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12726948 No.12726948 [Reply] [Original]

Marisa is kind of lazy, isn't she.

>> No.12726949

You think?

>> No.12726975

Somebody should show her the magic of ritalin.

>> No.12727468

For me, she's quite the diligent magician.

>> No.12727740
File: 225 KB, 500x700, f2c4158217fe862ebeca3e6b8bb00a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's canon that she's one of the hardest working characters in Touhou. Really, she's the opposite of lazy. If you really wanted lazy, you should have posted this lardass instead.

>> No.12727750

>not reimu

>> No.12727865
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Nah, Reimu at least trains on occasion, and does her job most of the time.
This girl's laziness caused an incident.

>> No.12727870

The incident caused itself, Komachi did nothing wrong.

>> No.12727884
File: 262 KB, 800x1118, bf9f3d17270c0db37a9b50ba2b9e7675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also didn't do her job.
Multiple times.

>> No.12727885

Is it really an incident if it's recurring?

>> No.12727942

It was considered an incident, even if it was harmless in the end.

>> No.12728008


I want to slack off with Komachi!

>> No.12728099

I do too...
Someday I'll find a way to Gensokyo, then I'll be able to slack off with Komachi all I want.

>> No.12729627

I want to help Komachi row her boat when she does her job occasionally!

>> No.12729737
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>> No.12729979

she's always off bugging reimu and kasen instead of doing her job

>> No.12734145
File: 105 KB, 749x1000, 54b0f5911c492a8170dc212a5d2a6eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"According to Hieda no Akyuu, she believes that Marisa may become a youkai magician like Alice Margatroid due to the high amount of magic she possesses.[2] In Imperishable Night, she did express interest in immortality and eternal youth. In Phantasmagoria of Flower View, Komachi Onozuka states that she's "ten years too early to say that you want to die." Since the game chronologically took place on 2005, this may therefore state that an occurrence with Marisa will take place in 2015. Additionally, it seems like Marisa is the main character in Urban Legend in Limbo, a game set to release in 2015. "


>> No.12734304
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>implying time in Gensokyo passes at the same rate as time in the outside world
If it did, Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae would be several years older than they are.
I personally blame these two.

>> No.12734308


there's something odd going on in this picture but i'm not quite sure what

>> No.12734327
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Marisa is a lazy thieving bitch.

Become a youkai? Get real. Marisa doesn't possess 1/100th the power of a genuine witch like Patchouli. She can train all she wants; without the mini-hakkero, she's nothing more than a common low-level shoplifter.

>> No.12734347

Rather than a magician, she'll become a mushroom youkai accidentally.

>> No.12734499

Marisa is the epitome of hard work in Gensokyo. She's just a regular human with no special talents, unlike Reimu who was born into the legendary Hakurei bloodline and given genius-level talents no one can match. When Marisa says she's proud to be number two to Reimu, she really means it.

Marisa is able to be on approximately the same level with her and defeat so many incredibly powerful youkai because of her hard work and studying. People joke about her stealing other characters' skills, but that's because Marisa started with nothing and is always learning even as she fights, working her way up in the world with blood, sweat, tears, and harem.

>> No.12734976
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But one of her ditching the mini-hakkero resulted in one of her most broken shottypes.

>> No.12735012 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 266x284, marisa joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Marisa kicks so much ass with only 1/1000's of Patchouli's power? She's amazing!

>> No.12735031
File: 23 KB, 266x284, marisa joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Marisa kicks so much ass with only 1/100th of Patchouli's power? She's amazing!

>> No.12735542


Touhou has the deepest lore!

>> No.12735564
File: 1.75 MB, 1003x1062, mushrooms1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tragic!

>> No.12735576

Imagine how much fun she could cause if she had even more power!

>> No.12735594


Her right boob is way bigger than her left, this is unacceptable

>> No.12735767
File: 116 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa's amazing. I kinda appreciate her a lot more now.

>> No.12736259

>When Marisa says she's proud to be number two to Reimu, she really means it
Does she not bear a mild grudge against Reimu for being naturally gifted with so much natural power?

>> No.12736585


>> No.12736609

tl;dr. But from the few sentences I did read, I deduce that this guy must be one major nutcase.

>> No.12736889

Just typical angsty asian teen, but he sure as fuck knows his characters.
