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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1273296 No.1273296 [Reply] [Original]

I was playing some YMK yesterday and I got to the first Aeka h scene a bit after 10pm. I usually play with my headphones on because my aparment walls are paper thin but as I was getting up to get something to drink, my headphones came out and my comp defaulted to speakers for the sound. It was set pretty high and my neighbors heard it. So this morning, an early 30's woman and her 5 year old daughter knock on my door and asked me that if I ever have a girl over to keep it down because she has a young daughter. I don't know if I should be proud that someone thought I was getting laid or embarrassed that someone heard that
shit. What should I do? Keep up appearances that I slept with a girl to the neighbors and bring up an imaginary girl whenever small talk with them happens or never bring it up again?

>> No.1273303

I think you should figure out your non-problem on your own

>> No.1273308

I am jealous. I havn't talked to anyone in months.

>> No.1273316

You should lie just to get them off your ass and continue life as you were, that is, alone and without human contact.

>> No.1273333

Ask her if she kept it down.

>> No.1273335

As an anon who went out and dropped 100 bucks on a pair of Sennheiser HD 280's becuase of that headphone thread last night, what headphones do you have?

>> No.1273340

Tell the woman to fucking teach her kid about life so she won't grow up to be retarded.

>> No.1273346


Koss Pro3AAs.

>> No.1273348

Was she ugly? If not, get to know her and maybe she'll let you babysit her loli.

>> No.1273356

I hope you never become a parent.

>> No.1273360

I think you made that story up, OP. But I don't think badly of you, 'tis a good story. Saved.

>> No.1273366


Ipod earbuds.

And the woman was really pissed. When I got home from classes she told me the next time she'll call the cops for disturbing the peace.

>> No.1273400

reminds me to be careful next time

>> No.1273412

Rape her, and her 5yo daughter, several times.

>> No.1273413


Crank up the volume, play wagner simultaneously, and orient yourself towards the door so the responding officers get an eyeful.

>> No.1273481

I'm calling bullshit only because the picture fits this part of the story way too perfectly.
>>an early 30's woman and her 5 year old daughter knock on my door

>> No.1273503

Claim you had multiple bitches over.

>> No.1273511

Bullshit. If they had really heard an h-scene, then they would have called the cops for suspected rape.

>> No.1273522

That picture fits? Bullshit, their combined age is ostensibly not a day over 20.

>> No.1273548

Welcome to 4chan where there's a related image for everything.

>> No.1273585


Plus, the mother isn't pissed off.

>> No.1273593

>>Welcome to 4chan where there's a related story for every image.

>> No.1273601

I hope YOU never become a parent.

>> No.1273618

target thread deleted, pasting my shit here

I like most of these off topic threads. I can't get them anywhere else, it's the peculiar community here that makes it worth my time. But I can see why they'd annoy someone who just wants to discuss topic content (OP is not one of these, this thread is equally off topic).

Anyone think it'd be a good idea for each board to have a dedicated off topic companion board? Could even be just a text board... /v/'s and /a/'s are linked off the imageboards.

>> No.1273621

not like any of us will become parents anyway..

>> No.1273628

>Could even be just a text board
text boards suck. I like just having them in the regular board, people who don't like them should learn to hide threads/ignore threads.

>> No.1273630

But I like pretty pictures. Text boards would just be spammed with ( ゚ ヮ゚).

>> No.1273638

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>> No.1273636

What headphone thread? I missed it. What were the top recommendations?

>> No.1273649

Open the goddamn thread. Also, there were no recommendations.

>> No.1273650


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==   THE REI'S DINER    ==

>> No.1273654

Basically anons recommended that Sennheiser PX100's and PX200's were a good cheap quality headphones to get. Some said go for AKG or Audio Technica. And also get an amp and screw sound cards.

>> No.1273664

/jp/ should be linked to /prog/

>> No.1273671

Sennheiser HD 555

>> No.1273684


>> No.1273685
File: 78 KB, 750x600, 1220922556647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1273708

>Hax my Anus XD!
>Read Sicp, lol.
>Sepples sucks, lmao!

>> No.1273760


Fuck yes! You are the best light weight headphones ever!

>> No.1273795

>Curry Butt XD!
>There Is No Tsukihime Anime, lol.
>Reisen is useless, lmao!

>> No.1273812


I have one of those, and the bass isn't really that great. It's good that they don't make my eyes go numb after 4 hours but the bass is really not a valid argument when buying these

>> No.1273828


Thanks guys.

>> No.1273840

Ouch, man.
