bad. I wonder if it was a decision from one of the higher ups or because they were sad because of the community.

>> No.12736775,4 [INTERNAL] 

someone forum slide these fuckin teenbros

>> No.12736775,5 [INTERNAL] 

>forum slide

Go the fuck back to foolz or wherever you came from kid.

>> No.12736775,6 [INTERNAL] 

wtf is a forum slide

>> No.12736775,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12736775,8 [INTERNAL] 

Who knows.

>> No.12736775,9 [INTERNAL] 

the goyim know, slide it

>> No.12736775,10 [INTERNAL] 

*slides my dick in ur anus*


>> No.12736775,11 [INTERNAL] 


